The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 269: Prostitution and encounters (8K please subscribe~)

ANBU had ANBU missions, and Natsuhiko really didn't lie to Nara Shikaku about this.

But Natsuhiko didn't tell him that the person who went to perform this task was still an old acquaintance of Nara Shikaku!

Nara Shikaki sat calmly in the Tsuchikage office, but his heart was filled with despair.

He clearly remembered Xia Yan's promise that there wouldn't be many tasks pretending to be a member of the newspaper, but now his words seemed like farts.

He was almost trapped in the Kingdom of Grass. Although he could always return to Konoha to rest, he spent more time in the Kingdom of Grass.

And this time it was even more outrageous. He actually wanted to go to Iwagakure Village in the Land of Earth in person to meet Ohnoki alone!

The danger of such a mission is simply unimaginable. If he doesn't pay attention, he may die in this damn place and never return to Konoha.

"Why should I do ANBU work? No, I'm obviously in ANBU and working in the Government Affairs Office. Why did I become a frontline ninja?"

Nara Shikaro is really at a loss in his heart now. He feels that his minister should not be too evil-hearted.

If you really think it’s easy to use, just ignore it and just use it like crazy, right?

However, he could only think about such complaints in his heart, because he knew that Konoha had officially started war with Kumogakure, and his task was also very heavy.

"Sir Lucheng." At this moment, an Iwa ninja appeared next to Lucheng: "Sir Tsuchikage, I have time to see you now."

"Okay, I understand." Nara Shikaro stood up immediately, and then he followed the Iwa nin into the office.

Lucheng has been to the Hokage's office, but he has never been to the Kage's office in other villages. This can be regarded as an eye-opener for him.

However, he was very calm. In other words, the Hokage's office was much better decorated than the one in front of him. When he looked at the Tsuchikage's office in front of him, his heart really didn't fluctuate much.

And his actions were also caught in Ohnoki's eyes, and he found that the boy in front of him was much more interesting than he imagined.

"Your Excellency Lucheng, welcome to your arrival." Ohnoki showed a smile: "I have been looking forward to your arrival for a long time."

"Hello, Lord Tsuchikage." Lucheng also smiled decisively: "It is my honor to be here."

The two exchanged blows, and then after the other Iwa ninja left, the smile on Onoki's face began to shrink slightly.

This time I called the guy in front of me because there was something very important. After all, Konoha and Kumogakure have already started a war!

To be honest, Ohnoki was really surprised when he got the news, especially since the news came from a newspaper.

This speed was faster than his ANBU, even though the newspaper didn't say a single word about starting a war.

Basically, they use words like 'Konoha cannot accept Kumogakure's groundless accusations, let alone persecute people in the village because of hypocritical peace'.

But doesn't this also mean one thing, that is, Konoha is about to move, and he is going to fight Kumogakure, who is currently the strongest military power!

To be honest, Onoki was really not optimistic about Konoha at first. After all, Konoha's current military strength is really far behind Kumogakure.

The three battles are a meat grinder for Konoha. Even if they win against four, Konoha will lose miserably. The current situation is really not that optimistic.

But now that Konoha dares to take action, Onoki has to formalize the matter, because he has not forgotten anyone.

Could it be that the boy who set Konoha back forty or fifty years had grown to a strong enough level?

Onoki was actually full of disdain for Kumo Hidden. In his opinion, Kumo Hidden was just a group of stupid youths, but what was helpless was that these stupid youths did have very strong power.

These guys are already swollen, even if they are careful enough about Konoha's background, they let the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki go out together.

But he didn't test out the strength of the kid from the Thousand Hands Clan, so it was really not a wise thing to attack rashly like this.

Back then, Onoki dared to attack Konoha. The main reason was that Konoha's main power was dispersed and Tsunade, one of the three ninjas, ran away.

In this way, they basically didn't need to worry about encountering one of the enemies of one of the three ninjas when they attacked. In the end, they never expected to be as far away as Sunagakure.

Not long after they attacked and got some results, Sunagakure surrendered directly on the spot.

It's no wonder Kirigakure hates Sunagakure so much. After the truce, he kept sending people to harass them. This is simply what they deserve.

Kirigakure was not the only one who was tricked by Sunagakure, Iwagakure was also the biggest victim.

He was so careful and the car overturned. Will Yunyin really have an easy time this time?

"Speaking of which, your newspaper office is really getting better and better." Ohnoki looked at Lucheng seriously: "Now they can get more and more information."

"Of course, but this would not be possible without your support."

Lu Cheng knew what Onoki meant as soon as he heard what he said, and he couldn't help but smile and replied.

"Without the information you gave us, we wouldn't be able to report it as soon as possible, but we are also mutually beneficial, right?"

Onoki couldn't help but nodded secretly when he heard Lucheng's words. There was no problem with mutual benefit.

After Onoki chose to help Lucheng establish a newspaper site in the Land of Earth, the newspaper also gave them a lot of publicity and help.

Now they are getting more and more support. Some policies that the people did not understand at first are now understood by everyone through newspaper propaganda.

In addition, even the Daimyo of Earth Country has accepted the newspaper's village and will also reveal some information to the newspaper.

But this made Onoki a little wary. He didn't want the daimyo to cause any trouble, but he also believed that the newspaper would make the right choice.

In addition to the fact that the daimyo began to pay attention and asked Ohnoki about it, there were two other things that also gave Ohnoki a headache.

One is that while newspapers are supporting them, they are also giving Konoha enough space.

Not only that, before the war between Konoha and Kumogakure even started this time, some information appeared in the newspapers, such as articles provoking the relationship between them and Kumogakure.

Onoki didn't take these articles seriously at first, but with the outbreak of the war, these articles are different.

This is completely encouraging Iwagakure to go out and cooperate with Konoha against Kumogakure!

"However, Mr. Lucheng, there seems to be something wrong with your bias."

Onoki's eyes became more serious, and it could even be said that he was a little serious.

"You have a lot of coverage of Konoha, and you also have some encouraging articles in it. I have been paying attention to it."

"Is it a matter of length?"

Lucheng blinked, how could the article not be biased towards Konoha? This is ANBU stuff!

As for encouraging you, isn't that a matter of course? If we don't encourage you to go out, Konoha will not feel comfortable facing Kumogakure alone.

But he wouldn't say these words. He had already thought about how to deal with Ohnoki.

"Actually, I don't think there is any problem with the length. After all, we are paid to do things, and the newspaper office does not make the decision."

Lucheng said he was helpless, but his expression didn't look like he had much helplessness.

"How much did Konoha give you?" Ohnoki immediately calmed down Xia Yan when he heard this answer, and he couldn't help but ask with a smile.

"How can I tell you that Konoha is more than twice your price?"

Lu Cheng immediately blinked at Onoki again, and his voice sounded very serious.

"This is a business secret, we can't talk about it."

"Indeed, indeed, this is indeed a trade secret." Ohkino laughed this time. “What about the reports that keep agitating?”

"Although this is not a secret, my old man said that this is what the ANBU minister hopes you can do."

Lucheng blinked again, this was already his improvisation, what he had to do was to achieve Xia Yan's goal.

"The old man said that the ANBU minister wants you to send troops and fight against Kumogakure together, but my old man thinks you will never do this."

"Oh?" Onoki raised his eyebrows: "Then, what else did Mr. Uesugi say?"

"The old man said that you won't send troops because the benefits are not enough. Minister Xia Yan's idea is basically in vain."

Lu Cheng said with a smile on his face, but he still lowered his voice as low as possible as if he was worried that someone would hear him.

"He said that the most you can do is deploy troops at the border and make it look like you are going to launch a massive attack. In this case, Yunyin will have to defend.

But as long as you don't move, Kumogakure won't dare to move easily. When the war between Konoha and Kumogakure becomes clear, you will choose to go further or take a step back to maintain the status quo.

Also, let me tell Master Tsuchikage a secret at last. The one leading the team this time is the ANBU Minister Senju Natsuhiko.

Although I don't know why it is him, but it is the fact.

Okay, I've said everything I need to say. I just hope Tsuchikage-sama can be considerate. After all, it's not me who makes the decision in the newspaper office. "

After saying this, Nara Shikaki decisively shut up.

To be honest, he was also confused as to why the person leading the team was Senju Natsuhiko, his evil-hearted immediate boss.

Even though his immediate boss is the Fourth Hokage's spokesperson in Konoha, this kind of thing is no joke.

But the most terrible thing is that this matter was decided by his clan leader, and his clan leader also dispatched, along with Yamanaka and Akimichi.

As well as the families who had 'besieged' the Third Hokage in Danzo's case, they all set off with their bosses together with their people.

This was a big signal. Lucheng guessed that the Third Hokage might not be able to continue acting as an agent after the war.

"Is it possible that the Fourth Hokage's injury is almost healed?"

Lucheng thought silently, but soon he had another extremely unreliable idea.

"Is it possible that my evil-hearted boss wants to be Hokage?"

This idea appeared easily, and Nara Shikaki himself was stunned. He had not thought about it seriously before, because he had to deal with Onoki's affairs, and he did not dare to be careless at all.

Now Ohnoki has basically finished dealing with it, and he has time to think about it.

And when he thought about it, he suddenly realized that it seemed that his immediate boss really wanted to be Hokage, so that was not impossible!

Although he is a little younger, he has enough management experience, enough support from people, and enough achievements.

There should be many people supporting him. After all, he is from the Fourth Hokage's line, and now I don't know how many families have turned to the Fourth Hokage because of Danzo's matter.

In terms of management, he managed the large ANBU in an orderly manner despite its expansion. As an ANBU, he felt the deepest, and he also recognized Xia Yan's management style.

As for merit, isn't the outbreak of war now the best place to accumulate merit?


Thinking of this, Nara Shikagi almost took a breath of cold air. Could it be that his clan leader also thought so, so he set off collectively?

When Nara Shikaki was thinking about the possibility of Natsuhiko becoming Hokage, Onoki recalled what Shikaki said with great shock.

Ohnoki really had no chance to meet the father of Uesugi Shikaki before him, but he found out that this guy was really lucky to be able to create a product like a newspaper!

That Senju Natsuhiko guy is also awesome. He actually thought of using newspapers to secretly inspire Iwagakure's fighting spirit, making them sincerely intend to take a share of the war between Konoha and Kumogakure.

After all, there is really an incomprehensible hatred between Kumogakure and Iwagakure. The truce between Kumogakure and Konoha was because the third generation Raikage died at the hands of Iwagakure.

And Iwagakure surrendered to Konoha because Kumogakure stopped attacking Konoha and turned around to attack Iwagakure. It can be said that the hatred between the two sides is really great.

Senju Natsuhiko took advantage of this hatred, and also took advantage of the interests of some small villages, subtly swaying the hearts of these ninjas.

Ohnoki can imagine that when everyone receives the news that Kumogakure and Konoha are fighting, someone will definitely encourage him to send troops to deal with Kumogakure.

You can get revenge and get benefits, so why not?

But this Lucheng's father, the old man of the Uesugi family who had never been masked before, actually analyzed Onoki's situation one step further.

He almost thought of the best option that Ohnoki could choose, and Ohnoki was indeed moved.

Chen Bing stood still, observing the situation in Konoha and making a decision. This is the best way to handle Iwagakure's interests!

"What a powerful person."

Onoki muttered silently, and then looked at Lucheng.

"It was really pleasant to meet Mr. Lucheng today, but as a film director, I still have a lot of things to deal with. I'm afraid I won't be able to entertain Mr. Lucheng anymore."

"It's okay, it's okay." Lucheng also woke up at this moment, and he immediately stood up with a smile: "I feel a little sorry for letting Lord Tsuchikage waste so much time on me, so I'll take my leave now."

"By the way, I will invest the same amount for you as Konoha invested." Onoki suddenly said when Lucheng was about to leave.

"This..." Lu Cheng felt a little embarrassed now, and he didn't know how to answer.

"No need to worry, just follow the current schedule ratio." Onoki looked at Lucheng with a smile, and he said with some meaning: "This is my thank you to your father, and a meeting gift when we meet in the future. "

"In that case, thank you Tsuchikage-sama." Lucheng immediately understood what Onoki meant, which made him a little excited.

Because he knew that his mission was successful!


Even a ninja would need at least almost a week to set off from Konoha to the border of Yuno Country, and this was at full acceleration.

The Land of Fire is really big. To be honest, the number of more than 30,000 ninjas is really not enough.

Especially with fewer fighting ninjas, this is even more deadly.

Unfortunately, training ninja is not an easy task.

There are only more than 30,000 ninjas in Konoha, which has more than 100,000 people, although it is because of the remaining ones after the war.

But it is also conceivable that the profession of ninja still requires good talent.

There is no way to become a ninja without talent. Even if you are only a genin for life, you are still a superhuman existence to ordinary people.

Xia Yan led the team to set off very quickly. After all, there were only two thousand people defending the front line, and Yunyin was faster than them.

So if they don't hurry up, they will be in trouble!

They now only sleep a basic six hours a day, and sometimes even four hours is normal, and the remaining time is spent traveling.

All Konoha ninjas knew the importance of this mission, so they had no complaints at all.

Of course, Xia Yan is not stupid. Even if he has never seen a real war, he has watched a lot of war-themed movies in his previous life.

No matter how strong the ninja was, he knew that rushing to the front line in an extremely exhausted state would lead to death, so he chose his destination early in the morning.

That place was a stronghold near the border between the Country of Fire and the Country of Yu. That place was once used as a front line against Kumogakure.

The most important thing is that that place is also a frontline granary.

There was a saying in Xia Yan's previous life, that is, before the soldiers and horses move, food and fodder must go first. They are in such a hurry now that they have no time to establish a logistics line.

Therefore, Xia Yan had to seize this stronghold immediately. Only in this way could he ensure that their large force of four thousand people would not run out of supplies.

And Xia Yan guessed that it was impossible for him to think of Yunyin.

What's more, for Kumogakure, that place is also a natural bridgehead for attacking the Fire Country itself, so that place will inevitably become a point that Kumogakure will fight for.

Once it falls into the hands of Kumo Ninja, they will receive a large amount of supplies, and they can use this place as a stronghold to attack in all directions, which will be very troublesome.

Occupying that stronghold and resting there is Xia Yan's main purpose.

"Minister Xia Yan, I think this location will be a very good area to gather Kumogakure."

Just as they were on their way, Nara Shikaku suddenly ran to Natsuhiko's side, holding a map in his hand.

Although he was extremely confused about what Xia Yan was planning to do, to involve the Kumogakure forces together, and then launch a frontal attack?

Isn't this no different from seeking death?

There are the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki. Who is there in Konoha?

If you have to count the top combat power, maybe Xia Yan is one, but what about other than that?

Nara Shikaku has never denied that Natsuhiko's growth has reached a point where everyone is afraid, but he has definitely not reached this point yet.

"Perhaps, they plan to let us contain the Fourth Raikage, so that he can deal with the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki alone."

Shikaku thought about everything Natsuhiko might do, and finally he got this answer.

This answer is really not a good answer, but considering that this attack gathered the heads of the three families of Hinata, Aburatsuzuka, and Inokacho.

And there are so many strong reinforcements from Uchiha, maybe they can unite to deal with the Fourth Raikage.

In this case, Natsuhiko might be able to rely on Wood Release to deal with the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki.

As long as he can restrain the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki and rely on Wood Release to divide the battlefield, then they will not have no chance.

It was only after thinking of this that Nara Shikaku cooperated with Natsuhiko's work, and he also planned to work hard.

"Thank you for your hard work, Minister Shikaku."

Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then looked at the map.

The location Nara Shikaku chose was a plain. Such a plain was very suitable for large-scale ninja attacks, and in such an environment, it was also very suitable for Natsuhiko to take action.

Just imagine, if there are dense forests all around, this does not affect his fighting, but the problem is that it will reduce too much of what he wants to show.

Moreover, with the cover of dense forests and mountains, it is not suitable to provide these Kumogakure with too many bunkers, so that they can rely on the bunkers to escape.

Even directly inserting into the rear of Konoha's large army to carry out a devastating attack, that is what Xia Yan does not want to see.

"It would be easy if you could use the power of the Kyuubi."

To be honest, relying on the power of the nine-tailed beast jade, Xia Yan can blast the terrain into the environment he wants on any battlefield.

This will not give the enemy any chance to penetrate, but the techniques he can use now are Immortal Technique, Wood Release, and Flying Thunder God.

If you include the Pure Eye and Pure Eye Chakra modes, there aren't many techniques he can use.

But among these techniques, none of them can directly crush the entire terrain - not counting the Wood Release, which is already a dense forest, but if you create a dense forest, it will block everything.

It can be said that Xia Yan has taken great pains to fully achieve the merit and prestige he deserves.

"Is this place? I know it." Xia Yan nodded slightly: "How to lead them there, have you thought about it?"

"Leading it over requires continuous transfer and containment of large forces." Nara Shikaku thought for a moment, and he was somewhat confident but also a little embarrassed: "Such continuous transfer requires strong execution. The people we lead can do it. But there will also be a lot of casualties.”

"That's good if you can do it." Xia Yan nodded: "If I tell Minister Shikaku to attract them there, I can annihilate them all..."

"Is what Minister Xia Yan said true?" Xia Yan was interrupted by Shikaku before he could finish his words: "If Minister Xia Yan can really do it, then I will definitely let the troops complete Minister Xia Yan's preliminary arrangements. !”

"That's good." Xia Yan smiled and nodded: "Then I'll leave this matter to Minister Shikaku."

Nara Shikaku nodded. Although Natsuhiko did not give a more accurate answer, standing in their current position, there are some things that must not be said randomly.

Natsuhiko doesn't want to reveal too much, and Nara Shikaku won't continue to ask questions, but he is full of confidence now!

Annihilation may be a big statement, but it is probably possible to make Konoha defeat Kumogakure.

No matter what, Nara Shikaku also thought of a way. It would be an opportunity for them to suppress Kumogakure together.

"By the way, Minister Lu Jiu, thank you for cultivating a talent." Suddenly, Xia Yan smiled again and said: "Lu Cheng, I think you should know, right?"

"Shikagi?" Nara Shikaku nodded: "Of course I know. Strictly speaking, we are still cousins. I arranged for him to go to ANBU. Now he..."

"He has persuaded Onoki to send troops." The smile on Xia Yan's face became wider: "Although it is only Chen Bing at the border, I think this is enough."

Natsuhiko's words stunned Nara Shikaku for a moment, and then he couldn't help but smile.

Onoki Chenbing's border, even if it is not dispatched, will definitely bring huge pressure to Kumogakure. By then, Kumogakure will probably shrink some troops and go back.

In this way, the pressure on Konoha will be even less. How can Nara Shikaku be unhappy?

But before he could say anything, a ninja from the Hyuga clan suddenly ran in front of them.


"How did these Kumo ninjas get in and start attacking the stronghold?"

Natsuhiko and Nara Shikaku frowned involuntarily as they listened to the reports from the members of the Hyuga clan in front of them.

They didn't know how these Kumogakure came in. They must know that there was a garrison of two thousand people on the front line.

The defense force of those garrison forces was so weak, were they actually infiltrated?

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but shook his head. One of the reasons why he wanted to fight Yunyin directly in the plains was to prevent this.

Unexpectedly, this scene happened, right in front of him.

Fortunately, there were not many people who came around. If a large force rushed in, then Natsuhiko and Nara Shikaku would not have frowned.

This kind of stronghold is generally easy to defend and difficult to attack. If they really capture it, even if Xia Yan can handle it, the result of the battle will probably be just to get this stronghold back.

"Fortunately, it was just a sudden attack by a small force, otherwise it would have been troublesome."

Xia Yan thought silently, and then he continued to ask.

"That stronghold is a logistics point for two thousand people on the front line. There should be someone guarding it, right?"

"Yes, Minister Natsuhiko." The Hyuga ninja nodded immediately: "It's just that the number of people inside is not very large. It can only be regarded as a normal defense. I'm afraid they didn't expect Kumogakure to break through here."

"I understand." Xia Yan nodded. Although it was a bit troublesome, it could still be dealt with.

And Nara Shikaku also spoke at this moment: "I'm afraid they didn't come here with many people, just to occupy this stronghold.

This cut off the supply of those two thousand people, and finally surrounded and forced these people back so that Kumogakure could occupy a powerful strategic position. "

"Yes, Minister Shikaku." The Hyuga ninja nodded again: "From the observation results of the Byakugan, there are about a hundred people over there, which is not too many."

The Kumo ninja's raiding force was indeed small, only about a hundred people at full attack.

There are four thousand ninjas here, no matter how you look at it, they can easily be wiped out. It can only be said that those Kumogakure are unlucky.

Even though the four thousand of them were exhausted because of the rush, there was no need to think too much about the situation of the battle between four thousand and one hundred.

But after Xia Yan thought for a while, he suddenly said: "You guys rest, I will deal with them."

"Minister Natsuhiko?" Nara Shikaku was stunned for a moment when he heard Natsuhiko's words: "You are alone..."

"Don't worry, I'm actually fine by myself, but it's not that convenient for a large army to go there." Xia Yan chuckled, and then rushed out alone.

Xia Yan doesn't have any idea of ​​​​showing off now, just because he doesn't want Yunyin to know that their large army has completely reached the border!

Although such news could only be blocked for a few days, Kumogakure's spies in the Country of Fire would sooner or later find their marching route.

But if it can be blocked for one more day, the greater the damage it will bring to Kumogakure, and at the same time, the more Nara Shikaku can perform his tasks.

Although in Xia Yan's view, all he had to do to attract those guys towards the predetermined location was pretending to have failed.

But Nara Shikaku had a better way, and there was no need for him to join in the fun.

There are specialties in the art industry, and Xia Yan always kept in mind the wise words of his ancestors, even if he traveled through time.

"Minister Shikaku, is this appropriate?" Looking at Natsuhiko's figure leaving quickly, Hinata Hiashi walked up and asked softly.

He was always behind Natsuhiko and Nara Shikaku, so he naturally heard the report from his clansman.

Although the tribesman didn't give him any face and didn't even look at him, he didn't take it too seriously.

The conflict between the main family and the branch family was already well known to everyone in Konoha. Anyway, it was impossible to hide Hinata and Hiashi, and he didn't even bother to care about it.

After all, he already had an idea in his heart, that is, no matter what, he must solve things that his ancestors have never solved in their generation!

"Perhaps I can ask Minister Xia Yan for help."

Hyuga and Hizu had this idea in their hearts for a long time. At the most critical moment of the Hyuga clan, it was the Senju Natsuhiko who found a way to stop them.

Even though they were now forced to be involved in the war, he was willing to do so.

In addition, he also saw the situation of Uchiha. Uchiha was isolated and rescued.

So even if the problems within the clan are troublesome, there might be some improvement.

Therefore, he really didn't want anything to happen to Xia Yan. In his opinion, it was too much to cause trouble for hundreds of Kumo ninjas alone.

Even though he had seen Natsuhiko's power, ninjas still had to be careful.

"Hey, let's carry out Minister Xia Yan's order."

Nara Shikaku shook his head, but soon he whispered.

"Find Yamanaka, Akimichi, Aburame and Inuzuka. Well, you can also find the Uchiha people. Let's go take a look together, just in case."

"Okay." Hinata Hizu did not refuse, and then he immediately sent people to find all these people.

The people who came over were basically at the level of clan leader, and Dimension Uchiha Sora seemed a little embarrassed.

However, they didn't pay attention to this matter, and they quickly rushed towards the stronghold.

However, when they came here, they all froze...


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