The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 261: Yin Yang Escape and Yunyin’s strange movements

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 34 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Quasi-shadow level (system judgment without using any ability) (huge chakra reserves) (a small amount of sealed dragon vein chakra)

Pupil Technique: Clean Eyes (Initial Stage) (Development Level: 52%)

Bloodline development degree: Intermediate (Thousand-Hand Secret Technique, Elementary Yang Escape Secret Technique), Blood Stain Elimination (Unnamed), Elementary Yin Escape Secret Technique, Yin and Yang Escape (fusion progress is 1%)

Jinchuuriki: Nine-Tails (intermediate level, can swallow a large amount of special chakra to grow, plant high-level Nine-Tails Fruit to grow) (intake too much chakra, continue to grow)

Seed: Sharingan Force Seed (1%)

Fruit: Intermediate Fire Release Fruit (1), Intermediate Water Release Fruit (1), Intermediate Earth Release Fruit (1), Elementary Three-Tailed Chakra Fruit, Intermediate Wood Release Fruit

Mission: Become the true BOSS (the only one) in the ninja world (45% progress)

Looking at his data panel, Xia Yan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly. He never expected that he would end up like this after a little bit of death.

After obtaining the power of Yin Escape, Xia Yan guided this power into his body without any hesitation. After all, this was the power that he cherished.

When the power of Yin Escape merged into his body, he suddenly felt that his spiritual will seemed to be improving rapidly.

This improvement is very subtle. Although there is no specific change in chakra, Xia Yan does feel that he has changed.

The most intuitive feeling is that Xia Yan can more clearly detect the power hidden in his body.

He has been able to detect these powers before. After all, his perception is very strong, so it is really not difficult for him.

But I could detect it before, but it was extremely difficult to dispatch such power.

At most, he could notice that this power was passively mobilized by him when using illusion torture.

This result is actually not particularly good, because the strength of the illusion depends on how much Yin Escape power you can mobilize to enhance the illusion.

The reason why the Sharingan is so powerful is because it has unimaginable power to regulate Yin Escape.

The power of Yin Escape is not limited to illusions. The strength of your mental power can also determine your analysis of the battle situation, what you think about the battle situation, and even enhance your learning ability to a certain extent.

The existence of Sharingan completely maximizes the power of Yin escape. Insight, copying ability and enhancement of illusions are all manifestations of active strengthening and utilization of Yin escape.

In fact, this can be regarded as one of the reasons why Natsuhiko is not interested in Sharingan.

The essence of the Sharingan is to mobilize the Yin Escape. He directly obtained the power of Yin Escape, so why bother with the Sharingan?

As for the kaleidoscope's special ability of 'appearing from the heart', although Xia Yanjue was indeed very tempted by this, he was not sure whether the power of the kaleidoscope could act on the Pure Eye.

To put it simply, if he has the Pure Eye and uses the Sharingan, it is really uncertain whether they will merge with each other to improve together, or whether they will continue to hold each other back.

What's more, if you want to upgrade the Sharingan to the level of a kaleidoscope, you need a human weakness.

Moreover, this weakness cannot be known to oneself. Once one knows it, the effect will definitely be extremely disappointing.

The most likely outcome is to lose both his wife and his troops!

Natsuhiko didn't believe that such a large Uchiha had never conducted a kaleidoscope experiment.

At least the ANBU archive contains records of many former Uchiha geniuses who mysteriously disappeared without a trace.

Although it is possible that these people were killed while performing missions, Uchiha was unwilling to report it for the sake of face.

But such inexplicable disappearances continued until Uchiha Fugaku came to power. Natsuhiko completely understood that it was just them doing experiments and people died in the end.

The situation on the Uchiha side is so bad, Xia Yan is not sure whether his coming will have a good result.

"The extreme of personal emotions does not necessarily mean killing the person you love the most, it just makes it more exciting to kill the person you love the most.

But, do I have such a person? "

This question really stumped Xia Yan. In fact, he knew that he had it. It is impossible to live without support, relatives and friends in this world.

If it were his previous life, he would definitely say they were his parents without hesitation, but here he is only one step away from the orphanage.

Even if he did, he might not know exactly who it was, and of course he didn't want to find out who it was, because it didn't make sense.

He treats the people around him, as long as they are close to him, pretty much the same, and there is no need for him to do this without the need for a kaleidoscope.

"Actually, even if there is, I can't do it like this. Once I know it, there will be flaws in my heart, which will lead to everything failing in the end."

Xia Yan could see it very clearly, and with the addition of having Yin escape and Jingyan, even he was a little greedy for the special inner power of the kaleidoscope.

But he still restrained himself and decided to give the Sharingan fruit he obtained or planted to others.

After handling these problems, Xia Yan took stock of his current strength and gains. He found that his power was getting more and more terrifying.

The Three-Tails and Intermediate Wood Escape Fruits have entered the system backpack. Although he has not used them yet, this is just because he just obtained them and it was too late to use them.

In addition, he also planned to make good use of the fused chakra power he had created. After all, he had already thought about trying Onoki's dust escape.

"It's just...why don't I try something more creative?"

Just when Xia Yan was about to mobilize chakra and prepare to fuse these powers, he suddenly froze.

He already had Yang Escape a year or two ago, and now he has the power of Yin Escape.

If that's the case, why don't you try it yourself and combine the power of Yin Escape and Yang Escape?

"Although the power of fusion can fuse three kinds of power, I just used it to fuse Yin Escape and Yang Escape. It seems a bit short.

But if Yin and Yang escape can really be fused, it will definitely be a more terrifying power, even beyond the scope of blood stain elimination!

Even if this power cannot reach the state of Blood Succession Snare, Yin Yang Dun can already attack Xue Succession Snare's existence. "

Yin-Yang Escape, like Immortal Technique, is a high-level power, but the difference between the two is that one relies on external natural power to improve oneself.

And one relies entirely on his own strength, allowing himself to achieve unimaginable sublimation.

If you really want to compare these two in a real way, which one is stronger and which one is weaker, in fact, there is not much certainty at all, it all depends on the individual's performance.

But from a personal perspective, Xia Yan would probably prefer the existence of Yin Yang Escape.

In fact, his country has one thing in common, that is, they do not believe in heaven or earth, but only believe in the victory of man over nature.

They are different from those people in the West who always talk about God. They do not believe in any gods.

They will only believe in their ancestors and those who led their country to change its destiny.

This point has not changed much even if Xia Yan traveled through time.

Although his system allowed him to gain strength, in the end his system also required him to train and hone himself.

If it was really the kind of thing that got something for nothing, he might have doubted whether there was something wrong with the system.

"So, even if I lose a little, I have to fuse Yin and Yang together!"

With this thought in mind, Xia Yan quickly put it into practice, and he used the power of fusion without any hesitation.

Then he began to mobilize the power of Yin Dun and Yang Dun in his body. It has to be said that the power of Yin Dun is indeed different from Yang Dun.

When the power of Yang Dun began to operate, Xia Yan could clearly feel that his whole body was warm and very comfortable.

But when the power of Yin Escape began to operate, he obviously felt a cold feeling in his mind.

This feeling is very real. It is not the illusory and confusing feeling he had before, but a real existence that can be controlled by him.

This feeling is very wonderful and very refreshing.

"The most important thing is that I seem to feel that with the help of such power, my mental power has become extra concentrated, which is a good thing for me."

Although he has mastered the use of Yin Escape, he is still at a loss as to how to use it and how to use it more efficiently.

Next, Xia Yan needs to find a way to develop these powers himself and finally obtain them!

"So, it is very necessary to choose to integrate them."

Fusion of powers is actually a very buggy thing, because during the fusion process, Xia Yan will have a deeper understanding of the roots of these powers.

Last time, he fused the three chakras of water, wind, and earth to create a new blood-stained elimination. In the process, he not only understood the whole process of fusion.

And in the process, he once again reviewed everything about these three types of chakra, whether it was the basis, quality, or deformation!

This is also a rare experience for Xia Yan, and he will naturally not miss it stupidly.

However, when Xia Yan completely integrated these two powers, he was stunned!

"This is....."

Xia Yan felt the changes in his body, and he was suddenly speechless at this time.

The power of Yin Dun and Yang Dun was indeed controlled by him, and these two powers were also blended with each other.

When these two forces came together, his body reacted immediately. Such a reaction was a very good reaction. Xia Yan could clearly feel the power of this force.

However, what he really didn't expect was that this fusion only lasted for less than a second and then stopped inexplicably!

This stop really frightened Xia Yan. Having had a fusion experience, he would never forget it. Although such a fusion process was uncomfortable, there was no reason to stop.

Why did it stop without any warning this time?

Xia Yan frowned, he was really at a loss about the current situation, but when he looked at his system interface, he was stunned.

On his panel, the symbol of Yin Yang Escape did appear, but there was actually a fusion progress behind this symbol.

He got enough surprises today. First, the Mangekyou Sharingan gave him a huge surprise - two results were opened at once.

And among these two results, there is also the Yin Escape that he has been looking forward to.

But there was something that made him depressed, that is, his fusion turned over this time.

Although strictly speaking it wasn't a rollover, it could only be said that it didn't achieve what he wanted at all, which made him sigh a little.

He also thought that he could take this opportunity to fully understand the power of Yin Yang Escape and all the changes that would result from their fusion.

But now it seems that this is not so easy to do.

And he also guessed that the integration of these two powers would definitely take a long time.

Even though both of their powers are just elementary, Yin-Yang Escape is really not a simple thing.

Xia Yan couldn't predict the time it would take for them to fuse together. He could only hope that this time the fusion would not consume too much time.

"I didn't expect that a simple fusion of power would be like planting a new seed."

Xia Yan smiled bitterly and shook his head. He was not satisfied with the result. After all, it consumed a precious portion of his fusion power.

Of course, based on the outlook for the future, such consumption is completely acceptable.

But from the perspective of the current vested interests, he suffered a big loss this time. After all, he lost a part of the power of blood elimination.

"Forget it, now that it's over, there's nothing to complain about."

Xia Yan's mentality is pretty good. Although he values ​​current vested interests, he is also more optimistic about long-term development.

What's more, this time he doesn't have other substitutes, such as the intermediate wood escape fruit and the elementary three-tailed chakra power.

These are all brand-new powers that Xia Yan can obtain, and Xia Yan believes that if these powers are used well, they are not necessarily worse than getting an undeveloped blood-stained elimination.

Especially the intermediate wood release, when used together with Natsuhiko's advanced senjutsu chakra, the effect may really reach a level close to that of Senju Hashirama!

"So strictly speaking, I'm not at a loss. Besides, I still have a three-tailed chakra that I need to use properly."


In Cloud Hidden Village, the Fourth Raikage looked at the report in his hand and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Ever since his father, the Third Raikage, came into the hands of Onoki, he had taken over the position of Raikage.

It was at this time that he knew that it turned out that the shadow of a village was not that easy to do.

Putting aside whether the people in the village trust you or not, whether you can trust the people around you is a huge question.

The elders who used to be good to him began to change their faces one by one, and some of his playmates who used to have good relationships with him gradually drifted apart due to different stances and perspectives.

This feeling really made him very unhappy. Even though there were always many people following him, this feeling was never good.

Fortunately, he is still a strong person. He overcame various difficulties and finally succeeded in gaining control of Yunyin Village.

I don't know how many people died in his hands, and I don't know how many people will never be able to stand up as a result, and many of them were his former friends and subordinates.

In any case, he has successfully mastered all this now, even if he paid a lot for it.

The Fourth Raikage, who successfully controlled Cloud Hidden Village, knew what he was going to do next after the village was stabilized.

In addition to promoting people with the necessary trust, he also needs sufficient merit.

He knew what his reputation was. Although it was not bad, it still had some flaws - on the battlefield of Yu no Kuni, he and Kirabi were tied by Namikaze Minato!

This incident has always made him unable to let it go. It can be said that this is definitely a huge humiliation in his life.

From beginning to end, he thought about coming back for revenge, but it was just because he was too busy and needed too much time to deal with too many things.

But now he has time, even though it is a pity that Namikaze Minato left Konoha because of the release of the Kyuubi.

But no matter what, he remembered this grudge, and he had to deal with it properly.

"Fortunately, there was no formal armistice agreement with Konoha."

The Fourth Raikage Ai murmured to himself that he already had many thoughts in his heart.

If Konoha and Kumogakure had signed an armistice agreement at that time, then maybe within a few years, the Fourth Raikage would really have no idea of ​​attacking Konoha.

Ninjas need credibility, and those who are inconsistent with their word will cause an unimaginable blow to their credibility.

Without reputation, how can you accept tasks? Without reputation, those in need may prefer to go further to release tasks.

After all, ninjas are actually still working hard for that huge share of tasks.

In fact, the economic structure of the ninja system is very simple, with 80% relying on funding from daimyo.

A nicer way of saying it is that the existence of Ninja Village is still nominally under the name of the daimyo. The purpose of Ninja Village's existence is actually to replace the role of the army.

What's more, the general army is really not as useful as the Ninja Village. If it were really useful, the Warring States Period would not have been so chaotic.

As for the more unpleasant statement, the daimyo simply cannot control these powerful ninjas.

As long as the ninjas didn't make a fuss about hanging the daimyo from the street lights, there was still room for cooperation between the two sides.

As for how to cooperate, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Ninja Village has such a high level of self-system, whether it is military, diplomacy or economics, it can handle everything on its own.

It is not difficult to see what the actual relationship between masters and servants is like. The daimyo is nominally the leader of the country, and the Ninja Village is an institution subordinate to the daimyo.

But in fact, the Ninja Village is the key to dominating a country, and the daimyo is just a pocket picker.

The only place in the entire ninja world that had no choice but to bow down to the daimyo was the Land of Wind.

As for the others, they are either on an equal footing and we can have a nice and slow talk.

Then just crush the daimyo to death. If you don't obey, choose an obedient one among your sons. If you get rid of the troublemaker, there won't be any trouble, right?

However, in addition to the daimyo's funding, ninjas still need a certain amount of training before they can become a qualified ninja.

These tasks can not only subsidize the ninja's family income, but also train these ninjas to the greatest extent.

Therefore, no matter which ninja village in the entire ninja continent, they will not and are unwilling to give up their share of these tasks.

The same is true for the Fourth Raikage, especially because he is really dissatisfied with the current task allocation in the ninja world.

"If it were the old Konoha, maybe I wouldn't be able to do anything, but the current Konoha..."

The Fourth Raikage murmured to himself that he knew very well why Luo Sha from the Kingdom of Wind started the war. In fact, the purpose was very obvious.

One of the key reasons is poverty!

Luo Sha can indeed rely on his blood inheritance limit to get gold mines, and then sell them to make money to maintain the normal operation of the Ninja Village.

But how much can this gold mine be exchanged for?

The Daimyo of the Wind Country is still a ruthless person. He put his money in the River Country long ago. That place is half occupied by Konoha and Sunagakure.

If Sunagakure Village really wants to get the money back, then there will definitely be a reaction from Konoha. In a sense, Konoha has also severely cheated Sunagakure Village.

This also resulted in Sunagakure Village receiving the least support from the daimyo, and was eventually forced to switch between strong and weak, and Rasa had to bow her head.

In this case, it would be damning if the Sunagakure Village couldn't help but hate Konoha.

The Kingdom of Wind is completely covered by desert, and major crops cannot be produced at all, which also makes them unable to be self-sufficient.

Moreover, the transportation in the Kingdom of Wind is extremely inconvenient. Without money, there is no way to build roads. Moreover, the cost of building roads in the Kingdom of Wind is too high, and caravans are not willing to come here.

Without the caravan entering the Kingdom of Wind, it is natural that there is no way to drive consumption in Sunagakure Village, and it severely reduces Sunagakure Village's share of tasks.

Under such pressure, it would be a shame if Sunagakure Village did not choose to go to war - they must seize more territory, such as the entire River Country!

Of course, the war in Sunagakure Village cannot be just a matter of poverty.

But things like consuming excess manpower, diverting the dissatisfaction and crisis caused by Rasa coming to power, etc., these are not things that the Fourth Raikage needs to consider.

He only needs to know that the essential purpose of Sunagakure Village is for land, for population and for more task shares. It is enough.

Just as he thought, if it was the first and second generation Hokage, it might be the young third generation Hokage and the uninjured fourth generation Hokage.

Even in Konoha before the third war, he did not dare to consider starting a war!

Without him, because Konoha is too strong, no one dares to take action easily.

If the Kingdom of Wind dares to take action, it is because it is in a hurry. A dog will jump over the wall if it is anxious, not to mention it is still a village.

However, Luo Sha still has some brains. He has probably known about Kumuye in the ninja world for a long time, but he just didn't have a suitable opportunity to take action.

And once he takes action, those in Kirigakure Village will inevitably follow up, allowing more people to see hope and divide Konoha.

But at that time, Konoha was able to hold on. Not only did they defeat Sunagakure Village as quickly as possible, but they also forced Kirigakure Village back.

However, the battle situation has reached a stalemate here, and Konoha, facing Iwagakure and Kumogakure at the same time, is indeed unable to bear it.

"If it weren't for Onoki..."

The Fourth Raikage would never forget the incident of those ten thousand people besieging his father. It was this incident that made Kumogakure withdraw from the battlefield directly, thus confronting Iwagakure in a posture of attacking.

Seeing this, Iwagakure did not dare to continue, especially after the Kannabi Bridge was blown up and the supply line of Iwagakure Village was cut off, so they could only surrender quickly.

Because they knew that they were not Konoha, they might not be able to withstand the siege of two villages.

The war was finally over. Konoha finally withstood the siege of the four major ninja villages with a tragic victory, which also brought him huge momentum.

Under this momentum, Konoha continued to hold the number one position in the ninja world, thus gaining a huge share of tasks.

All this made the Fourth Raikage jealous. In fact, in his opinion, Konoha at this time was simply strong on the outside but weak on the inside. Even if it won, it would be an extremely tragic victory.

In addition, their Fourth Hokage was seriously injured and left his post, Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, defected, and the other two were no longer in Konoha.

In addition, the training of ninja is not simple. Sarutobi Hiruzen gave the other party a side during the truce negotiations with Iwagakure.

All of this illustrates one thing, that is, Konoha now may not be able to show off the courage it had when it was one against four!

On the other hand, Yunyin, because they declared war late, and they did not invest many troops, it can be said that they suffered basically no losses.

In addition to the death of the third Raikage, which caused a heavy blow to the morale of Kumogakure Village, only ninjas can fight, and there is no problem with the number of ninjas at all!

"It's time for this stagnant ninja world to stir, and it's time for Kumogakure Village to become its own."

The Fourth Raikage put down the report in his hand. This report contained detailed information about Konoha ANBU Minister Senju Natsuhiko!

Xia Yan is definitely the one that the Fourth Raikage attaches most importance to and has the most troubles with. The huge psychic beast and the terrifying Wood Release seem to be born for war.

And this guy, like Namikaze Minato, also masters the flying thunder god technique. It can be said that this guy is really a combination of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

However, there was only one person in Konoha who made him feel troublesome and troublesome. He really didn't pay much attention to the others.

"As long as this kid is controlled and controlled, Kumogakure will definitely be able to defeat Konoha!"

Thinking of this, the Fourth Raikage stood up, with a hint of fanaticism in his eyes.

War does kill people, but war can also bring endless benefits. Jiraiya has always been thinking that people can understand each other.

But if we want to understand each other, we should be on the same starting line. Otherwise, how can we achieve communication and understanding?


"Is the noise in Yunyin Village getting louder and louder?"

In the ANBU office, Xia Yan looked at the report in his hand and couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

As soon as he returned to the office, he received such information from Kakashi, which made him feel helpless.

He knew that the Cloud Hidden Village was restless, and the ANBU had always been concerned about it. Although the ANBU would not run away from the Country of Fire, they were not blind when the Cloud Hidden Village gathered them in the Country of Tang.

What's more, now that Xia Yan has taken over the external part of the root, his intelligence sources have become even broader.

In fact, he didn't really have much thought about Yunyin's actions, and he even moved Yunyin Village.

But he couldn't say that. After all, he was the head of Konoha's ANBU, and his position was that he had to do it for Konoha.

"Okay, I understand, thank you for your hard work Kakashi." Natsuhiko put down the report in his hand and couldn't help but smile and said: "It seems that the days ahead will not be very peaceful."

"The Cloud Hidden Village has not signed an armistice agreement with us. What they are doing now is too dangerous." Kakashi also sighed slightly: "But is there any purpose for them to be so grand?"

"Who knows, maybe it's a military threat." Xia Yan spread his hands, but he told the truth directly.

In the original work, Konoha and Kumogakure did not fight after all. On the one hand, Kumogakure achieved his goal, and on the other hand, Konoha was having a hard time.

After the third war, Konoha was really strong on the outside but weak on the inside. Coupled with the high-end ninjas who were so desperate, even the Hokage died.

Under such circumstances, Kumogakure made some moves and fought fiercely in the missions of both sides. This put too much pressure on Konoha.

In the end, Hiruzen Sarutobi personally 'visited' the Hyuga clan and gave him the choice of dying one or the other, and the Hyuga clan finally made a decision.

With this decision, both Konoha and Kumogakure ended their dispute 'happily'.

It's not that Sarutobi Hiruzen's choice was wrong. From Sarutobi Hiruzen's perspective, it was impossible for him not to see that this was Kumogakure Village's attempt to lay a minefield.

He knew the consequences of forcing the Hyuga clan in this way, and he also knew the impact that Kumoyakure would have on Konoha by humiliating Konoha in this way in the ninja world.

He even knew better that this time his personal prestige and Konoha's momentum would be severely affected.

But even if he knew it was a trap, he had to jump in because he had no choice at that time.

It's just like this from his perspective. From Natsuhiko's perspective, Konoha is actually not without the power to fight.

After all, ninjas need blood. Under such humiliation, Konoha chose to fight back, and its morale will definitely not be weak.

Under such circumstances, at least a draw would not be a problem, and it would not be impossible to use some means to make Yunyin Village surrender.

The examples of the three wars are there. As long as you think about it carefully, everything is possible.

"Forget it, don't talk about this issue, we just do our best."

Xia Yan shook his head and skipped the question. He thought for a moment and asked.

"By the way, how is Hokage-sama doing now?"


Kakashi naturally knew who the Hokage that Natsuhiko was talking about was, and he thought for a moment before speaking.

"I'm recovering, but I'm afraid I won't be able to recover so quickly, but the teacher did say one thing."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"He plans to let Naruto come back to study when he is old enough."


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