Xia Yan was really not sure what he would become if he tried to integrate the three-tailed chakra into the little nine-tailed body.

Although he has always been coveting the body of the Ten-Tails, the Ten-Tails he is looking forward to is a Ten-Tails with the character of Little Kyuubi!

Xiao Jiuwei has been following him for two or three years. Even though this guy sleeps and sleeps all day long, Xia Yan also likes the feeling of being with him.

Therefore, Natsuhiko doesn't want something bad to happen, even if his relationship with Kyuubi is not as good as Naruto and Kyuubi in the original work.

But he didn't want tragedy to happen. Just imagine what would happen if Naruto lost Kyuubi?

Regardless of strength, just losing a friend would be heartbreaking, right?

Little Jiuwei has been following Xia Yan for many years, and has definitely provided a lot of help to Xia Yan.

It even became one of Xia Yan's strongest powers for a time, which Xia Yan would never forget.

Therefore, he did not want Little Kyuubi to disappear due to some special reasons. If such a thing happened, Xia Yan would not be able to bear it.

Faced with Xia Yan's inquiry, Xiao Jiuwei was stunned for a moment, and then began to think seriously.

After being silent for a long time, he said leisurely: "Actually, I'm not sure, but I seem to be able to feel that if you integrate the power of Isofu into your body, there will be no problems."

"Is that so?" Xia Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard such words.

The feeling of little Kyuubi is really a magical thing, and Xia Yan is also confused whether he should believe this feeling.

It's hard to say that Little Kyuubi's perception is correct, because this kind of thing concerns themselves, and Xia Yan doesn't think he would joke about it.

Secondly, Little Kyuubi is produced by the system. Maybe Little Kyuubi's feelings will have hints of the system?

Of course, these are Xia Yan's own thoughts, and he can't tell exactly what the situation is, so he really feels extremely ninth level now.

You must know that once a mistake is made, Xiao Jiuwei will be replaced directly.

"Yes, I do feel that is the case." Little Kyuubi tilted his head and whispered: "Don't forget, I can also swallow other chakra to improve myself."

"You mean, you want to swallow the power of the three tails?" Xia Yan's mouth twitched: "If so, then I won't be able to use the power of the three tails."

The power of the three tails is a key to Xia Yan's preparation. The vest he built decided to use the power of various tailed beasts to deceive and even scare people.

Xia Yan really didn't mind Jiuwei's promotion, but he didn't want his plan to go bankrupt like this. That would be really bad.

"Of course not. Although I have been sleeping, it's not like I don't know your plan."

Little Jiuwei shook his head. The little head standing on Xia Yan's shoulder looked a little weak, and he said in a low voice.

"I won't devour this power. I haven't even digested the power of those dragon veins, so how could I still be thinking about other things.

What I mean is, if you fuse his power into me, there is a high probability that I will not be swallowed by his will, and at the same time, I can have the power of the three tails.

In this case, you can get both of my powers from me at the same time. According to you humans, they are the power of the three tails and the nine tails. "

"Are you sure you can do it?"

When Xia Yan heard this statement, he had to express that he was moved.

If he can get the power of three tails and nine tails at the same time in a single nine-tails, it will definitely be a very trouble-free thing for him.

You must know that Natsuhiko's intermediate target is the Ten-Tails, and it is best to maintain the will of the Little Nine-Tails.

If Little Kyuubi can do all that he said, then this will definitely be a great thing for him, and it can even solve a lot of troubles and controversies in the future!

Thinking of this, Xia Yan felt that he really needed to think about it carefully. The benefits to him were too great.

"Try it." Xiao Jiuwei suddenly said: "If something goes wrong, I will remind you to stop immediately. Don't worry, I won't make fun of myself."

"This is best. I don't want anything tragic to happen to me." Xiao Jiuwei's caution made Xia Yan nod.

He really didn't want such a tragic thing to happen to him. Now that he had the little guy's protection, although he couldn't be completely relieved, he also had certain psychological expectations.

This thing is indeed worth trying, and Xia Yan must try it.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan no longer hesitated and slowly took out the fruit belonging to the three-tailed chakra.

He closed his eyes slightly and then put it directly into his mouth.

The bitter feeling spread crazily on his taste buds again. Even though he had experienced this feeling countless times, it made him particularly uncomfortable every time.

He didn't know what Qiong and Lianhua felt when they experienced it, but Xia Yan was definitely disgusted, but at the same time he was also looking forward to it.

When the power of the three tails was completely integrated into his body, Xia Yan suddenly felt as if a new consciousness was brewing.

Xia Yan had encountered this kind of situation once when he was planning the Kyuubi, so she didn't feel much surprised.

But just when Xia Yan was about to merge this chakra directly into the little Kyuubi's body, this chakra suddenly moved towards Kyuubi uncontrollably!

In an instant, the chakras of the Three-Tails and Nine-Tails began to intertwine crazily, and the fox head on Xia Yan's shoulder disappeared without a trace at this moment.

Xia Yan clearly felt that at this time, the little Nine Tails did not react to the force that suddenly broke into his body, and now he was fighting with this force...


Xia Yan immediately noticed that the situation was different this time. After the two forces collided, they did not attack each other.

On the contrary, they seem to be connected to each other, and this connection allows the two forces to continuously blend together.

"However, this kind of integration doesn't seem to be particularly smooth."

Xia Yan observed very carefully. When the two forces continued to blend, Xia Yan clearly found that although the two forces were compatible, they seemed to be missing something, preventing them from completely integrating.

"Is it possible that there are some differences because all the tailed beasts were not gathered together?"

Xia Yan was thinking silently, and the little nine-tails was about to end. Now its chakra was becoming more and more stable and smoother.

After a while, all the strange movements of Little Kyuubi stopped, and he slowly opened his eyes...


"Is that so?"

Xia Yan looked at the little Kyuubi in front of him, and finally couldn't help but nodded slightly.

When everything calmed down, Xia Yan immediately went to ask the little guy what was going on.

Although he had some guesses in his heart, many things still needed to be answered clearly and objectively by the little guy himself.

But what made him relieved was that Kyuubi was still the same Kyuubi, and his cognition, personality, etc. had not changed.

The only thing that has changed may be his chakra. At this time, the little nine-tails chakra does seem a bit chaotic.

His body shape didn't change much, but his chakra was split into two. Not only did he have the nine-tails chakra that Natsuhiko was familiar with, but he also had the chakra that belonged to the three tails!

The little Kyuubi also described his situation to Xia Yan in detail, which gave Xia Yan a clear understanding of what was going on with the little guy at this time.

To put it simply, whether it is him or the three-tailed chakra newly bred by Xia Yan, the essence is the power bred by Xia Yan.

These powers do belong to the tailed beasts, but they are also extremely relevant to Xia Yan himself.

And with Natsuhiko's chakra as a link, whether it's the Nine-Tails or the Three-Tails, their powers can be fused without much difficulty!

"I didn't expect that my power could have such an effect..."

When Xia Yan heard the little guy's words, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. This was the first time he found that his power was so interesting.

Of course, this is only part of it. These powers provide the basis for the fusion of three-tailed chakra and nine-tailed chakra.

But it is only the basis. There is another key to the integration of these two forces, and that is that they are indeed compatible.

To put it bluntly, this kind of compatibility is actually because of the Ten Tails!

Whether it is the Three-Tails or the Nine-Tails, they are actually derived from the Ten-Tails, but they were split up by Otsutsuki Hagoromo thousands of years ago.

This split does not actually affect the essence of their power. It only needs an opportunity for them to be connected. It is not that they cannot be integrated together.

The opportunity in the original work is naturally the body of the Ten-Tails, but now Natsuhiko does not have such a thing, but Natsuhiko's performance is even more special.

His tailed beasts were bred for him by the system through chakra, and there is no difference between these tailed beasts and the original ones. If there is a difference, it is Xia Yan's chakra.

His chakra is now playing a very interesting and subtle role in the tailed beast's body.

That is to replace the body of Nine-Tails to contact them, and they have the prerequisite for fusion!

"I just want a complete fusion. The power of the Three-Tails and I alone is not enough, because the chakra continuity between them is not particularly good."

Xiao Kyuubi's words made Xia Yan firmly remember it. The continuity between chakras probably means order and so on.

From one tail to nine tails, there must be a sequence and connection.

Even if Otsutsuki Hagoromo's distribution was really like "one share for one tail and one share for Kyuubi", there wouldn't be much chakra in Kyuubi's body that could be fused with the three tails.

Therefore, the order is a very important factor. The chakra of the Nine-Tails and the Three-Tails are not completely integrated, and now it seems to be a normal thing.

"That's about it." The little nine-tails squirmed inside Xia Yan's body, and it seemed that he was still not used to the current changes: "I always feel like I don't want me anymore, and there seems to be something else in my body."

"Don't say it so strangely, although you really don't feel wrong." Xia Yan's mouth twitched, but in the end he shook his head: "Forget it, you will understand after I tell you, you are not in your original shape anyway. .”

"Why do I feel that your words are more interesting to people than me?" Little Kyuubi glanced at Xia Yan strangely. He always felt that something was wrong with what he said as a Jinchuuriki.

But Xia Yan obviously had no interest in continuing to argue with him about this issue, no matter what weird things were injected into his body, or what shape he turned into.

At least the little guy is still the same little guy, nothing has changed about this.

What's more, Xia Yan is now more concerned about another issue, which is how well this guy controls these powers.

And whether his improvement is a single one, or whether it is improved together with the newly absorbed three-tailed power, these are what Xia Yan wants to find out.

"By the way, how can the power of the Three-Tails be improved?" Xia Yan asked directly: "Also, can I model the Three-Tails' chakra?"

"The improvement of the power of the three tails can be driven by myself."

Regarding Xia Yan's question, Xiao Jiuwei gave the answer without any hesitation.

“I can clearly feel that now they have begun to absorb my power.

As for the three-tailed chakra mode, I think it should be fine. These are my powers and they can be mobilized by me. "

After hearing the little guy's words, Xia Yan was completely relieved.

What he was most worried about was that the little guy couldn't control his power, so Xia Yan could still only use the Nine-Tails Chakra mode, which would be a bit embarrassing.

Xia Yan really doesn't know what the three-tailed chakra mode is like. After all, he has never seen or experienced it.

Even in the original work, the Mizukage didn't show any ability in this area. He seemed to have only developed the tailed beast coat and was not good at it.

However, Xia Yan has no idea to try it now. He will have plenty of time in the future. He is more concerned about the changes in his panel now.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan quickly opened the panel, and soon his data information appeared in his retina.

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 34 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Quasi-shadow level (system judgment without using any ability) (huge chakra reserves) (a small amount of sealed dragon vein chakra)

Pupil Technique: Clean Eyes (Initial Stage) (Development Level: 52%)

Bloodline development degree: Intermediate (Thousand-Hand Secret Technique, Elementary Yang Escape Secret Technique), Blood Stain Elimination (Unnamed), Elementary Yin Escape Secret Technique, Yin and Yang Escape (fusion progress is 1%)

Jinchuuriki: Nine-Tails (Three-Tails) (Intermediate level, can swallow a large amount of special chakra to grow, plant high-level Nine-Tails fruit to make it grow) (Ingest too much chakra, continue to grow)

Seed: Sharingan Force Seed (3%)

Fruit: Intermediate Fire Release Fruit (1), Intermediate Water Release Fruit (1), Intermediate Earth Release Fruit (1), Elementary Three-Tailed Chakra Fruit, Intermediate Wood Release Fruit

Mission: Become the real big BOSS in the ninja world (the only one) (45% progress), the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki (optional) (already own the Nine-Tails and Three-Tails, but the fusion progress has not been activated)


Xia Yan looked at his panel in a daze. He really didn't expect that he would activate a system task inexplicably!

One interesting feature of Xia Yan's system is that it never assigns mandatory tasks to Xia Yan.

For example, something must be executed, and the time is limited for you to execute it. If you succeed, you will be rewarded immediately, if you fail, you will die.

That kind of extremely boring task only gives you one task, and it's a long linear task. You can't do it whether you like it or not.

Xia Yan actually liked this aspect, but the problem was that it was just the same task from beginning to end, which really made Xia Yan a little overwhelmed.

And now that his super salty system once again had a mission, how could Xia Yan not feel shocked?

However, this mission is very interesting. It seems to be a special long-term mission specially designed to deal with Xia Yan's current situation.

The Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki is a relatively simple way to enter the so-called Six Paths realm.

Of course, its so-called simplicity is just a method that relies on itself compared to other methods.

It is really difficult to rely on bloodline to evolve, at least in this era, when the ancient pure bloodline is almost exhausted.

Xia Yan remembered that a certain guy who lived in Hedong and Hexi for thirty years had fallen to that point because his bloodline had exhausted his entire family.

The current situation in the ninja world is actually similar. Look at the Hinata, Uchiha and Senju families, which one can rebuild the glory of the family?

It seems that except for the Senju where Xia Yan is, there is really no one - even Xia Yan only relies on plug-ins, and he only thinks about the situation of Indra and Asura.

The bloodline is so unreliable, so integrating chakra and taking the route of the Blood Succession Snare is a dead end!

You still have some hope in taking the road of bloodline improvement, but fusing chakra is basically a dead end, and no one has even tried it in the original work.

In the entire ninja world, at most, Onoki's bloodstained one who fused three types of chakra was eliminated. Other than that, everyone else just fused two types of chakra.

Therefore, compared to the above two, directly choosing to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki seems to be a relatively simple option.

However, the difficulty here is also very high, because he has extremely high requirements for strength.

First of all, thanks to Senju Hashirama, all the tailed beasts fell into the hands of Ninja Village.

The first thing you need to do is attack the ninja village, find the jinchūriki and then retreat safely.

It's hard to say what the success rate of this thing is. Anyway, Xia Yan feels that few people can do it.

The second thing is that you must have a plug-in like Natsuhiko, which can allow the tailed beast to complete the reorganization and fusion without relying on the ten-tailed body.

If not, then you must have a pair of samsara eyes, and then summon the ten-tailed body from the moon.

In the end, you succeeded in all this, and you resisted the ninja alliance that came to trouble you one after another and summoned the Ten-Tails. You still have to face one thing.

That is the battle for the will of the Ten-Tails!

The Ten-Tails is a sacred tree in some sense. As a mortal, wanting to master such power is just like joking.

The Ten-Tails would not allow a mortal to control it, control it or even enslave it!

Natsuhiko felt that if he didn't have enough willpower, it would be really difficult to control the Ten-Tails.

Unless someone is like Obito and goes crazy thinking about women, not even the Ten-Tails can resist him.

"So, after thinking about it, I realized that these things seem to be only for high-end players, and ordinary people really don't have much choice."

Thinking of this, the corners of Xia Yan's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

As expected, the ninja world is still a place that depends on blood. If you have blood, you will have strength. If you have strength, you can do anything that seems irrational.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan was too lazy to continue thinking about it, because to him, he had walked three roads in a row.

The improvement of bloodline is inherent in the system. This can be regarded as a benefit that will directly lead him to the end.

Chakra fusion is what Xia Yan himself has been exploring, and he has also found certain ways to solve these problems.

Now he has not only integrated a blood-stained elimination method, but he has also begun to try to study the fusion of Yin and Yang Escape. It can be said that he is constantly moving forward on this road.

And now, the third path has been opened for him. The fusion of three tails and nine tails has caused an optional mission to appear in the system. This mission gives Xia Yan hope.

Even though there was no fusion progress for this mission now - he guessed that it might be possible only after he got all the tailed beasts.

But at least he saw hope of success, he saw hope that he could handle it all.

Although advancing three roads at the same time is not a very rational choice, looking at it from another perspective, doesn't having one more road also provide one more opportunity for error tolerance?

"Besides, even if there was no such mission, wouldn't I be heading towards the three paths together?"

Xia Yan felt a little lazy, but he was still in a good mood now. Originally, he was still wondering whether his approach was effective.

But now that the system has given tasks, it means that Xia Yan's ideas and methods are fine. This can be regarded as a sign of approval by the system.

"It seems that the war between Konoha and Kumogakure must start now."

Xia Yan slowly walked to the window. He couldn't help but think silently as he looked at the scenery outside the window.

Kumogakure has mastered two tailed beasts. Natsuhiko will not forget this. He originally had the idea to get the chakra of these two tailed beasts.

Now it seems that he must do this.

Not only must he do it, but Xia Yan must do it well. He knows that this is definitely his biggest opportunity.

The biggest one is not only a huge benefit, but also an opportunity to stand firmly on the big stage of the ninja world!

He couldn't miss such an opportunity...


In Iwagakure Village, Onoki was working on documents attentively.

At this time, the ninja world has become a bit explosive. Konoha is not the only one who notices Kumogakure's actions. In fact, everyone can detect the slightest disturbance in the ninja world.

After noticing such movement and thinking about the current situation, they immediately understood what Yunyin wanted to do.

Kumogakure has not signed an agreement with Konoha, so no matter what he does, it will not cause the ninja world to lower the reputation of this village.

What's more, everyone knows that in the entire three wars, Kumogakure's losses were the smallest, and he has sufficient military power to complete this war.

"It seems that the ninja world in the future will not be peaceful."

Onoki thought with a smile, whether the ninja world is peaceful or not does not mean anything to him.

Even if he wanted to step in and take a bite out of Konoha's people, there was nothing he could do.

He has an armistice agreement with Konoha. For the sake of his own credibility, he naturally has no way to do anything to Konoha.

This leaves him with no choice but to be a bystander in this possible war, with no way for him to get involved.

In fact, he didn't even think of one thing, that is, why couldn't he attack Kumogakure?

Kumogakure and Iwagakure are considered mortal enemies. In fact, for the entire village in the ninja world, how can we not be mortal enemies of each other?

But the degree of this mortal enemy also depends on the current interests.

Konoha really occupies the largest and most abundant resources in the entire ninja world. Their geographical location is extremely favorable and all kinds of agricultural products can be grown.

This has also led to the excellent agricultural economy of the Fire Country. Not only can the residents have enough to eat and drink, but they can also export a large amount of agricultural products.

Moreover, Konoha occupies the central area of ​​the ninja world and is a natural transportation hub. Konoha can make a lot of money just by collecting tolls from caravans from various places.

In addition, the daimyo of the Land of Fire are the rich ones, and their investments in Konoha are also huge, which has also contributed to Konoha's status in the ninja world.

Just imagine, a village with unique climate and planting conditions is completely self-sufficient and continues to export goods to earn money from other villages.

And he controls the transportation hub. Once you provoke him, he can directly cut off your trade routes. Who wouldn't hate this situation?

It can be said that except for Konoha, every other village in the ninja world has its own natural disadvantages!

They didn't dare to say anything when the village was just established. After all, the strength of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama was there.

But now that Konoha has become weaker, and the powerful people are almost dead, who wouldn't want to take a bite?

Everyone's eyes are on Konoha, and naturally they will subconsciously ignore other villages.

After all, the Ninja Village is the real leader of a country, and they think more about interests than hatred.

"Lord Tsuchikage."

Just when Onoki was thinking about how far the fight between Konoha and Kumogakure would go, there was suddenly a knock on his office door.

"Come in." Onoki quickly recovered his thoughts and replied to the door.

The door opened, and an Iwa nin walked in slowly, and he was holding a newspaper in his hand!

"What's the matter?" Ohnoki didn't notice all this, he turned back curiously and asked.

In fact, Onoki's temper is not that good, but the current problems between Konoha and Kumogakure make him feel very good.

After all, these two places are fighting. Even if he can't take advantage, he can take the opportunity to develop vigorously.

During the war, these two villages were unable to complete tasks. When the time came, the tasks would naturally be transferred to countries without war.

Thinking of this, Of course Ohnoki couldn't be unhappy, and his mood would naturally improve a lot.

"Lord Tsuchikage, there is something I need to show you."

This Iwa nin behaved more carefully, and handed the newspaper in his hand to Ohnoki.

"We found this from a caravan. There are some things recorded in it..."

"What?" Ohnoki was stunned for a moment, and then he reached out and took the newspaper.

Newspapers were really unfamiliar to him. Looking at the densely printed words on the small newspaper, he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

As he gets older, his eyes are not as good as before. He will also find it difficult to read these small characters.

But this was not a big problem for him. He opened the newspaper and looked at the first page. When he saw it, he was stunned.

"There is troop dispatch in Cloud Hidden Village? Is this an intelligence document? That's not right. Why are things happening within Konoha? Also, why is the mission experience and past of ANBU ninjas recorded in it?"

Onoki became more and more confused and confused as he looked at it. He really couldn't figure out what the hell this thing was.

Why are there so many intelligence-related things recorded here, and at the same time, a lot of things that have nothing to do with intelligence are also recorded?

He even saw some information about their Earth Kingdom, such as some towns complaining that their wages were too low.

This kind of information, which was also regarded as anecdotes, really made him a little confused.

After a long while, he raised his head and asked, "You said you got this from the caravan?"

"Yes, Lord Tsuchikage." The Iwa Ninja nodded immediately: "It's a caravan entering the Earth Country from the Country of Grass, something we found during a routine inspection."

"How did they say this..." Onoki held the newspaper in his hand, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

"Newspapers, Tsuchikage-sama, they say they are called newspapers." Fortunately, this Iwa ninja is also very discerning. He immediately explained: "These newspapers are issued by the Land of Fire, and they record all kinds of secrets. and fun facts, a read for everyone.”

"The Land of Fire, open to everyone?" Ohnoki frowned, and he didn't know how to evaluate it.

Are you sure this kind of thing is for civilians and some ordinary ninjas to see?

Aren't you afraid that Xie would leak this kind of thing and let other villages get it?

"Doesn't this thing have anything to do with Konoha?"

Onoki thought silently, but this idea was quickly denied by him. There is so much information here that would never be available without Konoha's help.

So why does Konoha do this?

Onoki really couldn't understand, and suddenly he seemed to remember that his ANBU once said that Konoha was working on something.

That thing is called newspaper?

Thinking of this, Onoki immediately made a decision. He raised his head and looked at the Iwa Ninja in front of him.

"Go and collect it, get the old newspapers, and then bring them back to me, do you understand?"

"Yes, Lord Tsuchikage!"


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