On Konoha's forward position, Natsuhiko, Nara Shikaku and others were already gathering.

Two days passed in the blink of an eye. Perhaps because the atmosphere of war was getting stronger and stronger, all the Konoha ninjas were ready.

It only took them a day and a half to complete all the transfers and deployments.

They all know that they cannot retreat at this time, because if they retreat, they will enter the Kingdom of Fire.

At this time, they seemed to feel more and more that they had a heavy responsibility. Perhaps the newspaper's propaganda was too successful. This time, their mission was to protect their homeland.

In addition, Xia Yan's two previous victories, they were in very good mental and personal condition, and Konoha's morale was really high at this time.

"Minister Natsuhiko." Hinata Hizu was beside Natsuhiko. He kept his eyes open to observe everything going on in front of him.

During this period of time, he has been responsible for leading the Hyuga clan in reconnaissance operations. The task assigned to him by Natsuhiko is to ensure safety and monitor Kumogakure's movements at all times.

Although he also had some doubts about Xia Yan's actions, in any case, sending troops to Xia Yan this time was the result of helping them.

Therefore, even if Hinata Hizu had doubts in his heart, he did not express his doubts.

"Chief of the Rizu Clan, how is the situation?" Xia Yan heard the voice and turned around to ask.

"Kumogakure's team has now completely assembled. I can now see the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki."

Hinata Hizu whispered, his face now very serious.

"Perhaps they will launch a charge soon. Minister Xia Yan, we should be prepared."

The gathering of Kumogakure really put a lot of pressure on Hinata and Hinata, not only him but probably all Konoha ninjas would feel this way.

Hinata Hinashi's words also made Nara Shikaku, Yamanaka Haiichi and all the family patriarchs who came with Natsuhiko look at Natsuhiko involuntarily.

Especially Nara Shikaku, he has always been very curious about how Natsuhiko plans to deal with these enemies.

Under the arrangement of Shikaku Nara and the efficient execution of all Konoha ninjas, Natsuhiko's early strategic arrangement has now been completed.

And now is the most dangerous time for Konoha. It can be said that any decision made by Natsuhiko now is related to the direction of the war between Konoha and Kumogakure this time.

They said it’s not possible to be nervous without any pressure!

Xia Yan naturally felt their mentality, and he also understood why these people were like this. After all, Xia Yan never told them about his opportunity.

But now that things are done, it seems that Xia Yan doesn’t need to say more, because it’s better to show all this than to say more!

Thinking of this, Xia Yan suddenly closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, his eyes had already bloomed with bright blue.

At the same time, Xia Yan's chakra also began to vibrate slightly. Different from the past, this time Xia Yan used Jingyan's chakra.

Just for a moment, Nara Shikaku and others felt an indescribable sense of suffocation. They all looked at Xia Yan in disbelief and his bright eyes.

Among the people around Natsuhiko, only Hinata Hiashi and Nara Shikaku have looked directly into Natsuhiko's eyes at close range. Others may know it but have never observed it like this.

Moreover, Xia Yan's chakra at this time was hugely different from the power he had shown in any of his previous attacks.

This time his power was even more terrifying and more intimidating.

"Boss Shikaku, do you still remember what I said before?"

Xia Yan looked at the people with different expressions in front of him, a smile appeared on his face, and then he asked with a smile.

"Remember it, don't forget it, because what happens next is very dangerous."

After saying this, Xia Yan ignored the reactions of the others and jumped out of the ditch with a slight jump.

His eyes were locked forward, and his chakra was constantly pulsing.

This time, after enduring it for so long, he can finally move around...


"What's going on with this chakra?"

In the command post on the Kumogakure front line, a scout ninja suddenly had cold sweat dripping down his face.

Because just before, in his perception, there was a terrifying chakra that he was familiar with but extremely unfamiliar in the position on Konoha's side.

Thinking of this, he immediately yelled: "Lord Raikage, it's bad, there is an unknown huge chakra in Konoha. This chakra seems to be..."

He tried hard to recall it for a long time, and it seemed that he finally recalled some details, and his face became even more horrified when he thought about it.

"Is...is that Senju Natsuhiko?"


The Fourth Raikage, who was sitting in the commander's position, frowned. Just now he felt an inexplicable heart palpitation.

But he couldn't believe that this power actually came from Senju Natsuhiko!

He had fought against Senju Natsuhiko, so he knew exactly how strong this guy was. How could that feeling just come from Senju Natsuhiko?

But he still trusted the sentient ninja in front of him very much, which made him feel a little overwhelmed for a moment.

"It's definitely Senju Natsuhiko, Raikage-sama."

The sensing ninja still had cold sweat on his forehead, and he said with some difficulty.

"Raikage-sama has fought against Natsuhiko Senju, so we naturally recorded his chakra.

Although his chakra has always been very weird and can keep changing, it seems to be somewhat similar to the chakra pattern of Raikage-sama.

But the original chakra will not be changed, so I remember his original chakra.

Now, although his chakra has changed again, I can find his original chakra aura.

I can easily conclude that it is him who is right! "

Tudai was next to Raikage. His eyes flickered slightly after hearing the news. He was also a little confused as to what Natsuhiko Senju meant.

For some reason, he suddenly felt the aura of conspiracy surrounding him.

But now he had no time to think too much, because the sensing ninja suddenly stood up and pointed forward, and said in a trembling voice.

"Here he comes...that guy is here..."

After hearing the words of this sentient ninja, the Fourth Raikage and others immediately rushed out of the command room, and soon they found Kirabi in the trench.

It's just that Kirabi also looked solemn at this moment. He didn't continue to perform his lame rap. He seemed particularly quiet at this moment.

He also felt a terrifying force reverberating, not only him but also the Eight-Tails in his body seemed to be affected.

Following his gaze, a figure was slowly walking towards their direction...


Xia Yan walked towards Yunyin's position alone. His pace was very slow, but every time he took a step forward, his aura became stronger.

At this moment, he suddenly felt as if he had become Madara Uchiha.

With his clear eyes, he could see that the cloud ninjas in the distance seemed to be full of doubts and wariness about his arrival, and at the same time, they were also full of an invisible fear.

And as he continued to move forward, he seemed to understand what Uchiha Madara did when he faced the ninja coalition.

"Actually, to put it bluntly, it's just to warm up through the initial physical combat, and at the same time familiarize yourself with the upper limit of the intensity of the Reincarnation.

In addition, it also defeats the psychological defense of the ninja alliance, allowing them to fight more efficiently. "

Xia Yan thought silently, and he felt that he could refer to Uchiha Madara's tactics.

Although he does not have super dynamic vision like Sharingan, nor does he have immortality and infinite chakra like Uchiha Madara.

But his Pure Eye combined with the Flying Thunder God will definitely prevent him from being easily cut by Kumogakure.

And his own recovery power and chakra recovery power can also support him to do this.

The most important thing is to conduct the necessary warm-up before the battle, which will also allow him to better and fully exert his strength.

Xia Yan has decided to completely release his power, so naturally he will do it as he feels comfortable and as smoothly as he wants!

"Is that guy planning to face us alone?" The Fourth Raikage looked at Xia Yan's hazy figure. He gritted his teeth and said slowly, "What a bold maniac!"

"Brother, there is something wrong with his chakra." Kirabi also frowned at this moment: "Xiaoba said that his power is very strange. He is familiar with it but can't remember where he has seen it before."

"Now is not the time to discuss his power." Tudai also spoke at this time: "Lord Raikage, he is alone now, and the perception class does not seem to notice that others are coming together, so this is an opportunity!"

"Is there a chance?" The Fourth Raikage took a deep breath, and then his eyes became fierce.

The chakra all over his body was rippling crazily at this moment, but before he could give the order, Xia Yan suddenly accelerated at this time!

He was just walking slowly at first and suddenly turned into a trot. On this endless plain, his figure gradually appeared clearly on Yunyin's body.

Although Xia Yan was only one person at this moment, he was like a thousand troops, actually suppressing the momentum of the entire Yunyin army!


At this moment, azure blue chakra light suddenly appeared on Xia Yan's body.

And with the appearance of such chakra, all the cloud ninjas felt an inexplicable heart palpitation at this moment.

They subconsciously clenched their kunai at this time, and some of them were even dripping with cold sweat, because Xia Yan's momentum at this time was too terrifying!

These cloud ninjas are really under unimaginable pressure at this time, and Xia Yan has directly used the pure eye chakra mode.

The destructive power completely covered his whole body, and he looked so hazy and unreal.

And his momentum became stronger again at this moment, and he seemed to be a Shura, preparing to harvest human lives!

It is hard to imagine that thousands of Kumo ninjas stand together, but they have no sense of security at all.

Natsu Yan was very fast, and as he continued to approach, the Fourth Raikage and the others seemed to be influenced by Natsu Yan.

At this moment, they all forgot about the command, but at the moment when they were distracted, Xia Yan was about to rush to their position!


I don't know if it was too uncomfortable to be suppressed by Xia Yan's aura. Finally, some Cloud ninjas couldn't bear it anymore, and suddenly a loud shout rang out among the troops.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Kumogakure army erupted, everyone roared, and then they rushed forward crazily without waiting for the Fourth Raikage's order!

The mighty army is like a tide. If you look down from the sky, you can see a dark mass. The two sides are not even in numerical ratio.

"Lord Raikage..."

Tudai's strength is pretty good. At this moment, he was affected by the roar of Kumogakure's large army and finally recovered.

Seeing the scene in front of him, he was so cold that his hair grew cold all over. The opponent's momentum was really too terrifying!

He is really scared now, and the feeling of conspiracy has become stronger and stronger. The most frightening thing is that the large army has completely lost control at this time.

They went out without waiting for orders at all. Although Tutai also knew that this was beyond his control, this situation was really terrible.

"Get ready to attack." The Fourth Raikage also recovered at this moment. He was also frightened by Xia Yan's momentum before!

But after he recovered, his face became even more ugly.

Thinking back to the battle with Xia Yan more than half a month ago, he suddenly felt like he had been cheated.

He didn't know what Xia Yan's purpose was, but he could vaguely feel that they were in big trouble this time!

It's just that the arrow has to be fired, not to mention that all the Kumogakure troops have already rushed out, what else can he do?

Although he was full of uneasiness, he could only bite the bullet and go ahead.

On Konoha's side, after Xia Yan rushed out, there was a commotion among Konoha's large troops.

Xia Yan is their supreme commander. They don't know what Xia Yan is going to do, but they don't want anything to go wrong with their commander.

But soon they got an order from Nara Shikaku, which told them not to act rashly, and then all the troops were restrained.

"Minister Shikaku, who is this, Minister Natsuhiko?" Hinata Hiashi looked at Natsuhiko's figure through his eyes, and he couldn't help but asked anxiously.

"I don't know either." Nara Shikaku sighed. He really didn't know what Xia Yan wanted to do.

No, it should be said that he had vaguely guessed what Xia Yan wanted to do, but his inner reason told him that it was unlikely.

Because no matter how you look at it, this is too crazy!

He stuck his head out and took out a pair of binoculars. In fact, all the ninjas in Konoha were holding binoculars and looking towards Xia Yan. They were all curious about what Xia Yan was going to do now.

But when he focused on Xia Yan, his expression suddenly changed...


"Are you all moving?"

Xia Yan looked at Yunyin's large army in front of him and suddenly rushed out. Although he was slightly surprised, he was more happy.

They rushed out directly, leaving Xia Yan with a lot of trouble. Xia Yan really didn't know that it was because his momentum was too strong, which affected these Yunyin.

Seeing the large number of Kumogakure ninjas swarming towards him, Xia Yan looked particularly calm.

Even if the battles of ninjas can be changed by quantity most of the time, there will always be exceptions, just like the time in Kirigakure Village, just like the time in Kirigakure Village.

And, now this time!


A moment later, Xia Yan collided with these Yunyin, and at this moment, the screams in Yunyin's army rose and fell.

Xia Yan was like a tiger crashing into a flock of sheep. In the first moment of the confrontation, countless ninjas had been thrown high into the air.

Xia Yan is like a blue ghost among the crowd. His figure is agile but traceless. He often attacks at this very moment.

But the next moment, the figure left behind by his previous attack had not completely disappeared. He appeared again in another place and launched a fatal surprise attack again!

Moreover, when he attacked, his hand movements were so light that any ninja who had even the slightest contact with him would fly backwards.

Fighting under his men is not as pleasing to the eye as art. The terrifying efficiency and the extremely smooth simplicity and nature look particularly suffocating.

With one punch, a cloud ninja flew backwards. He said that the huge force he endured instantly crushed the dozen companions behind him.

The chakra in his body paused for a moment, and Xia Yan disappeared instantly. The long knife with a cold glow behind him fell down against his original position.

The ninja sword failed, and Natsuhiko suddenly appeared on the flank of the ninja.

His right hand grabbed the cloud ninja who attacked him, and at the same time, his left hand grabbed the arm of a cloud ninja holding a kunai on the other side.

He exerted slight force on his hands, and then the ninja felt his arms were out of control and being pulled in another direction!


With the sound of metal cutting through flesh, the two of them felt a pain in their hearts at the same time.

But they didn't see clearly what was going on, and severe pain came from their chests again.

At the last moment of their consciousness, they felt themselves flying out, blood kept pouring out of their mouths, and their sternums had collapsed!

The pure eyes blooming with azure light flickered slightly, and the next moment Xia Yan's figure disappeared from the place again.


The moment he disappeared, another ninja sword fell.

But the ninja didn't even have time to react. His neck suddenly felt cold, and then he collapsed to the ground, and Xia Yan also used his ninja sword.

At this moment, this ninja sword was also covered with Natsuhiko's terrifying chakra, and at this moment Natsuhiko activated his sage mode chakra.

Although there is now the coverage and protection of the pure eye chakra mode, and there is also the cooperation of the pure eye and perception, why not be more safe and powerful?

In an instant, Xia Yan's strength had reached the state he had last time when he faced Payne.

He dodged and rushed into the crowd, and the ninja sword in his hand began to strike at these Kumogakure ninjas mercilessly!

Wandering among thousands of ninjas, Xia Yan showed an attitude of ease.

No matter who attacks from any angle, he can see clearly through his clear eyes.

In the Pure Eye Chakra mode, his attack power has also been greatly improved.

Any enemy within his attack range can be killed directly with just one strike, without the need for too much skill at all.

In about a few minutes, an unknown number of people had fallen by his hands.

Coupled with the fact that he moved too fast and had the Flying Thunder God Technique that could not trace the trajectory at all, Kumogakure could not be locked by long-range ninjutsu!

Natsuhiko's actions fell into the eyes of all the ninjas in the Konoha camp in the distance. At this time, they were completely dumbfounded.

Even though they couldn't see Xia Yan's every move clearly, they couldn't even capture Xia Yan's figure.

But they could see the corpses of Cloud ninjas left all over the ground, and they could also faintly capture the blue figure that was constantly flashing like a phantom.

Xia Yan's performance at this moment really exceeded their imagination.

They had imagined that Xia Yan was very powerful, but they really never thought that Xia Yan would be so strong!

Is this no longer the human condition?

Nara Shikaku, Yamanaka Haiichi, Akimichi Choza, as well as Hinata Hizashi, Aburame Shiwei and other clan leaders who followed Natsuhiko, they were also dumbfounded now.

"Is this... Minister Natsuhiko's plan?" After a long while, Nara Shikaku murmured to himself with a wry smile.

He had been thinking about what Xia Yan's plan was, and he did also think about whether Xia Yan planned to solve these troubles alone.

But when Xia Yan actually did this, he found that he still couldn't calm down at all.

He didn't know if his uneasiness was because Xia Yan's plan was that simple, or because the strength Xia Yan showed completely exceeded his imagination?

Nara Shikaku himself doesn't know, but he knows that he is still busy now.

If Xia Yan really solved all these Yunyin, then he must think of how to explain their previous series of actions.

After all, Konoha has also paid a lot of casualties, and it is really necessary to give the Konoha ninjas a reasonable explanation.

Suddenly he felt that maybe after Xia Yan became Hokage, he would indeed have a lot of power.

Even if it is forced...

"This damn guy!"

The Fourth Raikage, Kirabi and others watched Xia Yan rush and kill in the Kumogakure army as if there was no one in the world. At this moment, the anger in their hearts had completely reached its extreme.

If it weren't for Xia Yan's speed, which they couldn't lock on at all, and they also wanted to observe Xia Yan's strength, they would have rushed out long ago.

But now, after some observation, they were surprised to find that they really didn't see anything.

Natsuhiko was only using Taijutsu and Flying Thunder God Technique from beginning to end, but just this had already caused huge trauma to Kumogakure's army.

If this guy continues to attack unscrupulously, the morale of Kumogakure's army will be destroyed by this guy!


The Fourth Raikage let out a loud roar, and then he rushed into the crowd to look for Xia Yan.

Kirabi also had red chakra coming out all over his body. He silently drew out his ninja sword and followed his elder brother quickly into the crowd.

What they didn't expect was that Xia Yan's figure suddenly flashed slightly, and then he withdrew from Yunyin's large army.

He stood quietly on top of the corpses of countless cloud ninjas. The breeze blew across the battlefield, and the thick smell of blood continued to spread across the entire plain...


"We're almost done with the warm-up."

Natsuhiko looked at the Kumogakure army not far away with an indifferent expression, and soon his eyes quickly focused on the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

However, he just glanced at it and stopped paying attention. At this time, Xia Yan didn't care at all who his opponent was.

Strictly speaking, at this moment, unless the big wild wood in the sky comes, or the filthy soil underground is resurrected in its peak state.

Or maybe it was the ghost that wandered throughout the ninja world and was the founder of the ninja system of the ninja world - the Six Paths Sage who emerged from the ground.

Otherwise, no one in the entire ninja world can stop Xia Yan, at least for now!

Xia Yan didn't know how long this state could last, but he felt that someone would continue to think of ways to deal with him.

Just like that Black Zetsu, this guy is the one who has mastered the secret of Otsutsuki's power. He knows how to cultivate a super strong person.

I'm afraid Xia Yan will inevitably have to deal with enemies in the future, but they are just people who have been trained but don't know how the secret came about.

Fortunately, Hei Jue has no power, otherwise he would be the biggest threat!

Thinking of this, Xia Yan slowly withdrew his gaze, and the chakra in his body with one hand also rippled crazily at this moment.

"Go to hell!"

What Xia Yan didn't expect was that at this moment, the Fourth Raikage and Kirabi had rushed directly in front of him like lightning.

This made Xia Yan's newly brewing chakra have to stop, and he couldn't help but sigh slightly.

He finally wanted to completely imitate Uchiha Madara and have big hands, but the two brothers didn't seem to give him this chance at all.

The speed of these two people was very fast. At the moment when Xia Yan was thinking, they had already taken action. However, in this flash of lightning, their attacks could only hit the ground.


Along with the violent roar, a huge crater was created in the earth by these two people.

It's just that these two people didn't dare to stop at all. After completing the attack, they immediately spread out to find Xia Yan's location.

They have been exhausted mentally and physically by Xia Yan's mysterious combat method. The Flying Thunder God's technique is too terrifying!

What slightly surprised them was that Xia Yan did not launch an attack. He just stood not far away and watched them after being transferred by the Flying Thunder God.

"Actually, you don't have to worry." Xia Yan said indifferently: "Because I will find your people, and none of you can escape."

"Don't be too arrogant!" The Fourth Raikage shouted angrily. He had fully activated the Thunder Chakra mode: "The only one who can't run away is you!"

"Really?" Xia Yan tilted his head slightly, and then he chuckled: "Then let's give it a try."

After the words fell, Xia Yan stood up with one hand, and the chakra in his body surged crazily again.


The earth continued to roar at this moment, and Xia Yan's body continued to improve.

A giant tree began to emerge under his feet. The giant tree grew rapidly, and eventually formed a huge giant under the guidance of his chakra!

This giant wood escaper has the face of an Arhat, but this Arhat has nothing to do with charity. It looks so fierce.

That huge and strong body seems to be telling his strength, and its perseverance can make people feel scared.

"Wood Release: The Technique of Wooden Man."

Xia Yan stood on top of the Wooden Dungeon giant with his hands folded on his chest. He whispered the name of this technique in his mouth, and this technique was also one of the techniques he had learned during this period.

This technique is both offensive and defensive. Even if Xia Yan does not use this technique to its maximum extent, the wooden figure is currently only a dozen meters tall.

And he didn't use it with the Wood Dragon Technique, but it's enough now!

What's more, in order to protect himself, Natsuhiko did not stand on his shoulders with absolutely zero defense like the first Hokage Senju Hashirama.

He controlled the wooden man and allowed himself to completely enter the wooden man's body.

After all, he has pure eyes, and he doesn't want Senju Hashirama to be unable to see the outside situation once he enters the wooden man's body.

When Kumogakure's ninjas saw this scene, they all trembled a little, because the scene in front of them really exceeded their imagination!

Looking at the huge wooden escape giant, an invisible sense of oppression rippled in their hearts.

The fear of death seemed to be completely spreading around them. Who is this guy?

The Kumo ninjas were filled with fear, and the Fourth Raikage and Kirabi were not feeling well at this time.

Especially the Fourth Raikage, he felt that he was really fooled. When he and Xia Yan started fighting, Xia Yan did not show his current strength.

But the power Xia Yan showed at this time was no longer just better than him at that time, but he also needed to use the Flying Thunder God to avoid his attacks.

Xia Yan is now in a state of complete crushing. When he faced him, he was just playing tricks. He didn't use all his strength at all!

The purpose of this guy is probably to gather them all on this plain.

The purpose of this guy is probably to destroy their large Kumogakure army!

After thinking about all this, the Fourth Raikage's face turned pale, and Xia Yan's voice reached his ears at this moment.

"I said none of you can escape..."


"I didn't expect it to be a wooden man's technique!"

In the Konoha camp, all the Konoha ninjas were no longer as excited as they were.

Although they have seen Xia Yan perform Mu Dun, they have never seen a giant more than ten meters tall like this.

Especially after this technique appeared, the powerful deterrent force could be felt from several kilometers away. How could they not feel happy?

Although they were also confused as to why Xia Yan didn't use this technique right away, they quickly figured out a lot of information.

It's like he was worried that Yunyin would run away, so he delayed it until now, or he had some other purpose that kept him from taking action right away.

I'm afraid Nara Shikaku himself didn't expect that his explanation already seemed so dispensable before it was completely spread.

At this time, Nara Shikaku couldn't help but sigh as he looked into the distance. Wooden Release, after all, this is the most proud art of Konoha. This is the art that calms the ninja world!

"Boss Shikaku, should we quickly surround these Kumo ninjas?"

At this moment, Hinata Hizu suddenly spoke, and he seemed very excited at this time.

"If we surround them, they won't be able to escape!"

"There is no need, they won't and don't dare to run away."

Nara Shikaku came back to his senses. He smiled bitterly and shook his head, although he just opened his mouth to explain.

"Once they run away, our troops can march straight across the Country of Yu, and they will also attack Iwagakure in the Country of Iron.

At that time, our two villages will join forces and enter the Kingdom of Thunder together.

Now Kumogakure has only one choice, and that is to fight to the death. Only if we are defeated can we be able to scare Iwagakure.


Having said this, Nara Shikaku paused, and then he spoke quietly.

"It's just that this time, I'm afraid it's Kumogakure's end..."


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