The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 283 Yes, Hokage-sama (8K please subscribe~)

The reform of Konoha does require a lot of energy, and Xia Yan himself knows this well.

Therefore, although he is concerned about this matter, he still wants to see Nara Shikaku's solution.

As a manager, Xia Yan's approach has been consistent from beginning to end. Just like him on the battlefield, he is only responsible for macro-strategic adjustments.

As for the details, there are so many capable subordinates who don't have to worry about it themselves. It's simply the stupidest way to deal with it.

"If necessary, the secretariat will also be set up in the Hokage building, as well as my internal affairs office."

The secretariat and internal affairs office created by the Anbu helped Xia Yan deal with a lot of troubles. He decided that even if he became Hokage, he must retain these two parts.

But by then, these two departments should be upgraded from ‘departments’ to ‘departments’.

Even though the Hokage has a government affairs department that is responsible for helping and handling various things, the government affairs department should coordinate more things.

For example, the somewhat bizarre ‘comprehensive parliamentary system’ that was just proposed will require the participation and coordination of the Ministry of Government in the later stage.

In fact, in Xia Yan's view, Konoha's government system is really messed up, and it will take a lot of time to completely change it all.

"But I really have time to deal with all this slowly."

Natsuhiko really doesn't have a lot of time. There is still enough time between now and the original work. When the time of the original work actually comes, maybe Konoha will be established as a benchmark in the ninja world by him.

After leaving the office, the chakra in Natsuhiko's body moved slightly, and the next moment he appeared near a newsstand in Konoha.

Looking at the toad holding a kunai standing in front of him, Xia Yan didn't show any surprise.

The main reason why he didn't finish talking to Nara Shikaku before leaving was because he felt someone using the Flying Thunder God to summon him.

In addition, the existence of these toads is not unusual. They stayed in Konoha to deliver newspapers to Namikaze Minato.

Natsuhiko knew very well that Kakashi wanted to pass on some information to Namikaze Minato, so he simply suggested that Kakashi send the newspaper over to read.

Kakashi heard Natsuhiko's suggestion and thought it made sense. Unless there were some special secrets to be reported, the newspaper would have basically covered them.

Facts have proved that there is nothing wrong with Natsuhiko's choice for Kakashi. Namikaze Minato really likes newspapers now.

In order not to affect Kakashi's work, he even asked some toads to come to Konoha regularly to buy the day's newspapers.

The toad in front of Xia Yan was responsible for this task, but now he had one more task.

"Are you Natsuhiko Senju?" Toad couldn't help but ask when he saw Natsuhi suddenly appearing.

However, there was very little doubt in his tone. Basically, he was 100% sure that the guy in front of him was Natsuhiko at the door of Namifeng Shui.

Because the art of Flying Thunder God is very wonderful and very difficult to learn, and the way Xia Yan appeared just now was obviously the art of Flying Thunder God.

"It's me." Xia Yan nodded slightly: "The Fourth Hokage wants to see me, how can I go to see him?"

"Come with me, I'll take you to Mt. Miaomu." The little toad spread his hands and said, "It's really troublesome. Don't they know how much chakra is consumed to take someone to Mt. Miaomu? Why did they let me come?"

When Xia Yan heard this guy's complaint, he couldn't help but shook his head and chuckled.

Things like psychic beasts are actually quite interesting. If Xia Yan hadn't improved his strength too fast in the past few years, he might still need Lizard Maru's constant help.

Now the little lizards from Lizardmaru's clan have basically become the postmen for Natsuhiko to deliver messages and intelligence.

Sometimes Xia Yan would even use the Flying Thunder God technique to run over for convenience.

But now that Lizumaru doesn't have much room to appear, it doesn't mean that he will still be like this in the future.

After all, mediumship has a very subtle characteristic, that is, it requires the chakra of both the medium beast and the medium to maintain it.

Even psychic beasts can rely on the chakra of psychics to maintain their ability to continue fighting.

It is obvious how terrifying Natsuhiko's chakra is. If Lizard Maru can use Natsuhiko's chakra well, then many things in the future will be difficult to say.

Under the leadership of the little toad, Xia Yan and it came to a relatively hidden corner.

Fortunately, the time now is working time, there are not so many people on the streets of Konoha, and Xia Yan is still wearing a mask, so no one recognized him.

At this time, under the crazy bombardment of newspapers, he was basically known to everyone in Konoha.

This makes him sometimes need to wear a mask when going out, otherwise he is likely to be surrounded by enthusiastic Konoha residents. His current popularity is really beyond what he used to be.

When they came to this corner, the little toad immediately clasped his paws together, and then Xia Yan felt a very familiar chakra appear.

"Immortal magic?"

Xia Yan immediately noticed the difference in the chakra of this little toad. After all, immortal magic is also one of his commonly used powers. Of course, he is very keen.

I have to say that this kind of psychic beast, or rather the psychic beast in the three holy places, is truly the only one favored by God.

The power they naturally use is a power that humans often cannot easily learn. The people in the entire ninja world who can use senjutsu have already explained the problem.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there are talented people but no way to learn it, but Xia Yan feels that there are still a small number of talented people.

After all, just being petrified would scare away many people. After all, not everyone can receive the same careful instruction as Naruto.

Not everyone is like me. With the help of plug-ins, learning conditions and even talent can be ignored.

"This is the art of reverse channeling." The little toad glanced at Xia Yan, and then said, "Let's go, I'll take you there."

"Yes." Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then followed the little guy into the psychic formation.

When a strange chakra swept through Xia Yan's body, Xia Yan clearly felt the power of space vibrating.

He is really familiar with this kind of power, but this kind of power is quite different from that of Flying Thunder God, even though the essence is the same.

Thinking about it in the blink of an eye, Xia Yan found that he had arrived in a forest, and not far from the forest, a blond man was sitting there.

"Xia Yanjun, long time no see." When the blond man saw Xia Yan coming, he couldn't help but smile.

Xia Yan also smiled and nodded at him: "It's indeed been a long time, Hokage-sama..."


Natsuhiko and Namikaze Minato met and chatted for a long time, and it wasn't until the evening that Natsuhiko ended the meeting with a smile.

In this meeting, Xia Yan got what he wanted!

Although this is just a promise, for Xia Yan, this promise is absolutely sufficient and absolutely realistic.

"As long as you can promote the election of Konoha's new Hokage, then I will support this proposal. After all, I have no way to continue to lead Konoha now."

These are Namikaze Minato's original words, and these words also give an affirmation to everything Natsuhiko has done!

Although Natsuhiko himself was not very clear about the changes in Namikaze Minato's heart, it seemed that he had changed a lot since he knew what he had done on the night of the Kyuubi.

However, such changes are not much different from the original work or now. After all, he died long ago in the original work.

But now that everything has been changed by Xia Yan, it is obvious that everything will not return to the original point.

Even if some things will still develop according to the original plot, Xia Yan feels that the possibility is unlikely so far.

If it were not as good as some major events that happened in Konoha, the Chunin Exam that completely screwed Natsuhiko into trouble in his previous life would probably not have happened.

Now that Natsuhiko is so powerful and has shown such performance in the war between Kumogakure and Konoha, he doesn't believe that Sunagakure will come to trouble him with his stupidity.

In addition, there is another reason why Sunagakure chose to send troops, and that is the existence of Orochimaru.

In the original work, Natsuhiko really didn't know what method Orochimaru used to induce Rasa. After all, the original work didn't say it.

But it is conceivable that Luo Sha really chose to agree and sent troops.

As for why Konoha didn't do much after they learned of Orochimaru's existence and noticed that Sunagakure had put the jinchūriki in.

This is actually a very simple thing, that is, to deter and train newcomers.

In the original work, Konoha experienced the Kumogakure incident, which led to a sharp decline in prestige. This was an unimaginably devastating event for Konoha's development.

Konoha needs someone to be its stepping stone so that it can regain its prestige in the ninja world, and the attacks of Orochimaru and Sunagakure gave Konoha this opportunity in a sense.

Moreover, Sunagakure and Konoha are an alliance, but the origin of this alliance is entirely due to Sunagakure's defeat and forced signing. Naturally, they are not willing to continue to maintain the alliance.

Konoha also intends to suppress this unreliable alliance that wants to rebel, so the continuation of the war is inevitable.

What's more, Konoha has been peaceful for so many years, and the new generation of ninjas have never experienced war at all. They cannot understand the importance of peace and cannot become true ninjas.

After all, ninjas are weapons. Once a weapon becomes blunt, it loses its power. It is very necessary to keep the weapon sharp even if you don't actively attack.

It is naturally necessary to use such a war to temper young people.

Of course, Natsuhiko was thinking maliciously, in fact, was this a helpless choice made by Sarutobi Hiruzen?

First of all, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know whether the Fourth Kazekage was himself or not. Even if he knew, he couldn't find the Fourth Kazekage's body.

Under such circumstances, he naturally had no evidence to prove Rasa's true identity, and it was impossible to reveal Orochimaru's identity, not to mention that the Sand Hidden Village would not believe Konoha's words.

Secondly, Sarutobi Hiruzen had a month to prepare, and he really couldn't arrange too many things.

Orochimaru knows Konoha too well, and once he makes any move to fight, Orochimaru is likely to alert Orochimaru.

Without understanding Orochimaru's purpose, he still needs to be careful when dealing with someone as dangerous as Orochimaru.

In addition, due to Danzo's relationship within Konoha and his indulgence in the destruction of the Uchiha clan, he was actually very embarrassed.

It can be said that at that time, Sarutobi Hiruzen was almost in an embarrassing situation with no cards in his hand to play.

There was almost nothing he could do but watch the war break out!

Of course, this is also Xia Yan's recent thought. Xia Yan doesn't know whether this is the case specifically.

But Natsuhiko knows that this matter has basically been cut in half, and it cannot happen as long as he is in Konoha, especially since Orochimaru is still his!

"But how long Orochimaru can continue in this state is really a question."

Through the transmission of the psychic array, Xia Yan returned to Konoha again, but this time it was more interesting. Xia Yan found that the place where he appeared was actually on the Hokage Rock.

Standing on the top of the Hokage Rock, Xia Yan glanced at everything in front of him. He had to say that it really felt like he could see all the small mountains at a glance.

This feeling is really very different from Xia Yan's standing on the wooden figure looking down at the enemy, because those people are enemies, and the people in front of him are all people of 'Konoha'.

He seemed to understand now why those Hokages liked to stand here and look at the entire Konoha.

Because the prosperity of Konoha can be roughly seen here, and this is also their contribution.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan stretched slightly, and then when he was about to leave, Xiao Jiuwei's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"That guy just now, the Kyuubi in his body seems to have noticed me."


Xia Yan raised his head slightly. He was a little surprised by Xiao Jiuwei's words, but he didn't take it too seriously.

"It's okay, I noticed it when I noticed it." Natsuhiko smiled nonchalantly: "If he noticed it, would he still tell Minato Namikaze?"

"I haven't noticed it yet, but I may have felt my presence." Xiao Jiuwei's voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind: "Also, I'm sorry to tell you that he may be the same as you."

"Like me?" Xia Yan was stunned for a moment when he heard Xiao Jiuwei's words, and then his face instantly became serious.

Kyuubi-chan's meaning is very clear. If Namikaze Minato can be like him, he probably has mastered the power of Kyuubi!

This news really made Natsuhiko feel a little incredible. Although Namikaze Minato did master the power of the Nine-Tails in the original work, how long ago did that happen?

Now he actually has the power of the Nine-Tails, especially since the Nine-Tails was divided and sealed by him. How could this be possible?

Is it possible that Namikaze Minato also mastered Naruto's mouth and was unable to escape?

"Are you sure you didn't feel wrong?" Xia Yan frowned and asked in a low voice, "Are you sure he can use your power to fight?"

"That's for sure, that's right." Little Kyuubi nodded: "I can feel the power that belongs to me in his body. Although he is still exercising, this is already a fact."

"Is that so?" Xia Yan nodded silently. I have to say that this discovery really surprised Xia Yan.

Because when he saw Namikaze Minato, Natsuhiko could clearly feel the full Senjutsu chakra in his body.

This shows that Namikaze Minato has been training seriously and hard during this period, which has allowed his level of senjutsu to reach such a level.

And now that he has mastered Kyuubi's chakra, it's hard to say that he will have Kyuubi's chakra mode in the near future.

At this moment, Natsuhiko couldn't help but wonder whether Namikaze Minato didn't seal the Nine-Tails into Naruto.

Instead, after sealing it into Kushina's body, did she accidentally take away Naruto's script?

"It's really interesting..."

Xia Yan shook his head, but at this moment, raindrops suddenly fell in the sky, which made him couldn't help but look up.

"Is it raining? It really suits the occasion..."


It was late at night in Konoha, with heavy rain pouring down, and lightning and thunder.

The tense and depressive atmosphere in Konoha at this time is vividly interpreted, and it seems to indicate that Konoha will soon be as stormy as tonight.

Of course, such violent storms are only for some people. For many people, after the heavy rain, the sky clears up.


Huge lightning struck down from the nine heavens and fell into the mortal world. The dark night sky lit up with its sudden appearance, which was particularly majestic and majestic.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was sitting quietly in the Hokage's office alone, thinking silently.

The lights in the room were not turned on, it was pitch black, and the whole room suddenly lit up with the sudden appearance of lightning outside.

Then as the lightning passed quickly, it fell into darkness, with light and darkness echoing each other.

Between the continuous light and dark, Sarutobi's face flickered, making him look particularly strange.

A gust of breeze blew, and the curtains that had been standing still moved slightly with the breeze, but they looked extremely eye-catching and abrupt in this stormy night.

The breeze suddenly stopped, and between the sudden change and the sudden stop, a black shadow appeared opposite Sarutobi Hiruzen, and sat across the table from him.

Sarutobi seemed to turn a blind eye to the shadow in front of him, still thinking quietly.

And the shadow didn't speak, just sat quietly, waiting.

"Hey, it seems that I am getting old and become distracted easily."

After a while, the rain decreased and the wind also weakened.

After the thunder and lightning stopped, Sarutobi finally came back from his thoughts. He sighed softly, showing his old age.

"But I really didn't expect that you didn't set up the Flying Thunder God mark here. Is it disdain or do you think you are bound to win?"

"Perhaps both." Black Shadow said slowly, his voice seemed very calm.

The moonlight slowly revealed the face from behind the dark clouds, and the clear and bright moon shadow also scattered, and the dark shadow's face became clear with the bright moonlight.

It was Natsu Yan, and Natsu Yan was looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen in front of him in silence.

Looking at the old Sarutobi Hiruzen, Xia Yan suddenly had an uncontrollable emotion that kept stirring in his chest.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, the 'Ninja Hero' of the generation who was once arrogant and led an era with almost no one to compete with.

Unknowingly, he was inexplicably tortured into what he is now.

Did you put too much pressure on me this time, or is time really so ruthless?

Suddenly, Xia Yan seemed to have an extremely absurd and weird idea.

"Maybe the first generation and the second generation died at the right time?"

After all, they do not have to experience and endure the endless ravages of time on their physical and mental strength, nor do they have to bear the comments and accusations from older people about the merits and demerits of their lives.

They died in the most heroic and invincible manner in the most glorious era of their lives.

They have engraved their most powerful side deeply into history and everyone's heart, becoming tragic heroes who will be praised forever.

They retained their dignity and glory as strong men and sublimated it to another, greater realm.

They will always stand above the river of history, smiling at the heroes of the past, and overlooking everything in the future.

Shaking his head slightly, Xia Yan put away this thought. This was just a simple thought.

If a top ninja can maintain their peak state from beginning to end, then they will naturally ignore all decline after the peak.

It's just that the people in this world who can do this are not strictly human anymore. Those guys are all members of the Otsutsuki tribe!

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't know what Natsuhiko was thinking. He took a deep breath and then sat upright with his aging body.

For some reason, Xia Yan clearly felt that all his old demeanor was completely gone at this moment!

It seemed that at this moment, all the lost power returned to him again, and he seemed to have once again become the 'nin hero' in Xia Yan's memory.

"So, do you think you will win this time?"

A rich voice that was completely out of proportion to his thin and shriveled body sounded, and the rolling pressure rushed towards Xia Yan at this moment.

It's just that this kind of power can no longer give Xia Yan the same feeling as before, and it doesn't have the feeling of being almost breathless.

In fact, he couldn't even improve his concentration.

"Hey, is it too much pressure?" Xia Yan shook his head gently: "Or is it that you and the people behind you have broken down?"

"Maybe, you should know that if it collapses, I will definitely do something to you!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't seem to relax at all because of Natsuhiko's calm attitude. On the contrary, he seemed to become more intense.

“I’m certain that your rise to power will definitely break the balance of everything in Konoha.

I will not allow the balance that Konoha has worked so hard to achieve to be ruined just because of you! "

Xia Yan looked calmly at the resolute Third Hokage in front of him. Hearing those words that seemed to be determined to die, Xia Yan couldn't help but laugh.

He probably guessed what the Third Hokage's purpose was, and Xia Yan also noticed how he changed it.

"It seems that you are really old, Lord Third Hokage."

Xia Yan shook his head gently. At this moment, Xia Yan also had a rare stern look on his face.

“Does it still make sense to us what you’re saying now?

No matter what you think, or whether you are firmly opposed to this matter, this matter has now become an unchangeable trend.

You have no ability to stop it, and Konoha now has no ability to prevent it from happening.

I am already standing on top of the clouds, looking down at you. What qualifications do you have to resist me? "

"Maybe, but don't underestimate people's hearts."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said word by word, his eyes showed frightening fighting spirit and will, and his slightly tense body could deliver that fatal blow at any time.

"It seems that you still want to fight for the interest groups behind you."

Xia Yan shook his head slightly, and then he stood up. In an instant, his momentum completely burst out.

At this moment, the walls of the entire Hokage's office began to shake, and the windows, glass, etc. in the office all began to have spider web-like cracks.

These cracks continued to spread, and after a few breaths they collectively shattered, and then fell to the ground with a crackling sound.

The Hokage's office seemed particularly silent and depressing at this moment.

Both Natsuhiko and Hiruzen Sarutobi looked directly at each other, but both of them knew very well that this time Sarutobi Hiruzen was completely at a disadvantage in the confrontation of momentum.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was also very moved in his heart. The momentum of the young man in front of him had really reached the level he remembered as the first Hokage and his teacher.

Such a strong sense of oppression is really disappointing, but it is also really gratifying!

Suddenly, Sarutobi laughed out loud, very happily and freely. He looked at Xia Yan and said calmly.

"Indeed, your strength has already reached the top of the clouds, and now my strength is far behind yours.

I may not even have the slightest chance of winning in a fight with you, and even if I want to die with you, I can't.

However, there are some things that you still have to do even if you just know you can’t do it! "

As he spoke, there was an aura and grace that could not be looked at from his body. Xia Yan couldn't help but feel moved by this situation.

For a moment, Xia Yan really felt that this old man would do something.

But this feeling quickly disappeared, because Xia Yan knew that the old man couldn't do it. It had nothing to do with being timid or being an opponent.

Shaking his head gently, Xia Yan also began to calm down his momentum. At this moment, Xia Yan once again seemed to become the young man with a gentle expression.

"Sandaime-sama, I think this is almost enough." Natsuhiko sat down, and the moonlight fell on him again.

But compared to the weird and cold look a few minutes ago, Xia Yan looked a lot more holy at this moment.

A smile appeared on his face again, and his voice became much warmer, no longer so cold.

“The wheel of history will only keep moving forward. No one can stop it, and no one can really reverse history easily.

Neither I nor you can do it. It’s not that you can’t do it but you will die if you do. "

Having said this, Natsuhiko sighed softly. He looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with a more incomprehensible look. He adjusted his thoughts slightly before continuing to speak slowly.

“Actually speaking, I really admire everything the Sandaime-sama has done.

After all, even if I were in the position of the Sandaime-sama, the choices I could make were actually the same as the Sandaime-sama.

Konoha is a swamp, and if you want to survive in this swamp, sometimes you really have to be ruthless.

Sandaime-sama, you did it, so with the current situation, you have controlled Konoha for decades.

I don't blame you for the choice you made, because if it were me, I would probably do something even more cold-blooded and cruel.

But like I said, times are changing, and no one can stop the flow of this era, right? "

Having said this, Xia Yan stopped and looked at the old man in front of him calmly, because this was enough.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's previous performance may be regarded as his last test, to see how far Natsuhiko's power has reached.

Although Xia Yan found this boring, he didn't mind cooperating.

Maybe the old man really wants to do it, but he won't really do it, because Xia Yan will definitely be the Hokage, and just like Xia Yan said, there is no way to stop him!

"Maybe." After a while, Hiruzen Sarutobi sighed slightly, and then he also sat down: "The problem now is not me, or it is not just me."

"I have already visited the Yondaime." Natsuhiko said calmly: "He gave me a promise. As long as Konoha decides to hold the Hokage election, he will agree."

"It seems that you are indeed fully prepared." Sarutobi Hiruzen closed his eyes slightly, and after a long time he asked with some difficulty: "So, where are the others?"

"I will do it because I came up." Xia Yan gave the answer directly. There is no need to hide this kind of thing.

"If they agree and accept my arrangement, then everything will be fine. If they don't agree and accept it, then I will take normal measures.

If they dare to resist, then I will send them to the Pure Land to meet their old friends, and if necessary, I will eradicate them! "

Natsuhiko's words were very calm, but under this calmness, how intense the bloody storm was, Sarutobi Hiruzen's psychology was clear.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen also knew that he could not stop or hinder him at all, because he had done similar things, and even what he did was extremely cruel.

Besides, Natsuhiko had already given them a way to survive, but Hiruzen Sarutobi wasn't sure whether they would accept it.

Because interest has always been the scariest thing and the most deceptive thing.

In addition, it is power. When they have tasted the taste of power, it will be extremely difficult for them to let go.

Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly smiled bitterly in his heart. He had hoped that Xia Yan would not go on a killing spree.

But now he hopes that those who have followed him for more than ten or even decades will not force Xia Yan to go on a killing spree because of the loss of power and interests.

Sighing slightly, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded slightly. He didn't say anything more because he knew it was enough.

"Oh, right." Xia Yan looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen's disappointed look and suddenly showed a smile: "With the third generation's ability, I think it's better for you not to retire. There are many things around me that need you to do. help."

"You..." Sarutobi Hiruzen heard Xia Yan's words and immediately gritted his teeth and glared: "What on earth do you mean? Do you want me to raise my butcher knife and face those people?"

"I have this idea, but it's not comprehensive." Xia Yan shook his head slightly: "We are enemies in terms of positions. Having you here will keep me alert at all times, and..."

Having said this, the smile on Xia Yan's face suddenly became brighter, and he spoke word by word under the angry gaze of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"And let you see, isn't it even more interesting to use my way to make Konoha rise?

What do you think, Sandaime-sama? "

Sarutobi Hiruzen was still glaring at Natsuhiko, and his anger seemed to have reached its highest level at this moment.

But he couldn't refuse or resist at all, because he didn't have the strength to resist all this.

It took him a long time before he nodded, and he almost gritted his teeth and answered.

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"


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