After Onoki saw the first newspaper, he couldn't help but collect other newspapers.

For him, what he saw in front of him really destroyed his outlook. From a ninja's perspective, could these things be shown to ordinary people and low-level ninjas?

Isn't this just leaking the information?

At the end of the day, he is still a very smart person. Even if his thinking is a bit rigid, he is still a stable person sitting in the Tsuchikage position!

He quickly thought of many possibilities. After all, after careful observation, he found that the information actually had little impact on the village.

To put it bluntly, this information is just scrap information and will not have much impact on the overall shape of a village.

In addition, the release of this information can even intimidate the surrounding villages, letting other villages know that they are always being watched by Konoha.

Such a silent deterrent can intimidate many people, which in some sense is equivalent to defeating others without fighting.

In his opinion, this approach is really smart!

However, this thought did not last long. When his men collected the previous newspapers, he suddenly felt that the situation was not at all what he thought.

Who is Orochimaru?

That was a disciple of Sarutobi Hiruzen, one of the Sannin of Konoha, and one of the commanders of Konoha!

If a guy like this were placed in any village, once he defected, he would be very strict and would never reveal anything.

But this so-called newspaper actually exposed it directly, and it was approved by the ANBU?

What does it mean?

There are only two meanings here. One is the internal fighting within Konoha, and the other is that this newspaper is not something created by Konoha itself at all!

It was already very clear that there was internal fighting in Konoha, and reporting about Orochimaru didn't seem like a normal thing at all.

And this report clearly states that this is information provided by ANBU, which is a force affiliated with Kage.

So can Ohnoki understand that the rise of the Third Hokage made the ANBU dissatisfied with the previous Hokage?

Especially when Namikaze Minato was still alive, it led to internal divisions in Konoha and turned into an infighting for power?

In addition, this newspaper is not affiliated with Konoha. If it is really Konoha's Sarutobi Hiruzen, he should have a way to ban it.

After all, this thing is too harmful, even if it is forcibly banned, it will easily cause some trouble.

But it’s better than having this invisible and suffocating influence spreading over your head all the time, right?

But if this newspaper is from outside, is not a product of Konoha or even the Land of Fire, then Hiruzen Sarutobi really needs to think about it carefully.

After all, the consequences of doing so are really serious. He dares to attack a business organization - especially a business organization with an ANBU platform that does not seriously violate Konoha regulations.

Forcibly going crazy would cause him to lose credibility, and since Orochimaru was involved in the first place, Sarutobi Hiruzen really didn't dare to take action easily.

"It's really interesting stuff, but Anbu must have put a lot of money into it to promote Anbu."

Onoki looked at the content recorded in the newspaper and couldn't help but think silently in his heart.

And he was also thinking, should he do the same?

After all, it's not like he can't see the influence of this newspaper. This thing can completely guide public opinion. It is definitely a sharp weapon in his hands.

It's just that during this period of time, he also took a good look at the information sent back by the ANBU, and after reading the information, he also hesitated.

Because he found that this so-called newspaper was really not easy to get.

Over in Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen personally set up one, but it turned out to have little effect at all, because this old man couldn't play with other people's professional ones.

In addition, the prices of these newspapers are said to be very, very low, and almost everyone can afford them.

It can be said that such an initial investment will be very large, and the result is that this kind of newspaper will inevitably make money elsewhere.

Obviously, in Ohnoki's opinion, this newspaper received money from ANBU, so it gave it more space and more descriptions.

Even though this description is very realistic and objective, and Ohnoki also knows that it is true, it cannot stand up to the wonderful story and such large-scale publicity.

After such publicity, who doesn't know that Konoha Anbu is excellent and Konoha Anbu is powerful, this is an excellent bonus option.

As for Onoki, he would do it by himself. Not to mention how much the initial investment was, where would he find money to make money?

The reason why Iwagakure Village marched towards Konoha during the Third War was largely because they were also relatively poor - of course, much better than Sunagakure Village.

In fact, just as he said during the Fourth War, the continuation of the war was mostly due to the uneven development of various villages and serious problems in the distribution of benefits.

In addition, some hatred was used for propaganda, and then such a large-scale war emerged.

"I'm afraid it's not realistic to do it yourself, and there's no way to seal this kind of thing."

Onoki was also a little troubled. To be honest, he didn't want such a thing to enter the village, but obviously there was no way to block it.

He had read the ANBU's intelligence and said that these newspapers had already appeared in the surrounding small countries that they regarded as 'raw material centers', 'mission centers' and 'battlefields'.

And these newspapers began to spread rapidly towards the periphery. Ohnoki knew that sooner or later this thing would enter the Kingdom of Earth.

In fact, this thing may have already entered the Kingdom of Earth, but it has not yet reached Iwagakure Village.

It also couldn't be blocked, and Onoki didn't dare to block these newspapers. He didn't want to bring any credibility crisis to Iwagakure Village.

Even if these newspapers are not endorsed by anyone in Iwagakure Village, they can be sold in other places, but they cannot be sold in Iwagakure Village. Does this mean that Iwagakure Village is not suitable for development?

If these newspapers were spread in other places, it would probably deal a blow to the reputation of Iwagakure Village.

"In that case, let me in, but I need to meet their president."

Onoki is also a courageous person. Since there is no way to stop it, he just goes with the flow. After all, many times it is better to block things than to remove them.

As long as the newspaper's speech is controlled and a relatively good cooperation goal is achieved, it is likely to bring good effects to myself and Iwagakure.

"And I have seen that there are some advertisements and the like on it. Although I can learn from it, the influence is probably limited to Iwagakure.

It wouldn’t be bad to rely on them to promote some of Iwagakure’s features so that Iwagakure can get more benefits..."


After Onoki made a decision, he would immediately implement it, but this matter was painful for the ANBU members.

Fortunately, Natsuhiko has been cultivating foreign talents since he established this organization. He doesn't want everyone to know that the newspaper has a connection with Konoha ANBU.

And his approach completely protected the secret this time. Iwagakure's Anbu found this branch in the Country of Grass and expressed the Tsuchikage's desire to talk to their president.

This news directly dumbfounded the person in charge of the Grass Country station. They had just sat down here, and they actually attracted the attention of the Tsuchikage?

Fortunately, the person in charge is also an old ANBU ninja, and he was born as a civilian ninja. He does not have any characteristics of a family ninja, and his possibility of exposure is even lower.

After he calmly dealt with the ANBU of Iwagakure Village, he immediately found time to pass this information to Konoha. The news appeared on Natsuhiko's desk almost the same day.

"Let's talk about it, what do you think?"

In the ANBU conference room, Xia Yan looked at the ANBU elites sitting below him. He couldn't help but shook his head and asked softly.

To be honest, he really didn't expect to encounter such a situation so soon.

He had expected that his newspaper would attract the attention of other villagers, but he was not fully prepared to do it so quickly.

These guys were looking for the president, and Xia Yan really didn't have time to prepare him for the president. In other words, this was really a fatal thing.

While Xia Yan was distressed, the people sitting below him in the meeting all had similar weird expressions.

Qiong and Lianhua had a little distress on their faces, and they had already begun to think about who they were going to find this time.

The three captains, Kakashi, Trout and Antelope, look at me and I look at you. They are not very involved in this plan.

I just know that someone in my team has been transferred, but I don't know much about the rest.

The mole sitting on the outermost edge also touched his head. He also looked a little painful.

Mole was the new person promoted by Xia Yan, and he was responsible for the people at the root of the group that Xia Yan took over.

Xia Yan still knew something about Mole. This guy was in the same team as Xia Yan, and he was Xia Yan's opponent in the selection of captain.

When Natsuhiko took over as the ANBU minister and began to clean up and investigate the people within the ANBU, he still stayed in the ANBU.

It was naturally impossible for Xia Yan to ignore such a person.

Therefore, after Xia Yan reminded Antelope to promote him to squadron leader, after a long period of observation, he finally asked him to take charge of this area after getting the department outside Genbu Village.

However, the number of people outside the village is really large, and the total number of people is probably more than a brigade.

Naturally, Xia Yan couldn't let him take charge alone. He would naturally choose someone he trusted to cooperate with him in the execution.

And these people include Kakashi and Ye Cang, as well as four people from the Internal Affairs Office. It can be said that there are still a lot of managers, but the place is officially handed over to Weasel.

But Tuo Weasel doesn't care about this. He is also very self-aware. He knows that there are many things to learn, and he also knows that he is not very qualified now.

He also knew that Xia Yan was the reason why he was able to sit in this position, so he did not complain at all and completed everything he should do honestly.

He always quietly and honestly completes all the tasks assigned by Xia Yan, and does not complain about any messy things at all.

But what happened today really gave him a headache. He was standing in a very special position in ANBU, but only from his position did he understand more things.

He was wrong and found that there were still too many things that he couldn't handle at all. It was easy to find a guy who could fight. ANBU were everywhere.

But finding someone like this seems like they are prepared, but not completely ready yet.

"This incident is too sudden, and we are not fully prepared." After a long time, Lianhua said helplessly: "Our president training has not been completed yet, which is really... "

"Some plans can't keep up with the changes." Qiong Ye sighed helplessly: "Although it is a good thing, overall it is a bit of a headache."

"What about you?" Xia Yan tilted his head and looked at Kakashi and others: "Do you have any ideas, or do you have anyone worth recommending?"

Candidates for this kind of infiltration mission are basically selected among combatants, but those selected must be very smart people.

If necessary, even government officials must be involved in the selection.

After all, seriously speaking, these government officials are much more useful than combat ninjas at times like this.

"Otherwise, let Nara Shikaro try it?"

After Kakashi thought for a moment, he suddenly asked.

"Lucheng has been in ANBU for a long time. I've seen his resume. He has a very high IQ and can't carry out many tasks.

But because he was too lazy, and with the recommendation of his family, he finally entered ANBU to seek a more stable job.

But he learns everything quickly, and I think he should be able to handle this task. "

"Oh?" Xia Yan couldn't help but think seriously after hearing Kakashi's words.

Nara Shikagi is a member of the Nara clan who was sent to ANBU. This guy seems to have inherited all the advantages and disadvantages of the Nara clan - he is both smart and salty.

This guy belongs to the type in ANBU who doesn't like to stand out, but is very good at personal level.

It's impossible for Natsuhiko not to pay attention to such a person. After all, he is a member of the Nara clan.

This time this guy was also selected into the plan, but this guy was so low-key that Xia Yan almost forgot about him.

Now after Kakashi's reminder, Xia Yan suddenly thought of this guy. Since there is such a person, why not make good use of it?

The Nara clan does have many characteristics, but many of them cannot be eradicated through some means.

"And this guy is so smart. Even though he is dealing with an old man like Tsuchikage, I think there should be no problem."

Xia Yan has basically made a decision when he thinks of this. It is a pity that such talents are not needed.

And Natsuhiko is not asking him to stay abroad for a long time. Even if he wants to, the Nara clan will not agree.

Let this guy deal with some troubles, and you can still leave it to him if you behave well. This is also part of the power...


"What a troublesome thing!"

Nara Shikaro was sitting in the newspaper branch of Kusano Country, looking completely out of energy.

Fortunately, his pineapple head was shaved off, otherwise no one would believe that he was not from Nara based on his virtue.

Nara Shikaro looks like he is only in his twenties or thirties, but his work resume is very rich.

The most interesting thing is that no matter where this guy is doing anything, he is not very noticeable at first.

But when you check and review after he leaves, you will find that this guy's evaluations are all excellent!

It can be said that this guy is really an alternative, but extremely lazy talent.

After he finished his previous job in the Political Department, Nara Shikaku came to him and recommended him to join the ANBU.

He had no objection to this, because he knew that even if he joined ANBU, he would not be a combat ninja.

If that's the case, then what else does he have to worry about?

However, to be on the safe side, he still told Nara Shikaku in advance. As the leader of the tribe, Nara Shikaku naturally wanted to protect his people, and he would certainly not object to this kind of thing.

Although the Nara clan has good fighting ability, what they are best at is actually making suggestions.

Therefore, Nara Shikaki finally successfully entered the ANBU's political affairs office and started a new career.

It's just that the changes in the ANBU were beyond his imagination. No one could have predicted that this ANBU would change day by day in the following few years.

First, a captain died during the mission, and then Konoha's youngest captain came to power.

Then came the Nine-Tails Incident. The former ANBU minister was directly killed, and the youngest captain directly became the minister.

All of this really gave Nara Shikaki a toothache. Of course he could see how many inexplicable things there were, but he was simply unwilling and afraid to get involved too deeply.

The Nara clan has its own way of survival, and he has no interest in breaking it.

When the newly appointed Senju Minister came to power and became famous in the Nine-Tails Incident, he found that the power struggle in Konoha was indeed a bit scary.

He didn't know how many of his former colleagues had been eliminated from the ANBU one by one by the new minister, and there were also people in the Operations Department who had suffered inexplicably.

In fact, he felt that he might not be far away from leaving, but what she didn't expect was that she would stay, and over time, the family would actually come closer.

He has nothing to say about such changes. He is not the decision-maker of the family. He is just responsible for doing what he should do.

However, there were some things that he was extremely emotional about, namely Orochimaru's defection and Danzo's killing. He knew that his minister was definitely involved in this.

"So young and so skillful. Today's young people are too scary."

It was indeed a bit scary. Nara Shikagi had never seen such a person in his twenty or thirty years of ninja experience, and he found that his minister's brain seemed to be better than that of the Nara clan.

This minister actually created a newspaper by himself. Nara Shikaki didn't know what the newspaper was used for, but he could definitely guess it.

This thing is basically a product that can control and guide public opinion, and according to Xia Yan's continuous spread of it to the outside world, I am afraid that the minister is planning to use newspapers to conduct soft invasion.

The so-called soft invasion relies on the content of newspapers to cause damage to the spirit of other villages, making them unconsciously begin to recognize the goodness of Konoha.

Over time, they will feel disappointed in their country and village, which will eventually form an extremely favorable situation for Konoha.

I have to say that Nara Shikagi is a smart person, and it is because he is smart that he knows how terrible Natsu Yan's skills are, and he is even more impressed by Natsu Yan's talent and ability.

It's just that he never dreamed that he would be involved in this plan and be selected to be trained as a newspaper manager.

"Why am I so unlucky!"

Nara Shikaro said this with emotion more than once. In fact, he himself also knew that someone like him who had rich mission experience and could handle government affairs was the most suitable for this role.

But he was really afraid of trouble and really didn't want to take the risk.

It's a pity that he joined the ANBU, and the leader of the ANBU was the ruthless master Senju Natsuhiko.

In addition, his family has all voted, so he really has no reason to solve this kind of thing.

Helpless, he could only carry out the training honestly. He imagined that it would be unlikely that the opposite would happen to him.

But he still underestimated the power and contagion of newspapers, or the ANBU themselves did not expect that the effect would be so good, which led to them being called upon without being fully prepared.

Where else could he go to explain such an unfortunate thing?

Therefore, he had no choice but to be put on the shelf honestly, and then he was shaved off the pineapple head that he had kept for who knows how long. He put on a series of disguises and set off to the Country of Grass.

He knew that he was going to meet the Tsuchikage this time, and to be honest, he was really a little nervous, because the Tsuchikage was really not someone who was easy to fool.

"I hope I can be safe this time."

Nara Shikaki sighed silently, but he soon recovered. He once again mentally reviewed the identity he wanted to play now.

He is the eldest son of the newspaper president, and his name is Uesugi Kanaki. His father was in the Fire Country and did not come here. If asked, he would say that his father was in discussions with the ANBU minister and did not have time to come.

After all, you can get so much information from ANBU. It would be a lie to say that you have no connection with ANBU.

As for other things, Nara Shikaki needs to perform on his own and adapt to certain circumstances under certain restrictions. This is Nara Shikaki's mission, and this is why he was chosen.

"Hopefully, everything goes well."

Nara Shikaro thought silently, but at this moment a staff member ran to his side.

He knew that this person was the person in charge of the newspaper branch and a member of the ANBU. He didn't say much and just made a gesture.

And Nara Shikaki instantly understood that Ohnoki was here...


"I don't know how that guy in Lucheng is doing now."

In Konoha, Natsuhiko said to Ye Cang and Renge beside him as he walked towards home.

Xia Yan said that he had been talking about inviting Ye Cang to dinner for a while, and he even forgot about it for a while, but today he remembered it, so he stopped Ye Cang directly when he got off work.

In fact, Ye Cang lived next to Xia Yan, and Xia Yan just said hello, but he thought it would be better to take the initiative to invite him, so this scene happened now.

To be honest, Ye Cang really scared her when she met Xia Yan at the gate of the ANBU after get off work, and she was even more surprised to learn that Xia Yan invited her to his home.

However, she didn't have many thoughts of refusing, so she simply set off with Xia Yan and Lianhua.

They chatted casually and happily along the way, but Xia Yan brought the topic back to work at an inappropriate time, which instantly made both girls sigh.

Don't you think about work all the time when you are resting? In their opinion, this is not unnecessary at all, and it is also somewhat inconsistent with Xia Yan's own policy.

After all, he said it himself, work when you work, and take a good rest when you have a rest. Work and rest must be separated.

But this guy actually started talking about work in front of two girls, which was really frustrating.

Xia Yan's attitude made even Lian Hua, who had a cold personality, frown a little.

In her opinion, Xia Yan is good at everything. He is smart, ambitious and strong enough. He will definitely be the one to bring the Thousand Hands clan back to its peak.

But this guy doesn't seem to have much interest in the opposite sex at all, and it seems that his attention is not focused on it from beginning to end.

He could sense that both Uchiha Qiong and the Phoenix beside him actually had varying degrees of fondness for Xia Yan.

Needless to say, Uchiha Qiong was once Xia Yan's deskmate, and Xia Yan also helped her a lot.

That girl always kept Xia Yan in her heart, which didn't seem surprising.

The real name of this Phoenix is ​​Ye Cang, and he is a blood successor ninja of Sand Hidden Village. In fact, Lianhua was frightened when he knew this information at first.

But after learning about her experience, especially after learning that Natsuhiko saw through Sunagakure Village's practices and finally rescued this woman, she understood what was going on.

She didn't have much idea about her fiancé attracting so much attention. Excellent people are excellent, and others can't be blind.

What's more, she also knew that her fiancé didn't necessarily like her that much. After all, their relationship as a fiancé was completely planned by the clan.

My fiancé is very good at breaking rules.

Just look at Konoha today and you will know that the current situation in Konoha was really caused by his fiancé!

Psychologically sighed slightly, Lianhua didn't know how far she could go with Xia Yan, all she could do was take it one step at a time.

"Don't worry, I believe there will be no problem with Mr. Lucheng." Lianhua said in a cold voice: "After all, he is an outstanding member of the Anbu, and Xia Yanjun was named by you personally. I believe in Xia Yanjun's vision. "

"Really?" Xia Yan touched his chin. He thought for a moment before saying, "To be honest, I'm not sure how well Lucheng will perform. After all, he is facing an old fox in the ninja world."

"Old fox..." Ye Cang couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when he heard Xia Yan's words.

Is it really appropriate to describe a movie so brazenly as an old fox?

But if you think about it carefully, Ohnoki has been in the position of the three-tailed Tsuchikage for so long, and I'm afraid he has really become an old fox.

Ye Cang has personally experienced being plotted by Luo Sha, and has even seen how many people have been tricked by Xia Yan along the way. As a shadow, I'm afraid Onoki's performance will not be bad.

However, Ohnoki is an old fox, so who is Xia Yan?

"Little fox?"

When Ye Cang thought of this, he couldn't help but shook his head immediately. Things like white-furred foxes always felt bad.

The few people talked and laughed all the way, and soon arrived at Xia Yan's home.

Ye Cang felt a little emotional when he looked at the big house in front of him. Her home was very close to here, but she had never been in it.

This was her first time coming to Xia Yan's home, and she was inexplicably excited while feeling emotional.

"Welcome." Xia Yan said to Ye Cang with a smile, but he was stunned when he entered.

Because he found an extra pair of shoes at home, it was obvious that there was a guest at home.

Lianhua also noticed this scene. After thinking for a while, she probably guessed who was coming, and Xia Yan also guessed it.

Sure enough, when Xia Yan and Lianhua took Ye Cang in, an old man was sitting in the living room sipping tea, and this old man was Senju Xiangma.

"Long time no see, Elder Xiangzhen."

Xia Yan smiled and said hello to Senju Xiangma, and Lianhua also bowed slightly to Senju Xiangma, but Ye Cang seemed a little embarrassed now.

She didn't expect that she would meet people from the Thousand Hands clan when she came here, and it seemed that their status was not low.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time, Xia Yan." Qianju Xiangzhen nodded, his eyes swept over Lianhua and Ye Cang, and then he smiled brightly: "It seems that I didn't choose the right time to come here."

"There is no right time for a gathering of friends." Xia Yan shook his head slightly, and then he asked curiously: "I wonder if the elder is here this time. What's the matter?"

"Of course I have something I want to talk to you about." Qianju Xiangzhen nodded. He stood up and looked at Xia Yan seriously: "I am alone. I hope you have this time."

"That's natural." Xia Yan chuckled, then turned to look at Ye Cang and Lian Hua: "You guys rest first, I'll go talk to the elders."

After saying this, Xia Yan simply followed Senju Xiangma out of the living room. He was really curious about Senju Xiangma's purpose in finding him.

In recent years, he has been so busy that he has not had much time to find Senju Xiangzhen. Perhaps it is because of his actions that he has made the elder feel uncomfortable?

When they came to the balcony, Senju Xiangzhen stopped. It took him a long time before he sighed quietly: "We haven't talked about many things properly, right?"

"Sorry, Mr. Elder." Xia Yan nodded slightly: "It's been a long time since we had a good chat."

"You are very busy, I know. After all, you are the Minister of ANBU." Senju Xiangzhen shook his head, and he sighed slightly and said: "But I also hope to help you, and I hope to understand you."

"For example, some of your specific ideas, and..."

"Did Danzo die in your hands?"


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