In the forest, Xia Yan's eyes scanned everything around him.

After confirming that there was still no problem with his seal, Xia Yan walked in with a smile.

Although he knew that such an examination sometimes seemed unnecessary, after all, his strength at this time had reached an unimaginable level.

But it is never wrong to be cautious, especially the source of his strength is the most important thing. He will not be careless at all.

In this war with Yunyin, Xia Yan's gains were really unimaginable, except for the fact that his personal strength was demonstrated.

The rest was the seeds he got from Yunyin, which was something he was very happy about.

Thunder escape, this is the seed that Xia Yan has never gotten, but this time he really collected all the thunder escape in one go!

"And I really didn't expect that my Wood Release could actually cooperate with my system."

Xia Yan really didn't collect the seeds one by one this time, because when he woke up from his deep sleep, his system kept making noises.

This situation really made Xia Yan a little confused, but after spending some time, he understood that it was his Mu Dun that absorbed these powers.

The effect of Xia Yan's Wood Escape is also trees.

Whether it is the arrival of the flower tree world or the arrival of the tree world, the form of expression is the same as the arrival of a giant tree, and the two techniques have one thing in common.

"Absorb Chakra!"

Not all Wood Release techniques have the ability to absorb chakra, and there are many techniques that directly rely on the hardness of Wood Release to crush the enemy.

There are even many auxiliary ninjutsu that are similar to sealing techniques. It can be said that the scope of wood escape is actually very wide.

It was not a separate large-scale and large-scale technique, but the memory left by Senju Hashirama to the world was too deep, so some misunderstandings occurred.

For Mu Dun, the techniques that can absorb chakra are basically advanced techniques, and it happened that Xia Yan used these techniques when dealing with Kumogakure.

Whether it's the Arrival of the Flower Tree World or the Wood Dragon, whether it's the Cloud Ninja or the Eight-Tails, these are all advanced techniques that can absorb chakra.

Although Xia Yan was also confused as to why a similar situation did not occur when he used Tree Realm to descend before.

However, after learning that he only got three seeds, he couldn't help but wonder, had he killed too few with Wood Release before?

If this is the case, it seems that it is not incomprehensible. After all, I have not relied too much on Mu Dun to fight in the past, and not many people have died at the hands of Mu Dun.

This time, he showed off his great power by directly locking everyone with Wood Release. It is hard to say how much chakra the eight thousand Cloud Ninja absorbed.

"If that's the case, quantity is really a huge key. Just like the Otsutsukis planting trees, they directly destroy the entire planet to complete it."

Wherever Otsutsuki passed by, there was deathly silence, because they really didn't leave any people alive when they 'planted trees'.

All life has become the nourishment of their sacred tree. Rather than saying that they are planting trees, it is better to say that they are destroying the world.

Xia Yan felt that his system was somewhat similar to these Otsutsukis to some extent.

If you look at it this way, quantity will indeed become an extremely critical factor.

Just thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but look weird. Could it be that he learned from Datong Wooden Door to give him a world-destroying gift package.

Maybe you can fly on the spot, unlock your genes, and then directly transform into the legendary Otsutsuki?

"Forget it, I'm not one of those ruthless and cold-blooded people."

As soon as this idea appeared, Xia Yan couldn't help but shudder, not to mention whether he had such technology.

Even if he had it, he might not dare to do this. After all, this ninja world can be regarded as his home in a certain sense.

He knew that he might not return to that blue planet here, and he had also left a lot of ties in this world.

He admitted that he punched a lot internally, but he was not the kind of person who was so crazy that he was terminally ill.

If you destroy a planet just for your own strength, you don't care about the people inside it, even if they include your friends.

"If the head of state with the third degree of virtue sees it, I'm afraid he will say that he is too right-wing and cannot compare to me, right?"

Xia Yan chuckled, and then didn't bother to take it to heart.

Since he couldn't do it, there was no point in doing things like this. He walked forward slowly and soon came to a tree.

This book contains the latest bone belonging to Kimimaro that he planted before the battle with Kumogakure began.

A few months have passed quietly, and Xia Yan wants to see how this bone is doing.

Kimimaro is doing quite well in the ANBU now. The ANBU already has a lot of rooms.

Moreover, the ANBU has also taken in many orphans, and this boy is living a good life in the ANBU.

Not only did he make many friends, but he also received careful guidance. It can be said that the trajectory of this kid's destiny has changed since Natsuhiko took him away from Kirigakure.

It's just that the speed of this kid's bloodline evolution makes Xia Yan unable to complain. Xia Yan feels that he is too merciful for not trying to encourage him.

"There are very few people in the ninja world who are as kind as me."

Xia Yan shook his head and sighed, then he put his hand on the tree.

Just for a moment, Xia Yan's face turned dark again, and then he fell silent involuntarily.

Xia Yan himself didn't know exactly how many times this was a failure. Anyway, he knew that he had never succeeded in getting what Kimimaro wanted since he brought him back.

This made Xia Yan wonder if he was too kind to Kimimaro, the brat, and whether he should also suppress this brat's progress.

After much thought, Xia Yan finally decided to forget it.

There is no need to worry now, after all, Xia Yan has a lot to do now.

Not to mention that Yin-Yang Dun is still in the process of fusion. In addition, Xia Yan also got the seeds of the Eight-Tails this time, and he also has three seeds of Thunder Dun.

Although Xia Yan knew that he could rely on the prestige brought by this display of power to directly fill up the progress bars of these seeds.

But what happens after this?

The development of the Pure Eye is still waiting. Obito and Black Zetsu have not yet come to 'deliver' the goods, and the other tailed beast chakras have not been collected yet.

In addition to the improvement in strength, the competition for Hokage is about to reach a limit.

Not only does Xia Yan have to compete for the position of Hokage, but after that he also has to carry out a series of reforms to stabilize the situation. It can be said that he really has a lot on his plate.

"So Kimimaro is really lucky. After all, there are very few people who are as kind as me..."


"Did the experiment fail again?"

In another forest in Konoha, Orochimaru looked at the experimental subject in his hand and shook his head helplessly.

This was the first time he had failed, and he didn't know it very well, but even if he failed, he was still very happy inside.

Because every time he failed, he could actually see some progress, and such progress made him feel that he was getting closer and closer to the success of this technique.

I have to say that this technique is really mysterious, and he still has not been able to thoroughly study it until now.

This made him feel a little disappointed, and at the same time, it also stimulated his motivation even more.

"Have everything been recorded?" Orochimaru looked at the experimental subject in front of him, and finally he asked directly.

"Yes, Lord Orochimaru." Kabuto said softly behind Orochimaru: "It has been recorded. The start time and death time have been completed."

Kabuto has been following Orochimaru for a while, and he has changed a lot at this time.

Although Orochimaru is not a good person, he can definitely be considered a good teacher.

When Natsuhiko asked Orochimaru to train Kabuto well, Orochimaru did so.

At this time, Kabuto looked completely different from when he was just sent here. He no longer looked as timid as before.

He is now more calm and wise, and he is more calm in dealing with various things.

To be honest, such a mentality is really rare. Even Orochimaru feels that this kid is qualified to train him.

Therefore, Orochimaru seemed to be very attentive when teaching him. To some extent, Orochimaru also regarded Kabuto as his disciple.

"Very good." Orochimaru nodded: "Observe the corpse carefully and pay attention to as many details as possible, whether it is inside or outside..."

Orochimaru said very calmly, but as he spoke, he suddenly frowned, and then he licked his tongue involuntarily.

"I'll leave this to you, I'm going to meet your boss."

"Huh?" Kabuto couldn't help shaking his hands when he heard Orochimaru's words, and then he asked with some surprise: "Master Natsuhiko is here?"

"Yes, he is the new 'God of the Ninja World'." Orochimaru nodded, his eyes seemed a little complicated.

He has always been very complicated about Senju Natsuhiko's existence, just like the relationship between them.

Although Natsuhiko gave him great protection, Orochimaru paid a lot for this protection.

Although he also unexpectedly received the benefit of a resurrection technique, he still needed to study this technique himself.

Shaking his head, Orochimaru walked directly outside. He really didn't want to think too much about Xia Yan, because Xia Yan was too dangerous.

Although Orochimaru doesn't go out much, he also knows what is happening in the outside world at this time.

From the beginning to the end of the war between Kumogakure and Konoha, Orochimaru has been paying attention.

Especially after he knew that the commander-in-chief of Konoha was Natsuhiko, he became even more interested.

Shemaru knew that Natsuhiko was very powerful. After all, he had seen a battle between Natsuhiko and a mysterious man with the Reincarnation Eye, which directly razed a valley to the ground.

This time Xia Yan has to face the eight thousand Kumogakure army, as well as the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki.

Such a lineup can be said to be extremely powerful. Even if Orochimaru is still in Konoha, his scalp will be numb.

Even though Natsuhiko's strength was indeed terrifying, Orochimaru felt that Natsuhiko still couldn't easily kill these people.

Of course, Natsuhiko must win, and Orochimaru never doubted this from beginning to end.

However, Orochimaru was still frightened when Natsuhiko's terrifying record was conveyed.

At this moment, he discovered that Xia Yan's power was not as simple as imagined. This guy had completely transformed into the former god of the ninja world!

"Immortal magic, wood escape, and those weird eyes called Jingyan."

Orochimaru was thinking as he walked, Natsuhiko had too many secrets, and Natsuhiko's bloodline was too powerful.

In Orochimaru's view, the potential of Natsuhiko's true bloodline has completely surpassed that of Senju Hashirama, because Senju Hashirama does not have such a pair of eyes.

The most important thing is, how old is Xia Yan now?

He has almost shown the peak fighting power of Senju Hashirama during the Warring States Period. Such potential is really not comparable to Senju Hashirama!

"It would be great if I could study your bloodline."

Orochimaru sighed silently. At this time, he had no interest in Uchiha's bloodline at all.

In terms of historical achievements, Senju Hashirama is basically suppressing Uchiha Madara, although the Senju clan fell into despair after the fall of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

But it is undeniable that the Senju clan has been fighting Uchiha for thousands of years, and they have rarely fallen behind in history.

And now the monster Senju Natsuhiko has appeared in the Senju clan. No matter how lonely the Senju clan is now, its rise is inevitable.

On the other hand, in the Uchiha clan, Orochimaru couldn't even find anyone who could compare with Natsuhiko Senju.

This makes Orochimaru no longer interested in the Uchiha bloodline. In addition to studying reincarnation, he is also working hard to conquer the secrets of the Senju clan.

"Minister Xia Yan, it's been a long time no see."

When Orochimaru came to the hall and saw Natsuhiko, he licked his tongue and bowed slightly respectfully. This was something Orochimaru rarely saw.

"That's very welcome, Orochimaru-sama."

Natsuhiko turned his head and looked at Orochimaru, and then he couldn't help but smile.

"It's very difficult for me, Lord Orochimaru, to do this. After all, we are partners.

Even if I want Orochimaru-sama to become my subordinate, I still have to consider whether Orochimaru-sama is sincere. "

"Minister Xia Yan sees things very thoroughly."

When Orochimaru heard Natsuhiko's words, he couldn't help but smile and stood up straight.

It is really not an easy thing to make Orochimaru become his subordinate.

Orochimaru was indeed impressed by Natsuhiko, because Natsuhiko's power really made him feel amazed and frightened.

But Orochimaru has always been a conceited person. He has always believed in his heart that just because he is not good now, does not mean that he will not be good in the future!

Therefore, even if Orochimaru is serving Natsuhiko now, he will only assume that they have a cooperative relationship.

Xia Yan made things clear in this way, which made them seem more harmonious.

Maybe Orochimaru will be impressed in the future, because Orochimaru has no such precedent, but it is not possible now, because Orochimaru is still working hard.

"Tell me, what's going on with the technique I asked you to study now." Xia Yan stood there with his hands folded across his chest and asked calmly.

"This technique is very powerful, and the design idea is even more unbelievable." When he mentioned reincarnation, Orochimaru's eyes couldn't help but start to light up slightly.

But soon, he couldn't help but sigh again, and then his expression became serious.

"But this technique is obviously not completely designed. I don't know if that woman Chiyo deliberately gave her a broken hand, or if he only achieved this step.

Now if this technique wants to truly achieve practical value, many adjustments must be made.

Whether it is the release or use of chakra, or the connection of chakra to the mysterious and empty pure land, a certain amount of experimentation is required.

Now I am constantly adjusting the accuracy of chakra release to determine how to achieve the goal more accurately.

At the same time, I also want to study how to achieve the best efficiency in chakra conversion, so that chakra will not be wasted and the person who has not been resurrected but the caster has died. "

When Xia Yan listened to Orochimaru's words, he couldn't help but nodded silently.

Chiyo, a woman, gave him this technique, but Xia Yan actually thought from the beginning that she would not give him the full version.

Of course, this incomplete version may be due to time, and Chiyo himself has not yet completed the research.

After all, she actually performed this technique thirteen years later, and it was in exchange for her own life to save Gaara.

Many things can change in ten years, let alone thirteen years, and it was more than three years ago that Xia Yan obtained that technique.

In addition to time, there is another possibility that is also very high, that is, Chiyo simply did not give herself all her research results.

In fact, it is not incomprehensible for her to do this to Xia Yan, because Xia Yan himself would probably not give it to her.

How valuable this technique is, anyone in the entire ninja world who has some perspective can see it.

In fact, Natsuhiko has never quite understood why Kakashi didn't think of a way to get it after seeing this surgery in the original work?

Naruto and the others had nothing to hope for, but Kakashi, the future Sixth Generation, had killed countless enemies.

Why did he look so stupid all of a sudden?

In fact, not only him, but even Tsunade seemed a little stupid. She actually let this reincarnation pass by in vain!

It would be reasonable to use some means, even using bonds to make Gaara submit, or using this rescue operation to ask for reward.

If nothing else, they would ask for compensation for Sunagakure's invasion of Konoha three years ago. Natsuhiko would not believe that Sunagakure Village could withstand the pressure.

But it happened that there was no follow-up to this matter, and this technique even never appeared again.

This really made Xia Yan feel incredible. He didn't understand whether his heart was too dark or whether everyone in Konoha was infected by Naruto and became stupid.

But these are all things in the original work, and there is no way Xia Yan would let this happen here!

Of course, this kind of thing is impossible to happen in some sense, because Xia Yan has already obtained the thing.

Although this technique is really not ideal at the moment, he still has Orochimaru here.

Natsuhiko believes that with Orochimaru, the number one scientist in the ninja world after Senju Tobirama, at her disposal, no matter what choice Chiyo makes, her idea will definitely fail!

"Then take your time, there is no need to rush this matter." Thinking of this, Xia Yan showed a smile: "I believe in Lord Orochimaru's ability. I always believe in it."

"Then thank you, Minister Natsuhiko, for your kind words." Orochimaru nodded slightly: "This may still take a certain amount of time. I can't say exactly how long. I hope Minister Natsuhiko won't blame him."

"Don't worry, I have time to wait." Xia Yan said nonchalantly: "You can take your time, and maybe I can provide you with some materials in the future."

Hearing Xia Yan's words, Orochimaru's pupils suddenly shrank slightly.

With his keen mind, he guessed the meaning of Xia Yan's words almost instantly!

There is only one way to provide materials. Xia Yan does not allow himself to attack innocent Fire Country residents, so Xia Yan will definitely not do this.

The suitable materials that exist in the Kingdom of Fire are probably the spies from the ninja villages of the enemy country, or the death row prisoners in the Kingdom of Fire!

Once these death row prisoners are caught, they are basically thrown into prisons. If they want to give Orochimaru materials, they can only let these prisons release them.

Just letting people be released from these prisons means either taking complete control of the places with prisons, or becoming the actual ruler of the entire Konoha!

Xia Yan is the head of the ANBU, and the ordinary prison is in the hands of the Security Department. If Xia Yan dares to say such things, either he has already obtained it from the Security Department, or...

"It seems that Minister Natsuhiko has great ambitions." Orochimaru licked his tongue: "Should I change my name to Hokage-sama after a while?"

"To be precise, it's the Fifth Hokage, or the acting Hokage." Xia Yan didn't hide anything at this moment, he admitted it bluntly.

And his admission immediately made Orochimaru silence Natsuhiko again, and it took a long time before Orochimaru nodded.

“Indeed, Minister Xia Yan has enough reputation, strength and achievements.

Moreover, the huge ANBU is so stable in the hands of Director Natsuhiko. If Director Natsuhiko takes the next step, he will be Hokage-sama. "

"Are you feeling sorry for your teacher?" Xia Yan raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

"No, after all, he is old and should rest." Orochimaru took a deep breath, and then he said in a deep voice: "Then I would first like to congratulate Lord Natsuhiko on his success."

"Then, I also thank Orochimaru-sama for your kind words." Xia Yan directly returned Orochimaru's words intact.

Natsuhiko could tell that Orochimaru actually still had feelings for Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Although he killed Hiruzen Sarutobi in the original work, why wasn't he helping Hiruzen Sarutobi?

Sarutobi Hiruzen was old after all, and it would be better for him to die violently than to let him continue to live in confusion.

And before he died, he showed the sense of responsibility that Hokage should have, so that the younger generations can feel the cruelty of war, and let the younger generations know what Naruto is carrying.

And let the younger generations know how hard-won the current peace is. It can be said that this is the most perfect ending for Sarutobi Hiruzen.

In the world of Naruto, it is really difficult to tell clearly who is the good guy and who is the bad guy.

Because everyone with a name, whether they are good or bad, has their own beliefs and is willing to fight to the end for this belief.

It can only be said that differences in beliefs have created so many stories of ‘justice and evil’. Isn’t each person’s story a legend?


In the Rain Country, Nagato silently looked at Black Zetsu who had completely left.

After he could no longer feel Hei Jue's aura in the heavy rain, his eyes gradually became colder.

During this period of time, he has been receiving teachings from Hei Zetsu. I have to say that Hei Zetsu is a very good teacher. Nagato has really benefited a lot from what he taught.

And during this period of time, Nagato seemed to have shown enough trust in him, but only Nagato himself knew that he was now becoming more and more wary of Black Zetsu.

I'm afraid Hei Zetsu himself didn't expect that Nagato, who looked stupid in front of him and seemed to completely believe in fate and fate, would have such thoughts at this time!

"Nagato." Just when Nagato was silent, Konan's slightly worried voice sounded from behind Nagato.

"Konan." Nagato turned around and sighed silently: "It's you who are here."

"Nagato, you finally stood up..." Xiaonan looked at Nagato at this time, and her eyes began to become moist.

Nagato's disability and Yahiko's death are nightmares that Konan will never forget in her life, and now that Nagato is back on her feet, how can she not feel excited.

But while she was excited, she was also very worried, because Nagato was in a very wrong state at this time.

In other words, compared with his state during this period, it seemed very wrong.

Nagato's state during this period was really weird. She really didn't expect that Nagato would trust that yin-yang-faced guy so much.

What's more, I didn't expect that Nagato would believe what that guy said about fate and destiny.

What surprised him the most was that Nagato would actually have the idea of ​​being responsible for the eight thousand Kumo ninja who were killed by Konoha Nightingale Senju Natsuhiko!

Nagato is bewitched and controlled!

This was Xiaonan's first thought, but she didn't know what to do, especially since Nagato believed in that guy so much, Xiaonan couldn't do anything.

But now it seems that Nagato's situation is a little complicated and not what he thought.

"Yes, I'm standing up again."

Nagato nodded slightly. He didn't seem to be happy at all, and he seemed to see through Konan's thoughts. He said softly.

"Do you think it's weird how I've been behaving during this period?"


Konan nodded directly. She was really curious now about what happened to Nagato during this time, but she was still very conscious.

"But Nagato, if it's not convenient for you to say it, don't say it. After all..."

"He's gone, don't worry."

Nagato interrupted directly without waiting for Konan to finish speaking. His eyes looked into the distance, and now his eyes became even colder.

"I was always pretending because..."

After saying this, Nagato paused slightly, and then he almost said through gritted teeth.

"Because this damn guy wants to control me!"

Xiaonan was stunned when she heard this sentence. She didn't expect such a situation at all.

Not only her, I'm afraid that this guy Hei Zetsu is still here, because he didn't expect that his behavior would be discovered by Nagato!

In fact, Nagato never trusted Black Zetsu from the beginning to the end, even when this guy enlightened Nagato, it really restored Nagato's faith.

But after that, Nagato noticed a problem, that is, why did this black guy know more than the so-called Uchiha Madara?

Nagato clearly remembered the situation at that time. The so-called Uchiha Madara looked completely clueless, but the Black Zetsu knew many secrets.

In this situation, Nagato had already begun to fall into suspicion, and even began to doubt everything this guy said and everything he did.

He felt that there was definitely a big problem here, and he even began to doubt the so-called fatalism.

Is Senju Natsuhiko his fateful enemy?

Maybe, after all, the power displayed by those eyes really made Nagato feel palpitations.

Maybe not, because Nagato really has never heard of the legend of Six Paths Sage.

But in Nagato's state at that time, he didn't dare to express such suspicions.

Because he was too weak at the time, once he showed his doubts, I'm afraid his eyes would be snatched away!

If it was just eyes, it wouldn't matter, but Nagato was 100% sure that those two guys would definitely attack Konan.

Therefore, he had to bury his doubts. He had to see what the purpose of these guys was.

What surprised him was that the guy named Hei Jue was indeed helping him heal his body, and his body was indeed continuing to recover.

However, during the recovery process, he was shocked to find that the guy had tampered with his body!

I'm afraid Black Zetsu himself didn't expect that when he fused the power of White Zetsu to Nagato, the curse mark he left behind had already been discovered by Nagato.

Nagato's fusion was very good with the help of the Rinnegan, which also made Black Zetsu worry about whether his curse seal would be effective.

But Nagato didn't know what Black Zetsu was thinking. He only knew that this guy was playing dirty tricks and he wanted to control himself.

After making the discovery, Nagato knew he had to find a way to solve this problem.

He didn't know how effective the curse seal was, but he couldn't take risks. He could only make peace with Hei Juexu.

In order to make this guy believe that he completely believed in his fatalism, Nagato forced himself to act like an idiot and stupid enough.

Although Nagato didn't know if it was of any use, this guy was gone now anyway.

"Control you?" When Xiaonan heard this, her expression immediately changed: "Are you okay? What on earth is he..."

"It's okay for the time being, but I have to think of a solution." Nagato said calmly: "I won't just surrender easily, and such a guy can't even try to control me!"

"Because, like that Senju Natsuhiko, I am also a god walking in the world!"


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