The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 281 Namikaze Minato’s choice

Natsu Yan didn't know that in Nagato's eyes, he was already a god-like existence.

What he didn't even know was that now Nagato was actually "pretending to be crazy" and playing Infernal Affairs with Hei Zetsu. It can only be said that the world with Natsuhiko has become too magical.

But even if Xia Yan knew about it, he probably wouldn't care too much. Of course, it's just Nagato's idea that he doesn't care. He will still care about Nagato's changes.

After reading the original work, he knew exactly how terrifying Nagato was after he recovered.

Being able to use all the basic abilities of the Samsara Eye on your own is already a huge change!

Even the basic ability of an eye like the Rinnegan is beyond what most people can imagine. The Super Shinra Tenzheng that flattened Konoha still echoed in Xia Yan's mind.

Moreover, he used clones when dealing with Konoha, and clones have a natural disadvantage in absorbing chakra.

Even if there is a black rod condensed with yin and yang, there will still be a loss of chakra when it is transmitted.

But even so, he still flattened the entire Konoha. If he were to come here in his true form, I'm afraid he could really destroy over 100,000 people in Konoha by himself.

Rather than being the same as the original work, there are still so many people left without any problems.

Natsuhiko and Orochimaru learned about the progress of the experiment, and after chatting for a while, he left the secret base.

Of course, he didn't forget to encourage this kid Kabuto, but what made him strange was that he originally thought that this guy Kabuto would be afraid of him.

No matter how bad things get, he won't give him any good looks. After all, Natsuhiko replaced Danzo and ruined Kabuto's peaceful life.

But what he didn't expect was that this boy Du had an attitude as if he were meeting an idol.

This makes Xia Yan a little bit dumbfounded, but if Kabuto can be honest, Xia Yan will naturally be very happy.

Kabuto's potential and talent can be said to be very good. In the end, he faced the two Uchiha brothers one against two.

And he also learned the sage mode, and relied on Orochimaru's legacy to become the largest behind-the-scenes BOSS in the ninja world.

Although it is unlikely that he will achieve such an achievement in this world, Xia Yan will not let him go. If this boy is well trained, he will definitely be a top help!

After ending his meeting with Orochimaru, Natsuhiko returned to Konoha and became his own otaku with peace of mind.

Xia Yan didn't need to worry about Naruto's affairs. His reputation was so high now, and he also controlled the newspaper.

What's more, the comprehensive collapse of Nara Shikaku means that Natsuhiko doesn't need to worry about many things at all. Even if Natsuhiko doesn't ask the newspaper to cooperate with Nara Shikaku, some things will naturally start.

After all, Nara Shikaki is still with the newspaper office. Since he took care of Onoki, Natsuhiko has also asked him to take on more responsibilities.

Even though this kid was unwilling, he eventually took over some things honestly.

He and Nara Shikaku are members of the clan, and the exchange of information between them is more convenient. It will be more advantageous for the two of them to work together to help Xia Yan.

Of course, this is limited to this, Xia Yan will not continue to give more rights.

Even if he becomes Hokage in the future, he will not let this kid Nara Shikaki form a cooperation with Nara Shikaku so easily.

This is the limitation and balance of power. Of course, this is a topic for later, but it is not a bad thing to think about it in advance.

"But it's fast. Let the bullets fly for a while now."

Xia Yan stretched slightly, looking at the scorching sun outside the window, and a smile appeared on his lips.

Although there were many things to do after the war, these things were basically outside the scope of his busy schedule.

Negotiations between Konoha and Kumogakure have begun in an orderly manner, but Konoha did not give Kumogakure any good looks.

Kumogakure now does not have any confidence to refuse negotiations from Konoha. Even if Konoha does not negotiate, they will be even more frightened.

Of course, it is a fact that Kumogakure is weak. After all, so many ninjas were lost at once, and such weakness is simply visible to the naked eye.

But not everyone can bully it when it is weak. Kirabi returned to Kumogakure after being missing for about a week.

This was a shot in the arm for Kumogakure, plus there were two others from Kumogakure himself. With the two tailed beasts in hand, they were not afraid of some small villages coming to trouble them.

It's just that if they want to recover, I'm afraid they won't be able to do it within ten years.

That's why they are extremely eager for a peace treaty now. Konoha will only talk to them after Iwagakure talks with them. Only after these things are clearly discussed can they find ways to develop themselves.

"But now they seem to have begun to nominate the Fifth Raikage, and this guy seems to be Kirabi?"

Xia Yan recalled the information submitted by the ANBU, and he couldn't help but feel a little funny.

The Fourth Raikage has not been found so far, either alive or dead.

After being missing for so long, Xia Yan felt that he was more likely to die, but if this guy died, then he would die.

If he hadn't shown ambition that didn't match his strength, and if Natsuhiko hadn't had the strength to block all of this, I'm afraid Konoha would have followed the same path as in the original work.

Few people who can become Kage are good people. After all, except for Naruto, there is no way for a pure good person to be a qualified Kage.

"It's better to keep putting it off. After all, I still need to have a good talk about what I want to get from Kumogakure."

Xia Yan silently thought to himself that he had planted the seeds of thunder escape, and having seen the thunder escape chakra mode of the Fourth Raikage, he naturally had some ideas.

In fact, Xia Yan himself knew very well that the so-called Thunder Chakra Mode was completely useless to him and was completely dispensable.

But Xia Yan's mentality is also very simple. Just like the game library in his previous life, he can't help but buy it when he sees a broken bone.

Or when he saw a free game, he didn't care whether he could play it or not, so he just took it.

According to his thinking, I don’t have to play or use this thing, but I can’t live without it!

The Thunder Release Chakra Mode is like this to him, he can use it or it can be useless, and he can even put it in his arsenal of ninjutsu to eat dust.

But just because it's useless doesn't mean he can do without it. What's more, as a type of chakra mode, he can definitely study it carefully.

Natsuhiko has mastered three chakra modes - sage mode, pure eye chakra mode, and tailed beast chakra mode.

Although these chakra patterns have completely different effects, Xia Yan can study them carefully.

No one can say whether he can find any rules through such research, and then he can develop more chakra patterns.

"After all, I want to fuse all the chakra, so I can't miss anything..."


"It seems that this boy Xia Yan is really going to succeed."

In Mount Myoki, Minato Namikaze leaned on his seat and read the newspaper in his hand while enjoying the sunshine.

Behind him, Kushina was playing with Naruto. This scene looked so harmonious and peaceful.

Namikaze Minato is enjoying life very much now, and he bluntly said that this kind of life is what he dreams of most!

But in the end, he still remembered that he was the Fourth Hokage, and he never let go of his concern for Konoha, even though he knew that he was really not very good as a Hokage.

But in his opinion, even if he is not a qualified Hokage, he is still a Konoha ninja.

As a Konoha ninja, it is natural to always care about the situation of Konoha. After all, Konoha is his home.

Therefore, even though Namikaze Minato knew that he was the Hokage, he still asked Kakashi to inform him of the current situation in Konoha.

Kakashi is also smart. Of course, it may be that he is really too busy, so he chose the easiest method.

That is to summon the toad from Mt. Myoboku every day, and then give the day's newspaper to Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato had never seen such a novel thing as a newspaper, but after he read the newspaper for the first time, he was completely fascinated.

In fact, he was also worried about whether the publication of such a newspaper would have any adverse impact on Konoha. After all, it involved a lot of Konoha's secrets.

However, when he learned from Kakashi that the newspaper thing was created by Natsuhiko, he no longer had such worries.

After all, Natsuhiko is the head of Konoha's ANBU. How could he have any adverse impact on Konoha?

Moreover, Namikaze Minato also realized how terrible the existence of this newspaper was in controlling public opinion.

It can even have a certain role in guiding public opinion to the outside world!

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato felt relieved, and he began to read the contents of these newspapers quietly.

The content in the newspaper was actually good at first. Although it involved some power struggles, wasn't it always like this in Konoha?

It's just that during the Namikaze Minato period, he was controlled by Sarutobi Hiruzen, but now the Third Hokage and others have become passive.

Namikaze Minato didn't particularly like to see these things, especially since he already knew some of the things, so he was even less interested.

He is more concerned about people's livelihood issues in the village and the trends in some other villages.

Especially Kumogakure was the most troublesome part for Namikaze Minato.

"Kumogakure has never signed an armistice agreement, and the current posture seems to be preparing for war. I'm afraid there will be trouble."

Namikaze Minato has always been worried about this, and unfortunately his worries have become a reality.

Kumogakure sent people to sign an agreement, but these people went to visit the Hyuga clan at night and kidnapped Hyuga Hinata!

Although that guy eventually died in the Hyuga clan, this incident became the trigger of the war.

According to the newspaper, Hiruzen Sarutobi planned to betray the Hyuga clan in exchange for so-called peace. This news really made Namikaze Minato extremely angry.

When did Konoha reach this point and need to betray its own people in exchange for that unreal peace?

How many people will be chilled by doing this?

How many people will be disappointed in Konoha by this concession? Moreover, this concession completely defeats the purpose of Konoha's suggestion!

Namikaze Minato probably didn't even notice that he had been subtly changed by the fragmentary information in the newspaper.

When he saw that many ninjas in Konoha collectively opposed it, and Natsuhiko also came forward to stop it and contributed to Konoha's decision to send troops, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But this tone was only half-hearted. He knew very well that Konoha was really no match for Kumogakure now.

"Damn it, if I wasn't hurt..."

Namikaze Minato really wanted to return to Konoha, but his current situation did not allow him to do it.

He hoped that his teacher Jiraiya could do something, but now he couldn't contact his teacher at all, let alone know his teacher's specific situation.

Amidst such worries, he made a decision, that is, if the situation in Konoha was not right, he would go back immediately!

He knew that if he went back, he might arouse the anger of many people, and he also knew that he might not be far from death if he took action.

But for Konoha, he is willing to fight!

However, after he made up his mind, what happened next in the war between Konoha and Kumogakure was beyond his imagination.

Natsuhiko first single-handedly destroyed the hundred-man raiding force of Kumogakure, and then he also eliminated the invasion of a thousand-man force led by the Fourth Raikage.

And this time he even injured the Fourth Raikage, forcing his former old rival to undergo a long period of training.

Seeing such news, Namikaze Minato finally felt a little relieved. Now Konoha is suppressing Kumogakure and attacking, which is a good thing no matter how you look at it.

But Kumogakure's lineup is really terrifying. You must know that they not only have the Fourth Raikage, they also have the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki!

With such speculation and uneasiness, Namikaze Minato has been waiting silently.

A month is not a long time, but it is definitely not a short time. After a month of suffering, Namikaze Minato finally saw the detailed reports from the front line again.

But this time, he was completely shocked!

Not only him, but Kushina, who was watching all this with him, was confused at this moment.

Natsuhiko actually relied on his own power to completely destroy the entire Kumogakure army. Even the Fourth Raikage and the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki were not spared from his offensive!

This news really made Namikaze Minato and Kushina unforgettable, especially when the subsequent news continued to come, they finally knew what Natsuhiko had done.

That is Mu Dun's most extreme ninjutsu, and it is also Mu Dun's most powerful and terrifying ninjutsu.

Relying on these terrifying wood escapes, Natsuhiko destroyed these invading Kumogakure in one fell swoop, making the entire Konoha the winner at once.

At the same time, what he did was probably very profound. After this battle, no one would dare to have any thoughts about Konoha anymore.

At this time, Konoha was full of laughter and laughter, and the newspapers were constantly broadcasting the changes in Konoha and various information on the front line.

What makes Namikaze Minato strange is that there seems to be no mention of the peace agreement between Konoha and Kumogakure.

War never devastates a village or a country, it often brings disaster with many people.

Therefore, Namikaze Minato really hopes that the war will end soon, but there is currently no similar information in the newspapers.

In addition, Namikaze Minato was also keenly aware of something else.

That is, in these newspapers, the leading criticism of Sarutobi Hiruzen began to increase, and the praise for Natsuhiko also increased.

Not only that, the concept of a new Hokage also began to be brought up, which immediately made Namikaze Minato know that Natsuhiko was going to take action completely!

"Natsuhiko is going to succeed?" Kushina, who was teasing Naruto, heard what Namikaze Minato said, and she couldn't help but asked curiously: "Hokage?"

"Yes, Hokage." Namikaze Minato nodded slightly: "He is very vocal now, and everyone thinks he should be the Hokage."

Kushina frowned involuntarily when she heard Namikaze Minato's words.

Should be the Hokage, then this means that this brat Senju Natsuhiko will be the Fifth Hokage!

When the Fourth Hokage is still alive, this kid wants to be the Fifth Hokage. It is self-evident what this means.

This news really made Kushina very unhappy. Although she knew Natsu Yan's ambition, she also recognized Natsu Yan's ability.

But it has only been a long time since her husband Minato Namikaze became Hokage. Even if he is indeed unable to fulfill his duties as Hokage, has he made little contribution to Konoha?

Now that Natsuhiko is adopting such a coercive approach, how can Kushina be happy?

Namikaze Minato glanced at his wife and immediately knew what she was thinking.

He couldn't help but smile and shook his head: "Don't be angry. Although Xia Yan's actions have affected me, he is still very restrained."

"Is this also called restraint?" Kushina frowned and looked at Namikaze Minato: "I really don't see any restraint!"

Namikaze Minato smiled. Indeed, it seemed that Natsuhiko was putting pressure on the Third Hokage, but in essence he was putting pressure on himself.

But he is not stupid. Of course he understands that what the newspaper uploaded is so impressive, but in fact I'm afraid Xia Yan hasn't done anything yet.

And Kakashi has always been in Konoha. Even if Kakashi and Natsuhiko are on good terms, Kakashi will still report some things to him as his disciple.

There is no news at all from Konoha, which shows that Natsuhiko is still waiting, waiting for the reaction of the Third Hokage, and also waiting for his decision!

Namikaze Minato knew very well that if he didn't agree this time, Natsuhiko would never go too far.

He would only suppress the Third Hokage completely, thus taking the power of acting as Hokage in his own hands.

After all, Natsuhiko has always been acting under the banner of Namikaze Minato, so Natsuhiko will not do anything too drastic.

But if this is the case, there will inevitably be some cracks in the friendship between Namikaze Minato and Natsuhiko.

You must know that strictly speaking, their previous friendship can only be regarded as a cooperative and supportive relationship. It can even be said that Xia Yan silently led all this.

Namikaze Minato had also long ago determined that Natsuhiko would be a suitable Hokage, and he even had the idea that he was not suitable for Hokage at all.

Therefore, Namikaze Minato didn't want to stalemate the relationship with Natsuhiko, nor did he intend to stalemate such a relationship.

He really planned to talk to Xia Yan about this matter and tell Xia Yan some of his thoughts and decisions.

In fact, he also has a feeling that the fact that Konoha is not negotiating with Kumogakure is actually a kind of pressure on him by Natsuhiko.

If the Hokage is not settled, they will not negotiate with Kumogakure. Anyway, Konoha has the advantage and Natsuhiko is there, so there is no need to worry about these troubles!

Of course, he just thought about it this way. After all, Xia Yan might actually be able to do such a thing according to his temperament.

However, regardless of whether this kind of thing is true or not, Namikaze Minato will not consider it. He actually really admires Natsuyan, and he is now willing to help Natsuyan take this last step.

"Is that so..." After Namikaze Minato told Kushina some of his inferences, Kushina sighed silently: "Have you really made your decision?"

"Yes, it has been decided." Namikaze Minato gently hugged Naruto and said with a smile: "Actually, I have already decided, because I feel that compared to Natsuhiko, I am really not a qualified person. The Hokage."

"But this boy Natsuhiko..." Kushina wanted to say that Natsuhiko was too evil-hearted, but she couldn't quite say the words.

No matter what Natsuhiko's purpose was, Namikaze Minato's life was saved by Natsuhiko. It's really not good to say that.

But Kushina really couldn't help it, because Naruto was her and Minato's dream. Now that the dream has been achieved, it has to be abandoned due to various reasons. It is really difficult for her to accept it.

"Okay, Kushina."

Namikaze Minato touched the back of Naruto's head, and he couldn't help but laugh when he saw the little guy showing a cheerful smile.

“Actually, this is not bad, because I can feel that Konoha can become better and stronger under his leadership.

Moreover, this boy has put in a lot of effort for Hokage, which is undisputed.

Since I am not as good as him, and the general trend is now heading towards him, why can't I be beautiful as an adult? "

Having said this, Namikaze Minato raised his head slightly and looked at the sun in the sky.

The sun at this time was not dazzling, and the sunlight was very soft. The sunlight falling on his body made him feel particularly comfortable.

He showed a smile and then said softly: "Xia Yan now is like the sun in the sky, he will definitely stand on the top of the clouds.

In fact, he is now standing on the top of the clouds, but he still looks very gentle, but once he starts to shine, I am afraid no one can stand it.

I believe in him, I believe he will be a good choice and the best choice.

There will definitely be no problems in Konoha with him, because people like him will not cause problems in Konoha, not to mention..."

Having said this, Namikaze Minato paused slightly, looked at Kushina tenderly, and then he said with a smile.

“Besides, I have something he doesn’t have, and I enjoy everything now.

You and Naruto are the existences I cherish the most now..."


Natsuhiko didn't know what Namikaze Minato was thinking. He was currently having a meeting with Nara Shikaku and others in an office of the ANBU.

Since the war between Kumogakure and Konoha ended, many meetings in Konoha no longer pass through the Hokage's office, but are concentrated here at Natsuhiko.

This situation really made Koharu and Mito Kaden furious, but Sarutobi Hiruzen was surprisingly silent, as if he acquiesced to this matter.

Natsuhiko has now roughly guessed what Sarutobi Hiruzen meant, but he has not yet made a final decision.

After all, he is in quite a dilemma now. He created a large number of interest groups in order to control Konoha, but now he really may not be able to do so if he wants to.

The alliance between interest groups is always the scariest thing, and as the spokesperson of these interest groups, sometimes you really have no choice but to do it yourself.

It's like some of the jokes Xia Yan heard in his previous life, like when you traveled through time and led an army to sweep through everything to save a dynasty that was on the verge of bankruptcy.

And in order to save this dynasty, you have made friends with countless heroes, and you have countless armies in your hands.

When you really want to clear everything, you will find that he can't retreat at all.

You hold great power, and the dynasty you protect can trust you. Can you trust the various groups that have various interests with you?

Obviously this is impossible, and if that happens, your subordinates will probably hold a knife to your neck and make him wear that yellow robe.

Well, to put it simply, it's a bit like the legendary Chen Qiao mutiny.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen is not in this situation, he is also pulled by various interest groups, and he is really not that easy to move if he wants to.

Interest groups can push a person up, but they can also hold a person back and prevent him from going down.

Sarutobi Hiruzen probably needs to deal with the problems of these interest groups now, otherwise things will become even more troublesome.

It's just that Xia Yan won't pay attention to these things. Although the interests will make people crazy, they will do even crazier things.

But before they go crazy, Xia Yan has many ways to deal with them, and the ANBU is in Xia Yan's hands.

Moreover, the security department is still following Xia Yan. Is he afraid that these guys will cause trouble?

Now that things are really going on, Xia Yan really doesn't mind learning from the emperor who started with one bowl, or the bearded father who is good at making lists.

After all, we are dealing with traitors. As long as we define them as traitors, we can deal with them no matter what we do.

As for whether it will have any impact on Konoha, Xia Yan is not too worried about this. After all, Konoha has his strength to protect it.

"Minister Xia Yan, this is our list of demands for compensation for Yunyin's defeat. Please take a look at it, Mr. Minister."

Nara Shikaku placed a document in front of Natsuhiko, and then said softly.

The armistice agreement between Konoha and Kumogakure has never been carried out. Of course Konoha is indifferent, but Kumogakure can't wait any longer.

They have now sent precious diplomats over, which makes Nara Shikaku very helpless, so he can only make some preparations in advance.

"The proposal is not bad. The necessary compensation is actually enough, but..."

Xia Yan glanced at the document in his hand, then put it aside, and then continued to speak with a smile.

"I think Yuno Kuni Kumogakure should be completely withdrawn. In addition, we also need Kumogakure to provide us with a lot of ninjutsu."

"Is it the benefit of Ninjutsu and the Kingdom of Yu?"

Nara Shikaku nodded, and then he took out a notebook and started recording.

"Indeed, the country of Tang is not having an easy life now under the oppression of Kumo Gakuin. It is also a good thing that we liberate the country of Tang."

"In addition to Yunokuni, I think we should protect Iwagakure's interests in the Iron Country."

Seeing Nara Shikaku's actions, Natsuhiko couldn't help but feel a little funny. He felt that Nara Shikaku had a strong sense of déjà vu.

"Is Iwagakure Village's interests in the Iron Country?"

Nara Shikaku couldn't help but pause when he heard Natsuhiko's words, and then he nodded seriously while recording.

“Indeed, Iwagakure Village is closer to the Kingdom of Iron, and considering the proportion of exported ore, Iwagakure Village is larger.

This time they also assisted us in dealing with Kumogakure's war of aggression. It is natural and reasonable for us in Konoha to protect their interests. "

After recording this, Nara Shikaku paused for a moment, and then he seemed to remember something, so he raised his head and asked.

"By the way, Minister Xia Yan, what kind of level do you think Yunyin Village should deal with."

"I think this is actually pretty much it. Of course, it's not impossible to go further."

Natsuhiko said without any hesitation. They didn't bother to pay attention to Sarutobi Hiruzen anyway, and Natsuhiko simply put himself into the role of Hokage.

"I think we can properly protect Yunyin Village's own interests..."

"Of course, Kumogakure is one of the five great ninja villages, and we do have to protect his interests, but how does Minister Natsuhiko think we should protect him?"

Nara Shikaku showed a hint of curiosity. In fact, he was also testing Natsuhiko's ability now.

Of course, this consideration is actually to see how Xia Yan handles this incident.

If it is not appropriate, Nara Shikaku has the obligation to help Xia Yan clean up the situation, and also has the obligation to remind Xia Yan what the scale of these things is.

In addition, he also wanted to see Natsuhiko's bottom line. The bottom line of the new Hokage's external strategy was very important. This also made it easier for Nara Shikaku to adjust his work direction.

"Garrison." Xia Yan gave a direct answer: "We can let our guards enter the Kingdom of Thunder, so that we can..."

"Ahem..." Before Natsuhiko could finish his words, Nara Shikaku coughed lightly: "It is a good suggestion to garrison troops into the Kingdom of Thunder. After all, Kumogakure Village has suffered so much loss, they have the obligation to help. They, right?”

"Yes." Xia Yan smiled and nodded. He originally wanted to be defensive, but Nara Shikaku valued face so much that Xia Yan had no choice but to cooperate with him.

"Ok, I see."

After Nara Shikaku recorded everything, he continued to speak.

"Then things in Yunyin Village will be like this for the time being. After they come, we will have a good talk with them.

But before that, Minister Xia Yan, when do you think it is more appropriate to take the final action?

After all, the Third Hokage's current state is not suitable for such negotiations. "

"Before they came, of course."

Xia Yan gave an answer with certainty. He smiled and took out a letter and put it on the table.

“The Yondaime-sama invited me to meet, and I will have a good result this time.

Moreover, we also have some things to discuss further today..."


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