Kumogakure's troops were sent out with such great fanfare that almost the entire ninja world knew about their movements, and it was naturally impossible for Konoha to be unaware of their movements.

After all, Konoha's ANBU is controlled by Natsuhiko, and it is impossible for him not to pay more attention to this opponent who may have a war.

For example, the deployment of the Kingdom of Clouds began to shift somewhat. Some of the troops originally deployed at the seaside to prevent Kirigakure were moved to the vicinity of the Kingdom of Yu and the Kingdom of Iron.

In this way, while preventing Konoha's surprise attack, they also prevented the actions of their old rival Iwa Ninja.

Of course, the deployment of these troops is really too small. Once any village moves, it will be a crushing gesture.

Therefore, these troops are only for prevention and early warning at best. After all, necessary precautions are still needed.

These actions led to Xia Yan's office almost immediately.

Xia Yan knew very well that all this meant that the development of things had not changed due to his appearance, and Xia Yan could also have a good time.

Sure enough, when Kumogakure's ninja died, Natsuhiko was immediately led by the Raikage himself and dispatched in conjunction with the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Natsuhiko shared this news with Nara Shikaku and others, and it was this news that made them realize that these Kumo ninjas really had to fight for their lives.

So many ninjas were dispatched, including the Raikage and the Jinchūriki. No matter how you looked at it, this was a posture that would completely defeat Konoha.

"Just by doing this, aren't they afraid that their hometown will be suddenly attacked?"

In fact, many people are thinking about this issue. Even Xia Yan can't help but think about it. Why are they so brave?

After all, Natsuhiko had already taken action in Iwagakure Village, and he even left Nara Shikaki there in order to have him monitor the current situation of Iwagakure at any time.

If Yunyin is really not afraid at all, then there is either something wrong with his brain or he has enough back-ups.

A village's grand strategy should not be messed up for selfish reasons. Xia Yan felt that there must be some specific reasons for this.

After thinking about it, Xia Yan finally remembered what he had missed, and he also knew why Yunyin dared to do this.

The reason is simple, it is a gift from heaven!

There are actually quite a lot of space ninjutsu in this world. For example, Obito's Kamui, Namikaze Minato and the Flying Thunder God he mastered are all a type of space ninjutsu.

In addition, there are such things as necromancy, Tenshou Li, Tianzhong, Huangquan Hirazaka, Tensong no Jutsu, Ring Tomb Border Prison, etc. It can be said that it is really dazzling.

However, most of them can be regarded as evolved from Otsutsuki's abilities, except for the three techniques of Flying Thunder God, Psychic Technique and Heavenly Sending Technique.

As luck would have it, Yun Ninja happened to master one of the three techniques, which was the Heavenly Sending Technique.

The art of heavenly sending is to move the target at high speed and instantly teleport it to a designated location.

Because it is moving at high speed, it will produce severe friction with the air. The ordinary human body will be unable to withstand such pressure, causing the body to fall apart and die.

Therefore, this technique is basically used to transport items as its main function.

But there are always exceptions. The Sandaime Raikage, who once fought to the death with tens of thousands of Iwa ninjas for three days and three nights, once successfully used the art of heavenly sending to teleport on the battlefield.

Because his body is strong enough!

He is a being who can fight hand-to-hand with the Eight-Tails, and his body can completely resist that kind of violent tearing.

The Fourth Raikage, who inherited the bloodline of the Third Raikage, can also withstand the severe friction caused by this kind of teleportation.

Except for these two guys with abnormal physical strength, it seems that only Tsunade who has mastered the Yin Seal has succeeded.

The most likely reason why the Fourth Raikage dared to lead the team out was because he knew.

If someone really wants to attack Yunyin Village while he is away, he can give them a huge surprise.

"But, after you meet me, are you sure you can go back at any time?"

Natsuhiko is still very confident. After all, with his current power, even if he only uses the power of 'Senju Natsuhiko'.

It is basically close to or even reached the level of Senju Hashirama, the peak of the Warring States Period.

And during this period of time, he also practiced some interesting things, such as some special wood escape, and he put in a lot of effort.

The purpose of all this he did was to surprise those guys in Yunyin.

He was really looking forward to what the expressions of these people and those who came to quietly watch the battle would be like when they saw this surprise.

Xia Yan still has some bad taste, not to mention that this time is his stage, so he naturally has to perform well.

Especially the original power of the Sharingan now planted in his body seems to be much more difficult than he imagined.

Xia Yan originally thought that this thing would be enough in one to two months, but now he found that the time-consuming of this thing was beyond his imagination.

Even now, he hasn't made many breakthroughs, and his progress is stuck at more than 70%, which means he can't move.

This situation naturally makes Xia Yan unsatisfied, so this action is naturally an opportunity for Xia Yan to break through the planting problem.

But Natsuhiko also knew that this was not the time. Sitting in the Hokage's office, after he and Nara Shikaku looked at each other, he stood up directly.

Ignoring the livid faces of Koharu and Mitomon, and not looking at the cold expression of Sarutobi Hiruzen, he spoke slowly.

"Everyone, the current situation is very bad for us. Kumogakure has directly passed through the Country of Iron and the Country of Tang and arrived at the border of the Country of Fire..."

Having said this, Xia Yan paused slightly, and his eyes swept across everyone in the conference room.

All this today will be a signal, a signal that is difficult to accept but has to be accepted.

That is the Fourth Hokage, or it should be said that Xia Yan really stands on this stage.

He now said that the people he was facing were all the most powerful people in Konoha.

These people are the real key personnel who can determine the scale and direction of this battlefield.

Even if there are some people that Xia Yan dislikes very much, he can even express his disgust, such as the two elders who seemed to have lived into the Boruto period.

But only if these people cooperate with each other can Konoha really find a way to deal with Kumogakure.

Xia Yan is not afraid of a frontal assault, but the war is more than just a wave of confrontation between the two sides.

Mobilization, logistics, how to defend the opponent after the troops advance, and how to organize the attack.

These all require planning and cooperation by these people. After all, large army operations are not fought alone.

If a line of defense has no problem, if it is disrupted by the opponent's fierce attack, and finally divided and surrounded, the only outcome will be to be annihilated by the enemy one by one.

Especially now that Konoha is obviously in a weak position, such cooperation and command are even more important.

"Actually, I know that some of you here are not willing to have this war happen.

But if we don’t fight, I think everyone can understand what will happen to Konoha, and force Konoha to make a choice on unfounded charges.

If we accept it, our reputation will be tarnished in the entire ninja world, and it will also make people in Konoha uneasy.

I think Hokage-sama agrees with this, right? "

Speaking of this, Natsuhiko looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen deliberately.

At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face became even more ugly, but he still held it back, because he knew that he really couldn't get angry now.

It is true that Naruto is the leader of Konoha and the supreme commander who controls Konoha in a reasonable direction.

But at this moment, all the people who should have supported him, like the first mate on a ship, no longer follow him.

In this situation, he couldn't mobilize Konoha's power. He could only watch the people in front of him make arbitrary decisions, but he couldn't object.

Because if he objects at this moment, then he is opposing the entire Konoha!

He didn't know why he was being counterattacked, but he knew that he had to compromise now, otherwise everything would be over.

He took a deep breath and then stood up, his eyes scanning everyone present with an extremely cold look.

Among the people he scanned, some lowered their heads involuntarily, while others still chose to look at him.

Finally, when his eyes fell on Xia Yan again, he nodded silently.

"Of course I understand, then I'll leave it to you, Senju Natsuhiko!"


If we were to say who was the most gratified person in his heart at this time, then it must be Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But if you say who is the most angry person in your heart at this time, then it is naturally Sarutobi Hiruzen!

This mixture of joy and anger made him unwilling to stay here at all.

If he hadn't known exactly what would happen if he left, he might have turned around and left.

What he was angry about was that he had been betrayed by everyone. These people who were appointed by him to stand in high positions in Konoha had completely turned to the other side.

Such betrayal really hit Sarutobi Hiruzen hard. He had already experienced Danzo's betrayal and Orochimaru's betrayal.

At the same time, there were also the deaths of his wife and son, as well as witnessing the death of Danzo. For him, the experiences of the past few years were really unbearable to look back on.

And now that Konoha's base is betraying him, how can he accept this?

What's more, this isn't the worst. The worst thing is that Xia Yan, a bastard, actually revealed his plan to hand over Hinata Rizu.

With the help of that damn newspaper, I'm afraid the whole of Konoha already knows about this!

It was conceivable how difficult it was for Sarutobi Hiruzen now, and how Konoha was talking about him at this moment. He no longer dared to think about it.

Failure, this time it was a complete failure. This was a failure that nearly ruined his reputation!

But he was also relieved in his heart, because he had already seen through the extent of Xia Yan's ambition for Hokage.

It has already been determined that Natsuhiko is definitely a more qualified Hokage than Namikaze Minato.

Therefore, Xia Yan was able to capture so many high-level officials in Konoha and bring them under his command without anyone noticing. This method really satisfied him.

But what is Xia Yan going to do next? He used this opportunity to win over so many people. This is his highlight.

But after the highlight, he can't do what he should do, so after the highlight, there is an endless abyss.

The higher he stood, the harder he fell. Hiruzen Sarutobi really didn't want what he believed to be the most qualified Hokage to end up like this.

Joy, anger and worry, these three emotions have been tormenting him, but now he can only watch and see what Xia Yan is going to do.

"Boss Shikaku, how many ninjas can be mobilized in the village now?"

Natsuhiko looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen sitting there in silence, then looking like he was wandering, he couldn't help but shook his head and then asked.

He felt that Sarutobi Hiruzen was obviously in a bad state now, but that was fine, at least this attitude made Natsumi much more convenient.

"Since the Second and Third Ninja War, the ninjas in the village have suffered huge losses, and many injured ninjas have become villagers.

In addition, the training speed is not keeping up, and there are now a total of 37,200 ninjas being trained.

Among them, there are 27,000 genin, 9,600 chunin, and jonin..."

As the Minister of Government Affairs, Nara Shikaku should not be the one to answer this kind of thing.

But Nara Shikaku also holds a very important position, that is, the squad leader of the jounin class!

This position originally belonged to Minato Namikaze, but as Minato Namikaze went to Mt. Myoboku to recuperate, the position of Jonin Class Leader became vacant.

Sarutobi Hiruzen probably gave this position to Nara Shikakure to take over in order to win over Ino Shikacho, but now it is convenient for Natsuhiko.

"I understand, thank you for your hard work, Minister Shikaku."

Xia Yan nodded slightly. This number is really not much, but it is also the most normal number.

Even though Nara Shikaku didn't tell the number of jonin, Natsuhiko knew that there were very few jonin in Konoha.

After all, jounin is a scarce resource. I am afraid that except for the large number of jounin in big families, even one or two hundred civilian ninjas would be a big deal.

"So, how many ninjas can we actually mobilize in our village?"

"There are a thousand garrison troops on the border of the River Country in the west, and there are about five thousand ninjas in the Rain Country, Grass Country, and Long Country from the northwest to the northeast.

There are also four thousand ninjas in the Sound, Yu, and Whirlpool countries from the northeast to the east. "

Nara Shikaku recalled it for a while, and quickly stated the plan accurately.

“However, the defensive ninjas from the Kingdom of Iron and the Kingdom of Yu have gathered at the border stronghold, and there are about two thousand ninjas.

Excluding the government officials in the village, we can mobilize 13,000 combat ninjas.


But what it means is obvious, that is, the ninjas responsible for the surrounding defense must not move.

There is no doubt about this. Who knows if someone will rob your home at that time.

Although Konoha and the villages have an armistice agreement, this does not mean that some small villages may take any actions.

Even if everyone knows, there may be some great ninja village behind these small villages.

But others didn't end up in person, they just found agents. You really can't blame them so much.

There are more than 20,000 ninjas available in the village, but he still knows how many of them are young genin and ninjas who are fully engaged in education, medical and government affairs.

However, Nara Shikaku's report probably did not put the young genin on the battle list.

In addition, many ninjas are needed in Konoha to maintain order.

You must know that there are more than 100,000 residents in Konoha Village. If order is really lost, let those ninjas from other countries come here to cause trouble.

Whether it is spreading rumors or assassinating certain political officials, this is a deadly matter.

Therefore, the actual number of ninjas used in Konoha is really small, and many factors need to be considered in war.

And sending troops is not something you imagine, you can use as many as you have.

Only when your home is gone will you consider truly burning the boat.

"It seems we don't have many people we can use."

Natsuhiko sighed slightly, but soon he looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Hokage-sama, is there anything else you need to add?"

"You can figure it out.

Sarutobi Hiruzen closed his eyes, not bothering to answer these questions.

He knew very well that even if he really said something, I'm afraid the young man in front of him wouldn't really listen to him.

After all, as a Hokage, as a Hokage who has the support of everyone, you must be arbitrary when you should be arbitrary. There must be no hesitation.

"In this case, and everyone trusts me, then I declare..."

Natsuhiko spoke directly, and with his words, all the ninjas present stood up except for Hiruzen Sarutobi, Koharu Koharu and Mito Kaden.

"This time we dispatched four thousand ninjas to cooperate with the two thousand ninjas at the frontline stronghold to resist Kumogakure's invasion.

Minister Shikaku, mobilization is troublesome. We don’t have much time.

Also, let the jounin from other defense areas be mobilized as soon as possible to rush to the front line of Yuno Country, especially the jounin who can command. "

"Yes, Minister Xia Yan."

Nara Shikaku didn't hesitate at all, he nodded decisively, and he was relieved in his heart.

In vain, he pushed Xia Yan into such a position, even though he was adequate in terms of his position, and everyone else believed that the Fourth Hokage was standing behind him.

But he had never shown himself during the war, and now that he was suddenly asked to make such a decision, Nara Shikaku really felt uneasy.

Not just him, I'm afraid everyone is not at ease, so Shikakuzu has decided to remind the ANBU minister at any time.

However, the young ANBU minister did not do a bad job at all. Although they were relatively simple things, they were at least arranged in an orderly manner.

After all, this is a war between two villages. No matter who stands in this position, he will feel terrible pressure.

But this young man doesn't seem to have that kind of pressure. He can handle these things well.


Natsuhiko didn't know what Nara Shikaku was thinking. He turned his head and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

“Then I’ll leave the logistics to you.

After all, logistics is the lifeline of frontline ninjas, and I think only you can handle it. "

"I see."

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed inwardly, but he still nodded and spoke.

Although he was dissatisfied and filled with torment and anger, he also knew that Konoha was going to war, so he had to do something.

Even if he has hatred in his heart, he still has to wait until the end of the war to talk about it. Even if he knows that this time it will be accompanied by the fermentation of public opinion, which may be really difficult for him.

But now is not the time to think about this. Since there is going to be a war, he can only do what he can.

The task of being in charge of the logistics line is very heavy. During the Third World War, Iwagakure was forced to surrender because the logistics line was cut off by the Minato team, plus the pressure from Kumogakure.

Because of Konoha's superior geographical conditions, they have many logistical supply routes to choose from.

And because of Hinata's presence, they could avoid being invaded by large-scale squads to a certain extent.

At least they don't have to have a huge reserve force to defend the rear like Iwakakure, thereby weakening the frontline military strength.

But when Sarutobi Hiruzen thought of Hinata, his expression became weird again.

After all, he planned to sell Hinata and bring Konoha and Kumogakure to a peaceful state, but now he couldn't help but think of this family.

"As for the main force of these four thousand ninjas..."

Seeing that Sarutobi Hiruzen agreed, Natsuhiko ignored what he was thinking and continued to make arrangements.

Natsuhiko really wasn't worried about giving such an important task to Sarutobi Hiruzen, whether he would get in trouble or something.

If it were left to Danzo, then Natsuhiko would have to be on guard, but if it was left to him, there would be no need. There was an essential difference between this guy and Danzo.

Of course, if he really did something he didn't want to do, especially in Konoha now, then Natsuhiko would definitely make this guy a shame to the 'shadow'!

Although it seems that he is already a little bit that trend, after all, most of the important positions in Konoha are not on his side.

"Minister Shikaku, please arrange for someone to temporarily take over your job, and I will leave these four thousand troops to you."

After Natsuhiko thought for a moment, he made a decision. It would be more reassuring to leave such a large force to Nara Shikaku.

"No, Minister Xia Yan." What Xia Yan didn't expect was that Lu Jiu shook his head directly: "You should be the commander of the large force this time."

"Me?" Xia Yan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Nara Shikaku to refuse.

In fact, looking at the most suitable person, Nara Shikaku is the most suitable person, no matter in terms of position or ability.

"I will arrange for someone to take over my job."

Nara Shikaku saw Natsuhiko's confusion, and then he said with a smile.

"In this way, I can cooperate with Minister Xia Yan to go to the front line and cooperate with Minister Xia Yan to deal with these Kumogakure."


When Natsuhiko made the arrangements, the war had been completely defined, and the entire Konoha began to move at high speed.

Probably because the Third Ninja War had just ended less than two years ago, and there was also the Nine-Tails Incident, which was affecting the sensitive hearts of Konoha ninjas.

Therefore, their burst of efficiency was truly terrifying. In just two days, the recruited ninjas had been fully assembled according to the battle order.

Although two days are already a bit slow for the two ninjas, after all, Kumogakure has already set off, but Konoha also has frontline garrison troops to support them, so there is no need to worry so much for the time being.

When the new sun just rose from the east on the third day, Xia Yan and his party, a total of 4,000 people, headed for the front line.

Almost all the villagers in Konoha spontaneously came out to see him off, and many of the ninjas who were left behind breathed a sigh of relief.

There are many reasons why they cannot go to the battlefield, but they also know that they must handle their necessary work.

It's just that they are also very confused in their hearts. They really don't know much about who is leading the team this time.

But soon they learned from the newspaper that the boy leading the team this time was actually from the Senju clan, and it was the same Senju Natsuhiko who blocked the Kyuubi in the Kyuubi incident and was already the ANBU minister!

"I never expected that it would be him. It turns out his name is Senju Natsuhiko."

"Is this a new generation of Mujutsu users? God willing, will the glory of the First Hokage come to Konoha again?"

"I heard that Lord Sandaime planned to give up the Hyuga clan in exchange for peace. It was this Lord who united many ministers and clan leaders to oppose it, and that made Lord Sandaime change his mind."

"Sandaime-sama is still old, how can Konoha make such concessions?"

"Yeah, I remember some things were analyzed in the newspaper a long time ago. There is absolutely no problem in applying it. As long as you give in once, Konoha's image in the ninja world will be completely ruined."

"Not only that, if you make concessions this time, what about the next time? If you can get peace by making one concession, will you create inertia and think that you can get peace by making concessions again and again?"

"I heard that this time we are asking for the head of the Hyuga clan, so next time will we ask for the land of the Land of Fire?"

"And I also heard that it was actually directed and acted by Kumogakure. They were killed because they wanted to capture the little princess of the Hyuga clan."



Sarutobi Hiruzen stood in the stands, staring at the leaving figures of the large army, but various discussions came to his ears again.

This made his face become a little uncertain, although he knew that public opinion would ferment, and although he also knew that the situation would not be friendly to him.

But he feels that his approach should still be supported by some residents, but now it seems that he has not received any support at all.

It was as if he had done something completely wrong, and no one would understand him.

Moreover, he also saw some family disciples who looked at him in a very strange way, which made him even more helpless and sighing.

"Sarutobi, what should we do now?"

Koharu and Mito Kadoyan were standing beside him the whole time when he moved to bed. Naturally, they heard similar words, which made them a little angry.

These people don't need to understand the decisions made by Konoha, they just need to obey them.

What those people in Konoha are doing now is simply betrayal. How can they not feel angry?

"What else can we do now?" Hiruzen Sarutobi glanced at the two of them, and finally sighed helplessly: "The war has begun, let's do our own thing."


"I didn't expect that after only two or three years of peace, there would be another war."

Wearing Konoha's unique combat uniform with a green vest and a forehead protector tied to his forehead, Natsuhiko led a force of four thousand people quickly approaching the border of Yuno Country.

To be honest, dressing like this was really new to him. He was used to wearing ANBU clothes and it was the first time he wore it like this, so he felt a little uncomfortable.

However, as the supreme commander of Konoha during the war, it was impossible for him to continue wearing ANBU clothes.

Nara Shikaku is indeed very interesting. Originally, Natsuhiko planned to give this position to him. After all, he was the most suitable to lead an army.

Whether it was his planning ability, his experience in participating in three battles, or his position as the leader of the Jonin class.

However, he gave this position to Xia Yan without any hesitation. The purpose was self-evident. He completely understood Xia Yan's thoughts, and at the same time pushed him down!

At the same time, there are some very interesting things about this dispatch, that is, the big families that are approaching have sent a lot of main force.

Behind him were the two brothers Hyuga Hizashi and Hyuga Hizashi, and they had summoned nearly a hundred Hyuga ninjas in total!

Although most of these Hyuga ninjas are members of the branch family, only a small number are members of the main family.

But this is the limit of what Hyuga and Hizu can do. After all, the people of the Zong family are not necessarily very powerful in combat, while the people of the branch family take on various dangerous tasks all day long.

This is also one of the reasons why the relationship between the clan family and the branch family is so tense. Imagine a group of pampered people who are superior to others.

A group of people who worked hard and made great contributions to the family were treated like slaves, which no one could accept.

However, this time Hinata Hizashi personally took action and more or less suppressed the voices of those present.

This is Hinata's main force here, and this is the main force they can mobilize.

In addition, he also recruited many people like Hinata, Aburame, Inuzuka, and the Senju clan brought out by Natsuhiko.

As well as a large number of civilian ninjas and small family ninjas who chose to follow him.

It can be said that the configuration of these four thousand people is very comprehensive, with comprehensive detection, assault and ninjutsu support.

"Kumogakure didn't give us a chance." Nara Shikaku stood beside Natsuhiko. He also shook his head: "Besides, isn't this what Minister Natsuhiko wants?"

"That's right." Xia Yan chuckled. He still looked very relaxed: "Although war is terrible, what is even more terrible is that there is no will to resist. After all, war can be dealt with if we are fully prepared."

"So, I wonder what Minister Natsuhiko has in mind?" Nara Shikaku asked curiously at this moment: "In other words, do you have any plans?"

"There is indeed a plan, and it is already being implemented."

Xia Yan seemed to have thought of something interesting, and he couldn't help but slightly raised his eyebrows.

"If there is no accident, I'm afraid that boy is looking distressed now.

But that’s ANBU’s business. We want Kumogakure to gather together, and it’s best to choose a location suitable for a front-on encounter with a large force..."


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