The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 257: The Destruction of Danzo (8K please subscribe~)

When Xia Yan finished speaking, his aura had reached a peak in an instant.

He didn't give Danzo any choice. This was the result that everyone recognized after he met with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Natsuhiko is indeed somewhat conflicted about Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Because he found that the courage displayed by this old man was really not comparable to that of Danzo, a rat in the stinking ditch!

It is true that Xia Yan and this guy have a conflict of positions, and because of many historical grudges, they have no choice but to stand on opposite sides.

But if you think about it, if Natsuhiko were to think from Hiruzen Sarutobi's point of view, he would have obtained the position of Hokage at a young age.

And he was directly promoted by Senju Tobirama without any internal discussion in Konoha, without any political foundation or much support from personnel.

Moreover, there are a group of troublemakers like Uchiha, a large number of unconvinced people among Senju, and a group of people from Uzumaki who may not pay attention to you.

In addition, there is a war outside Konoha with Cloud Hidden Village, and signs of a war in the ninja world have begun to appear.

If it were him, how could he not only stabilize his own power, but also stabilize Konoha's internal uneasiness, and at the same time win this war?

Perhaps relying on personal charm to get everyone to obey and face the war together can change a lot of things.

But the problem is that the situation he faced at that time was not recognized at all. How could he lead everyone to face the war?

After thinking about it, Xia Yan felt that if he were to deal with all this, he would naturally mobilize the army to resist foreign enemies, and at the same time seek all available forces in the village to help.

At the same time, use the Hokage's righteousness to suppress people like Senju so that they have to go to the battlefield.

Then use war to quickly wear away their vitality, and he can slowly take away the remaining strength!

There are really many problems with Senju's loneliness. The first point is that his powerful power has been completely consumed. This is indisputable.

Senju and Uchiha are both war families. They are both people who will work hard for merit. It is not difficult to make good use of such characters.

As long as some of those who take the lead in disobedience are forced to stay in Konoha, and some are directly thrown to death, then the remaining problems can be solved slowly.

In addition, you also need to personally take the lead on the battlefield and use your identity as Hokage to boost morale and seek more recognition.

In this case, the Senju clan can be solved, and the basic recognition of Hokage can also be achieved.

As for the Uzumaki clan, they are not completely affiliated with Konoha. It is reasonable for them to be unable to provide support when there is a war on Konoha's front line. It is not a big deal for them to block the attack of Kirigakure Village.

If they win, it means they are strong and worthy of being members of Mito-sama's tribe.

If they lose, they will be remembered by Konoha because they gave everything for Konoha.

Cruel, bloody and real, but also the most sensible approach!

After the war, divide the village into two, improve your family to accumulate strength, and seek allies.

Finally, cut off the big families of Konoha, isolate them from each other, and then tame them one by one.

As for those who are disobedient, they must find a shadow to deal with them. They must not be allowed to affect the peace of Konoha!

This is the best method Xia Yan can think of when he is helpless and the situation is extremely extreme.

And what a coincidence, this is what Hiruzen Sarutobi did after he came to power!

What people are most afraid of is comparing themselves to others and thinking in other people's shoes. It's like everyone criticizes Cao Cao as a thief. In fact, everyone has the "Legacy of Wei and Wu".

From Natsuhiko's point of view, what Sarutobi Hiruzen did was simply a villain level existence.

But looking at it from his point of view, everything seems so natural, because it is difficult to have a better choice.

Moreover, Sarutobi Hiruzen is indeed a relatively pure person, even if he is indeed old and dull, and even his children are sent to the battlefield.

But there is one thing about this guy that Natsuhiko really deserves to respect, that is, he always puts Konoha first, which is something Natsuhiko really can't deny.

Today Natsuhiko originally went to meet Sarutobi Hiruzen with a victor's attitude, and was prepared to kill him severely and get the medical department from him.

However, what he didn't expect was that Sarutobi Hiruzen's attitude was not like a loser at all, but like an extremely pleased examiner.

After Xia Yan, the Jonin, and the family patriarch finished meeting with him, this guy left Xia Yan alone.

"You have grown beyond my imagination, and I feel reassured about your future in Konoha."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Xia Yan calmly at that time. You must know that he paid a huge price before to temporarily calm everything down.

But he was not at all angry or discouraged. On the contrary, he looked very pleased and his tone was very calm.

"Put aside your position and identity, and put aside all the reasons for our hostility, I find that you are indeed a qualified Hokage.

Your previous forbearance, from weak to strong, from having no say to where you are now, shows your strength and fortitude.

Your performance in the Nine-Tails incident showed your amazing strength.

What you did in Anbu led to the development of Anbu and showed your abilities.

Your impact on me now, causing me such a great loss, shows your skill.

Your plan against Orochimaru and Danzo shows your extraordinary character.

And your design and development of the so-called newspaper shows your keen awareness and unique creativity.

In addition, Uchiha also helped and controlled secretly, which led to huge changes, right?

Measurement, strength, ability, as well as skill, temperament and creativity, as well as a keen political vision, these are all necessary conditions for becoming Hokage.

You are amazing, you already have such a vision at such a young age, especially here in Uchiha, you can see their shortcomings and know what their problems are.

This is already looking at the problem from the Hokage's perspective and thinking of ways to help them solve the problem. You are really awesome. "

Having said this, Sarutobi Hiruzen stopped. He suddenly stood up and walked slowly to Natsuhiko's side.

He is not very tall, but at this moment his momentum has reached its peak. At this moment, this withered body shows the courage to endure!

"I lost, I lost this time, but I am also very happy. Do you know why?" Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice was very strong and firm.

"I think I know the answer, but I think Hokage-sama would rather tell it himself, right?" Xia Yan nodded, and then shook his head.

"Yes, I'm happy because I met a qualified Hokage candidate!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen showed a smile, his smile was so bright.

"The Hokage of Konoha cannot be blindly kind, but he cannot be blindly malicious either. He needs to have enough skills as well as enough vision and ability.

I was originally optimistic about Namikaze Minato because I thought he could learn a lot of things well at a young age, and I could change him even if he was rebellious.

But you, even if the path you take is definitely different from mine, even if I still firmly believe that the path I am taking is the most correct, this does not prevent me from recognizing you.

In my opinion, you can definitely become a qualified Hokage! "

Having said this, Sarutobi Hiruzen stopped again. He looked at Xia Yan deeply and then said with a slow smile.

"If you can't defeat me, what qualifications do you have to be Hokage?"


"kill him!"

When Natsuhiko's momentum reached its peak, Danzo gave the order directly.

He really felt deeply betrayed now. He was betrayed by Hiruzen Sarutobi!

He naturally knew that Natsu Yan, the group of family patriarchs, and the jounin who had nothing to do went to see Sarutobi Hiruzen, and now that Natsu Yan appeared here, it seemed that he had explained the situation!

That is, Sarutobi Hiruzen actually chose to let Natsuhiko, a damn brat, kill him. This was a complete betrayal.

Of course, Danzo would also wonder if the brat Natsuhiko said this deliberately to sow discord between him and Hiruzen Sarutobi.

But no matter whether the answer is correct or not, he will not choose to take risks, he must live!

Moreover, he still had a very big doubt in his heart. Xia Yan said that he was the one who kept him alive and occupied his current position. What was the meaning of it?

Is it possible that there are some hidden secrets here that he doesn't know about?

But no matter what the secret is, Danzo must completely kill Natsuhiko!

Escape, there was no way he could escape.

Xia Yan, that damn brat, has mastered the art of Flying Thunder God. He has no way to hide from such a guy.

If he escapes from the protection of the large army, he may come to the door alone and kill him. In this case, it is better to kill him together with the large army, so that he can be truly safe.

Xia Yan looked at the root ninjas who were attacking him in groups of three or three, and he couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

Xia Yan didn't like these guys at all, but he couldn't kill them now.

This is a consensus reached between him and the clan leaders. Some of these root ninjas are family ninjas who were deceived by Danzo.

Therefore, Xia Yan couldn't just kill them all. These families still had some ideas and wanted to take these people back.

If we really kill them all ruthlessly, then this will definitely have extremely bad effects!

Fortunately, Xia Yan is not worried about this kind of thing at all. His strength ensures that he will not be too disturbed by such things.

Looking at the root ninjas rushing toward him quickly, Xia Yan's figure flashed slightly, and he actually launched an attack faster than these root ninjas.


Although the person in front of him knew that Xia Yan was incredibly fast, he was actually the one who had mastered the art of Flying Thunder God.

But hearing the legend and actually facing it are two different things. Of course, they don't want to face Xia Yan if they can, because what Xia Yan once did to the roots is too terrifying.

Even though most of them are newcomers, there are some things they can still understand after they come in.

In addition to Xia Yan's horrific behavior, his terrifying strength also left a terrifying memory for all the newcomers.

During the Nine-Tails Incident, Natsu Yan's violent Wood Release was still fresh in their memories. They could not forget the violent trees no matter what.

Now facing Xia Yan, they were extremely scared in their hearts, but they knew that if they didn't do something, Danzo would probably use that damn talisman to kill them.


It's just that the combat power displayed by Xia Yan really exceeded their imagination. Xia Yan obviously moved later but approached the opponent faster than them.

Then Xia Yan threw out a punch, without giving the root ninja in front of him any chance, and knocked him away before he could take action!

He flew out upside down, instantly knocking down several root members behind him, and Xia Yan's eyes also glowed bright blue at this moment.

"What it is?"

Danzo naturally noticed the change in Xia Yan's eyes immediately. This change immediately surprised him, because there seemed to be no such item in the information.

According to his intelligence, Xia Yan is already a very, very terrifying existence, with the Wood Release, Flying Thunder God Technique, and the huge psychic monster.

No matter which one of these three things it is, it is extremely difficult to deal with, and this guy has abundant chakra and excellent physical skills.

Even his Flying Thunder God technique could not find traces of his release coordinates. It can be said that it is really too difficult to deal with this kid.

This is basically the combination of the first generation and the second generation Hokage!

Even if he has not completely reached the power of those two, this is already an existence beyond common sense.

"Why do you have an extra pair of eyes now? What's going on with this kid?

And what is the power of these eyes? Damn it, is this kid from the Thousand Hands clan? "

Danzo really couldn't imagine what was happening in front of him now. The appearance of those eyes immediately made him feel an unparalleled sense of oppression.

He really wouldn't believe that these eyes were just for good looks. There must be terrible abilities in such eyes, and this unknown power was the most troublesome.

For ninjas, not having complete information is the most fatal thing. Danzo must figure out what is going on.

"The ninja must sacrifice himself and force out more information about this guy."

Danzo stood there and suddenly there was no movement. He stared at Xia Yan with his eyes tightly, without any intention of coming forward.

In fact, he himself didn't realize that he was very angry and afraid of Xia Yan, especially when there were uncertainties, such fear became even greater.

He would always subconsciously use "ninja self-sacrifice" to ask others, but when it was his turn, he himself couldn't do it at all...


Faced with the siege of this large number of root ninjas, Xia Yan showed a calm attitude.

The opening of the Pure Eye allowed him to clearly lock on every root ninja living there, and with the overflow of perception, he fully knew the location and movements of these guys.

With such real-time intelligence information, and Xia Yan having the assistance of Fei Lei Shen, the so-called siege has no meaning at all to him.

What's more, the reason why the posture he is showing now is so easy is because he is worried that he will use too much force and kill all the guys in front of him.

Otherwise, in such a confined space with nowhere to hide, he could directly use Wood Escape to solve all the troubles at once!


When the last ninja from the root team sprinted towards Natsuhiko, he was locked by Natsuhiko's pure eyes and then easily knocked to the ground with the Flying Thunder God Technique. He couldn't help but look at Danzo.

At this time, in the root headquarters, countless ninjas were lying on the ground twisting their bodies, and screams kept coming from their mouths.

Xia Yan did not kill them, but not killing them did not mean that Xia Yan could not be cruel.

In order to prevent them from constantly causing trouble for him, Xia Yan basically used methods to directly make them lose the battle.

Such an opponent is also an unspeakable pain for those who are defeated by him.

Xia Yan himself knows the structure of the human body very well, and now with the help of Jingyan, he can find the part he wants to attack more accurately.

Moreover, you can more accurately and intuitively see how much damage your attack has caused, thereby ensuring that the person attacked by him will no longer have the ability to resist.

Shaking his hand casually, Xia Yan looked at Danzo, who was still standing aside.

At this time, Danzo's face was all ugly. How long had it been before he had completely eliminated these guys?

Even though there are many new members among the members of my own group, their strength is not that bad, right?

However, the final result was really unacceptable to him. Xia Yan didn't even use Mudun, but just relied on a pair of eyes and the Flying Thunder God to solve them all.

Are they too weak, or is Xia Yan just too strong?

In fact, Danzo already had a clear answer to this question in his heart. The ninja at his core was not weak. After all, he was the one who valued him. How could he be too weak?

After all, Xia Yan's personal strength is too strong!

"But this kid still has some fears in his heart."

Danzo clenched the kunai in his hand, and he stared at Natsuhiko in front of him, thinking silently.

There are only two teams around him now, and there are six people protecting him. He must find a way to get out of here!

"It seems that, Mr. Danzo, you don't have many means at all."

Natsuhiko ignored the screams around him, and walked slowly up to where his blue eyes locked on Danzo's body.

"I think, Danzo-sama, it's better for you to just surrender, because your resistance is really worthless to me."

"Kid, don't think you really have a guaranteed chance of winning!"

Danzo said sternly as he hid his body as much as possible behind the remaining Root Team.

"I don't believe Hiruzen Sarutobi would kill me, everything I did was for Konoha!

And you don't dare to kill these fundamentals at all, which shows that you have scruples in your heart.

Ninjas are all about self-dedication and self-sacrifice. Aren't you afraid that I will use the harshest methods? "

"For Konoha?"

Xia Yan tilted his head, but in the end he couldn't help but laugh.

"To cause trouble for Konoha, or to cause trouble for the Third Hokage so that you can benefit?

As for your most severe measures, in fact, in my eyes, they are nothing more than jumping over the wall in a hurry. "

Having said this, Xia Yan paused slightly. Of course he knew what Danzo meant. The so-called most severe method was just to drag these root ninjas to die together.

After all, Natsuhiko didn't kill him. This was completely different from his previous methods of dealing with root ninjas. Danzo could definitely guess something.

And Xia Yan believed that a guy like Danzo could definitely do such a thing, even if these root ninjas were still fighting for him before.

Just how Danzo was struggling, in Xia Yan's eyes, it was just like that. He really had no intention of letting Danzo go.

Thinking of this, the chakra in Natsuhiko's body moved slightly, and his figure disappeared in an instant, and Danzo was punched away before Danzo could even react!

However, the moment Danzo flew backwards, he had already completed the seal with one hand, and vigorous chakra surged out of his body rapidly.

"Oh, the reaction is quite fast."

Xia Yan's clear eyes flickered slightly. He had already understood Danzo's every move, so he activated the Flying Thunder God again without any hesitation, and he arrived at Danzo's hidden location in an instant!


The hidden Danzo was forming seals, but before he could complete them, Natsuhiko appeared.


Without any bells and whistles, Natsuhiko kicked Danzo hard in the abdomen, and Danzo was knocked upside down again by the kick.

But Danzo is still an old ninja after all. Even if his strength continues to decline, his experience is still there.

He endured the severe pain and kept maintaining the balance of chakra in his body. When Xia Yan kicked him away, he swallowed blood and completed his technique!

"You don't want to kill them, right? Then I'm here to help you. I want to see if they are dead, what good fruits can you still eat!"

Danzo almost launched a desperate counterattack frantically, and this approach also made Natsumi frown slightly. Danzo and this guy wanted to destroy everything in front of them.

"Wind Escape·Vacuum Jade!"

"Wood Release·Wooden Formation Wall!"

Now that he has seen through Danzo's thoughts, it is naturally impossible for Natsuhiko to let him do this. He completed the ninjutsu almost at the same time as Danzo.

When a huge wooden wall stood in front of him, the cannonball-like wind escapes were unable to pass through the barrier, let alone attack the weak points of the underground fortress of Anbu.


At this moment, a loud noise quietly sounded in Xia Yan's ears. Under Jingyan's gaze, Xia Yan discovered that Danzo had actually punched a hole with the remaining roots.

They all ran out quickly along the entrance of the cave, and Xia Yan also noticed that these guys didn't forget to leave a bunch of detonating symbols when they left.

Are you planning to use explosions to completely bury this underground fortress?

Such a cruel technique really made Xia Yan sigh, but it couldn't rewrite anything at all...



With a loud noise echoing in Konoha, countless birds were awakened from their sleep, and then flew quickly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and a group of ninjas stood quietly in the Hokage Building watching all this. They were really curious about what was going on inside, but they also knew that they had no way to see it.

They are not Xia Yan, and they do not have the flying thunder god's skills to understand all this. Moreover, Xia Yan said that he would solve this matter by himself, so naturally they cannot interfere in this matter at will.

Even though there are geniuses from his own family in that damn root base, he can only wait and endure here.

The feeling of waiting is not pleasant, especially now that they have no news at all.

"Hokage-sama, are you okay?" After a long time, Aburame Shiwei asked, unable to bear it.

Strictly speaking, he is actually a taciturn person, but this kind of waiting is too unbearable, and he really can't stand it.

"It's okay, don't worry." Facing such a problem, Sarutobi Hiruzen could only sigh: "You have all seen Natsuhiko's power, and I really can't think of a reason for his failure."

After saying this, Sarutobi Hiruzen stopped talking. In fact, he was really feeling extremely painful in his heart.

It was he who agreed to the proposal that Danzo must die, and he who agreed to let Natsuhiko deal with Danzo himself instead of letting the clan leaders do it together.

Xia Yan went by himself and more or less concealed some things, such as some experimental reports and data that could not be seen at all.

And the patriarchs went with the businessmen, and the consequences were really unimaginable!

In addition, Danzo is his best friend. Even though this guy has become a bit of a ghost, Sarutobi Hiruzen still remembers this friendship.

Now he has personally judged this guy's death. Such pain is really unimaginable, but no matter how difficult it is, he knows that this is what he must do!


At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly noticed that in the distance a group of people quickly ran out of the underground, and they quickly headed towards the Hokage Building.

This scene made Sarutobi Hiruzen frown, because he had already realized that the guy was Danzo!

"Damn it, what happened to this kid Xia Yan? Why did you let him out?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's psychology is really complicated. He is somewhat grateful that Danzo is still alive, but also extremely angry about why this guy is still alive.

But soon, he felt relieved, and in the end he could only let out a long sigh...


"In front, right in front!"

Danzo gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain in his body, and he quickly ran towards the Hokage Building.

He didn't believe it, he really didn't believe that Hiruzen Sarutobi would kill him. Although he also guessed the possibility, he had no way to escape now.

The fighting prowess shown by that damn Senju Natsuhiko really made his scalp numb. All he could do now was to rush to rescue Hiruzen Sarutobi.


However, with a crisp sound, the last three root ninjas around him were directly knocked away, and Xia Yan also appeared in front of him.

"Lord Danzo, where else do you want to go?" Xia Yan looked at him calmly, his tone was still calm, but it made Danzo extremely chilled.

"Are you going to betray Konoha? Have you considered the consequences of attacking me?" Danzo gritted his teeth and looked at Xia Yan angrily and whispered.

"Can you represent Konoha?" Natsuhiko tilted his head slightly, and then he shook his head slightly: "I said that Lord Danzo has only one choice, do you remember?"

"Hmph!" Danzo didn't answer. He snorted coldly and rushed towards Xia Yan in an instant. He made a fist with his right hand and struck directly at Xia Yan's abdomen.

Since he couldn't run away, he had to take action. This place was so close to the Hokage Building. He believed that as long as he made enough noise, he would be able to attract enough attention!

Faced with such a punch from him, Xia Yan did not dodge at all. It was almost at the moment when the fist was about to hit him that Xia Yan raised his hand.

His right hand accurately grasped Danzo's fist, while his left hand quickly drew out a kunai.

Blue chakra bloomed on the kunai, and then he shot it quickly to the side.

"Wind Escape, a big breakthrough!"

Danzo, who was hiding aside, quickly formed seals with his hands, and powerful wind blades swept out. However, these wind blades were directly hit by a kunai as soon as they flew out!

And Xia Yan's figure disappeared again, and the Flying Thunder God brought him to Danzo without any movement.

He casually grabbed the kunai he shot before, and then aimed at Danzo's chest and slashed it out!

Blood splattered quickly, and a long scar was pulled out on Danzo's chest. It was not known whether it was intentional or unintentional, but Xia Yan did not directly stab Danzo's heart.

Similarly, when Danzo quickly exited, he did not chase him out, but stood there and looked at Danzo with amusement.

"Very good use of shadow clone and substitute techniques."

Natsuhiko looked calmly at Danzo, who was holding his chest. He shook off the blood stained on the kunai and then said slowly.

"It's a pity that Danzo-sama still doesn't understand me well enough.

Whether I use my senses or my eyes, I can easily see through your movements. You have no chance. "

"What exactly are your eyes?"

Danzo's breathing was a little heavy. He was hit several times by Natsuhiko, and the bones and internal organs in his body were damaged.

And just now, his chest was cut open by Xia Yan's chakra-laden kunai. The wound was so big that it was impossible to control the bleeding.

But now he still wants to collect information, he still wants to leave here, and he still thinks that Sarutobi Hiruzen can save him.

"Although I'm used to satisfying the dead's requests, I don't want to answer this time." Xia Yan smiled and shook his head: "Then, go with regrets."

"If you want to kill me, you have to pay the price!" Danzo wiped the blood from his chest, and then he quickly formed a seal: "Psychic technique!"

Along with the appearance of a thick smoke, the shadow of a huge creature appeared faintly in front of everyone's eyes.

However, before this behemoth had completely appeared, a vast amount of chakra had already surged up.

The dense fog dissipated amidst the shrill screams, and the giant dream tapir and Danzo not far away were all entangled in branches!

These branches were absorbing their chakra crazily, and even a behemoth like the Dream Tapir could not withstand such absorption.

However, it cannot escape at all. No matter how hard it struggles, there is no way to stop this!

"I said, Danzo-sama, the only outcome for you is death."

Xia Yan looked at Danzo in front of him calmly, and then he began to form seals at the slowest speed.

"You can't change this result, and no one can change it, but there is one thing I find interesting.

Didn't Lord Danzo say, you said that everything we did together was for Konoha? Then you should have heard the words of Lord Sandaime.

Wherever the leaves dance, there will be fire burning, and the shadow of the fire will illuminate the village and make new leaves sprout. "

Xia Yan stopped here, his seal had been completed, and vigorous chakra was already rippling in his body.

"I agree with what Sandaime-sama said, because he not only pointed out the wood style of Senju, but also the fire style of Uchiha.

Since Lord Danzo is doing everything for Konoha, let's show the true nature of Konoha.

Fire Release: The Art of Fire Dragon! "

The huge fire dragon roared towards Xia Yan's wooden escape. The flames immediately ignited the trees, and the firelight looked particularly dazzling in the dark night sky...


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