After coming out of Sarutobi's place, the light rain outside still didn't stop.

It was raining heavily, and the cool wind in the middle of the night hit Xia Yan's body, making him feel a slight chill.

Small water droplets streaked down his clothes, and finally dripped onto the ground, making a small, almost invisible splash.

Xia Yan's figure gradually became hazy in the rain curtain, and finally became almost invisible.

As he walked, Xia Yan was thinking in his heart. He didn't know what kind of emotions Sarutobi Hiruzen's "Yes, Hokage-sama" was full of.

But Xia Yan knew that he had already won, completely won!

Sixteen years have passed since he got the system and started working hard for Hokage.

Especially the last three years have been the most difficult and troublesome years.

Three years can change too many things, and during these three years, Xia Yan has also changed from a small person who seems to be submissive, but is actually full of evil intentions.

Step by step, he walked towards the core of the swamp in Konoha's upper echelons, and finally completely occupied the swamp and became the ruler inside.

Xia Yan still seems to remember that he had to go back and forth between the two Hokages at that time, constantly thinking of ways not to expose himself, and constantly gaining and accumulating his own political capital.

Xia Yan hated those days, but he had to do it.

But now everything is over, from killing the owl in the Nine-Tails incident to getting the opportunity to kill Murashima Takumi.

After three years of accumulation after becoming an ANBU, Xia Yan finally emerged from chrysalis and became a butterfly today, completely achieving his goal!

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but laugh at himself.

Who knows how many people he has killed along the way, and who knows how many conspiracies he has pulled off.

He himself didn't know how many people he had faced with his mask on. He always looked gentle and gentle, so gentle and sunny.

But in fact, only he himself knows how hypocritical he is.

Just like Sarutobi Hiruzen, on the one hand Natsuhiko really admired him, but on the other hand he also used countless unseemly methods to deal with him.

Just like now, even though he said that his presence would keep Xia Yan on guard at all times.

But in essence, it was the same as what Sarutobi Hiruzen thought. Natsuhiko basically planned to let him hold the butcher's knife to deal with his former companions and interest groups.

Because Xia Yan knew that he could neither refuse nor refuse and could not refuse, this made Xia Yan appear so unscrupulous.

"In the final analysis, I am actually the person I have hated the most."

Shaking his head slowly, Xia Yan raised his head and looked at the heavy rain in the sky. Although there was no lightning or thunder, the heavy rain was still pouring down.

Xia Yan didn't hold an umbrella and didn't care that the rain got him completely wet. He shook his head slightly and slowly walked towards his home.

For some reason, he just wanted to get wet in the rain. He had no intention of using the Flying Thunder God. He seemed to really want the rain to wash him away.

"You're back, Xia Yanjun."

I don't know how long he walked before Xia Yan arrived at his home. Lianhua had been waiting for his return.

At home, Renka would not call him minister like she did in ANBU, but her cold personality remained the same.

She didn't ask why Xia Yan was soaked like a drowned rat. She just silently handed Xia Yan a towel and asked Xia Yan to wipe it well.

"I'll help you prepare some hot water. Even if you're not afraid of catching a cold after getting caught in the rain, you'll feel much better if you take a hot bath. Elder Xiangzhen is here."

"Well, I understand, please."

The feeling of being with Lianhua is actually quite relaxing, especially when we are at home, this kind of relaxation is infinitely amplified.

This woman will always arrange things quietly, just as reassuring as she is in ANBU.

As for the arrival of Senju Xiang, Xia Yan didn't feel much surprise. This old man has been coming here recently, and Xia Yan has long been accustomed to it.

Therefore, he didn't mind letting Senju Xiangma wait for a while. After taking a hot bath and adjusting his mentality, Xia Yan went to meet Senju Xiangma.

"Xia Yan, what's on your mind?"

What Xia Yan never expected was that the first time he met Senju Xiangzhen, Senju Xiangzhen suddenly frowned and asked.


Although Xia Yan was surprised by Senju Xiangzhen's sharpness, he was still able to see through it even though he had acted plain enough.

However, he nodded after being silent for a while. In fact, there was nothing to hide about this matter.

"People always encounter difficult things, don't they?"

"Indeed, especially you have done things that we old people can't do at all. Maybe this kind of pressure is really great."

Senju Xiangzhen's tone was very calm. At this moment, he seemed to have no intention of coming over to persuade Xia Yan to leave his bloodline as soon as possible.

Even he didn't know where Xia Yan's pressure came from, or what happened to Xia Yan, but he knew that he couldn't cause trouble.

However, he was still a little curious about what happened to Xia Yan, so he hesitated for a moment before asking slowly.

"If you are willing to talk about it, maybe I can find a way to help you solve some problems. Even if not, I can help you analyze it."

"It's not a big deal, it's just that I have a deeper understanding of myself."

Xia Yan shook his head gently, and then sighed quietly.

"By the way, I may be very busy in the next period of time, very busy. I need to deal with many things properly."

"I know this. After all, standing on such a high position, I can't relax even if I want to."

Xia Yan couldn't help but chuckle when he heard his words, although there was indeed nothing wrong with what Senju Xiangzhen thought.

But Natsu Yan could hear that he was still thinking from the perspective of being the head of ANBU. It was obvious that he still underestimated Natsu Yan.

"But please note that I need your help with something, or I need help from the Thousand Hands Clan."

Xia Yan thought for a moment and then said with a smile.

"Perhaps there will be an election in the next few days, a crucial election. I hope that all members of the Thousand Hands Clan will participate."

Upon hearing this, Senju Xiangzhen wanted to nod, but soon his whole body froze.

He suddenly stood up and looked at Xia Yan with a shocked face, but soon the shock turned into a mixture of joy and inexplicable emotions.

He asked tremblingly: " it time?"

"Well, yes." Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then he smiled and said: "Maybe you can call me..."

"The Fifth Hokage is here..."


After the heavy rain, the weather seemed exceptionally clear. Even after several days, the weather in Konoha was still very good.

It seems that this is a sign that a long time has passed, and the new sun will shine on the entire Konoha.

Xia Yan opened the curtains, and golden sunlight poured through the windows and filled the entire room.

Pushing open the door and walking to the window sill, a lazy feeling of warmth began to spread over the body.

Looking up into the distance, as far as the eye can see, there is a blue sky with no clouds.

The sun hangs alone in the sky, blooming with its beauty.

Looking down, the neat streets were already bustling with people. As usual, a day full of vitality and excitement in Konoha began again.

It's just that today's situation is a bit special. All the residents of Konoha, whether they are civilians or ninjas, put down what they were doing and walked towards the Hokage Building.

A few days ago, Natsuhiko's newspaper and the Konoha Hokage Building simultaneously delivered a shocking and exciting news.

That is, Konoha is about to start a new round of Hokage elections!

Sarutobi Hiruzen really performed too badly in this confrontation between Kumogakure and Konoha, which caused his support rate and reputation to drop crazily.

In fact, such a loss is nothing to him. After all, the birth of Hokage does not necessarily depend on elections.

But there was a huge surprise this time, and that was the appearance of Senju Natsuhiko. It was because of his appearance that Sarutobi Hiruzen had no choice.

He made it clear that he was unable to lead Konoha forward due to physical reasons.

He hopes to take on some more relaxed positions and allow young people with more impact and leadership to take charge of Konoha.

This news was really epoch-making for Konoha. The most important thing was that the next day Kakashi brought back the verbal orders of the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato.

The meaning is similar to Sarutobi Hiruzen, that is, he is currently unable to lead Konoha due to his physical condition.

Since he was injured due to the Kyuubi incident three years ago, he has not returned to Konoha for three full years, and he has not spent time with Konoha to overcome the difficulties.

So now that Konoha wants to elect a new Hokage, he will express his support. He hopes that the new Hokage can lead Konoha to prosperity.

As soon as the announcements from the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage came out, some things that were going to happen in Konoha in the future were basically determined.

That is when Konoha is about to enter the era of the Fifth Hokage!

Nara Shikaku also showed his role as the Minister of Political Department. He completed the passage of various bills almost as quickly as possible, and the selection started smoothly.

Looking at the bustling crowd, Xia Yan looked very calm.

Perhaps for the residents of Konoha, there is still a little bit of suspense about the Fifth Hokage. Although Natsuhiko is very vocal, everyone has their own choice.

But for Xia Yan, there was no suspense at all. He already knew what the result would be.

"After all, everyone has the right to know everything, and they also have the right to know nothing."

Xia Yan mentally muttered something, although such an idea was a bit shameless, and he was also secretly changing the concept.

But this is a fact. I can only say that Sir Humphrey does not deceive me.

"Why are you here, don't you go take a look?" At this moment, a voice suddenly rang in Xia Yan's ears: "Maybe in a few days, I will call you Hokage-sama."

"There's nothing pretty about this kind of thing. I believe in everyone's choice." Xia Yan was not surprised that there was another person around him. He smiled and said softly: "Speaking of which, is Master Jiraiya coming back this time? Didn’t report it?”

As he spoke, Xia Yan turned his head and looked at the guy next to him who had the same white hair as himself.

Obviously this guy is Jiraiya. Natsuhiko and Jiraiya have met once or twice, so he naturally remembers this guy's chakra.

It's just that Xia Yan didn't get the news when this guy came back this time. It was obvious that he had sneaked in without reporting and had sneaked in through some special methods.

"Don't worry about these details." Jiraiya smiled awkwardly, and then he said with emotion: "I didn't expect you to have grown to this point."

Jiraiya looked at Xia Yan's young face, and his psychology was actually very complicated.

Natsuhiko is too young, he is much younger than Namikaze Minato three years ago, but he is now at the pinnacle of Konoha.

This is a symbol of power, but Natsuhiko is really more than just a giant crocodile in the upper swamps of Konoha in terms of power.

His strength has also allowed him to stand at the top of the ninja world, and he can even be regarded as a member overlooking all living beings!

With such a growth trajectory and such strength, I am afraid that everyone in the entire ninja world will be extremely surprised.

More importantly, Jiraiya still remembers the prophecy given to him by Toad Immortal, a prophecy that has been rewritten.

Although this prophecy is quite different from Xia Yan's current situation, no matter how you look at it, Xia Yan seems to be a person who can bring changes to the ninja world!

Thinking of this, Jiraiya asked quietly: "Boy, what are your plans after becoming Hokage?"

"Things haven't been settled yet, so who knows?"

Xia Yan smiled and shook his head, saying neither admitting nor denying.

"And even if the matter is confirmed, in what capacity does Jiraiya-sama intend to use to ask me this question?"

"That's right, after all, I didn't do anything."

Jiraiya smiled mockingly to himself. He could naturally tell that Xia Yan had some opinions about him.

"I only hope that after Minister Natsuhiko becomes Hokage, he can forgive me for my willfulness."

"I will give you a long-term mission to hunt down Orochimaru."

Xia Yan looked at Jiraiya calmly. His expression looked as gentle as ever, but this gentleness had a different flavor.

Natsuhiko actually liked the character Jiraiya, but after coming to this world and standing at a high enough position, Natsuhiko's perspective on things also changed fundamentally.

In fact, after Natsuhiko became the ANBU minister, his view of Jiraiya had already changed.

As a Konoha ninja, Jiraiya always stayed away from Konoha, which really disgusted Natsuhiko.

The only thing Sarutobi Hiruzen could tolerate was Jiraiya being his disciple. Originally, Natsuhiko thought that he might be able to change things after he came to power.

As a result, he was a little depressed to find that he couldn't actually change anything, because Jiraiya was one of the three ninjas!

The title of Sannin is really popular in Konoha. Even if Natsuhiko wants to move, he must think about it, not to mention that one of the Sannin is from the Senju clan.

Therefore, Natsuhiko's attitude towards Jiraiya is definitely not good. Even though he seems gentle, he doesn't have any sense of intimacy!

"I understand, then I would like to thank Minister Xia Yan for your help."

Jiraiya was very smart. When he heard what Natsuki Yan said, he immediately understood what it meant. At this time, he couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

"Also, I would like to thank the future Hokage-sama for allowing me to retain Konoha's ninja qualifications."

"You are one of the three ninjas. No one will do anything to you, but I also hope you remember it."

Xia Yan paused slightly as he said this, then he turned to look at Jiraiya and spoke slowly, word by word.

"You are a Konoha ninja. Only if you are a Konoha ninja can you be one of the three ninjas of Konoha. Don't get this order wrong.

Please think about this problem carefully, Jiraiya-sama, one of the three ninjas. "

After saying this, Natsuhiko turned around and walked directly into the room, leaving only Jiraiya with a sigh on his face.

He could feel that Konoha was about to undergo huge changes. Natsuhiko was definitely a strong Hokage.

Such strength may be a good thing for Konoha, but it may also make Konoha a river of blood...


"Minister Xia Yan, the statistical results should come out every day, if there are no accidents..."

In an office in the Konoha Hokage Building, Nara Shikaku looked at Natsuhiko with a smile and said.

Konoha's efficiency this time is still very good, and the coverage is also very wide. Both the ninjas inside Konoha and the ninjas on missions have been notified.

In addition, the civilians of Konoha also participated in this vote, and even the ninjas responsible for garrison duty at the border also voted.

It can be said that under the control of Nara Shikaku, all this is going on in an orderly manner and at an extremely fast speed.

It only took a few days for all the votes to be cast, and now the final screening and counting is underway.

This time there are two people competing for Hokage with Natsuhiko, they are Nara Shikaku and Hinata Hizashi.

Nara Shikaku was remarkable in this war between Konoha and Kumogakure. In addition, he worked in the Ministry of Government Affairs all year round, and his resume was also very impressive.

Hyuga Hizatsu is the leader of the Hyuga clan. He is also very powerful and has invested a lot of support in the war between Konoha and Kumogakure.

Of course, these two people are basically running companions, and they cannot be elected regardless of the number of votes. In fact, the purpose of introducing them is to ensure that Xia Yan's votes are definitely enough.

Directly changing the final number of votes is a good option, but it's not as good as just giving everyone three choices.

One relatively excellent choice, two unsatisfactory choices, and the final result is naturally the relatively excellent choice.

In fact, Xia Yan knew that after Hiruzen Sarutobi announced his withdrawal on his own initiative, the interest groups behind him also tried to withdraw new candidates to compete with Xia Yan.

Their selection made Xia Yan feel a little interesting, because the two people were Koharu who had transferred to the dormitory and Mito Monen.

With these two choices, Xia Yan felt that they were really forced into a corner, but Xia Yan had no intention of giving them a chance to fight to the death.

As an ANBU, Xia Yan always adheres to the principle that if he can kill someone, he will never give him any chance.

Because there is a poem that makes it very clear, that is, "Wildfire will never burn out, but the spring breeze will blow it again."

Xia Yan will not give the enemy any chance, unless he really has no choice, otherwise he believes in cutting the grass and eradicating the roots, even crushing the bones and ashes!

Xia Yan unceremoniously took over the power of the Government Affairs Department and the Anbu, directly denied the two people they pushed out, and completely pinned them to the ground.

In addition, he also asked Nara Shikaku to let out a little bit about the reform of Konoha's ninja system that they had discussed.

In fact, there are many things that do not require the Hokage to deliberately announce, or even newspapers to drive public opinion.

All it takes is some powerful people to reveal something intentionally or unintentionally while chatting with some smart ninjas.

Soon, the whole of Konoha will almost know about it, and at that time, if you use a newspaper to mention it, the spread will become even wider.

Again, Sir Humphrey will not deceive me. Everyone has the right to know, and they also have the right to be ignorant.

In the world of Naruto, as long as the senior officials of the Ninja Village want a news to spread in the village, then the news must be released deliberately.

If you really don’t want to leak any information, even others will never know!

For example, in the case of Danzo, did ordinary people know who he was before this?

Do they know the real cause of Danzo's death?

Obviously they didn't know that if Xia Yan hadn't wanted to attack the Third Hokage, and at the same time in order to prevent the Hokage's reputation from being humiliated, he would have to take the blame for the Third Hokage.

Danzo's existence would probably not be revealed, let alone what he had done.

What Natsuhiko asked Nara Shikaku to pass on was not much, he just mentioned the improvement and reform of Jonin welfare.

But this news alone was enough to make everyone in Konoha surprised and stunned.

Almost all public opinion has also been transferred here, which made the power groups behind Sarutobi Hiruzen want to lead public opinion to criticize Xia Yan for suppressing his competitors, but they were stillborn.

"It seems to be going very well."

Natsuhiko smiled and nodded to Nara Shikaku, then his eyes swept over the other people sitting in this office, and he said with a smile.

"It's been really hard on you all during this period. Without your help and care, I probably wouldn't be where I am today."

"You're welcome, Minister Xia Yan." As soon as Xia Yan finished speaking, all the family patriarchs present smiled and shook their heads.

Whether it was out of sincerity or because of the need for profit, or they were frightened by Xia Yan's strength, they were all surprisingly unanimous in supporting Xia Yan at this moment.

Because they all know that after Xia Yan takes over, he will definitely make the former beneficiaries vomit out as much as they eat.

With such a big piece of cake placed in front of them, they can make money even if they are young!

Of course, they also learned about Natsuhiko's reform plan from Nara Shikaku, and they were really scared at first.

However, after Nara Shikaku's suggestions and their own thinking and analysis, they also understood what Natsuhiko meant.

Although they will lose a lot of profits during the reforms here, they also know that this will benefit their family in the future.

What's more, because of Konoha's victory over Kumogakure, although the ninja trend based on Konoha has not been completely formed, it is best to intervene and change it.

Integrate family ninjas and completely become Konoha ninjas, so that Konoha can better protect everyone. This is also a kind of protection for the family.

Therefore, they did not refuse. Even if some people were still dissatisfied, they finally accepted it all.

Xia Yan himself knows this, but he also knows that any reform will actually touch the interests of the current beneficiaries. This depends on the strength of the reformer's skills.

Obviously, Xia Yan has such a strong enough skill.

"Then I hope everyone will continue to be good."

Xia Yan looked at everyone and smiled, and then he said in a joking tone.

"After all, after this incident, everyone here may be busier. Whether it is managing the family or doing something yourself, it will be very energy-consuming.

After all, after this, there is a huge cake placed in front of us. "

After saying this, everyone present had a more obvious smile on their faces.

Although the vast majority of them here believe that they can get a piece of the cake, they are also worried without a stable commitment.

And Xia Yan Xia Yan gave them this promise, how could this make them unhappy?

Having these cakes can stimulate their desires more and make them more motivated, and they also know exactly what they have to do.

Xia Yan looked at the reactions of everyone present. He couldn't help but smile and nodded. Then he stood up and planned to leave the office.

The matter has basically been settled, Xia Yan only needs to wait for the result.

But what he didn't expect was that Hinata and Hizu suddenly found him...


"Chief of the Rizu Clan, do you have any business with me?"

On the roof of the Hokage's office, Natsuhiko leaned on the railing and looked at Hinata Hinashi next to him. He couldn't help but ask curiously.

Hinata Hizu suddenly found him, which really surprised him, especially looking at Hinata Hizu's serious look, which made Xia Yan even more curious.

The intersection between Natsuhiko and Hinata and the Hyuga clan, and even the Hyuga clan, was limited to this dispute between Kumogakure and Konoha.

Apart from this, they have no other contact. Even if there is someone from Hinata in the ANBU, the relationship between that guy and Natsuhiko can only be regarded as average.

This time Hinata and Hinata were alone with him. It would be strange if Hinata wasn't curious.

"Minister Xia Yan, first of all, congratulations to the minister on becoming Hokage..."

Hinata Hizu spoke cautiously, but was interrupted by Xia Yan before he finished speaking.

"It's better to wait until I've thoroughly confirmed this matter, Rizu Clan Leader."

Xia Yan smiled and shook his head, and then he asked slightly seriously.

"I don't know what the Rizu clan chief wants from me this time. I think if it's important, I might as well just say it."

"Yes, Minister Xia Yan."

Hinata Hizu nodded, then his expression became unusually solemn, and he lowered his voice and asked cautiously.

"Minister Xia Yan, those eyes of yours, are they the reincarnated eyes?"


Xia Yan was stunned when he heard Hinata Hizu's words, because he really didn't expect Hinata Hizu to ask such a question.

Especially in his memory, the Hyuga clan did not know the existence of the Tsangikan.

Even if they knew it, it was only when Naruto and Hinata were getting married that that guy Toneri Otsutsuki came out and let them know that there was a pair of eyes above the Byakugan!

The current time period is really not the time for them to know these eyes. How do they know these eyes?

"Don't get me wrong, Minister Xia Yan, I actually read the information about the reincarnated eye in ancient books."

Hinata Hiashi looked a little embarrassed, he sighed and then continued.

“Actually, I don’t even know if the Tsangikan exists.

If I hadn't seen Minister Xia Yan's eyes, I wouldn't even open that ancient book again.

Minister Xia Yan, these eyes are too important to the Hyuga clan, I don’t know..."

"Chief of the Rizu Clan, I can understand your mood."

Before Xia Yan could finish his words, he directly interrupted Hinata's words. He shook his head slightly and said.

"Perhaps the importance of the reincarnation eye in your mouth is the same as that of the Senju clan's wood escape, but there is one thing that the Hizu clan leader should be clear about.

I am from the Senju clan, not the Hyuga clan. "

After saying this, Xia Yan stretched out his hand and patted Hinata Hiashi on the shoulder, and Hinata Hizu could only sigh, and then bowed slightly to Xia Yan.

Xia Yan knew that Hinata and Rizu would be very disappointed this time, but no matter how disappointed Xia Yan was, he would not say anything related to it.

It's not that he doesn't want to say it, but it's not that he can't, because Xia Yan doesn't have any channel to know the information about the reincarnated eye.

Similarly, Natsuhiko's pure eyes were basically extracted from the Byakugan using the system. He would never let Hinata's people explore his eyes.

He would not even talk about these eyes with Hinata's people, and he would not do anything that might reveal his secret.

"It's just that I don't know what the big eyeball on the moon is like. My eyes need to be improved now. If possible..."

At this moment, Xia Yan thought of those people on the moon, and the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't restrain his thoughts...


A few days later, Xia Yan stood in the aisle on the rooftop platform of the Hokage Building. At this time, he had changed into a white and red imperial uniform.

He listened to the cheers outside, and for some reason he suddenly felt a little nervous.

But soon he began to laugh at himself. After all, he was considered a person who had seen all kinds of big scenes, so why did he turn into a soft-footed shrimp at this moment?

Shaking his head gently, Xia Yan took a deep breath, and then his eyes became firm.

"It's time, Hokage-sama." At this moment, Nara Shikaku came to Natsuhiko's side, and he whispered to Natsuhiko.

"Yes, I understand." Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then slowly put the Hokage hat on his head.

As he walked slowly out of the aisle, cheers like a tide suddenly poured towards him. The huge sound filled Xia Yan's ears, and the warm atmosphere enveloped Xia Yan's whole body.

When he reached the outermost edge of the platform, he reached out and took off the hat on his head.

His eyes looked at the sea of ​​people below, and it took him a while before he smiled.

"From today on, I am the Fifth Hokage!"


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