The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 266: Choice (8K please subscribe)

Hinata Hinashi looked blankly at Natsuhiko and the treatment he held in his arms, and then glanced at the Kumogakure ninja who had completely fallen to the ground.

He now feels that his brain is a little confused, because he didn't see clearly what happened at that moment!

He only saw the ninja sword of Kumogakure raising the kunai in his hand, and then preparing to stab the unconscious Hinata in his arms.

And at this moment, a flash of blue suddenly appeared in Xia Yan's eyes. The blue like flowing light made Hinata and Hinata tremble in their hearts.

For some reason, he suddenly felt that those eyes were somewhat familiar. Those eyes seemed to have been recorded in the oldest records of the family head.

He had a good memory, and he remembered that he had accidentally read this record when he was a child.

The reason why he was deeply impressed was because, as stated in the records, these eyes were as blue as a stream of water and had the power to destroy the world!

When he was young, he completely regarded it as an anecdote, but why would such a pair of eyes that were so similar to the description really appear in this world?

"The child is fine, Mr. Hizu." Natsuhiko didn't know what Hinata Hizu was thinking. He carried Hinata and walked to Hinata Hizu's side.

"Oh...oh!" Hinata and Hinata came to their senses at this moment. He was so busy that he hit Hinata, and kept repeating: "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay."

He said this, but when he looked at the Yunyin head who was lying on the ground with no breath, Hinata Hinashi's face was gloomy and terrifying.

He didn't blame Natsuhiko for killing this guy. What he hated was that this guy actually plotted against the Hyuga clan!

What's even more fatal is that he knew about this calculation but couldn't change anything. This is the most powerless thing.

At this moment, there was a sudden noise in the distance.

This noise seemed very harsh in the quiet village at night.

Hinata Hiashi looked in the direction of the noise. His eyes were already open and his face was very ugly.

"If I'm not mistaken, they must be those from the Kumogakure mission." Xia Yan glanced at the distance, and he said to Hinata and Hinashi with a smile.

"Yes." Hinata nodded attentively. He really felt that his head was big now.

Because of his big head, he didn't even seem interested in asking about the changes in Xia Yan's eyes.

The situation this time was really bad. Xia Yan had already made it clear before.

Hinata and Hizu can completely imagine how difficult their situation is now.

Especially those Kumogakure ninjas have also come here. I am afraid that Sarutobi Hiruzen will also get the news. No matter how I look at it, there will be no peace tonight.

According to what Natsuhiko said before, no matter how you look at Hinata and Konoha, there may not be any good results this time.

It's not that he blindly believed Xia Yan's words, but that what Xia Yan said was definitely analyzed comprehensively.

Anbu's work has always required caution. When Natsuhiko said this, he probably took everything into account, whether it was the process of the incident or Sarutobi Hiruzen's character.

And when Hinata Hizu thought about the direction of this matter, he found that there was not much difference from what Natsuhiko said.

The current situation of Konoha, the current situation of Kumogakure, and Sarutobi Hiruzen's current control of Konoha, as well as some of his policies, etc.

After putting these circumstances together, Hinata Hizashi got an answer that made him extremely desperate.

"The Third Hokage won't choose to start a war, right?" After a long time, Hinata Hinashi suddenly asked bitterly.

Natsuhiko looked back at Hinata and Hinashi with a smile, and then nodded slightly: "I'm afraid so, after all, it was said a long time ago by ANBU reports and the so-called newspaper that Kumogakure was constantly training troops in the Country of Yu. , but Konoha’s response is not so optimistic.”

Konoha's reaction was more than optimistic, even Konoha did have some reactions.

But Konoha's troops were only stationed on the border and did not enter Yuno Country.

This has already expressed Sarutobi Hiruzen's attitude, that is, he does not want to have further conflicts with Kumogakure.

He behaved so passively even in simple conflicts and confrontations. Imagine that a mission ninja who had just signed an armistice agreement with Konoha suddenly died in Konoha.

Under such circumstances, what should Sarutobi Hiruzen do? Should he downplay the major issues and safeguard the armistice agreement, or should he choose to stand behind the interests and protect the Hyuga clan?

Sighing helplessly, Hinata Hizu felt that there was no need to think too much about this.

According to Sarutobi Hiruzen's current character and the current situation in Konoha, the Hyuga clan may be forced to make sacrifices.

"Actually, doesn't Mr. Rizu already have the answer?" Xia Yan looked at Hinata Hizu with a smile. Although this question was stupid, it was also very realistic.

Everyone has a desire to survive, whether it is for the family or for himself, Hinata and Hizu are not willing to just surrender, even if he does not have the ability to resist.

What's more, Xia Yan knows that what he wants to do can be regarded as helping him in some sense. As for how to help in this way, it depends on their own performance.

Xia Yan is not a philanthropist. He always has his own purpose in doing things. He has already thought clearly about the pros and cons of helping Hinata.

There is no doubt that Hyuga Hizashi will not die, so the person who dies must still be the unlucky Hyuga Hizashi.

To be honest, the death of Hyuga Hizashi is actually a good thing to some extent, because his death can further stimulate the emotions of the people of Konoha.

At this time, Natsuhiko took action, hoping to use war to solve the problem, and at the same time, asking newspapers to cooperate in promoting the concept of 'hatred' would inevitably make Konoha boil.

But in this case, the Hyuga clan's stand will not be so thorough and firm.

After all, Hinata Hizashi is not stupid. He can definitely see that Xia Yan is using the death of Hinata Hizashi to make trouble, especially when Xia Yan does not need this matter to make a wedding dress.

Of course, just because his fighting is not thorough and firm does not mean that he will fall and go to Sarutobi Hiruzen's side.

After all, they are also smart people, and they will only choose to help the winner.

"If they had approached me in advance and come up with some ideas, things would have been different."

Xia Yan thought silently, then he nodded to Hinata and left here.

The stage has been initially set up, and now it’s time to watch their respective performances...


"These damn guys!"

In the Hokage's office, Hiruzen Sarutobi hammered his desk hard.

His face is livid now. He knows that these Yunyin must have impure intentions, but peace is right in front of him and he really can't give up easily.

What made him extremely angry was that his tolerance and tolerance, and the choices he made for peace, turned out to be so insignificant in the eyes of others!

Nara Shikaku stood aside and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen, and he couldn't help but sigh softly.

Although because of what happened to Yamanaka Haiichi, he also had a lot of resentment towards the Third Hokage in front of him.

But it was obvious that he also knew that it was no longer a personal family issue, it was an issue involving the entire Konoha.

Nara Shikaku has almost guessed what the guys in Kumogakure are thinking. He knows that Kumokakure probably wants to force Konoha into war now!

No matter how you look at it, this is not a good sign.

Once Konoha and Kumogakure fight, it will be really difficult for Konoha, which suffers from high-end power, to resist and deal with these guys.

Just when Nara Shikakuya felt a headache, Sarutobi Hiruzen had calmed down his anger.

After he glanced at everyone present, he suddenly asked in confusion: "Where is Senju Natsuhiko and the Hyuga clan leader? Why haven't he come?"

"Minister Xia Yan is directing the ANBU to investigate spies in the village."

Nara Shikaku said helplessly, excluding Koharu and Mito Kabuto, he had the highest position in the entire office.

"Minister Xia Yan said that what happened tonight was very unusual, and Kumogakure's purpose was also unusual. He was preparing for what might happen in the future.

The leader of the Rizu clan needs to appease the emotions within the clan, and to deal with the ninjas from the Kumogakure mission..."

Speaking of this, Nara Shikaku himself was a little speechless, because the ninjas of the Kumogakure mission rushed into the Hyuga clan's territory regardless of the obstruction!

This approach not only slapped the Hyuga clan hard, but also caused this slap to fall on Konoha's face.

It is completely conceivable how arrogant those Cloud Ninjas were at this time, and it is also conceivable how angry Hinata and Hinata are now.

However, Nara Shikaku had kept an eye on Hinata Hinata, probably because he was waiting for Sarutobi Hiruzen to express his stance.

Although Shikaku wasn't sure when Rizu became so keen, the death of the ninja of the Kumogakure mission in his home would probably bring endless trouble to his family and even himself.

The most likely thing that will happen, with a high probability, is to kill someone to pay for your life.

And that guy deliberately died in the Hyuga clan, so can it be understood that this guy actually used the Hyuga clan as a springboard to threaten Konoha?

Killing requires a life, but who killed the person and who should pay for the life are all defined by Yunyin himself.

Hinata and Hiruzen are probably waiting for Sarutobi and Hiruzen to make a choice, and Sarutobi and Hiruzen's choices may also affect the Hyuga clan and even the entire Konoha.

"Why are there so many things like this lately? It's a really bad thing."

Nara Shikaku sighed feebly in his heart. Although he was not afraid of this kind of thing, this kind of conspiracy must be decided and judged based on his own strength.

In the old Konoha, even the Konoha before the Kyuubi Incident, Nara Shikaku was very confident that he could deal with these things easily.

But the situation is different now. In the end, ninjas are judged by their strength, and conspiracy and tricks are actually just an auxiliary means to achieve their goals.

Now that Konoha is weak and unable to deter Kumogakure, Konoha faces such a problem and has to show weakness everywhere.

"Forget it, if you don't come, you won't come. Let's talk about how we are going to deal with it."

Sarutobi Hiruzen rubbed his brows and said weakly.

"Everyone here is a smart person. I think everyone should know what Konoha will face next and how we should deal with the current situation."

"I think it's best for us to stabilize the situation as soon as possible."

Facing the question thrown by Sarutobi Hiruzen, Nara Shikaku glanced at everyone present, and he knew that he could only answer it himself.

"Things are going very bad this time. Whether it's inside or outside the village, it won't be long before everyone knows that the envoy who just signed the armistice agreement is in Konoha.

This is not a good thing for Konoha, and it is very important to calm down this matter. In addition, we must immediately issue a statement to make it clear that this guy's death has nothing to do with us.

As for the end..."

Speaking of this, Nara Shikaku couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

"As for the end, we have to be prepared for war, because we don't know what conditions the Fourth Raikage will give."

Nara Shikaku stopped talking here. He deliberately did not mention the Hyuga clan. He just wanted to see Sarutobi Hiruzen's thoughts and plans.

A family is more important than a village, although it is indeed a village.

But the original intention of the village was to protect children and families so that everyone could have a place to live and work in peace and contentment.

In the history of Konoha, there are almost no cases of taking the initiative to give up on a person and then resorting to compromise.

Naturally, Nara Shikaku would not do such a thing, and he was not even willing to say it.

"So what if they don't plan to go to war, but they threaten to go to war to get us to hand over the murderer?"

However, what disappointed Nara Shikaku was that Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly raised his head and stared at him, asking this question almost word for word.

The meaning of this question is very clear, that is, Sarutobi Hiruzen himself does not want to start a war!

From Konoha's point of view, although his approach seems correct, blindly giving in and betraying one's own people is not a way to achieve true peace at all.

Nara Shikaku closed his eyes slightly, but soon he opened them again, and he shook his head very calmly.

"I cannot answer this question, Hokage-sama.

Because we don't know who killed this guy at all, and Hokage-sama doesn't need to ask me about this. "

Having said this, Nara Shikaku raised his head in a rare move and looked directly at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Because the Hokage needs to make his own decision on this matter, I am just a member of the Government Affairs Department, and I am also a member of Konoha.

Therefore, I will follow the decision made by Hokage-sama.

Because you are the Hokage..."


At the end of the meeting, Nara Shikaku slowly left the Hokage Building along with everyone else.

In fact, the results of tonight's recall were really bad. After all, they were unable to make any effective moves.

In addition, Sarutobi Hiruzen's attitude is really disappointing, very disappointing.

Even if you stand in the position of the Hokage, it is acceptable no matter how you look at it, in exchange for the greatest benefit to the village at the smallest cost.

But the combination of the village is essentially a settlement built by the big family taking the lead in uniting all the small families and countless civilian ninjas.

This situation is doomed. The operation of the village really needs to safeguard the interests of everyone.

Suddenly, Nara Shikaku thought of a question, that is why after the third generation came to power, the various families seemed to be more divided, and they were not as united and friendly as they were during the time of the first Hokage?

At that time, everyone will proudly claim to be Konoha's ninja. At that time, everyone can... for the village.

"Wait a minute, Konoha ninja?"

Nara Shikaku suddenly paused while walking. He had never thought about this problem from the perspective of Hokage before, but today he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He had read literature and heard his fathers say what Konoha was like at that time. Compared with Konoha today, the gap is really huge.

He remembered that when the Third Hokage came to power, he received very little support, and it was not like the one that later made Konoha his own.

As for how much struggle there is in this, Nara Shikaku doesn't want to think about the process. He is more willing to think about the result.

As he thought about it, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, because he found that his guess was right!

"During the time of the First Hokage, everyone had a unified name, that is, Konoha Ninja.

But now, the ninjas of each family completely put the concept of 'Konoha ninja' behind their families. "

Nara Shikaku narrowed his eyes slightly, just like a member of the Uchiha family.

When facing the enemy, they will only say that he is from Uchiha. Not only Uchiha, but all families are similar.

Although just saying Uchiha can make people understand that this guy is from Konoha.

But in this way, the concept of 'Konoha ninja' was slowly and quietly replaced by 'family ninja'.

This subtle process makes the concept of 'Konoha ninja' more and more blurred, and it also makes them seem to value their family more and more deeply.

"Family ninja, Konoha ninja..."

Nara Shikaku closed his eyes, and he seemed to have completely understood.

A single family ninja will remember their past hatred, but the unified Konoha ninja abandons hatred and faces the enemy together.

Now he seems to understand somewhat why the first Hokage wanted to create a ninja level system when he established the village.

If the family is regarded as individuals piled up in Konoha, then the ninja level system will directly break these individuals into pieces.

Let them all mix together. Whether they are civilians or family ninjas, everyone is a unified Konoha ninja.

The only difference is the level of ninja. This is a horizontal method of dividing and integrating Konoha!

"But now, everything is back to where it started, just..."

After Nara Shikaku thought all of this clearly, he seemed helpless and could only sigh.

But soon he thought of something again, because he felt that something was not right with him.

If Hiruzen Sarutobi had transformed Konoha so deeply, why did he suddenly have such an idea?

Looking back at what Sarutobi Hiruzen did when he replaced Namikaze Minato, although it is not excellent, it cannot be said to be too bad.



Suddenly, Nara Shikaku thought of something, and then he ran home quickly and turned out all the newspapers.

He felt as if he had caught something. He had never connected these things together before.

But now seems to be a good opportunity. Now he can clearly feel as if there are hands pushing everyone in one direction.

He must figure out what is going on!

After he dug out all the newspapers and spent several days sorting out some of the contents, Nara Shikaku finally knew why.

From the very beginning, these newspapers had been telling, with great fanfare or quietly, some of the problems of Hiruzen Sarutobi in various aspects.

However, even though these issues had mixed reviews at the time, they were generally moving in a good direction.

For example, a key point is to miss old feelings.

Is it just that the current Sarutobi Hiruzen is really nostalgic for his old love?

Does his previous expression of wanting to give up on the Hyuga clan really have anything to do with nostalgia for the past?

For so many years in Konoha, the Hyuga clan has always adhered to its duties steadily and never skipped a beat or made any trouble.

And their existence has also made great contributions to Konoha in various wars. Aren't these people worthy of Sarutobi Hiruzen's nostalgia?

In contrast, letting Orochimaru go and letting Danzo take over again only reflects his selfishness!

He said that the old flame he missed was just someone with whom he had a deep relationship.

At this moment, Nara Shikaku couldn't help clenching his fists. He seemed to feel that the smell of conspiracy was getting stronger.

"No wonder I'm so disappointed, because Sarutobi Hiruzen is basically lying, he lied to everyone!

Today he can give up on the Hyuga clan, but if there is a need tomorrow, can he give up on us? "

After thinking about this issue, Nara Shikaku's face looked a little ugly. What made him ugly was not the decision of Sarutobi Hiruzen, but that he was also affected without knowing it!

And as he sorted out the newspapers more and more, he felt more and more that there were hands pushing Konoha, pushing everyone in a direction that was contrary to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Because he found very secret but not small amounts of content in the newspaper, advocating Kumogakure's threat theory and advocating that Konoha cannot compromise.

There is no problem in looking at these contents alone, because they are mixed with various articles.

But once such an idea is accepted for a long time, then Hiruzen Sarutobi's behavior of showing weakness to the enemy will inevitably arouse the excitement of the people in Konoha.

"What a terrible product."

Nara Shikaku held the newspaper in his hand, and he couldn't help but swallow.

If he hadn't noticed that something was wrong with his situation, he probably wouldn't have discovered the more terrifying side of these newspapers.

But now that he has discovered and seen through many problems, he feels that he really needs to meet some people properly.

But at this moment, the reply from the fourth Raikage of Cloud Hidden Village was also delivered to Konoha...


Shikaku and Hinata Hinashi found Natsuhiko, and the two completely sided with each other (1) Sarutobi Hiruzen betrayed people, which angered them, and the trees fell and the hozens scattered.

Part Two: Yunyin sends troops, and Xia Yan also begins to plan

At the same time that Nara Shikaku made his decision, Hinata Hizu was also suffering a lot from his heart during this period.

Senju Natsuhiko's words really made him feel extremely uneasy, and he felt that this matter might really develop in the direction Natsuhiko said.

However, Hinata and Hizu are still waiting, waiting for what the final result will be.

What's more, he remembered that Sarutobi Hiruzen marked him as a person who missed old friendships.

Waiting is painful, especially when the current situation is so complicated, and Hinata has become the center of the whirlpool, which makes Hinata and Hinata even more painful.

"Lord Patriarch." At this moment, a voice interrupted Hinata Hizu's thoughts.

"Come in." Hinata Hizu sighed, and then he let people in.

"Master Patriarch, the Patriarch of the Nara Clan is here." The person who came was a member of a branch family. He lowered his head and told Hinata Hizashi what had happened.

This attitude seemed very respectful, but Hinata Hizu knew that the person in front of him was probably full of dissatisfaction.

The current situation of the Hyuga clan is very bad. The conflicts within the clan have been divided for a long time, and they have encountered such big things outside the clan.

It can be said that the Hyuga clan at this time is really in a state of turmoil.

However, Hinata Hizashi no longer has the energy to think about these things. He has more important things to deal with at the moment.

"Your Excellency Shikaku?" Hinata Hizu nodded slightly when he heard the words: "Then let him come in."

"Yes, Clan Chief." The member of the Hyuga branch nodded, and then quickly left the room.

Hinata Hiashi was still sitting where he was, thinking about what Nara Shikaku's purpose was in finding him.

After thinking about it, he felt that the news from Yunyin had probably been passed on.

About a week has passed quietly, and the news from Kumogakure has also arrived. For some reason, Hinata Hizu suddenly had the illusion that he was going to be judged.

This made him smile helplessly. This feeling was really terrible!

"Chief of the Rizu Clan."

Not long after, Nara Shikaku came to this room under the leadership of the Hyuga tribe. He nodded slightly to Hinata Hizashi.

"Chief Shikaku, long time no see." Hinata Hizu calmed down his thoughts, and he forced a smile: "Please sit down quickly, I will ask someone to make some tea."

"You don't have to be so polite, Hizu Clan Chief." Nara Shikama sat down for a long time. He shook his head before continuing: "I think the Rizu Clan Chief should know my purpose of coming."

Nara Shikaku was so straight to the point, it was really beyond Hinata and Hinata's expectations.

But soon he seemed to feel slightly relieved, because such a straightforward attitude was likely to get a good result for them.

If they got a very bad result, then Shikaku should have used a very tactful tone and attitude.

Thinking of this, Hinata Hizu couldn't help but smile: "You can probably guess that there are results from Yunyin's side?"


Looking at Hinata Hiashi's smile, Nara Shikaku immediately knew that the guy in front of him had misunderstood, but he was too lazy to correct it.

"He gave us two choices. The Rizu clan leader has never been to the meeting, so he doesn't know this..."

“Should we hand over the culprit or go to war?

After all, Kumogakure's attitude was so low, and now that their sincerity was destroyed by Konoha, they would naturally choose the most extreme method, right? "

Before Nara Shikaku could finish speaking, Hinata Hizashi gave an answer directly.

This answer made Nara Shikaku raise his eyebrows, because what Hinata Hiashi said was completely correct, and he even took into account Kumogakure's posture.

Now he was becoming more and more certain that it was probably Hinata Hizu who had guessed this and was unwilling to go to the meeting together. He was waiting for Sarutobi Hiruzen to express his stance.

"That's right, the Hizu clan leader." Nara Shikaku couldn't help but sigh: "The Hizu clan leader is really powerful. Yes, he was given such a choice."

"It's not that I'm great, it's that our ANBU minister is great. Everything I said was what he told me." Hinata Hiashi showed a wry smile: "I'm afraid our ANBU minister had already been killed before Kumogakure even entered the village. You’ve seen through them.”

Natsuhiko Senju?

When Nara Shikaku heard this name, he couldn't help but be stunned, and then he nodded clearly.

Although he did not expect that the ANBU minister would personally end up in this incident, it was undeniable that the ANBU minister was powerful.

Nara Shikaku had never doubted the extent of the minister's acuity and insight.

After all, at such a young age, he was able to secure the position of ANBU minister and become the spokesman for the Fourth Hokage to stay in Konoha. This guy's power has always been beyond imagination.

And his strength is also very strong, although Nara Shikaku feels that he may not be able to deal with the Jinchuuriki and terrifying existences like the Fourth Raikage.

But being able to suppress the Kyuubi alone is incredible. Senju Natsuhiko's future is truly immeasurable.

"It's a pity that if we had more time, Konoha would be in such a mess."

Nara Shikaku sighed inwardly. He felt that if Natsuhiko was given more time to grow, with his Wood Release and Flying Thunder God, he might be able to truly cope with the combination of the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki.

But now, neither he nor Konoha as a whole feels that he can really deal with these two people.

"I understand." Nara Shikaku sighed, and then his face became extremely solemn: "Then, does the Hizu clan leader know the decision of the Third Hokage?"

"Have you decided..." Hinata Hizu heard this and was about to blurt out his answer when he suddenly noticed Nara's face, which made him look a little less confident.

After a long while, he asked tentatively: "Are you going to hand over the culprit?"

"Yes." Nara Shikaku nodded, and he closed his eyes: "Sandaime Hokage's choice is to hand over the culprit, and he is the 'culprit' designated by Raikage."

"How could he do this!" At this moment, Hinata Hizu suddenly stood up angrily: "Don't he know that those damn Cloud Ninjas simply took poison and held Hinata hostage?"

"Sorry." Nara Shikaku shook his head: "I'm afraid, the Third Hokage will pay a personal visit tonight."

"Awesome, awesome!" Hinata Hizu almost said through gritted teeth: "Is this his nostalgia for the past? It's awesome, awesome!"

Seeing such angry Hinata Hinashi, Nara Shikaku could only sigh, and an inexplicable sadness also echoed in his heart.

Just imagine, this time it might be the Hyuga clan, but whose turn will it be next time?

But fortunately, he won't let it happen next time. Although Konoha is weak and embarrassed, Konoha cannot compromise like this and destroy its own morale!

Thinking of this, Nara Shikaku suddenly stood up. He looked at Hinata Hizashi seriously and then spoke.

"Actually, we have another option. Although time is a little tight, it's not impossible to do it."

"What choice?"

"Let's go see Natsuhiko Senju."


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