After Hiruzen Sarutobi took over Natsuhiko's documents, he began to have a slight foreboding feeling.

When he heard Xia Yan's words, his heart was already cold. However, when he actually saw the names and families on the list, his whole body seemed to be in a freezer.

what is this?

The list of documents read "Great Purge Plan". Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that this should not be called a great purge, but should be called a massacre!

If he really acted according to the people and families on Natsuhiko's list, Konoha would lose at least thousands of people.

In fact, Sarutobi Hiruzen had already guessed that their results would not be any better when his former followers united against Natsuhiko.

But Xia Yan's revenge was too fast and too cruel!

He didn't seem to have any worries at all, but didn't he consider how much damage this would bring to Konoha?

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen is no longer the Hokage, he must also consider Konoha.

He chose to switch sides smoothly and move closer to Natsuhiko because he did not want any problems or turmoil to arise within Konoha.

He chose to let his family support Xia Yan. In addition to his keen political sense that he was aware of the nature of Xia Yan's plan, he also did not want too much trouble in Konoha.

Although Natsuhiko's current approach can eliminate the unstable factors within Konoha, he can certainly guess what his former followers will most likely do.

But in his opinion, this matter is not incapable of communication and compromise, because politics is inherently the art of language and compromise.

If Xia Yan sends him to talk to them and is willing to provide some substantial benefits, this matter cannot be solved.

Of course, it's not impossible for Xia Yan to do this, but the problem is that Konoha doesn't have that many talents at all.

There are indeed many combat talents in Konoha. After all, the Ninja Village is a military organization. To put it more bluntly, their entire village is a sophisticated war machine.

But there is really a shortage of talents in management. Sarutobi Hiruzen has actually cultivated a lot during his years in office.

Although it really cannot be said to be excellent, it can at least be implemented in accordance with the administrative orders from above.

But now, with Xia Yan's reform, it can be said that Konoha's family fortune has been completely wiped out.

Not only did he directly drive away a large number of people from the past, he also used up Konoha's reserve staff at once.

As soon as they were driven away, they were driven away. At least the people were still in the future and they might still be able to try to use them. But now that Natsuhiko is killing him with one move, Konoha really doesn’t have any talent reserves!


Sarutobi Hiruzen shouted with some difficulty, but soon he took a deep breath to calm down his emotions.

"I hope you can think about it, after all, Konoha is now..."

"Don't worry. Although Konoha will have some difficulties in the future, at least there will be no unstable factors."

Of course Natsuhiko knew what Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to say, but he didn't intend to give it any chance.

"Sandaime, I leave this matter to you. I hope you won't disappoint me."

Natsuhiko also did not give Hiruzen Sarutobi a chance, leaving him with such a revenge mentality.

Originally, he wanted to restrain the sword in his hand a little bit, but now he has no intention of restraining at all. Anyway, why does Hiruzen Sarutobi's hand care about him?

"Boss Shikaku, there are two things I need to discuss with you."

Natsuhiko didn't look at Sarutobi Hiruzen's slightly pale face. He turned directly to Nara Shikaku and spoke.

"First of all, the first point is about Kumogakure's negotiations. I hope they hand over the Second-Tail's chakra this time."

"Two-tailed chakra?"

Nara Shikaku nodded immediately after hearing this. In fact, he was also a little frightened now.

Even if he didn't look at the list Natsuhiko gave to Sarutobi Hiruzen, he could see through Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression and the communication between them.

One thing he can be very clear about now is that something big will definitely happen in Konoha, and it will definitely be a big thing that will kill many people!

When he thought of this, his scalp was really numb. If he couldn't do this, anyone would feel a little uncomfortable.

But he also knew very well that these people had definitely touched Xia Yan's bottom line, and he also knew that these people were likely to take action.

It's just that what Natsuhiko did was too murderous and heartbreaking. Letting the Third Hokage deal with them was enough to show that the Fifth Hokage's revengeful mentality was really strong.

"I understand, I will add this to the negotiation requirements, and I will definitely let them do it."

Nara Shikaku composed himself, and then he directly chose to agree without asking why.

"The second thing is that these days, the Anbu will release some of the changes they have collected about certain people in conjunction with the newspaper. As the Minister of Government Affairs, you also need to cooperate.

I know you are worried, but I am not Danzo. I will not do anything at will, but I will not show mercy either. "

As if to appease Nara Shikaku, and to stabilize Sarutobi Hiruzen's mentality, Natsuhiko then told the second thing.

Natsuhiko is indeed not a person like Shimura Danzo. Although he did it, he would give everyone an explanation for why he did it.

That's how people are. Xia Yan has long analyzed human nature, and he also understands human nature after being in ANBU for so long.

Therefore, Xia Yan must take himself seriously. Although he cannot always remain rational and objective, he still pays attention to methods, methods and various reasons for doing things.

In addition, he has always created a sunny and gentle persona for himself, so he will definitely not let his persona collapse inexplicably.

He knew very well that he was already overwhelming in Konoha with his strength alone, but the gentler he behaved would make many things easier.

And the more unscrupulous he becomes, the tougher he becomes, which will inevitably arouse everyone's instinctive resistance.

Xia Yan didn't think of a way to return to Earth. He could only stay in this world, so he couldn't mess around.

What he needs is a dynamic Konoha that can meet his system's tasks, rather than a Konoha that randomly eradicates and suppresses all opponents without any reason, and castrates the spirit and spirit of the entire ninja world.

If this is the case, Xia Yan feels that he might as well learn from Otsutsuki and hang everyone on the tree.

Not to mention it was more convenient, and he might be able to get more seeds.

"I see."

Sure enough, when Nara Shikaku heard this, he couldn't help but smile, and he no longer looked as awed as before.

"I will cooperate well, Hokage-sama."

"very good."

Natsuhiko nodded slightly, and he also showed a smile. His eyes swept across Sarutobi Hiruzen and Nara Shikaku before he spoke.

"The last thing requires your cooperation with the Sandaime, although the Jonin reform has just ended, and we are still waiting for the results.

But I believe both of you should know that such a reform is a good thing for Konoha, and I don't think such a reform will fail. "

Natsuhiko's words were calm, but neither Sarutobi Hiruzen nor Nara Shikaku had any intention to refute him.

Indeed, the jounin reform has given Konoha jounin such great rights and benefits, which is extremely beneficial to Konoha in terms of combat effectiveness.

In a broad sense, jounin is the existence second only to the shadow, and each of them is the 'successor of Hokage' in the true sense.

Although they themselves knew that the real meaning was just on paper, because Naruto would never choose from ordinary jounin like them.

But in any case, this also illustrates the importance of jounin, especially the number and strength of jonin are important factors in the strength of a village.

The strength of a village is divided into several factors, the first of which must be top combat effectiveness.

Ignoring Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara, and now Natsuhiko, Konoha's former representatives of normal top combat power were ruthless men like the former Sannin, Hatake Sakumo, and others.

Individually, they can be regarded as strategic weapons, and when integrated with large forces, they are the best commanders.

Especially when large groups of troops compete, they also need to deal with the opponent's top combat power.

The next in line is the Jonin. The Jonin can lead various troops. Their strength is also an irreplaceable role in large-scale battles and small-scale conflicts.

The stronger they are, the more they can inspire morale, and the better their command, the more they can help the village win.

Therefore, the importance of jounin is incomparable. Even the three ninjas and Hatake Sakumo were also jounin at the beginning, but they were stronger than ordinary jounin.

Natsuhiko directly opened Konoha's ninjutsu reserves to all jounin, which undoubtedly greatly improved their personal strength.

And they were given corresponding political rights, which stimulated their enthusiasm. You can imagine how strong the jounin will become in the future.

Even though what Xia Yan is doing now is weakening the prestige of the family's ninja system, none of the families who support Xia Yan know the 'incompleteness' of this reform.

After all, it is a 'top-down' reform rather than a 'bottom-up' revolution. Senju, a member of the family ninja, will naturally find ways to protect himself from a long-term perspective.

Although they are weakened now, relying on their foundation, it is actually very simple to gain a firm foothold in the future, even if there is a problem in a certain generation.

But in this relatively fair environment, they will still have a chance to rise again in the future.

Therefore, how could they oppose this proposal? As for those who oppose it, it would be fine if they just oppose it. If they do something...

The list that Natsuhiko threw to the third generation and what will happen in the future are probably lessons from the past.

So Xia Yan said that the reform would not fail, and neither of them would or could oppose it. Such reform would definitely succeed.

"So as we advance the Jonin reform, we just need to keep an eye on not causing trouble. We also have to solve other problems in Konoha.

I know the reason why the Sandaime-sama objects to my implementation of the purge plan. Are you worried that there are not enough talents in Konoha governance? "

Xia Yan couldn't help but smile when he saw the two people who just nodded and remained silent. He tapped the table with his hand and said slowly.

“I admit that this time I recommended reform and integration of various departments in Konoha, and the withdrawal of a lot of people caused some problems in Konoha’s talent pool.

Therefore, what we have to do now is naturally to start from this aspect, and it is best to cooperate with the reform of chuunin and genin. "

It was impossible for the Jonin Natsuhiko to move. After all, the Jonin had already taken shape and they had already acquired good qualities in all aspects.

It is actually quite difficult to become a jounin in Konoha. Natsuhiko remembered that Naruto had to study the materials when he was admitted to the jounin exam, which made him feel numb.

Namikaze Minato, Tsunade, and Kakashi are all able to directly take over the Jonin, except for external factors such as political compromise, Konoha's shuffle, and the savior teacher.

There is another important reason, that is, they have all gone through Konoha's most stringent Jonin examination.

A jounin must have rich theoretical knowledge, strong individual strength, and more importantly, sufficient management experience and sufficient meritorious service.

Without the sum of these things, even if various external factors were added up, it would be impossible to choose them to be Hokage.

You haven't even passed the jounin exam, and you don't have the experience and meritorious service to prove it. Why should we give you this opportunity to be elected?

Natsu Yan is actually not an exception. Being born in ANBU, there is no need to doubt his theoretical knowledge.

In terms of management ability, he has proven his outstanding management ability from a team member to a squad leader to a captain, and finally became the ANBU minister.

Coupled with his deeds of "gaining points" in Yunyin, it can be said that he has met all requirements.

Therefore, even if he is an Anbu and has no ninja level certification, no one can doubt his ability.

The jounin is so comprehensive, Natsuhiko would be a fool if he tried to do anything now, and compared to a jounin who has almost reached the peak of ninja.

The plasticity of Chuunin and Genin is much higher, especially among Genin, their plasticity is the highest because they are still young.

"I think that in the future, some special projects should be set up in the reform of chunin and genin.

For example, we should offer professional courses for people who are not smart enough but can train them into suitable management talents.

However, if the strength of these people does not meet the requirements, they still cannot be given the title of Jonin, but relevant level offices can be set up in various departments.

It can also be regarded as a hope for these non-combat administrative ninjas, so that they can work and study harder and strive to improve themselves.

There are also people who have poor performance in chakra control, but they have unique talents in physical skills, and they should not be buried.

In the assessment, theoretical knowledge is relatively relaxed, allowing them to find ways to cope with some necessary assessments. As long as they pass, they may not be given the title of Jonin. "

Natsuhiko's words immediately made Sarutobi Hiruzen and Nara Shikaku think deeply, especially Sarutobi Hiruzen, who frowned even more.

It's not that he thinks Xia Yan's method is not good, he just feels that he has been firmly locked by the definition of the profession of 'ninja' in the past.

He has never considered this aspect at all. He has always trained ninjas according to how ninjas should be.

After all, there are no sages in this world who tell them the term "teaching students in accordance with their aptitude". Even if the scale of ninja training is expanded, it can be regarded as a preliminary "teaching without distinction".

But he knew very well how high the elimination rate of Ninja School was, and he also knew how those children with no outstanding talents would fare after graduation.

Sighing slightly, Sarutobi Hiruzen really admired Natsuhiko. This young man's creativity and imagination were really beyond his comparison. Maybe he was really old.

As for the one proposed by Xia Yan specifically for administrative ninjas, he thought this seemed to be a good method.

Since classified education has been carried out since childhood, and a group or even a large number of government ninjas have been screened and trained, this can naturally fill the talent vacancies in Konoha.

After these people enter various positions, their remuneration naturally cannot be too low. After all, their sometimes busyness is not comparable to that of frontline ninjas, especially in peacetime.

What's more, these people are basically hopeless as jounin. After all, when Natsuhiko severely increased the power and treatment of jounin, he also severely restricted the jounin before he finished.

Some people who are powerful may not be able to really squeeze in, let alone those who are not strong enough.

Therefore, it is very right to establish a level of government ninjas, improve their treatment in other aspects, and give them greater motivation.

As for Natsuhiko's second plan, Sarutobi Hiruzen also agreed. After all, there was a Matt Dai in Konoha.

Sarutobi Hiruzen still remembers how shocked he was when he saw the frontline report that Matt Dai single-handedly defeated Kirigakure's Seven Swordsmen like that.

That child showed terrifying fighting prowess, but at the end of the day he was just a genin, and he was constantly despised and bullied.

Taijutsu ninjas really cannot be looked down upon. If such ninjas receive more professional instruction and complete the assessment of theoretical subjects, it is not impossible for them to become jounin!

But in this case, being a special jounin seems a bit redundant and embarrassing.

Because special jonins are ninjas who specialize in one aspect and reach the level of jounin, but their overall strength does not reach this level.

If taijutsu ninjas are opened up, where will these special jounin go?

In addition, how should their treatment be different?

After all, if you fail the Jonin test and are demoted, the punishment must be large enough to highlight the gap between you and the Jonin.

If the gap between special jounin and jounin is not that big, then is such a punishment really meaningful?

"Hokage-sama, I fully support the motion you proposed."

Nara Shikaku didn't wait for Sarutobi Hiruzen to say anything before he spoke first, but he seemed a little cautious now.

"There is just one question, that is, how do you plan to deal with the special Jonin issue?

In addition to ninjas who specialize in physical arts, Konoha also has many ninjas who specialize in other aspects. They..."

"Of course I know this. My suggestion of physical skills is just a special case. After all, one of my classmates is Metkai, and I know the story of his father, Metday."

Natsuhiko knew that Nara Shikaku was not stupid for raising this question, he just wanted to be more certain about something, so Natsuhiko said with a smile.

"In the future, as long as Konoha's other specialized ninjas pass the assessment and meet the overall strength standards, they will also have the opportunity to become jounin.

And similarly, they must also enjoy the rights and treatment given by jounin, and they must also fulfill the obligations of jounin.

As for the assessment and downgrading, we still use the assessment form. In addition to the necessary theoretical assessment, there are also the number of tasks, the effectiveness of team leadership and training, etc.

You do these things, I believe you can do it well, as for special jounin..."

When it comes to special jounin, Natsuhiko is also in a difficult position. After all, the number of special jounin in Konoha is quite large.

Moreover, during the period of Sarutobi Hiruzen, special jonins were only given to those ninjas who performed very well in one aspect but were not up to par in other aspects, and whose overall strength was close to or even at the level of jounin.

There is also a consolation prize for some chuunin who show intention but are not very strong.

It's just that it's really troublesome for this particular jounin to be stuck between the jounin and the chunin. Natsuhiko wants to elevate the jounin to inspire everyone's enthusiasm, so the gap between the chuunin and the jounin cannot be too small.

A special jounin stuck in the middle is equivalent to a comfort zone, the kind of place where he can neither get up nor get down.

This gives Xia Yan, who wants everyone to work hard and wants everyone to collectively "007" for the sake of progress or to maintain his own status, a headache.

Although Natsuhiko gave the jounin enough political rights, not all jounin were interested in this kind of thing.

After all, some jounin don't think they can really go any further, and they have never thought about entering a functional department. They are only interested in how to improve themselves.

If there really isn't much difference between special jounin and jounin, and they just don't have political rights, it's hard to say that a bunch of jounin just go there and hang out.

"Otherwise, should we just cut him off?"

Just when Xia Yan felt a headache, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly spoke.

"Special Jonin is a ninja position created by me. The original purpose is actually somewhat similar to that of Hokage-sama.

But now that Hokage-sama has a better plan, the necessity of this position has begun to decrease, so..."

"What a great idea!" Xia Yan stood up and said without waiting for Hiruzen Sarutobi to finish his words.

"Indeed, keeping it is also a trouble. It is not easy to control its resource allocation, nor is it easy to widen the gap between it and the Jonin.

In this case, it is better to cut them off and let Konoha retain only the original three-level ninja system.

The Sandaime has this idea, then I will ask Minister Shikaku to cooperate with your actions, and leave this matter to you. "

Having said this, Xia Yan immediately turned back to Qiong who was recording on the side.

"Remember, let's talk to the newspaper about this and tell them that the Sandaime proposed to eliminate the special jounin position and has already made a plan. Do you understand?"

"???" Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly stiffened when he heard Xia Yan's words.

He realized that he shouldn't have said this at all...


I have to say that Sarutobi Hiruzen is really useful, and Xia Yan is really glad that he kept this old man here.

Even though his way of thinking and handling of government affairs are completely different from Xia Yan, this does not hinder his ability. After all, he has been Hokage for decades.

Moreover, Natsuhiko also discovered that Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to be starting to get a little closer to Danzo in his hands.

It doesn't mean that like Danzo, he has huge power and army in his hands, so that he can even resist Natsuhiko within Konoha with one hand.

In Natsuhiko's hands, Sarutobi Hiruzen would never be able to become the "Darkness of the Ninja World", but the effect of him being thrown out by Natsuhiko and being blamed was really effective!

Unknowingly, Sarutobi Hiruzen was destined to be blamed twice for helping Natsuhiko.

One is the 'big purge' event that is bound to happen in Konoha. Natsuhiko has already planned this. If those guys just resist Natsuhi at the meeting, they will only attack a few people.

Now they seem to be conspiring to do something, so Xia Yan is not going to let them all go - of course, Xia Yan's original idea is similar, but they gave them a chance.

As the saying goes, playing well is not as good as arranging well, and arranging well is not as good as receiving the opponent's skills!

Obviously, they directly gave Xia Yan a gap to "receive skills". Xia Yan would be really sorry for himself if he didn't grasp it.

Moreover, Hiruzen Sarutobi was responsible for this matter, which could be regarded as Natsuhiko's revenge for Hiruzen Sarutobi's involvement in the two families of Sarutobi and Uzumaki.

After all, Xia Yan was also a member of the Thousand Hands clan back then. Even if his sense of belonging was not enough at all, he should still have certain dividends within this family.

However, he was born in the wrong era, and he didn't get any benefits. He was almost sent to the battlefield when he was only seven or eight years old.

Of course, his result was not very good. He was directly pushed into the Anbu with a backhand. It can be said that his childhood in this world was not happy at all.

He has really been holding his anger for a long time. It would be really strange if he really didn't have any revenge at all.

Even if he could understand Sarutobi Hiruzen, even if he bluntly admitted that from Sarutobi Hiruzen's perspective, he would do much more ruthlessly than him.

But revenge is still necessary. There is nothing to say about the winner and the loser. After all, the loser really has no say.

As for the second scapegoat, it was about the special jounin. The elimination of the special jounin would definitely cause a lot of noise, especially now that there was nothing happening in Konoha to divert attention.

Even if the most heated thing is coming to power with the Fifth Hokage, there are still negotiations with Kumogakure.

But these things really can't completely affect Konoha, which has the attention of a large number of special jounin.

Therefore, a suitable scapegoat is very necessary and important.

And Sarutobi Hiruzen accidentally proposed this plan directly, so Xia Yan really wouldn't be polite to him. Xia Yan really couldn't find any reason to be polite about this kind of thing.

After Hiruzen Sarutobi left the office with a dark face, Qiong immediately launched newspapers to start publicity, and Konoha was detonated the next day.

But at this moment, Xia Yan had already pretended to be an ostrich. He pretended that he didn't know what happened. At the same time, he also found Kakashi and asked him to start searching for some ancient ruins.

Kakashi felt a little baffled by Natsuhiko's request, but Natsuhiko was already the Hokage at this time, so he naturally would not refuse it.

It's also interesting to say that when Kakashi learned that Konoha was going to hold a new Hokage election, he was completely shocked.

He immediately contacted Namikaze Minato, but Namikaze Minato told him that he indeed could not continue to manage Konoha.

Moreover, Namikaze Minato also said that he believed in Natsuhiko very much, believed that he could manage Konoha well, and hoped that Kakashi could cooperate with Natsuhiko well, just like they did when they were in Anbu.

After Kakashi received this information, he was silent for a while, and then he gave Namikaze Minato a affirmative answer.

However, he really didn't expect that after Natsuhiko left the ANBU and really became Hokage, the entire ANBU would directly fall on him.

What's even worse is that when Natsuhiko left, he took away two secretaries who could help him, which made Kakashi feel bitter.

Fortunately, after all, he has been a captain for several years and has studied with Xia Yan for so long. He can still adapt to and accept the work of the ANBU minister.

After a period of confusion, Kakashi has begun to move in the right direction.

"I understand, and I will handle this matter well, Hokage-sama." Kakashi nodded to show that he already knew: "Also, I haven't had time to congratulate you. Congratulations on becoming the Fifth Hokage."

"Thank you." Natsuhiko smiled and nodded. Then he stood up and patted Kakashi on the shoulder: "Also, congratulations on becoming the ANBU minister."

"Forget it, I hope to leave ANBU." Kakashi sighed slightly: "But now it seems that I can't leave for the time being."

"Don't worry, there will be a chance." Xia Yan said with a smile: "I think after the fourth generation comes back, I can arrange for you to do what you want to do. What do you think of being a leading ninja in the future?"

"That's really great." Kakashi's exposed eyes turned into crescent moons at this moment: "Anbu is too depressing, but Anbu is too important."

Needless to say, the ANBU was depressed. Natsumi Yan had the most say after staying in the ANBU for so long, but he seemed extra relaxed because he had long been used to it.

It has only been three or four years since Kakashi entered ANBU, and his promotion speed is as fast as a rocket.

Xia Yan felt that he felt not only depression, but also huge pressure.

However, there are not many people that Natsuhiko can use and can fully trust now, so Natsuhiko really doesn't plan to let Kakashi Natsuhiko do it now.

"By the way, Lord Hokage." After talking about this topic, Kakashi suddenly frowned and said, "Yesterday the Sandaime came to ANBU and found me. He wanted to transfer the ANBU minister."

"Oh?" Xia Yan couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, then he nodded and said, "Cooperate with him, he has important things to do."

"Is that so? I understand. I hope Konoha can be stable after this time..."

"Yes, it will definitely happen."


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