Natsuhiko actually didn't expect that no one would object to his proposal about Kakashi taking over the ANBU.

Whether it was the family that supported him or the civilian businessmen who were a little confused but finally came to their senses and expressed their approval, they all expressed their support for Xia Yan's choice.

This made Xia Yan's face look particularly weird. After all, even those families who were on the opposite side of him kept silent. This was a bit strange.

But Xia Yan reacted quickly after all, and he suddenly felt dumbfounded and shook his head.

"I didn't expect that there would be a big joke right at the beginning."

Natsuhiko really felt that he had made a joke, because the ANBU was a unit directly under the Hokage, and his ministerial appointment did not need to be discussed at all.

Even if it were brought out, people who are not affiliated with ANBU would not dare to talk about these things!

In fact, this is the case. Although the family ninjas and civilian ninjas feel that it is very strange, they also understand that the ANBU is definitely not something they can interfere with.

Especially the family ninjas, they felt more that Xia Yan planned to use this incident to get the meeting off to a good start.

Whether it is to give everyone a sense of participation, or to directly establish authority through this matter, so that everyone can support him.

They all felt that Xia Yan's goal had been achieved, and they would never think about whether this was a little joke made by Xia Yan.

After all, Xia Yan's reputation has always been very good, especially when he manages the ANBU in such an orderly manner, which highlights his extraordinary abilities.

Kakashi's decision to become the Minister of Anbu passed without much difficulty, but it was a pity that Kakashi did not hold meetings in this office.

An interesting feature of the ANBU organization is that the ninja levels within the ANBU are not calculated.

Maybe there were before joining, but once you join, they won't be there anymore. Natsuhiko once didn't know whether he was considered a chuunin or a jounin in ANBU.

Although Kakashi was once a Jonin, he no longer had any recorded data in this area after entering the ANBU, so he was unable to participate in this meeting now.

Natsuhiko is thinking that the ninja hierarchy within ANBU should be restored in the future, and ANBU should also be eligible to participate in similar meetings.

"However, the promotion assessment within the ANBU must be more stringent, the number limit must be greater, and the same benefits must be given more. After all, there are many fierce people in the ANBU."

ANBU is a place where elites gather, and there are really countless powerful ninjas inside. No one knows whether it will have disastrous consequences if it is completely opened rashly.

This matter still needs to be carefully studied by Natsuhiko in the future. Of course, it can also be left to Kakashi or even Namikaze Minato. Natsuhiko still has many options to choose from.

After the Anbu matter was settled, Xia Yan also began to adjust some other positions.

He did not touch the Government Affairs Department. Nara Shikaku did a very good job, so it was naturally impossible for Xia Yan to touch him.

However, Nara Shikaku voluntarily chose to resign as the Jonin class monitor, and Natsuhiko did not try to dissuade him too much. He finally took the position of class leader into his own hands.

Nara Shikaku knew very well how powerful the Jonin would be in the future, and he did not want to cause any misunderstandings with Natsuhiko.

Therefore, taking the initiative to take on the position of Jonin squad leader is a "Hello, I am, everyone" choice.

However, except for the fact that the Ministry of Government did not move, Xia Yan's actions in other places really made everyone's expressions change.

Especially the interest groups behind Sarutobi Hiruzen, they are really desperate to tear Xia Yan apart at this moment!

“Konoha is a big village, but its management structure really makes people feel extremely chaotic, so starting from today, I decided to change it.

I said that since Konoha has opened a new chapter, the governance of Konoha must also open a new page. "

After saying this, Xia Yan paused slightly, and then he continued with a smile.

"So I decided to integrate it in Konoha and set up eight departments.

The eight departments are the Ministry of Government, Finance, Mission, Security, Secret Service, Foreign Affairs, Defense and Education.

The responsibilities of the Ministry of Government Affairs, the Ministry of Finance and the Secret Service remain unchanged. At the same time, the Secret Service has established an Intelligence Division, which is still the same as the previous intelligence class but is expanding.

I think everyone knows the importance of intelligence, and I decided to still let Mr. Haiyi serve as the director. After all, his performance has always been excellent. "

Yamanaka Haiichi has always been the squad leader of the intelligence class. Now Natsuhiko decided to expand the intelligence class into the intelligence department, and still let him be the leader until no one thought there was any problem with it.

Yamanaka Haiichi's popularity is still good, and his abilities are also very outstanding. It is absolutely reasonable for him to serve as the director of the Intelligence Division.

However, Xia Yan's approach of establishing a division director and attaching himself to a certain department made many people's eyes shine at the time.

After all, Xia Yan has only temporarily set up eight departments. It is not clear whether they will be moved in the future, but if he can set up a 'division' under the department.

This seems to be an excellent choice to get the power they want without having to worry about being too high up and not helping to fill the role.

"No problem, Hokage-sama!"

"Everyone has witnessed His Excellency Haiyi's ability. There will be absolutely no problem for him to become the new director."

"We all support your decision, Hokage-sama!"


After Xia Yan made this decision, almost everyone recognized it immediately.

Perhaps it was because of the ‘Anbu Resolution’ that Xia Yan had thrown out before, but he also received very good feedback this time.

This kind of noise and support did not last long. After everyone calmed down, Xia Yan continued with a smile.

"Very good, thank you all for your support. At the same time, I hope that Mr. Haiyi can do all this well and be worthy of everyone's trust."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Yamanaka Haiichi immediately stood up and bowed slightly to Xia Yan.

He seemed relatively calm, because Xia Yan had given them a certain promise, so naturally such a surprise would not be too strong.

But he was still very happy. Not only him, but all the families who got Xia Yan's promise were also happy, because this showed that Xia Yan was a person who would definitely keep his promise.

Even they know that if they don't do well, they will probably be eliminated by Xia Yan, but it is already their own problem.

The biggest difference between smart people and stupid people is whether they will look for the reason in themselves after something goes wrong.

Konoha has never lacked smart people, it only lacks opportunities...


What happened after the meeting can only be described as everything going according to plan.

Since Xia Yan made a promise that everyone would eat the cake together, he would naturally not slap himself in the face.

He gave away everything he had to give. Before moving to Koharu, Mito Kadoyan, and other family members who had no dealings with Natsu Yan, Natsu Yan announced all his decisions with a dark expression on his face.

Naturally, Shikakura Nara was in charge of the Ministry of Government Affairs, and Natsuhiko of the Ministry of Finance was handed over to Shouma Senju!

At this time, the Ministry of Finance is not an independent department. It is classified as a "department" but has very great powers.

Moreover, the person who controlled this department was none other than Xiaochun Xiaochun. It can be said that Xia Yan attacked them directly without any scruples at all!

Every family ninja member present knew how important the Ministry of Government was. Even the civilian jounin knew the stakes.

Sarutobi Hiruzen once did not separate the financial department, but was affiliated with the Ministry of Government Affairs but was extremely independent. The purpose was actually very clear.

That is, he must hold the financial aspect firmly and not give anyone too many opportunities to take advantage of.

Natsuhiko's current approach is actually not much better than Hiruzen Sarutobi's. He is blatantly using his own people to serve as ministers, and his meaning is very clear.

However, compared to Sarutobi Hiruzen, Natsuhiko's approach did not encounter much resistance.

After all, now that Xia Yan has taken out this department, this means that everyone will have the opportunity to compete in the future.

Whether it's a normal election or the benefits gained from the pink cake, at least everyone has this opportunity to touch this area that they were once unable to touch.

This shows how supportive those who support this resolution are, and how thoroughly those who oppose it are.

But no amount of opposition will be of any use to Xia Yan, but Xia Yan has taken another revenge.

Moreover, as he continued to announce new resolutions, such hatreds became more and more numerous and deeper.

For example, in the selection of the mission department, Natsuhiko handed over the director of the mission department to the Aburame clan, and the deputy director to Inuzuka.

This immediately made Mito Kadoyan unable to sit still, because the mission department was once under his jurisdiction.

Now that Xia Yan had not only been separated from him but also kicked him completely away, how could he accept this decision?

Unfortunately, his objection did not require Xia Yan to say anything. Naturally, a large number of people helped Xia Yan to refute it, and in the end the resolution was passed without much trouble.

As for the four major departments of the Ministry of Security, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of National Defense and Ministry of Education, Xia Yan finally made a decision after fully 'listening to opinions'.

The Security Department is still managed by Uchiha, and the director is Uchiha Sora, Uchiha's real son. Uchiha Sora immediately promised that he would manage everything in the Security Department well.

"The Security Department is Konoha's Security Department, not Uchiha's Security Department. I will definitely make the Security Department develop better!"

This was Uchiha Sora's promise. Faced with such a promise, Natsuhiko just smiled and encouraged him.

In fact, everyone knows that as long as Natsu Yan is here, the Security Department will really only be the Security Department of Konoha. It is not that they cannot see how deep the connection between the Security Department and Natsu Yan is.

It's just that everyone noticed that the leader of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku, seemed particularly silent at this moment. No one knew what he was thinking.

Of course, no one cares what he is thinking.

Everyone has heard of the infighting within the Uchiha clan, and maybe everything will end at this moment.

Xia Yan will hand over the candidates for the Ministry of National Defense to you, the Hyuga clan. This decision is actually more or less controversial.

Although the Hyuga clan is the largest clan in Konoha besides the Uchiha, their abilities have not actually been tested much.

Even though they contributed to the war between Kumogakure and Konoha this time, everyone knows that in the end this war will be a stage for one-man shows.

However, since Xia Yan recommended it, many people were supporting it, especially after Xia Yan gave everyone present the option of a secret ballot.

In the end, this resolution allowed the Hyuga clan to successfully obtain the position of Minister of Defense with a relatively weak advantage.

However, in order to balance and compromise, Natsuhiko also selected four deputy ministers. These four deputy ministers were from Senju, Uchiha, Akimichi and Sarutobi.

That's right, the Sarutobi clan!

Natsuhiko saw Sarutobi Hiruzen's compromise, and the Sarutobi clan grew up under the leadership of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

It's not impossible to attack him, but Xia Yan also has to consider the ultimate destructive power and influence of doing so.

And just now, Xia Yan has taken back all his rights, and they have behaved quite honestly.

Compared to other families who opposed him, they were really like sheep. In that case, why didn't Xia Yan consider using them.

After all, Sarutobi Hiruzen is already honest, even if he is forced to be honest, Natsuhiko can use them to improve his character.

As for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education, Xia Yan left them to two small families to handle.

It's not that the ministers of these two departments asked Xia Yan to deal with them casually. On the contrary, the importance of these two places could not be increased.

It's just that the minister is a minister, and not all the people inside may be from these families.

After all, there are not that many ninjas in the family, and what Sora Uchiha said before was not just for Natsuhiko.

The Security Department is Konoha's Security Department, so aren't the other departments Konoha's departments?

Xia Yan asked them to take control of these departments, not to turn them into family industries.

If anyone dares to do this, their end may not be much better!

Everyone is smart, and they naturally understand Xia Yan's thoughts and thoughts. After all, no one who can reach this point is a fool.

"Very well, then that's the end of the minister's proposal."

When Xia Yan assigned all the positions, he smiled and spoke softly to everyone present.

"The ministers of each department have been decided for the time being. As for the division-level departments under each department, it is up to you to propose them, and they can be appointed or removed with the consent of the Ministry of Government Affairs and the Hokage Building.

So, let's move on to the second proposal. "

After saying this, Xia Yan paused slightly. This second proposal is the Jonin reform and a series of supporting policies.

And once this proposal is put forward, it will really be a depth bomb...


"Here he comes."

Nara Shikaku sat silently. He already knew that the highlight was coming when he heard Natsuhiko's words.

He knew very well what the highlight of this meeting was.

And he also knew how much impact this change would have.

It is completely conceivable that this is a super bomb.

This bomb can not only blow up all the fish in the pool or even knock them unconscious, but it may also injure yourself.

But he is still very calm now. After all, Xia Yan has greeted them in advance, and through his operation, there have been similar rumors in Konoha.

This can be regarded as a vaccination for everyone in Konoha. Even if this matter is officially raised now, it will definitely not make the situation get too out of control.

Thinking of this, Nara Shikaku took a deep breath, but soon he laughed a little self-deprecatingly.

Natsuhiko brought so many jounin together, and he did not propose these reforms immediately. He first started by promoting ministers one by one.

And he also took the initiative to give everyone present the opportunity to vote. This is a transitional method and a subtle method.

With these things as a basis, I am afraid that when Natsuhiko asks all jounin to vote, there will no longer be any problems.

"In the end, people still have to be self-interested. Hokage-sama is really powerful."

Nara Shikaku sighed silently, and Natsuhiko also spoke at this moment.

"Now that we have filled up the minister positions, and the village chiefs, ministers, and the jounin who stayed in the village have basically arrived.

So let me talk about my plan. I think you should have heard some rumors recently, right? "

Everyone present nodded slightly at Xia Yan's words. Naturally, they heard the news, and some of them even spread the news.

The civilian jounin seemed particularly excited at this moment, because this matter was related to themselves!

"Yes, that is the welfare improvement of ninjas."

Xia Yan did not whet everyone's appetite, he directly stated the theme of this meeting.

"Actually, I have also considered whether to promote the reform step by step starting from genin and chunin. After all, genin and chunin are the two stages where trial and error are easier.

But after some consideration, I decided to start with Jonin, because only after knowing the upper limit of Jonin can I decide where the limits of Chunin and Genin should be.

And everyone, jounin is the highest level ninja in our Konoha ninja system.

In the same way, Jonin is also a backup candidate for various important positions in a real sense.

Those who have reached the rank of Jonin are our elites in Konoha, and everyone here is our elite in Konoha!

But even elite jounin will encounter many, many troubles.

For example, they sometimes face the problem of not having enough money to maintain their practice and make up for the loss of their tasks.

Therefore, after discussion with Director Shikaku, I decided that the first point is to increase the welfare benefits of Jonin.

From now on, all Jounin of Konoha will receive a designated guarantee amount issued by Konoha every month.

The money will definitely not be small, and the money will not conflict with the income from the mission at all.

With this money, the Jonin will have no worries! "

The Jonin welfare reform will naturally be released bit by bit, and Xia Yan knows this very well.

The first point he raised is the simplest, but also the most practical, and that is the issue of money.

And money is always the key to attracting people. To put it bluntly, how can you find ways to improve yourself without money?

How can you buy the latest equipment and medical supplies without money?

The rewards for jounin missions are very high, but they must be high-level missions.

But don't forget, jonins have other tasks.

That is to lead Konoha genin and guide their practice, help them through the genin period, and protect them at critical moments.

The sum of these three points is very distressing.

It's okay to guide them in their training, but to help them get through the genin period, you need to help them adapt to the life of a ninja.

In this case, it would be impossible for them to take on any high-level tasks.

The reward for low-level tasks is only a small amount, and if you put it badly, the money for a meal may be gone.

On a slightly more dangerous mission, the jounin has to protect the genin, which is not worth the gain.

It can be said that leading a team of jounin really does not necessarily have rich pockets.

Natsuhiko just put forward the first point of the reform, which already made the eyes of the Jonin who did not have any positions light up.

However, these ninjas are also very calm, and now they do not dare to express their thoughts excessively.

After all, in the Konoha system, there is no family support, no enough position, or the right to speak.

There is really very little that they can participate in and express.

But now they somewhat understand why Xia Yan let them participate in the previous incident.

That is basically a warm-up in advance, and also requires them to express their stance to give them more support.

This was the first thing that came out of their minds.

These people are not fools. How could they not think of some key information?

But they haven't made any move now. They know their current status in Konoha. What can they do if the ministers and clan leaders don't express their stance?

Moreover, they also want to see what other reforms the newly appointed Fifth Hokage has made, so that they can make a judgment more easily.

When Nara Shikaku saw that the scene was a little cold for a moment, he bumped into Nara Shikaki next to him.

It's true that Nara Shikagi is an ANBU, but because of the special mission he has to perform now, and because he has made great achievements this time.

That's why he can appear at this meeting, which is considered an honor. After all, he is probably the only ANBU who can come here.

"Lord Hokage." Nara Shikaki sighed feebly, and then he pretended to be a little anxious and asked: "So, are there any conditions for these welfare policies."

"Of course, Shikaki Jounin."

Natsuhiko looked at Nara Shikaro in surprise, but he knew what it meant, so he smiled and nodded.

"But don't worry, I'll explain these things after I finish all my ideas and measures, okay?"

Nara Shikaro shrugged and sat down, but he also noticed that many jounin had expressions of regret at this moment.

Obviously they also want to find out these things, but unfortunately they really don't have the courage to ask.

It can be seen that they are actually the jounin who Natsu Yan said was short of money. There were really not many people like them in the era of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Then after finishing the first point, I will move on to the second point."

Naturally, Xia Yan also noticed the state of those Jonin. He paused slightly, and then continued to speak.

"Money is not a problem, but other resources cannot be left behind. Therefore, I decided to increase the investment in jounin resources!"

Increasing resource investment cannot be achieved with just one sentence.

But it was obvious that Xia Yan's words had already expressed his attitude.

That is, he wants to thoroughly promote the reform process, and in order to achieve his goal, he will not hesitate to invest more resources!

No one can completely calculate how many resources a Jonin needs.

However, it is conceivable that the focus of Xia Yan's resources is likely to be on ninjutsu.

However, ninjutsu can be regarded as a strategic resource.

Does Natsuhiko really intend to release all the ninjutsu information collected by Konoha that was originally intended to be used to reward these jounin to them?

Konoha originally had a reward system, which was used to reward those ninjas who had made meritorious deeds.

The technique as a reward is naturally in the hands of the higher-ups in Konoha, and it can even be said to be in the hands of the Hokage.

If Natsuhiko directly opens it all to the Jonin, then this is no longer as simple as a big deal!

But there are still some problems, what happens next?

For example, after the jounin is completely opened up, what will happen to the welfare system of chunin and genin?

What Natsuhiko said just now has made it very clear. He will carry out reforms in all three ninja levels. If the jounin is so powerful, how will the other levels be dealt with?

In addition, after these jounins receive such generous benefits, how will they struggle in the future?

Is it possible to focus entirely on ministers or department heads, etc., and work hard for these specific official positions?

Although this is not impossible, what about the mission system?

Originally, Konoha relied on those ninjutsu to allow these jounin to continue to work hard.

Of course, it doesn't mean that these jounin can't get more ninjutsu.

After all, after they defeat their enemies, they can also find ways to get some good things.

But the problem is, these things have to be handed in!

There are also ninjas who have good relationships, and they will communicate with each other privately about ninjutsu and the like.

But this kind of thing is still a minority after all, especially if what they are good at is really suitable for others?

Could it be that after these jounin accomplished some major achievements in their missions, they just opened the book of seals for them to learn from?

Everyone present looked at Xia Yan with some confusion. They really couldn't figure out what the newly appointed Hokage meant.

"The decision I have made is to open the ninjutsu inventory collected by Konoha to all jounin."

Xia Yan didn't let them wait, he directly stated his decision.

“I have already discussed with Minister Shikaku about the negotiations over Kumogakure, and we will focus on obtaining ninjutsu.

Secondly, if any ninja completes the mission and turns it in in the future, he can also get some rewards. These rewards can be money or certain specific ninjutsu in exchange.

Finally, I naturally hope that all members of the family will go back and think about it carefully.

Try to come up with some ninjutsu that do not belong to the category of secret arts as much as possible. This can be regarded as a contribution to Konoha. "

Natsuhiko's words directly set a tone, and this tone directly made the eyes of all civilian jounin and ordinary jounin of those families brighter!

If they have more ninjutsu, their strength can definitely be greatly improved.

How could they not feel happy about such a good thing?

However, they felt happy, but those family ninjas were really not happy. Even if many people knew the news, they still shook their heads helplessly.

Xia Yan had no intention of forcing them, which they knew very well, but what they knew even more was that they had to set an example.

Killing someone with a soft knife is sometimes more powerless than a hard bridge and a hard horse, and that was the case for Xia Yan at this time.

"Okay, now what I want to say is the third and most important point about Jonin reform!"

Xia Yan looked at the reactions of these ninjas, and he could naturally guess what they were thinking, but these were not important.

What's important is that what Xia Yan wants to announce next is the most important issue this time!

Natsuhiko's words immediately silenced all the ninjas present. Even Sarutobi Hiruzen was looking at Natsuhiko with wide eyes at this time.

Xia Yan knew very well that if the previous content was only a little obscure, it was not too much to weaken the strength and power of the family ninja.

So now I'm afraid it's time to really hit hard!

Even though many things in this proposal can still benefit the family ninjas in the future, for now it will really weaken them.

The backbone family power of Konoha supports Xia Yan. This is Xia Yan's confidence. Of course, Xia Yan also has the power to push these proposals.

But he really doesn't want to get to the final step. What he hopes more is that these bills can be promoted and implemented normally.

After all, this can make Konoha more stable, and after all, Xia Yan doesn't need to kill more people.

He has decided that after this meeting, a 'big purge' list will definitely be used.

Although the guys who fought against him didn't cause him any trouble, he could see what these people would do next.

In this case, Xia Yan made the list first, and once they moved, he started to mark names on the list.

The name may be a person, or it may be a group. The final result will not look good anyway.

"I hope you won't be ignorant of the praise. After all, I really don't want to be a loving father, but if I have to do it this way, I don't mind doing it more thoroughly!"

Xia Yan mentally muttered something, and then he spoke seriously.

“I decided that from now on I would change the current conference format.

In the future, I will set up a conference mode consisting entirely of jounin, chunin and genin, the three ninja levels.

However, since only Jonin reforms have been implemented now, it is temporarily designated as a comprehensive Jonin meeting.

That is to say......"

After saying this, Xia Yan paused slightly. At this moment, he stood up and said in a sonorous voice.

"In future meetings in Konoha, except for ministerial-level members, everyone else will have the title of rank ninja representative attending the meeting."

"Instead of participating as a certain family ninja, let alone the clan leader..."


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