The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 258: Is that the reincarnated eye? (8K please subscribe~)

Danzo is dead, and even the hope of reincarnation is gone.

The fire that night attracted people's attention. The wood escape was burning violently along with the fire escape, dyeing the entire night sky red.

Perhaps for ordinary people and some lower-status ninjas, they cannot understand what this night means. They know that Konoha has completely changed after this night!

The black ghost that shrouded Konoha's head had been completely wiped out by the fire tonight, and could no longer make them sleep or eat uneasily.

They also know very well that after tonight, an even more terrifying super behemoth will be born in Konoha.

But even so, they are more willing to accept this new behemoth, because its control will be the Senju Natsuhiko of Konoha Anbu.

Even though they didn't know much about Xia Yan, they knew that he was a rational and restrained person.

Compared with a guy like Danzo who is almost crazy, Natsuhiko is really as kind as an angel.

In fact, no matter who Xia Yan shows his attitude, it makes people feel like they are bathing in the spring breeze, which really makes him get a lot of impression points.

However, this kind of thing didn't attract much attention to Xia Yan. It wasn't that he didn't care about what happened in Konoha, but that he really didn't have the time to care about it now.

In the following period of time, busyness almost became synonymous with him. The most important thing is that he brought this kind of busyness on himself.

"If you take too big a step, you'll easily lose your temper. Master, you really don't want to deceive me."

Xia Yan has always felt that a certain movie of his previous life should be applied for World Heritage status because many of the words in it are so true!

This time he plotted against Orochimaru and then plotted against Danzo, and at the same time he ruthlessly plotted against Hiruzen Sarutobi, which really gave him a full meal.

But there is a limit to a person's appetite. Even if you can swallow it, it still takes time to digest it.

Now Xia Yan is full. He must spend enough time to digest what he has eaten, otherwise he will be in trouble.

For him, there is no possibility of spitting out what he eats.

Everyone is greedy, and Xia Yan is no exception, and he will even be even more greedy.

This time he has obtained part of the power of the root. In his previous life, he was equivalent to having the power of the FBI and CIA.

In addition, he also obtained some powers of the medical department.

Politics is the art of language and compromise. Although Sarutobi Hiruzen admitted defeat, he did not give up everything.

And after Natsuhiko killed Danzo and had so many families siding with him, he couldn't go too far.

Although it seemed that he didn't get many things, in fact, these things were already huge.

Roots has been expanded in the hands of Danzo, and Roots is a department mainly responsible for external affairs.

The reason why he was able to "shine so brightly" within Konoha was that, in addition to Danzo's desire to get involved in ANBU, there was also the fact that Sarutobi Hiruzen himself did not want to "get his hands dirty."

The ANBU is a unit directly under the Hokage. There are some things that need to be dealt with although the evidence is not particularly sufficient. Asking the ANBU to do them is equivalent to the Hokage taking action.

Therefore, with the acquiescence of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Danzo took the initiative to take over this task and began to use his butcher knife to show his presence in Konoha.

Natsuhiko was not interested in things in Konoha. After all, he had already obtained the ANBU. There was no need to take over a department that had dirty attributes but had overlapping powers with his own.

Therefore, he chose the part with roots outside Konoha, which really meant a lot to him.

On the one hand, outside of Konoha, and even outside the Land of Fire, Xia Yan can use this part of the power to crazily increase the influence and dissemination of his newspaper.

After all, from the beginning, he defined the newspaper he published as an "intelligence and public opinion organization" rather than a "media organization."

The essential purpose of this kind of politically-charged intelligence agency is to control public opinion, and even to subjugate and overthrow regimes in other places!

If there are no forces outside Konoha to help and protect its transmission and distribution, then how will it achieve Natsuhiko's purpose?

"After all, he is stealing lessons from the beacon of freedom across the ocean in his previous life. If he can really deceive a few, he will make a lot of money."

In his previous life, the beacon of freedom on the other side of the ocean used this trick to get anywhere, until he met his motherland.

Of course, Xia Yan himself also knew that his motherland was also very uncomfortable for a period of time.

After all, there were various "springs" before this, and even the former leader fell over.

If it hadn't been for an epidemic that was ravaging the world, I'm afraid things wouldn't have been turned around so quickly, and many people wouldn't have been able to see clearly and objectively what the so-called beacon of freedom really is.

Xia Yan is quite embarrassed to say it, because he himself has been affected before, that is, he has experienced such an experience, and he understands how terrible the so-called war of public opinion is!

"In addition to newspapers, we also need to arrange movies. This is an important weapon for exporting culture and public opinion."

Xia Yan's goal is still Hokage, but for the so-called only mission, Xia Yan must expand his influence to the maximum.

And now that he has the part outside the Konoha roots, Xia Yan can completely let go of his hands and feet.

It's just that the volume of this part is also very large. Xia Yan has to accept the rearrangement and arrangement, and also needs to eliminate some people who are die-hard Danzo. This all requires time and energy.

In addition to the root part that gave him a headache, there was also the medical part.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was still a bit of a thief. He knew immediately what Natsuhiko was thinking when he found out that Natsuhiko wanted the medical department.

There is no need for the Government Affairs Department because Danzo offended Yamanaka Kaiichi this time. The Government Affairs Department is controlled by Nara Shikaku, and Natsuhiko does not need to waste any of this energy.

Sarutobi of the Ministry of Finance was happy to give it to Natsu Yan, because the talents needed by the Ministry of Finance were basically monopolized by him, and Natsu Yan would be nothing more than a puppet in the end.

In Hiruzen Sarutobi's mind, what Natsuhiko wanted was probably the mission department or the medical department.

This department controls the survival of ordinary ninjas, and controls most life and death issues. It is definitely the most worthy of fighting for and fighting for.

It turned out that his guess was correct, and Natsuhiko wanted the medical department to recruit more ninjas in his opinion.

But it's not that simple to let him go. After all, Tsunade is not in Konoha.

Once upon a time, Tsunade was the most important card in Hiruzen Sarutobi's hand, but Natsuhiko, who was born in the Senju clan, was naturally close to Tsunade.

When this is offset, Sarutobi Hiruzen will definitely suffer. Tsunade left Sarutobi Hiruzen with a clear mind. I am afraid it is not strange for her to help Natsuhiko in the end.

But fortunately, Tsunade is not in Konoha, and Sarutobi Hiruzen can definitely speak for himself as a medical talent.

But what he didn't expect was that Xia Yan didn't focus on this part at all. He directly left the department in charge of medical trials within the medical department!

Of course, Xia Yan didn't just put up his bargaining chips and ask for it directly, but first showed that he wanted to swallow up the medical department, and finally got what he wanted through bargaining.

The natural result of this is that all those talents belong to Natsuhiko unconditionally, and Sarutobi Hiruzen cannot interfere in any way.

"Since I got the medical trial part, many experimental projects will be much easier."

Experimental research has always been an area where Xia Yan wanted to get involved but was unable to do so.

And now that he has this research department, everything will become easier!

"It can be said that everything is going in a good direction, except that it consumes too much of my time."

Although Xia Yan had no choice but to do anything about this situation, he had to say that he got too much!


Stretching slightly, Xia Yan looked out the window. The sky had cleared up, and the previously silver-clad Konoha became clear again.

Winter turned to spring, time also entered a new year, and Xia Yan had already celebrated his birthday.

In fact, sometimes Xia Yan is extremely emotional, because unknowingly it has been fifteen or six years since he came to this world.

In the past fifteen or sixteen years, he didn't know whether he had turned into a monster or the person he dreamed of.

Unfortunately, there is no answer to this question, at least when Xia Yan faces this question, he has no answer.

He once heard a joke about a friend who forgot the password for his first communication software, and his password protection was 'my dream'.

As a result, he tried countless times but failed. In the end, he was shocked to find that he had already forgotten what his dream was.

Xia Yan was almost the same at this time, and he didn't even remember what it was like when he first came here, and what he originally hoped to be the most ideal person.

He just got to where he is now step by step, becoming the number one person in the darkness of Konoha step by step.

"But it's okay, I know what I'm going to do."

Shaking his head slightly, Xia Yan withdrew his gaze. He really knew what he wanted to do, and that was to become Hokage!

This is a task for the system, but it is a goal worth pursuing anyway.

But soon, Xia Yan started laughing, and finally he couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

"You are obviously only fifteen or sixteen years old, but why have you become so sentimental?"

Xia Yan smiled, but when he looked at the documents on the table again, he suddenly became angry.

The documents placed on his desk were really numerous and miscellaneous, but he had to deal with them himself.

After all, these documents involve issues related to the development of the laboratory, experimental issues, and the use of that kid Hidan.

To put it simply, the information in these files can be regarded as anti-human content. Anyone who looks at it may be cured of hypotension.

But Xia Yan knew that no matter what he did, as long as it didn't involve soul issues, nothing would happen.

Natsu Yan's candidate for the experiment is Hidan. Although Hidan has not yet learned immortality in a true sense, according to Natsu Yan's observation, this boy should not be far away.

As Xia Yan develops and uses the Pure Eye more and more deeply, he discovers that the so-called super insight of the Pure Eye really means that he can see whatever he wants!

He could clearly see what Hidan's current state was, or in other words, he could see where Hidan's learning progress had recently reached.

In Xia Yan's eyes, calculated as a percentage, Hidan has reached about 70%, and his talent can be said to be very good.

It's just that it may take some time for him to reach 100%.

But no matter what, this time should not be far away, and Xia Yan still has some confidence.

And after Natsu Yan got the experimental part of the medical department, he paid more and more attention to Hidan.

Hidan's value really shouldn't just be limited to Natsu Yan's experiments. Although Natsu Yan's experiments are also very important, he has outsourced them.

Orochimaru is Xia Yan's 'outsourcing company', and now he has spent a lot of time on it.

The kid Kabuto got into the role very quickly, and Orochimaru was also very clear-headed and didn't hide anything from this kid.

Therefore, Natsuhiko also knew what Orochimaru was doing. Whether it was Uchiha's experiment or Natsuhiko's experiment on the resurrection technique, he was working hand in hand.

With Orochimaru, Natsuhiko naturally doesn't have to focus entirely on this.

What's more, when he got the part of the experimental team of the Medical Department, he couldn't be so aggressive right away.

He planned to take a step-by-step journey and also allow Hidan to show more value.

Therefore, Xia Yan's idea was very simple, that is, let the medical department do more normal things, such as researching drugs.

Xia Yan really doesn't need medicine to help him now, but he has not forgotten the fear of being dominated by Bingliangwan.

Moreover, drug research is beneficial to Konoha as a whole. He is not willing to miss such a thing that greatly enhances his personal reputation.

The development of medicine in Konoha is not very smooth. In addition to the medical ninja created by Tsunade, there is also something very embarrassing.

"That is, there is no country like India in this place."

In Xia Yan's previous life, India was really an interesting country. In addition to showing off his incompetence in the world, he was also constantly brainwashing internally.

The funniest thing Xia Yan has ever heard is that Indians are very peaceful.

Think about it, in a country where modern society still maintains a caste system, those low castes do not have the ability to make any social transition. What else can they do except wait for death?

As for the upper castes, they already have a good life. They don't need to worry about other things and enjoy huge resources.

One is waiting for death, and the other is enjoying himself. Perhaps this is really a kind of peace.

However, what Xia Yan cannot deny is that India has really made two huge contributions to the world - generic drugs and guinea pigs.

Generic drugs are not fake drugs. Instead, they avoid patent fees and have the same formula and effect as the original drugs. The movie "I'm Not the God of Medicine" in the previous life went to India to buy generic drugs.

Just why does everyone have to pay patent fees, but you don’t?

Although it is due to India's own national conditions, what is more important is that India has also paid a certain exchange price.

That is, pharmaceutical companies can conduct human experiments in India without complying with any treaties!

Testing drug effects and drug research directions naturally requires various experiments. In other countries, you must start with animals, and you will also be harassed by animal protection organizations.

But in India, these companies can start directly with people, so why not?

Drugs are originally intended for human use. No matter how well they perform in animals, there is still a huge gap compared with humans.

This law is the same whether it is Xia Yan's previous life or this world. Unfortunately, there is no Injira Gandhi in the Naruto world, and there is no country like India.

Look at Danzo and Orochimaru, who were involved in human experiments and were pushed off the cliff by Natsuhiko himself. He would not dare to cause such a problem.

However, if normal people cannot be used for experiments, then abnormal people cannot be used?

Obviously, Hidan's value was fully demonstrated at this moment. He can be used not only for ninjutsu experiments, but also for drug experiments!

And starting with the drug experiment, let those in the Medical Experiment Department know that this guy simply ignores the existence of death.

With such a step-by-step process, if Xia Yan later uses him to conduct ninjutsu experiments, the experimenters will not have any psychological burden.

"As for Hidan, it's easy to handle here. Give him respect, give him money, and give him a certain degree of freedom in Konoha.

At the same time, I keep telling you that using your body for experiments can help thousands of people, and you can even help him preach outside the Land of Fire. "

If you want to seduce someone, you must respect that person. While respecting him, you must also understand what he wants in his heart.

Xia Yan most likely guessed that what this guy wanted was to have faith in the so-called evil religion. Could Xia Yan help him with this?

As long as they don't cause trouble in the Land of Fire, they can lie as much as they like outside, and they can even be allowed to come to Konoha to participate in experiments together. Isn't this great?

"Dead people can be reincarnated into dirty soil and pulled up to continue working. Undead people are even better. They won't even die of exhaustion!"

After Xia Yan thought about it quickly, he picked up the pen again and seriously began to record and modify the files.

This job is really not suitable for others to do now, and these documents will not even be handed over to the Ministry of Government for review.

It is true that he has two secretariats, but he will not let the secretariats interfere in this kind of matter.

"Counting the time, Uchiha Fugaku's eye has been shot for so long. In addition, we should also pay attention to the situation of Kimimaro."

Xia Yan muttered silently while writing about his psychology. During this period of time, he had not paid attention to these things at all, but now he felt that he should look at them.

He was really curious about what the Mangekyō Sharingan could grow.

In addition, it can be said that Xia Yan failed with Kimimaro's corpse veins last time, and he has been waiting for a new opportunity to try.

In particular, he has not forgotten that this time he also obtained a power that can fuse chakra. These powers have never been used in his body.

Xia Yan's psychology is still uncertain about what kind of blood-stained elimination will be integrated here.

But no matter what he fuses into, it must be suitable for his identity as Senju Natsuhiko.

Of course, in fact, the biggest benefit last time was the trace amount of special chakra without attributes. Those chakras directly helped his eyes to improve.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan closed his eyes slightly, and the next moment his attribute panel appeared in his retina.

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 34 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Quasi-shadow level (system judgment without using any ability) (huge chakra reserves) (a small amount of sealed dragon vein chakra)

Pupil Technique: Clean Eyes (Initial Stage) (Development Level: 52%)

Bloodline Development Degree: Intermediate (Thousand-Hand Secret Technique, Elementary Yang Escape Secret Technique), Bloodstain Elimination (Unnamed)

Jinchuuriki: Nine-Tails (intermediate level, can swallow a large amount of special chakra to grow, plant high-level Nine-Tails Fruit to grow) (intake too much chakra, continue to grow)

Seeds: Elementary Three-Tail Chakra (99%), Intermediate Wood Release Seed (99%)

Fruit: Intermediate Fire Escape Fruit (1), Intermediate Water Escape Fruit (1), Intermediate Earth Escape Fruit (1), Special Fusion Power

Mission: Become the true BOSS (the only one) in the ninja world (45% progress)

"It's gone up again?"

When Xia Yan saw his panel, he was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a clear smile.

The progress of the only mission has increased again, and it seems to be closely related to his killing of Danzo.

Even though ordinary people and low-level ninjas didn't know much about this time, Natsuhiko killed Danzo in front of the Third Hokage, the family patriarchs, and the Jonin.

This will naturally give Xia Yan a lot of points, and Xia Yan finally saw the progress bar was about to pass halfway after working hard for that moment.

This is indeed a bit difficult for him, but strictly speaking, if he wants to, it is not particularly difficult.

But he chose a world of temptation instead of learning from Danzo, so naturally he wouldn't complain so much.

The only thing worth complaining about is probably the 99% progress in the three-tailed chakra and intermediate wood escape.

"It's hard to imagine that this time the progress has been so high that these two powers have not been fully charged."

Xia Yan was naturally not very happy about such a result, but it was not unacceptable to him.

After all, he really doesn't lack new power now. His current power is really strong enough.

For now.....


In the Rain Country, Nagato leaned his weak back on the body of the Ten-Tails.

At this time, his eyes were dim, his whole person looked weaker than before, and his body seemed to become more shriveled.

His whole body was as thin as a corpse. If it weren't for the fact that he was still breathing weakly, there would be no problem in treating him as a dead person!

Ever since he went to find Orochimaru, met the Senju Natsuhiko of Konoha ANBU, and went through a series of brutal killings that could be said to be double-sided, Nagato has become like this.

Konan looked at Nagato with some worry. She was not particularly sure what kind of battle that day would be like.

But she was very clear about Nagato's appearance in the cave, the visible kunai on his body, and the appearance of his chakra being almost completely consumed, all fell into her eyes.

In addition, she could never forget the terrifying vibration outside the cave and the world-ending scene they saw when they went out.

The power of the Konoha Nightingale is really like a ghost, and its powerful power is really terrifying.

It's just that according to the intelligence, this guy's strength doesn't seem to be that scary. Why is it like this?


Shaking her head, Xiaonan felt that it was better not to worry about this kind of thing, because she had more things to worry about now.

That was Nagato. The blow Nagato received this time was really unimaginable. He had always regarded himself as a god, and that Konoha Nightingale could be said to have knocked him off the altar!

Such a blow is unimaginable. It can be said that it directly defeated Nagato's faith.

When a ninja's faith is defeated, this is a more terrifying thing than killing him.


Suddenly, Xiao Nan quickly turned around, and several white pieces of paper quietly appeared in her hand.

And just behind her, ripples appeared in the space, and a strange vortex appeared in the originally calm space, and then two figures walked out of the void!

Looking at these two figures, Konan felt slightly relieved, but her expression was still solemn, because neither she nor Nagato trusted these two people.

"There's no need to get excited. If I want to kill you, you won't even feel that I'm coming." Obito glanced at Konan indifferently, and then he looked at Nagato.

He simply ignored Xiao Nan, or in other words, Xiao Nan did not exist at all in his eyes.

If he really wanted to take action, he could guarantee that Xiaonan would not feel any weirdness at all and would have died in his hands.

But he didn't do it, at least it wasn't the time to do it yet, so he deliberately released chakra when he came over, which also told them that he was coming.

Coming here this time was a helpless move for Obito. Now he was surrounded by a lot of troubles in Kirigakure Village, and the situation of the Fourth Mizukage was particularly bad.

After being attacked by that damn guy who controlled the Nine-Tails Chakra, the current Fourth Mizukage was facing huge challenges both in terms of vitality and power in the village.

If it weren't for the Fourth Mizukage to be the Three-Tailed Jinchuuriki, he might have been dead long ago.

But the guy who controlled the Nine-Tails was so cruel that he almost broke the Three-Tails into pieces, which also caused Gotachibana Yagura to be unusually slow in the recovery process.

In addition, Kirigakure Village is not stable at all now, which really gives him a huge headache. If the woman Konan hadn't said that Nagato was in trouble, he wouldn't have come here.

You must know that the longer he leaves, the less likely he will be able to understand the situation in Kirigakure Village.

"What on earth is going on?" Obito looked at Nagato in front of him. After a long time, he asked in a low voice, "How did he become this person who is neither human nor ghost?"

"Because of that Konoha Nightingale." Xiaonan shook her head helplessly, but she was interrupted before she could finish her words.

"Senju Natsuhiko?" Obito asked in astonishment. He really didn't expect to get this answer!

Senju Natsuhiko, this guy Obito really can't forget.

This guy who defeated him one after another with Namikaze Minato, this old classmate of his, this person that he could never forget.

But how could this guy defeat Nagato and even beat this guy into this state?

What happened? What happened to this guy Nagato?

However, just as Obito opened his mouth to ask, Nagato suddenly spoke: "Jingyan..."

"Huh?" Obito's face under the mask looked confused, while Black Zetsu's expression became a little confused.

Jingyan, he had never heard of these eyes, but this did not prevent him from understanding some very special things.

For example, about the relationship between the Byakugan, the Samsara Eye, and even the Reincarnation Eye.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the Samsara Eye is the power that Otsutsuki mutated after obtaining the fruit of the sacred tree.

After the Byakugan is infected by the power of the fruit, some very special mutations will occur, such as the reincarnated eye.

Hei Jue has never heard of Jingyan, but this does not prevent him from guessing, that is, has Xia Yan awakened the mutated part of his mother's power?

Senju is a descendant of Otsutsuki Hagoromo, and Otsutsuki Hagoromo himself has the blood of his mother, and he is also the most severely mutated person by the power of the fruit.

But this does not prevent him from actually having his mother's pure bloodline. Before Hagoromo fully activates the power of Sharingan and Rinnegan, he also uses the Byakugan.

"Is it possible that this kid has returned to his ancestors and mutated his eyes like this?"

Black Zetsu muttered silently in his mind. He looked at Nagato and he looked like he would rather die, and he made a decision in his heart.

In fact, he knew at one glance that Nagato's belief had collapsed. If he didn't do something, this guy would be completely useless!

If he is dead, then who will resurrect Uchiha Madara, and who will become his mother's sacrifice?

"Didn't you say that you are Uchiha Madara and that you know everything?"

Just as Hei Zetsu was thinking silently, Nagato spoke again.

"Then tell me, what is the Pure Eye, what is going on with these eyes, why... why..."

"Are you sure you are facing Jingyan?" Before Nagato could finish his words, Black Zetsu interrupted directly: "Describe it in detail, I want to confirm something."

"Do you know Jingyan?"

Nagato's gray eyes seemed to be alive again at this moment, and then he spoke quickly.

"It was a pair of blue eyes that constantly overflowed with light.

That guy can also cover his body with that kind of chakra, making him look... like a god.

Those eyes made me feel scared, and I could feel that those eyes seemed to be on the same level as my Samsara Eye.

Isn’t the Eye of Samsara the Eye of Creation, but why do such eyes still exist? "

Nagato finished everything in one breath, and then he looked at Black Zetsu expectantly.

Not only him, but even Xiaonan and Obito also looked over, but Black Zetsu didn't even look at him. He looked like he was thinking.

But he was extremely puzzled in his heart, and he even couldn't believe what he heard.

"Is this the Pure Eye? Is this the Reincarnation Eye?"


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