When Xia Yan's Wood Release, which contains rich magical chakra, is used, it basically means that this battle is over.

Even if Xia Yan didn't use too much advanced power, he still had to be restrained when performing this technique.

But no matter what, Xia Yan has completely achieved the strategic purpose he needs in this battle!

Following Xia Yan's move, the ground rumbled, and a small forest suddenly rose in front of him. Countless vines thicker than a human rushed out crazily.

"Quickly retreat!"

The Fourth Raikage was the first to feel the threat. He immediately let out a roar, and then rushed directly towards these branches and vines.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The dull sound kept ringing, and the Fourth Raikage's whole body was covered with lightning. His fists smashed crazily on the branches descending from the tree world.

Every punch he punches directly hits a thick branch, and these thick branches are indeed slowed down on their path in his direction.

But even if Xia Yan restrained his efforts, the area covered by the arrival of the tree world was not something that a single Fourth Generation Raikage could stop!

In the original book, Naruto once tried to stop Uchiha Madara from coming to the front tree world. The method he used was multiple shadow clones and Rasengan attacks.

I have to say that this approach does have some effects, but this approach is only suitable for Naruto.

The Fourth Raikage is indeed strong in body and has strong chakra, but he does not know the art of multiple shadow clones. It is a question whether he can even use ordinary shadow clones.

Secondly, he does not have a technique like the Rasengan. He relies entirely on his own taijutsu and ninjutsu to fight.

And his current condition is getting worse. There are traces of blood on his fists, and his chakra is getting less and less.

Coming from the tree world can absorb chakra and even life force!


The direction blocked by the Fourth Raikage really prevented the arrival of the tree world from spreading quickly.

But in other directions that he had no defense against, the Kumo ninja in those places were not so lucky.

Many cloud ninjas were directly entangled by the vines, and some unlucky cloud ninjas were directly run over by the huge and thick branches, leaving only blood mist on the ground.

Screams were heard one after another. They were indeed very fast, but they were crowded together, and with Xia Yan's wooden escape blocking the road, how could they run out so quickly?


The Fourth Raikage was still struggling to stop him, but when a muffled sound suddenly appeared on his arm, his expression changed instantly.

His arm itself was fractured, and it was only with the nourishment of chakra that he could continue to maintain his fighting power.

But now it was clear that his arm could no longer support him. The damage to his body was too great, and his already fractured arm was hit hard again.

Although his chakra was still full and his speed had not been much damaged, he knew very well that he could not continue at all.

"This damn guy!"

The Fourth Raikage was extremely aggrieved. This aggrievedness was even more uncomfortable than when he faced the Namikaze Minatos.

When he and his brother Kirabi faced Namikaze Minato, he felt only aggrieved.

Because of Namikaze Minato's unrivaled ninjutsu, coupled with his reaction speed, the two brothers really had no way to deal with him.

And that guy's attack methods are not weak either. The light blue ninjutsu called Rasengan also left a profound impact on the Fourth Raikage.

But no matter what, Namikaze Minato did not defeat him hard and fast.

In the heart of the Fourth Raikage, although he recognized Namikaze Minato's strength and his victory.

But he didn't like this guy that much. That guy didn't fight him head-on at all!

But now, when facing this kid, he was not only aggrieved, but also felt even more uncomfortable.

Back then, because he was unable to defend against Namikaze Minato's attacks, he deliberately practiced the Thunder Release Chakra Mode over the years.

Now he has practiced the Thunder Chakra mode to a good level, but the kid he faced has a powerful attack method.

This kid named Xia Yan can not only defeat his own defenses, he can even pose a fatal threat to himself!

In addition, although this kid's own defense may not be very good, his skills completely make up for it.

That damn Mudun was incredibly defensive and offensive, and he simply couldn't break through such a defense by himself.

And he felt that he couldn't resist the attack power of this damn wood escape.

Such all-round transcendence and restraint really made him feel a bit overwhelmed.

The most important thing is that he feels that as long as he can attack Xia Yan, he can win the victory even with just one attack, but he can't touch him at all!

"The combination of Flying Thunder God and Mudun is actually so strong?"

The Fourth Raikage gritted his teeth and jumped back. He knew that he had to evacuate. He had no way to continue fighting.

The key is to evacuate here faster now. Although this operation can almost be explained as a failure, he has obtained some information anyway.

However, when he jumped up and saw the current situation, his entire face began to become distorted.

Because he saw that countless cloud ninjas had been strangled and entangled by Xia Yan's wooden escape. They kept struggling but could not escape control at all.

At this moment, he seemed to understand what Xia Yan said before. With such a technique, maybe he really didn't need to worry about the hundred-man troops.

What's more, he still has so many subordinates, and the advance troops of more than 100 people may encounter him in a life-or-death situation.

"Is the Fourth Raikage planning to leave?" At this moment, Xia Yan's voice suddenly came over.

The Fourth Raikage turned around and saw Xia Yan standing on a huge tree with his hands folded across his chest.

He had a gentle smile all over his face, but this smile made the Fourth Raikage grit his teeth in anger.

And under such a gentle smile, the Fourth Raikage also felt a suffocating coldness.

The Fourth Raikage forced himself to calm down. He knew that now was not the time to dwell on these things. He had more important tasks to do.

That is to leave immediately and retreat immediately with everyone who can still leave.

"It seems that Raikage-sama really doesn't want to care about these people I caught. It's really a pity."

Seeing that the Fourth Raikage didn't reply, Xia Yan spoke again, and this time the Fourth Raikage felt really cold inside.

"In that case, all ninjas who can escape with fire must obey your orders!"


"Prepare Fire Escape, the target is my Wood Escape."



In Yuno Country's Kumogakure camp, the Fourth Raikage smashed everything around him.

Although he is now covered in bandages, especially his right hand, which is tightly wrapped in bandages, this cannot conceal the anger in his heart.

He was defeated, and he was defeated completely and completely, without any shame!

In fact, he could completely accept failure, but what he couldn't accept was that of the thousand ninjas who acted with him this time, more than five hundred of them did not come back!

What is this concept?

This is basically equivalent to them being defeated. They were almost stopped by the guy named Senju Natsuhiko!

A thousand people set out. Although some information was obtained, more than five hundred casualties were paid for it, and no matter how Konoha looked at it, the casualties were only about one or two hundred.

The Fourth Raikage really couldn't let go of such a battle loss, and it was really hard to accept.

He declared war on Konoha with full confidence, and as a result, the two sides still had a truly high-intensity war.

This was really a big blow to him, and it was also a big blow to the morale of Kumogakure's army.

Morale is a very illusory but real thing, especially in war. If there is no morale, the concept of failure will grow infinitely.

Even though this kind of blow is not a special blow now, it is inevitable to prevent the slightest change, and it is impossible for the Fourth Raikage to ignore these things.

After smashing for a while, the Fourth Raikage sat down helplessly. Although he was extremely angry, he did not completely lose his mind.

He had completely remembered the name of this boy, Senju Natsuhiko, and this time he had obtained a lot of information about this boy.

He knew that it would be difficult for him to deal with Xia Yan by himself, not because of anything else, but because he had no way of attacking him.

"The Flying Thunder God's Technique protects him from being able to leave quickly when I'm close to him, and the Wood Release can protect him from being easily attached to me.

It's very troublesome to deal with him, but all it takes is a chance, a chance to meet him in a real sense. "

The Fourth Raikage forced himself to calm down, and he began to quickly review every detail of his battle with Natsuhiko.

The combat power shown by Xia Yan is really troublesome. Such combat power, especially the terrifying Wood Release, must be seriously considered by the Fourth Raikage.

If such a technique were poured out on a large army, it would definitely be an extremely troublesome matter.

So he had to think of a way, otherwise he would really be in big trouble this time.


At this moment, Kirabi suddenly walked in with several people.

At the door, the ninja belonging to Kumogakure's medical class looked inside with some probing eyes.

It was obvious that he was called by someone who knew him. After all, the performance of the fourth generation Raikage before was really terrible, and for the sake of Raikage's health, it was not suitable for Raikage to move around now.

"Why are you here?" The Fourth Raikage frowned, but he was no longer angry at this moment: "It's good that you are here, we just happened to be discussing some things."

At this point, the Fourth Raikage raised his head, although he looked a little funny now.

Not only was his whole body wrapped in bandages, his right arm was also put in a plaster, and a bandage was wrapped around his neck to fix it.

In addition, there are many wounds on his body that have not been bandaged, but his physical fitness is really excellent, and they have now become scabbed.

"How is the morale of the army now?" the Fourth Raikage asked. This was what he was most concerned about now.

"I have blocked part of the news, and all the ninjas who came back have reported to the medical team." At this time, a cloud ninja said: "The big army still doesn't know what's going on, so don't worry about it for now."

"But this kind of thing cannot last forever." The Fourth Raikage sighed. He knew very well that this kind of news could not be completely blocked: "Teacher Dodai, what do you think?"

The Fourth Raikage's tone sounded very respectful, which was somewhat different from his previous image.

The person he faced was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his thirties.

His body is not as strong as the average Kumo ninja, and he also wears an eyepatch over his left eye.

This guy is Dodai. If Natsuhiko were here, he would be able to recognize him immediately. This is the guy who once protected Uzumaki Naruto's shadow clone in the original work!

The experience of this guy Tudai is actually very legendary. He once served as the Shadow Guard of the Third Raikage, and was also the examiner of the "Jue Niu Thunder Plow Hot Knife" ability test!

The Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki Rabbi's Ultimate Bull Thunder Plow Heat Sword were all taught and taught by him.

'As a courtier of the Sandaime Raikage, he is the one who tells the strongest myth! ’

This is the best evaluation of this guy Dodai, and he served as a member of the liaison team during the Fourth Ninja War. He is definitely a thoughtful strategist.

And his personal strength is also very good, he is a being with the blood inheritance limit of Melting Escape.

There are people like Nara Shikaku in Konoha, and Kumogakure also has people who are not inferior to Shikaku, and this person is Dodai!

"Lord Raikage, you must have obtained some information during your dispatch this time. In this case, we will integrate this information."

Tutai thought for a moment, and then said in a deep voice.

"I remember you said that when you arrived there, you were obviously aware of an ambush in Konoha, right?

It seems that the other party has obviously guessed our plan. After all, they are so mysterious now. We want to get information, so they will take the opportunity to ambush.

I think the person who came up with this plan is probably Nara Shikaku, after all, the intelligence said that he was also here.

Now that the Fourth Raikage-sama is injured, I guess they won't miss this opportunity.

Therefore, we should immediately deploy a defensive line, which can not only resist Konoha's attack, but also allow the troops to not think about those things for the time being.

And our location is not that easy to attack. As long as we control it well, we may be able to counterattack them. "

The earth platform was indeed an earth platform, and he quickly thought of a countermeasure, and the Fourth Raikage's eyes couldn't help but light up slightly after hearing about his castle.

What he is worried about now is the morale of Kumogakure's army, and Dodai's plan will definitely yield a good harvest as long as Konoha cooperates.

In this case, the Fourth Raikage didn't hesitate much.

He had asked about his injury before. Even if his arm was broken, it would take him close to half a month to recover.

And the injury on his back that was stabbed by Xia Yan would take nearly a week to heal. After all, Xia Yan's chakra was so weird.

He needs time to recover. Since Tutai can stabilize the situation during this period, he can also give absolute trust.

As long as he recovers from his injuries, he will definitely take revenge next time!

"Because, the next time you and I won't be fighting alone..."


"Minister Xia Yan, according to statistics, Yunyin left a total of 562 corpses this time.

And we also suffered one hundred and forty-four casualties, so overall it was a great victory. "

At the command post in Konoha, Nara Shikaku calmly read the report he compiled to Natsuhiko.

His expression was quite calm, although he was a little depressed because yesterday's duel between Natsuhiko and the Fourth Raikage broke all his plans.

At the same time, he was also extremely surprised by the strength of these Yunyin. These guys actually caused so many casualties in such a short period of time despite their own arrangements.

You can imagine how terrifying these guys are, and you can also imagine that these guys are probably the most elite people in Kumogakure.

And Xia Yan's strength also exceeded everyone's expectations. Everyone knew that he was very strong, but everyone felt that he might not be a match for the Fourth Raikage and others.

After all, he was too young, and he was only known to people for his experience in the Nine-Tails Incident.

It can be said that Xia Yan has never been believed by people. This is something that is indisputable and there is no way.

But this time, Xia Yan seemed to have completely broken all doubts and distrust.

He actually defeated this thousand-man army and the fourth generation Raikage by himself, although in the end he chose the Konoha ninjas to release fire escape and kill those Kumo ninjas.

But everyone knew that this was an opportunity that Xia Yan deliberately gave them. Whether Xia Yan was Flying Thunder God or Mu Dun, he was outrageously strong!

Now the morale of Konoha's ninjas has become even stronger, which is really good news for Konoha.

So even though Nara Shikaku was a little depressed, his overall mood was still very good. After all, the results of this victory were here.

"I understand, thank you for your hard work, Minister Shikaku."

When Natsuhiko heard Shikaku's report, he couldn't help but nodded slightly, although he was also a little surprised at Konoha's casualties.

But he was slightly relieved when he heard that the casualties on Kumogakure's side were greater. Anyway, it would be fine if Konoha didn't suffer a loss, and it would be better if it made a profit.

But this matter has passed, Xia Yan now has to deal with the next thing.

This time he gave Kumogakure a slap in the face, and at the same time, he also let the Fourth Raikage know how powerful he was.

Even if the display is not comprehensive, it is enough for the Fourth Raikage to take him seriously - after all, he is about to be killed. If you don't take this guy seriously, there is something wrong with his brain.

In this case, when the time comes for the real decisive battle, the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki would be the best choice to join forces to deal with him.

Don't worry, when you are dealing with one person, they will run to kill Konoha's living forces. In this case, Xia Yan will suffer a big loss.

After all, there are so many fewer people in Konoha than Kumogakure. Even if Xia Yan's attack range is wide, he still has to be on guard if he is confident to deal with it all.

After all, war is full of uncertainties and extremely cruel.

"Then what's the plan next?" Xia Yan thought for a moment and then asked: "Minister Shikaku, you should know my plan."

"Don't worry, Minister Xia Yan."

After hearing Natsuhiko's words, Nara Shikaku calmed down his thoughts a little, and then he opened his mouth to explain.

"Actually, I have considered this matter for a long time. If I guessed correctly, this guy Tutai should be among them.

If they were here, and Minister Natsuhiko beat Raikage like that, then they would definitely find a way to defend themselves.

This will not only prevent us from taking advantage of the fire, but also eliminate the morale blow caused by Raikage's failure to a certain extent.

To be honest, if it weren't for the strategy laid out by Minister Xia Yan, I'm afraid I would never go out and let them consume it on their own.

But since Minister Xia Yan has a strategic purpose, I can also take the opportunity to mobilize their defense lines for transfer.

Ultimately our goal is to have them appear in the right place. "

Nara Shikaku didn't speak quickly, but he fully expressed his intention.

Xia Yan listened silently, although he was not sure whether Yunyin was the person Tutai - he still knew about this guy.

But after listening to Nara Shikaku's plan, Natsuhiko felt very at ease in his heart.

Nara Shikaku is really reliable. With him handling this matter, Natsuhiko can indeed become extremely relaxed.

Moreover, this guy already knew Xia Yan's ambition and put it into action by investing a large amount of money.

Then Xia Yan is also thinking about what kind of reward he will give after becoming Hokage in the future.

However, he only thought about this issue for a while and did not go into too much depth. After all, the most important thing now is to deal with guys like Yunyin.

"Mr. Minister."

At this moment, a ninja suddenly ran in. He seemed a little anxious, and he had this document in his hand.

"Mr. Buchou, this is an urgent report from ANBU."


Xia Yan walked over immediately after hearing this, and then he took the file and opened it directly.

He read very quickly, and it didn't take long for him to finish reading all the contents of the article. At the same time, he couldn't help but have a smile on his face.

The information asked about was nothing else but information about Iwagakure Village.

It seemed that the people in Iwagakure knew that Konoha and Kumogakure had a confrontation, and that Konoha had achieved a good victory, so they also started to move.

Even though Xia Yan knew that at most they would only be at the Chen Bing border and wouldn't make too many moves, this was in line with Xia Yan's needs.

Especially since Xia Yan knew through this report that Ohnoki had already set off, this was an extremely pleasant surprise to him.

Obviously, his stage has been slowly set...


"I really didn't expect that Senju Natsuhiko to have such strength."

On the path from the Kingdom of Earth to the Kingdom of Yu, Onoki led a few ANBU forward quickly, but Onoki was also feeling a little shaken in his mind.

After he accepted Lu Cheng's proposal, he immediately sent someone to observe the dynamics of Konoha and Kumogakure to decide whether to go further.

In fact, Onoki also knew that he would have to make a decision sooner or later. After all, those newspapers had successfully aroused the fighting spirit and desire of everyone in Iwagakure Village.

It is true that the benefits of cooperating with Konoha to attack Kumogakure are not as great as those of cooperating with Kumogakure to attack Konoha.

But Kumogakure and Iwagakure are feuding, and they have huge conflicts of interest in some small countries.

If we can take the opportunity to eradicate some of the small domestic Kumogakure forces, even if it is not as profitable as attacking Konoha, it is still not weak.

What's more, as soon as the war between Konoha and Kumogakure began, countless tasks had already flowed into Iwagakure. It can be said that Iwagakure made a sure profit.

“It can not only defeat the enemy and improve morale, but also obtain the interests of a small country, and also obtain a large amount of tasks.

Except for being kidnapped by Konoha's design, everything else was fine. "

Onoki could see clearly that they could indeed get benefits by dispatching, but their dispatch was completely kidnapped by Konoha.

This makes Ohnoki very unhappy. No matter who is tricked by others, he will be very uncomfortable, but Ohnoki can only accept it now.

What's more, Uesugi Shikaki and his father also provided Onoki with a very good idea.

In this case, why doesn't Onoki make some attempts?

But he didn't expect that not long after he sent people there, Konoha and Kumogakure would have a relatively fierce collision.

The Fourth Raikage brat personally led the team and commanded more than a thousand Kumo ninjas to collectively attack Konoha's stronghold.

Although this approach is somewhat unwise, it is understandable that the Fourth Raikage did not have any specific information about Konoha.

However, Senju Natsuhiko showed his inhuman strength. According to the intelligence, this kid seemed to have used Wood Release to resist the Fourth Raikage, and also killed the near-average Kumo Ninja.

Although there are not many specific details, such hazy information is enough.

Onoki had long thought that the appearance of Natsuhiko, a brat, might set Konoha back forty or fifty years.

But he also felt that Xia Yan might not be able to do it now because the boy was too young.

But now it seems that everyone has underestimated this brat, and the Fourth Raikage alone really has no way to deal with him.

This kind of growth rate is really scary. That's why Ohnoki decided to send troops to the border, and at the same time he also sent out himself.

He is a person who has seen the power of the first and second generation Hokage. How can he not be interested in such a brat now?

He really wanted to see how this kid had grown up now.

Only with such close observation can he make more judgments. After all, there is really no eternal hatred between villages.

If the other party is really too powerful, for the sake of the safety of future generations, it is not impossible to sell some good ones without violating core interests.

"Lord Tsuchikage."

Just as Onoki and others were on their way, suddenly several Iwagakure ANBU appeared in front of them.

"Tell me, what's going on over there now?"

Onoki was not surprised at all by the appearance of these Anbu. He glanced at them calmly and then asked.

It had taken them a few days since they set out. Although they didn't go all out, their speed was not slow.

But it is not possible to keep up with the changes on the battlefield if we are not slow. After all, everything changes rapidly during war.

It is very necessary for Onoki to keep abreast of the situation on the battlefield at all times, and these ANBU are the people he sends to monitor the battlefield.

"Lord Tsuchikage, Kumogakure has been on defense during this period. The Fourth Raikage has never shown his face. The ones in charge are Tsuchidai and the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki.

According to observations, the Fourth Raikage may have been seriously injured and he now needs time to recover.

Konoha seized this opportunity and continued to attack, but Kumogakure defended resolutely, and the Konoha Nightingale did not move.

Therefore, Konoha has not taken any advantage so far, so Konoha is constantly shifting the direction of attack, and Kumogakure is also constantly making adjustments.

The two sides are now in a stalemate, and neither side has achieved any substantive results.

However, due to our actions, Kumogakure has now begun to withdraw some personnel and go back. "

The ANBU quickly reported the situation, while Onoki fell into deep thought.

Why Senju Natsuhiko didn't take action made Onoki very confused, but after thinking about it, he felt that there were only two reasons.

The first one is that he is guarding against the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki erupting, or guarding against the Fourth Raikage suddenly going berserk.

The second thing is that this kid may have consumed a lot of energy and is currently recovering.

But no matter which one it is, Onoki doesn't care. After all, strictly speaking, he hates both parties.

It would be great if they fought to the death. Ohnoki might be so happy that he could die together.

But now the two sides are at a stalemate, which seems to be a good thing. At least it proves that he was not late.

"I understand. It seems that we have to wait until the fourth generation Raikage recovers before we can make any bigger moves."

Ohnoki said indifferently, he was very sober. If the Fourth Raikage has not recovered, Kumogakure may still be in a defensive posture.

Onoki's side is unsure of Natsuhiko's status, and I'm afraid Kumogakure's side is even less sure of this matter.

What's more, Mu Dun is also very capable of restraining tailed beasts. If he is not careful, he will know whether Natsuhiko is healthy and will attack the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

"Let's go, get there early so we can have a better understanding of the situation."

Thinking of this, Ohnoki spoke directly. He really couldn't wait to get to the battlefield now.

After all, whether it's Kumogakure or Konoha, this confrontation is so interesting...


"Damn Ohnoki!"

In the Kumogakure camp, the Fourth Raikage hammered the table hard, and the other Kumo ninjas standing in front of him also looked very angry.

Because they really didn't expect that the people of Iwagakure Village actually took advantage of the war between them and Konoha to make a lot of moves.

The actions of these guys were completely ineffective at first. They waited until the Fourth Raikage was injured before they started.

It can be said that this is basically blackmailing Yunyin, this is basically threatening Yunyin with force!

But they, Kumogakure, really had no choice. After all, the battle between them and Konoha was in a stalemate at this moment, and they couldn't be distracted at all.

Therefore, they can only send troops back to express an attitude, but they can't actually do other actions at all.

"Lord Raikage, I think we should not get excited." At this moment, Tutai suddenly spoke.

"Ohnoki is only sending troops without attacking, which shows that he is still waiting.

The old guy won't take any risks. Once they are at a disadvantage, he will never hesitate, and once Konoha is at a disadvantage, he will never move.

The top priority now is to strengthen the iron defense line and capture Konoha as soon as possible, so that we can solve all the troubles. "

"Then what plan do you have?" The Fourth Raikage sighed. He looked at the map on the table and asked, "By the way, hasn't Senju Natsuhiko been dispatched during this time?"

"No, maybe something is brewing." Tudai said in a deep voice: "But it is impossible for him to continue, because Konoha is moving in the wrong direction."

Having said this, Dodai pointed to a location on the map, and this place made the eyes of all the Kumo ninjas participating in the meeting light up slightly.

“They were constantly adjusting the direction of their attack to force us, but they were obviously a little anxious.

Maybe they don't want to face the combination of Raikage-sama and Kirabi. After all, they are still at a disadvantage now.

Just as they continued, they were backed up by a plain that was perfect for our sprint.

As long as they reach the predetermined location, this will be their doom! "


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