I don't know how long it took, Xia Yan slowly opened his eyes, and the scenery in front of him gradually became clear from blur.

The light here is very dark, the temperature is cool, and the humidity in the air is also very high. The surrounding stone walls are not smooth and are basically oval. This should be a cave.

After moving his body slightly, Xia Yan felt only slightly sore. Although he was still mentally exhausted, there was no major problem.

This made Xia Yan feel relieved, so he sat up directly and stretched his shins.

"The consumption this time is really unexpectedly large."

Xia Yan smiled bitterly, and soon all the memories he needed appeared in his mind.

He couldn't remember exactly a few days ago. He only remembered dragging his tired body towards the direction of Konoha's army.

Because the chakra consumption was too great, even though the chakra in his body was constantly recovering, it still seemed to be a drop in the bucket.

Fortunately, troops from Konoha also came to rescue him, so Xia Yan did not fall to the ground and fall asleep due to excessive fatigue.

Although according to Xia Yan's performance, it is not a shame for him to sleep on the roadside.

You must know that he relied on his own strength to pacify what was probably the largest war after the three wars, and it can be said that he destroyed Kumogakure's large army without any damage.

But Xia Yan didn't want to have just finished showing off, only to turn around and reveal such a dumbfounding performance.

However, Konoha's stronghold was also affected by the battle between Natsuhiko and Kumogakure. It was obvious that that stronghold could no longer be used.

Therefore, Konoha's large army is now gathered in a mountain forest within the Fire Country, and they have no intention of setting off to return to Konoha.

Obviously, they were waiting for Natsuhiko to wake up, and at the same time, they were also taking the final rest before returning to Konoha.

"Minister Natsuhiko, are you awake?" At this moment, Nara Shikaku hurried in after receiving the news.

His face was full of worry, but after seeing Xia Yan wake up, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Xia Yan had been asleep for a long time.

"Thank you for your concern. I think I'm fine, Minister Shikaku."

Xia Yan showed a smile, nodded slightly and then asked.

"What's going on with the troops now? After I came back, I didn't know much about anything except where they were located.

If you're not in a hurry, Minister Shikaku, tell me everything that happened during my training days. "

"This is natural. I naturally have to tell Minister Natsuhiko these things." Nara Shikaku nodded, and his expression began to soften slightly.

He stared at Xia Yan, looking at Xia Yan's young face, he couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

It was really difficult for him to connect this guy Xia Yan with the terrifying guy who galloped through the cloud ninja army a few days ago and solved the eight thousand-man army by himself.

But the fact is that Xia Yan really did it all on his own.

And what he did cannot be said to be unprecedented, but it is probably unprecedented.

With such power, coupled with all his previous arrangements, Nara Shikaku felt that Natsuhiko's inner ambition - becoming Hokage was basically not difficult!

And now Nara Shikaku actually already regards Natsuhiko as the Hokage, the Fifth Hokage of Konoha Village.

Thinking of this, Nara Shikaku showed a smile. He faced Natsuhiko with the same attitude as facing the Hokage, except that the name had not changed.

"Minister Xia Yan, the army is in good condition now, although it has suffered considerable losses due to some irreversible factors..."

Having said this, Nara Shikaku paused slightly. He glanced at Natsuhiko and had a look of helplessness on his face.

Natsuhiko also seemed a little embarrassed, because he knew what Nara Shikaku meant, and it was obvious that he caused too much damage when he attacked with the Shin Senju.

And such destructive power has undoubtedly spread to Konoha's side.

But Xia Yan didn't have too many ideas. Probably, this war killed more people at once than he had in the ten years since he traveled to the world of Naruto.

And his strength has indeed reached the point where at this point, he can fly in the sky and touch a handful of hairspray for himself.

Therefore, he seemed relatively calm about the loss of ninjas in Konoha or the damage caused by himself.

"But don't worry, Minister Xia Yan, everyone understands this situation, because everyone knows that if we confront Kumogakure head-on, more people may die."

After Nara Shikaku adjusted his condition slightly, he continued to speak.

"Minister Xia Yan faced all this alone and has completely minimized our losses.

What's more, Minister Xia Yan released such a huge power, and there was no way to completely control the spread of the power.

Everyone is in a very good mood now, and I have conveyed and explained why Minister Xia Yan waited until now to take action.

The explanation I gave is that it takes time for Minister Natsuhiko to gather strength, and only in the current terrain can we better deal with the Kumo ninja and prevent them from escaping.

War kills people. As ninjas, everyone knows this. Now everyone has lost so little and is naturally very happy. We also hope that Minister Xia Yan will not take it to heart. "

Nara Shikaku's explanation was quite detailed. Although he didn't speak much, he also explained some of the situations during this period clearly.

What just made Xia Yan frown was that the impact of his feelings in the end was more than the number of people Yunyin killed himself?

In fact, Xia Yan has always been known as the 'teammate killer'. He had no choice but to give up on a teammate when he first entered ANBU.

Later, for the sake of his own interests, he did not hesitate to kill Kusunoki who was biased towards Danzo, and the owl who was delivering the message with Natsuhiko.

It can be said that the number of teammates killed by Xia Yan is actually quite large, but this time the impact was wider and larger.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan was too lazy to think about these issues. He thought for a moment before asking.

"So, are there any statistics on casualties, and...what's the situation in Konoha?"

This time Natsuhiko's voice was lowered a lot, and Nara Shikaku's eyes also shone slightly.

He knew what Natsuhiko cared about in Konoha, and Nara Shikaku also had concerns in his heart.

Just like the attitude he is showing now, he also plans to use his actions to match his attitude.

And Xia Yan deserves his attitude!


The changes in Nara Shikaku's heart actually went through some changes.

From the beginning, he helped Haiichi Yamanaka get closer to Natsuhiko, and his original intention was just to get closer to the Fourth Hokage, because the Fourth Hokage was closer to them anyway.

But soon he discovered that this kid Natsuhiko was really extraordinary. His palace and methods even frightened Nara Shikaku.

Later, when he realized that the newspaper was created by Natsuhiko, and that many public opinions in Konoha were written by Natsuhiko, Nara Shikaku was basically certain of Natsuhiko's desire for Hokage.

It's just that Xia Yan is too young. Even if this is an advantage, it is also a disadvantage.

For example, Xia Yan does not have enough merit, which is an abyss that prevents Xia Yan from moving forward.

At the moment when Kumogakure put pressure on Konoha and a war was about to break out, Nara Shikaku decided to completely side with Natsuhiko.

In addition to the pressure, there is also the real intention to try and see how far Xia Yan can go.

And Natsuhiko's performance continues to refresh Nara Shikaku's understanding of him. Whether it is his strength or his thinking, Nara Shikaku cannot help but admire him.

Although Xia Yan gave him a certain promise, such a promise can be regarded as a blank check.

Until it is fulfilled, it will always be nothing more than a 'promise'.

But now Xia Yan has used his own strength to forcefully prove that he can fulfill all the promises he made, and relying on this war, he has also completed the accumulation of military exploits!

To put it bluntly, at this moment, Natsuhiko is qualified to be Hokage, and even if Natsuhiko leaves Konoha, he has not relaxed his control and promotion of Konoha.

At this time, the reputation of the Third Hokage in Konoha is very ugly, which has been proved by Xia Yan, but Natsu Yan has been preparing for all this.

It can be said that Nara Shikaku is completely convinced now, because Natsuhiko is no longer just a matter of potential, he is definitely the biggest pillar of Konoha!

"In terms of casualties, a total of 600 people died in Konoha, and more than 1,500 were injured."

Thinking of this, Nara Shikaku simply told what he knew, but he only gave a number on the death list.

He didn't classify who died at what time, and he probably only briefly touched on this aspect of the report.

"As for Konoha, Minister Natsuhiko's record has now been reported back to Konoha.

Although it’s not very specific, I think the peak moment will be when we return to Konoha. "

Having said this, Nara Shikaku listened, while Natsuhiko nodded silently.

But soon, Xia Yan suddenly spoke: "Is it Minister Shikaku who controls the speed and amount of information transmitted back?"

"It doesn't count as control, it's just passing people back in batches." Nara Shikaku said with a smile.

His words basically admitted that this was what he did, and Xia Yan could guess his purpose, after all, he had said it so thoroughly.

What he wants is that Xia Yan can thoroughly enjoy the aura brought by the winner the moment he returns to Konoha!

I have to say that Nara Shikaku is really good at it, and his approach can definitely maximize Natsuhiko's interests.

"Is that so? That's all thanks to Minister Shikaku." Xia Yan smiled and nodded: "Maybe after we go back, we can make some preparations, such as making the Sandaime-sama realize his shortcomings, and then... "

"This matter cannot be rushed, but it is indeed worth preparing for." Nara Shikaku responded calmly: "I think Minister Natsuhiko should have made up his mind, then we will cooperate with Minister Natsuhiko."

Having spoken to this extent, Natsuhiko can be sure that he has Nara Shikaku's support.

Before this, Natsuhiko knew that Nara Shikaku supported him, but at that time, Natsuhiko had not fully demonstrated his power, so he did not go too deep.

He just briefly tested and gave some promises, but at that time Nara Shikaku showed very good cooperation.

But now he can be said to be more cooperative. Although the degree is similar to before, it also makes Xia Yan more satisfied.

"Then Minister Shikaku will have to worry about this matter." Xia Yan said with a smile.

"I will do what I should do, please rest assured, Minister Natsuhiko." Nara Shikaku didn't say much, but his promise was reassuring.

Xia Yan nodded slightly. It can be said that this conversation was more productive than the last conversation about benefit distribution.

At that time, Xia Yan did not fully demonstrate his power, he only showed extraordinary potential.

But now, although Xia Yan still has extraordinary potential, it is unceremonious to say that Xia Yan at this time can get everything he wants even with force.

But Xia Yan still maintained restraint, or Xia Yan, who had always had great power from beginning to end, maintained restraint.

Although unscrupulous people are scary, they can also easily arouse everyone's disgust and resistance, but the same is not true for restrained people.

Such a person is more popular and more terrifying than that unscrupulous guy.

"Minister Xia Yan!"

"Minister Xia Yan!"

At this moment, the other clan leaders seemed to have gotten the news, and they quickly rushed over.

It can be seen that all of them are extremely excited now, but Xia Yan also noticed that there are a few unlucky ones who are even a little bit lucky.

This made Natsuhiko once again lament that the power of his thousands of hands was too much, and at the same time, the retreat of Konoha's large forces was too slow.

"Minister Natsuhiko, you're finally awake." Hinata Hizu was the most excited one. If he wasn't worried that he was going too far, he would have wanted to stick to her.

Although this war was started by Kumogakure, one of the key triggers was the Hyuga clan!

At this time, Natsuhiko solved the war by himself, which not only saved Konoha but also saved their family.

"I'm fine, don't worry. Thank you for your concern." Xia Yan smiled and nodded to everyone. He couldn't resist such enthusiasm.

But he also knows that such enthusiasm will definitely become normal in the future.

After a few brief exchanges with each clan leader, Natsuhiko finally looked at Nara Shikaku.

"Minister Shikaku, now that I'm awake, let's get ready to go. After all, we've been out for so long, and everyone wants to go home."

"I understand, Minister Xia Yan, we will set off tomorrow!"


There was an atmosphere of peace and joy everywhere in Konoha Village at this time.

Battle reports from the front line were constantly being sent back, and newspapers were also constantly reporting everything about this war.

The residents of Konoha felt incredible from the beginning when Natsuhiko killed hundreds of Kumo ninjas who had sneak attacks, to when Natsuhiko single-handedly defeated the thousand-man army led by the Raikage.

Because they had never thought that the Konoha ANBU minister would actually have such a powerful power!

But no matter what, they believed that battle reports and newspapers would not joke about this kind of thing, because it was related to Konoha's war this time.

For a long time after that, the war between Konoha and Kumogakure fell into a stalemate. According to reports, Konoha was suppressing Kumogakure in the fight.

Because Natsuhiko injured the arrogant Fourth Raikage, the Raikage had to recuperate, and Konoha could launch attacks without restraint.

This situation is a good thing for Konoha as a whole, after all, the lineup dispatched by Kumogakure is too strong.

Even if there are many clan leaders in Konoha, facing low-level players like Jinchuriki and Kage, they will unconsciously feel like they are not good enough.

Now that Konoha's large troops have been sent up, they have basically received good news. Such an unreal and extremely real feeling really surprises the residents of Konoha.

And such battle reports also made Sarutobi Hiruzen's original decision seem so unreliable.

They really can't understand why, as Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen is so unsure of Konoha?

This kind of incomprehension already exists, and the power of newspapers to spread it is really no joke.

Coupled with Konoha's current results on the front line, this kind of incomprehension and distrust has reached a peak.

It's just such a peak that the residents and Hiruzen Sarutobi think of it.

When the final battle report came back, no one would forget that day and what kind of deathly silence the entire Konoha fell into.

No one could believe the reports they saw in their hands, because such reports were too magical.

This report is very simple and does not take up a lot of space. It has only one core content - Konoha's commander-in-chief Senju Natsuhiko single-handedly killed all the enemies!

This report immediately confused everyone, and many people even speculated whether this was an April Fool's Day event.

But soon, new news continued to come back from the front line, ranging from interviews with frontline ninjas to some photos of the front line.

All of this illustrates one thing, that is, Xia Yan really did it on his own!

Especially when the photos from the front line came back, many residents of Konoha recognized where that place was, and they all knew that it was once a plain.

But now in the photo, the place has been completely turned into ruins. Even the word purgatory is not an exaggeration to describe it!

Moreover, according to the oral accounts of the frontline ninjas, Xia Yan used a super wood escape that could cover the sky and the sun, and in this way he defeated all the enemies.

This approach also made all Konoha residents unconsciously think of the first Hokage, the man who single-handedly quelled the war in the ninja world.

At this moment in Konoha, Xia Yan's reputation has reached its peak.

And when all this information was delivered, all Konoha residents once again received extremely exciting news.

That is, Konoha's large army is about to return, which makes them even more excited.

Almost everyone spontaneously decided that they must welcome their hero back!

Some people are happy and others are sad. This is an eternal law. After all, happiness is not mutually exclusive between people, even within Konoha.

In the Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen stood quietly by the window. He silently looked at the people outside the window who had fallen into a carnival and remained speechless.

He looked calm, but his inner complexity had reached a peak.

To be honest, this time he was considered to have been seized of power. He was not involved in the frontline deployment during the entire war process.

Perhaps the only thing he did was to ensure the safety of logistics, but that was all.

It can be said that Konoha's great master this time has nothing to do with him.

Moreover, Xia Yan said that the strength he continued to show this time not only made him feel more and more happy, but also began to put him under more and more pressure.

As the Hokage, of course he knew that if the newspaper had not messed up, then the power Natsuhiko used was definitely the most top-secret and most powerful technique of the first Hokage.

That jutsu is the True Thousand Jutsu, that super ninjutsu that can destroy a ninja village!

Xia Yan can use this technique, which means that Xia Yan's strength may have completely reached the level of Senju Hashirama.

What it means when Senju Hashirama appears in Konoha Village is simply self-evident.

With Natsuhiko, Konoha can definitely reach the top of the ninja world again!

Even though Konoha is still very weak now, no one dares to think anything wrong about Konoha. Isn't Kumogakure the best example?

What's more, Natsuhiko is not just a 'Senju Hashirama', he is also a 'Senju Tobirama' who has mastered the art of Flying Thunder God!

It was just that Natsuhiko showed such power, coupled with his current reputation in Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen really felt an unspeakable threat.

This kind of threat has always existed, but it has never been as strong as it is now.

He knew Xia Yan's ambition and his purpose, but he didn't think this moment would come so early.

But in fact, all this has come quietly, and it comes so quickly that people are unprepared.

"Hiruzen, what should we do now?"

Koharu, who had been standing behind Sarutobi Hiruzen, couldn't bear the current silence, so she couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, Hiruzen, our current situation is very not optimistic."

Mito Kadoyan couldn't help it at this moment. He was really made extremely irritable by the current situation.

And what he said was lighthearted. His old friend, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, was more than just being unhappy and optimistic.

It can be said that Sarutobi Hiruzen's reputation in Konoha at this time has completely fallen into the Ice Valley!

That Senju Natsuhiko's performance was no longer as simple as being strong, he was simply standing in the clouds overlooking all living beings.

Facing such people, their hearts are filled with despair, but they have to find ways to fight back.

If they do nothing, then they really won’t have to do anything in the future!

What they didn't expect was that Sarutobi Hiruzen just sighed deeply, and then slowly spoke.

"What else can we do now?" Hiruzen Sarutobi asked, "We can't do anything now."

"Are we going to sit back and wait for death like this?" Mito Kadoyan asked eagerly: "Are we going to just watch this kid ride on our heads?"

"Is there anything else you can do?" Hiruzen Sarutobi shook his head: "Now we can only take one step at a time."

After saying this, Sarutobi Hiruzen once again focused his attention on the cheering crowd, but he was muttering something silently in his heart.

I just hope that Senju Natsuhiko won’t kill them all...


Little did Natsuhiko know that Hiruzen Sarutobi had already acquiesced to the fact that he had failed.

In fact, even if Xia Yan knew it, he probably wouldn't be surprised. After all, this time Xia Yan had gotten everything he wanted and should get!

He didn't give anyone any chance, so it was not unusual for Hiruzen Sarutobi to have such an idea.

At this time, Natsuhiko was leading a large army towards Konoha. It had taken them nearly half a month since Natsuhiko announced his departure.

Although the ninjas of Konoha are all eager to return home, the troops are too large to hold up, and their movement is really not as convenient as it seems.

Moreover, they have no war mission, so naturally they will not rush as hard as when they set out.

They were in a more relaxed state on the way back, so their speed was really not fast.

But no matter how slow they were, they were still ninjas, and they had been getting closer to Konoha for more than half a month.

"It feels really good to be back." Xia Yan said with a smile as he walked: "Although I have only been away for two or three months, I don't know why I always feel as if I have been away for a long time."

"It is true, but we are back anyway." Nara Shikakuya said with a smile: "Maybe this is what war is. In fact, we ninjas are all war machines, but I don't think we all like war."

Nara Shikaku suddenly said such a seemingly philosophical statement, which made Xia Yan not know what to say.

But what he had to admit was that this sentence was quite correct.

The profession of ninja itself is indeed the biggest beneficiary of the war, because their abilities destined them to be war machines.

But the essence of ninja is still human, not a real machine, or a tool that only obeys orders.

That guy Danzo is so crazy that he defines all his subordinates as tools, but what is the final result?

Although it is true that some people have become tools, in the original work, Yamato, Sai, and even that dead brother Sai are all representatives who are unwilling to become tools.

Each one of them betrayed Danzo. In a sense, they really embarrassed Danzo.

People are complex animals. Although people do have obedience, they also have their own beliefs.

Perhaps Danzo can bind these people with the belief of "protecting Konoha", but once some people wake up or discover Danzo's true intention.

Then the word betrayal may become Danzo's main theme.

Shaking his head slightly, Xia Yan was too lazy to think about such profound things, and now they had already reached the gate of Konoha.

"Look, they're back!"

"The heroes are back!"

"Master Xia Yan! It's Master Xia Yan!"

"Long live Sir Xia Yan!"

When Natsuhiko and others just walked into the gate of Konoha, cheers like a 'tsunami' swept over them.

Looking around, there was a huge scene of a "sea of ​​people" near the gate of Konoha.

Not only the villagers and ordinary ninjas, but also the Third Hokage and Konoha high-level officials came.

The violent cheers were deafening, and they continued to stimulate everyone's nerves.

Seeing such a large-scale cheering scene, even a somewhat indifferent person like Xia Yan felt inexplicably excited at this moment.

I have to say that this feeling is surprisingly fascinating and unforgettable.

Raising his head slightly, Xia Yan's eyes quickly locked on Sarutobi Hiruzen. What made him feel very interesting was that Sarutobi Hiruzen was so calm at this time.

But the two consultants standing behind him looked at Xia Yan very unfriendly, and their faces were very ugly.

However, Xia Yan had no intention of paying attention to them. These two consultants may indeed have some abilities, but to Xia Yan, their abilities were simply dispensable.

"I hope you won't be ignorant. After all, I am someone who dares to strike hard, both internally and externally."

Natsuhiko thought silently, and then he led the troops and walked directly towards Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In any case, Sarutobi Hiruzen was still the Hokage of Konoha at this time, and Natsuhiko was just the minister of Konoha's ANBU. The two of them still had a natural relationship.

Even if Xia Yan always wants to 'replace' him, he still has to show respect when it's time to show respect.

Otherwise, if he does this and some 'insects' who want to replace him in the future will also follow suit, then Xia Yan will not be happy.

"Lord Hokage." Xia Yan bowed slightly and said softly: "Fortunately, we have completed our mission."

No matter how lively Konoha was at this time, his voice was still clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

At this moment, all the cheers stopped suddenly, and their eyes were locked on Natsuhiko with great excitement and excitement, and at the same time, they were also locked on Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the young man in front of him and sighed silently in his heart, but he soon returned to a normal state of mind.

This is a moment worthy of joy, this is a moment worthy of cheering, and this is also the moment for Konoha to rise again!

At this moment, he didn't want to have other thoughts, because this moment belonged to Konoha and everyone.

"Thank you, thank you." Hiruzen Sarutobi said slowly: "Thank you all, everyone who has contributed to this war!"

"You are all heroes, you are all heroes of Konoha!"

"Especially you, Senju Natsuhiko, you are the future of Konoha, and the future of Konoha depends on you!"


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