The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 276: Despair (8K please subscribe~)

The wooden escape giants that were more than ten meters high were wreaking havoc among Yunyin's army. Even if Xia Yan did not equip his wooden man with any weapons, he still controlled the size of the wooden man.

But if a wooden man of this size entered the crowd, it would be a crazy killing!

The Fourth Raikage and Kirabi did try to stop him, but unfortunately they couldn't stop him at all, and similarly they couldn't retreat and escape at all.

Under Xia Yan's control, every time the wooden man punches or kicks, the earth will surely shake.

And with every attack, countless ninjas would die as a result!

Kumogakure's ninjas were consumed at an alarming rate, and they also tried to fight back in the face of this situation.

But whether it was ninjutsu or taijutsu, the hit on Xia Yan's wooden figure was of no use, and there was not even a ripple.

After all, the Bokujin no Jutsu is the product of fighting against Susanoo. Even Susanoo has a dark history of being shattered, but when faced with such an attack, it is impossible to overturn!

"It's too big...the gap is too big. Can we really win against this monster?"

Finally, after a ninja lost his mind, his companions fell one after another in front of him, but he was unable to do anything.

Looking at the huge figure not far away, the huge wooden man that was constantly attacking, he couldn't hold on anymore!

Not only him, but many other Kumo ninjas were also constantly falling apart at this moment. The enemies they faced were so strong that they were suffocated.

The human heart has its limits, even if ninjas are far superior to ordinary people in this regard.

When the companions around you fall down one by one, and when you have to rush up even though you know that the mantis is blocking the car, the first ninja to escape will definitely appear.

At that time, the entire Kumogakure army will surely fall apart in an instant.

What's more, facing a technique like Mu Ren and an opponent like Xia Yan, even if they don't collapse and maintain their fighting spirit, it will be of no use.

"This damn guy!"

The Fourth Raikage cursed in a low voice. He had seen the situation of the entire Kumogakure army. If they were consumed at this speed, it would not take long for them to completely collapse.

But he didn't have many options at all. He had already cooperated with the large troops to attack before.

But the result was that although the wooden man had a gap opened by him, it healed quickly, but he himself was directly ejected!

This kind of defense is really more terrifying than the last time he faced this guy from the tree world. How much strength does this guy hide?

"Brother, we can't go on like this." At this moment, Kirabi suddenly said, his expression extremely solemn: "We must use Xiaoba's power."

"You mean the Eight-Tails?" After hearing Kirabi's words, the Fourth Raikage's expression changed slightly: "No, you haven't completely controlled the power of the Eight-Tails yet!"

At this time, Kirabi is not the person in the future who has completely adapted to the power of the Eight-Tails, even though he has been thinking of ways to improve over the years because of Namikaze Minato.

But there's one thing he can't do about it, that is, his use of the Eight-Tails' power is more of just a transformation into a tailed beast.

It seems that in the entire story of the Naruto world, the Jinchuriki's use of the power of the tailed beasts is very single, and only Naruto has the Nine-Tails Chakra mode.

I don't know if only Kyuubi has such power, or if no one else has developed it.

What Kirabi said at this time was obviously his intention to completely activate the power of the Eight-Tails.

But at this time, his physical fitness has obviously not reached its peak, and using the power of the Eight-Tails hastily will cause huge damage to Kirabi's body.

Just like Naruto's rash use of the power of the Nine-Tails in the early stage would consume his life, the same is true for Kirabi now.

"Brother, the only one who can deal with this wooden man now is probably Xiaoba."

Kirabi sighed and shook his head, and then he said with extremely serious eyes.

"Moreover, we don't have much choice now. If this continues, I'm afraid..."

Kirabi didn't finish his words, but the Fourth Raikage already knew what he meant, and it was only after knowing what he meant that the Fourth Raikage couldn't help but fall silent.

Indeed, if this continues, the situation may become even worse. Now Kumogakure's large army can hardly bear it.

Thinking of this, the Fourth Raikage closed his eyes weakly, while Kirabi closed his eyes slightly.

In an instant, a huge amount of chakra suddenly brewed in his body, and this chakra immediately attracted Xia Yan's attention.

The bright blue in Xia Yan's eyes flickered slightly, and then he knew what this kid Kirabi was going to do.

In his eyes, a huge monster hidden deep in his body was resurrecting, and at the same time, Kirabi's body also began to change.

In just a moment, an eight-tailed creature about the same size as Xia Yan's wooden figure quickly appeared in front of Xia Yan.

"Are you still thinking about retaining your strength?"

When Xia Yan saw this scene, he couldn't help but chuckle. Of course he could see how seriously the Eight-Tails' chakra had eroded Kirabi's body.

It's just that no matter how serious it is, facing his current strength, his state seems a bit unsatisfactory no matter how you look at it.

Just after he finished laughing, Xia Yan paused, because he suddenly felt that he was becoming more and more like a villain?

In fact, looking at what Xia Yan did after he came to the ninja world, he found that everything he did seemed to be a crazy slap in the face of the traditional Japanese comic hero.

To put it more clearly, he seems to be doing what the villains are doing all the time?

The things he does seem to include but are not limited to wearing a mask every day. No one knows whether he is a good person or not.

Due to the conflict between personal interests and the protection mission, he killed Kusumu with a backhand and then took the position of captain.

When someone in the family wanted to trick him, he directly used Shota Senju's family to coerce him without compromising, leaving him with nothing from now on.

After further becoming the head of ANBU, facing the subordinates who were loyal to the Third Hokage, all of them who were not convinced should go home.

The previous Hokage was still in office, and when faced with the opportunity to become Hokage, Natsuhiko never stopped trying to trick those previous Hokages.

Xia Yan even knew that if his former companion betrayed him, he would probably kill him himself!

Maybe what he hasn't done yet is how to deal with two girls who like him, but based on what he has done, it is very likely that 'I want them all'?

No matter how you look at it, everything Xia Yan did seems to be the kind of thing that villains who use all possible means would do.

"Since I am the villain, let me do it more thoroughly."

Thinking of this, Xia Yan's smile suddenly became brighter.

What kind of decent villain, in Xia Yan's opinion, only the winner has the right to speak. After all, if you win, you have everything, but if you lose, you have nothing!

Thinking of this, Xia Yan suddenly emerged from the wooden figure. He crossed his arms and swept across everyone present, and then he spoke condescendingly.

"You guys really brought me some nice surprises. The Eight-Tails looks quite interesting, but..."

"Have you ever experienced despair?"


Have you ever experienced despair?

Natsuhiko's words immediately gave the Fourth Raikage and Kirabi, who had transformed into the Eight-Tails, an ominous premonition at the same time.

However, they had no possibility of stopping Xia Yan. Xia Yan only formed a seal, and his chakra vibrated crazily in an instant.

"Wood Release: The Flower and Tree Realm is born!"

Indescribable chakra burst out of his body, and the layer of blue chakra on his body began to look a little messy, and his hair was fluttering in the wind.


Suddenly, the ground shook crazily, and countless branches and vines spread crazily from the ground!

These branches are somewhat similar to vines and tree world arrival, but they are obviously different.

When the endless branches reach an extreme height, closed flower buds appear on the branches of the vine!

These plants, stimulated by Xia Yan's mixed chakra, appeared continuously, and in just a few seconds they had grown to incredible sizes, surpassing all plants in the world.

And with the appearance of these branches and vines, those cloud ninjas who had no time to react were instantly entangled and tied up.

Some of them were buried directly in the ground by the birth of giant trees at this moment!

However, the ninjas like Kumogakure were elites after all. They quickly reacted and then frantically dodged the tree branches that were constantly chasing them.

But at this time, their mentality has collapsed even more, and they now really feel despair.

"It's actually... the world of flowers and trees?"

In the distant Konoha camp, all the Konoha ninjas cheered wildly, but the clan leaders seemed a little silent.

Their eyes flashed with disbelief, that was the art of the flower and tree world!

As the patriarchs of Konoha Village, they naturally have family records, especially since many of their family ancestors fought with the first Hokage.

They naturally knew a lot about the First Hokage, especially the battle between the First Hokage and Uchiha Madara, which was a major event in Konoha.

So they also have relevant records, especially the records of surgery, which they also keep very well.

They are very clear about the difference between "The Advent of the Tree World" and "The Advent of the Flower Tree World". The Flower Tree World's Advent can be said to be a comprehensively upgraded version of the "Advent of the Tree World".

And the birth of the flower tree world seems to be the signature ninjutsu of the first Hokage!

"It seems that Minister Xia Yan's strength is really beyond our imagination."

Hinata Hizu also spoke now. He seemed to be frightened, but soon he frowned.

"Also, do you know what's going on with Minister Xia Yan's eyes?"

"I still want to ask you this question."

Aburame Zhiwei seemed to see that the situation of the battle was going well, and it was rare for him not to remain silent.

"You are also from the pupil clan, and you don't know that?"

"Everyone, I really don't know."

Hinata Hizu was also helpless. He really didn't know what was going on with Xia Yan's eyes, but he did remember that his family seemed to have similar records.

But he was really under too much pressure recently, and his mind was not on it at all, so he didn't look for it at all.

But now he feels that with Senju Natsuhiko here, war is no longer a problem at all.

I'm afraid he didn't realize it himself, but he already regarded Xia Yan as a person who could single-handedly put down the war!

Unlike Konoha's side who was relaxed, Kumogakure's side was now completely in panic.

In that huge roar, the terrain of the land was changed, and tall plants appeared out of thin air, making people feel like they were in a primeval forest.

Looking up, there is nothing but endless vines and trees.

If these trees are normal, perhaps the Kumogakure ninjas can rely on these trees as cover.

But these trees were all created by Xia Yan, and these are all man-eating trees!

"Stop dreaming!"

The Fourth Raikage and Kirabi were attacking these trees crazily, and they were the rare ones who could fight back.

But their counterattack seemed so weak under Xia Yan's dense trees, but I have to say that the performance of the two of them was still good.

The fourth generation Raikage used the thunder escape chakra mode to frantically resist the spread of those branches, and constantly rescued the tied up cloud ninjas.

It was Kirabi who controlled the Eight-Tails while sweeping away the branches of Mudun, while controlling the Eight-Tails to attack Xia Yan.

They all showed good fighting will and determination to protect these cloud ninjas to the death.

But Xia Yan will not sympathize with them at all. He is acting so tragically now, but this cannot change the fact that they are the intruders!

Xia Yan has never had any sympathy for confirmed enemies. What he will do is bury them all!

"Performing pretty well."

Xia Yan controlled the wooden man and grabbed Chirabilon's arm. He stood on the wooden man's shoulder and showed a smile.

"But this is not enough."

While speaking, Xia Yan controlled the wooden man to punch hard, and this punch hit Yawei's face hard.

At this moment, the eight tails were like cannonballs, flying backwards and hitting Xia Yan's wooden escape.

It is true that Xia Yan's wooden man did not use its full strength and could only be controlled at a height of more than ten meters, but the power of the eight tails was even worse.

Xia Yan didn't feel it was difficult at all to deal with such an opponent, but Xia Yan also planned to increase his efforts.

He still had some techniques that he had yet to use, and he had no intention of ending it hastily.

But before that, he also planned to do some clearing to stimulate the two people in front of him.

The abilities of these two people are still good, especially since they will play pivotal roles in the future.

Although they have not grown up yet, this does not prevent Xia Yan from trying to 'grow the seedlings'.

As for what harm this would cause to them, Xia Yancai didn't care at all. After all, if there were no problems, Xia Yan might have to stay with both of them!

"Didn't I ask you before, have you ever felt despair?"

Thinking of this, Xia Yan stopped the wooden man's movements, and then he formed a seal again.

“Don’t think that’s all, because it’s just the beginning!”

Having said this, the chakra in Xia Yan's body rippled again, and the buds began to bloom slowly.

Extremely fine pollen is floating in the air, and a hint of fragrance appears in the air, seductive and deadly!


"Lord Tsuchikage, what should we do now..."

In a cave far away from the battlefield, Ohnoki, Huang Tu and a group of subordinates watched the scene in front of them. They were also dripping with cold sweat.

Especially Ohnoki, he seemed to be in a trance now.

The fighting prowess that Natsuhiko showed today is really frightening. Isn't this kid no weaker than the first Hokage Senju Tobirama?

Ohnoki has never really faced how terrifying this art of descending from the flower and tree world is, but he has found relevant records in his grandfather's notes.

Onoki's grandfather was Ishikawa, the first Tsuchikage. This guy saw the power of Senju Hashirama, and he also left this power in his notes.

Ohnoki felt that after the death of Senju Hashirama, no one would be able to use such a terrifying ninjutsu as Deki Release.

Even if it is copied, it will definitely not be as powerful as Senju Hashirama, but Xia Yan's performance today has completely subverted his imagination.

He was even thinking that if Konoha and Iwagakure were fighting, and Natsuhiko was going to fight, would Iwagakure be able to stop this guy, including himself?

This question lingered in Ohnoki's mind for a while, and he sighed and shook his head. Maybe there really weren't many people who could stop Xia Yan.

Ohnoki himself may be able to pose a huge threat to Xia Yan with his Earth Release, Light and Heavy Rock Technique and Dust Release.

But only he can do this. Others can't threaten Xia Yan at all, and they can't even withstand Xia Yan's offensive.

With a faint sigh, Onoki knew that he had made a choice.

Now is it time to help Konoha take down Kumogakure, or is it time to find a way to defend Konoha.

Konoha is too strong. In fact, strictly speaking, it is definitely not a good thing. No one wants to go back to the fear of being dominated by Konoha's coercion.

However, after thinking about it, it seems that considering the current situation, it seems that taking the initiative to help Konoha will yield greater benefits.

This is not a good idea in the long run, but Ohnoki feels that judging from Natsuhiko's current strength, they can't see much in the long term.

With a helpless sigh, Ohnoki's expression became extremely serious, and he turned his head to look at Huang Tu.

"You go back." He said with a firm voice: "Inform the troops to prepare to attack in the direction of Yunyin Village, and occupy the terrain as much as possible to build defenses to defend..."

Before Ohnoki could finish his words, the ground suddenly shook violently, and once again a huge change took place on Kirabi's side...


When Xia Yan controlled the flower buds to bloom collectively, the fine pollen immediately spread to the entire forest created by Xia Yan.

At this moment, countless Kumogakure ninjas felt the scent of flowers entering their nostrils.

This kind of floral fragrance is very comfortable, it is very smooth and relaxing, and this kind of relaxation is also extremely addictive.

Soon, all the Kumogakure ninjas felt a match spreading on their bodies, and they no longer wanted to move.

The will to fight began to be driven away continuously, and they felt really tired now. They just wanted to sleep with the fragrance of flowers like this.


The sound of kunai hitting the ground suddenly sounded. This sound seemed to break the tranquility. Soon, more and more ninjas began to drop kunai in their hands.

As they lost their weapons, they also lay on the ground one by one, but what greeted them after they fell to the ground was not real rest, but branches and vines in the world of flowers and trees!

At this moment, an unknown number of Kumogakure ninjas were directly caught by Xia Yan's branches, and at this moment, the fate of these Kumogakure ninjas was also determined.

"No, pollen is poisonous!"

The Fourth Raikage also noticed something was wrong at this moment. His physical fitness was very strong, but he was also severely disturbed.

If he hadn't discovered that something was wrong in time and used chakra to forcibly remove the toxin before recovering, he would probably not have much fighting power now.

But no matter how fast he reacted, Xia Yan was much faster than him. Those Kumo Hidden ninjas had already been captured by him, and some of them had been killed directly by Xia Yan!

The Fourth Raikage surged with his chakra as if going crazy. He jumped up and slashed at the vines with a hand knife.

Some vines were cut off by him, but this was far from enough, because Xia Yan had arranged too many vines, and it was in vain for him to do so.

But he didn't give up. As a ninja, this was what he had to do to protect himself.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't clear away all the vines quickly, and even his transformed Eight-Tails couldn't resist.

Such a crisis situation made the Fourth Raikage feel a trace of despair in his heart. He really couldn't accept what was happening now.

"If only I could be stronger, if only I could be stronger!"

Grief and despair continued to haunt him, his body was constantly trembling, and his hands continued to attack the trees and blood began to appear.

He even knew that there was a big problem with the bones of his arm.

But he didn't stop, and his anger continued to rise. He vowed to kill Xia Yan, and vowed to save Yunyin.

Under such continuous and almost self-inflicted attacks, the Fourth Raikage suddenly found that his chakra was constantly improving, and his power seemed to be constantly growing.

On the other side, Kirabi's incarnation of the Eight-Tails suddenly roared, and his size grew crazily at this moment.

That majestic chakra makes people feel suffocated like never before!

But soon the chakra began to stabilize again, and finally the Eight-Tails' size stayed at a height of about seventy meters.

"The complete Eight-Tails, Kirabi..."

The Fourth Raikage looked at the towering and extremely huge Eight-Tails, and a twinge of pain flashed through his heart.

Kirabi, who completely transformed into a tailed beast, became stronger, but it also caused greater damage to his body.

But looking at Xia Yan, who still looked indifferent, the Fourth Raikage took a deep breath.

He decided not to deal with those vines anymore, he had to deal with Senju Natsuhiko who used this technique.

Those cloud ninjas have obviously been poisoned. If they want to save them, they can only attack the caster. Only by dealing with the caster can they be saved.

Or take revenge on them!

Emotions of hatred and anger echoed crazily in the mind of the Fourth Raikage at this moment.

Such hatred has never been so strong even after his father was besieged and died by Iwagakure.

He knew that he hated Xia Yan, and he knew that he had to kill Xia Yan!


Accompanied by the crazy roar of the Eight-Tails, the Fourth Raikage collapsed a step forward, and the electric current spreading throughout his body became more dazzling.

"Senju Natsuhiko, I want you to die!"


Xia Yan looked at the two guys in front of him with a strange expression. He knew that what he did could definitely make these two people explode.

After all, the explosions in the world of Naruto have always been so unreasonable. It seems to involve things like 'love' and 'protection'. No matter who they are, they can burst out unimaginable power.

Therefore, Xia Yan deliberately dealt cruel blows to the Kumogakure ninjas. The power of the arrival of the flower and tree world is really not comparable to that of the arrival of the tree world.

The flower-tree world not only has the power and characteristics of the tree world, but also has a wider range, and it also has flower buds that release toxins.

The moment Xia Yan released this technique, the fate of those Yunyin covered by him was already doomed!

Although Xia Yan himself is not sure how many people have died now, what is certain is that these Yunyin are basically hopeless.

Unless the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki can defeat him before the branches and vines absorb the chakra of those ninjas!

"The courage is commendable, and the momentum is also very good."

Xia Yan still stood on the wooden figure with his hands folded across his chest, a faint smile on his face.

At this moment, he felt that he was completely a living villain, but he didn't care at all, he still said calmly.

"Then let me give you a chance to choose..."

Speaking of this, the chakra in Xia Yan's body suddenly started to turbulence.

In the eyes of the Fourth Raikage and Kirabi, as well as the Konoha ninjas, Onoki and others behind him, Natsuhiko's wooden figure once again rose up crazily!

This giant wooden escaper did not slowly stop until its body reached a height of 100 meters. At the same time, the earth was shaking crazily at this moment.


With a weird roar, a wooden dragon suddenly burst out of the ground!

This wooden dragon is also larger and longer than anything Xia Yan has used before.

This wooden dragon cut through the ground, and then wrapped around the neck of the huge wooden man. At this moment, Xia Yan had displayed the most complete wooden man's technique!

"As long as you can defeat me within a certain period of time, then they can still be saved."

Xia Yan's indifferent voice sounded again. His figure was facing away from the sun, making it difficult to see clearly, but his tone made people feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

"If not, then they will all die!"

"You will be the only one who dies!"

The Fourth Raikage shouted loudly at this moment, and in the next second he sprinted like lightning, and his fists with terrifying lightning were already swinging towards Xia Yan!

"You damn guy, go to hell!"

A punch came, and the wind of the punch pierced the sky with lightning. However, facing this powerful punch, Xia Yan had no intention of moving at all.

Just when this terrifying punch was about to hit Xia Yan, the wooden dragon wrapped around the wooden man's neck suddenly moved slightly, and then the wooden dragon easily blocked the offensive of the Fourth Raikage.

The existence of this wooden dragon is not only to enhance the wooden man's attack power, it also has to bear the important task of defense.

The moment the Fourth Raikage's body came into contact with the wooden dragon, he quickly flew backwards. However, at this moment, Xia Yan frowned.

The Eight-Tails who was not far away from him hit him with another punch at this time. Unlike the Eight-Tails that was only about ten meters tall before, the Eight-Tails now was in full condition.

If his previous punch was full of strength at best, the wooden figure facing Xia Yan was simply weak.

So now his punch has pure power and penetrating power, like a million kilograms of boulders hitting him directly.

The power is not concentrated, but the power itself is extremely huge.

"As expected of the Eight-Tails, this strength is really strong."

Xia Yan mentally admired silently, but the movements of his hands did not stop at all.

Bokuto swung his arms in the flash of lightning, and at the most critical moment, he blocked the Eight-Tails' fist.

But this time, the power of the eight tails was really beyond Xia Yan's expectation, or the power of the complete tailed beast was indeed something extraordinary.

Click... click...

Xia Yan clearly noticed that there were some cracks on the wooden dragon's arm, but the cracks did not spread further, nor did they cause the wooden man to break into pieces.

After all, there is an existence that can resist Susanoo. How can it be so easy to defeat him?

In just the blink of an eye, with the help of Xia Yan's chakra, the damage on Bokuto's arm had completely recovered.

"Thunder Escape, Thunder I burst!"

But at this moment, the Fourth Raikage, who had just been bounced away by Natsuhiko's wooden dragon, once again stepped on the eight-tailed body and rushed forward.

He completely ignored his physical condition, knowing that in Xia Yan's eyes he already had multiple fractures.

But this guy still rushed forward, and even launched such an attack desperately, which made Xia Yan look at him.

He gathered all his strength and punched towards Xia Yan's position. He seemed to have completely focused on Xia Yan and would not care about Mu Ren and Mu Long at all.

But his attack was in vain for Xia Yan. Under Xia Yan's control, the wooden man showed incredible speed this time.

The thick arm was raised quickly, and in just an instant Bokuto and the Fourth Raikage met!


The fists collided, and the powerful impact spread around the point of contact.

The vines beside Natsuhiko and the Fourth Raikage were directly destroyed by the aftermath at this moment, but the wooden figure remained motionless, while the Fourth Raikage flew out again.

"It's now!"

At this moment, the Fourth Raikage suddenly shouted loudly, and the Eight-Tails on the side had also completed the Tailed Beast Jade!

In fact, Xia Yan had already seen the tailed beast jade. After all, they were not far away, and there was still such a big movement of chakra. The most important thing was that Xia Yan still had his eyes open.

It's just that Xia Yan had no intention of defending him, so he didn't make any moves.

I saw Kirabi controlling the eight tails to jump up, and then sprayed hard at Xia Yan.

Xia Yan still stood there with his hands folded across his chest. When the tailed beast jade was completely close to him, Bokuto quickly crossed his fists to block Xia Yan!


The color of the sky and the earth changed, and the violent roar resounded across the sky.

In this huge explosion, a raging flame appeared faintly in mid-air, and in just an instant, the fixed point of the flower and tree world was ignited by the raging flame.

The flames completely erupted, with the wooden man as the center, and the whole world turned into a sea of ​​fire.

The green leaves and branches at the top of the flower and tree world have become the best fuel. There is nothing but fiery red as far as the eye can see, and a heat wave hits the face.

The pollen is evaporated under the high temperature and blends into the thick smoke, which continues to fly into the sky with the eight tails constantly flapping their tails.

The surviving cloud ninjas below the flower and tree world seemed to wake up at this moment, and they tried hard to break free from the branches that entangled them.

It seems that at this moment, everything is developing in a good direction for Yunyin.

"Has he been killed?" The Fourth Raikage stood on the shoulders of Eight-Tails, he murmured a little tiredly.

"Probably..." Kirabi's voice came from the eight-tailed body: "I'm afraid..."

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you." Before Kirabi could finish speaking, Xia Yan's voice reached their ears.

The thick smoke continued to dissipate, and the huge figure began to become clear. Xia Yan was still standing on it intact!

At this moment, their hearts were filled with despair...


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