The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 285 Strength and Proposal (8K please subscribe~)

Konoha Village elected the Fifth Hokage. This matter quickly spread throughout the ninja world, and other large villages reacted differently to this.

Especially when everyone knew that the person who became Hokage was not much surprised that it was Senju Natsuhiko who single-handedly killed the entire Kumogakure army.

Whether they were sincere or fearful, they all sent congratulations to Xia Yan, even from Yunyin Village.

In the entire ninja world, except for the Kirigakure Village, which did not show any expression, everyone's choices were surprisingly unanimous.

And in the entire ninja world, Konoha was the first to enter the era of the fifth generation Kage.

That night, Konoha Village was brightly lit and celebrated all night long.

After all, everything that happened in this year was very worthy of Konoha's celebration, and Xia Yan was very tired this night.

Fortunately, he was in good health, otherwise he wouldn't have known whether he would be able to report to the Hokage Building on time the next day.

It would be so embarrassing if you were late for work on your first day as Hokage.

Fortunately, Xia Yan's physical fitness prevented him from such embarrassing things, and he still got up on time.

It's just that he ran into a little trouble after he got up, and that was the problem of dressing. As a Hokage, he really couldn't dress casually as usual.

Even if he can still run around in the combat uniform, Natsuhiko must wear the God-warming robe as the Hokage's exclusive one.

In particular, this set of royal robes is unique to Natsuhiko. It has the four characters "Fifth Generation Hokage" embroidered on the back.

"It's really troublesome."

Xia Yan reluctantly accepted Lianhua's help in sorting his clothes, while shaking his head and complaining slightly.

In the past, he didn't need to take care of so many things. He only needed to wash himself briefly, but now it was really troublesome.

"That's just for today. The first day must be more formal. From now on, you can be a little more casual."

Lianhua said softly while helping Xia Yan tidy up. She nodded when she was almost done.

"Okay, Hokage-sama, you didn't actually waste much time, did you?"

"Maybe, I'm just not used to it."

Xia Yan shook his head, and then moved his body a little.

I have to say that the Hokage's god robe is still very good. Not only does it look very good in appearance, but it will not affect Xia Yan's ability to move.

No wonder Namikaze Minato especially likes to wear the God Robe to fight. In addition to showing his identity, it is also because the God Robe will not affect him.

As for Sarutobi Hiruzen, Natsuhiko felt that there was a high probability that his old armor did not match the God's robe, so he gave up using the God's robe to fight.

Speaking of which, Xia Yan remembered that the Thousand Hands clan actually had those old-style armors, whether they were red or blue.

Also in the ANBU equipment sequence, the combat uniforms of ANBU ninjas are actually improved using the concept of old armor.

Xia Yan sometimes wonders whether he should have a renaissance, take out the old-style armor at home, modify it a little, and then wear it himself?

"Anyway, Senju Tobirama and I are somewhat similar. Wearing armor like that might be able to carry out a wave of filthy reincarnation."

Xia Yan had wild thoughts in his mind, but he soon returned to normal, and he could just think about this kind of thing.

Really, Xia Yan doesn't necessarily have to wear it, after all, for him, no matter what he wears, it's the same.

Finally shaking out the white and red god robe, Xia Yan picked up the Hokage hat placed aside, and then looked at Lian Hua.

"By the way, I'm going to be handing over the ANBU recently. Try to find someone you trust and who is capable.

Also remember to tell He Qiong to let her get ready too. "

"What do you mean..." Lianhua heard Xia Yan's words and instantly understood what he meant: "We are going to enter the Hokage's office?"


Xia Yan smiled, put the Hokage's hat on his head and said casually.

"And I plan to turn the Secretariat into a Secretariat. There will be no minister, only two equal-level positions: permanent secretary and private secretary, just like in ANBU.

Thank you for your hard work, I'm afraid you have to start over again. "

"No, I don't know about Qiong's side, but as far as I'm concerned I have to thank you."

Lianhua immediately shook her head when she heard Xia Yan's words. She took a deep breath and then said extremely seriously.

"It was you who gave me a chance to express myself, and it was you who made me find my own value.

Xia Yanjun, never say thank you to me, without you..."

Xia Yan didn't wait for her to finish her words, he interrupted her with a smile and patted her shoulder. He knew the reason for this cold girl's excitement.

But in Natsuhiko's opinion, all this was over, the moment he became the ANBU minister, it was all over.

And now that he is the Hokage, the Fifth Hokage of Konoha, all this must turn over a new chapter!

"Everything has passed. This is your own efforts, you know."

Xia Yan comforted him softly, and then he continued to ask.

"By the way, what's going on with Elder Xiangzhen? Has he set off?"

"Elder Xiangzhen set off a long time ago. After all, today is also a big day for him."

Lianhua took a deep breath, suppressed her slightly excited mood, and returned to her usual appearance again.

After hearing her words, Xia Yan couldn't help but nodded. Today is Xia Yan's first day as the Fifth Hokage.

Today is also the day when Natsuhiko, as Hokage, will face all the jounin and family heads of Konoha and hold a special meeting.

In fact, he has met most of Konoha's family patriarchs, Natsuhiko, and has a pretty good relationship with them.

But Konoha is really too big, and there are many small families in it, as well as families that have risen due to Sarutobi Hiruzen's past policies, but he has never seen or contacted them.

Today is the day for Xia Yan to have a good meeting with them, and today is also the day for Xia Yan to promote his policies!

If it were the Hokages of the past, today they were basically familiar with the 'business' and showing favor to various families in exchange for support.

But Xia Yan is different. He basically has all the support he needs. He can skip this step and start what he wants to do.

At the same time, today is the day when he will properly distribute the promised cakes. It is also the day when Xia Yan wants to see how those people who hate him will behave.

If they cooperate and perform well in the future, Xia Yan doesn't mind letting them go.

After all, if he just takes the position, if he kills too many people, what's the difference between him and Danzo?

But if they make any changes, Xia Yan will never let them go. Although he has not made a list, it does not mean that he will not make a list.

"Besides, the name "Great Purge" is quite poetic. I hope they won't let me actually use it..."


The Flying Thunder God Technique was activated instantly, and Xia Yan had quietly appeared in the Hokage's office.

In fact, there have always been the marks of the Flying Thunder God in the Hokage's office, which were left over from the Namikaze Minato period, and Natsuhiko can completely use these marks.

However, whether to use it or not depends entirely on Xia Yan's own wishes. If he is willing to give enough respect to the name Hokage, then he will naturally not use it.

But now the situation is completely different, because he is the Hokage himself, he can do everything he wants in his office.

Sitting on the chair after doing work, Xia Yan stretched slightly. To be honest, sitting on the Hokage's chair was the same.

It's not even as comfortable as the minister's chair in Natsuhiko's ANBU office, but not many people can sit up on this chair.

The most typical one is Danzo. He has pursued so many things throughout his life, but in the end, he has never achieved it either now or in the original work.

Maybe he has ridden on it in this world, but that was just an experience.

"It seems it's still early. It's not even time yet."

Xia Yan glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, and finally couldn't help but smile and shake his head. Flying Thunder God on the road would indeed make it difficult for him to be late, but arriving early was not something that made him happy.

But fortunately, Xia Yan has no way to pass the time. Now that he has taken the position of Hokage, he has to sort out his strength.

Xia Yan never stops in the pursuit of power. Even if he can accept a slower pace sometimes, he will never accept standing still.

He hadn't opened it to look at it before. To put it bluntly, it was just a 'BUG' he discovered a few years ago.

As long as the progress of his only mission is improved, his seed planting speed will also be rapidly stretched. After all, he has experienced the matter of turning Little Nine Tails from a seed into a finished product in an instant.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan closed his eyes slightly, and at this moment, the system interface that belonged to him also appeared in his mind.

At this moment, a vast force suddenly burst out in his body. Such a burst made him almost unable to control his chakra.

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 34 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Shadow level (system judgment without using any ability) (huge chakra reserves) (a small amount of sealed dragon vein chakra)

Pupil Technique: Clean Eyes (Initial Stage) (Development Degree: 60%)

Bloodline Development Degree: Intermediate (Thousand-Hand Secret Technique, Elementary Yang Escape Secret Technique), Blood Stain Elimination (Unnamed), Elementary Yin Escape Secret Technique, Yin and Yang Escape (can be improved with the improvement of Yin Escape and Yang Escape)

Jinchuuriki: Nine-Tails (Three-Tails) (Intermediate level, can swallow a large amount of special chakra to grow, plant high-level Nine-Tails fruit to make it grow) (Ingest too much chakra, continue to grow)

Seed: None

Fruit: Intermediate Fire Release Fruit (1), Intermediate Water Release Fruit (1), Intermediate Earth Release Fruit (1), Sharingan Original Seed Fruit, Elementary Eight-Tails Fruit, Advanced Thunder Release Fruit

Mission: Become the real big BOSS in the ninja world (the only one) (85% progress), the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki (optional) (already own the Nine-Tails and Three-Tails, and the fusion progress has not been activated)

When everything calmed down, Xia Yan looked at his panel properties, and at this moment he couldn't help but marvel.

As expected, all the power I cultivated was fully improved the moment the progress was updated!

What made Xia Yan sigh was that he guessed correctly. He defeated Kumogakure in one fell swoop and became Hokage, although his progress was greatly refreshed.

But he still hasn't completely reached 100% progress, but what he can still accept is that he has advanced the task progress to 85%!

"Although the next promotion is a bit difficult, at least I have a plan, and the system seems to have taken into account those Otsutsukis."

Although Natsuhiko's strength at this time has surpassed the ninja world, he knows very well that there is still an extremely strong person like Otsutsuki hidden in the ninja world.

Of course, even if he didn't think about Otsutsuki, Natsuhiko actually felt that he couldn't beat Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama alone.

After all, there is now a difference of 15%. It is difficult to tell clearly how many people, influence and influence are included in this 15%.

But Xia Yan has the system, and he still has the confidence to do all this. After all, with the help of the system, he can even master Yin Yang Escape!

Yin-Yang Dun is definitely one of the biggest killing weapons in the world of Naruto, and the characteristics of Yin-Yang Dun also destined it to be the most difficult to master and control.

It is not surprising that a genius like Uchiha Madara has mastered it. After all, he has even opened the reincarnation eye. It is really not a surprise to learn some Yin Yang escape.

As for Obito, this kid is purely lucky. He is an Uchiha himself and has obtained Senju Hashirama's cells. In addition, he has a black Zetsu teacher who has lived for a thousand years.

Even if this guy is a pig, he can definitely master and learn it, even just a little bit is very scary.

Yin Yang escape can be integrated into any ninjutsu, and judging from Xia Yan's mastery and feedback of this power, it probably won't cause much interference like senjutsu.

Xia Yan can completely imagine that when he used Wood Release, it had already detonated when combined with the reincarnation eye chakra mode, senjutsu and Yin Yang Release.

So to what extent can the power he unleashes reach?

"It's quite exciting to think about it. Besides, I don't just have this power. I also have the Nine-Tails Chakra mode. If I release it all by then..."

Xia Yan swallowed. This scene was so beautiful that he didn't dare to imagine it himself.

Although it is a pity that strictly speaking, his Yin-Yang Escape can only exert its power in its primary state. After all, his own control of Yin-Yang Escape and Yang Escape is only at the primary level.

But the interesting thing about this Yin-Yang escape is that as long as his two powers are improved, then he will definitely be able to exert a stronger Yin-Yang escape!

"But it's a pity that my clean eye seems not to be affected by this progress and has been improved."

There is good news, but there is also some news that makes him depressed, such as the development of his clear eyes.

Although the Pure Eye has indeed grown a little, it is obvious that it has not been improved due to the improvement of its only mission.

This situation also made some of Xia Yan's inner thoughts become more determined, but no matter how firm he was, he had to deal with the current matter.

After all, he is Hokage now, after all, there are many important things to do today...


Time passed little by little, and after the originally expected time arrived, all the Jonin who stayed in Konoha lined up and began to walk into the venue.

Xia Yan had already arrived at the venue from the Hokage's office. He looked at the figures walking in one by one with a smile.

The first one to come in was the third generation Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen. Although he had already left the position of Hokage in the most determined way by Natsuhiko.

But Natsuhiko still gave him the position of elder. This almost humiliating position made Sarutobi Hiruzen look very unhappy.

Therefore, he almost always had a dark face when he walked in, and there were many people with dark faces like him, the most typical ones being Koharu and Mito Kabuto.

Natsuhiko actually didn't want to see these two people at all, but Natsuhiko's request for the meeting was for all jonin.

Unfortunately, these two people still hold the title of Jonin now, even though everyone knows that they don't have such strength at all.

But there was no such thing as jonin being demoted under the previous rules, so they were really qualified to participate in the meeting.

But apart from these guys, everyone else looked quite normal.

Under the leadership of Nara Shikaku, Akimichi Dingzao and Yamanaka Haiichi walked in together, and behind them were Hyuga Hizashi, Hyuga Hizashi and other jonins of the Hyuga clan.

What appeared after the Hyuga clan was not the Uchiha clan, but the clan leaders such as Aburatsuzuka and the jounin of their families.

Natsuhiko is very familiar with these people. After all, they contributed the most in the war between Kumogakure and Konoha.

Xia Yan's Senju clan walked in slowly after them in a very low-key manner, and most of the people who came in were middle-aged and elderly. The one who walked in the front was naturally Senju Xiangzhen.

This scene made countless people present feel a little emotional. Not many people from the Thousand Hands clan attended the meeting, and their stagnation was simply visible to the naked eye.

The strength of a ninja family is really linked to the number of people and the overall quality of the ninja in some sense.

Uchiha hasn't come in yet, and the most powerful one in the field is naturally the Hyuga clan. This family alone has more than ten and close to twenty jounin.

And this is without the older generation of the Hyuga clan appearing. Of course, it's hard to say that those older generations don't have the strength to be jounin yet.

But other people's titles are enough. If you really try your best, it's hard to say what the result will be. This is what a strong family should look like.

Even if Xia Yan's reform policy has not yet been launched, this is an extremely terrifying force.

As for the current Senju clan, all the older generations have come out, and together they are not even half as many as the others. This situation is really embarrassing.

But a monster appeared in the Senju clan, a monster named Senju Natsuhiko!

It can only be said that the Senju clan is really lucky, and their background is really behind. Otherwise, how would they have cultivated Senju Natsuhiko?

When all the Senju clan entered, it was the Uchiha clan who came in.

What makes people feel amused is that Uchiha came in in two groups. Their respective representatives were Uchiha Fugaku, the clan leader, and Uchiha Makoto, the elder.

There were only two or three people following Uchiha Fugaku, who looked extremely shabby.

In comparison, there were more than ten people following Uchiha Makoto, and the scene looked very powerful.

This situation is really intriguing. A clan leader is not as powerful as an elder. I am afraid only Uchiha himself knows how many stories there are.

Of course, everyone present knew one thing very well, that is, the current security department essentially has a behind-the-scenes connection with the Fifth Hokage.

And during the war between Kumogakure and Konoha, Uchiha also sent many ninjas to participate in the war, and these ninjas were basically people who had deep connections with the Security Department.

"It seems that our Hokage-sama has really made a lot of preparations."

The patriarchs of many families sighed inwardly, Xia Yan's hand was really powerful.

The Security Department is under his control, which means that the main artery of Uchiha is already in his hands.

After Danzo's incident, Natsuhiko had a good connection with most of the important families in Konoha, and the war with Kumogakure gave him a posthumous connection with Hinata.

It can be said that the two major pupil arts families in Konoha, plus a large number of secret arts families, have stood behind Xia Yan. Now Xia Yan is unbeatable.

The most important thing is, how long ago did Uchiha's layout begin?

How long ago did the conflict begin and this guy was already thinking about challenging the position of Hokage?

They couldn't understand this problem, and they didn't want to understand it, because it all seemed a bit scary.

After Uchiha came in, other civilian jonin who were still in Konoha also entered the venue one after another.

Obviously they also knew that it was best not to compete with these family ninjas for seats, even if they had heard a lot of rumors.

But that was just a rumor. They were unwilling and did not dare to do any overstepping behavior that was not confirmed before.

After the spacious conference room was filled to the brim, Xia Yan gently knocked on the table.

The crisp wood knocking sound was not loud, but it made everyone quiet down at this moment.

Although these clan leaders and jounin whispered to each other after coming in, they were always paying attention to Xia Yan's movements.

Therefore, the moment Xia Yan knocked on the table, they immediately turned their attention completely.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start today's meeting."

Xia Yan looked at everyone present calmly, and then he spoke directly.

Natsuhiko's vigorous and resolute approach surprised those Jonin who didn't know him well.

However, Natsuhiko didn't want to talk nonsense and went straight to the topic, and these jounin didn't have any objection.

They are still looking forward to it now, looking forward to seeing whether the rumors that have appeared in Konoha are true.

"Everyone knows that Konoha has experienced a series of troubles before, but now it has been temporarily stabilized, and everyone has contributed to this.

Now that Konoha has turned a new chapter, I think many people and policies should also be redeployed and adjusted. "

After saying this, Xia Yan paused for a moment, and his eyes swept across everyone present.

Especially the second of the top four in Konoha, who had always had a sullen face. Then he showed a smile.

"So I decided that the theme of today's meeting is reform. Whether it is personnel reform or Konoha policy reform, a tone will be set today.

Please don't think that I am acting too hastily. From the third generation to the fourth generation and even to this day, most of Konoha's personnel and policies have not been changed.

Times are changing, and any policy needs to adapt to the development of the times, and the same goes for people..."


Xia Yan's opening remarks were not very passionate, but his content definitely made everyone's hearts stir.

The unabashed attitude of wanting to change everything in Konoha in Natsuhiko's words really made all of their faces change.

Those who are happy are naturally extremely happy, and those who have known the answer for a long time are also extremely calm, but those who cannot accept all this have their faces even more gloomy.

They guessed that Xia Yan was going to take action, after all, there was so much information being passed on before this.

But they still had some luck, and they hoped that Natsuhiko would let them go for the sake of Konoha's stability.

Even they themselves know very well that this idea is really unrealistic, but people always have a sense of luck.

However, Xia Yan's calm but bloody words directly broke all their illusions. They now realized that Xia Yan had absolutely no intention of letting them go!

They were really filled with anger at this time, and they really wanted to stand up and turn around and leave.

But they don't dare. They know that there may be some vague opportunities if they stay, but once they leave, they will really have nothing!

"Hokage-sama wants to adjust, naturally there is a reason for Hokage-sama."

While everyone was immersed in Natsuhiko's words, Nara Shikaku was the first to express his position.

"On behalf of the Nara clan, I fully support Hokage-sama's proposal."

"The Yamanaka clan and the Akimichi clan also support Hokage-sama."

After Nara Shikaku's words fell, Yamanaka Haiichi and Akimichi Dingza also led the family ninjas to express their support.

Their words also left all the family patriarchs who had been 'colluding' with Xia Yan to express their opinions, and the voices of 'supporting Hokage-sama' became particularly loud for a while.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was sitting in the venue. Hearing such a voice, he couldn't help but shake his head slightly, and then he lowered his head and stopped looking.

Even when members of his family looked at him, he didn't say anything, but he also knew that he needed to express his stance at this time.

So he just nodded to the family members, and then continued to lower his head.

If he could, he wouldn't be willing to nod his head anyway, but now all this is beyond his control.

"very good."

Xia Yan knocked on the table again, and at this moment, all the sounds stopped again.

The smile on his face became gentler at this moment, and he watched calmly as everyone's voices slowly sounded.

“Once again, thank you all for your support. After all, I wouldn’t be able to do many things without your support.

Well, the first thing is the adjustment of ANBU. Everyone knows that before I was lucky enough to be selected as Hokage, I had been working in ANBU.

Now that I have left ANBU, the head position of ANBU is now vacant.

Even if I can work part-time, I think my personal energy can be put more into more useful places, so the ANBU must elect a new minister.

So, my idea is to let Kakashi take over as the ANBU minister. What do you think? "

As for the ANBU, Xia Yan does intend to release it, but releasing it does not mean that it is out of his control.

After all, he was a lesson learned from the past. He relied on ANBU and a series of operations and actions to finally reach the position of Hokage. He didn't want someone like him to appear again.

Kakashi is actually not an excellent choice, because Kakashi does not have that much management experience and is not strong enough to control the ANBU.

Even though his current strength level is indeed getting better and better, and he has learned a lot after working with him for so many years.

But Xia Yan is still not at ease. In fact, for him, regardless of personal factors and positional factors, the best choice is the old man, the Third Hokage.

After all, he has been a Hokage and has experience in controlling ANBU, so it is definitely the most suitable for him to assume the position of ANBU Minister.

But Xia Yan didn't want to trust him at all, so he dismissed the idea decisively.

The position of ANBU is too special. It can be said that this is one of the largest departments with real power besides Hokage.

The roots used to be just a division that splintered away from the ANBU.

And Danzo can cover the sky in Konoha with one hand just by mastering the "root" of ANBU, and play against the third generation. One can imagine the importance of this position.

Of course, if possible, Natsuhiko would like Minato Namikaze to manage the ANBU.

Strictly speaking, Natsuhiko and Namikaze Minato don't have any positional issues. Their relationship is more about competition and cooperation.

Even if Natsuhiko did plot against Namikaze Minato, before Namikaze Minato was not injured, Natsuhiko's benefits for bringing him were enough.

And him being injured was actually the best outcome. Namikaze Minato knew that if it weren't for Natsuhiko, he would be dead.

"But it will take time for Minato Namikaze to recover, so someone will have to take over the position of ANBU minister before he comes back.

Of course, there is also the question of whether he is interested in becoming ANBU minister after he comes back. After thinking about it, it seems that the only one who will be useful is Kakashi. "

Kakashi's choice was the one that Natsuhiko came up with after eliminating various factors. He didn't know whether it was the best choice.

That's why he put this proposal out for everyone to discuss. Of course, this is also a foreshadowing.

Let all jounin present come together, whether they are family ninjas or civilian ninjas, as long as their title is jonin, they can participate!

Things should be done in order of priority. Xia Yan knew all this very well, so he took steps to let them feel enough atmosphere first.

Then after this, many things will become simpler...


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