Kakashi and Namikaze Minato are connected, this is inevitable.

After all, as the Fourth Hokage, even if Namikaze Minato was a little disheartened, he could not leave Konoha alone.

Natsuhiko remembered very well that Minato Namikaze threatened him severely when he left.

However, Natsuhiko didn't take such threats to heart. He knew what Namikaze Minato's original intention was.

And after going through so much, Namikaze Minato also knew that his personality was probably not suitable for the position of Hokage.

Sarutobi Hiruzen has a saying that Natsuhiko agrees with very much, that is, the Hokage cannot blindly harbor evil thoughts, as this will cause harm to the village.

But Hokage cannot blindly have good thoughts, which is even more harmful to the village than having evil thoughts.

The village is the master of a country. Natsuhiko realized this clearly when he teamed up with Sarutobi Hiruzen to deceive the daimyo.

In fact, even if there is no daimyo, a single village has both diplomatic and military rights, as well as independent economic development rights.

This is not a village at all, this is a country!

To put it bluntly, except for some special unlucky people, most of the five major countries control the country.

It's just that these shadows will also decide how much control they have over the country based on their own circumstances.

But no matter what, diplomacy and military affairs are firmly controlled by the Ninja Village and the Shadow.

If such a being is really a kind-hearted guy to the extreme and is kind to everyone, then the village will not be the one who suffers.

A qualified shadow should remain kind when it is time to be kind.

But when it’s time to be ruthless, there must be no hesitation!

At the same time, Ying also needs to be very scheming, and cannot have people under his control who don’t know what to do or think, let alone how to control them.

Although Namikaze Minato can also be ruthless, it is really difficult for him to do this to his own people.

At the same time, it's hard to say what his castle is like. If I really want to use Natsuhiko's words, Namikaze Minato will be a good Hokage, but not now.

But no matter what, now that the matter is over, there is no need for anyone to dwell on or complain about this matter.

Namikaze Minato borrowed Natsuhiko's black hand to leave this whirlpool-filled stage, which was actually a good choice, but his sense of responsibility was still there in the end.

Understanding Konoha through Kakashi is also another way to understand Konoha and understand the movements of Natsuhiko.

Xia Yan could understand this situation and supported him in doing so, not to mention that Bo Feng Shui was not hiding this from Xia Yan.

After all, Kakashi was holding Namikaze Minato's kunai from beginning to end. This kind of kunai was vaguely pregnant with the fluctuations of Flying Thunder God's chakra. How could Natsuhiko perceive it wrong.

And now Kakashi seems to have learned how to summon toads, and he is now one of the three captains of the ANBU, and he can provide more intelligence and information.

Therefore, Natsuhiko is not surprised or surprised. As for Naruto's return, it is not a big deal.

Naruto is a child, and children must be educated.

Although Namikaze Minato and Kushina can teach Naruto well, the problem is that they also want their children to grow up in a normal environment.

In Mount Miaomu, Naruto could only keep company with those toads, not even a normal person.

If you want to have a place where you can make human friends and cultivate normal connections and feelings, Konoha is naturally the place.

Of course, this can also be regarded as cultivating Naruto's sense of belonging to Konoha, because Namikaze Minato and the others will definitely return to Konoha.

"It's good to come back. How can a child be with a toad all day long?" Xia Yan said with a smile: "After you come back, you will be very busy, Kakashi."

"This..." Kakashi's face froze when he heard this question, and then he scratched his head in embarrassment.

He has been avoiding this problem, but there is a problem that he must face.

After this kid Naruto comes back, he will definitely need someone to take care of him.

Even if this kid could return to Mt. Myoboku at any time with his own help, Namikaze Minato and the others might not be willing to do so.

Kakashi knew the purpose of Naruto being sent back. Since he wanted to cultivate feelings and a sense of belonging, he naturally couldn't send him back every day.

Moreover, Namikaze Minato and Kushina are obviously unlikely to come back, so Naruto will naturally need someone to take care of his daily life.

No matter how you look at it, it seems that it is the most suitable job to fall on Kakashi.

As the captain of the ANBU, Kakashi actually has plenty of time, and he can definitely go to and from get off work normally.

And if Naruto studies, he will naturally go to and from get out of class on time, which is not a conflict at all for them.

As long as Kakashi is not so desperate, he can definitely deal with all these problems.

But the problem is, Kakashi really has no idea of ​​taking care of a kid. It's too troublesome for him to take care of himself.

Basically, he had breakfast and lunch every day in the ANBU cafeteria, and dinner was basically a bowl of ramen, or even some side dishes with friends.

As a ninja, and an ANBU ninja who has experienced war, like Natsuhiko, he actually has no pursuit of food.

As long as he can eat enough and is rich in protein to maintain the calories he needs, this is enough for him.

For such a person, even if he works very hard, it is still okay to say that he is a slacker in life.

Asking him to take care of Naruto was simply letting him suffer while making Naruto suffer too.

But the problem is that Namikaze Minato really doesn't have many people in his team who can be completely trusted. At first glance, it seems that only Kakashi is the most trustworthy person.

Although this is a bit sad, after all, he once trusted Xia Yan, but anyway, he has withdrawn and is too lazy to think about these issues.

And this result is very painful for Kakashi. He really has no experience in taking care of children.

"It seems that you are quite distressed." Xia Yan naturally noticed Kakashi's expression. He asked with a smile on his face: "Do you want me to give you some time so that you can take care of the children?"

"I think it's better to forget it..." Kakashi's face couldn't help but become more bitter when he heard Xia Yan's words. He shook his head and said: "Forget it, this matter is not now, let's talk about it later."

"It's up to you, but I'm really looking forward to it." Xia Yan didn't care about Kakashi's attitude. He said with a smile on his face: "I don't know what you can do with that brat Naruto by then. How about it."

When Kakashi heard this, he couldn't help but sigh helplessly. This matter was not worth looking forward to for him at all...


"It seems that although a lot of things happened in Konoha during my absence, everything is still fine."

In a room in Mt. Myoboku, Namikaze Minato smiled and spoke to Kushina.

It had been two or three years since they came to Mt. Myoboku, and they had basically adapted to and become familiar with the life in this place. The most important thing was that Minato Namikaze's body gradually recovered here.

However, this recovery is only compared to before. Xia Yan is still very stable. His body is slowly recovering day by day, but he must wait enough time to fully recover.

After he fully recovers, Xia Yan is almost ready to become Hokage, and no matter what, he will be one step away from becoming Hokage.

After all, he can control the life force. Although Natsuhiko's actions are not aboveboard, he still saved Namikaze Minato anyway.

And Namikaze Minato also knew this very well. He didn't have any grudges against Natsuhiko, not to mention that he was living a good life in Mt. Myoboku now.

Except that the food here is a bit too close to nature - not suitable for human use, everything else is pretty good.

Here there is no trivial work, no annoying fights, and you still have the company of your loved ones. What's wrong with this?

What's more, Namikaze Minato also learned a lot of things here, very meaningful and valuable things.

Immortal mode!

Jiraiya was very good at this, and Natsuhiko also showed extremely superb skills. Namikaze Minato had a good practice here.

In fact, he had learned this technique before, but unfortunately, his talent seemed to be a bit average.

He can indeed enter the sage mode quickly, but his chakra and body cannot keep him in this state for a long time.

This is why he claims that his mastery of the Sage Mode is average, but why he is so strong in the Reincarnation Mode.

The Reincarnation of the Earth has unlimited chakra and is still immortal, so he does not need to worry about his condition at all.

But now, after some systematic study, he can maintain the immortal mode for a longer time.

And as he continued to practice in the past two or three years, his immortal mode became more and more powerful!

If Natsuhiko were here and had fought with Namikaze Minato, he would probably be surprised to find that Namikaze Minato's Sage Mode would have reached the intermediate level rated by the system.

Namikaze Minato is not a wall hanging like Natsuhiko. He survives in the ninja world purely by relying on his own talent.

Reaching this achievement in just one or two years is just another proof of how exceptionally talented he is.

Not only that, there was one thing that he didn't reveal not only to the Toad Immortals, but also to Kushina.

That's when he discovered that he could communicate with Kyuubi!

Before that, in his eyes, or in the eyes of the entire ninja world, tailed beasts were just a group of wild beasts.

There is nothing that can be done about this. Everyone has thought this way for a long time. This fixed thinking makes it difficult for them to change once they have determined this matter.

But now he has a very different view, because he was shocked to find that Kyuubi actually has a will of his own!

Having a will is equivalent to having a soul, and a creature with a soul is a typical intelligent creature.

The fact that a recognized beast like the Kyuubi was actually an intelligent creature was beyond Namikaze Minato's imagination.

After discovering all this, Namikaze Minato also began to consciously contact Kyuubi, but what he didn't expect was that Kyuubi seemed to be too lazy to pay attention to him at first.

This situation made Namikaze Minato a little helpless, but fortunately he had the time and energy, so he could slowly test it out with Kyuubi.

Maybe it was the family's unique talent, or maybe it was Namikaze Minato's sincerity that really touched Kyuubi.

In two years, he was able to communicate normally with Kyuubi!

In his opinion, Kyuubi is just an arrogant and lonely fox that has been seriously misunderstood by the world.

Although this kind of mentality made Kyuubi extremely dissatisfied with him, in the end they still had a lot of friendship factors in it.

"I can only say that this world is so crazy. Who would have thought that Kyuubi would be like this?"

Namikaze Minato was extremely emotional, and at the same time, he was even more grateful that he came to Miaomu Mountain to recuperate, otherwise he would have no way of knowing all this.

"Does Natsuhiko and the Sandaime have a conflict?" After Kushina heard Namikaze Minato's words, she couldn't help but turned her head and looked at him curiously: "Does this have a big impact on Konoha?"

"It's not particularly big. After all, both Natsuhiko and the Sandaime are controlling the scope of the incident." Namikaze Minato smiled softly: "Generally speaking, this is a good action."

"Is fighting within Konoha a good move?" Kushina blinked: "It seems that someone paid the price this time, right?"

Kushina knew Namikaze Minato very well, and she immediately heard something in Namikaze Minato's words.

Namikaze Minato continued to smile and didn't say much. He handed the report in his hand to Kushina.

Although the two people really had a fight this time, the fight still stayed in the category of a battle of wits between the two sides.

Of course, this time someone paid the price for the fierce fight between the two sides, and that was Danzo Shimura.

I really don't have any good impressions of Shimura Danzo, Namikaze Minato. Perhaps the death of such a guy would be a good thing for Konoha.

But he couldn't help but feel a little emotional. He had only been away for two years, and Konoha had changed so much.

Kakashi's reports have always been very detailed, and he has always been able to understand what is going on in Konoha.

This kid, Natsuhiko, is constantly expanding his sphere of influence in his name, and at the same time, he is constantly weakening the power of the Third Hokage.

First, they expanded the ANBU, and then joined forces with Hiruzen Sarutobi to intimidate the daimyo, while also bringing back the descendants of the Uzumaki clan.

After that, he continued to accumulate strength, and at this time he actually got rid of Uchiha, who had been upset for a long time.

When the time was right, he took action decisively. First he found Teacher Orochimaru's flaw and drove him out of Konoha, and then he attacked the Third Hokage.

All of this is going on in an orderly manner, and all these operations and actions have made his power and strength almost equal to that of the Sandaime!

"Is this kid really just a fifteen- or sixteen-year-old boy?"

Namikaze Minato was really confused. He found that compared to Natsuhiko, except for his achievements on the battlefield, nothing else could compare to him.

And he felt that if Natsu Yan was given a chance and the ninja world was in chaos again, his achievements might not be enough.

"It seems that I am really not suitable to be Hokage..."


Natsuhiko didn't particularly care about Naruto wanting to return to Konoha.

Although he didn't know what Namikaze Minato's current situation was, he knew very well that the fourth generation Hokage was definitely not recovering.

Even if the big toad did have a way to pour the life force that Natsuhiko left in Namikaze Minato's body into him at once, this would still have to take into account Namikaze Minato's ability to withstand it.

So Xia Yan doesn't pay special attention here now, but he is thinking about certain things in the future.

There was something strange about the Fourth Raikage, something Natsuhiko was really looking forward to, and he was even more looking forward to some unlucky guy coming to Konoha to lay a minefield.

In the end, Sarutobi Hiruzen was forced to activate the 'special mission' and presented the Hyuga clan with the option of 'one person or one household register'.

In Xia Yan's view, this is actually an opportunity, a path for him to become Hokage in a real sense!

After all, judging from the strength on paper, Konoha currently does not have many ways to resist the crisis from Kumogakure, so it is normal for Sarutobi Hiruzen to avoid fighting.

But Natsuhiko is not going to let this matter go. Maybe Konoha is indeed difficult to resist, but this does not mean that Konoha is not unable to resist.

"The most difficult thing about Yunyin Village is that they have not been damaged by the three wars, and they have maintained intact military equipment.

In addition, the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki of Cloud Hidden Village are both a problem, and Konoha obviously cannot compete with them in terms of high-end combat power. "

Konoha's high-end combat power is really frowned upon now. If Namikaze Minato is still there, then everything will be easy.

After all, Namikaze Minato once tied these two people one against two, but now that Namikaze Minato has gone to Mt. Myoboku, this has dealt a big blow to Konoha.

Perhaps people would think of Natsuhiko, the ANBU minister, and of course Natsuhiko himself was confident but faced these two people.

But the problem is, whether it is Sarutobi Hiruzen or an ordinary ninja, I am afraid that the knowledge of Natsuhiko is limited to the night of the Nine Tails.

After all, Xia Yan has never proven himself on the battlefield. Maybe he has, but others don't know it because he is an ANBU.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen is already old, so there is no need to expect him to perform well in terms of combat effectiveness.

There was also the defection of Orochimaru and the departure of Tsunade and Jiraiya, which cast a shadow on Konoha and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

It seems that from all aspects, Konoha is at an absolute disadvantage.

But Natsuhiko knew that Konoha's potential was really more than just that.

Once pressed, the chances of Konoha exploding are very high, and Natsuhiko's power is really not what he showed in the Nine-Tails Incident.

Although he took many shots, he never fully demonstrated his power.

Even if it only belongs to the power of 'Senju Natsuhiko', the frequency of his use is not particularly high.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and the others didn't know at all that Natsuhiko had a pure eye - maybe they knew it, but they just didn't understand it at all.

I didn’t know about Xia Yan’s Immortal Mode, nor did I know that Xia Yan’s Wood Release had been strengthened again!

To put it bluntly, under the Pure Eye Chakra mode and using Wood Release in Sage mode, the destructive power Natsuhiko can display is probably not weaker than Senju Hashirama at his peak!

Don't think that you are already weak just against Senju Hashirama. The peak Senju Hashirama is definitely not weaker than Naruto Sasuke.

Even if he was defeated by Uchiha Madara in the end, why wasn't Naruto Sasuke defeated?

Especially Sasuke, who had eyes but couldn't do anything to deal with Madara without eyes, and in the end was stabbed to death by Madara with a casual sword.

But this cannot conceal their strength. It can only be said that Uchiha Madara has completely reached another realm and level.

Xia Yan has always had a relatively clear understanding of his own strength. After all, he has too many reference objects to use.

His current Pure Eye chakra mode is about the same strength as the Nine-Tails chakra mode, which means that he is basically the same as the newly released Naruto.

It's just that he has advanced sage mode and intermediate wood escape. These two techniques can most likely fill in the second stage of nine-tailed chakra mode.

This basically means that he has reached the level of Sasuke's Eternal Eye, which is the level of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama during the Warring States Period!

"And this is just a pure comparison of strength. If you include the overall strength, it's hard to say."

In fact, it is difficult to determine the upper limit of a ninja based on pure strength competition, and it is difficult to clearly explain the use of comprehensive strength.

After all, ninjas are Ferraris. After careful preparation, a genin can kill a jounin through a surprise attack.

Isn't Ye Cang, who is now under his command, a typical case? Without Xia Yan's help, this woman would have died in the Kingdom of Water.

"So, there is actually no shortage of high-end combat power in Konoha, but they just don't know it."

Xia Yan knocked on the table lightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It seems that this time, it will be a new performance stage for me."

Sarutobi Hiruzen wants to avoid fighting, but Natsuhiko will never choose this option. He needs to make a difference between his own choice and Sarutobi Hiruzen's choice.

If there are differences, compare them, and some things will become more interesting when there are contrasts.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's choice 'betrayed Konoha', while Natsuhiko's choice 'protected Konoha and helped Konoha establish its power'.

Then Sarutobi Hiruzen's status will be challenged unimaginably, and Natsuhiko can also take the opportunity to launch a final attack.

He wants Hiruzen Sarutobi to step down, and he even wants the position of the Fifth Hokage!


War is never a child's play, Xia Yan must seriously consider many things.

Although he has decided to take action, he still needs to consider many things.

For example, how much influence will he have this time, how can he and Konoha gain greater prestige in the ninja world, how can he better cooperate with his mission, etc.

"Actually, even if I don't consider my personal performance, I originally had other plans and ideas, but now I need to change them."

In fact, when Konoha and Kumogakure went to war, Natsuhiko thought about it from the perspective of Sarutobi Hiruzen. Whether it was his actions or his choices, Natsuhiko could understand it.

But he didn't understand one thing, and that was why Hiruzen Sarutobi couldn't learn what happened to Konoha during the Third War?

In the third war, Konoha was besieged by four villages, and this time Kumogakure took the initiative, so why couldn't Konoha unite with other villages to deal with Kumogakure?

Just like what he and Kakashi said, it only takes a certain degree of military threat to force the Hidden Cloud Village to be cautious.

Sunagakure is now an ally of Konoha. As long as Sunagakure Village sends troops to gather in the River Country and sends a signal to aid Konoha.

At the same time, contact the people in Iwagakure Village and tell them that as long as they send troops to gather in Taki Country or Iron Country, they may get huge benefits without fighting. Will Onoki be unwilling?

These two villages have signed armistice treaties with Konoha. For the sake of their own credibility, they will never dare to attack Konoha within a certain period of time.

But they have not signed an agreement with Yunyin Village. In essence, there is no problem for them to fight.

Moreover, the hatred between Iwagakure and Kumogakure is unforgettable. If Kumogakure invests too much energy in Konoha, then Iwagakure can definitely directly attack the Kingdom of Thunder!

What's more, in this war, Konoha doesn't need to worry about the situation in Kirigakure Village.

Natsuhiko has personally been to Kirigakure Village, and he really doesn't know what the situation is like there. Under Obito's control, they may not dare to send troops easily.

This also means that in the end, the war between Kumogakure and Konoha will be caused by various interests, including Konoha's coercion and inducement towards Sunagakure Village.

It evolved into a war between Kumogakure and Konoha, Iwagakure and Sunagakure!

"But why didn't Hiruzen Sarutobi think of this? Is he really too old to do it?"

The more Xia Yan thought about it, the more baffling he felt. Could it be that he was able to think of such a method because he was a time traveler?

That's not right. If any time traveler came over, would this be possible?

After all, this matter is not very difficult, and the trick of combining vertical and horizontal lines is not a big deal.

It's not impossible to play a more ruthless game of driving away wolves and tigers. After all, the hatred between Kumogakure and Iwagakure is so deep.

"Especially since I still control the newspaper, it won't be difficult to provoke someone."

Xia Yan felt a little lazy. He had basically made a decision in his heart. He knew how he was going to handle this matter.

In fact, it is a good thing to instigate these villages together and put pressure on Kumogakure.

This will cause two results. One is that Kumogakure decides to quickly break through Konoha's defense line and enter the Land of Fire to achieve strategic goals.

Another result was that Kumogakure quickly returned to defense, carefully guarding against sneak attacks from Iwagakure, and eventually the battle with Konoha became a stalemate.

Both results are acceptable to Natsuhiko, because once these villages make a decision, they will naturally come to watch the progress of Konoha's battle.

Based on Konoha's war performance, they will ultimately decide whether to send troops and how much benefit they will allocate after sending troops.

And this is the stage that Natsuhiko needs. His audience is Konoha's large army and these people who come to watch the battle!

Showing his power on such a stage is a huge and important opportunity to expand Xia Yan's personal prestige, influence and Konoha's influence.

"It seems that the ANBU is going to be active and write something in the newspaper at the same time."

Relying on ANBU to contact Sunagakure and Iwagakure in a secret way was an unnecessary preparatory condition. As for how to mobilize their emotions, it was natural to rely on newspapers.

Xia Yan's newspaper has not spread beyond the Fire Country yet, but this time it is indeed an opportunity.

Xia Yan could completely rely on the Anbu to disguise himself as a businessman, and then take these newspapers into other villages, and eventually let this one or more newspapers circulate.

This kind of flow will eventually give them a sense of expectation, and it will eventually become easier for Xia Yan to let the newspaper in.

And relying on the contents of these newspapers to make his first attempt to guide public opinion, he is still looking forward to what kind of situation his newspaper can create.

"You guy, why do you always think about how to trick people every time I wake up?"

At this moment, Xiao Jiuwei's voice suddenly rang in Xia Yan's mind.

His voice sounded lazy, and Xia Yan could imagine that laziness even if he couldn't see it.

"Why don't you say it's such a coincidence every time you wake up?"

Xia Yan replied indifferently, and then he shook his head.

"Have you slept enough? You really slept long enough this time."

"It's true that it took a long time, but it has finally absorbed all the power."

Little Kyuubi suddenly surged with chakra, and soon an orange fox head appeared on Xia Yan's shoulder.

Xia Yan glanced at the fox head, and then glanced at the corners of the room.

He didn't need to remind him at all. The ANBUs in the room quickly left here one by one.

Xia Yan didn't mind letting people know some secrets, especially those from the Thousand Hands Clan. After all, only by revealing some secrets could they feel more at ease.

Or perhaps, he is even more afraid of Xia Yan!

After everyone had evacuated, Xia Yan said, "Don't you know there are other people here? It will embarrass me if you do this."

"Okay, I'm sorry." Little Kyuubi's apologetic voice didn't sound very sincere, but soon he asked doubtfully: "I woke up because I felt the chakra of that guy Isotsu. Could it be that ....."

"You are really a dog-nosed person." Xia Yan chuckled, nodded slightly and said, "Yes, I relied on my power to give birth to something, but I am still hesitant now."

"Hesitating?" Xiao Jiuwei looked at Xia Yan strangely: "What are you hesitating about?"

"I'm hesitant about how to deal with these powers." Xia Yan stood up and slowly walked to the window: "Just like you, make it the same as you, or..."

After saying this, Xia Yan paused for a moment. He glanced at the fox's head, which was also lost in thought, and he couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

"Or, I try to integrate those powers into your body.

It's just that I can't guarantee what the result will be.

Who knows if a new life entity will appear by then, then I really can’t accept it..."


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