Natsuhiko does still have some things that need to be discussed with Nara Shikaku. In fact, strictly speaking, these things should be done after Natsuhiko becomes Hokage.

But after Natsuhiko got the letter from Namikaze Minato asking Toad to be sent to him, he knew that he could advance this matter.

Namikaze Minato only said one thing in his letter to himself, and that was that he wanted to meet and have a talk with him.

Xia Yan naturally knew what this meant. Xia Yan knew that he was about to get everything he wanted!

But there is one thing before that, a major event related to the future of Konoha!

That is some reforms within Konoha. Natsuhiko must adjust it, or in other words, he must find a way to adjust the distribution of power.

The adjustment of the distribution of rights will inevitably involve a lot of things, and it will also inevitably touch the interests of many, many people.

Therefore, how to change it, how to change it, and in what name it should be changed, these really need to be discussed carefully.

It's not like Natsuhiko has never thought about whether he should try to carry out a thorough and comprehensive system reform in Konoha.

But he is still very rational. Although he was born and grew up under a red flag, he knows that every world has its own system to adapt to.

Therefore, he has never had the idea of ​​planting red flags all over the world. This is not a question of whether it can be done or not. If Xia Yan is asked to do it, he can definitely do it.

After all, his strength is guaranteed, but what's the use after doing it?

After all, the existence of the profession of ninja has stopped most of Xia Yan's thoughts.

When personal strength reaches a prohibitive stage, these people with super personal strength must be on top of the world.

Just like Xia Yanwan's conspiracy, it was also based on his certain strength.

Ordinary people playing tricks with ninjas may make the ninjas suffer, but in the end once the ninja gets angry, you won't just suffer.

I'm afraid it's just that the whole family went to the Pure Land gathering, and your living friends gathered together to have a feast.

Of course, although this kind of thing is rare, after all, ninjas still abide by the rules. After all, establishing a ninja village means establishing rules in a certain sense.

Ninjas must act within the rules. To put it bluntly, they are protecting the ninja system.

If in the same village there was that kind of guy who didn't follow the rules and acted recklessly, he would be hated by everyone!

Danzo, who died together with the big tree summoned by Xia Yanmu Dun, and who may not even be able to summon the reincarnation of the dirty earth in the future, is a good example.

And Hiruzen Sarutobi, who let him go, also learned his lesson now and in the original work.

Speaking of which, Natsuhiko saved Sarutobi Hiruzen. He died so vigorously in the original work, but now he may not be able to die.

Of course, if Sarutobi Hiruzen knew how he would die in the future, he might be more willing to accept it.

After all, for him, such a way of death is great for Konoha and himself!

With these two lessons in mind, Xia Yan is willing to follow the rules even if he is not afraid. After all, there is no rule without rules.

And the direction he wants to change naturally still needs to be changed around ninjas.

"I don't know, Minister Xia Yan, is there anything else that needs to be emphasized?"

Nara Shikaku looked at Natsuhiko's expression and realized that what he was going to talk about this time might be very important.

Natsuhiko has already received the letter from the Fourth Hokage. Although Nara Shikaku didn't read it, he knew that he was probably going to meet Natsuhiko.

After all, with Konoha's current situation and Natsuhiko's voice so loud, it is natural to take this situation seriously.

Nara Shikaku didn't think that as Hokage Namikaze Minato would pay any attention to Konoha.

And if you are paying attention, you will naturally know these situations, so they must have a good meeting and chat.

As for the final result, Nara Shikaku thinks it shouldn't be bad. After all, strictly speaking, the relationship between the two people is not bad.

At least on the surface, the relationship between the two is really not bad.

Therefore, the possibility of Namikaze Minato being a good person to the end is the greatest, which is a good thing for both of them.

Therefore, what Natsuhiko is going to say now may definitely be about the changes he needs to make to Konoha after becoming Hokage.

I have to say that Nara Shikaku is indeed very quick-witted, and he is very good at judging what may happen currently from certain things or certain details.

And Xia Yan also heard the meaning of Nara Shikaku's words, which made Xia Yan couldn't help but sigh, Nara Shikaku's value is really too high.

Fortunately, the world of Naruto is a world that depends on blood, and Nara Shikaku himself does not have much ambition. Otherwise, this guy would probably be the most qualified candidate for Naruto.

"There are indeed some things that need to be discussed carefully." Xia Yan smiled and nodded: "In other words, it needs to be emphasized, and I also need the support and assistance of Minister Shikaku."

Natsuhiko couldn't help but pause slightly when he said this. He looked at the serious Nara Shikaku, and then he knocked on the table lightly.

“The first aspect is some reforms within Konoha, and the second aspect is Konoha’s future development policy.

I think Minister Shikaku also knows that no matter which one of these two is touched, there will be a lot of trouble, but this is something that has to be done. "

Nara Shikaku couldn't help but sigh slightly when he heard this sentence. He really guessed it right.

And he must also admit what Xia Yan said, no matter which of these two things it is, it is very troublesome.

Although Nara Shikaku didn't dare to agree with Natsuhiko's statement that he had to do it, it didn't stop him from figuring out Natsuhiko's thoughts.

Only by knowing what Xia Yan is going to do, he can find a way to heal some things.

Anyway, he completely regarded Xia Yan as the Hokage. He could understand that the new Hokage had to make various adjustments when he came to power.

Now he can only hope that Xia Yan doesn't go too far with some things.

"That's true. I wonder if Minister Xia Yan has any more specific and detailed ideas?"

After Nara Shikaku thought for a moment, he asked cautiously.

"Thank you, Minister Shikaku, for understanding. Then we won't talk nonsense."

Xia Yan smiled softly, then knocked on his desk, and then spoke softly.

"Then first thing, I wonder if Minister Shikaku feels there are some problems with some of the current Konoha ninja systems?

For example, after the relationship between family ninjas and civilian ninjas was disturbed by the Third Hokage, are you sure it is fair? "

Natsuhiko's words immediately made Nara Shikaku break into a cold sweat.

He knew Xia Yan could play big, but he really didn't expect Xia Yan could play so big...


Nara Shikaku has always been a smart person, but he is too smart, so he can see many things that others cannot.

For example, Sarutobi Hiruzen actually saw many of his actions, and he also carefully considered all the reasons, and understood why he did what he did.

What Sarutobi Hiruzen did was both simple and difficult. Nara Shikaku never felt that Sarutobi Hiruzen was not a qualified Hokage, nor did he think there was anything wrong with what he did.

Because his situation at the time forced him to make this choice, and only this choice could make him a true Hokage.

But he didn't expect that Xia Yan actually saw all this and planned to do something about it!

"Minister Shikaku knows what I'm thinking, right?" Natsuhiko looked at Nara Shikaku's silent expression and suddenly showed a smile.

"I think I understand." Nara Shikaku smiled bitterly and nodded: "Minister Natsuhiko is planning to take action on the recognition of the ninja identity."

After hearing Nara Shikaku's words, Natsuhiko smiled completely.

As expected, Nara Shikaku had already seen something, otherwise he would not have reacted immediately after he said this.

Such a discovery couldn't help but make Xia Yan even happier. For a manager, what could be more gratifying than that all his subordinates are talented people?

Of course, Xia Yan can also see his worries, but such worries are actually normal, but as long as the interests can be guaranteed, there is nothing to worry about.

"Yes, Minister Shikaku is really smart." Natsuhiko said with a smile: "I never deny that the Third Hokage made any mistakes in doing this. After all, the times and circumstances were chosen.

But it is also a choice of the times and environment. If we continue to do that now, isn't it a little inappropriate? "

"Maybe that's the case." Nara Shikaku thought for a long time, and finally nodded: "For now, maybe it is a good time to change the name of the clan and return to a more specific description."

Nara Shikaku knew that he probably couldn't refuse this matter, and he had no reason to refuse.

The timing chosen by Xia Yan was really good in some senses, especially now that the war is over and everyone's emotions are so high.

And Nara Shikaku also feels that Natsuhiko should protect the interests of them, after all, Natsuhiko himself is one of them!

In fact, the matter Xia Yan had to deal with was not complicated, but it really touched too many people's cakes, especially family ninjas like them.

To put it simply, this guy wants to break the inherent concepts of 'one village' and 'one clan'!

In fact, there are many topics discussed in the world of Naruto between 'one village' and 'one clan'. The most typical one and the one who suffers the most harm is Uchiha.

After all, an Uchiha Itachi kept thinking about this "one village" and "one clan" in his heart, and ended up massacring the entire family.

In terms of brutality, I'm afraid no one can compare with them.

The so-called "one village, one clan" is actually, in simpler terms, a stereotype of identity, or a label of political identity.

Just like Uchiha, the current ninja world and even the future ninja world in the original work, when meeting a guy like Sasuke.

Their first reaction was not 'this guy is a Konoha ninja', but 'this guy is a member of the Uchiha clan'.

One is led by Konoha ninjas, and the other is led by family ninjas. This is a huge difference!

This problem is very common in the entire ninja world, even more so, once you reveal some of the characteristics of the 'Blood Successor Family'.

Then immediately they will change you from a 'ninja of such-and-such' to a 'ninja of such-and-such family'.

It can be said that a stereotype caused by the solidification of identity is the same everywhere. This is a very bad situation.

To be serious, this can be seen as their lack of identification with their own Ninja Village!

Of course, this is not the most serious thing. The Uchiha clan in the original book has actually taught everyone a lesson.

That is, they went too deep into the 'clan', and as a result, they became even more separated from Konoha. This also caused them to have no one to support them when they were in the most critical moment.

And their final fate is also obvious. I am afraid that even without Uchiha Itachi, if they continue like this, the final result will not be much better.

"Minister Shikaku is indeed sensible."

Xia Yan knocked on the table lightly and continued with a smile.

“Indeed, if it were any other time, I might have considered whether to move.

But now that the war has just ended, and the cohesion within the village is high enough, it may be easier to accept such a change at this time.

In order to stabilize the situation, the Sandaime Hokage had to isolate the families in Konoha one by one. This was not the case for any family except Ino Shikacho.

If the ninja family cannot unite, they will naturally be defeated one by one. Only the Sandaime-sama can control all of you. "

Natsuhiko couldn't help but stop here, and Nara Shikaku's expression still looked very calm. Obviously, he was not surprised by what Natsuhiko said.

After all, he had already thought of it, so how could he still feel surprised.

However, he still couldn't help but admire Xia Yan's power in his heart. How old is Xia Yan? He can think about such a complex problem so thoroughly.

Even though Namikaze Minato was worried about the Uchiha problem at the beginning, Natsuhiko saw through all this early and took practical actions.

Nara Shikaku didn't pay too much attention to Uchiha's changes at first, but now it seems that Uchiha has already figured out how to deal with it.

Nara Shikaku shook his head slightly, thinking quickly in his mind.

Xia Yan wants to change, and his best choice when he doesn't have much choice is to cooperate.

And his cooperation will take family factors into consideration, and only balance the important groups composed of the two ninja villages of family ninjas and civilian ninjas.

Only by ensuring the interests of all family ninjas can this be considered a success.

For the strength of the ninja family, it is actually for the benefit of Xia Yan, and also for the benefit of their own family.

Because after all, they themselves are also members of the endure family...


Natsuhiko didn't know what Nara Shikaku was thinking. If he knew, Natsuhiko would probably pat him on the shoulder and praise him.

Xia Yan is not great, and he never thinks that he is a great person.

What he wants to do is better known as "top-down revolution". Of course, to put it more bluntly, it is to prevent others from actually revolutionizing his life.

He is very strong, but he doesn't want to be bothered by these bad things.

What's more, the stronger Xia Yan is, the more he can realize how terrifying the vitality of the strong is.

Not to mention these, Kaguya Otsutsuki is now in good health. Who can tell whether the Sage of Six Paths is really dead?

Xia Yan didn't want to be targeted by the Immortal of Six Paths - although he felt that if he really wanted to be targeted, he would have already been targeted, but Xia Yan couldn't do too much, right?

In addition to these external objective factors, there is another reason, that is, Xia Yan wants to complete his mission.

Although Xia Yan doesn't know how much progress he has completed this time, because he hasn't looked at it.

After all, rapidly increasing the progress of the mission in this way can directly mature the seeds. He wanted to wait and see after he met Namikaze Minato.

But this time there should be a big improvement. After all, he has killed so many people, and he can be said to be famous in the ninja world.

And soon after he met Namikaze Minato, he was able to confirm some things, which would definitely improve the progress of the mission a lot for him.

It's just that with such a progress improvement, it's really hard to say whether the progress can be fully achieved directly.

If it is not filled up, he is already in such a high position, and if he wants to continue to fill up the rest of the progress, he must start somewhere else.

Xia Yan can be considered a precautionary measure. He must guard against any possible adverse factors.

Nara Shikaku thought for a long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up slightly. He seemed to know what he was going to do!

"Minister Natsuhiko, what do you think is the importance of us improving our ninja level?" Nara Shikaku asked tentatively.

After hearing Nara Shikaku's words, Natsuhiko couldn't help but smile and nodded: "What a good idea. After all, the First Hokage defined the ninja level. We can't let it be left alone, can we?"

This sentence immediately reassured Nara Shikaku. He already knew how to say it, and he also guessed some of Natsuhiko's thoughts.

The well-known definitions of ninja levels, such as jounin, chunin and genin, were actually thought up by Senju Hashirama.

Of course, it’s unclear whether Uchiha Madara’s help was involved. After all, there aren’t many historical documents for people to verify.

Natsuhiko planned to restore this ninja level system, and after thinking about it carefully, Nara Shikaku also felt that it was not impossible.

Thinking of this, Nara Shikaku breathed a sigh of relief, although he just spoke with a slightly serious tone.

"Of course, the first Hokage set up the ninja hierarchy system just to break the barrier between blood ninjas and ordinary ninjas, so that they belong to the same level.

Everyone is the jounin, chunin and genin of Konoha, not individual family ninjas.

Although it is a pity that such a system does remain, its actual meaning is gone.

I think restoring its essential meaning is indeed something worthy of our deep exploration and implementation. "

"Indeed, identity politics is something worth exploring. Sometimes it is really useful, but it will also provide a lot of convenience to many people."

Natsuhiko smiled and nodded. Nara Shikaku had completely guessed what he was thinking, so he could speak freely.

"But it's no longer suitable now, and the ninjas of the major families are separated from Konoha, or are controlled by others alone.

I don't think this will be good for anyone. Isn't that why the Fourth Hokage did not fully grasp the power of Hokage?

I don't want this to happen again. Identity politics doesn't mean much. In the future, there will only be 'Konoha ninjas'. I think Minister Shikaku should understand. "

"Of course I understand."

Nara Shikaku nodded vigorously, and then he asked carefully.

"In order to do this, we also need certain supporting policies. Minister Xia Yan, do you think?"

"Can't Minister Shikaku see the purpose of getting so many ninjutsu from Kumogakure?"

Natsuhiko raised his eyebrows slightly at Nara Shikaku, and then he spoke calmly.

"Improve the rights and obligations of Jonin. After all, Jonin is actually the successor of Hokage from beginning to end.

I think as the squad leader of the Jonin class, Director Shikaku has the most say on this point.

In addition, I think ninjas of all levels also need to be improved. After all, everyone is a Konoha ninja, and Konoha must take care of them. "

"I see."

Nara Shikaku nodded, his eyes flickered slightly, and then he lowered his head and spoke quickly.

"In this case, a public resource system will be set up, and the welfare benefits of each level of ninja will increase.

The Sandaime Hokage has received a huge subsidy from the daimyo, which will allow us to carry out this series of actions very well.

However, Minister Natsuhiko, the number of jounin must be strictly limited, and the assessment of jounin must be intensified.

Unqualified people..."

"Just downgrade."

Natsuhiko gave an answer without any hesitation, and this answer also made Nara Shikaku completely relieved.

In these few words, Natsuhiko directly and significantly increased the rights of Jonin, although there are still many details that have not been implemented.

But Nara Shikaku knows that these details may be completely biased in favor of these jounin. Whether it is funds, ninjutsu, or political rights, they will be given more and more!

And according to everything Natsuhiko said before, the status of a future jounin may not be lower than that of the head of a ninja family.

After a jonin has such great power, it must be given sufficient restrictions.

Whether it is quantity or quality, this requires careful assessment, and even the obligations that need to be fulfilled must be included in the assessment.

After all, the future Jonin is probably the most enviable and desirable existence!

In addition, Nara Shikaku was really relieved, because he knew that Natsuhiko himself was leaving a way out for the family ninja.

Indeed, the number of family ninjas is much smaller than that of civilian ninjas.

Family ninjas rely on blood or certain secret techniques as the inheritance of the family. This is far behind the huge number of civilian ninjas.

There will always be times when the bloodline is not up to standard, and there will always be times when the secret skills are not learned well, but with the huge base of civilian ninjas there, there will always be some outstanding ninjas.

But no matter how good they are, they are no longer as good as the family ninjas from the starting point, because the family ninjas have huge resources.

They can use these resources to cultivate ninjas in their own family since they were young, even if there is a problem with the secret skills or blood at some stage.

But this does not prevent them from cultivating other aspects so that this child can become a qualified Jonin.

After figuring this out, Nara Shikaku smiled. He now fully supports all this.

Although they will suffer some losses for now, it is not a big deal, not to mention the current loss does not mean the future loss.

"I understand, Minister Natsuhiko." Nara Shikaku nodded vigorously: "So in terms of supporting policies, does Minister Natsuhiko have anything else to explain?"

"Why doesn't Minister Shikaku provide some advice?" Xia Yan spread his hands indifferently: "After all, I trust Minister Shikaku's vision."

"Is that so..." Nara Shikaku watched Natsuhiko throw the ball to him. Although he was a little helpless, he was also very confident.

It was impossible for him not to have expected such a thing to happen, so he did think carefully about what kind of system he should use to match Xia Yan's reforms in a very short period of time.

In fact, he really thought of a way, but this method was too bold and too avant-garde, but anyway, it met Xia Yan's current needs.

Of course, everything he thought of also originated from Xia Yan. After all, Xia Yan's reforms within the Anbu really made him feel some feasibility.

“Actually, we can create a meeting system for discussion and negotiation, and for better handling of conflicts.

The institution established by this meeting is completely responsible to the Hokage. He does not produce decisions but explores ways to solve problems, and the final decision is made by the Hokage.

As for the personnel of this organization, I think ninjas of all levels can participate. Of course, the choice of ninja or Hokage will set the tone.

This is a preliminary idea of ​​mine. Since I didn’t think about it more carefully, it seems a bit omitted. I wonder if Minister Xia Yan thinks it is feasible? "

Nara Shikaku's words were relatively simple, and he only gave a general framework, but this was also very remarkable.

After all, this was something he came up with on the spur of the moment without considering it more carefully, and he didn't explore many details in more detail.

But even so, Nara Shikaku also startled Natsuhiko. At this time, Natsuhiko was really looking at Nara Shikaku.

What is this thing?

Isn’t this the cabinet-parliamentary system?

Of course, if we slightly adjust the representatives attending the meeting, wouldn't this become a model that Xia Yan is more familiar with?

For a moment, Natsuhiko really looked like a very powerful guy in the anime who opened Nara Shikaku's head to see what was inside.

It's hard to say. In another world, I don't know if a stone would have been dug out for him.

I have to say that Xia Yan was really confused now, but he had seen a lot of people in Gale, and it didn't take him long to recover.

"I am very satisfied with Minister Shikaku's proposal."

Xia Yan showed a smile and spoke slowly.

“Since Minister Shikaku has proposed such a policy, I think it can be sorted out and adjusted in depth.

This is called a comprehensive parliamentary system. The people who can participate in the meeting of jounin, chunin and genin are called councilors. You find someone to be responsible for formulating the number of ninjas of the three levels in proportion.

But there is one thing I must make clear, that is, these council seats should be elected by ninjas of all levels. After all, they represent the rights of ninjas of all levels.

Once someone's performance is not good enough, they can be re-selected through internal voting.

In addition, ninjas of each level hold internal meetings to sort out the problems faced by ninjas of their own level.

At the end of the year, the Konoha Ninja Conference is held to discuss solutions.

By the way, in all future large meetings, all Jonin, whether they are members or not, can participate.

Including the Konoha Conference at the end of the year, they can also participate and have the right to propose, but the specific choice needs to be adjusted based on the actual situation. "

Xia Yan thought for a while, and then simply based on a relatively easy model for dealing with these problems that he recognized in his previous life.

Then based on my actual situation and the situation of this world, I made some modifications and told Nara Shikaku.

Of course, this is just a first draft. After all, Natsuhiko wants to improve the power of the jounin, and many details need to be revised in more detail.

In addition, even the power of chunin and genin must be carefully discussed, but these matters must be left to Nara Shikaku.

"Oh, right."

Before Nara Shikaku could say anything, Natsuhiko spoke again.

"Remember to include civilians. After all, they are considered the reserve of ninjas. You have to come up with a plan for how they allocate them."

Nara Shikaku's face turned a little green when he heard this. He opened his mouth slightly and finally turned into a forced smile.

He nodded helplessly and said with some difficulty: "I understand, Minister Xia Yan, I will handle these matters."

"Then I'll leave it to you. I believe in Minister Shikaku's ability."

Xia Yan stood up as he spoke. He picked up the letter in his hand and put it away.

"If that's the case, then I need to say goodbye, because there are still people waiting for me.

Well, let’s talk about foreign policy next time. After all, we have talked about enough this time. "

Nara Shikaku nodded painfully. He knew who Natsuhiko was going to see, and Natsuhiko was right, but they had enough to talk about this time.

The content of this conversation is simply a bombshell, and it is also a huge and troublesome matter to formulate the content of this conversation into a specific document.

In addition, if the things in this document are to be implemented, I'm afraid he will have to visit some families to have a good chat.

Now that he has completely distanced himself from the Third Generation Hokage during the war between Danzo and Kumogakure, and the Fourth Generation Hokage cannot continue to be in power in Konoha.

It is normal for Nara Shikaku to choose Natsuhiko. Now that he has identified the future new Hokage, he must have the power to do something.

"However, Minister Natsuhiko's reforms are still very good. They can unite Konoha and protect the power of the family ninja.

It's just that we can't be like now in the future, as long as we are born well, we can hold the golden key in our mouth.

Some people have to work harder in the future..."


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