If we say that Natsuhiko's previous proposal was just an appropriate weakening of the Konoha family's ninja system.

So now, it can be said that we have openly declared war on Konoha's family ninja system!

And he didn't say it tactfully, he told you directly, 'Only the selected representatives, not the clan leaders, will be able to participate in such meetings in the future'!

What does this mean?

This is to tell you that the family model will be completely replaced by the ninja level model!

At this moment, only the family patriarchs who had always followed Xia Yan remained calm, while the others were completely stunned by the news.

The patriarchs of the small families looked at him in disbelief, their eyes really full of confusion.

Not only them, but even Senju Xiangma almost stood up at this moment.

But he still remembered that the person sitting in the position of Hokage was the actual controller of the Senju clan, and he still remembered that he had to trust the person he personally selected.

In particular, he noticed that whether it was Hinata or Uchiha - except Uchiha Fugaku and the others, or Inuzuka, Inokacho or Aburame.

None of them seemed to care about Xia Yan's proposal. After they still sat there quietly, he forced himself to calm down.

The lack of any changes in these families shows that they know something, or that they can find their own interests in Xia Yan's policies.

Thinking of this, Senju Xiangma also took a deep breath and fell silent.

He must not speak, because as a member of the Thousand Hands clan, once he speaks, it will definitely be a blow to Xia Yan.

Even his own family does not trust his own family's Hokage. The consequences of this kind of thing are really unimaginable. Looking back, Xia Yan will probably take action against his own family.

He knew very well that Xia Yan would never let his family restrain him. He actually did it when he said he would do something to the family members.

He didn't even need to delay. He found someone that night and even threatened to kill someone else's whole family. Anyone who behaved like this would feel powerless.

As for the ordinary jounin, after hearing the news, they were as confused as everyone else at first, and then they all showed incredible expressions.

Only they know how excited they are, because such changes are indeed beneficial to civilian ninjas.

The previous changes have already given ordinary jonins like them an unimaginable resource tilt.

With such an outpouring of resources, they will definitely perform better in the future, not even worse than some family ninjas.

It can be said that even though their overall strength may not be as good as that of the family ninjas, their combined number will definitely not be less than that of the family ninjas.

Even if a family is from an ethnic group like Uchiha and Hinata, the number of jounin they have is as high as twenty in a family.

Counting other families, the total is probably more than one hundred and fifty.

There are more than 300 jounin in Konoha, and most of them are from civilian ninjas, especially since these families will never stick together on certain matters.

As for the civilian ninjas, they may not do this for their own benefit. In this case, they civilian ninjas would have enough say!

It can be said that Xia Yan's policies have put them on the same level as the family ninjas to some extent.

This is improving the status of civilian ninjas, this is weakening the privileges of family ninjas, this is shortening the distance between ninjas!

"No wonder we have to find all the Jonin who stayed in the village. It seems that the original message was true. The Fifth Hokage really intends to reform."

"Let us be involved, which means let us also have the right to vote, so that..."

At this moment, all the jonins who were born as civilians looked at Xia Yan with more than just burning eyes.

Because Natsuhiko, the young new Hokage, really intends to enhance the rights of civilian ninjas, this approach is more effective than the Sandaime Hokage.

"Is this guy crazy?" Next to Sarutobi Hiruzen, a middle-aged man couldn't bear it at this moment, and he cursed in a low voice.

"Shut up, don't talk nonsense." Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath and cursed in a low voice: "And this matter is not without benefit to us."

"Lord Patriarch..." The middle-aged man looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with some surprise: "What he did, we..."

"It's true that for now the family will suffer."

Sarutobi Hiruzen directly interrupted this guy's words, and he spoke calmly.

“But in the long run, this way he can preserve the family longer and be more sustainable.

What's more, by using the entire resources of Konoha to give to the jounin, the family can also get a certain improvement, and if the jounin has such great power, the family can strive for more in the future.

After all, the Godaime was also a member of the Senju clan. He did this so that the family ninja could still have a slight advantage.

Although there will be more opponents for the family ninja in the future, don't forget that we already have enough resources.

From the starting point, we have an advantage. As long as we cultivate more carefully, we can be ahead of more people.

The Fifth Generation wants to recuperate and train more people, and there will inevitably be reforms of Chuunin and Genin in the future.

This is good for Konoha, good for family ninjas, and good for civilian ninjas, and we should support it. "

Having said this, Sarutobi Hiruzen paused slightly, looked at Natsuhiko sitting on the rostrum, and finally sighed slightly.

"Furthermore, our Fifth Hokage is definitely a ruthless person.

The Yachikumo Ninja will be killed as soon as he says, without any room for mercy. The Fourth Raikage's whereabouts are unknown now, but there is a high possibility that he is dead.

And don't forget, he didn't hold anything back in Konoha.

Also, do you know why he kept me by his side? "

"No...I don't know..."

This middle-aged man was really frightened by Sarutobi Hiruzen's words. He really didn't expect that there were so many twists and turns in Xia Yan's policy.

But these twists and turns are not important. What is important is that Sarutobi Hiruzen's words about Natsuhiko's ruthlessness really made him a little afraid and frightened.

"His purpose of keeping me here is actually to kill people and kill their hearts."

Sarutobi Hiruzen closed his eyes in pain, and his voice seemed very weak at this moment.

“He said I could keep him alert at all times, but I don’t believe that.

He kept me by his side because he probably wanted me to use the butcher knife to deal with those who opposed him..."

"Those who have followed me..."


It's easy to imagine how lethal this policy introduced by Natsu Yan was, and the meeting on Natsu Yan's first day as Hokage lasted until the evening.

After Xia Yan's policy was launched, the opposition was particularly loud, especially from many small families who completely opposed this policy.

Although they knew very well that their opposition might be targeted by Xia Yan, the new Hokage, and it would even make their future life extremely difficult.

But they also have to try to object, because if they really don't object, they will really have no good life in the future!

For people like this who don't have much foresight, Xia Yan really doesn't like them, and they are not wrong, that is, Xia Yan has really set his sights on them.

These people may not necessarily be members of Hiruzen Sarutobi's former interest group. After all, not every small family is qualified to follow Hiruzen Sarutobi.

For example, families like the Kurama clan must admit that they were once very, very powerful. After all, they could rely on illusions to control a person's five senses.

Even Uchiha may not be able to achieve such an ability. The Kurama clan is considered the master of illusion.

But their current situation really makes people feel that time is fleeting. At this time, they are no longer as powerful as before, and they also no longer have that proud ability.

Therefore, when Sarutobi Hiruzen was in power, they were not qualified to follow Sarutobi Hiruzen, and now Natsuhiko may not think highly of them either.

Naturally, he would not communicate with them if he looked down upon them, and their patriarch was obviously not a far-sighted figure.

Therefore, they chose to oppose Xia Yan for their own interests, which made Xia Yan really annoyed. Even though this was expected, it was still unhappy after all.

In addition to existences like the Kurama clan, there are also interest groups that were once owned by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

They completely no longer have any illusions about Xia Yan, the fifth generation, and their approach is straightforward, that is, everyone is opposed!

In their view, Xia Yan has completely deprived them of their power, and now he wants to deprive them of the family achievements they have worked hard to gain for so many years.

This is definitely not something they can accept, and it is definitely not something they can tolerate. This will definitely cost them their lives!

Therefore, based on this decision, Xia Yan encountered his biggest trouble after becoming Hokage, especially this was the situation he encountered on his first day as Hokage.

In the end, his choice was to let everyone present vote, and the final vote count would determine whether the bill was passed and implemented.

I have to say that this vote was actually quite thrilling. Many civilian jounin chose to abstain due to pressure.

It's not that they are unwilling to fight for their own interests, but the strength and power of the family ninja in the ninja world over the years has given them unforgettable memories.

This kind of memory seems to be engraved on the DNA, just like Xia Yan passed by his old alma mater in his previous life with a cigarette in his mouth, and when he met the teacher, he subconsciously threw away the cigarette butt.

When they encounter opposition from such family ninjas, sometimes it is really difficult for them to have the courage to resist, especially when these people were once high-ranking officials in Konoha.

Xia Yan was indeed a little helpless about this situation, and at the same time, he was more determined to mark his name on the 'list'.

Since you make me so unhappy, then I will definitely make you even more unhappy. After all, the most important thing for a family is to be in order.

Fortunately, there are still some civilian jounin who are willing to resist, and Natsuhiko also has the support of the backbone of the Konoha family.

And the Sarutobi clan has also become something that makes Xia Yan look a little suspicious, because they collectively chose to support Xia Yan!

"This old guy Sarutobi Hiruzen is really interesting."

With the support of these people, and the votes of some jounin, Xia Yan's proposal was finally passed with great difficulty.

In fact, looking back now, Xia Yan is still a little emotional.

If he hadn't changed the Uchiha clan when he was in ANBU, and won over these backbone families, he would have finally shown his power in Kumogakure's war.

In addition to not forgetting them when sharing the cake, and also saying hello in advance through Nara Shikaku, it is difficult for Natsuhiko to get so much support.

As for the support of the Sarutobi clan, Xia Yan didn't understand it at first, but soon he felt that there weren't that many surprises.

After all, there is still the veteran Sarutobi Hiruzen in the Sarutobi clan. Although this guy has become constrained in making many decisions because of his age.

Moreover, he also had a huge conflict of ideas with Natsuhiko, especially on many of Konoha's policies.

But it is undeniable that his political acumen is really high. Perhaps now that he has been completely defeated and does not have so much burden, he can think carefully about the purpose of Xia Yan's policies.

It's normal for him to see something under such circumstances. Xia Yanke has never underestimated this guy's skill. After all, he was once a brilliant Ninja.

"Originally I just wanted to keep it to disgust him, but I didn't expect that he actually helped me. This Sarutobi Hiruzen is really..."

When he thought of what Sarutobi Hiruzen did, Natsuhiko was really amused, but in any case, Natsuhiko remembered it.

Everything that happened today was enough to leave him fresh in his memory, but no matter what, it all had a good start.

On this basis, Xia Yan can slowly push forward what he wants. Even though it will not be easy, he has already solved the most difficult thing anyway.

"The rest is the recommendation and reform of the welfare system for chuunin and genin, and the final setting of the comprehensive council."

Xia Yan thought silently, but soon his eyes became cold.

"During this process, some things must be dealt with, so let's take advantage of this time to deal with those guys!"

Now that he has decided to put his name on the list, Xia Yan will not delay this matter, nor will he give them any chance to prepare.

Besides, only after Konoha is stable will he be able to do some of the things he wants to do.

These things are not related, but related to himself and his pure eyes!

Ever since the idea of ​​the reincarnated eye was aroused by Hinata Hizu, Natsuhiko really began to think about those eyes.

Or maybe I'm thinking about whether I can benefit from those eyes to improve my own eyes...


Natsuhiko still understands the information about the reincarnation eye. After all, he has witnessed the love story of Naruto and Hinata, and naturally he has also witnessed those super eyes that are comparable to the reincarnation eye.

It's just that there are two problems here that make Xia Yan quite difficult. The first point is where the damn teleportation array is.

The location of the reincarnated eye is the moon, which Xia Yan naturally knows very well.

After all, Otsutsuki Hamura chose to stay on the moon after sealing his mother with his brother Six Paths Sage.

In fact, the current Hinata probably came down from the moon!

Moreover, Natsuhiko also had some unreliable guesses, that is, based on the power and inheritance of Otsutsuki Kaguya, Otsutsuki Hamura's inheritance was relatively complete.

Therefore, the nature of the descendants of Otsutsuki Hamura is closer to Otsutsuki Kaguya, which means that the Hyuga clan is actually the most authentic successor.

And Otsutsuki Kaguya has white eyes and corpse veins - maybe for her, these are basic powers, and there are not so many messy things to say.

As the most authentic descendant, Hinata should actually have these powers, but unfortunately they seem to only have Byakugan.

The power belonging to the corpse vein was obtained by another family, that is, the Taketori clan who was driven into the sea by Madara Uchiha and ran to the Kingdom of Water.

Of course, they also have a name, that is the Kaguya clan!

Xia Yan sometimes wondered whether those Hinata a hundred years ago couldn't stand the conflict between the clan and branch families on the moon, so they simply ran away.

In the end, due to the changes of time, their two bloodlines that were originally supposed to be combined separated, and eventually became the Byakugan and Corpse Bone Veins?

In fact, this idea is quite reliable, but without evidence to support it, Xia Yan can only think wildly.

But regardless of whether he was just imagining it or not, Xia Yan now has the last bloodline of the Corpse Vein in his hands.

Even if this kid is not very good from beginning to end, and none of the bones he has given Xia Yan so far can produce seeds, but at least the future can be considered promising.

It's just that this kid has a bright future, but his family no longer exists, so Xia Yan naturally has no way to find some relevant information.

Even if there is information, I am afraid that these two guys have already been taken away by Obito and Black Zetsu.

And Natsuhiko of the Hyuga clan is even more hopeless. They even have no memory of the reincarnation eye.

Hinata and Rizu even ran up to him to ask about related matters, which made it even more impossible for Natsuhiko to think that the Hyuga clan knew anything else.

Although Xia Yan could find a way to search in the Hyuga clan's collection warehouse, not to mention the workload, it would be difficult to explain once any traces were left.

After much thought, Xia Yan finally chose to give up, and under such circumstances, Xia Yan could not get a ticket to the moon through historical data.

There is no way to get there, and Xia Yan will be blind no matter how much he thinks about it. In addition, there is another very important factor that also makes Xia Yan frown a little.

That is, he doesn't quite know how many of those fakes with the surname Otsutsuki on the moon are still alive.

In the original work, only one Otsutsuki Toneri died among the Otsutsukis, but how long ago did that happen?

It seems that in Natsuhiko's memory, Naruto was already about eighteen years old at that time, otherwise he would not be able to marry Hinata.

Fifteen or six years later, only one of the Otsutsukis on the moon will be left, and Xia Yan really doesn't know how many there are now.

Without accurate information, Xia Yan felt a little guilty. His current strength had once again been greatly strengthened. After all, he was a person with Yin and Yang Escape.

But I can’t stand someone else’s ‘Star Destroyer Cannon’!

Once the huge reincarnation eye is activated, the destructive power it causes is simply unimaginable.

After all, Otsutsuki Toneri had the story of destroying the moon. Xia Yan really couldn't estimate the power of those huge reincarnated eyes.

But no matter what, the power will definitely not be weaker than Otsutsuki Toneri's pair, right?

Although Xia Yan also has a pure eye, it is only 40% developed at the most basic level. So how can this thing fight against the reincarnated eye that has probably completed three fetal movements?

Even if he was inflexible, Xia Yan felt that he might end up being reduced to rubbish.

The combination of these two problems made Xia Yan really feel that his scalp was numb.

However, having mastered the Flying Thunder God, he still feels that he has room to operate if he really goes up.

If you really can't leave your mark on the teleportation port, if something goes wrong, just run directly to the teleportation port through Flying Thunder God.

In this case, Xia Yan can still run away directly, but next time he wants to go up and cause trouble, he will have to wait a long, long time.

"It seems that we can't rush this matter for the time being, but we need to make a plan first, and at the same time, let the ANBU do their best to find similar teleportation arrays."

Xia Yan wanted to take action directly, but reality did not allow him to do so, but now that he had thought about it, it was also a good thing.

There is a huge difference between a vague idea and a detailed plan and action plan.

What's more, now Xia Yan also thought of one thing, that is, he really ran to the moon, which meant that he could really fire with all his strength!

"Wood escape, yin and yang escape, senjutsu, reincarnation eye chakra mode, etc. If I can use these powers, it's really hard to say."

Xia Yan touched his chin, and he suddenly realized that running to the moon was not a bad thing, because he had not used all his power until now.

He always pays attention to the difference in his waistcoat, which is a good thing but also a bad thing.

The good thing is that his identity will not be exposed easily. The bad thing is also obvious, that is, he is not suitable for the explosion of all his power.

If he found a way to go to the moon this time, then he could really try something he had never dared to try in the ninja world.

"If you think about it this way, it's really exciting..."

Xia Yan's eyes were slightly blurred, and then he raised his head and looked at the looming moon in the sky.

For a long time, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth...


In the Hokage's office, Natsuhiko was reading the report in his hand.

These documents are all from the Anbu, and they are some of the more important things selected by Kakashi's suggestion, especially about the situation on Kumogakure's side.

It has been nearly half a month since the last jounin reform meeting.

Although there have been more or less problems in department integration and transfer, such as the division of some power positions and the transfer of personnel, many people have lost their jobs.

In particular, many of these people are those who oppose the Xia Yan family. If they come together to oppose, it will indeed cause some trouble.

Fortunately, with the coordination of the ANBU and the Security Department, these people were either immediately silenced or simply thrown into Konoha's prison.

It took a whole week for Konoha to complete all the integration, and then it took another week to start preliminary operations again.

I have to say that such a large-scale transfer will be very troublesome if no one cooperates, but fortunately, Konoha's talent reserve is actually sufficient.

Hiruzen Sarutobi had indeed made Xia Yan a headache in terms of administration in order to gain power in the past, but he had not relaxed in cultivating talents.

Therefore, after Xia Yan did this, so many people were transferred from their posts, and he did not need to worry about any problems in Konoha.

But this time, Xia Yan has almost taken out the talents in Konoha. The problem that Xia Yan needs to face now is the cultivation of talents.

In this case, Natsuhiko felt that the reform of chuunin and genin must also be followed up, but even if they are following up, they still have to see the effect of the reform on jounin.

Of course, we have to wait for Xia Yan to deal with some things, and there are still some people who must also be dealt with.

"Qiong, please find Minister Shikaku and the Sandaime." Xia Yan looked at the report in his hand, and after thinking for a moment, he said to Qiong beside him.

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Qiong showed a smile, and then she walked out directly.

After Natsuhiko entered the Hokage's office, he quickly copied the ANBU's routine.

And he also officially upgraded the Secretariat to the Secretariat, but this Secretariat is not one of the eight major departments for the time being.

It is temporarily classified as a subordinate department of the Hokage's office by Xia Yan, and it will not maintain too much contact with external departments for the time being.

However, Xia Yan is very confident that this secretarial department will become the ninth largest department sooner or later. After all, the responsibilities of these secretaries are very large.

In fact, Xia Yan wanted to bring this department up directly at first, but after thinking about it, he felt that other people in this department didn't know him well, so he let it go.

And now there is another important issue before him, that is, the Secretariat needs a lot of talents.

Some of those laid off by Xia Yan can be re-employed, while others need to be adjusted based on the actual situation.

There are still some others, so just prepare to go as a family!

In addition to the secretarial department, Xia Yan is actually also considering dividing up a formal logistics department, and he even plans to open a tax department.

At present, the logistics issues are still under the control of Xia Yan, which means that the logistics is completely in the hands of the Hokage.

But Xia Yan really knows how important logistics is. When Xia Yan's motherland in his previous life fought against the American emperor, he really suffered a big loss from logistics.

Of course, there was nothing that could be done at that time. After all, the country was poor and the technology was not very good, but now Xia Yan said that the Konoha he mastered did not have this problem.

At least in this world, there is not much air supremacy. Xia Yan can definitely find a way to do the logistics well.

Having participated in the war between Konoha and Kumogakure, he was not satisfied with Konoha's current logistics coordination, but he also knew that this matter still needed to be taken slowly.

The current logistics is led by Xia Yan, and requires the cooperation between the Government Affairs Department and the Finance Department. After all, inventory is the responsibility of the Finance Department, and how to ration it is a problem of the Government Affairs Department.

It can be said that this causes quite a lot of trouble, and setting up a separate logistics department can definitely solve these troubles.

It's just that if this is the case, the rights will be dispersed. Xia Yan doesn't care about this, but he must also consider what the person he just gave the ministerial position thinks.

What's more, Xia Yan doesn't have that many talents in charge of this matter now, so this matter still needs to be considered slowly.

The same is true for the tax department, and what's more troublesome about the tax department than the logistics department is that it will severely affect the interests of the daimyo again.

Xia Yan treated the daimyo like a pig to slaughter, but once he got involved in taxation, it could be said that he took away what little dignity the daimyo had left.

Konoha now controls the military, politics, diplomacy and half of the economic functions. With the emergence of newspapers, it is foreseeable that he will also completely take over the cultural functions in the future.

And once Xia Yan takes action on taxation, it means that the entire economic function will be taken away by Xia Yan, and at that time there will only be one name left.

Although Xia Yan is not afraid of the daimyo, and even does not take the daimyo seriously at all, he does not want to be cruel to the daimyo for the time being.

The road must be walked step by step, and the meal must be eaten one bite at a time.

Natsuhiko has made great strides in promoting jounin reform. He can do it without breaking the bank, and he can be ruthless.

Of course, this also has something to do with Natsuhiko's need to get more jounin support. If he were older, he could compete with Namikaze Minato for the Fourth Hokage.

Then during the Fourth Hokage period, he started to promote reforms from the genin, and slowly advanced to the level of jounin, but Natsuhiko couldn't do it.

That's why he took action directly and used the knife directly on the Jonin. This step was really risky but it was also really valuable.

However, he skipped the accumulation of talents, so now Xia Yan must face the problem of cultivating talents by himself. How can he continue to act without enough talents?

"Hey, there's really a lot of mess waiting for me to clean up."

Natsuhiko rubbed his eyebrows, but at this moment Nara Shikaku and Sarutobi Hiruzen walked in at the same time.

Xia Yan also quickly regained his composure, and gently waved to the two of them to signal them to sit down.

After both of them sat down with either doubts or respect, Xia Yan took out a list and signaled to Qiong that he could start recording.

Naruto's words and deeds were recorded, which was a small innovation for Xia Yan. Of course, if the secrets involved were too deep, Xia Yan could still destroy them.

"Now call the two of you here to deal with it. The Sandaime will give this to you."

With that said, Natsuhiko handed the list in his hand to Sarutobi Hiruzen, and then he spoke slowly.

"Look at the people here. I have drawn a line. You should find an opportunity and time to deal with them..."


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