The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 271 Confrontation (8K please subscribe~)

Letting Nara Shikaku take on more responsibilities is actually the same thing he did in ANBU.

Too much power is concentrated on one person, which means everything is piled on one person. This is absolutely disastrous.

Of course, decentralization may not always be a good thing.

Because your rights are diluted and you can't do what you want to do at critical moments, hitting a wall everywhere is definitely a failure.

How to control a degree is the key, so although Xia Yan has decentralized the 'right of suggestion', he still firmly controls the right to make decisions.

Although this approach cannot be said to be perfect, there are still many loopholes and problems in it.

But at least Xia Yan can still handle it now and doesn't need to worry too much about too many problems.

After letting Nara Shikaku handle this matter, Natsuhiko doesn't need to worry so much. He believes that Nara Shikaku can definitely handle these messy problems.

What he needs to think about is very simple, and that is whether he will go out tomorrow.

According to Nara Shikaku, Kumogakure is likely to send a powerful person over.

Although in Xia Yan's memory, besides Kirabi and the fourth generation Raikage Ai, Kumo Hidden had no idea what other powerful guys there were.

Because there is not much explanation in the original plot, even if there are so many jounin in Konoha, aren't they just concentrated on the people who have contact with the protagonist?

But it doesn't exist without explanation or frontal view. Xia Yan is very, very clear about this.

After all, there are many talents around him, not to mention Qiong and Lianhua, two female ninjas who have performed very well in the secretariat.

Nara Shikagi, who he casually grabbed to help him handle things, really gave Xia Yan a huge surprise.

Therefore, Xia Yan will never underestimate anyone he has not heard of, nor will he think that the other person is not good just because he has not heard of it.

What's more, Xia Yan himself is the person who should least exist in this world compared to the original work.

He already exists in this world, so there are other lesser-known monsters in this world, so there is nothing to be surprised about.

"Since you're not worried, let's go and have a look tomorrow. I'm also curious about what other tricks the Fourth Raikage can play."

Thinking of this, Xia Yan stopped paying attention to too many things. He just found a room and rested early.

In fact, Xia Yan also knew that he still had many things to deal with, such as comforting the ninjas in this stronghold, summarizing the situation of the frontline ninjas, etc.

However, he had developed many bad habits in the ANBU, but he really didn't have that much time to take care of these things. Isn't it at this time that the value of his subordinates is reflected?

When dawn broke, Xia Yan walked out of his tent with a yawn. The cool breeze in the morning made people excited.

After a good night's rest, he felt very comfortable.

The continuous rush was nothing to him physically, but it was a bit torture to him mentally. After all, Xia Yan's pressure was not too low.

What's more, mental fatigue can sometimes be more uncomfortable than physical fatigue.

After stretching slightly, Xia Yan quickly washed himself, and then quietly opened his eyes.

He had not forgotten what Nara Shikaku said yesterday, and he wanted to see if those Kumogakure would really do this.

But before that, Xia Yan planned to see what kind of arrangements Nara Shikaku had made, but when he saw it, Xia Yan couldn't help but smile.

"Not bad."

Natsuhiko didn't expect that after he rested, Nara Shikaku deliberately sparse the defense in one direction, but many traps were laid in that place.

In addition, a lot of troops were distributed in various barracks near the entrance, so as to worry that Kumogakure did not choose to attack from the weakest place.

I have to say that this guy's arrangement is really interesting. No matter which point Kumogakure rushes in from, these ninjas will immediately go to support him.

Or you can be patient and wait until Kumogakure's people actually come in, then mobilize together to finally encircle them to achieve the effect of encirclement and annihilation.

However, Xia Yan is not sure whether Yunyin will be so cooperative, but it is an attitude to make the arrangements that need to be done first.

Obviously, Nara Shikaku did all this well, and his attitude was very good from beginning to end.

And when Xia Yan adjusted his gaze and glanced into the distance, he soon frowned because he discovered Yunyin's large army.

Not only that, he even found out who was leading the team!

"The Fourth Raikage?"

Xia Yan had been thinking yesterday about who would lead the team, but according to his previous thoughts, he would just run over whoever it was.

After all, according to his own judgment, his current strength should have reached the level of Senju Hashirama during the Warring States Period.

No matter how bad he is, he will definitely not be worse than Senju Hashirama who was reincarnated by the dirty soil during the Fourth War.

All he had to do was be careful not to get stabbed in the back by any form of kunai.

But normally speaking, based on his recovery power, even if he was stabbed in the back, it shouldn't be a big problem.

But caution is still the key. Even with a recovery power as strong as Senju Hashirama's, he might not die cleanly in the end.

Xia Yan didn't want to be so unlucky. His future was bright and he wouldn't have to deal with some backstabbing.

Caution comes first, this is the purpose he has defined for himself until now.

The most cautious approach is to, no matter what opponent you face, naturally protect yourself and destroy the opponent completely.

It's just that the Fourth Raikage can't be destroyed yet. It doesn't mean that his death will affect the future plot or anything.

In fact, from Xia Yan's point of view, the plot has already entered the kingdom of heaven.

The damned people are alive and well, but the people who will die in the future have been burned to ashes by him now, and even the filthy earth reincarnations cannot save them.

If it wasn't for the Fourth Raikage's sake for his own reputation in Kumogakure Village, it was also to make Kumogakure go further.

In addition, Namikaze Minato was injured, and Natsuhiko's strength was not obvious. Whether he would cause trouble for Konoha was a question.


At this moment, the loud and deep sound of the horn resounded throughout the camp.

With the sound of the horn, countless ninjas quickly gathered.

Even though some of them were still sleepy-eyed, they still rushed out quickly, formed a square formation under the leadership of their respective captains, and then hid themselves.

This kind of execution made Xia Yan very satisfied, and he also moved his muscles a little, listened to the explosions coming from the outside of the camp, and then walked towards the outside.

He couldn't just run over the Fourth Raikage, not because he wasn't strong enough but because he hadn't had enough time yet.

However, Xia Yan is still very confident after showing how to suppress the Fourth Raikage and let him get beaten violently...


"How's it going?"

Following the quickly assembled ninja troops, Natsuhiko quickly found Nara Shikaku, who had also gotten up, and he asked directly.

Nara Shikaku seemed a little tired, and there were some not-so-obvious dark circles in the corners of his eyes. It looked like he hadn't had a good rest last night.

Along the way, Natsuhiko kept everyone in a state of rapid march, and naturally Shikaku Nara did the same.

And he had more things to consider. He thought about many things along the way and then reported them to Xia Yan.

Even if Xia Yan has already done some things, he will think about them carefully.

It can be said that he was the most tired person along the way. If he didn't have the physical fitness of a ninja, he would have died long ago as an ordinary person.

“It’s Kumogakure, I don’t know who is leading the team, but their impact is very strong.

Moreover, they did not focus on the direction where I deliberately reduced the defense, but dispersed their attacks to attract firepower. Now I don't know exactly where they will attack. "

Nara Shikaku quickly explained the current situation, but it could be seen that he was very confident, because no matter where the opponent attacked, the manpower he deployed could quickly increase the number of troops.

Even if we can't increase the number of troops immediately, we can still form a partial attack with more troops and defeat fewer troops, and finally achieve an encirclement.

"The arrangement is good." Xia Yan nodded, but soon he sighed again: "But Minister Shikaku, the person leading the team is the Fourth Raikage."

"What?" Nara Shikaku froze when he heard this: "Minister Natsuhiko, how did you know?"

The fourth generation Raikage's intimidating power is really great, or in other words, the intimidating power of anyone with the name of 'Kage' is not small.

Nara Shikaku is not sure about the specific strength of the Fourth Raikage, but with the pearl in front, the Third Raikage has left an indelible impression on the entire ninja world.

There used to be only two enemies of ten thousand people in the ninja world, and that was Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

But after these two people, the Third Raikage once again accomplished such a feat!

Even if he failed, even if he didn't actually kill many enemies, he resisted for three days and three nights on his own.

With such strength, who dares to say that he is not good? Who would not feel fear at such a level?

The Fourth Raikage is the son of the Third Raikage. Even though he and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki were tied by the Fourth Hokage, no one can deny his strength.

And now that so many years have passed since that incident, there is no way he has not grown at all!

"I saw it." Xia Yan chuckled, but before he could finish his words, Hinata Hizu ran over.

"Oops, they have stormed through the first line of defense quickly and are now in."

Hinata Hiashi had no nonsense at all, he said immediately.

"And the person leading the team is the Fourth Raikage!"

"It seems that there is really some trouble this time."

Nara Shikaku sighed slightly, but his eyes were locked on Natsuhiko.

Natsuhiko discovered earlier than Hinata and Hinata that the Fourth Raikage was leading the team, and he said that he 'saw' it.

This situation made Nara Shikaku very confused. How did he see it? Could it be that he also has such a thing as Byakugan?

And Xia Yan didn't look panicked at all. Did he have any backup plans?

"Boss Shikaku, give the order to deal with those Kumo ninjas. We can't let them cause trouble in the stronghold."

Natsuhiko saw Nara Shikaku's eyes, and he couldn't help but smile.

"As for the Fourth Raikage, leave it to me to deal with it."

After saying this, Natsuhiko didn't give Nara Shikakuzai a chance to say anything more. The next moment, he walked directly towards the position of the Fourth Raikage.

When Nara Shikaku saw Natsuhiko leaving, his mouth opened slightly, and then he closed it completely.

He also wanted to ask Xia Yan how he saw it, but looking at the ninjas who had gathered around him, he immediately thought about it and issued the order in accordance with Xia Yan's request.

At this time, there were constant screams in the camp, and he knew that he should take action!

As Xia Yan moved forward, the entire camp began to become noisy. The sound of clashing weapons sounded, and it quickly became chaotic.

"Here, there are Kumogakure's ninjas over here."

"Someone is injured here. The medical team, where is the medical team?"

"I cut him. A Kumo ninja was cut by me. The Sensing Team should find him quickly!"

In the chaos, the voices of Konoha ninjas kept coming, and all the voices fluctuated with each other, making it difficult to distinguish.

Although Xia Yan didn't feel much about such screams, after all, as an ANBU ninja, he heard too many similar sounds.

It's just that this is the first time Xia Yan has seen this chaotic scene. It has to be said that even a confrontation of cold weapons on this scale is really shocking.

But Xia Yan was already cold enough. Although he felt shocked inside, there was basically no strange reaction on his body.

He closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, they had turned blue.

At this moment, two Konoha ninjas suddenly flew out and hit the ground hard. The sound of bones breaking was extremely harsh.

Such force made Xia Yan stop in his tracks. He slowly raised his head and looked not far away.

Even though there are often shadows mingling in front of him, this does not affect his sight at all.

In his sight, a tall, strong and dark-skinned ninja not far away was standing there with a look of disdain.

He was not wearing a forehead protector and was only wearing a white robe.

But he stood there alone, even without making any movement, and unconsciously brought unimaginable pressure to everyone.

"I originally planned to find you, but now it seems there is no need to waste time."

Seeing this person, Xia Yan couldn't help but smile, because he had recognized who this guy was.

He is the leader of this raid, and he is also the target that Xia Yan is looking for now, the Fourth Raikage of Cloud Hidden Village!

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but speed up his pace a little, and he easily killed two Yun Ninja who were rushing towards him.

Finally, he and the Fourth Raikage stood face to face...


"Konoha Nightingale?"

The Fourth Raikage stood on one side of the battlefield, looking at the boy who was only fifteen or sixteen years old in front of him, his eyes could not help but narrow slightly.

Natsuhiko looks too young, and the trouble this guy caused in Kumogakure a few years ago was not trivial.

He would not look down upon someone who had mastered both Wood Release and Flying Thunder God at the same time.

Especially this guy's eyes looked so weird, and the dancing and flashing blue light made him feel a little depressed.

However, no matter how suppressed it is, it only goes so far. The Fourth Raikage feels that he can get rid of countless such pressures as long as he concentrates.

He didn't know what the effect of these eyes was, but he believed he could deal with it!

The Fourth Raikage didn't think that these eyes could compare with the legendary Mangekyō Sharingan.

Although he had a feeling of being seen and spied on, that was all.

In addition, the Fourth Raikage didn't think this guy could compare with Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato left him with an indelible shame that he would never forget.

But the age of the kid in front of me is just there. Although the older the ninja is, the more powerful he is. On the contrary, the older he gets, the weaker his strength may be.

But age at a certain stage also represents proof of whether a person has reached his peak.

Although the current Fourth Raikage has not yet completely reached his peak state, he still has a lot of room for growth.

But compared to Xia Yan, a boy of fifteen or sixteen, his experience, physical fitness and chakra reserves were far superior to this kid in his opinion.

Even though this kid has the Flying Thunder God and a terrifying technique like Wood Release, how many times can he use it?

In addition, this boy's physical condition may be worrying at this age, once he finds the opportunity to fight in close combat.

Then it is only a matter of time before this kid is defeated or even falls!

Four years ago, he and his brother Kirabi were forced by Namikaze Minato, and he was practicing the Thunder Chakra mode hard.

At this time, he really wasn't afraid, as some trivial flying thunder gods were attacking!

"That's right." Xia Yan nodded slightly: "Of course, it's not impossible if Lord Raikage calls me Senju Xia Yan."

"Senju, it's really a nostalgic surname. It's just a pity. I'm afraid there won't be anything like Senju in the future."

The Fourth Raikage raised his head slightly, and he suddenly showed a disdainful smile.

"And there is no one in Konoha to send a brat like you here."

"No, no, no, Raikage-sama, you may have misunderstood."

Xia Yan also showed a smile at this moment. He shook his head slightly before continuing.

"I think Raikage-sama should understand this because Konoha feels that no one else is needed and I can handle you all."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xia Yan charged directly at the Fourth Raikage like a bullet!

Xia Yan's unconventional operation directly made the Fourth Raikage raise his eyebrows. There was a huge gap in physical fitness between the kid in front of him and him.

But this kid actually rushed forward now. Such an approach was too abnormal. It was obviously not a choice that a sensible person would make!

However, the Fourth Raikage is not careless at all. After all, he is a person who has made a great name in the ninja world as an ANBU. You must be extremely careful when facing such a guy.

Xia Yan's speed was not very fast at this time, but when he sprinted to the point where he was about to approach the Fourth Raikage, his figure disappeared without any warning!

This scene immediately made the Fourth Raikage understand that this boy was good at luring enemies, and that Flying Thunder God was his main choice.

"Fortunately I didn't act rashly."

Such a thought flashed through the mind of the Fourth Raikage, and his body also reacted the moment Xia Yan disappeared.

The blue chakra with electric arc suddenly appeared on his body. The Thunder Chakra mode seemed to have been integrated into his blood for a long time. He had already turned it on with just a thought!


A crisp sound suddenly sounded, and Xia Yan appeared behind the Fourth Raikage like a ghost!

A kunai appeared in his hand, and the kunai was covered with a light layer of chakra, but his expression looked a little surprised.

"The reaction is really fast. Are you always on guard? And this guy's body is too hard, right?"

The Fourth Raikage's reaction speed really surprised Xia Yan, but what he didn't even expect was this guy's defensive power, which was really unbelievable.

Xia Yan had already used the 'Water Blade Slash' technique, but it didn't break this guy's defense at all.

Even if Xia Yan now uses techniques like water escape and earth escape, the power is beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

But the Fourth Raikage defended himself so lightly, which really made Xia Yan look a little sideways.

At this moment, the Fourth Raikage suddenly turned around, and then he directly raised his hand and punched Xia Yan hard!

Feeling the terrifying fist wind, Xia Yan had to sigh that this fourth generation Raikage was really a monster. Such an explosion of power was really scary.

"But no matter how powerful you are, what's the use if you can't hit someone?"

The chakra in Natsuhiko's body moved slightly, and in an instant he appeared behind the Fourth Raikage again. The kunai in his hand stabbed hard, this time it was the Fourth Raikage's neck.


The crisp ringing sound sounded again, and his kunai stabbed the Raikage's neck, but it didn't penetrate at all.

This guy's body is basically a steel plate. When the kunai was stabbed into it, it only left a faint trace of blood, and then he couldn't get any further!


A roar like thunder resounded in the Konoha camp. With this roar, the ground also began to shake. Many ninjas could not even stand still fighting at this time.

Moreover, the power of this vibration also blew many ninjas around directly away, trees broke instantly, and some nearby buildings were also shaken and collapsed!

Although Natsuhiko sneak-attacked the Fourth Raikage, the Fourth Raikage's punches did not show any hesitation.

This punch hit the ground hard, causing unimaginable damage at this moment!

The Fourth Raikage turned around slowly with a gloomy face. He gently touched his neck, looked at the faint red color in his hand, and then looked forward.

After Xia Yan stabbed him, he immediately pulled away. He had no intention of staying where he was, but he didn't pull far away, and the Fourth Raikage quickly locked onto him.

"You are very good." The Fourth Raikage said angrily: "There are very few people who can break through my defense. I didn't count you in before this, but you really gave me a surprise."

"Surprise?" Xia Yan smiled and shook his head slightly: "If this can be considered a surprise, then the Fourth Raikage is too disappointing. After all, I didn't use any force."

"That's not what you said." The Fourth Raikage snorted coldly. The next moment, the chakra in his body began to become more abundant: "But the game time is over, and you have to face yours next. It’s fate!”

"My fate?" Xia Yan sighed faintly, and the next moment the chakra in his body began to surge crazily: "I want to see what kind of fate Master Raikage plans to give me."


"Damn, what the hell is going on?"

In the defense zone outside Konoha's stronghold, countless ninjas fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Some ninjas quickly climbed up to other places to avoid being buried alive by the collapsed buildings.

They were really confused now because they had no idea what was going on. They were fighting the enemy, and suddenly they were forced to withdraw.

However, after they withdrew, they noticed who had just made the move - it was the leaders of both sides who were fighting!

Normally, the battle between the bosses would not affect the battles of ordinary ninjas like them.

But Konoha had already realized that the other party was the Raikage and did not dare to act rashly.

As for the Kumo ninja, because their numbers are relatively small, once Konoha launches a large-scale attack on the Raikage, they will be able to take necessary measures to protect the Raikage.

In particular, there are also perceptive ninjas among them. They can't sense anything outside, but when they come in, they can already detect some clues.

Konoha's layout seems to have guessed their arrival, and is trying to surround them!

Therefore, they must make the necessary preparations to prevent the worst things from happening.

But while doing this, like the Konoha ninjas, their eyes stayed on the Fourth Raikage and the Konoha Nightingale.

The fighting power displayed by these two people was really beyond their imagination.

The fourth generation Raikage opens and closes, and is extremely powerful.

And that Konoha Nightingale seems to be called Senju Natsuhiko. His figure is elegant and agile, but like a ghost, it makes people confused.

The battle between these two people is so fascinating, and the two of them are so fast!

Whether they are Konoha ninjas or Kumogakure ninjas, all they can see are some afterimages, and they cannot understand the specifics of the current battle situation more intuitively.

But even so, they also knew that their lives would be in danger if they even got close to the fight between these two people!


There was another muffled sound, and the ground trembled violently once again, and the figures of Xia Yan and the Fourth Raikage separated.

In the smoke, the Fourth Raikage's eyes were locked on Xia Yan, and his eyes were now a little serious.

He knew very well about the confrontation just now that others might not see it because of their speed, but he knew that he had never encountered the Senju Natsuhiko!

But this Senju Natsuhiko did not know how many times, he relied on the flying thunder god's technique to trick him and even stabbed him with a kunai.

If it weren't for the fact that his defense was really excellent and he was protected by the Thunder Chakra Mode, he would probably be in a rage right now!

Thunder Release Chakra Mode, this technique is the most unique technique in Yunyin Village.

This technique also has a name called "Thunder Armor". It concentrates the Thunder Chakra on the whole body, so that the whole body is covered with Chakra and lightning.

It can activate the body and use lightning to teleport, and its defense ability will be greatly improved. At the same time, the lightning bursting out in the body can increase the conduction speed of nerves.

As the Thunder Release Chakra increases, the defense and speed will also increase.

The most frightening thing is that the level of this jutsu is not very high. In fact, the difficulty is that of a B-level ninjutsu.

However, its upper limit is hard to estimate. It is an art that is easy to learn but extremely difficult to master and exert great power!

After being taught a lesson by Namikaze Minato, he began to practice the thunder escape chakra mode hard, and now he can be considered to have practiced this technique to a good level.

But even so, he found that he was still a little powerless when facing this guy.

This situation is a bit abnormal, especially since Xia Yan's physical fitness seems to be much better than he imagined.

A child holding a knife may not be able to pierce a wooden board, but an adult can do it relatively easily.

The Fourth Raikage originally thought that Natsuhiko was a 'child', but now it seems that this guy is probably no weaker than an average 'adult'.

"Not bad, the Fourth Raikage-sama's tortoise shell is really hard enough."

At this moment, Xia Yan slowly walked out of the smoke, with a smile still on his face.

"He's still fine after being poked so many times. I'm afraid none of the ninjas in Iwagakure are as tough as Raikage-sama."

"Hmph, I have to admit that Konoha Nightingale is really powerful."

The Fourth Raikage spoke slowly and solemnly, but soon he showed a mocking smile.

"I just don't know how long you can last using the Flying Thunder God Technique at such a high frequency?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Fourth Raikage rushed out like a cheetah.

Although he knows that he may not hit the target, now he wants to consume Xia Yan's chakra until he can no longer use the Flying Thunder God Technique!

This was despicable, but he knew that if he didn't do this, it would be difficult to end this one.

Senju Natsuhiko's Flying Thunder God was infinitely weirder than Namikaze Minato's. The Fourth Raikage didn't even see the kunai that guided the space.

If they don't entangle or even drag this guy down, the time they retreat may be the day when the 'golden flash' reappears!

His speed was like lightning, his arm was slightly forward, and all the fingers were as square as a knife.

"Thunder Escape·Thunder Torment Level!"

With such terrifying speed and terrifying momentum, the Konoha ninjas watching the battle couldn't help but tremble with fear, while the Cloud ninjas let out bursts of cheers.

However, Xia Yan did not use the Flying Thunder God technique this time. He just looked at the Fourth Raikage calmly. When he was about to approach, his chakra surged crazily.

"Wood Release·Wooden Formation Wall!"

The earth trembled rapidly at this moment, and then wooden shields rose up from the ground and stood directly between Xia Yan and the Fourth Raikage.

And these wooden shields made the Fourth Raikage feel like he had crashed his car, unable to make any further progress.

Xia Yan even seemed to faintly hear the sound of broken bones...


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