The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 277 Standing above the clouds (8K please subscribe~)

Xia Yan stood there calmly, seemingly not caring about what had happened before.

It's just that his calmness only appears on the surface, and he still has some palpitations in his heart.

Before this, he was the one who used Tailed Beast Jade to blast others. Even when facing the Kyuubi's attack, he was prepared in advance to deal with it all.

Although he had a wooden figure to rely on this time, it was still his first time to use this technique.

Even though he knew that this technique was very powerful, he still couldn't be that confident mentally.

If he had used other techniques that he was more familiar with, he would naturally not have such thoughts.

Blocking the Fourth Raikage is just a basic operation, because the attacks of the Fourth Raikage are only within the scope of nintaijutsu, but the tailed beast jade is different.

The tailed beast jade is the most devastating attack power of the tailed beast. As a hidden Jinchuriki himself, Natsuhiko knows very well how dangerous such an attack is.

Fortunately, Mu Ren's defense did not disappoint Xia Yan.

"But we can't drag it out any longer."

Xia Yan silently muttered to himself that although his chakra was still full at this time, his recovery ability was still guaranteed after all.

However, his eyes were starting to get a little tired, and his magic chakra was beginning to be unable to support him.

This is not very good news for him, it means that he can no longer maintain the Pure Eye Chakra mode and the Sage mode.

In such a situation, Xia Yan's best way to deal with it is to make a quick decision.

At this time, Xia Yan has basically achieved everything he wants to achieve.

All the Kumogakure ninjas were trapped in the Flower and Tree Realm by him. Although there were signs of their escape now, it was just that Natsuhiko did not continue to replenish chakra.

But even so, they are not so easy to break free from the branches and vines. After all, this is the arrival of the flower and tree world!

In addition, the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki were almost pushed to their limits by him. Even if they did not reach their peak, it was almost the same for Natsuhiko.

What he has to do now is to finish the battle, to completely suppress this battle and resolve it!

Thinking of this, Xia Yan took a deep breath, and the chakra in his body began to surge crazily, and his actions immediately made the Fourth Raikage and Kirabi move.

"No need to struggle." Xia Yan looked at the two of them indifferently, and then he shook his head gently: "Your struggle is actually meaningless at all!"

After the words fell, Xia Yan slowly floated to the sky, his blue hair with floating light looked so mysterious.

Flying is the dream of countless ninjas, but as of now, the only known ninja in the entire ninja world who can fly is Onoki.

But today, Xia Yan completely broke this concept. He is also a ninja with the ability to fly, and his intimidation is more terrifying than Ohnoki!

Ohnoki looked at Xia Yan's figure from a distance. At this moment, his heart had completely sunk to the bottom.

Before, he mentally thought that he could contain Xia Yan. The most important reason was that he could fly and rely on using dust escape in the sky to deal with Xia Yan.

But now, his biggest advantage has been directly and quietly broken by Xia Yan. This is completely bad news for him!

"Stop him!"

The Fourth Raikage roared angrily. He didn't care whether Xia Yan could fly or not. He jumped up and rushed towards Xia Yan again.

Kirabi controlled the eight tails and let out a roar, and then he quickly rushed towards Xia Yan.

But before they even came to Xia Yan, the wooden man and the wooden dragon had already started to move.

The wooden man stepped down quickly and dullly, and the huge roar sounded again in an instant, and the earth seemed even more fragile at this moment.

Under the trampling of the wooden man, countless cracks appeared on the ground like a spider web, and then it collapsed directly, and countless gravels flew up at this moment.

Such vibrations spread extremely far, and those cracks spread rapidly with the vibrations. Only the Flower and Tree World remained motionless amid such vibrations.

Dust was flying wantonly at this moment, and the body of the Fourth Raikage looked so small in such splashing.

Although he was very fast, it only took him an instant before he was completely enveloped in smoke, dust and sand.

On the other side, Mu Long also launched an offensive against the Eight-Tails. Mu Long already had a strong binding force on the script.

Once in the Night of the Nine-Tails, Natsu Yan used Wood Dragon to deal with the not-so-good Nine-Tails. Of course, Natsu Yan was not as strong as he is now.

It can be said that the combination of junior wood escape and intermediate senjutsu made him a comparable opponent to Kyuubi, who was in poor condition at the time.

At that time, Xia Yan trapped the Nine Tails in place and could not move at all. This time, Xia Yan's power could be said to have reached a peak.

He has always had intermediate wood escape, as well as this advanced fairy technique, and even has the pure eye chakra mode.

Under the various power additions, although the wooden dragon he displayed was mixed with too much power, its power was also horribly improved.

Under Xia Yan's super control, the wooden dragon instantly wrapped around the eight tails, and the wooden dragon tightened quickly at the first opportunity.


The terrifying restraint force of the wooden dragon immediately made the Eight-Tails scream, and at this moment, the Eight-Tails' size began to shrink slightly.

Like the traditional Wood Release, the Wood Dragon also has the ability to absorb chakra. When the Wood Dragon entangles the eight tails, the huge chakra of the Eight Tails is quickly devoured by the Wood Dragon.

In just a moment, Eight-Tails drooped his head. It was obvious that he didn't have much fighting power at this moment.

And Xia Yan was floating in the air, the chakra in his body had completely reached its extreme.

In fact, he doesn't need to make so much preliminary preparations to release this technique, but he needs to think carefully about which technique he is going to use to end everything in front of him.

He has made up his mind that he will not let go of any of the more than 7,000 Kumo ninjas.

Even if the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki and the Fourth Raikage were not lucky, it wouldn't be a big deal if they died here!

Changing the so-called plot has no psychological burden on him, and he also has the ability to kill all these ninjas.

It was just that he was hesitant when making a choice. After all, he used the Pure Eye that came with it, and he realized a power similar to that of Shinra Tenzheng during a battle with Payne.

Or use the ultimate secret technique of their Senju clan, which is said to be the strongest wood escape technique that only the ninja god Senju Hashirama can control - the true Senju!

In fact, Xia Yan has never used these two techniques before, and they are actually the same difficulty for him.

"However, compared to Shinra Tianzheng, this technique does not have seals and the collective effect cannot be judged, and..."

The blue light in Xia Yan's eyes flickered slightly, and he had made a decision.

"And Ohnoki is right here. Although it's a pity that we didn't call out that idiot Luo Sha, Ohnoki's presence is enough.

After all, you are someone who has experienced the end of the Age of Two Gods. Let me review it for you now! "

Thinking of this, Xia Yan no longer hesitated, and the power in his body completely burst out at this moment.

He rarely clasped his hands together, and the majestic chakra poured out crazily at this moment.

"Immortal Technique·Wood Release·True Thousands of Hands!"


When Xia Yan's chakra poured out crazily, the earth trembled again.

Only this time, the world seemed to have fallen into extreme silence. Everyone felt the earth shaking, but there seemed to be no sound at all in their ears.

The sky began to gradually darken, and in the world that fell into silence, the earth was shrouded in a layer of dark clouds.

Under the shadow, everyone was silent at the same time. Their eyes were blankly looking at the huge thing rising from the ground.

At this moment, no matter whether they were enemies or not, their hearts seemed to be unimaginably stimulated.

At this moment, the silent fear seems to be a reflection of everyone's heart, a resonance in their hearts!


In the world of flowers and trees, a cloud ninja who was extremely lucky and had good strength looked at the scene in front of him, and he could no longer hold on.

The kunai in his hand fell to the ground, and he stared blankly and helplessly at the huge thing that slowly rose up, covering the sky and the sun.


As for the cloud ninjas who were tied to branches and vines and woke up after the flower poison was burned away, their faces were full of confusion, fear, or sluggishness...

For a moment, they really wished they had not woken up, so that they would not have to face this extremely desperate scene.

"Am I dreaming? If so, please wake me up quickly!"

"Is this really something a ninja can do..."

"I don't want to die yet...someone will save me..."

"Asshole, why is there such a monster!"

"Are we really from the same dimension?"

Toutai lost his fighting spirit at this moment. He knelt down on the bumpy ground and stared blankly at the huge thing in front of him.

The feeling of despair continued to echo in his heart, and cold sweat continued to form on his forehead.

"It's's all over..."

At this moment, he was no longer high-spirited, at this moment he was no longer strategizing, at this moment he was left with endless self-blame and despair.

The Fourth Raikage pushed away the boulder that hit him. When he charged, a wooden man stepped on the ground, and he fell into a deep pit.

His body was even buried by boulders. He tried his best to push these damn boulders away, but he really didn't expect to see such a scene.

He didn't say a word, and stood up silently. He knew that it was futile to say anything at this moment, and he could not think of any way to stop it.

He raised his head again and again, a feeling of powerlessness welling up from deep in his heart. Perhaps he regretted it at this moment.

He regrets why he attacked Konoha, he regrets why he started a war, and he regrets why he didn't test out Natsuhiko's strength.

"Is this what is called despair?"

At this moment, he somehow recalled in his mind the words Xia Yan asked him before the battle.

He always thought that he already knew the battle with Xia Yan, and what did Xia Yan mean by despair.

The arrival of the flower and tree world, the wooden man and the wooden dragon, these techniques have made him feel what despair is.

But at this moment, he found that he still underestimated the despair in Xia Yan's mouth. Maybe this moment was the only real despair?

"Are you ready?"

Xia Yan gently let his body fall on the huge Zhen Qianzhi. He looked at the figure below with a smile and said.

His voice was very soft, even sounding a little weak, but this voice still clearly echoed over the entire plain.

Xia Yan is indeed not feeling well now. It is his first time to perform this most ultimate technique, and he really has no experience in this area.

In the final analysis, this is also his own problem. When he was in Konoha, he only learned this technique, but did not go through the step of actually performing it.

If he passes this step, then he can rely on the system to completely learn this technique.

There will still be some flaws in the basic performance, but it will not cause him to basically consume all the chakra like now.

To be honest, since he obtained the broken power of Asura, he has basically never experienced the feeling of chakra being completely consumed.

Now he is reliving it again, but he really hates this feeling. Fortunately, his chakra is still recovering.

Even if he can no longer support the sage mode, he can no longer support the pure eye chakra mode.

But he can still rely on his own chakra to control this true thousand hands. After all, the original chakra of this technique is Natsuhiko himself.

But now he has to take it easy, after all, the consumption is not low at all.

"Who are you?"

The Fourth Raikage said with some difficulty. At this time, he had already reached the bottom of the True Thousand Hands.

He raised his head and looked at the huge Guanyin statue with thousands of giant arms, covering the sky and the sun, and he asked feebly.

At this time, he had completely lost the pride he had before. He was just like the earth platform where he was kneeling, just like a bereaved dog.

"My name is Natsuhiko, Senju Natsuhiko."

Xia Yan said softly, and his voice once again echoed throughout the plain under the influence of chakra.

"Perhaps Raikage-sama knows my name, after all, I have never concealed it, but in the final analysis, I have never introduced myself.

But it seems that our first meeting will not have any good results, so I will not say anything about the first meeting. Please give me your advice. "

After saying this, Xia Yan paused slightly. He already felt that his chakra had returned to the level he needed.

He gently raised his hand to form a seal, and at that moment Xia Yan's chakra surged again.

And at this moment, his voice resounded across the plains again.

"Then let's stop this. I think this unjust war of aggression initiated by you will end with your lives.

Ninja Technique: Become a Buddha from the top! "



When Xia Yan's chakra burst out again, and the thousand-meter-high true thousand-man hand was activated.

Even if such a huge body moves slightly, it will cause the earth to shake!

The surviving cloud ninjas no longer had any desire to fight. In fact, they were completely desperate the moment they saw the real thousands of hands.

These cloud ninjas who had dropped their weapons and were not caught by the branches and vines no longer even cared about their teammates at this moment, and they ran towards the outside world desperately.

They gritted their teeth and frantically squeezed the chakra in their bodies. At the same time, they completely ignored whether their bodies could bear it. They kept using teleportation techniques and ran outside.

The body-blinking technique still puts a lot of burden on the body, otherwise there would not be so few people proficient in this technique.

These cloud ninjas were squeezing their bodies so crazily that they could already feel the trembling of their whole body muscles, which was the sequelae of the continuous use of the teleportation technique.

They themselves also know very well that if this continues, it is likely to leave irreparable injuries.

But they don't care about this. They don't even care about their teammates. How can they still care about this?

At this moment, they only have one belief in their hearts, and that is to escape, as far away as possible. They never want to see this monster again!

Unfortunately, this is just an unrealistic fantasy after all.

All the giant arms of the True Thousand Hands began to move. Any of these giant hands that could pinch the Nine-Tails clenched their fists, and then smashed them in the direction of the Flower Tree Realm!

Thousands of hands punched out, and the whole world suddenly felt like the sky was falling.

The whole earth was lifted up, and a mountain-shattering sword energy swept out, but there was nothing else.

The power has reached the level of literally thousands of hands, and there is no need for any 'skills' to support its attack power.

The simplest attack that maximizes power is the most practical attack.

The most important thing is that this attack is not just once, but all the fists of thousands of hands will be launched at once!

This is Xia Yan's limit. Maybe his performance will be better in the future, but for now, Xia Yan can do this.

But no matter how you look at it, this is completely enough to deal with any current troubles.

The fist that split the mountains and rivers was swung out with a suffocating wind, and an earth-shattering chakra aftermath swept out.

Under the guidance of this chakra, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and thunder also appeared faintly in the sky at this moment.

When the first fist hit the Eight-Tails who was tied up by the wooden dragon, the Eight-Tails suddenly let out a scream.

His body collapsed rapidly at this moment, and endless cracks continued to spread across his body.

He didn't know whether it was the blood belonging to the Eight-Tails or Kirabi's blood, which had begun to flow out of his body uncontrollably.

Unimaginable aftermath raged out, and the earth completely collapsed with a crash. At this moment, heaven and earth were in mourning!


Another punch hit Kirabi's body, this time the eight tails were completely shattered, and the huge eight tails body disappeared without a trace at this moment.

At the same time, a small figure visible to the naked eye flew out, and Xia Yan knew that it was Kirabi even without clear eyes.

Xia Yan didn't know whether he was dead or alive now. After all, he couldn't use his pure eyes and couldn't observe.

But Xia Yan didn't care about this. This guy included the Fourth Raikage. Whether they were dead or alive really didn't make much difference to Xia Yan.

He focused more on the cloud ninjas in the flower and tree world. This time he wanted to destroy them all!

The terrifying giant fist continued to strike with endless punching wind, and the power of destroying everything continued to spread.

In the world of flowers and trees, those bound cloud ninjas were swallowed up by such power without any reaction at all.

And those ninjas who wanted to escape couldn't run far at all. They didn't even have time to scream, and were wiped out without a trace by this force!


There were also some cloud ninjas who were unwilling to sit still and wait for death. They quickly formed seals with their hands and used defensive ninjutsu one after another without any gaps.

However, at the moment when the aftermath hit, they said that the defense they built was as fragile as paper, and the whole person was crushed by this vast force.

The aftermath of chakra and power continued to surge. At this moment, all the cloud ninjas had no possibility of survival.

Amidst the deafening noise, a huge plume of smoke appeared between the sky and the earth, and the trembling earth continued to sway.

Even if it is more than ten kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers away, the vibrations on the ground can be felt.

"Damn it!"

All the ninjas in Konoha quickly retreated and fled. At this time, they only hated themselves for not spreading their legs more so that they could run faster.

Although the terrifying giant Buddha that covered the sky and the sun did not deal with them at all, the terrible aftermath was too much for them to bear.

At this time, strong winds were blowing all around, the earth was shaking from time to time, and the sky was covered with dark clouds, which looked like a natural disaster was about to occur.

Loud noises that exceeded their hearing were heard. At this moment, all of them were deafened at the same time. Some of the weaker ninjas even had a trace of blood hanging from their ears.

A violent aftermath swept across with gravel. They could not guarantee their own safety at all. All they could do now was to run away quickly!

Nara Shikaku really regrets it now. Natsuhiko told him to take his troops as far away from this place as possible.

However, Natsuhiko did not say what he was going to do or how he was going to do it, which made it impossible for Nara Shikaku to evacuate the large forces easily.

But now it seems that if I had led the team to evacuate, it wouldn't have been so troublesome. Now this situation is really terrible!

Not only was Nara Shikaku filled with regret, Ohnoki was also feeling desolate at this time. He never dreamed that he would encounter such a technique.

He had only vaguely written about this kind of wood escape in his grandfather's notes. It seemed that this technique was the strongest among the Senju Hashirama.

This technique established the reputation of Senju Hashirama as the god of the ninja world. With this technique, one person can really destroy an entire village!

"It's terrible, it's terrible!"

Ohnoki's heart was full of powerlessness, and he didn't know how to face such power.

Because he found that he seemed to be unable to face this technique no matter what, and the only outcome of facing this technique was death!

Konoha is still the same Konoha, but at this moment Konoha has completely returned to the past.

He returned to Konoha, which towered over the entire ninja world and looked down upon all villages, because Konoha had a man.

A person who is comparable to the god of the ninja world, who comes from the same family as Senju Hashirama.

That young man named Senju Natsuhiko!

It took a long time for Zhen Qianshou to stop attacking, but even so, the suffocating aftermath was still lingering.

The aftermath lasted for a long time before everything calmed down, and at this moment everyone couldn't wait to start watching everything around them.

Their ears were still buzzing and tinnitus, but after seeing the scene in front of them, they could only subconsciously open their mouths, unable to say a word.

As far as the eye could see, this plain had completely collapsed, and even a huge canyon appeared at the far end!

The ground is devastated, with numerous large and small craters, and the surrounding trees have long since disappeared. This place looks like hell, making people shudder.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, rumbling thunder could be heard, and heavy rain poured down, as if it was going to wash away the ruins of the land.

But at this moment, a sentence emerged in everyone's heart.

"Is this, is this really possible?"


The vast land is desolate as far as the eye can see.

After being ravaged by thousands of hands, all that was left was endless sadness.

The earth was devastated, the entire terrain had become extremely chaotic, and a deep canyon appeared in front of Xia Yan.

The flower and tree world had completely disappeared at this moment, and countless ninjas fell to the ground in confusion.

Some of them have been turned into bloody pieces under the iron fists of thousands of hands, and many of them can't even find their bodies.

The thick smell of blood continued to spread on the ground, and Xia Yan immediately lifted his hands. When he fell from the sky, he was unable to stand still.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Yan was really exhausted now. It can be said that this battle has completely exceeded his imagination.

"It's really tragic..."

Natsuhiko mentally sighed silently. He knew how powerful the thousands of real hands were. After all, they were used to fight Susanoo, who was at the peak of Uchiha Madara's beast level.

And with the combination of thousands of hands and the Buddha on top, Susanoo, who had cooperated with the beast's difficulty, was completely defeated, and finally the famous Valley of the End was left.

Even though Xia Yan couldn't maintain the Pure Eye Chakra Mode and Sage Mode at the last moment, he used the Top Transformation Buddha.

But relying on the power of the True Thousand Hands itself, Xia Yan still caused unimaginable destructive power!

It's just that the destructive power really exceeded Xia Yan's expectation, and the consumption also made Xia Yan somewhat unbearable.

At this moment, he realized that the resurrected Senju Hashirama had not reached his peak at all. His statement that he probably had the power of seven or eight levels of his peak was really not a joke!

Natsuhiko always thought that with his Pure Eye Chakra Mode and Sage Mode, he should have reached the peak of Senju Hashirama.

In the end, reality taught him a good lesson. Maybe he achieved it to some extent, but overall he was only close.

"Sure enough, I still have a long way to go."

Xia Yan exhaled slowly, then turned around and left here.

He was not in the mood to check if there were any survivors, because it was unnecessary.

He is very tired now. The Buddha on top is directly draining the chakra he has just recovered. Even though he continues to recover, he can't stand it anymore.

Moreover, the smell of blood in this place was so strong that Xia Yan almost choked when he took a deep breath. He didn't like this environment at all.

"I don't know what's going on with Shikaku, the others, and Ohnoki."

As he walked, Xia Yan silently thought to himself that the impact of thousands of hands would be too wide.

Look at the beautiful plain in front of you that was turned into a canyon by Xia Yan. I'm afraid it won't be strange for this place to turn into a waterfall in a few years.

Under such huge power, Xia Yan was also worried about the current situation of those in Konoha.

Although Xia Yan told them to keep them away, his pure eyes saw that they did not move when he was fighting.

This is not good news at all. It would be terrible if a large number of Konoha ninjas died due to the impact of their own battle.

"I just hope Nara Shikaku and the others can react faster and not cause such a painful thing. Also, that guy Ohnoki is probably still alive, right?"

The old man Ohnoki is not far from the battlefield, and there is a high possibility that he will be affected.

Although Xia Yan didn't care whether this guy was dead or alive, it would be a bit annoying if this guy died and Iwagakure Village blamed Xia Yan for this matter.

But as soon as this idea came to his mind, Xia Yan couldn't help but laugh.

As long as the people who came to watch the battle in Iwagakure were not wiped out, then what he did today would definitely spread throughout the Iwagakure, and even spread throughout the entire ninja world with the help of newspapers.

At that time, Iwagakure Village came to find him to blame even after losing Ohnoki. Then Natsuhiko can only say that these guys are really not afraid of death!

Walking forward slowly, Xia Yan raised his head and looked at the sunshine in the sky.

The sunlight at this time was very dazzling, forming a sharp contrast with the desolate scene on the ground.

At this time, Xia Yan had a feeling that he was like this dazzling sun.

In this era, he is already standing above the clouds!


"How is it is it possible..."

In the distance, among the ruins, Kirabi lay limp in the rubble.

No part of his body was intact, and blood continued to overflow from his body.

His breath was very weak, and even his chakra was almost non-existent, but he was still alive, he was not dead.

Perhaps this is the benefit of the jinchuriki. As long as the tailed beast does not die or be separated, then the jinchuriki always has a chance to survive.

It's just that Kirabi looks extremely confused now. He doesn't know why things are like this.

Eight thousand people were wiped out in ashes at this moment, and his eldest brother's life or death was uncertain at this moment.

A feeling of despair continued to spread in his heart, and for a moment he really wished that he would die.

But he knew that he couldn't die. He still needed to return to Kumogakure. As the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki, he still needed to guard Kumogakure...


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