The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 259 Yin Escape (8K please subscribe~)

Black Zetsu has never seen what the Tsangikan is, but he has this information in his memory.

After all, it was separated from Kaguya's body through chakra fusion, and was specially used to deal with the two existences of Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura.

He is indeed not that good in terms of strength, but his memory and wisdom are really not bad, otherwise he would not have been able to trick so many people.

According to the boy Nagato's description, he felt that those 'eyes blooming with bright blue light' seemed to be the Tsangikan!

And this kid also said that that kind of chakra can cover the body. Isn't this one of the iconic abilities of the Tsangigan - Chakra Mode?

It's just that the Tenseigan thing, isn't it a mutation of Hamura Otsutsuki? How come this kid has such power?

Even if you are a genius, no matter how much your body mutates, you should not be able to awaken something like the reincarnation eye after so many years of blood separation.

"Is it possible that there really are eyes like Jōgan, or is it possible that Senju Natsuhiko and Hinata have an obscure relationship?"

The reincarnated eye belongs to Ōtsutsuki Hamura, and the direct descendants of Ōtsutsuki Hamura are the Hinata people. Generally speaking, the Hinata people are the most likely to get the reincarnated eye.

But since those guys came down from the moon, they seemed to have lost their own abilities, and their performance was getting worse and worse.

Their mother's physical skills continued to weaken on them, and began to wear away, and even the mother's blood in their bodies became extremely weak.

He even knew that it was originally supposed to be part of the power of his mother's bloodline, or in other words, the power of Hamura Otsutsuki.

In fact, these daily routines have been lost or separated, and those guys are the equivalent of the exterminated Kaguya clan in Kirigakure Village. They are the owners of the corpse veins!

"Forget it, ignore this brat. Even though he is a bit ridiculously strong, the top priority is still to hold Nagato."

Black Zetsu saw clearly that Nagato was the key to resurrecting Uchiha Madara, and Uchiha Madara was the key to resurrecting his mother.

He believes that after his mother comes back to life, these problems can basically be solved. His mother is the strongest person!

Even though she was sealed by Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura, there has been no news about these two guys for thousands of years, and they are most likely dead.

Everyone is dead, so what is there to be afraid of?

And really compared with the danger level of Senju Natsuhiko, in Hei Zetsu's view, those hidden in the darkness of the ninja world, controlling tailed beasts, can also transform into a mysterious person similar to his mother.

They are the most dangerous and troublesome characters, because behind them there is likely to be someone like their mother.

They can master the Nine-Tails, but who knows if they can master the Ten-Tails. Black Zetsu knows very well what kind of existence the Ten-Tails is.

Thinking of this, Hei Jue didn't bother to worry about these messy things. What he had to do now was to guide this guy whose mentality had collapsed.

Regardless of whether it is the Pure Eye or the Reincarnation Eye, Hei Jue intends to lie directly to death anyway, so comfort this guy.

It is really a helpless thing to have such a person who firmly believes that he is God's tool.

In fact, not only Nagato, but also Obito is a serious problem child. He has to admire Uchiha Madara for his unique insight.

The tool men he found were really different in personality and more difficult to maintain than the last one.

"I understand." Although Hei Jue was full of dissatisfaction, he still said in a pretentious tone: "I didn't expect you to meet such eyes. It seems that you did not lose unjustly."

"Huh?" Light suddenly appeared in Nagato's eyes. Although he was extremely weak, he still hurriedly asked: "You know it, tell me quickly, what kind of eyes are these?"

"No problem, I'll tell you now."

Hei Jue felt increasingly helpless in his heart. He felt that he had finally found hope after living for a thousand years.

As a result, we have to take care of them just like we take care of children. Can’t they be more mature?

Mentally, he shook his head silently. He felt that he had endured it for thousands of years, and it would not be a big deal to endure it for more than ten years, so he spoke directly and slowly.

“Actually, this world is so big that you can’t even imagine it, and the secrets contained in this world are definitely not something you can easily know.

For example, your eye, the Samsara Eye, is the Eye of Creation, but it is not the only most powerful eye in the world.

You should have heard the legend that the Immortal of Six Paths created this world with his Samsara Eye. And don’t you have similar power in your own abilities? "

Nagato couldn't help but nodded slightly when he heard this. Indeed, he had mastered a very strange and powerful power, but he couldn't use this power at the moment.

The name of this power is called Earth Explosion Star!

This power is actually to simulate or create a planet. In particular, he also masters gravity and repulsion. These forces are the basis for creating a planet.

It was the mastery of these powers that allowed him to firmly believe that the ninja world was created by the Sage of Six Paths.

At this time, Nagato also believed what Black Zetsu said even more, because he only knew about these powers himself and had never told anyone else.

Ninjas need to hide their powers. Once these powers are known, they will be studied and even conquered.

Even though Nagato believed that he was a god and the agent of the Six Paths Sage in the human world, he was still a ninja, and he would not reveal his power in a big way.

Even though he didn't reveal anything, the hermaphrodite in front of him knew part of his own power, which made Nagato have more trust in him.

"So since your eyes are the eyes of creation, and you also have the ability to create the world..."

Hei Jue took a deep breath, and then he slowly spoke.

"So, why doesn't this world have the Eye of Destruction, the eye that destroys everything in this world?"

"The eyes that destroy everything in the world..." Nagato was stunned when he heard these words, but soon a touch of ecstasy appeared on his face.


The world is so big, and there are all kinds of strange things.

Your own eyes can create the world, so why can't you have a pair of eyes that can destroy the world?

When he thought of this, Nagato became even more excited!

"No wonder, no wonder!"

Nagato muttered to himself, but his voice was loud enough for everyone else to hear.

"No wonder this guy's eyes are so strong, no wonder he seems to have the power of the All-Seeing Heaven's Guide and the Shinra's Heavenly Sign.

That’s it, that’s it! "


The power of Shinra Tianzheng and Wanxiang Tianyin?

Hearing these words, Hei Ze seemed to be even more sure that Senju Natsuhiko had probably awakened a pair of extraordinary eyes.

After all, Hei Jue knows that no matter what kind of Shinra Tianzheng or Wanxiang Tianyin, the essence is the use of gravity and repulsion by this high-level eye.

And this kind of power is really not something that ordinary people can master. Although you may not be able to transform with this kind of power, you are definitely not someone to be trifled with.

Could it be that that boy has really awakened the Tsangikan?

Thinking of this, Hei Jue's expression became a little weird, but to him these were insignificant things, so he didn't bother to pay attention to them.

Seeing Nagato in front of him, who seemed to have regained his vitality, he felt helpless to the extreme.

With this kind of mentality, do you still want to become a god?

According to his mother's memory, almost everyone in Otsutsuki is a god, but even so Otsutsuki will fall!

His mother came to power by stepping on Otsutsuki's corpse, and the reason why her mother created such a huge White Zetsu Army was to prevent certain people.

Even someone as powerful as his mother must deal with all this carefully. You just got the Samsara Eye - it's not your own.

He is just a tool of good luck. Why do you think you are a god? Why do you think you are invincible?

Let alone Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, these two guys can completely press you to the ground and crush you!

Although he was absolutely disdainful of this guy in his heart, he still comforted him honestly. After all, he was just a tool, so he would just let it go.

"No wonder I can feel such powerful destructive power in that guy."

Just as Black Zetsu was thinking, Nagato spoke again.

"So that's it!"

"It seems you already understand."

Black Zetsu nodded indifferently, and then he immediately continued following Nagato's words.

"The Pure Eye is the Eye of Destruction. It's not surprising that you can feel the destructive power.

The world has a creator, and naturally there will be a destroyer. The creator's power is naturally to create the world, and the destroyer wants to destroy the world!

It is naturally destined by God that you meet him. What we have to do is also the creation of the world in some sense.

After all, their goal is to create a new world without war, and if you do this, you will naturally have your own enemies.

This enemy naturally wants to destroy everything, destroy everything we want to create, and become the destroyer of this world.

You have now met your true enemy in destiny, and your performance is truly disappointing. "

Having said this, Black Zetsu paused deliberately. He looked at Nagato, whose face turned ugly again, and suddenly said meaningfully.

"Is this what the user of the Samsara Eye looks like?

It's really a pity for Six Paths Immortal. His human agent is really disappointing. "

After saying this, Hei Zetsu could see with the naked eye that Nagato's expression had completely changed, but what made him happy was that this guy's face began to look angry.

Being alive means that this guy has begun to come back to life, instead of just looking at him and knowing that he is about to die, he is completely like a bird whose belief has collapsed.

Whether it is a ninja or a person, what they fear most is the collapse of their faith.

"Shut up!"

Nagato suddenly let out a roar, and this roar seemed to vent all his emotions in the past few months!

"So what about the Pure Eye, what about the Eye of Destruction? None of these things have any meaning to me!

The samsara eye is never afraid of the pure eye, because the destroyer will always be destroyed by the creator, and justice will eventually defeat evil.

Sure enough, Konoha is the greatest evil in the ninja world, otherwise Konoha would not have such a world destroyer.

Natsuhiko, right? That guy is from the Senju clan, so he should be Senju Natsuhiko.

I will defeat him, I will kill him. I am afraid that the Sage of Six Paths also defeated the Destroyer and created the ninja world.

And now I will do the same, I will prove that the samsara eye can defeat all this! "

Nagato's words were sonorous and powerful, and both Black Zetsu, Obito, and Konan breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

With goals and beliefs, this person has hope, and they can overcome all difficulties and stand up again.

Although Xiao Nan didn't believe these two people at all, she was really grateful to them at this moment.

If it weren't for them, it would be really difficult for Nagato to recover, regain his fighting spirit, or even survive.

"But..." At this moment, Nagato suddenly expressed doubts again: "Why is that guy so strong? And I feel that his eyes seem to be stronger than mine..."

"It's normal. Your understanding and use of the Samsara Eye is too poor." Before Nagato could finish his words, Black Zetsu interrupted him directly.

This question is actually very easy to understand, but he has never discussed this issue with Nagato before.

The nature of the power used by Nagato was just the most basic use of the Rinnegan. After all, no one would teach him how to use the Rinnegan.

Of course, the most critical reason is that Nagato's Samsara Eye is not his own, and there is no way for him to use it to a peak.

But now that an unexpected situation has occurred, Hei Jue feels that he should do something.

Xia Yan is very strong, especially after awakening such a pair of eyes. If there is no way to contain Na Sai, it may cause irreversible harm to his plan.

Now that Nagato has decided that he and Natsuhiko are natural enemies, he can't justify not doing something.

"Each pair of eyes is very powerful, but it doesn't mean you are very strong as soon as you get it. It requires continuous learning, understanding and tempering before it can become stronger."

Black Zetsu looked at Nagato and said slowly. He knew that Nagato would believe whatever he said now. This was killing two birds with one stone.

"I don't know when that guy got his eyes, but he has surpassed you now, probably because your body was dragging him down.

In this case, I will find a way to help you recover. After you recover, I think you can better control your eyes.

At least, you don't need six clones to wield your power. "


"Why do you do this?"

In the Mizukage office of Kirigakure Village, when a whirlpool rippled in the space, and two figures walked out of it, one of them asked impatiently.

The two of them are naturally Obito and Black Zetsu. Obito is really full of question marks now, first what is the Pure Eye and then what is the Eye of Destruction.

In the end, Black Zetsu actually went crazy and planned to help Nagato recover his body so that he could better master the Rinnegan and improve his strength.

What exactly is this situation? Is this something a normal person can do?

Nagato is their very important chess piece, Obito will never deny this.

But the problem is that this guy is just a chess piece. It doesn't make sense for you to help him improve his strength, right?

In addition, Nagato is also very deceived, so what exactly is the so-called pure eye?

Is what this guy said just now true?

Facing Obito's question, Black Zetsu just glanced at him silently. Of course he understood this guy's doubts.

What just made him feel extremely helpless was, why didn't this guy use his little mind to think carefully about why he did this?

Is it possible that there is nothing else in this guy's mind except women?

When he thought of this, Black Zetsu was really angry. He really envied Uchiha Madara now, he could just die and ignore these weaklings.

But he really can't be. If he's going to die, there's no way to revive him.

Suppressing his inner dissatisfaction, Black Zetsu slowly explained to Obito: "Actually, it's very simple. We need someone to test Xia Yan's strength. After all, those eyes are really not simple."

"Eyes?" Obito frowned: "You mean, the pure eyes are actually real?"

"It's fake, at least I haven't heard of it." Hei Jue directly denied it. Even if it was true, he would not admit it: "I just lied to him, but Xia Yan's strength is indeed very problematic. This is true."

"Fake?" Obito suddenly lost his mind. He looked at Hei Zetsu inexplicably: "You're still helping him if you're fake? You have a problem, right?"

"Are you an idiot?" Hei Jue really couldn't stand it anymore.

He was so stupid that he had seen a lot of them in his long years, but this was the first time he had come into contact with a guy like Obito who was so stupid that he was almost hopeless.

But after scolding him, Hei Jue sobered up and calmed down. Scolding this guy had no other effect than making his blood pressure soar.

Therefore, Hei Jue felt that he had better explain it carefully, and then quickly stay away from this guy.

With this thought in his mind, Hei Zetsu simply shook his head silently and said, "Is Nagato's body failing? Since it is failing, should we save him?

After all, he is a qualified tool man. If something happens to him, we will have no way to wake up Uchiha Madara, so we will not be able to use the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

This guy lost so miserably to Natsuhiko Senju this time that he almost lost his faith. After all, this idiot always thought he was a god!

Then what we have to do is to establish a belief for this guy and determine a goal so that he can recover.

And that Senju Natsuhiko is too evil. Not to mention his eyes, just because he inherited the power of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, he is not that easy to deal with.

This time it’s great to have this guy Nagato to contain the target, why not?

Moreover, do you think this guy Nagato trusted us before?

But now, I dare say he has begun to try to trust us!

Of course, his trust only makes it easier for us to do things and is of no use to our tasks, so we have to find ways to better control him.

Even if you use some means to control him by force! "

At this point, Hei Jue no longer planned to continue talking, because he felt that he had said enough.

It was his first experience explaining something to this point, and he felt that even an idiot like Obito should understand it.

As a result, when he looked at Obito, he was surprised to find that Obito blinked at him: "Indeed, if he makes trouble, it will affect Infinite Tsukuyomi, and I will not be able to meet Lin, but what are you going to do? Control him?"

"..." Hei Jue really felt that the non-existent blood pressure in his body had begun to slowly rise.

Does this guy really have an IQ?

No, his performance in Kirigakure Village was passable. Why did he become like this now?

Almost gritting his teeth, Hei Jue suppressed a sentence: "I am harming him by saving him. I help him recover, and naturally I will add something to his body, which can help us control him better!

Even if he is unwilling to cooperate with us later, we can still forcefully control him and make him cooperate with us!

Now, do you understand? "

Hei Jue felt so tired, really tired.

He knew what Uchiha Madara was looking for in selecting people. As far as the Rinnegan Eye was concerned, what he needed was someone whose body could resist the corrosive power of the Rinnegan Eye.

As a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, Nagato has a unique advantage in vitality, and the Uzumaki clan's people are running away to death, so it would be good to find a young one.

For Uchiha, the key to opening the kaleidoscope is not strength, but character.

The more innocent a person is, the more terrifying his extreme emotions will be when he loses his temper, and the greater the chance of turning on the kaleidoscope.

Uchiha Obito is such a person, because he is too kind and too naive. Once he is pushed into the abyss, he will completely stay in the abyss!

But he understood the truth, and he really didn't expect that these two people were such weirdos.

Hei Jue really doesn't expect them to be extraordinary geniuses, but he really hopes that these people are normal people.

However, this is ultimately just a wishful thinking.

"That's it." Obito understood at this moment: "What a good idea. It's definitely a good thing for us to completely control Nagato."

"Just understand." Hei Jue shook his head, and his body slowly sank into the ground: "Then, now I have to go back and study it, and leave the rest to you."

With that said, Kuro Zetsu had no plans to speak to Obito, and he fled the Mizukage's office.

He now needs to go back to study and take a good rest.

He needs to lower his non-existent blood pressure...


There were so many interesting things happening in the Xiao organization that Xia Yan really didn't know very well. At this time, he had quietly arrived in his orchard.

After planting things here for several months, Xia Yan finally got around to taking a good look at what he had gotten.

He is indeed very strong, and he does not need to rush to get some new powers, but this does not mean that he is unwilling to get more things.

"And it's time to solve the problem of eliminating blood stains today. It's not a problem to put it off for so long."

The power of fused chakra was obtained by him, but he has not done anything until now. The main reason is that he has not yet thought about what power he wants to fuse.

But now he has an idea, and that is to head towards Chen Eun!

The fusion methods of Dust Release are Earth Release, Wind Release and Fire Release. He possesses all three types of chakra, so it is not difficult for him.

As for the trouble it might cause, Xia Yan himself was wrong about this.

Many of the creations of Blood Succession Limits are repeated, but many of the powers displayed are different.

In fact, to put it bluntly, in the fusion of chakras, the proportions occupied by each chakra are different, and the results will be very different.

Xia Yan doesn't know what the chakra fusion ratio of Chendu is. I'm afraid only Onoki knows this secret.

Of course, Xia Yan felt that if Onoki attacked him, he might be able to see through it all with his pure eyes and achieve true escape.

Jingyan's absolute insight is really useful. He found that the simpler the name of something, the more basic it seems, the more terrifying the power it can display.

At least in the original work, Xia Yan has never seen anyone with eyes that can do this!

Shaking his head slightly, Xia Yan walked slowly to the big tree, and then he gently covered it with his hand.

Just for a moment, the system voice in his mind rang again.

This made him feel a little relieved. This was the tree where he had inserted Uchiha Fugaku's Mangekyō Sharingan.

Now that he has a reaction, it means that he will gain something again this time, even if he really knows in his heart that he will not fail.

But this time he planted the Mangekyo Sharingan!

It's hard to say whether this time will bring him the power of Yin Escape. He has been looking forward to Yin Escape for a long time.

"Special power discovered and being analyzed."

"Analysis results, primary Yin Escape power, is it extracted?"

"Analysis results, Sharingan force seed, are you extracting it?"

When the system's voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind again, Xia Yan himself was stunned.

Two analysis results?

This is really the first time Xia Yan has encountered that one source creature can be used for planting and he can get two things in the end.

Ever since Xia Yan got the system, he has only gotten one result every time he planted it. It is really a miracle like today.

If he had stuffed two kaleidoscopes, maybe he wouldn't be surprised, but the problem is that he only stuffed one into it.

"How is this going?"

Xia Yan murmured to himself, but unfortunately his system didn't give him any answer at all, which gave Xia Yan a headache.

Fortunately, he had long been used to it, and he didn't expect his system to give a decent answer.

What's more, he must be happy when two results appear at once!

He didn't even know how long he had this ability of Yin Escape. As a member of the Thousand Hands Clan, Xia Yan had never worried about his Yang Escape.

Especially with the help of the system, he felt more confident that he could master Yang Dun. It was only a matter of time when he would master it.

Although the facts were slightly different from what he had guessed, because his Yang Escape activation was also thanks to Danzo, who had been crushed to ashes.

But no matter what, he has indeed mastered Yang Dun and can control Yang Dun well.

As for Yin Escape, one can imagine how difficult this thing is.

As a Senju, Xia Yan is also capable of Yin Escape - the essential expression of Yin Escape is actually his mental ability.

However, he does not have a pair of eyes that can develop and concentrate the power of Yin Escape to the extreme, nor does he have the secret technique to control and manifest Yin Escape like Yamanaka and Nara.

Even if he obtained the Pure Eye, he found that he did not seem to have improved or controlled the power of Yin Escape.

This really made him helpless. He basically put all his thoughts on the Sharingan.

He was even thinking about whether he should just pluck out Nagato's eyes, because those eyes belonged to Madara Uchiha.

He used the piece of meat from Senju Hashirama to get the broken power of Asura. It's hard to say whether he could get something like the power of Indra using the Samsara Eye!

However, compared with getting the tailed beast chakra, this idea eventually gave up temporarily.

After he gained the power to fuse chakra, he fantasized about whether he could create a Ten-Tails.

If he can really do it, there will be one more way for him to enter the blood inheritance network.

There is no doubt that the power of the Ten-Tails is unparalleled, and the fusion power required to fuse the Ten-Tails is definitely not less.

But Natsuhiko knew that Black Zetsu and Obito had created a hundred thousand White Zetsu, and he didn't lack the materials for fusion at all.

"At worst, I'll stuff all the White Zetsu into the tree. If the tree isn't big enough, I can build it myself. If it's not big enough, I'll reincarnate the Senju Hashirama from the dirt!"

As long as there are enough trees and enough Baijue is buried, I can get enough fusion power! "

Xia Yan had basically prepared for the worst, but now that he had obtained Yin Escape, it could be said that his wish came true.

He doesn't need to waste time on Yin Escape. Even if this is just a basic level of Yin Escape, he finally has a direction!

"In addition, there is a Sharingan force seed. What is this thing?"

Xia Yanan endured the excitement and began to seriously think about what the second seed was.

After thinking about it, he thought that maybe this thing was used to open the Sharingan. If that was the case, it would be of no use to Natsuhiko.

If he had any idea about the Sharingan before, after all, he knew how to open the Mangekyo.

It is also known that the combined power of Senju and Uchiha is a weakened version of the power of Sage of Six Paths.

To make up for these powers, you need the power of Indra and Asura. By coincidence, Xia Yan also knows who the next generation of reincarnations will be.

The most important thing is that Sharingan can help Natsuhiko complete the Yin escape!

But now, with the power of escape and the pure eye, his interest in Sharingan is no longer so high.

But no matter what, since Xia Yan appeared, he didn't plan to miss it.

"No big deal, I can use it for people who need it, and I can still earn some hearts..."


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