The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 265: Do you do it yourself or should I help you (8K please subscribe~)

Autumn turns to winter, and the silent wooden leaves are once again covered with white snow.

Xia Yan was sitting in a tavern, looking at the welcoming team below, his expression was very calm.

The people from Cloud Hidden Village came, and just like the original work, they came to sign an armistice agreement with Konoha, and then successfully entered Konoha.

And now they are still using this excuse to come to Konoha, which has also attracted great attention from Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Konoha and Kumogakure have never signed an armistice agreement. This is like a thorn stuck in everyone's throat. Sarutobi Hiruzen has really wanted to pull it out for a long time.

And now that Kumogakure offered to sign a treaty, how could Sarutobi Hiruzen not feel moved?

It's just that something like this is like pie in the sky. If anyone has to be extremely cautious, Sarutobi Hiruzen naturally has to be cautious as well.

Kumogakure is too strong now. They didn't lose much in three battles. There are really few people in the ninja world who can challenge them.

Even Konoha will feel powerless when facing them, and considering Konoha's current comprehensive strength, the two sides are really not on the same level.

Therefore, even though Sarutobi Hiruzen was really worried about Kumogakure, he still came with sincerity. He really wanted to do less rather than do more.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's idea was good, but it was a pity that he was facing an ambitious man who longed for Kumogakure to stand at the top of the ninja world.

Therefore, his luck mentality will not be of any use at all. He is humiliating himself.

Of course, there are other reasons that prompted Hiruzen Sarutobi to make such a choice, that is, the current small-scale conflicts between Konoha and Kumogakure are constantly escalating.

If this continues, no one knows how this conflict will develop.

Therefore, Sarutobi Hiruzen is also eager to put an end to all this, otherwise Konoha's mission efficiency will be seriously affected, and even Konoha's overall reputation will be affected.

If it were in the past, Konoha would really not be afraid of this kind of thing, and would even be more ruthless and would send elite ninjas to lead the team and lead some talented young people to learn from experience.

But after three wars, Konoha's wealth was almost wiped out, which also caused Konoha to have to shrink overall.

"Mr. Minister, everything has been arranged."

Just as Xia Yan was looking at the grand occasion below, Kakashi suddenly appeared behind him and whispered to him.

"Yeah, I know, thank you for your hard work."

Xia Yan nodded slightly, how could Anbu remain motionless when such a big thing happened?

Although at Xia Yan's suggestion, the task of maintaining order was handed over to the Security Department, the secret protection and observation of all movements still needed to be handled by the ANBU.

The reform of the Security Department has now reached the final step. On the day when the Hokage Building was surrounded by clan leaders and jounin, Uchiha Makoto captured the three brigades together.

After such a long period of transformation and cleanup, the current security department has basically completed the balance between civilian ninjas and Uchiha family ninjas.

This balance is combined with the regulations set by Xia Yanrangqiong for the Security Department. The Security Department has been developing in an increasingly better direction.

Moreover, the original establishment of the Security Department was not small. After being expanded by civilian ninjas, the current establishment has been completely filled.

They even have their own reserve team. You can imagine how strong the security department is now.

Of course, the price of this is that the relationship between Uchiha Zhen and Uchiha Fugaku has become increasingly tense, and anyone with a discerning eye can see how intense the smell of gunpowder is in the Uchiha clan.

Maybe the next moment, this terrifying powder keg will be ignited, and no one knows how this matter will develop.

However, Natsuhiko felt that Uchiha really had a good chance of winning, because he was standing behind Uchiha!

"As soon as they disperse, assign a team to follow them."

Natsuhiko was thinking about Uchiha in his mind, but his eyes were still fixed on the people downstairs.

The welcome ceremony was basically over at this time, and Hiruzen Sarutobi personally led Kumogakure and the others towards the Hokage Building.

The snowflakes in the sky are still dancing. It is very rude to stay outside under such circumstances. Sarutobi Hiruzen will not do these things.

"Yes, Sir Minister."

Kakashi nodded immediately. In fact, he would do it well without Natsuhiko arranging it.

After all, he knew exactly what Yunyin was doing in Tang Country near the border of Fire Country.

Moreover, the previous fierce conflict between Konoha and Kumogakure's mission teams didn't seem to be stopping no matter how they looked at it.

Now they came over and said they wanted to cease the war, especially the Fourth Raikage who emphasized that he was working hard for the peace of the ninja world.

Such remarks made Kakashi, who had been with Natsuhiko for several years, really disbelieving and confused.

"Mr. Buchou..." Kakashi thought for a while before he asked: "Actually, I don't understand what Kumogakure's purpose is."

"The purpose?" Natsuhiko raised his head and glanced at Kakashi standing behind him, and then he smiled and said: "The purpose is very simple, of course it is to cause trouble for Konoha."

At this point, Natsuhiko stopped. He knocked on the table lightly to signal Kakashi to sit down, and then he continued with a smile.

"Actually, your question is very simple. Kumogakure has been dissatisfied with Konoha's status from the beginning, especially after the three wars, Konoha still occupies the most resources in the ninja world.

This is a problem of uneven distribution of resources. After all, no one will give up their interests to others easily.

Secondly, Kumogakure's own losses in the three battles were very low, and he has the strength to do all this.

Didn't Konoha and Kumogakure have constant conflicts in the mission before, but Raikage took the initiative to sign an agreement for the sake of peace in the ninja world.

Let me ask you a question, if you lower your stance so low, but the people you send to express peace have a big problem.

For example, if you die for some reason, what will you do? "

Natsuhiko spoke very slowly, but Kakashi listened very seriously. When Natsuhiko finished speaking, his expression had completely changed.

"Mr. Buchou, you mean..." Kakashi stood up immediately, but was interrupted by Natsuhiko before he could finish his words.

"War requires excuses, and this is a good excuse." Xia Yan sighed slightly.

"Can this kind of war be stopped?" Kakashi hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Or, do we need to remind the Sandaime?"

"It doesn't matter whether you remind the Sandaime or not. There's nothing you can do if they've already come in." Xia Yan chuckled, and then he knocked on the table lightly: "As for stopping them, I can only say that I will do my best."

"I really hope it can be resolved peacefully. War is really disgusting. It would be great if everyone could sit down and talk."

"Jiraiya's idea? It's great but also stupid. He wants to have a peaceful discussion. This at least does not exist in the interests of the country and the village."


The essence of Jiraiya's thoughts and desires, as well as Naruto's future efforts, is to eliminate hatred and understand each other between people.

There is no doubt that this is an extremely great dream, but it is just a dream.

Xia Yan has long said that if people want to understand each other, there must be a foundation.

And this foundation is equality.

If there is no equal basis, it is really difficult to have any empathy, especially when something rises to the level of a village or a country, there is even less understanding.

For example, in the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Wind, the Kingdom of Wind has a harsh climate and few green areas, making planting a luxury.

Moreover, transportation is not convenient and economic development is slow. This has also resulted in their village and country being ranked at the bottom even if they are among the top five ninja villages.

On the other hand, Konoha has a pleasant climate and excellent environment, which is suitable for growing various crops. The transportation is also very convenient, and the economy is developing well.

It’s really hard to say that these two villages can have empathy together.

If we use the concept of mutual understanding between people, then should Konoha give Sunagakure some territory so that they can develop better?

If this question were asked by someone with brains other than the Holy Mother, they would reply unceremoniously: Fart!

Don't put this kind of thing solely on individuals. Perhaps individuals can try to understand each other.

But Xia Yan said in his previous life that science has no borders but scientists have nationalities.

It can also be used in this world. The ninja profession has no borders, but the ninja has a ninja village to belong to.

Kakashi may have understood what Natsuhiko meant, or maybe he needed time to think it over on his own.

But no matter how hard he thought about it, Kakashi would not forget his mission. People like Kumogakure had become the key targets of ANBU's attention.

And these members of the Yunyin Mission also seemed to confirm Xia Yan's guess, they were indeed up to something evil!

The armistice agreement has been signed. After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen is impatient.

However, the Kumogakure mission did not immediately leave Konoha and return to Kumogakure after signing the peace agreement. Instead, they temporarily stayed in Konoha.

Regarding this point, although Sarutobi Hiruzen had doubts in his heart, considering that the signing had been completed, he did not care about them too much.

Therefore, during this period of time, the members of the Kumogakure Mission were like ordinary tourists.

They visited the streets and alleys of Konoha and recorded a lot of things. It can be said that except for the military restricted areas, they visited the entire village.

Many ninjas in Konoha were a little dissatisfied with the behavior of these guys, but considering their status, none of the ninjas in Konoha did anything to stop them.

Xia Yan knew very well that these guys actually had their own purposes. If there were no accidents, they might still be planning to attack the Hyuga clan.

However, Xia Yan still needs to observe what they will do. After all, there are some butterfly effects that need to be guarded against.

Although the butterfly effect caused by Xia Yan was not much, it was not too little.

Excluding what he did on his own initiative, for example, Namikaze Minato is still alive, Orochimaru did not go to the Akatsuki organization, Uchiha Fugaku is missing an eye, and Danzo is dead now.

Xia Yan clearly remembered the rest of the things that happened without Xia Yan taking the initiative to do anything.

For example, in the Kyuubi incident, Natsuhiko always remembered clearly that Obito suddenly returned to look for trouble.

Now that Konoha has an ANBU minister like himself, he is not sure whether Kumogakure is still interested in Hinata Hinata, the eldest daughter of the Hyuga clan, as he was in the original time and space.

"Maybe they will go to trouble Uchiha. After all, these guys have been in Konoha for so long and have been asking for information."

Natsuhiko could conclude that these guys were wandering around Konoha just to collect information. Not only were they collecting information, they were also planning to exchange information with a spy hidden in Konoha.

In every village, there will be more or less hidden secrets of the enemy. This has never been a strange thing.

The reason why they were not found was not only because the other party was very skilled in hiding and did not catch them at all, but also because they simply kept them and deliberately let them pass on false information.

However, after wandering around for several days, these guys suddenly became uncharacteristically honest. They stayed quietly in their camp all day without going out.

"How's it going?"

The sun sets in the west and the night gets darker.

Natsuhiko's figure appeared quietly in a corner outside Kumogakure's residence without any warning. He calmly looked at Kakashi in front of him and asked.

"There hasn't been much movement yet." Kakashi shook his head slightly, and then he said in a serious voice: "But I arranged four teams to keep an eye on it, and even the lone wolf came over."

The name Lone Wolf made Xia Yan stunned for a moment. He had not forgotten the guy from the Hyuga clan who had competed with him for the captaincy.

Since he became the captain, he really hasn't met this guy again.

It seems quite normal that he continues to stay in ANBU without being purged. After all, this guy is a member of the Hyuga branch family, and he is not someone who will completely take sides.

But it's good that Kakashi found this guy. After all, this guy still has a supercilious attitude even if the family is separated.

"Are you a lone wolf? With this guy's Byakugan, it seems you don't need to worry too much." Xia Yan nodded slightly, he was still very satisfied with Kakashi's arrangement.

"Their behavior is really weird, and they are also very alert." Kakashi sighed, and he shook his head helplessly: "When we were following them, we were almost discovered several times, but today they have been missing all day long. If you don’t show up, you have to be careful no matter what.”

"It's a good thing to be careful." Xia Yan smiled, and suddenly he saw a figure running towards them quickly, which made Xia Yan frown slightly.

"Mr. Minister, Captain." The person who came was Lone Wolf. When he saw Xia Yan, his whole body paused.

But he soon recovered, and then bowed slightly to Natsuhiko and Kakashi.

"There's no need for this. Let's talk about what's going on." Xia Yan nodded slightly, and he asked directly: "Is it those guys who are acting strangely?"

"Yes, Mr. Minister." Lone Wolf immediately nodded and said, "Those guys take action."


Action taken?

Upon hearing this, both Natsuhiko and Kakashi couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

This may not be a good thing for Kakashi, but at least they have the power to react and maneuver if they move on their own side.

Xia Yan felt very satisfied. He was afraid that if these guys didn't move, it would give him a headache.

Just move it. If it moves, he will have a reason to do it!

As the person who had to make Konoha and Kumogakure go to war, he had made so many preparations, whether it was through newspapers to covertly mobilize the public opinion of Konoha.

Still ready, after the war between Konoha and Kumogakure, some analysis materials from Iwagakure's perspective showed that he was preparing for this war.

Now that he has almost done it, if he continues to use newspapers to promote it, I am afraid that Sarutobi Hiruzen will find out the clues.

He didn't want to be noticed by Sarutobi Hiruzen, those plans wouldn't be of much benefit to him.

Fortunately, these guys came and finally took action. How could Xia Yan be dissatisfied?

"It's just..." At this moment, Lone Wolf suddenly frowned and said: "They used a lot of clones to disperse. Visual inspection should be the shadow clone technique."

"Use shadow clones to disperse and leave?" Kakashi's expression changed slightly when he heard this. This is definitely not good news.

The characteristic of shadow clones is that they are difficult to see through. Although this technique is difficult to learn and has certain side effects, the characteristics of this technique are really difficult to prevent.

These guys used shadow clones to leave. No matter how you look at it, they are going to cause trouble, and what they are going to cause is definitely serious!

"Damn guys, they all know how to use shadow clones." Kakashi said slowly through gritted teeth.

He has no interest in what these guys want to do. His only idea is to send all these guys out of Konoha as soon as possible!

"Arrest them." Xia Yan thought for a moment, and then said: "Try to be careful when fighting with them, they may seek death, of course..."

Having said this, Xia Yan paused slightly, and then he spoke with great seriousness.

"Once they threaten the personal safety of Konoha residents, kill them directly without any hesitation!"

"Yes!" Lone Wolf replied without any hesitation.

"This..." Kakashi seemed a little hesitant. He knew what Xia Yan meant by what he said before.

Once they take action to kill them, these guys have achieved their goal.

But Kakashi also knows that these guys cannot be allowed to cause any trouble to Konoha. Their ANBU mission is to protect the safety of Konoha!

"Yes!" Thinking of this, Kakashi replied decisively, and then he immediately left the place and followed the lone wolf to track and intercept.

Natsuhiko stood there without moving. He waited until Kakashi and the lone wolf had completely left before he slowly opened his eyes.

The azure light flashed in Xia Yan's eyes, and in just a moment he had locked onto several Yun Ninjas who had not yet run out of his sight.

The most important thing is that he also found the true form of the Ninja head of the Cloud Ninja Mission!

In fact, he is not shy about letting others know that he has these eyes, but the clever thing is that every time he uses these eyes, not many people see them.

By chance, Xia Yan's eyes were not exposed. Even if someone saw them, they would never know the effect of his eyes.

Naturally, Xia Yan will not explain these things. I am afraid that no ninja will go back and take the initiative to explain what his power is.

"Unless you're facing the dead!"

Xia Yan's figure moved slightly, and in just a moment he came to the corner next to the head of the Kumogakure mission.

He didn't take action immediately, he just looked at this guy quietly.

Watching him take advantage of the darkness and the commotion caused by other Kumo ninjas to distract the guards, and then quietly run towards the interior of the Hyuga clan.

"It seems that they are still the same clan."

Xia Yan thought silently, and with the help of Jingyan, he clearly saw this guy avoid the heavy patrols and skillfully headed towards the residence of the leader of the Hyuga clan.

It can be seen that this guy has obtained a lot of information during this period. After all, not everyone knows the layout of the Hyuga clan.

To be honest, if Danzo hadn't been dead, maybe Natsuhiko would have really doubted this guy Danzo.

But now it seems that there should be some powerful guys lurking in Konoha.

"You still have to pay attention to a guy like this, otherwise you know what the consequences will be if you continue to let him stay in Konoha without being exposed."

Xia Yan thought silently, and Yunyin's ninja also took action at this moment!

The Hyuga clan is too comfortable. As the two top pupil families in the village and one of the two strongest families in the village, they really don't think anyone in Konoha will attack them out of mind.

They did have a family patrol team. After all, everyone still vaguely remembered what happened when Kumogakure abducted Kushina Uzumaki.

It's just that the intensity of this patrol is really average, and these cloud ninjas also made noise elsewhere, which diverted the attention of Hinata's patrol team.

But this is the time when patrols should be strengthened most to control and stabilize the family.

In Natsuhiko's clear eyes, Kumogakure's ninja sword didn't take much effort at all and he successfully caught the sleeping Hinata!

"Performing well."

Xia Yan mentally praised him silently. He could see that it wouldn't be a problem for this guy to evacuate quietly at this time.

After all, Hinata was still asleep at this time, and he didn't attract any attention.

But this guy deliberately made some noise, thus alerting Hinata Hizashi who was sleeping in the next room!

Soon Hinata Hizashi rushed out with murderous intent, and he rushed towards Kumogakure's ninja head at almost the fastest speed.

And Xia Yan also chose to act at this moment. After all, the attitude of the Hyuga clan is a key this time, and Xia Yan will not miss it.

And as the head of ANBU, Natsuhiko has to come forward in some matters...


"I'm catching up with you!"

"Don't be impulsive, Head Hyuga."

The moment Hinata Hizu caught up with this guy and took action, Natsuhiko's figure suddenly appeared between Hinata Hizu and the Kumo ninja.

He blocked Hinata Hizu's angry blow almost lightly. Of course, Hinata Hizu did not go all out. After all, he had to be careful about hitting his daughter.

The appearance of Natsuhiko made Hinata Hizashi frown. He had already recognized who the young man in front of him was - this was ANBU Minister Senju Natsuhiko!

Hyuga Hizashi did not have much contact with Natsuhiko, even though he knew that Natsuhiko Senju represented the Fourth Generation Eye, and he and the Interest Group of the Third Generation Eye represented by Hiruzen Sarutobi were in a fierce conflict.

However, he has no intention of participating, because the Hyuga clan can proudly only help the victors, instead of choosing to take sides when they have not yet won!

"Secretary Senju?"

Hinata Hizu stopped his hand, and the Kumo ninja also stopped.

In Konoha and the Senju clan, the only one who serves as minister is ANBU, and the power this ANBU minister possesses makes him know that there is no point in running away.

After all, he can't run with two legs, Senju Natsuhiko, who has mastered the power of space.

"Don't be impulsive, he is from the Kumo Hidden Mission." Xia Yan said calmly, and then he looked at the Kumo Ninja.

Hinata Hizu's face became solemn when he heard this, and the murderous intention in his body also disappeared.

As the leader of the wealthy Hyuga clan in Konoha, Hyuga Hizashi naturally knows how sensitive the identity of Kumo Gakure's ninja is.

Once something happens to him in the Hyuga clan, no matter what this guy does, I'm afraid the Hyuga clan will be the unlucky one, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

Only then did Xia Yan look at Kumo Gakuin's ninja, and his voice was unusually indifferent at this moment: "Your Excellency, do you know that your behavior is destroying the hard-won peace between our two countries. "

"Peace?" Yunyin grinned, and then he quickly pulled out a kunai.

This kunai was directly pressed against Hinata's throat, and Hinata, who had already passed out, knew nothing about it.

But when the sharp kunai pressed against her white neck, a look of pain unconsciously appeared on her young face.

Hinata Hiashi saw this and immediately shouted: "Stop it!"

It's just that Hinata Hizu's roar was of no use to this Kumogakure ninja. His expression was still so calm, which made Hinata Hizu very uneasy.

What puzzled him the most was how did this guy sneak into the Hyuga clan mansion quietly?

Also, why did he know the layout of the Zong family's mansion, and why did he find Hinata so easily?

Being able to sneak in can be understood as a problem with the patrols and guards of the Hyuga clan. After all, Hinata has been too comfortable these years.

But few people can understand things like house layout!

"Hyuuga Clan Leader, don't worry, he can't do much as long as I'm here."

Natsuhiko glanced at Hinata Hinashi, and then he looked at the Kumo ninja.

"And this guy is dead, he took poison."

While outside, Xia Yan had already noticed that this guy's life breath was a little strange, and it seemed to be passing rapidly with time.

But now at such a close distance, Xia Yan could feel the dire situation of this guy even more.

The combination of perception and the use of the Pure Eye really allowed Xia Yan to understand many things without any difficulty, such as the real situation of the guy in front of him.

Sure enough, after Xia Yan said these words, the face of the leader of the cloud ninja changed slightly. He really didn't expect that his situation had been discovered.

"You..." Hinata and Hinata's expression instantly became even uglier. This guy is seeking death to this extent. He is simply trying to deceive the Hyuga clan.

"I didn't expect it to be seen. You are worthy of being the head of ANBU." Kumogakure gritted his teeth and said, "But do you think you can really save this brat from me?"

"Whether you can be saved or not is up to me, not you."

Xia Yan chuckled, and then he slowly spoke.

"You Raikage have really worked hard. First, there were constant mission conflicts, which made Konoha feel stressed.

Then he took the initiative to show weakness and showed that he was willing to make concessions to sign the treaty for the sake of peace in the ninja world.

It's just that the treaty is fake, the purpose is just to let a group of deadpools in, and they can carry out more plans after entering Konoha. "

Xia Yan paused slightly when he said this, and then he looked at the Yunyin leader with a playful expression on his face.

"You died, Raikage came out to blame Konoha, and hesitated that you died in the Hyuga clan, so Raikage will give two options.

One is to hand over the murderer, I think he will bite Hinata Hinashi to death, so that you can get a pair of blank eyes.

The other is war, through which the weak Konoha will suffer heavy losses and thereby benefit itself.

Of course, no matter how Sarutobi Hiruzen chooses, Konoha's prestige will eventually plummet, but you can successfully step on Konoha and become the number one in the ninja world. "

Having said that, everything has become extremely clear.

Hinata Hizu's face was very ugly, because he found that he had become a pawn in a game without knowing it.

And he had no room for resistance, so he could only watch the fight between the two sides and the final decision that Sarutobi Hiruzen would make.

The face of Kumogakure's ninja changed completely. Although he didn't know many details of this mission, he was smart enough to guess some things.

After all, the only person who could be selected for this mission was that he had a bad relationship with Raikage and became a necessary cleanup target.

There is also the fact that he is loyal enough to Yunyin Village and has enough brains to deal with various emergencies.

Obviously, what he was thinking was basically the same as what the ANBU minister in front of him said!

No wonder this guy could take the position of ANBU Minister at such a young age. Sure enough, this guy's intelligence is also extremely frightening.

"Okay, I've said all that needs to be said, it's time to do some practical things."

Xia Yan looked at the silent Yunyin Ren, and he spoke softly.

"Now I give you two choices, you let this girl go, or I take action."

"Are you so sure that you can save her with the Flying Thunder God?"

This Kumogakure ninja woke up immediately. The kunai in his hand pressed deeper against Hinata's neck, and even some bloodshot threads appeared.

Seeing this, Xia Yan couldn't help but shook his head slightly: "It seems that you chose the latter..."

As soon as the words fell, Xia Yan's eyes instantly bloomed with bright blue!

And at this moment, his figure disappeared instantly like a ghost.

"Then I'll do it myself."

A cold voice suddenly sounded from behind Yunyin Ren's head...


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