What kind of future Sarutobi Hiruzen talked about, Natsuhiko didn't take it to heart nor would he take it to heart.

After all, these are not particularly important things to him. At this time, he has completely gained the upper hand.

He just needs to wait for an opportunity and wait for time to brew, and he can get everything he wants.

So there is no need for him to worry, not to mention that he has a lot of things to do.

After leaving Konoha for such a long time, even if the ANBU had a mechanism to operate on its own and would not cause problems under Natsuhiko's adjustments.

But there are many things that ANBU would not be able to handle and integrate without Xia Yan.

In the final analysis, the decision-making power is firmly in Xia Yan's hands. The Anbu can handle small matters on their own, but they cannot be arbitrary in big matters.

This is Xia Yan's coping mechanism to prevent his rights from being emptied out, although there are many disadvantages, just like now.

Once Xia Yan does not have the time and experience to deal with matters within the ANBU, the ANBU's major decisions cannot be effectively executed and implemented.

But Xia Yan doesn't intend to change anything in a hurry, at least for now, there is no need.

"Fortunately, everything in the Anbu is relatively stable at the moment. Maybe it's because there are no particularly important things to deal with during the war."

Although there are many problems left by ANBU, at least ANBU is stable, which makes Xia Yan very satisfied.

There is nothing more satisfying than stability.

Sir Humphrey said that any change will cause instability, so it is better to do less than to do more, and it is better to do nothing than to do less.

Xia Yan agreed with the first half of the sentence, but he disagreed with the second half.

Maybe it's because of different institutional issues, or maybe it's because in the ninja world, which is a world that values ​​force, personal strength also plays a big part.

Therefore, although the mutual involvement of interest groups is a headache, sometimes it is not impossible for them to 'compromise' to promote the continuation of some agendas.

This is better than any agenda once put forward. When all aspects of interests are involved, the most perfect solution can only be to return to the starting point and do nothing.

Xia Yan cannot accept this kind of thing and will not accept it. Change is inevitable. After he becomes Hokage, he will naturally have to change more things.

Although he will use reason to convince people as much as possible, if it really doesn't work, it doesn't mean he can't consider "persuading people with reason."

"Forget it, it's better not to think about these things and just deal with the things you need to deal with."

Xia Yan sighed slightly, looking at the documents piled on the table, he only felt his scalp numb.

After thinking for a long time, he felt that it would be better for him to take a rest. After all, he had just come off the battlefield.

The personal benefits that this war brought to Xia Yan were absolutely unprecedented.

After all, one person destroyed eight thousand ninjas, which is unprecedented in the entire history of the ninja world.

Xia Yan really didn't make this up. After all, whether he can do it or not is one thing, and whether he should do it or not is another thing.

Senju Hashirama is definitely someone who can do a better job than Natsuhiko, and he can do it more thoroughly and more easily.

But when he became Hokage, who in the entire ninja world didn't know his reputation, and who rushed to challenge his reputation?

In addition, even if there were such madmen in the ninja world, the ninja village system had just been established at that time, and there were a lot of unresolved issues in each village.

At that time, once a war started, it was difficult to say that even logistical supplies would be a problem, so no madman would really dare to do these things.

In fact, Natsuhiko himself knew that if he had behaved in a high-profile manner before, Kumogakure might not even dare to think of attacking Konoha.

But in that case, it would be impossible for Xia Yan to become the person with the highest voice of Hokage as he is now. I am afraid that he would just be a 'Future Hokage'.

The future does not mean the present, but Xia Yan only wants the present!

"But it's not without trouble. My elder put a lot of pressure on me."

When Xia Yan faced Yunyin, he came up with a big hand. The huge Thousand Hands really frightened the entire Senju clan.

As members of the Thousand Hands Clan, how could they not know what Xia Yan's hand meant?

Especially for Senju Shoma, who has experienced those magnificent years, he will never forget this decisive ninjutsu.

Therefore, after Xia Yan came back, he really visited Xia Yan frequently, and he was completely shocked after getting the exact answer from Xia Yan.

Xia Yan didn't hide anything this time. He told everything about his magic skills, wood escape and so on.

After all, Thousands of Hands is not an ordinary Wood Release. It must be paired with immortal magic before it can be used normally.

I'm afraid Senju Shoma is very aware of this, so Natsuhiko doesn't bother to hide it, not to mention his Sage Mode Namikaze Minato is very clear.

Not only the magic, Xia Yan also talked about his eyes.

Before this, although his use of experience to fight was not very high-profile, it was definitely not very low-key.

What's more, in this war against Kumogakure, he activated the Pure Eye Chakra mode in front of six thousand people in Konoha. This thing cannot be concealed from others.

But Xia Yan didn't think it would cause him much trouble if he said it.

After all, knowing that he has these eyes and knowing what his eyes are capable of are two different things.

He has no intention of revealing the power of his eyes. Even if someone can guess something but Xia Yan doesn't admit it, what can others do?

Senju Xiangzhen was also extremely surprised that Xia Yan had such eyes.

After all, in the history of the Senju Clan, no one has a pair of inexplicable eye skills.

But after seeing Natsuhiko's eyes, he didn't bother to care. Anyway, in his opinion, it wasn't Sharingan and Byakugan, other eyes didn't matter!

Moreover, these eyes can provide such powerful fighting power, which is also a blessing for the Thousand Hands clan.

Therefore, Xia Yan's trouble came.

"Xia Yan, I know there are some things I shouldn't rush you, and you are still young.

But your bloodline is infinitely close to, even surpassing that of the first Hokage.

So I hope that you can leave your own bloodline and leave behind this bloodline that can surpass the first Hokage-sama. "

When Senju Shoma said these words to Xia Yan and Lianhua with a serious face, neither Xia Yan nor Lianhua looked so numb.

Lian Hua was okay. After all, she was two years older than Xia Yan, but Xia Yan was only fifteen or sixteen years old now.

Although there is no problem in this world, Xia Yan himself is not very enthusiastic about this aspect for some reason.

Especially when it comes to procreating offspring, he is even less interested.

However, in order to deal with Senju Xiangma, Xia Yan still said that he would work hard.

However, in order to avoid subsequent trouble, he also said that the forcefully twisted melon is not sweet, and it is better to do it step by step.

However, Senju Xiangzhen is not easy to deal with at all. He probably knows that it is useless to fight with Xia Yan.

Because Xia Yan would definitely act tougher than you, he just kept grinding and visiting Xia Yan.

This looks like you won't give up if you don't agree with me, "The melon isn't sweet but it's fragrant. You'll know it after you eat it."

This makes Xia Yan really helpless. He really has no idea about the naughty child now.

"It's true, every family has its own scriptures that are difficult to recite."

With a helpless sigh, Xia Yan once again looked at his belongings. After finishing processing these things, Xia Yan went to his secret 'plantation'.

This time he gained a lot, and he had to deal with these things properly...


While Natsuhiko was busy dealing with the Anbu problem, Konoha and Iwagakure were also making the final finishing touches to Kumogakure.

Kumogakure was defeated, and the defeat was very complete. Not only did it lose to Konoha in the front, but Iwagakure also launched a surprise attack on them on his flank.

Although Kumogakure also deployed defenses on the border of the Iron Kingdom, there were no powerful figures.

And in order to fight Konoha, the Fourth Raikage transferred all the elites from other defense lines.

This also resulted in Kumogakure's defensive force having to rely on constant defense with fortifications, and it was impossible for them to launch any decent attack.

In fact, if they can hold on to their defense, then they can be considered successful.

But it is a pity that when the news from the front line was passed to them, when they knew that the large troops on the front line of Yuno Country were completely annihilated.

The most critical thing is that their shadow's life or death is uncertain, and their Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki is temporarily missing. This is a devastating blow to their morale!

At this moment, they could no longer hold on. Their defense line collapsed incredibly quickly, and Iwagakure's army also entered the border of the Kingdom of Thunder in a mighty manner.

However, Yunyin's army only crossed into the Kingdom of Thunder, and they never continued to launch any offensive.

In fact, this order was issued by Onoki. He really didn't want to continue to expand the results, but he really didn't dare to go any further.

After all, Konoha had retreated, waiting there for Kumogakure to come to them for final negotiations with the defeated nation.

If Iwagakure and Iwagakure rush in without knowing what is good, they might end up at odds with Konoha, who is so powerful now.

In fact, after Kumogakure was overthrown by Konoha in one fell swoop, their further attack by Iwagakure was of little significance, because Kumogakure was already defeated.

It is very unethical for them to forcefully take a piece of the pie now. If they do not know what is good for them, they will really become public enemies.

In the Tsuchikage office in Iwagakure Village, Onoki sat there with a bandage on his face, looking a little funny.

But no one dared to laugh at Onoki. This was not only a reflection of Onoki's power, but they also knew that their Tsuchikage had truly escaped from death!

What happened on the front line was also clear to Iwagakure.

After all, there were more reports in the newspapers, and Ohnoki also conveyed the most authentic information.

It can be said that at this moment, the old people of the same era as Onoki seemed to have returned to the era when they were oppressed by Konoha.

But they had no way at all, and they couldn't think of any way to prevent this from happening.

Apart from lamenting God's preference for Konoha, and lamenting that the Senju clan could be reborn in such a desperate situation, there was nothing else.

"Let's talk about it, how we will formulate our diplomatic policy towards Konoha in the future, and what attitude we will use in this negotiation at Kumogakure Village."

After being silent for a long time, Ohnoki spoke first to break the calm, and his question went straight to the core.

But none of the two questions he asked were easy to answer. Both of them were extremely depressing questions.

Konoha is no longer the same Konoha it used to be. If it were still the same Konoha they didn't need to think about so much.

Even if they are not a strong side, they will definitely not be afraid of Konoha that much.

But things are different now. With the emergence of Senju Natsuhiko, they must make changes.

Such changes are in all aspects, the most typical of which is that they must now change their past foreign policies.

A Ninja Village is equivalent to a country, and any of their foreign policies are very important.

Although there are constant small frictions in the ninja world, the big ninja villages generally maintain restraint as much as possible, because they know that once they fight, it will definitely be devastating.

In fact, it is ironic to say that even if they knew how, it all seemed a bit insignificant in the face of interests.

Otherwise, there would not have been three great ninja wars in just over fifty years.

But now, even if there is any conflict, they probably don't dare to come towards Konoha, because Konoha now has Senju Natsuhiko.

"Lord Tsuchikage, Konoha...don't provoke me if you can."

It took a long time before an elder spoke, but his voice sounded so helpless.

"Our diplomatic policy will be to avoid Konoha as much as possible from now on. Even if there is a conflict, we must bring them to the negotiating table, instead of following Kumo Gakure's example."

"This is inevitable."

Onoki didn't object, he nodded slightly.

"But we have to grasp a certain degree. Let me negotiate this degree with you. Give me the written documents within this week.

Next is the problem of Yunyin Village. Have you thought about it? "

"As for Cloud Hidden Village, we should follow Konoha's pace."

You still need to look at other people's eyes to get the benefits, and finally decide whether you can eat it and whether you should eat it.

This feeling was really frustrating, but they had no choice but to endure it no matter how frustrating it was.

“We can only see what Konoha wants, how much it plans to ask for, and finally we make a decision.

But there is one thing we must agree on, and that is that we cannot take more than Konoha.

We must not let Konoha feel resentful, otherwise it will be extremely detrimental to our future! "


"Very good, your current condition."

In a high tower in the Kingdom of Rain, Black Zetsu looked at Nagato who had stood up again, and he couldn't help but smile.

He seemed to be smiling brightly, but he felt like he was bleeding inside. In addition, he also felt uneasy to a certain extent.

Ever since Nagato was beaten up by Natsuhiko and his mentality exploded, Hei Zetsu had to improve this guy's body and strength in order to save this 'tool man'.

Strictly speaking, it is not difficult to make such a transformation, which is to use Bai Jue's body to merge into this guy's body.

He used his improved White Zetsu to restore this guy's vitality, and gave him a certain degree of strength from Senju Hashirama, so that he could better withstand the Samsara Eye.

Originally, in his opinion, such a transformation would definitely be effective, but it was hard to say what the specific effect would be.

The reason why it works is that Nagato is a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, and they originally had an inexplicable connection with the Senju clan.

Pursuing to the top, they are all derived from the bloodline of Asura, so the power of Senju Hashirama can have a certain effect on him.

It's just hard to say how this effect will perform. It's not the best combination of powers.

Because the power of mutual integration will cause certain imbalances in other aspects, for example, Uzumaki and Senju both belong to families that are good at Yang Dun.

These two powers can be improved well, but in this case Yang Dun's power will appear to be higher.

And Nagato does not have the power of Asura to make amends and cover up, so the result may be that the power will dissipate.

Or, the power belonging to Senju Hashirama directly turned Uzumaki Nagato into a Uzumaki tree man.

However, Black Zetsu also knew that the probability of becoming a Uzumaki Treeman was unlikely. After all, Nagato had the Rinnegan in his body as the source of Yin Escape to suppress it.

But the problem is that this guy's mastery of the Samsara Eye can only be said to be numbingly superficial.

From Black Zetsu's point of view, after Nagato accepted White Zetsu's power, he almost recovered physically.

The better situation is that you can stand up. The best situation is naturally that your body recovers and you can use this body to master the power of the Samsara Eye.

In the best case, Hei would never think about it, because he personally felt that it was unrealistic.

He felt that the most likely possibility was that the power was wiped out by the Samsara Eye, or that Nagato himself was not strong enough to absorb it, and then it was not consumed.

Therefore, when helping Nagato, he chose a complete White Zetsu body that contained relatively rich Senju Hashirama cells.

But he never dreamed that this guy Nagato was really like a ghost.

His experiment progressed well at first, but Nagato became extremely uncomfortable when integrating these powers.

Although the powers belonging to Bai Zetsu and Senju Hashirama were integrated, he had no way to control them, and part of the power had begun to leak out.

Seeing this result, Bai Jue was naturally filled with joy. This was definitely a good result for him, because there might not be any trouble.

However, what happened next was absolutely magical in Hei Jue's opinion.

At the most serious moments when the power of White Zetsu and Senju Hashirama overflowed, the pair of samsara eyes belonging to Madara Uchiha seemed to have awakened.

It began to actively help this guy Nagato to lock and suppress the power of Senju Hashirama!

Under the influence of these eyes, the power of Bai Zetsu and Senju Hashirama began to stop flowing out, and they actually began to truly merge into Nagato's body.

Seeing this scene, if Hei Jue hadn't controlled his expression quite well, he might have looked dumbfounded.

How is this going?

What the hell is going on?

Why would something so outrageous happen?

Hei Jue couldn't understand. He never dreamed that after all his scheming, he would be stabbed in the back by those damn reincarnation eyes?

Is this feeling the power of Senju Hashirama or the power of Asura?

Do you need to take the initiative to suppress it?

Are you helping your real master?

Black Zetsu didn't know what to say anymore. He could only watch Nagato's condition getting better day by day.

He really didn't want this to happen, but he had no way to deal with the damn reincarnation eye.

Finally, after a long recovery period, Nagato made a complete recovery, and Black Zetsu was also completely numb.

At this time, Nagato was not only able to stand up, but his body had also completely recovered.

The most important thing is that Hei Jue also noticed that the strength of this boy's body has become stronger!

Black Zetsu naturally knows what this means. It means that Nagato can better master the power of the Samsara Eye.

Hei Jue really felt extremely regretful in his heart. He planned to save him, but he didn't intend to make him recover so well.

Such a tool man will be even more difficult to control if he is disobedient.

"Thank you." Nagato clenched his fist and nodded calmly to Black Zetsu: "I feel that I have fully recovered, even stronger!"

Aren't you talking nonsense? Did you have the power of Senju Hashirama before?

Hei Jue mentally cursed, but soon he nodded calmly: "It is indeed stronger. I think you can better grasp the power of the Samsara Eye now."

"Yes." Nagato nodded, and suddenly he turned to look at Black Zetsu: "By the way, while I was training during this period, was there any movement from Senju Natsuhiko?"

Natsuhiko Senju?

That kid caused a lot of noise!

Black Zetsu thought with disdain, but the first thing Nagato asked after he recovered was news about Senju Natsuhiko, which was a good sign.

Black Zetsu originally saved Nagato and asked him and Senju Natsuhiko to go dog-eat-dog, but now he saved Nagato a little too well, which made him a little worried.

But no matter what, as long as these two people bite each other, it will definitely be beneficial to Hei without any harm.

Black Zetsu now feels that the entire ninja world has become extremely weird.

First, those who have mastered the tailed beasts who don't know where they came from, and who may be members of their mother's tribe, appear in the ninja world.

Immediately afterwards, another guy appeared who was not the successor of Asura's inheritance, but he happened to be no weaker than those inheritors.

The most important thing is that this guy also has a pair of eyes that appear inexplicably, a pair of eyes that look very similar to the reincarnation eye.

It can be said that the entire ninja world is in chaos now, especially after the war between Konoha and Kumogakure. Such chaos makes Black Zetsu helpless.

Glancing at Nagato in front of him, Black Zetsu felt that he should tell him some big news so that he wouldn't have so much trouble.

Thinking of this, Black Zetsu's face began to look heavy: "During this period, that Senju Natsuhiko also did a lot of things."

"Oh?" Nagato raised his eyebrows and asked, "What has he done? I'm very curious about what kind of power the owner of the Eye of Destruction has now."

That's much more cruel than you!

"There is a war between Konoha and Kumogakure."

Although Hei Jue was thinking disdainfully, his expression was still terrifyingly calm.

"Kumogakure went to Konoha with the hope of peace, but their envoy died in Konoha in some accident.

Kumogakure demanded an explanation from Konoha, but Konoha didn't have one and even started to encourage war.

Therefore, Kumogakure had no choice but to choose to go to war with Konoha, and this time the war was led by the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Konoha was led by Senju Natsuhiko, and they finally met at the border of Yuno Country. "

Black Zetsu unceremoniously started to use Kumogakure's own version of 'The whole story of the war between Kumogakure and Konoha' to popularize Nagato's knowledge.

Anyway, Xia Yan is the possessor of the 'Eye of Destruction', so it's good to be evil. Anyway, Hei will never feel embarrassed. It will only be other people who are so embarrassed.

Nagato also listened attentively. After he heard that Kumogakure's desire for peace was rejected by Konoha, his expression changed slightly.

These guys in Konoha are indeed the cancer of this world, and the Senju Natsuhiko who wants to destroy this world is even more unforgivable!

"Huh, dogs can't change their eating of shit. These big countries will only start wars in small countries."

Nagato snorted coldly. It was obvious that he was full of hostility towards the style of these great ninja villages.

After so many wars, every time a big country fights against a village, it will only be the small countries that suffer.

These poor small countries have always been buffer zones for these big countries, and they have always been battlefields for big countries.

Shaking his head, Nagato took a deep breath and continued.

"I'm afraid Kumogakure failed. After all, Senju Natsuhiko, the owner of the 'Eye of Destruction', even I, the owner of the Samsara Eye, lost to him.

The people of Kumogakure, even the tailed beasts, probably wouldn't be able to resist. "


Hei Jue nodded, and then he sighed and continued.

"Senju Natsuhiko pretended to be weak at first. Although he defeated many Kumogakure troops, he did not show the power to crush them.

After all, there are very few people who know his power, and you are probably one of them.

Yunyin didn't know these things at all, so they were confused by Xia Yan, and began to constantly adjust their troops, and finally they came to a plain.

On this plain, Senju Natsuhiko used all his power to annihilate the eight thousand Kumogakure army including the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

The current situation is that the life and death of the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki are uncertain, and there are no survivors in this war! "

Black Zetsu's words stopped here, and Nagato had clenched his fists unconsciously.

He really didn't expect that during his rest period, Senju Natsuhiko, the destroyer, would actually take action. Not only did he destroy the peace, but he also killed so many people at once?

Eight thousand ninjas were directly destroyed by this guy's attack. This situation was really unbearable and really powerless.

This damn guy is really the destroyer of this world, and the destroyer of peace in this world.

Thinking of this, Nagato suddenly felt heartbroken. If his power were stronger, could he stop this?

"I killed them." Nagato said heartbrokenly.

"Huh?" Hei Jue was stunned for a moment. He didn't know what was going on with this guy in front of him. Who had he killed?

"This Senju Natsuhiko is my destined enemy, but I am unable to stop him because of my injury."

Nagato said in a heavy voice, he looked a little angry, and his body was shaking a little.

"I killed those eight thousand cloud ninjas. It's all my fault. I didn't stop him!"

Black Zetsu looked at Nagato in front of him in stunned silence. He didn't know what to say at this moment.

If Xia Yan were here, I'm afraid Xia Yan would ask unceremoniously, 'Who are you going to do? Are you going to protect those cloud ninjas?'

In fact, Hei Jue's inner thoughts may have similar meanings to Xia Yan's, but the way of expression is very different.

But this did not prevent Hei Jue from being truly dumbfounded at this moment. At this moment, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

Maybe this guy has such a conceited character and is so convinced that the Samsara Eye is his and that he is a god on earth, is it not a bad thing?

Thinking of this, Hei Jue immediately showed a slightly sad look: "This is not your fault, and you don't need to blame yourself too much, but you must also remember this lesson."

Having said this, Hei Jue paused for a moment, and then he spoke extremely seriously.

"There must be a fateful battle between you and him. Only you can deal with him, and only you can break each other's fate.

Now that you have recovered, you have the ability and method to catch up with him, or even surpass him!

After all, you are the owner of the samsara eye, and you are the agent of the Immortal of Six Paths in the human world.

Don't forget your mission, and don't forget your destiny.

You are the one who wants to bring peace to the ninja world. You are the hope of the ninja world! "

"I see!"

Nagato took a deep breath, and his emotions calmed down at this moment.

Indeed, he is a god!

Although he recognized Xia Yan's power, in his opinion, Xia Yan was a demon who would destroy the ninja world.

In the war between gods and demons, gods will inevitably win the final victory!

It's just that if he wants to win completely, he still needs to work hard, and he also needs to bring peace to the ninja world, and his plan must go forward.

Thinking of this, Nagato took a deep breath. He knew that his task was very heavy, but he also felt unusually fulfilled.

He now has a clearer goal, he wants to collect tailed beasts to force the ninja world to not dare to start a war.

He wants to deal with Natsuhiko and deal with the biggest threat to the ninja world!

And while Nagato was daydreaming there, Natsuhiko appeared quietly in a hidden forest in the Land of Fire...


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