Xia Yan is very fast, even without using the Flying Thunder God Technique, his speed is ridiculously fast.

In just a moment, he had arrived at the outskirts of the stronghold, and at the same time he also opened his pure eyes.

The blue light danced rapidly in his eyes, and in just a moment he had already judged how many Kumo ninjas were present.

"One hundred and ten, that's quite a lot of people that have infiltrated."

Xia Yan was thinking slightly in his heart, and at this moment, the chakra in his body began to surge rapidly.

In an instant, countless tree species began to grow crazily in a circle with a radius of at least five hundred meters.

These tree species are buried deep underground, and each of them is engraved with the mark of the Flying Thunder God belonging to Xia Yan.

It can be said that at this moment, within the circular range of this kilometer, everything is Xia Yan's Flying Thunder God space!

Xia Yan adjusted his breathing slightly, and the next moment his figure flashed, and when he appeared again, he was already beside a Yun Ninja.

These cloud ninjas were frantically pouring out ninjutsu towards the stronghold. When Natsuhiko appeared without warning, they didn't even react at all, until...


The sound of metal cutting flesh instantly resounded in the area, and a Cloud Ninja who didn't even scream had been beheaded by Xia Yan!

Xia Yan didn't pause at all, and the Flying Thunder God technique was quietly activated again.

The blood spattered by the first person he killed was still floating in the air, and he had already arrived directly behind the second person.

The ninja sword was swung out, bright red blood splashed again, and then Xia Yan moved towards the third and fourth targets without any hesitation.

As he grew stronger, his chakra became stronger and more proficient in using the Flying Thunder God.

Even if his sealing skills are only at an average level, he can still use the Flying Thunder God to an unimaginable level!

"Enemy attack!"

Finally, when Xia Yan killed nearly ten ninjas in less than a second, someone finally reacted!

It's a pity that before the man who had just reacted had time to make any defensive gesture, Xia Yan once again wiped his artery with a knife.

Blood flowed out of his neck quickly, and he covered it with his hands almost subconsciously. His mouth kept opening and squirming, as if he wanted to say something.

But at this moment, he couldn't make any sound at all.

However, his reminder caught the attention of the other Cloud Ninjas, and these Cloud Ninjas were obviously elites. They immediately put down their attacks, almost as fast as they could, in groups of three or four, and quickly formed a circle back to back. Made a circle.

When you can't figure out how the enemy appears and how to attack them, the fastest way to assume a defensive posture is also the best choice.

But what they didn't know was that Xia Yan just didn't continue to attack them out of his own considerations. Otherwise, these guys would have been dead long ago!


The leading cloud ninja shouted loudly, and he could clearly see that the person in front of him was a silver-haired boy.

This silver-haired boy was wearing a Konoha uniform and had a forehead protector with the Konoha logo on his forehead, but he had no impression of this boy at all.

He had already scanned the battlefield with his peripheral vision during the assembly. What chilled him was that in less than a second, he almost lost ten teammates!

You must know that the members who formed the commando team this time are all good players.

He really couldn't accept such a silent death with almost no signs.

He didn't know who this young man was. Normally, a person with such strength would definitely leave his name in the ninja world.

There is a bright blue brilliance blooming in the eyes of this young man. No matter who sees such a person once, he will never forget it!

"This is Senju Natsuhiko."

Xia Yan spoke slowly, and at the same time, the chakra in his body began to brew rapidly.

These guys gathered together so face-savingly, which was exactly what Xia Yan hoped for.

Sure enough, there is a saying that is right, good operation is not as good as good coordination.

When Xia Yan's chakra brewed to a peak, he held one hand upright in a seal posture, and at the same time, he smiled and said.

"Or you can call me another name. My code name is Nightingale."

"Konoha Nightingale!"

Sure enough, compared to the name Senju Natsuhiko and Konoha Nightingale, the popularity and recognition are not by an order of magnitude.

But the cloud ninjas in front of them finally knew who the person they were facing was, and they also knew how their teammates were killed.

Unfortunately, Xia Yan didn't give them any chance.

The surging chakra burst out, and at this time, he could already reach the point where he could do whatever technique he wanted with just his hands together.

But Xia Yan felt that putting his hands together was the same as praying to Buddha. He preferred the posture of holding the index and middle fingers together and standing upright, and the other fingers folded.

After all, with his level of strength, as long as it doesn't involve some transcendent technique, any technique can actually be triggered with this seal!

"Wooden Release: The birth of the tree world!"

At this moment, the ground began to tremble crazily, and then a giant tree suddenly rose from the ground, and countless small trees also grew crazily at this moment.

This time, Xia Yan did not cooperate with the Immortal Technique when he performed Tree Realm Arrival, but this time his Wood Release also reached the intermediate level.

The essential purpose of his sudden use of Wood Escape was to boost his morale.

He could see that although Konoha was decisive in sending troops this time, the Konoha ninjas also maintained their firm belief in fighting the enemy to the death.

But he could also feel that the morale of these Konoha ninjas was really low.

Although there was a saying in Xia Yan's previous life that a sad soldier must win, Xia Yan didn't like this atmosphere, and he didn't intend to keep it.

What he has to do is to boost morale. After all, he can confidently tell everyone that they will never lose with him!

The terrifying Mu Dun quickly moved towards the Cloud Ninjas under the control of Xia Yan's chakra, even though they had already decided to evacuate after hearing the code name 'Konoha Nightingale'.

Konoha Nightingale is a legend of Anbu and has been written into the ninja manual. Once the target is confirmed, the mission can be abandoned directly.

This is not just for ANBU ninjas, after Natsuhiko became the ANBU minister, it also happened to ordinary ninjas.

But Xia Yan had always carried out missions with a mask on before, so not many people knew what he looked like.

It's just that the speed of these wooden escapes is much faster than they imagined. They barely have time to move, and the wooden escape has spread quickly.

The overflowing branches of the towering giant tree quickly entangled these cloud ninjas, and these more than ninety people were trapped without any resistance at all!

The branches quickly extracted their chakra and even began to suck their life force. At this moment, they could hardly even struggle.

"Although I really want to leave a torture message, I don't think it's necessary."

Xia Yan stood on the giant tree. He looked down at what was in front of him, and then he smiled.

"So, goodbye."

"Wood Release: Cutting Technique..."



Nara Shikaku and others quickly followed Natsuhiko after he left. They are all the elites of Konoha. Even if they are not as powerful as the Sannin, they cannot be underestimated.

Just running, they felt something was wrong. Even if they were not sentient ninjas, they could feel a powerful chakra brewing at this time.

Soon, the earth began to tremble, and a huge tree that was almost visible to the naked eye suddenly rose from the ground!

Wood escape!

Almost immediately, they knew what it was. This was Natsuhiko's signature ninjutsu, and it was also the signature ninjutsu of Konoha's first Hokage.

Looking at the huge and chilling tree, feeling the suffocating chakra filling the space, they suddenly felt at this moment that they had underestimated Xia Yan's strength.

Having experienced the Night of Nine Tails, they naturally knew that Xia Yan had the power of Wood Release, and that such power was not weak.

However, the Wood Release used this time seems to be less than the last time in the Night of the Nine Tails, but it seems that the power is not weaker than that night!

I have to say that they are indeed powerful ninjas. Even if they do not have systematic perception, they can still keenly detect many differences.

Xia Yan did not use immortal magic to cooperate with Mu Dun this time, and this time he performed it relatively casually.

But the power he can exude is not weak at all. This kind of pure power that belongs to wood escape and is not mixed with fairy magic was immediately felt by Nara Shikaku and the others.

This pure power tells them that Xia Yan's strength has grown again!

"It's really scary..."

Looking at the roaring and spreading trees in the distance, each of the clan leaders couldn't help but sigh.

Especially when they speeded up and arrived at the battle location, their bodies began to stiffen.

The huge trees had begun to recede, and they inspired Xia Yan's chakra to begin to shrink rapidly, leaving only a large tree full of thorns made of wood escape.

This big tree is about ten meters high, and is not conspicuous at all compared to Xia Yan's other trees.

But this tree twisted and spiraled up, its branches radiated over a wide range, and on these branches there were corpses pierced by wooden thorns!

These corpses seemed to be a little shriveled, as if their life force had been sucked out, and at the same time, the scarlet blood continued to stay along the branches.

This scene fell in the eyes of these battle-hardened people, and they couldn't help but feel chills in their hearts.

This is simply massacre, this is simply purgatory on earth!

Looking around, there were at least hundreds of corpses hanging on these branches, and there were only that many people who came to attack them.

Xia Yan actually solved them all in such a short period of time, which further proves that Xia Yan's strength has indeed become stronger again, stronger than Kyuubi's time!

However, this was the first time they had seen some of Natsu Yan's methods, and it was undeniable that Danzo's incident had given them quite a shock.

But compared to this time, Danzo's time was simply not worth mentioning.

"I can only say that I am worthy of being born in ANBU..."

The ANBU members were extremely cruel in their methods. Everyone present knew this, but they had not seen much of it.

Maybe Yamanaka Haiichi will be better, but only a little better.

Taking a deep breath, they knew that this time the crisis was temporarily lifted.

Also, apart from Uchiha Sora, Smart Ru and others also speculated that Natsuhiko did this to boost morale.

Even Xia Yan's methods really made them feel a little bit afraid...



The large army of four thousand people moved forward slowly. When they saw the hell-like scene, all of them were involuntarily startled.

He looked at the corpses of a hundred cloud ninjas, which were pierced by branches and hanging upside down in the air. He looked at the blood that was constantly dripping and the ground that was stained red by blood.

They all couldn't help but feel a little dazed now, because the scene in front of them really made people feel scared from the bottom of their hearts.

But while they were scared, they also felt extremely reassured.

In fact, not long ago, when their ground shook violently and a giant tree suddenly rose, this feeling of peace of mind had quietly emerged in their hearts.

Only now, when they saw the scene in front of them, this sense of security was accompanied by growing fear.

After all, there are such powerful ninjas, and there are such terrifying ninjas, so they will be much safer no matter how they look at it!

This time the war was very cruel, and they also got a lot of information through things similar to newspapers.

They knew that if they didn't fight, Konoha would probably lose its credibility in the ninja world and be cannibalized step by step.

As residents of Konoha, they had to fight, and they had to fight!

But now, including the people on the front line, there are only 6,000 people, but Yunyin's side is said to have dispatched 8,000 people.

In addition, Kumogakure also had the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki dispatched together, but Konoha was really helpless.

Although they were fighting on the border of the Fire Country, the supply speed might be faster.

But they are really nearly 2,000 fewer than Yun Ninja. With such a gap in numbers, no matter who replaces them, there will be some fear.

It's not that Konoha didn't have examples of defeating more with less. On the contrary, there were quite a few. But who were the leaders at that time?

Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, and now the fourth generation Hokage, Namikaze Minato!

Although this time there were also patriarchs from various families leading the elite disciples on the expedition.

Even the head of ANBU, Senju Natsuhiko, who single-handedly resisted the Nine-Tails attack during the Nine-Tails Incident, was also on the team.

But to be honest, many ninjas already have the consciousness of death. They feel that even if they can win the damage, they will never laugh.

Even if it was some hindsight, because Namikaze Minato became the Fourth Hokage only after the war.

During the war, no one thought he could do it. At that time, the strength of the Hokage's call to Orochimaru was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

It's just that Orochimaru eventually lost the throne of Hokage due to various reasons, and even now he has become a rebel ninja.

But no matter what, it is an established fact that Namikaze Minato will become the fourth generation Hokage.

Therefore, these ninjas now believe that under his leadership, it is not so unusual to defeat more with less.

Now in this war, there is neither Namikaze Minato nor Orochimaru. Can these people combined really be able to fight against the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki?

Six thousand people versus eight thousand people, there seems to be a huge gap in high-end power. They are optimistic but also unconsciously have a certain degree of depression.

But in order to protect their homeland and everything they needed to protect, they went to the battlefield with strong enough faith.

At this moment, Xia Yan's cruel move made people frightened.

But it also seemed to give them some confidence that they could win.

Even if they are indeed ready to die in battle, everyone has the same desire to survive.

As long as there is a slight chance, they will try their best to seize it.

Just like people always yearn for light, there is only one chance in life, and this is light.

This is one of the most primitive desires deep in everyone's heart.


Natsuhiko made a huge splash, his Wood Release covered a large area, and the quality of his chakra was also very high.

Although his Mudun cannot be seen from dozens of kilometers away, his chakra can be transmitted very far.

In a border stronghold within the Kingdom of Yu, the Fourth Raikage frowned and looked into the distance.

Not only him, but Kirabi beside him also stopped rapping, and there were many powerful ninjas who all looked into the distance involuntarily.

"Lord Raikage, according to reports from the ninjas in the Sensing Class, there are violent chakra fluctuations in the Land of Fire.

And the chakra aura of our assault force has disappeared, I'm afraid...

In addition, the sensing troops also noticed a large amount of chakra fluctuations. The specific number of people was unclear because they had already entered the stronghold. "

"Really?" The Fourth Raikage couldn't help but nodded slightly when he heard the words: "I understand, you go down first."

The Fourth Raikage didn't seem to be much surprised by this result. In other words, when he felt the chakra, he knew that those people were probably in a bad situation.

This chakra was very strong, it could even be said to be no weaker than him, and he didn't care that he couldn't detect the number of Konoha ninjas.

After all, this kind of stronghold will naturally take various defense and protection measures, especially when it is used as a frontline stronghold.

It's just that he sighed a little and sent a hundred cloud ninjas to raid that stronghold. It was originally his intention.

Although he knew that Konoha was definitely dispatched, he didn't expect Konoha to react so quickly. It only took a few days for Konoha to send troops directly over.

And what a coincidence, he happened to bump into his own assault force.

It was just a collision, and there was nothing they could do if the person died, but they didn't send any news back before they died, which made the Fourth Raikage couldn't help but shake his head.

He felt that it was likely that these people were besieged, otherwise they would not have died so simply.

But if he didn't bring it back, he didn't bring it back. Although the Fourth Raikage was filled with anger, he also knew that now was not the time to dwell on this.

They must discuss the next battle plan carefully.

This time, Konoha also spent some money, and almost all the clan heads of major families, as well as family elites, were mobilized.

According to intelligence, the leader of the team seemed to be the ANBU Minister Konoha Nightingale.

However, this information is not very clear, and it is not easy to obtain this information.

After all, the ANBU in Konoha are now frantically investigating all kinds of spies, especially the spies in their Cloud Hidden Village are the targets of intensive investigation.

However, if these news are true, then the Fourth Raikage will be really happy.

The patriarch of a big family, who would let him go to the front line to fight.

What does it mean to let someone like the ANBU minister, who is addicted to darkness and is just a teenager, lead the army?

Does this mean that there is no one available in Konoha now?

Otherwise, why didn't they send powerful ninjas like Jiraiya and Tsunade who had sufficient command experience?

Although the information had been obtained long ago, none of the guys like Jiraiya and Tsunade seemed to be in Konoha.

Orochimaru even defected to Konoha.

But now that the war has started, why hasn't Konoha summoned them back?

The Fourth Raikage couldn't figure this out anyway, but he seemed to have seen through that there really weren't many people available in Konoha.

But he didn't dare to be too careless, after all, the clan leaders of Konoha still had some strength.

And with people like Nara Shikaku here, the opponent is still very strong in terms of strategy and tactics.

However, these are just information, and he has not yet completely gotten the answers he deserves, especially the chakra just now made him become more serious.

"It seems that we need to confirm it carefully."

The Fourth Raikage silently thought that intelligence was the most important factor in a war. If there was not enough intelligence to support the war, how could the war be fought?

If you want to get some information, the easiest way is to invade by spies and have a head-on battle!

As long as a battle occurs, even if the scale is large, as long as the intensity is high enough, some information can still be obtained.

What the Fourth Raikage needs to determine now is who exactly is on the other side, so that they and Kumogakure can deal with them.

"Give me the order to send a thousand ninjas to follow me tomorrow. They must be fast enough to evacuate at any time."

Thinking of this, the Fourth Raikage spoke directly, his voice was strong and extremely firm.

"We set out early in the morning to attack the Konoha stronghold. The purpose of this operation was to find out who was on the other side.

So you have to choose something smarter, do you understand? "

"Yes! Raikage-sama!"


"Minister Xia Yan is really a good trick, but if you can save it next time, we can get some valuable information."

Within the Konoha stronghold, Nara Shikaku looked at Natsuhiko in great distress, while the other clan leaders also came to their senses.

After all, when they came into contact with the large army and came to the stronghold together, the morale of the large army of ninjas had changed significantly.

The somewhat depressed and even sad atmosphere had completely disappeared.

What replaced it was trust in them and the belief that they could lead Konoha to victory.

This is an excellent signal, which shows that the morale of the Konoha ninjas has been boosted, which is very helpful for their battle arrangements.

Although there would be no problems in the previous state, the fixed mentality is really frustrating.

Now they have more desire to survive, more passion, and also more desire to fight.

What's frustrating is that what Xia Yan did this time was so cruel that he didn't even survive.

He directly wiped out all the enemies in that instant, leaving them with no one to use for interrogation of information.

Indeed, with Yamanaka Haiichi here, they could cut off the head and examine it.

But the problem is that sometimes dead people are really not as useful as living people. After all, once a person dies, his brain cells will die quickly.

At that time, if you want to get information from it, you can only get some piecemeal information, which is definitely not suitable for the needs of war.

What's more, checking one head is troublesome enough. There are more than a hundred heads being checked here, and there isn't much equipment to help.

This was also extremely troublesome and difficult for Yamanaka Haiichi, so in the end this plan was not implemented.

"I'm sorry. At that time, I just thought that I couldn't let them go back, and I also wanted to improve Konoha's morale, so..."

Xia Yan shrugged indifferently, and then he said with a smile.

"And it's not just that we don't have any information, Kumogakure doesn't necessarily have any information about us either. I'm afraid at most he only knows that we're coming."

Natsuhiko's statement made Nara Shikaku very helpless, but he had to admit it with a nod.

Before they set off, Konoha was conducting a large-scale purge of spies.

Regardless of whether they were spies in that place or not, whether they had already mastered them or not, they were all dealt with by ANBU one by one.

Moreover, Konoha was on alert after that, and it was very difficult to send out information.

Even if Kumogakure had it, it would be very fragmented and scarce information.

As for the traces left by their large army's march, there is nothing that can be done about it, but they also have ninjas from the Hyuga clan.

Having these ninjas switch defenses to keep an eye on them at any time can at least take a lot of time and give them more room to adapt.

"Minister Xia Yan is right, but this time we have to be careful with our defenses."

Nara Shikaku touched his head, and then his face turned serious and he said.

"We have to be careful about Kumogakure's attack. They killed so many people this time. Not only did they fail to capture the stronghold, they also didn't send back any intelligence.

I'm afraid that the Fourth Raikage will make some risky moves, such as a small-scale high-intensity raid, to test out the situation on our side. "

"Oh?" Xia Yan blinked, he really didn't think about it that much.

But Nara Shikaku's words forced him to pay attention. He actually didn't understand much about marching and fighting.

The knowledge he got was basically from movies, books, and even games in his previous life.

However, the movies he watches are basically grand strategy or personal perspective movies, and even the games are grand strategy games.

For example, he really played with the steel and other things in the war criminals concentration camp, and he also did things like milk magic and nuclear bombs to clean up Japan.

But this type of game is also about grand strategy. You send a powerful general to give him suitable soldiers to ensure his logistical supplies.

Then he can push the enemy for you without having to think about too many tactical details.

He knew that he was lacking. For example, right now, he didn't do enough in terms of how to be careful about the enemy in battle.

Therefore, when he sent out troops, he directly planned to let Nara Shikaku be the commander. He would be responsible for telling Nara Shikaku the strategic purpose he needed.

After Nara Shikaku achieves his strategic goal, he will choose to solve the problem and achieve his goal.

But Nara Shikaku directly pushed him to this position, most likely because he wanted to fulfill his wish. In fact, what they are doing now is basically the same as Natsuhiko thought.

It's just that under such circumstances, Nara Shikaku needs to remind him of many things, which can be regarded as teaching him something.

"It seems that we have to be more careful. In fact, I think our work needs to be broken down."

Xia Yan thought for a moment and then said with a smile.

"But let's solve the problem first. Does Minister Shikaku have any ideas or any further analysis?"

"Considering Kumogakure's purpose, I think there may not be too many of them this time."

Although Nara Shikaku was curious about what the job breakdown mentioned by Natsuhiko was, he was the first to speak out his thoughts.

“And according to Kumogakure’s characteristics, they should be a very flexible group of guys.

In this way, we have strong surprise attack capabilities and can flexibly disperse and retreat when our attack is frustrated or surrounded by our large forces.

And I think the people leading the team this time should be strong, and we must defend seriously. "

Natsuhiko looked at Nara Shikaku blankly. This guy not only thought of Kumogakure's possible movements, but also thought of Kumogakure's possible personnel configuration.

Even though Natsuhiko knows that the Nara clan has a high IQ, this is not just a matter of high IQ, it also requires rich war command experience.

Now Xia Yan feels more and more that his original plan to let this guy be the commander-in-chief of the battlefield was a real choice.

Although the situation has changed now, this guy came with him anyway.

In this way, he can give Xia Yan more help in many small things and details.

He also made Xia Yan firmly believe that he could help Xia Yan complete all the prerequisites he needed.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan suddenly showed a smile: "Minister Lu Jiu, then I will leave the arrangements for this matter to you. I think this is no problem?"

"No problem." Nara Shikaku nodded: "But Minister Natsuhiko is the commander-in-chief. I still need to ask Minister Natsuhiko for instructions on these matters."

"I know, but sometimes you don't need to bother so much. From now on, how about this, Minister Shikaku, you are responsible for the tactical details, and I am responsible for the strategic layout?"

"This...is, Minister Xia Yan."


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