The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 272 Fierce fight! (8K please subscribe)


In the stronghold, a muffled sound rippled through everyone, and the Fourth Raikage's face looked a little ugly.

He didn't expect that his offensive would be stopped by this guy, and he would end up hurting himself!

He could feel that there were fractures in his arm, but the severe pain had begun to spread to his nerves.

"Is this Mudun?"

With the blessing of Thunder Release Chakra Mode, the Fourth Raikage certainly knows how terrifying the power he can unleash now is.

Especially since he still used the Thunder Release and Thunder Torment level, which enhances the explosive and thrusting abilities.

It's just that such an explosion of his was actually blocked and suffered backlash, which made the Fourth Raikage's face become even more fearful.

However, this fear soon dissipated. Wood Release was a technique that could deal with tailed beasts. He had heard that the guy in front of him had blocked Nine Tails with Wood Release.

It was normal for such a powerful technique to block him or even hurt him, but facing such a technique really made him feel a little excited!

The Fourth Raikage himself is a fighting maniac, and he likes to challenge all kinds of strong men.

Wood Release is a legendary technique. He has never faced Wood Release head-on before. Even his father, the Third Raikage, has never faced such a technique.

Now that he had this opportunity, how could he not feel excited?

As for your own fracture?

Although it is a bit troublesome, with the nourishment of chakra, this injury will not cause too many problems, and it will not even affect his current battle too much!

"Interesting, really interesting!"

The Fourth Raikage looked at the wooden shield in front of him. He suddenly let out a loud shout, jumped back slightly and then rushed towards the wooden shield at a faster speed.

The layer of azure arc covering his body became even more terrifying. He raised his hand fiercely, and his unparalleled strength and chakra were quickly intertwined.

"Thunder Release: Thunder Torment Level Chiyomai!"

A thick layer of chakra appeared on his arm, and then he lightly jumped and slashed at Xia Yan's wooden escape.

This time, the Thunder Body Technique he displayed was even more terrifying, and Xia Yan could not help but slightly raise his eyebrows when he saw this.

He knew that the power of this technique was really extraordinary. The Fourth Raikage once used this technique to cut off the left corner of the Eight-Tails with one hand.

Even in the future actual combat period, he used this technique to split Uchiha Madara's Susanoo's initial form!

"You're really trying your best, so just be more serious."

Xia Yan thought silently, but he did not use Jingyan's chakra mode, but used another method.

Just for a moment, Xia Yan's chakra moved slightly without any warning, and then red eye shadow appeared on his face!

Sage Mode, even if Xia Yan feels that even without using this mode, he can still deal with the Fourth Raikage.

But he didn't want to get hurt, not to mention that any caution was very necessary.

At the same time, he also formed a seal with one hand. Although he could continue to hold up the wooden wall to resist the Fourth Raikage, he was not in the habit of passively being beaten.

"Wood Release·Tree Root Explosion Burial!"


When Xia Yan's technique had just been released, the wooden formation wall in front of him had been shattered by the Fourth Raikage, and the Fourth Raikage continued to rush towards Xia Yan without any pause.

But his progress was blocked because Xia Yan suddenly stretched out his hand.

Then a huge tree emerged from his arm, and then wrapped around him crazily.

The tree was very fast, and the Fourth Raikage seemed to be able to feel the terrifying power surging in the tree, which made him startled.

He immediately stopped and continued to attack Xia Yan. In the final analysis, he just wanted to consume Xia Yan. Since this guy used such ninjutsu, his goal was achieved.




Deafening roars continued to sound, and Xia Yan kept thrusting towards the Fourth Raikage.

The Fourth Raikage also showed his speed and violence vividly at this moment. While he was constantly dodging against the original Mudun, he kept waving his sword to cut off the Mudun.

But Xia Yan's Wood Release seemed to continue to attack him continuously, with no end in sight.

The most important thing is that the impact of each wood escape is huge, and he knows that such impact is not the key, these trees are going to wrap around him and kill him!

"It's a difficult technique, but this is fine. I want to see how long your chakra can last!"

Thinking of this, the Fourth Raikage became much more powerful, which also caused huge roars to continuously resound throughout the camp.

Not only that, the powerful shock wave almost flattened the surrounding area, and the smoke seemed to cover the entire space.

The surrounding ninjas had already distanced themselves, obviously leaving enough fighting space for the two of them.

But they seemed to have underestimated how terrible the destructive power these two ninjas could cause!

Many ninjas were directly hit by this impact, whether they were Konoha ninjas or those Kumo ninjas.

The unlucky ones even hit those sharp and damaged objects, causing them to die on the spot.

At this moment, all the ninjas who were still thinking about continuing the fight retreated.

The Kumo ninjas were made dumplings by Konoha when they went deeper, and Nara Shikaku did not want one of his own to be accidentally injured and stopped giving orders.

It can be said that these Kumogakure were a blessing in disguise. In a short period of time, the two sides actually formed a rare state of peace.

Such a fierce battle naturally attracted the remaining ninjas to whisper. Whether it was the ninjas of Konoha or the ninjas of Kumogakure, they had no intention of fighting now.

It's just that the mentality of the two sides is different. Kumogakure seems a little depressed because he can tell that their Raikage's situation doesn't seem to be good.

This is really unacceptable to them. In their opinion, the power of the Fourth Raikage is already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

After all, he has the endorsement of the Third Raikage, who even cut off the eight-tailed horn with his own hands, so his strength is absolutely guaranteed.

But Xia Yan, the Fourth Raikage was suppressed like this. This was the first time they had seen such a situation.

On the other hand, Konoha's side had already had their morale boosted by Natsuhiko's massacre of more than a hundred Kumo-nin.

Now that they saw that Xia Yan actually suppressed the Fourth Raikage, their morale could not help but be boosted even more!

Wood Release is truly the skill of the First Hokage.

As a descendant of the first Hokage, it seems reasonable for Natsuhiko to be able to perform at such a level even at a young age.

Suddenly they realized that they had underestimated themselves as the ANBU minister and the supreme commander?

Nara Shikaku and others saw this scene in front of them. Although they also sighed that the plan was ruined, what they were amazed at was the strength of Natsuhiko and the Fourth Raikage!

"These two people are really monsters..."


When all the ninjas began to whisper, Natsuhiko's attack suddenly stopped, and the Yondaime Raikage's figure was looming in the smoke.

Although the smoke is lingering, his figure is still so tall and tall, and even looks more majestic in the smoke.

However, the Fourth Raikage did not move, and his eyes were still staring at the other end of the smoke.

Although Xia Yan's attack did not cause him too much damage, he had to admit that this kid's technique was indeed terrifying.

He has been dodging and attacking those branches, and he naturally knows how powerful those branches are.

Especially those branches that were broken by his hands, even if it used the thunder chakra mode to defend, he was not feeling well at all now.

He could feel that his bone fracture seemed to be getting more serious, and the almost heartbreaking pain continued to spread from his arm.

What's even worse is that he found that he has never hit Xia Yan even once!

This situation could no longer be described as bad, because he found that this guy was even more troublesome than Namikaze Minato.

Even if the Fourth Raikage had not gone all out, he had to admit that he had underestimated this guy's strength.

"But now..."

The Fourth Raikage clenched his fists, knowing that he could no longer think about saving any strength.

Whether it was to quickly break the gap or to evacuate directly, he had to make a decision quickly, otherwise who knows what would happen if he continued.

Even if he really wanted to consume Natsuhiko's chakra to achieve the goal of killing this guy, it was obvious that he could not continue.

Xia Yan stared at the Fourth Raikage, and his pure eyes found that this guy's chakra began to continuously protect, which made Xia Yan realize that this guy was completely serious.

He was not surprised by the explosion and concealment of the power of the Fourth Raikage. He could hide his skills to deal with various emergencies. This was the quality of a qualified ninja.

What's more, Xia Yan himself didn't go all out.

At this time, the Thunder Chakra pattern on the Fourth Raikage's body became even more terrifying, and his hair had already stood up.

Huge chakra swept over the place where he stood, and the ground was suddenly overturned, with gravel flying.

It was at this moment that he made a decision - to continue the attack!

He could retreat, but he had already considered that once he retreated like this, this guy would probably use the Flying Thunder God to attack his men.

He must stay here to maintain continuous pressure on him. If this guy turns back to chase his subordinates, then the Fourth Raikage can also kill his subordinates.

Thinking of this, the body of the Fourth Raikage has rushed directly in front of Xia Yan. This speed is so exaggerated that it is outrageous!

And Xia Yan didn't use the Flying Thunder God to dodge this time. It wasn't that he didn't have enough chakra but that there was no need at all.

With pure eyes, perception and immortal mode, Xia Yan's insight into the enemy has reached an extreme state.

And when paired with the advanced immortal mode, Xia Yan's abilities in all aspects have also been greatly improved.

Even though his speed is slower than the Fourth Raikage, he can definitely keep up with this guy!

Natsuhiko's body dodged slightly, and he managed to avoid the Fourth Raikage's attack with great difficulty, and then a ninja sword suddenly appeared in his hand.

Blue chakra instantly appeared on the ninja sword, and then he aimed directly at the heart of the Fourth Raikage and stabbed it!

Kunai couldn't penetrate the Fourth Raikage's defense, so Natsuhiko didn't mind trying it with his ninja sword, not to mention that this time his chakra had already been filled with senjutsu.

Things that kunai couldn't do before will become different after adding senjutsu.

The Fourth Raikage reacted quickly. He had long sensed that something was wrong with Xia Yan, so he was not sure about the power of this ninja sword now.

Moreover, his physical condition was not particularly optimistic, so he decided to play it slow and steady, and naturally he would not use his body to fight easily.

Turning sideways, after dodging Xia Yan's knife, he punched Xia Yan in the chest with his right hand.

Although Natsuhiko doesn't have Uchiha's instant insight, his reaction speed is ridiculously fast, not to mention that sometimes he doesn't need so much instant insight.


The Fourth Raikage's fist suddenly swung over, but what it hit was only the afterimage of Natsuhiko.

At this time, Natsuhiko had come directly behind the Fourth Raikage, and the kunai in his hand stabbed directly at the chest of the Fourth Raikage without hesitation.

This time he could conclude that he would definitely hit this guy, but in order to prevent the Fourth Raikage from suddenly dying in front of his eyes, he still adjusted his angle slightly.

Xia Yan has always known that if he wants to kill the Fourth Raikage, he just needs to work harder.

Although the defensive power of the Fourth Raikage is somewhat beyond belief, Natsuhiko had neither Sage Mode nor Pure Eye Chakra Mode before.

Whenever one of them is opened, Xia Yan feels that the fourth generation Raikage may have been dug into a hornet's nest by him.

Instead of paying tribute to Namikaze Minato, he gave the Fourth Raikage a scraping therapy.


There was no surprise at all, this time Natsuhiko's ninja sword penetrated directly into the body of the Fourth Raikage!

What made Xia Yan frown was that although his spear penetrated, it only went in a few centimeters or so.

The Fourth Raikage had a strong back and a strong waist. There was no way he could penetrate his internal organs from such a distance. At most, it could only penetrate his muscles.

Sure enough, although the fourth generation Raikage suffered physical setbacks, his roots were not damaged, and this time he also showed unimaginable ferocity!

He used his muscles to block Xia Yan's ninja sword, and then twisted his body fiercely.

The unprepared Xia Yan was almost thrown away by this brute force. He quickly stabilized his position, but the Fourth Raikage had already turned around at this moment.

His eyes were full of excitement and murderous intent, and his fist struck Xia Yan fiercely again.

His terrifying fist wind roared past with thunderous chakra, but unfortunately, Xia Yan's figure suddenly disappeared again...


"Why haven't you come back yet, idiot, idiot..."

In the camp of Yunyin Village, Kirabi was sitting on the roof of the headquarters, looking into the distance while mumbling an unusually off-key rap.

His eldest brother, the Fourth Raikage, left the camp with a thousand people early in the morning and ran to attack the stronghold of Konoha Village.

He knew the purpose and significance of his elder brother's doing this, but to be honest, he didn't think it was necessary.

The current situation in Konoha is very bad. Even if Kirabi doesn't pay attention to these things, he still knows what the current situation in Konoha is.

In his opinion, there is no need to test Konoha who is so weak.

If it was before, maybe they had to be careful about Konoha.

After all, the guy named Namikaze Minato, who later became the Fourth Hokage, not only left a deep impression on the Fourth Raikage, but also left a deep impression on Kirabi.

Although that guy didn't cause any substantial harm to him and the Fourth Raikage, he did bring shame to both of them.

At that time, the Fourth Raikage had not fully learned the Thunder Release Chakra mode, and Kirabi had not fully mastered the power of the Eight-Tails.

In addition, the flying thunder god technique is really terrible, so it is reasonable for the two brothers to be held down and beaten violently.

But now, even if they still can't hit Namibeng Shui, who is already the Fourth Hokage, they are more confident of defeating him than last time.

When facing a guy like Namikaze Minato, the first thing you need to do is to beat him. This beating is almost equivalent to having a strong enough self-defense.

Otherwise, according to the characteristics of the Flying Thunder God, it can launch the most deadly attack on you by appearing at any of its weak points almost without warning.

Without enough defense, it is really very likely that he will be killed in an instant, without any possibility of struggle at all.

"The person I'm facing this time seems to be able to fly Thunder God, but he doesn't seem to know the Rasengan technique."

Kirabi shook his head and thought, having faced the Rasengan before, he naturally knew its power.

What's more, the Eight-Tails also told him that Namikaze Minato's Rasengan was the same as the Tailed Beasts' special move, the Tailed Beast Jade.

They are all techniques that use chakra to rotate to achieve a condensed form and maintain terrifying power.

The difference is that the tailed beasts use Yin and Yang to use Tailed Beast Jade, while Namikaze Minato only uses one kind of chakra.

It may not be as powerful as the Tailed Beast Jade, but its potential is definitely conceivable.

According to the Eight-Tails, if Namikaze Minato can continue to develop this technique, it might reach an unexpected level.

But now there is no need to worry about Namikaze Minato, because this guy has gone to recuperate, and most people don't know where he has gone.

"But that Konoha Nightingale seems to not only be able to fly Thunder God, but also be able to use Wood Release. And Xiao Hachi seems to be very afraid of Wood Release."

Kirabi has heard of Wood Release more than once, but he really has no idea of ​​its power.

I'm afraid that the entire ninja world doesn't know much about the strength of Wood Release now, because no one wants to mention the ninja god who pacified the ninja world.

Of course, no one wants to mention the Ninja Shura who is as famous as the God of Ninja.

In fact, the Eight-Tails in Kirabi's body has a lot of say in Mu Dun. After all, he was educated by Mu Dun in the first place.

It's just a pity that when Kirabi asked the Eight-Tails, the Eight-Tails would never give an accurate answer.

I don't know if he was taught too harshly at the beginning, which made him unwilling to face Mu Dun at all.

Even though Kirabi said that there is now another Senju who uses wood escape in the ninja world, and he has also resisted the attack of Nine Tails.

Although the Eight-Tails had some reaction, in the end he dismissed it with the words, 'I'm just resisting the Nine-Tails guy, don't worry, he hasn't reached the level of Senju Hashirama'.

Such a hazy answer made Kirabi very depressed, but it was not like he didn't get some useful information.

According to the Eight-Tails, could it be that Mu Dun is very relaxed and comfortable in dealing with tailed beasts like them?

But as soon as this thought came to his mind, he immediately shook his head and got rid of such thoughts.

If he was really that powerful, why wasn't Senju Hashirama afraid that the entire ninja world would be pacified?

From the establishment of the first ninja village in Konoha to the present, the ninja world has experienced three wars.

The tragedy of the war is completely unimaginable, especially for those who have experienced the war. This is not what is described in some book, but the tragedy that has been experienced personally.

This experience was so unforgettable that until now, many ninjas could recall the mountains of corpses and seas of blood on the battlefield whenever they closed their eyes.

This kind of war makes people distorted, cold-blooded, and will affect them for the rest of their lives.

I don’t know how many people who were originally gentle have become so numb and cold after experiencing the baptism of war.

Investigating the source, the establishment of Ninja Village was indeed the main reason for the sharp increase in the intensity of the war.

Although the Warring States Period for thousands of years was chaotic.

However, taking into account the continuation and inheritance of the family, the battles between the major ninja clans are often stopped in moderation, and they rarely choose fierce and fierce battles in which they all die together.

Therefore, although wars continued during the Warring States Period, the intensity of the wars was not high.

After the establishment of Ninja Village, the intensity and scale of the war instantly increased dozens of times.

Many blood-successor ninja clans and secret-art ninja clans that have been passed down for thousands of years have either died out or declined in the short forty or fifty years since the establishment of the Ninja Village.

It can be said that the establishment of villages protects peace to a certain extent, but the emergence of the same villages will also lead to higher-intensity wars due to various unbalanced developments.

In Kirabi's view, if Senju Hashirama is so powerful, why not integrate the entire ninja world.

In this case, there won't be so many wars, and even if everyone has conflicts, they can be resolved with minimal loss.

Rather than like now, it is a big melee involving tens of thousands of people, with the goal of annihilating the opponent.

Not only would ninjas suffer huge losses in such a melee, but even civilians would pay an unimaginable price for such a war.

"So, either he is not strong enough, or he has a brain problem, an idiot, a fool!"

Kirabi gave his thoughts and answers directly and rudely. Of course, his personal thoughts were still more inclined to the first one.


At this moment, Kirabi's eyes suddenly became solemn, because someone had already run back from the distance.

It's just that everything that ran back seemed to have something wrong with it. The most important thing was that he saw his eldest brother, the Fourth Raikage.

Moreover, this was the first time he saw his elder brother in such a mess!


"The Fourth Raikage-sama is very angry."

Xia Yan stood on top of the ruins. His eyes looked at the fourth generation Raikage who once again struck the ground not far away, and he couldn't help but smile.


The Fourth Raikage let out a cold snort, and then he stood up straight.

His dark and strong body stood upright, looking like an iron tower.

He glanced at the ninja sword inserted into his back, pulled it out without any hesitation, and then threw it on the ground.


The Ninja sword fell to the ground with a crisp sound, and then Yin Hong began to fall quickly, leaving dots of red spots on the ground.

The Fourth Raikage's face became particularly solemn at this time, because he was actually penetrated through the defense in the thunder escape chakra mode!

This kind of breakdown is not like being scratched by kunai before, but actually being broken.

"That's water escape, but the quality of this water escape is extremely high!"

The Fourth Raikage was thinking silently. After the battle just now, he also got a lot of information.

“Although I still don’t know what’s going on with this kid’s eyes, I’ve learned some things about him.

He is very good at Water Release. The method of covering chakra on kunai and ninja swords should be Water Release and Water Blade Slash.

However, this kind of water blade slash is normally unable to penetrate my defense, and there is also a huge problem with the chakra on this kid. "

Although the Fourth Raikage is a fighting maniac, a fighting maniac does not rely solely on muscles to fight. He is obviously a person who can use his brain.

Although Xia Yan didn't use any water escape technique, a water blade slash was enough to make the Fourth Raikage feel amazing.

However, no matter how amazing it was, he didn't think that such a powerful water blade slash could really break through his defense.

His skin was only punctured before, which is a good explanation of the situation. What's more, Xia Yan's current condition and chakra look very strange.

The chakra on his body seems to have a more natural flavor than before, and he seems to be much faster now in terms of speed and strength than before!

In addition, the Fourth Raikage also clearly noticed that Xia Yan's eyes, which were blooming with bright blue brilliance, actually had strange red eye shadow.

He really didn't know what kind of state this was, but he knew that the kid in front of him was very dangerous now.

I'm afraid he can't deal with such a dangerous level by himself, unless he and his brother Kirabi work together to defeat this guy.

"After all, I have already tested the approximate limits of this brat."

The Fourth Raikage silently thought that in his opinion Xia Yan's current state should be his limit.

This kid is really more difficult to deal with than the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, but at such a difficult age, it still becomes his limitation.

Although the Fourth Raikage had been slapped in the face once, he had previously thought that this brat's physical fitness and chakra might not be good enough.

But now it seems that although there is indeed a gap in strength between this kid and his body-fighting skills, this kid has caught up with me in terms of speed.

In addition, with the Flying Thunder God technique, there is nothing I can do against him.

The Flying Thunder God and his current state have already made the Fourth Raikage feel the threat of death.

In addition, this guy's chakra is not normal. He can perform so many techniques at such a young age.

But this kid stopped when he was in the most critical moment, especially this time, when he clearly felt a fatal threat, he still didn't take action.

This shows that this brat seems to be almost unable to hold on to his chakra even now. He probably didn't do anything just to restore his chakra.

Flying Thunder God Technique, Wood Release, plus this weird pattern in front of me and abundant chakra.

No matter how proud the Fourth Raikage is, he knows that he alone cannot defeat this guy!

Although he was simply arrogant to the point of arrogance, he never forgot that he was a ninja.

Ninjas are those who do whatever it takes to achieve their goals. Since you can't deal with this guy alone, just do it together with Kirabi.

For Kumogakure's victory, there is nothing he cannot choose to do!

"But it's time to retreat now."

The smoke gradually dissipated, and the Fourth Raikage stared at Xia Yan not far away, thinking quickly.

"This kid should be recovering his chakra now, I will continue to hold him back and let others go first.

But this time I have to be more careful, this kid can really kill me. "

The Fourth Raikage made a decision in an instant. He was very decisive, even though he knew that it would not be a good thing for him to stay and break up his family.

In order to cover the retreat, his father was besieged by tens of thousands of ninjas and fought fiercely for three days and three nights, and finally died on the battlefield.

But as the Raikage, he must be responsible. He brought his subordinates out and he must take them back.

He is not Konoha. Even a five- or six-year-old kid can be sent to the battlefield. It is even less likely to say to others, "Follow me." He will only say, "Follow me."

However, Xia Yan seemed to understand his thoughts. Just before he was about to issue the order, Xia Yan suddenly spoke.

"Lord Raikage, I wonder if you are curious as to how those hundred Kumo ninjas you sent before died?"


The Fourth Raikage's face suddenly became angry when he heard this, but he also knew that anger was of no use now, so he just said in an extremely firm tone.

"No matter how they died, they are the heroes of Yunyin Village, and I will avenge them!"

"Really?" Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then sighed and said, "Then I'm sorry, I'm afraid you won't have this hope in this life."

"Don't be shameless." The Fourth Raikage almost gritted his teeth and said: "I said I would avenge them and I will definitely do it, Senju Natsuhiko, I will always remember the blood debt of more than a hundred people! "

"Then just remember it."

Xia Yan didn't pay attention to the angry look of the Fourth Raikage at all. The chakra in his body suddenly surged at this moment.

His move instantly alerted the Fourth Raikage to the extreme, and he knew that Xia Yan was about to take action again.

"In fact, you not only need to remember for them, you also need to remember for the Kumo ninja behind you, and you even need to remember for yourself."

As he finished speaking, Xia Yan suddenly formed a seal with one hand, and his surging chakra with the aura of magic had completely completed the assembly.

"Because, I want to be serious."

"Wood Release: The Tree Realm is coming!"


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