"Yes, it's me."

Regarding Senju Xiangzhen's question, Xia Yan didn't feel like he had anything to hide.

Not many people know the truth about Danzo's death, and even for most people in Konoha, they have no idea what the name Shimura Danzo means.

But Senju Xiangzhen knows what kind of role this guy is in Konoha.

Natsuhiko's answer made Senju Xiangzhen somewhat silent, and then his expression became extremely complicated.

He actually bought a newspaper and read it, and knew that someone might want to attack Danzo.

But he really hadn't seen Xia Yan for a long time, and he had no idea what was going on.

He only knew that Xia Yan was now the minister of ANBU and was very likely involved in this matter. Unfortunately, no one told him about the deeper things.

Whether it is Xia Yan, Renhua, or those Senju ninjas who have entered the Anbu, they all 'fulfill their duties' and say nothing at all.

Looking at it from another perspective, that is that they have completely shown their loyalty only to Xia Yan!

It wasn't until some time after Danzo's death that he unexpectedly learned that the fire in Konoha that night was actually for Danzo's funeral.

This news has shocked Senju Xiangzhen, and after receiving Xia Yan's affirmation, he suddenly felt lonely.

No one from the family came to tell him about such a major matter, which really made him extremely uncomfortable.

However, he also felt a sense of relief.

In his opinion, Xia Yan has really grown into a ninja who is responsible for the rise and fall of the Senju clan!

"I understand, thank you for your hard work." Qianju Xiangzhen sighed, and in the end he could only say: "Everything you have done for the family, I will..."

"I am also a member of the Senju clan. I have emphasized this many times." Before Senju Xiangzhen could finish his words, Xia Yan interrupted him: "So elders, it is better not to say such things. The family raised me, and I This will not be forgotten.”

"It's my problem, I won't talk about these things anymore." Senju Xiangzhen nodded, and then he continued to ask: "Now that you are the ANBU minister, can you tell me something? "

"I think there are some things I can say, but there are some things I can't." Xia Yan thought for a while and gave an ambiguous answer.

In fact, Natsuhiko could tell Senju Xiangzhen anything, but there were too many things involved, and it was impossible for him to tell everything.

Could it be that when Senju Xiang really asked some unfounded questions, such as who attacked Orochimaru, Natsuhiko also wanted to tell him that he did it?

In addition, Xia Yan has a lot of ulterior things.

For example, he acquiesced in Orochimaru's experiment on Senju Hashirama. Telling Senju Shouma about this kind of thing was purely to make himself uncomfortable.

Therefore, Xia Yan has to take the initiative and define what can and cannot be said completely by himself.

"I understand, don't say anything if the question doesn't lend itself to an answer."

Senju Xiangzhen nodded, and then he asked seriously.

"What's going on with the newspaper? Are you involved in the recent series of events? What are your future plans?"

"It seems that Elder Xiangzhen does have too many questions."

Xia Yan smiled and shook his head. Senju Xiangzhen had no source of information at all.

He really hadn't expected this, but it also showed that he had very good control over the ANBU.

Thinking of this, he smiled and said.

"In this case, the meal hasn't officially started yet, so I'll have a good talk with Elder Xiangzhen."

Senju Xiangzhen was full of curiosity about what Xia Yan had done, and Xia Yan was willing to answer him.

Even if Xia Yan doesn't have the idea of ​​'if you don't return home if you are rich and noble, you will travel out at night like a brocade dress'.

But letting this elder clearly know his current achievements will be of greater help to Xia Yan's better and more reasonable grasp of the Thousand Hands Clan.

So Natsuhiko began to talk about some of his own affairs. He told everything in relatively detail about everything from Orochimaru to his own establishment of the newspaper, and finally to the death of Danzo.

Senju Xiangzhen listened attentively, and his expression continued to change along with Xia Yan's narration.

When he heard that Natsuhiko discovered that Orochimaru was studying Senju Hashirama's body, his face instantly became extremely angry.

And when he heard that Natsuhiko had seized the opportunity and started targeting Orochimaru, his face became slightly better. Especially when he heard that Orochimaru had attacked Uchiha, he even sneered.

As a remnant of the Senju clan, he was full of disgust towards both Orochimaru and Uchiha.

And after he heard that Orochimaru attacked Uchiha Fugaku, causing Uchiha Fugaku to lose an eye, he became extremely happy to become lighter.

He likes this kind of thing very much when a dog bites a dog's hair.

As for Natsuhiko, Orochimaru only seriously injured him in the end and did not kill or keep him, so he could only express his regret.

But after that, Natsuhiko's story made Senju Shoma's face become slightly serious, especially when he knew that Orochimaru was just a pawn in his scheme against Sarutobi Hiruzen.

He forced Orochimaru to leave in order to force Sarutobi Hiruzen to restart Shimura Danzo. After that, his goal was to kill Shimura Danzo and severely damage Sarutobi Hiruzen's reputation!

While doing this, Xia Yan also set up a propaganda agency, that is, the newspaper.

What does this newspaper do? Xia Yan briefly told Senju Xiangzhen about his use and plans for this newspaper.

But no matter how simple Xia Yan said, the shock of this dimensionality reduction attack really stunned Qianju Xiang. He didn't expect that Xia Yan actually came up with such a thing.

When Xia Yan had almost finished talking about the matter, Senju Xiangzhen was completely numb. He looked at Xia Yan blankly and didn't know what to say for a while.

Seeing Senju Xiangzhen like this, Xia Yan couldn't help but chuckle and shook his head.

He knew that even if he revealed very little information, it would be very scary for Senju Xiangma.

But that's okay, after all, Xia Yan's goal has been completely achieved, and he can save a lot of things.

Perhaps after this time, Elder Xiangzhen will no longer be interested in asking himself some inexplicable things.

After all, they are not on the same level and look at the problem from the same perspective.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan suddenly smiled: "Also, hasn't the elder always wanted to know what my purpose is?"

"Then I can now clearly tell the elders that my purpose from beginning to end is...

That's Naruto! "


"Are you the president of the newspaper?"

In Kusano Country, Onoki couldn't help but frowned when he looked at the young man in front of him.

Of course he knew that this young man would never be the president of a newspaper, because he simply did not believe that such a young man could find a way to build such a huge organization.

And after he considered that this organization did not belong to Ninja Village, he naturally thought that there should be some non-governmental organizations behind this newspaper, and some powerful non-governmental organizations.

But this kind of organization is not on the same level as the Ninja Village. Now Ohnoki comes in person, but the other party takes a picture of a young man. Isn't this a typical look down on him?

Ohnoki was feeling very unhappy now, and he bluntly said that he was getting a little angry.

But he didn't attack immediately. He wanted to see what this guy had to say.

"Lord Tsuchikage, you misunderstood."

Nara Shikaki naturally saw that Onoki was losing his temper, but he didn't panic at all. He knew very well that if he panicked now, he would be dead.

"I'm not the president. Do you think I can be the president at my age?"


Ohnoki raised his eyebrows. Although the other party's decisive admission was not beyond his expectations, he also restrained his temper a little.

The boy in front of him acted so calmly, and I am afraid that the power behind him is not small.

Especially Ohnoki also noticed that this boy also had good chakra in his body, so it would be better for him to take such an organization seriously.

In fact, Onoki has a fairly tolerant attitude towards this kind of organization that is not affiliated with any ninja village.

Because this kind of organization is generally focused on money, as long as you can afford the chips, they can use it for you.

Ohnoki himself did not know how many such civil organizations he had hired to use their lives to deal with those disobedient small countries so that his own interests could penetrate.

It's like those guys are wreaking havoc, and those disobedient small countries are simply unable to resist.

At this time, your own army can legitimately enter in the name of helping them, but once in, it is not that simple to get out.

It can even be said to be impossible, and those small countries will naturally be unable to resist.

In his opinion, the existence of this kind of organization is really good. They get paid to do things, and their lives are not as valuable as the lives of their own ninjas.

In Ohnoki's memory, he felt that the organization that performed best was the organization called 'Akatsuki'.

The members of this organization are very strong and behave very professionally, but I don’t know why I haven’t seen them in the past six months or so.

But now is not the time to think about this. Onoki looked at Lucheng indifferently and asked in a deep voice.

"I remember I said that I want to meet your president. Now you send a young man to deal with me. Isn't it a bit too much?"

"Lord Tsuchikage, actually the president really has a reason why he can't leave now."

Nara Shikagi's expression was still calm and lazy. He smiled slightly and then spread his hands helplessly.

"The president is still in the Country of Fire. The minister of Konoha's Anbu kept him here. It is said that there are important matters that need to be discussed."

"Minister of Konoha ANBU?"

Ohnoki raised his eyebrows, and suddenly he seemed to realize something.

"Is it about Yunyin Village?"

"Sorry, I can't reveal that."

Nara Shikaro smiled and shook his head. At this time, he looked a bit enigmatic.

In fact, he was complaining feebly in his heart. After all, the one who really wants to be the president must be the ANBU chief, Senju Natsuhiko-sama!

Is it possible to tell the person in front of him that Xia Yan is holding Xia Yan and not letting him come here?

No matter how you look at it, it looks like crazy!

As for what one of your ministers is discussing, it's very simple, they are trying to trick you.

Onoki looked at the man in front of him quietly. Although the guy didn't say anything, Onoki had already concluded that Senju Natsuhiko was preparing for Kumogakure.

Anbu was the first to notice Kumokakure's unusual movements, so Konoha naturally couldn't just watch Kumokakure's actions. He had to find a way to mobilize Konoha ninjas.

In fact, he shouldn't be the one to do this kind of thing, but after all, Konoha is moving inside, and this Senju Natsuhiko is probably on the side of the Fourth Hokage.

Therefore, he would rush to do this kind of thing. In fact, he was improving the reputation of the Fourth Hokage and preventing him from losing people's hearts after being away for so long.

I have to say that the emergence of newspapers really broke some traditions.

Using newspapers to mobilize can really reach more people's hearts than one or two large-scale speeches.

After all, standing in front of everyone and mobilizing cannot happen every day or every moment.

However, newspapers can quietly affect everyone all the time like the spring breeze and drizzle.

With such a thing, Ohnoki would never give up easily. He did understand why the mysterious president couldn't get through.

"That boy Senju Natsuhiko." Onoki nodded slightly: "I know, but I'm curious, who are you?"

"I'm Uesugi Lucheng." Lucheng still kept smiling, and he said in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "According to my understanding, I should be the heir to the future newspaper company, as long as my brothers don't cause trouble."

The heir is a ghost, and he became the minister's son for no reason?

Nara Shikaro realized at this moment that his identity had become Natsuhiko's son inexplicably.

You must know that he is a lot older than Xia Yan, so it is normal for him to complain unhappily because he has lost a generation.

Onoki nodded clearly. He had never heard of the surname Uesugi, but this did not mean that they had no strength with some names he had never heard of.

And when this mysterious guy couldn't escape, sending his eldest son here obviously expressed his importance.

And Onoki is also thinking about whether the eldest son can take advantage of it, such as helping him and giving him enough support to help him rise to power in the future!

In this case, wouldn't he be able to get help from the entire newspaper company, instead of the current situation.

"I understand, Mr. Lucheng." Onoki had completely lost his temper at this moment. He smiled and said, "I think we can have a good talk, such as the matter of your Ninja World Daily entering the Land of Earth."

"It's better to obey orders than to be respectful..." Nara Shikaki bowed slightly: "Lord Tsuchikage."


The dinner that Natsuhiko invited to Ye Cang turned out well. Although he was slightly disturbed by Senju Shoma, it did not have any impact on them in the end.

Moreover, this meeting with Senju Xiangzhen brought a lot of benefits to Xia Yan in the days to come.

Because with the end of this meeting, Senju Shoma began to orderly transfer the power within the Senju clan under his control.

This approach completely shows one thing, that is, Senju Xiang really intends to let Xia Yan take charge of the entire family!

Regarding this situation, Xia Yan is naturally extremely happy and satisfied. After all, the power of the Thousand Hands Clan cannot be ignored even if they are lonely.

But even if Xia Yan was happy, he knew very well that he didn't have that much time to manage the Thousand Hands clan now.

All his energy is now focused on the ANBU. In addition to the ANBU, he also needs to seriously deal with the war between Konoha and Kumogakure that may come soon.

To be honest, Natsuhiko knew exactly why Kumogakure was causing trouble for Konoha.

How could the Fourth Raikage, a strong person, tolerate a weak Konoha weighing on his head?

In addition, he has set his sights on the Hyuga clan. In addition to strategic significance, the more important thing is to lay mines for Konoha.

Natsuhiko had never understood before that for ninjas like Kumo ninja who were good at speed and physical skills, Uchiha's Sharingan seemed to be more suitable for them than Byakugan.

After all, the Sharingan's insight and super dynamic vision are very suitable for high-speed combat taijutsu ninjas like them.

Why should they think twice and go to Hinata instead of going to trouble the Uchiha?

Later, when Xia Yan came to this world, he found that he seemed to be too small.

The Sharingan is suitable for Kumo ninja, but the strategic value of the Byakugan is even greater!

What was the war about?

In addition to logistics, it is intelligence!

Especially when two armies are confronting each other and the individual strengths of both sides are quite different, the importance of real-time intelligence becomes even more prominent.

Going head-on will only consume more, so the commanders of both sides will inevitably carry out various operations to gain more and greater advantages in this regard.

At this time, if you have a pair of white eyes, you can immediately understand these things and even make all the opponent's tactics ineffective.

In addition, when the fight is not started, Baiyan is always staring at the enemy, and every move of the enemy is completely visible. If you make arrangements in advance, are you afraid that you will not be able to defeat him?

The reason why Konoha was able to fight one against four and have the last laugh was not only that Konoha itself had a strong foundation, but also that these villages were not of the same mind.

The Byakugan also played an unimaginable role in these wars. It can be said that the strategic significance of the Byakugan is really strong.

Therefore, forcing Sarutobi Hiruzen to give them a pair of supercilious eyes was definitely a profitable business.

And what about Hinata or Sarutobi Hiruzen cheating?

Kumogakure is not a fool, so the target they want is Hinata and Hinatsu!

As the leader of the Hyuga clan, it is difficult for Hyuga Hizatsu to satisfy their demands.

If Konoha agrees, then one can imagine the Hyuuga clan's hatred for Sarutobi Hiruzen.

If he doesn't agree, then the person Hinata chooses must be Hinata Hizashi. You must know that this is Hinata Hizashi's younger brother.

Even though Hyuga and Hizashi are from the same family, brotherhood is something that is difficult to erase, and their intelligence has received a lot of interesting things.

It can be said that no matter what decision Sarutobi Hiruzen makes after compromising, the Hyuga clan's thunder will inevitably be buried.

The only difference is whether Hyuga Hizashi hates him or the entire Hyuga clan hates him.

Of course, this is not a problem, because Hyuga Hizu is the leader of the clan. If he is dead, the whole clan hates Sarutobi, and if he is alive, he can lead the whole clan to hate Sarutobi.

If this thunder is buried, it will definitely cause a lot of hidden dangers in Konoha.

"So, if we fight, Konoha will suffer, and if we don't fight Sarutobi, Hiruzen and Konoha will also suffer. Kumogakure is really calculating to death."

With the village of Yunyin about to be troubled, Xia Yan must be prepared to deal with these troubles. Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for him to pay attention to the Senju clan.

Therefore, when Senju Xiangzhen wanted to make a complete handover, Natsuhiko decisively stopped him.

Senju Xiangzhen is Xia Yan's caregiver. Although they are not of the same mind on many things, this does not mean that Xia Yan does not trust him.

Especially after he has made so many achievements, to be honest, no one in the entire Senju clan can stop Xia Yan.

Therefore, there is no need for him to force Senju Xiangzhen to hand over his power to him. This elder can obviously continue to control it.

"I don't have that much time, so it's better for the Senju clan to be in the hands of the elders, just like I control the ANBU now. If I give them a direction, the rest is up to them."

Natsuhiko's treatment of the Senju clan was basically the same, but what he found interesting was that Senju Shoma still took out all the family's belongings.

For example, the financial situation of the family, Senju is still on good terms with those families, and the roster of all the arts collected by the family is all handed over to Xia Yan!

Counting the specific information about family members that Xia Yan obtained last time, as well as their specific distribution.

It can be said that the Thousand Hands Clan now has no secrets at all in front of Xia Yan!

It is absolutely no problem to say that the current Senju is Xia Yan's Senju.

"Mr. Minister." In the Anbu office, when Xia Yan was looking through the documents in his hand, Lianhua suddenly opened the door of the office.

"What's wrong?" Xia Yan put down the document in his hand and asked curiously.

"There are results." Lianhua quickly handed a letter in his hand to Xia Yan.

Xia Yan took the letter and opened it directly. After reading it carefully, he couldn't help but smile.

Nara Shikaku is indeed very capable. The Third Tsuchikage was actually able to do it for him like this?

Not only that, he actually got a series of preferential and protective policies to enter the Kingdom of Earth.

This made Xia Yan really feel a little emotional. There really is no member of the Nara clan who can be looked down upon...


The agreement signed between Nara Shikagi and Onoki can be said to have completely eliminated all the problems of selling newspapers in the country!

Onoki promised that if the newspaper came in, then he could convince the daimyo to release it, and he could assist them in setting up stations across Earth Country for sale.

In addition, Onoki will also provide a certain level of protection for newspapers to prevent them from being targeted by some money-grubbing guys, which will threaten the interests of the newspaper.

The most important thing is that Ohnoki can also endorse the newspaper and provide manpower to help with early publicity!

These agreements were so convenient that it was unimaginable. For a moment, Nara Shikaki wondered if there was something wrong with the third Tsuchikage's brain.

"Wait a minute, being courteous for nothing is either adultery or theft. There is definitely something wrong with this!"

But he soon became alert. He would not believe that Onoki was a philanthropist. He must have a purpose in making these concessions.

After all, Nara Shikagi is a member of the Nara clan. Even though there is no story about him in the original work, there are tens of thousands of ninjas in Konoha. How can everyone tell it clearly?

Just because he doesn't, doesn't mean he's not good. At most, it just means that he doesn't have much interaction with the protagonist of the original work.

There are hundreds of Jonin in Konoha, and each story of his own growth is like a protagonist.

But in the huge world of Naruto, after the perspective is locked on Naruto and the others, they naturally become dispensable.

Nara Shikagi is obviously such a person. As a member of the Nara clan, his mind is also extremely smart. After thinking seriously for a moment, he almost figured out Onoki's thoughts.

In fact, the agreements made by Ohnoki look very good, but in essence these agreements require Ohnoki to spend very, very few resources.

Convince the daimyo?

What a joke!

Your Iwagakure Village is not Sunagakure Village. Do you need to convince the daimyo?

It can be said that the Iwagakure Village in Earth Country is definitely the one that speaks the truth. To persuade, it may actually be as simple as writing a letter or letting someone tell you.

Assisting in setting up the site, isn't this to find out the whereabouts of these people?

As for protection, this may be somewhat necessary, but then I think about it, is this a kind of surveillance?

To put it bluntly, these agreements seem to be very generous, but Ohnoki is also guarding against them.

In addition, Ohnomu does not need to spend any resources on such an agreement, but it is very needed for Lucheng.

Not only would Lucheng accept it, he felt that even Xia Yan would definitely nod.

And a guy like Ohnoki must have a purpose for giving such benefits. This guy probably wants to have a good relationship with the newspaper and also plans to get more benefits.

In addition, he may also have taken a fancy to the identity Lucheng currently uses.

Thinking of this, Lucheng started to think twice, and he knew how to deal with this problem.

He said that the conditions he gave were that he would make it possible for the newspaper to favor Onoki on certain stance issues, and at the same time, the income from the Earth Kingdom would be submitted to Iwagakure according to the tax rate of the Earth Kingdom.

In addition, the most important point is that he implicitly expressed to Ohnoki that if Ohnoki could support him and allow him to fight for something in the future.

Then he might as well support Ohnoki more and help him more.

What Onoki wanted was this promise. It could be said that what Lucheng said was perfectly in line with Onoki's expectations, so the next thing became simpler.

"This Nara Shikagi is really a talent."

After Xia Yan read all the reports, he couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

To be honest, Nara Shikaro was actually a role he chose temporarily. He really didn't expect that this role would actually bring him such a big surprise.

However, Konoha has many talents, and Natsuhiko has always known this, otherwise Konoha would not be the number one in the ninja world.

Therefore, although Nara Shikaku's achievements are a surprise to Natsuhiko, he will not think too much about it.

Of course, Natsuhiko will never give him less of the reward he deserves. As for what he should give, he will wait until Nara Shikaro comes back.

"But we can't promise him not to send him on similar tasks in the future. These guys are really lazy."

The Nara clan's character, Natsuhiko, is relatively familiar, and he doesn't want this guy to give up his burden now.

Putting down the report in his hand, Xia Yan began to think about how to deal with the current situation.

Nara Shikaki's report said that Onoki asked about the newspaper president, which forced Natsuhiko to make some preparations.

The main person to contact Ohnoki will be Nara Shikaki, but the mysterious president will inevitably come forward once or twice.

"Onoki did not suspect that some ninja villages were behind the newspaper, so he must have determined that some private forces were behind this so-called newspaper, otherwise it would be impossible to cooperate with Konoha Anbu.

In this case, some people must be chosen well to dispel the suspicion of Onoki, an old fox. "

Ohnoki believed in Lucheng, but such trust was very subtle. After all, Ohnoki had been in power for so many years, and he must have already built the Kingdom of Earth into a piece of iron.

What's more, he is so smart, and he naturally understands how terrifying the power of newspapers is.

So in order to make him fearful, Xia Yan had to prepare well.

In order for his newspaper to enter the Kingdom of Earth smoothly and for his future development, there should be no room for carelessness in this matter.

"If it doesn't work, I'll go there myself. Whether it's disguise or transformation, you can try it. If it doesn't work..."

Xia Yan's expression changed slightly when he thought of this. If that didn't work, he could use his vest to confuse Onoki!

If his tailed beast vests were exposed, it would cause a huge sensation.

But if only a few people know about it, then this is not unacceptable.

The most trouble caused by tailed beast vests is because there are tailed beasts in other villages.

No one wants to be threatened for no reason, especially from a tailed beast that is so terrifying that it can almost wipe out a village.

But if they are strong enough, then they can only accept such threats.

Moreover, maybe such a threat would actually be helpful to Xia Yan.

"I remember that there seems to be some kind of Celestial Being organization in a certain Gundam, which threatens the whole world with its powerful strength and makes them have to live in peace?"

The word peace is useful but useless to Xia Yan.

But for now, this seems to be a very good opportunity to make his vest appear in the ninja world and give the newspaper a good promotion.

“But this matter still needs to be carefully considered, and we will make a decision after we have considered it.

After all, the most important thing now is Yunyin's side..."


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