Although Nara Shikaku's proposal shocked Hinata Hizu, he also knew that this was a choice he had to make.

If Sarutobi Hiruzen is allowed to come home, not only will Konoha be embarrassed this time, but the Hyuga clan will suffer unimaginable losses!

In this case, Hinata and Hizu can only choose to take sides. He must stand next to someone who can truly protect Konoha or uphold the justice of their family.

Senju Natsuhiko is a choice. After all, he is the spokesperson of the Fourth Hokage in the village.

Moreover, Senju Natsuhiko also proved his vision and ability. He was able to control the entire Anbu at such a young age and saw through everything before the enemy took action.

Having such people and forces to protect him is really much better than Sarutobi Hiruzen whose "personality has collapsed".

"So, you two came to me?"

Natsuhiko looked at Nara Shikaku and Hinata Hizashi who came to the ANBU to see him, and couldn't help but ask a little funny.

In fact, strictly speaking, the arrival of Hinata and Hinata did not exceed his expectations.

Natsuhiko had already given Hinata Hizu enough hints, and with everything he had done in the village, he didn't believe that the clan leader didn't know that he and Sarutobi Hiruzen were not from the same group.

Now that he knows it and Natsuhiko has given enough hints, it is not strange for Hinata and Hinata to make any choice in the end.

But this guy Nara Shikaku made Xia Yan feel a little strange.

He has basically zero contact with Nara Shikaku, and they have only met at some meetings, but it is basically just a nod of friendship.

The three families of Ino, Deer, and Butterflies completely turned to the Fourth Hokage and to Xia Yan's side.

But their family's way of survival meant that he would not take the initiative to get close to Natsuhiko, and they would only help the fourth generation with things.

Now that he came running over, Xia Yan was really confused.

Fortunately, although Xia Yan was surprised, he still maintained the attitude he had maintained for a long time.

He looked at the two of them with a smile and couldn't help but whisper: "Actually, it's useless for you to find me about this matter. After all, the Hokage has made a decision, and we can only accept it, right?"

"No, Minister Natsuhiko." Nara Shikaku shook his head directly: "If the only person in Konoha who can stop the Third Hokage today is you, the Minister."

"Minister Shikaku said something serious." Xia Yan immediately shook his head: "I'm just a minister. How can I influence what Hokage-sama thinks?"

Natsuhiko seemed to have made up his mind and would never say something easily, and his actions made Nara Shikaku feel helpless.

Similarly, Hinata Hizu's face also looked a little unhappy, because Natsuhiko's attitude was so weird.

However, he still maintained restraint and calmness. With Nara Shikaku here, he didn't need to express too much. The Minister of Government Affairs could handle many things.

It's just that he probably didn't expect that Natsuhiko would show such an attitude just because Nara Shikaku was here.

Nara Shikaku looked at Natsuhiko in front of him. He was a little at a loss for a while, but he was Nara Shikaku after all, and he soon seemed to understand something.

Looking at Natsuhiko's indifferent eyes but staring at him, Nara Shikaku knew that this person's current attitude was probably entirely because he was here.

According to Hinata Rizu, Natsuhiko revealed something to him in advance but did not disclose it to others, which means that Natsuhiko's target is actually Hyuga Rizu.

In other words, his eyes are on the Hyuga clan!

If he continued thinking about this, Nara Shikaku suddenly felt like he was about to break out in a cold sweat.

Natsuhiko is a very ambitious person, otherwise such a person would not be able to sit in the position of ANBU minister at such a young age.

A person who goes by the name of the Fourth Hokage, but is extremely ambitious, and his target is the Hyuga clan.

In addition, he has helped the Uchiha clan before, so that they have begun to break away from the state of separation from Konoha.

Moreover, the Uchiha clan does not seem to be peaceful now. It seems that the distribution of power and the struggle within them are beginning to become a little heated.

If Shikaku Nara is not mistaken, I am afraid that Natsuhiko is driving everything behind this!

"Controlling the ANBU, and getting the medical and root parts when the Third Hokage was hit hard last time, Natsuhiko's authority over the ANBU has become even greater.

And because of their last action, they unknowingly stood by his side.

Even though we actually support the Fourth Hokage, the essence now is that we support him!

As for the Uchiha clan, he seems to have succeeded in the security department and has begun to compete for more rights within the clan. According to his methods, this is not a problem.

And now that he has begun to contact the Hyuga clan, in fact, even without me, I am afraid that the Hyuga and Hizu would come to find him.

Moreover, he has mastered something as terrifying as a newspaper office. Taken together..."

Putting all the known information together, Nara Shikaku got a piece of information that made him extremely frightened, that is, Natsuhiko's goal is Hokage!

This guy is basically taking advantage of the Fourth Hokage's inability to manage Konoha, and continues to use his name to build his own base, paving the way for him to become Hokage!

Think about it carefully, if Xia Yan can handle all these things perfectly, there will be a group of people like him because he stands beside the Fourth Hokage.

Because of this incident, the Hyuga clan had to choose to take sides, which was equivalent to giving up the third generation Hokage and moving closer to the fourth generation Hokage.

As well as the support of the Uchiha clan, it can be said that under this guy's series of operations, the Fourth Hokage has gained overwhelming support from Konoha!

Since the Fourth Hokage cannot return, the Third Hokage has lost huge public support this time, so a new Hokage selection must begin.

As a member of the Senju Clan and the Minister of ANBU, Natsuhiko is definitely qualified to participate.

Natsuhiko has always been in the name of the Fourth Hokage. No matter who looks at him, he and the Fourth Hokage are one.

Then in the end, their support will naturally fall on this guy!

"How long has this guy been planning this and how terrifying is he?"

After figuring everything out, Nara Shikaku is really feeling emotional now.

Every time he felt that he had been overestimating Xia Yan's level, he would be surprised to find that in the end he still underestimated the young man in front of him.

What kind of environment can cultivate such a young man?

In terms of means, character, and strength, this young man was all top-notch. This young man gave him the feeling of being an out-and-out old fox.

He is still the kind of old fox who has been on the battlefield for a long time and has long been accustomed to this kind of treacherous and cunning environment, and can use all available resources to achieve his own goals.

Thinking of this, Nara Shikaku's eyes became deeper. He stared at Xia Yan seriously, and it took him a long time before he slowly spoke.

"Minister Natsuhiko is being humble." Nara Shikaku said meaningfully: "After all, Minister Natsuhiko now represents the Fourth Hokage, and of course not just the Fourth Hokage."

"Oh?" Xia Yan looked sharply, and he felt that there was something in Nara Shikaku's words: "What does Minister Shikaku mean?"

"Actually, the meaning is very simple. After all, Minister Xia Yan is a member of the Thousand Hands Clan."

Nara Shikaku became more and more convinced that what he was thinking was correct, and he smiled.

"Actually, the head of the Rizu clan will come over, and I invited him to come with me, because now I have discovered something more important and interesting.

Maybe we can have more contacts and have more cooperation. "


Nara Shikaku said it to this point, and if Natsuhiko doesn't understand, then there's something really wrong.

Although he expected that what he did would be seen through, he was so clearly seen before he fully expressed his thoughts.

And even brought his target person to him, Natsuhiko could only sigh with emotion, he really deserves to be Nara Shikaku!

In fact, Natsuhiko really made a mistake. He thought Nara Shikaku had noticed it a long time ago, so he ran over with Hinata and Hinashi.

But in fact, Nara Shikaku just figured it out, and the essential purpose of bringing Hinata Hizashi here was just to completely stand up for him.

But Nara Shikaku obviously wouldn't say such a thing. Natsuhiko's attitude at this time has been completely revealed, and everything he thinks is right.

Perhaps only Hinata and Hizu didn't understand what the two of them were talking about.

Of course, it is also possible that his mind is not on this at all. All he is thinking about now is his family and the situation on Yunyin's side.

"You two, now is not the time to play riddles or talk about irrelevant things."

Looking at Natsuhiko who fell silent and Nara Shikaku who didn't say anything, Hinata Hinata couldn't help but speak.

"Minister Xia Yan, this time I came with Minister Lu Jiu to express our attitude, a very firm attitude.

Minister Natsuhiko, I think you can understand what I mean. Konoha is already in crisis at this time, and the Hyuga clan is also at this time..."

After saying this, Hinata Hinashi paused for a moment, and then he said firmly.

"Similarly, the Hyuga clan is also in crisis at this time, so I hope to get help.

If we can get your help, if we can get the help of the Fourth Generation, we are willing to stand by the minister completely.

Determined to face everything with Hokage-sama and Buchou! "

After Hinata Hizashi said this, his white eyes were fixed on Xia Yan.

Although his words were very powerful, in essence he was already submissive. It was just the pride of the Hyuga clan that allowed him to retain a certain degree of magnanimity.

Maybe this is a common problem among big families. Things like face are really regarded as extremely important to them.

Xia Yan is sometimes grateful. Fortunately, he is reborn as a broken and complete Thousand Hands clan.

If you want to have your own pride, this family doesn't have the strength to support it all.

Otherwise, Xia Yan's approach of resolutely surrendering at the beginning and constantly accumulating strength until the strength is enough to explode would be enough to bring shame to the entire family.

After all, he had been a tripartite spy at the time, constantly wandering back and forth among the Third Hokage, the Fourth Hokage and the Senju clan.

Xia Yan actually doesn't like that approach very much, but the form is better than the person, but there are many things that don't mean you can handle everything if you have the courage and strength.

What's more, Xia Yan wasn't that strong back then. His system plug-in severely deducted his chakra, making it impossible for him to fully explode.

Otherwise, he would not be so grateful to this guy Danzo. If this guy hadn't let Xia Yan pick up the pieces of Senju Hashirama's meat, Xia Yan would not have taken off so quickly.

So Natsuhiko also made good arrangements when Danzo died to make his death more memorable.

After all, the way he died was the true definition of Konoha!

Shaking his head slightly, Xia Yan was obviously not particularly willing to recall the somewhat unbearable incident.

Surviving in the cracks is a thing of the past. After he has gained enough strength and accumulated enough accumulation, he has already stood at the top of Konoha's power!

Even though he hadn't gotten the position of Hokage yet, he knew it was only a matter of time.

He no longer has to show obedience to anyone, and sometimes he even has to grovel.

That is a matter of survival that does not allow Xia Yan to make a choice, and now his hands hold the survival of others!

"I understand what you two mean." Natsuhiko nodded slightly. He took a deep look at Nara Shikaku, and then he continued: "Although I didn't go to the meeting, I want the Raikage's accountability letter It’s been delivered, right?”

"Yes, Sir." Nara Shikaku nodded immediately: "The situation is very bad. I think that when the accountability letter is delivered, Kumogakure will continue to exert pressure."

"Indeed, I received intelligence a few hours ago that Kumogakure's large forces have moved."

Xia Yan smiled slightly, and then continued: "You want to hand over the leader of the Hyuga clan, right?"


Nara Shikaku glanced at Hinata Hinashi, and then he nodded.

“Raikage’s original intention was that the person died in the Hyuga clan, and based on the report he received, it was the Hiashi clan leader who took action.

He asked us to hand over the Hizu clan leader, and the Sandaime Hokage..."

"It's not surprising. After all, Konoha is still very weak in his opinion."

Xia Yan knocked on the table lightly, and then he sighed.

"The Third Hokage has become older and has become more conservative in doing things.

Although Konoha is weak now, if the Hizu clan leader is handed over this time, the blow to Konoha will be unimaginable.

The ninja world will think that Konoha is in ruins, which will have a huge impact on our economy and culture.

And when the Rizu clan leader was handed over, the impact on the morale of our ninjas was unimaginable.

I'm afraid the village can't unite anymore. After all, the village protects everyone, rather than relying on betraying everyone to pursue this extremely unstable peace. "

Xia Yan said this, basically the tone of the matter has been set.

Nara Shikaku couldn't help but nodded inwardly, because Natsuhiko's analysis was really right.

Of course, he also knew that his preference for him was largely due to the subtle influence of the newspaper.

But putting aside the issue of the newspaper, Nara Shikaku feels that he will still support Natsuhiko, because the original intention of the village was to protect everyone!

Now Sarutobi Hiruzen's approach was no longer the reverse of history. He directly hit the accelerator when going downhill.

This is really to put it on directly without braking. I'm afraid that either he will be shattered to pieces, or the whole village will be shattered to pieces.

In fact, the final result was that Hiruzen Sarutobi was knocked to pieces. The actions of various jounin and family patriarchs in the Chunin Exams ten years later are the best proof.

Hinata Hiashi standing next to Nara Shikaku couldn't help but nodded. He was the one who felt it the most. After all, he was in the whirlpool this time.

Xia Yan's words pierced his heart. He completely agreed with Xia Yan's words. The purpose of establishing the village was to protect everyone.

Although the establishment of the village changed the scale of the war from a few hundred people in the family to a professional and professional fight of tens of thousands of ninjas.

But what has to be said is that the existence of the village has indeed reduced the casualty rate of each family. This is why the village protects everyone, and everyone fights for the village.

Now that Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn't even have to fight, he is forced to ask so and so to die. Who can accept this kind of thing?

If Natsuhiko knew Hinata Hiashi's thoughts, maybe he could provide a name - Uchiha Itachi.

"Okay, it seems that I'm quite busy tonight." Natsuhiko knocked on the table again, and he said to Nara Shikaku: "Then I'll trouble Minister Shikaku to bring the clan leader and Nara who have the same idea as you. Come here, all the Jonin."

"Come here now?" Nara Shikaku thought for a moment, then he nodded immediately: "I understand, I will deal with this matter as soon as possible."

"Not as soon as possible, but immediately. After all, we have to dare to arrange some things before the Third Hokage goes to the house of the Hizu Clan leader."

"I understand, I'm going now."


Tonight in Konoha is destined to be a sleepless night.

According to Natsuhiko's request, Nara Shikaku called almost all the clan leaders, ministers and jounin who had the same idea, into a conference room at the ANBU headquarters.

In this conference room, Nara Shikaku told the current situation without any concealment, which immediately made everyone realize the seriousness of the situation.

Kumogakure's ambition is really hard to hide. They all started to organize troops in the Kingdom of Yu a year ago, and they had constant conflicts with Konoha mission ninjas half a year ago.

It seems natural that something like this should happen now.

Almost all the family ninjas, including the clan leaders and ministers, had no objection at all.

Some people have experienced the Sarutobi Hiruzen meeting, and some people agree with Nara Shikaku's words even though they did not participate.

Even those Jonin who were born as civilians were a little uncomfortable with Nara Shikaku and Senju Natsuhiko leaving the Third Hokage to meet alone.

Because Natsuhiko Senju represents the Fourth Hokage, this invisibly draws them into an internal fight.

However, they also agreed with Nara Shikaku's words. After all, the preparations given by Natsuhiko's newspaper were too sufficient.

Xia Yan spent so long, constantly crushing the information and putting it into every corner of the newspaper.

And this kind of preparation has become more and more popular as time goes by.

In addition, they and the Cloud Ninja had a small-scale conflict near the Kingdom of Iron that lasted for nearly half a year. Many people even experienced it personally because they led the team, which also deepened the dissatisfaction of these ninjas with the Cloud Ninja.

What's more, those who can become jounin, clan leaders and ministers, except for guys like Akai who are a little slow to react, in fact, everyone has very good political qualities.

After Nara Shikaku told how they didn't know that there was really no way to give in on this matter.

To give in is to create unimaginable trouble for Konoha, and may even cause Konoha to collapse!

Not to mention how the Hyuga clan will view it, everyone will think about this time, what will happen next time?

Moreover, everyone is well aware of the negative impact that giving in will have on the entire ninja world.

Although Konoha's current war potential has been largely consumed by the three wars, it has not recovered yet.

But once you are stepped on in the face, once you make such a concession, then you may have to face such concessions again and again.

Konoha really can't retreat. This time it's about people, but next time it's about territory?

Even if the war starts this time, it will be extremely cruel, and even if it wins, it may not be able to bring much influence to Konoha.

Even if it is influential, it is probably only within Konoha. To the outside world, Konoha is still somewhat disadvantaged.

After all, Konoha has always been the number one in the ninja world in the eyes of the outside world. Isn't it normal for the number one ninja to win?

Compared to those Kumogakure who started the war, what they could get was really pitiful.

But once we win, this will definitely allow Konoha to spend at least ten years or more of peace in peace!

By making good use of these peaceful years, Konoha can completely restore itself to its peak.

It's even hard to say whether it can be restored to a higher peak.

As for losing?

Giving in unconditionally is also a loss, and fighting to the death is also a loss.

Although the second type seems to have greater losses, the positive effects it brings are much better.

This is a spiritual inheritance, and this spirit is very important!

"And everyone, don't forget that we don't necessarily lose."

At the last moment, Xia Yan stood up and said to all the ninjas present.

"Perhaps everyone has a certain pessimistic attitude, but I want to tell everyone that there is no need to be so pessimistic.

Konoha's heritage is beyond what ordinary people can imagine! "

Although Xia Yan's words were encouraging, they actually meant a drop in the bucket for others.

Xia Yan is very strong, but he needs time to continue to become stronger.

However, Xia Yan's words also gave everyone a little bit of hope. Maybe Xia Yan really knew something incredible.

For example, the Fourth Hokage may return!


"Damn it!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen punched the table hard. He never dreamed that his control over the village had actually weakened to this point.

After the meeting, he waited for a while to prepare, and then he took a few root ninjas and set off to the Hyuga clan.

Although he knew that the result of going to the Hyuga clan this time would not be very good, he had to do it for the sake of peace.

In his opinion, it is normal to sacrifice some people for the sake of Konoha's peace.

He didn't want to think too much about the problems that such an approach would bring. It wasn't that he didn't think of it, but that he recognized it. Konoha just couldn't do it like this now.

However, when he came to the Hyuga clan, he was shocked to find that Hyuga and Hizu were not in the clan at all.

He waited silently, and no one came back after waiting for a long time. This made him realize that there might be something wrong with the situation.

So he quickly followed others to find Nara Shikaku, and the final result he got was that Nara Shikaku contacted many people and went to ANBU together!

Hiruzen Sarutobi knew very well what this meant, because it meant betrayal!

This betrayal was not simply a violation of his wishes. The fourth generation had been fighting with Natsuhiko for so long, and he had already violated him countless times.

This time Konoha had to face external pressure. While he was taking command as Hokage, his subordinates collectively ignored him and did their own thing.

This time I am truly betraying you. This is even mutiny in some sense!

"Why on earth did things become like this?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know, but he knew that the current situation was already troublesome.

Although he failed last time, he was still Hokage, and now these people don't even take him as Hokage in their eyes!

"Did I do something wrong?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly began to think about this question, but unfortunately no one answered his question.

And on the next day, he keenly discovered that the entire Konoha machine began to operate on its own.

Nara Shikaku almost wrote a diplomatic report with a slightly tougher attitude without passing him.

Sarutobi Hiruzen still saw this report, but after reading it, he felt that his blood pressure became higher.

Because this report completely explained what the Kumogakure envoy was doing in Konoha, and also included some of their guesses in it.

In the end, he did not forget to warn Yunyin, telling them not to cause fearful troubles.

"This report is simply trying to make a fuss!"

As expected, Kumogakure also issued a new statement almost a day later and delivered it to Konoha.

The wording of this statement is even more intense, and it even elaborates on these things from the perspective of a 'vulnerable person'.

And this time they emphasize that Konoha should hand over the murderer. If they refuse, they will take the strongest revenge stance against Konoha!

The intention and purpose of this report are also very clear. It is obvious that Kumogakure no longer intends to wait. This is an ultimatum to Konoha.

Either accept their threats and lose people's hearts, or go to war without any nonsense!

Very over the top and very practical.

When things have reached this point, there is nothing left to discuss.

The only thing Konoha can do is never directly declare war, and at the same time make its own preparations.


In the Kingdom of Thunder, in a huge square in Yun Ninja Village.

The Fourth Raikage and his brother Kirabi stood together, looking at the more than eight thousand ninjas gathered below.

These ninjas are all going to Konoha with him!

That's right, this time he plans to go out in person!

Kumogakure seems to have always had the habit of the Raikage personally leading the expedition, except for the first battle when the Raikage died directly in the rebellion in the village.

The Third Raikage ran away from Iwagakure during the third battle, but was discovered by Onoki. He was subjected to the human sea tactics for three days and three nights, and finally died of exhaustion.

The Fourth Raikage himself also had a lot of personal mission experience, and he actually participated in many missions. During the Third War, he was the main force against Konoha.

This time facing the war in Konoha, he still planned to go out, because his target was the Minister of Konoha ANBU Senju Natsuhiko.

He knew that guy could use Wood Release and the Flying Thunder God. Although he was disappointed that he couldn't face the Fourth Hokage after losing to the Flying Thunder God, this guy could be considered a good substitute!

"I hope it can bring me some fun. It's best if Sarutobi Hiruzen can come up too."

The Fourth Raikage thought silently, in his opinion, Sarutobi Hiruzen was not as dangerous as the Konoha Nightingale.

Raising his head slightly, his eyes swept across the eight thousand ninja troops outside the field, and he suddenly felt filled with pride.

A troop of 8,000 men was not a large number, but it was not a small one either.

After all, the huge Kingdom of Thunder still needs to be protected, and the huge Yunyin Village also needs to be protected.

Eight thousand ninjas can already be regarded as a huge number, not to mention that there are still two to three thousand ninja troops on the border of Yuno Country, plus he, the Raikage, personally leads the team.

It can be said that this time, Cloud Hidden Village went all out to face Konoha.

This can not only be expressed in an attitude, but also show their strength, and it can also show a gesture.

That is, they are very angry. The person they brought to peace died in Konoha without an explanation, so they want to take the most severe revenge!

"Is everyone ready?"

Raikage Ai looked at the densely packed ninjas below, and suddenly opened his mouth and shouted loudly. With the help of chakra, his voice was clearly transmitted to the ears of every cloud ninja.

"We want justice from Konoha. Peace is hard-won but they don't cherish it at all.

We want them to see the consequences of breaking the peace at will, and we want the proud Konoha to know what our Kumogakure's power is! "

"Ready! Ready! Ready..."

The five thousand cloud ninjas below immediately responded loudly, and the huge momentum and deafening sound echoed throughout the square.

All the cloud ninjas seemed to feel their blood boiling, and hatred began to spread in their minds.

The desire to fight began to expand. They needed to fight, they were eager to fight, and they wanted to crush the entire Konoha!

"very good."

After a long time, when the voice stopped, the Fourth Raikage nodded slowly, and then he raised his right hand high.

"Let's go, let's crush Konoha!"


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