The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 289 Breakthrough (8K please subscribe~)

Sarutobi Hiruzen's purpose of mobilizing ANBU was very obvious, that is, to attack certain people.

Natsuhiko gave him so much time to prepare and continued to show his strength and confidence. Sarutobi Hiruzen really didn't have much choice.

Especially after that meeting with Nara Shikaku and Natsuhiko, he knew that Natsuhiko had made up for all the subsequent problems that might cause trouble to Konoha.

This really made him realize how deeply Xia Yan was determined to eliminate these problems.

It's also his fault for those who used to follow him. They shouldn't have had such crooked thoughts. If they had such thoughts, no one could save them.

The moon was sparse, and Hiruzen Sarutobi stood on top of the Hokage Rock, looking at Konoha shrouded in darkness with somewhat complicated eyes.

That kid Kakashi is now the minister of Konoha's ANBU, and he has already contacted Kakashi and received Kakashi's support.

What he has to do now is the last thing, the last thing he doesn't want to do but has to do.


For a long time, Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed quietly, and then he closed his eyes slightly.

Now he is nominally a member of the Elders Group, but in fact he can only be regarded as Xia Yan's advisor, because the Elders Group may really exist in name only after tonight.

But if it disappears, it disappears. As Hokage, he knows the meaning of the existence of the Elders.

It exists to prevent an unwise Hokage from doing the wrong thing and dragging Konoha into the abyss.

But when the abilities of the elders do not match those of Naruto, then the elders will become a burden that hinders Naruto's progress.

Especially now that the elders want to do things that harm Konoha, it is really difficult for Sarutobi Hiruzen to agree and understand.

Perhaps Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't pay attention to Natsuhiko's ability at first. After all, Natsuhiko was just a squad leader.

But after he seized the position of captain, Sarutobi Hiruzen began to pay attention to this kid from the Senju clan.

This kid hid very well at first, and his performance was also very good.

But as time went by, Sarutobi Hiruzen gradually found that this brat was really difficult to control.

Especially after he completely obtained the position of ANBU Minister, this made Sarutobi Hiruzen understand the tricks of this brat.

It's just that he understood it too late. This kid was no longer able to intervene and deal with it.

It was not that he had never thought about bringing Xia Yan, a brat, to his side, and he had also been offered an olive branch, but Xia Yan at that time refused without hesitation.

It was a pity for him at the time, but now he couldn't help but sigh that what he did back then was really stupid.

Is a person like Xia Yan, who is both ambitious and capable, really willing to follow his own arrangements and take over his job honestly?

Obviously this was impossible, and Hiruzen Sarutobi was now happy that Natsuhiko didn't choose him.

After all, if he had chosen himself at that time, he could definitely have taken a simpler path. In that case, would Xia Yan still be as sharp as he is now?

He didn't know this question, but he knew that Xia Yan now really surprised him.

He is old, and his way of thinking cannot keep up with young people like Xia Yan, and his behavior is not as energetic as that of young people.

But this doesn't mean that he can't see the quality of Xia Yan's policies, the ability of Xia Yan, and the skills of Xia Yan!

Although the policy given by Xia Yan was a bit radical in his opinion, it also took into account the interests of all parties in such radicalism.

Such an approach really doesn't show that he is just a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy, and his subsequent policies are completely targeted at Konoha's weaknesses.

And in conjunction with Konoha's shortcomings, he pushed forward the reforms he needed. With such keen thinking and handling methods, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt that even if he was thirty years younger, he might not be able to achieve it.

This mode of thinking and understanding has created a huge gap with him. In terms of ninja strength, it can be said that it is almost in a different dimension.

Sarutobi Hiruzen really didn't understand how Natsuhiko developed such a thinking pattern.

This kid is obviously so young, but such a method is really beyond the reach of a young man.

"Maybe this is genius."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath, and then the chakra in his body moved slightly. After thinking for so long, he should move now.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen is old, his chakra is becoming more and more refined, and even ten years later he can give Orochimaru a serious fight.

Now he is not that old yet, he still has the strength, even if it is not as good as Shinobi back then, but he is not something that others can look down upon!

Running quickly along the way, and using the teleportation technique, he quietly entered Mito Kadoyan's house.

After ANBU investigation, he knew that his two old classmates would meet here tonight, so he just came here and waited.

After avoiding all the guards and waiting for the ANBU to get into position, Hiruzen Sarutobi slowly walked into the house that he was still familiar with.

Mito Kadoyan is his old friend and even his old classmate. He has come here quite often. It can be said that he is relatively familiar with everything here.

There was no one in the living room at this time. Only the moonlight slowly penetrated into the dark room. Sarutobi Hiruzen walked slowly to the seat and sat down slowly.

The bright moonlight fell on him, making him look so lonely and cold.

In this place, he began to be unable to restrain himself and began to recall their past and everything they had experienced.

Because he knew very well that after tonight, his old classmates would probably no longer exist, so his coming here was actually a farewell.

"Da da da....."

The crisp sound of clogs hitting the floor made Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly wake up. He knew that his two old friends were back.

Sure enough, when the door was slowly pushed open, the two people immediately realized that there was someone in the room!

They immediately took a defensive posture, but when they saw clearly who was in the room through the cold moonlight, they were involuntarily surprised.

"Hiruzhan, why is it you..." Koharu asked in surprise when she went to bed, but soon her expression changed slightly: "The purpose of coming here is..."

"Well, I think you have guessed it." Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed slightly, his eyes full of loneliness: "I'm sorry, I can't do anything, and I can't change anything."

"You are betraying, betraying your Third Hokage, betraying the entire Konoha!"

Mito Monobu almost shouted through gritted teeth, hoping to use his voice to attract everyone's attention.

"Actually, I have been fighting to make him stop doing this, but you..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly shook his head. He stood up and his voice was extremely low and lonely.

"You shouldn't be like this, you really shouldn't..."

“Are you planning to let us just surrender like this?

Don't dream, Sarutobi, you and your family are settled. After all, you are the Hokage and he doesn't dare to do anything, but we are different! "

Is it different?

Is being different the reason that can cause turmoil in Konoha?

Sarutobi Hiruzen closed his eyes slightly, and he did not want to say any more at this moment.

Because at this moment he has completely made up his mind. If he was forced by Xia Yan before, then now he is willing to do it on his own initiative.

He was now alone, his friends were dead, his wife was dead.

Now, he only has Konoha left...


This night was an extremely ordinary night for ordinary ninjas and residents of Konoha.

But this night was another very significant night for Konoha.

Sarutobi Hiruzen grasped the timing of his attack very cleverly. He did it when his old classmates were prepared, but not prepared enough.

The result was that Konoha not only got the evidence they wanted, but also swept all the hidden dangers into the trash heap of history.

After Xia Yan got the report the next day, he burned it completely to ashes with his own hands. After all, thousands of lives recorded in this report had just disappeared.

Moreover, Xia Yan heard that when the Anbu and the Security Department went to deal with these corpses, they also spent a lot of effort to complete everything.

The corpses of thousands of people are not a small number, and this incident also caused a lot of noise in Konoha.

It has to be said that now that the Anbu, Roots and newspapers are in his hands, Natsuhiko's control over the entire public opinion in Konoha has reached its peak.

In the past, he could control the Anbu and the newspaper alone to target Hiruzen Sarutobi. That was because Hiruzen Sarutobi was only an acting Hokage after all.

In everyone's opinion, Natsu Yan was following the Fourth Hokage, so Hiruzen Sarutobi couldn't do anything to Natsu Yan, after all, his reputation was not justified.

But now that Xia Yan has gone through serious selection and assessment and has become the legitimate Hokage, these institutions are naturally controlled by him.

Therefore, thanks to the efforts of the three parties, even though many of the cleaning personnel this time live in relatively densely populated areas.

But there wasn't much news that could be spread. Only the strong smell of blood didn't dissipate for a long time, which seemed to prove their past existence.

In addition, only a few ninjas knew about this matter, and they were also shocked by what Xia Yan did.

And to be honest, even if Xia Yan spread this matter, it wouldn't be a big problem.

After all, he had a plan in advance, and the residents of Konoha knew more or less what they had planned to do with these people who disappeared inexplicably.

But after this night, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Natsuhiko took a week-long vacation.

He didn't say what he was going to do, and Xia Yan didn't ask. Instead, he happily gave the old man some time to rest and buffer.

Natsuhiko knew very well that Sarutobi Hiruzen really had nothing now. To be precise, he probably had very few friends of the same generation left.

And his son Xia Yan knew that one of them had died, and the other Asuma was definitely not a worry-free person.

Only he knew the loneliness of this old man, so Xia Yan didn't intend to embarrass him. After all, he was really under a lot of pressure right now.

After all, after ruthlessly cleaning up the unstable factors in Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen will continue to bear the infamy.

As more and more relevant reports appeared in newspapers, especially the news about special jounin, with Xia Yan's acquiescence, the news began to be dug deeper and deeper.

The scolding of Hiruzen Sarutobi by those special jounin naturally became louder and louder.

After all, judging from the things that have been unearthed, the possibility of them being kicked to Chuunin in the future is probably greater than the possibility of becoming Jonin!

They originally imagined that the jounin's improvement would be so great, so these special jonins should also be able to reap some dividends.

But now that this matter has been exposed, they know that they can't eat anything at all, and even they can only retreat to Chuunin.

Under such circumstances, how could they not be angry, but their anger was not directed at Xia Yan, but at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

After all, Xia Yan had just dealt with thousands of people. Even if he did it with reason, it would leave people with a sense of awe.

Of course, the meaning of respect is stronger and the mentality of fear is weaker. This is the effect Xia Yan wants.

In addition, Natsuhiko vigorously promotes Jonin welfare reform, and reports prove that he also intends to promote other levels of ninja welfare systems.

Therefore, they were even less likely to scold Xia Yan. The only person they wanted to scold and resent was Hiruzen Sarutobi.

"How do you feel after a week off?"

However, no matter how loud the noise outside was, it could not affect them, the decision-makers. On the last day of the week's rest, Xia Yan personally came to Sarutobi Hiruzen's home.

"It's okay. After all, I'm getting old and like to keep reminiscing about the past."

Sarutobi Hiruzen made a pot of tea himself, and he slowly filled it for Natsuhiko while speaking slowly.

"Being old is not necessarily useless. As the saying goes, having an old person in the family is like having a treasure. Facts have proved that you are also very valuable sometimes."

Natsuhiko picked up the tea that Hiruzen Sarutobi had poured and said with a smile while smelling the fragrance coming from the tea cup.

"In terms of being blamed for you, I am indeed quite important, right?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed slowly, then he took a sip of tea and said seriously.

"I am willing to take on this kind of thing, and I can keep taking on it, just like Danzo back then.

But I only have one request, and that is that I want to see Konoha stand on the top of the ninja world in my lifetime. You must do it! "

"I make this promise to you, and you will see it."

Xia Yan is still very confident about this matter. In any case, this is related to Xia Yan's system mission.

And after becoming Hokage, Xia Yan felt that it would be really bad if he didn't do something.

After all, everything in his previous life is deeply engraved in his DNA. Although Xia Yan may not be able to create any unification of the ninja world.

But it seems that it is not impossible to build a multilateral community of interests. After all, Naruto has almost done it.

"By the way, call Asuma back when you have time. Konoha is short of talents now. He takes the identity of Konoha ninja but does nothing. This is unreasonable and not legal."

"Indeed, it's time for that child to come back. By the way, do Tsunade and Jiraiya need me to get them back for you?"

"Hmph, they didn't come back when Konoha and Kumogakure went to war. I only tolerated them because they were Sannin. There was even one from the Senju clan."

"It seems like you really have a strong opinion of them, but what if they come back in the future?"

"Jiraiya has come back, but I gave him a task to track down Orochimaru. As for Tsunade, let's talk about it then..."


Natsuhiko really doesn't care that much about the return of Tsunade and Jiraiya.

Although their return can bring a good morale boost to Konoha, it can also strengthen Konoha's overall strength.

But they had been away for so long, and they didn't even think about coming back when Konoha was in the most troubled times. In Natsuhiko's opinion, if they didn't want to come back, they might as well not come back!

Konoha now has Natsuhiko in charge, and they are really not afraid of any big trouble. For now, no one in the ninja world dares to trouble Konoha.

Xia Yan knew that there was a real reason for their unwillingness to return to Konoha, but if Konoha was so dangerous and they didn't come back, did they really consider Konoha their home?

Maybe they are back and will choose to take action based on the actual situation. According to their character, they may really be able to do such a thing.

But Natsu Yan wouldn't count if he didn't see it. That was actually the task Natsu Yan gave Jiraiya.

This is a clear signal, he is telling Jiraiya, and he can even tell Tsunade through Jiraiya that if you are not willing to come back, Konoha will not welcome you back.

Xia Yan is definitely a strong shadow, and he doesn't think it's bad to be strong as a shadow.

After all, the shadow represents the attitude of a village. Natsuhiko is not the current Hiruzen Sarutobi. You must know that Hiruzen Sarutobi was also a very strong person when he was young.

As for calling Asuma back, the meaning is very clear, that is to find a suitable heir for their Sarutobi clan.

The closeness of Sarutobi Hiruzen helped Natsuhiko so much, and the Sarutobi clan had already developed to a good stage when he became Hokage.

And now the Sarutobi clan is not too slow to get closer, especially since they were not involved in the previous bad things.

In this case, allowing this family some room for development can be regarded as an image promotion.

This can be regarded as telling everyone that the Sarutobi clan, a family that makes me very unhappy, can develop, and you and I are absolutely right.

However, Natsuhiko will also limit the development limit of the Sarutobi clan, and even make them spit out a lot of things if necessary.

After all, the cake they ate back then was really not that small.

Time passed very quickly. In the next time, Natsuhiko asked Nara Shikaku to pay attention to the process of Jonin reform, and at the same time asked him to prepare for negotiations with Kumogakure.

The jounin reform was progressing well, but Natsuhiko did not continue to mention the fact that the major families had wanted to collect ninjutsu from their families.

It's not that everyone is unwilling or Xia Yan has forgotten, but it's simply not necessary.

After all the families that had followed Sarutobi Hiruzen were wiped out by him, Natsumi had his fill.

The ninjutsu collected from their family cooperated with Konoha's original ninjutsu library, and this was completely used by Natsuhiko for the jounin.

But there is an interesting thing, that is, the Sarutobi clan actively contributed a lot of ninjutsu.

Natsuhiko would naturally not be polite to such a situation. The basis of the Sarutobi clan was actually such a large number of ninjutsu.

Now that their clan has completely surrendered, they are willing to come up with more things to express themselves, and Xia Yan will naturally not refuse.

With these huge resources, plus the ninjutsu that Kumogakure is about to send over, the situation of jounin in Konoha is now very good.

According to Nara Shikaku's assessment, Konoha will soon start trying to reform the Chunin welfare policy.

This is definitely good news for Xia Yan. The most troublesome level has been passed, so the next thing will be relatively simple.

However, Nara Shikaku was really tired. It was a good thing that the reform was successful, but he had to handle the next problems.

And he not only has to be responsible for this area, but also to integrate a series of Konoha's political issues. The most important thing is that he also needs to cooperate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to deal with Kumogakure's negotiations.

Although the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for the negotiations, they are newcomers and they have no idea, so this matter also requires the help of Nara Shikaku.

As for other messy issues, the Ministry of Government had to deal with them, which really put Nara Shikaku under great pressure, and his fatigue level also increased crazily.

Although he knew that this was a temporary problem, according to Konoha's development speed, the core department of the Ministry of Government Affairs would only become busier and busier in the future.

Therefore, Natsuhiko naturally recommended the Secretariat to Shikaku Nara. After all, Natsuhiko planned to turn the Secretariat into the Secretariat.

Nara Shikaku had long heard about the unique secretarial department that Natsuhiko created when he was in ANBU, and he relied on this department to continuously reduce his work pressure.

It's just that Nara Shikaku is a little worried that once this department becomes bigger, the minister will be left out.

Although he knew from Xia Yan's statement that the secretary had no real power at all, they had the right to make proposals.

The most important thing is that all documents are handed in by them, and they quietly influence the preferences of decision-makers.

I have to say that Nara Shikaku is really powerful. The reason why Humphrey can control the ministers and even the prime minister is actually because he has the right to submit documents.

Of course, that's not all. More importantly, they have mastered the meeting schedule and the schedule of the decision-makers, which makes it easier for them to arrange many things.

For example, if you put out the most important proposal just before lunch or get off work, how much time will the decision-makers have to discuss it?

What's more, those ministers and prime ministers can't sit in this position for long, so they can't play with these secretaries at all.

But this world is different. After all, they have no time limit on their reign.

Nara Shikaku may have understood this, and then he accepted Natsuhiko's proposal. This was considered Natsuhiko's first step in expanding the secretarial department.

But then he ignored the matter. He left a shadow clone and quietly left Konoha...


In a dense forest in the Kingdom of Fire, Xia Yan quietly appeared here, and then he quickly walked forward.

This place is Orochimaru's home base in the Land of Fire. Xia Yan only met Orochimaru a few months ago. He did not expect that Orochimaru would come to see him again now.

But he knew that Orochimaru would never disturb him when nothing happened, especially now that he had become Hokage, he would naturally be even busier.

What's more, Konoha's reforms are not hidden, this reform is almost directly placed in front of everyone.

Under such circumstances, Orochimaru would naturally think that Natsuhiko was definitely very busy now, so if there was nothing wrong, he probably wouldn't look for Natsuhiko.

Quickly passing through the dense underground tunnels created by Orochimaru, he soon arrived at Orochimaru's laboratory.

At this time, Orochimaru's face was full of excitement and he looked particularly weird.

However, his expression made the corners of Xia Yan's eyes twitch slightly. He seemed to be somewhat aware of Orochimaru's purpose in finding him now.

"Hokage-sama, you are here."

Orochimaru had already noticed Natsuhiko's arrival. After all, this was his territory. He turned around with a smile and bowed slightly to Natsuhiko.

"It seems that my teacher really lost, but losing to Hokage-sama is normal. After all, he is really old."

"Thank you for your congratulations, but I don't think you brought me here just for such a boring thing."

Xia Yan looked at Orochimaru calmly, with a conciliatory smile on his lips.

"Looking at Orochimaru-sama's expression, maybe he has made some new discovery and that's why he came to find me, right?"

"Yes, there are indeed new discoveries. After all, after Minister Natsuhiko became the Fifth Hokage, he has many more resources than before."

Orochimaru smiled and licked his tongue, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Therefore, if I don't show more value, I might be abandoned by Hokage-sama in the future.

But God seems to have really helped me this time, and I did make a lot of gratifying discoveries. "

Xia Yan couldn't help but nodded slightly when he heard Orochimaru. Although Orochimaru's words were a bit too realistic, Xia Yan himself knew that he was a realist.

Now that Natsuhiko is the Hokage, he controls almost all the resources of Konoha. If he increases his investment, it is hard to say whether there will really be nothing wrong with Orochimaru.

When he was an ANBU, he had already split up the medical department, and part of it was integrated into the ANBU.

Now that he is Hokage, even if he has not restored the Medical Department, he has not even mentioned the Medical Department among the eight major departments.

But the current medical department still exists, but it was downgraded by Xia Yan to the medical department and is affiliated with the Hokage.

It can be said that if Xia Yan really wants to do something, he can fully mobilize the medical department to carry out it. Even if their level is not as good as Orochimaru, they will still have more people and more resources.

Orochimaru himself came from Konoha, so of course he knew how huge Konoha's resources were, and his worries were normal.

However, Natsuhiko did not take any similar action at all, and even Kakashi, who was already in charge of the ANBU, was not in a hurry.

Even if he really wanted to try to resurrect everything he had lost in his heart, he also knew that this kind of thing was not as good as stabilizing Konoha.

So he didn't mess around from beginning to end, and the experiments in Konoha were always going on slowly.

Now that Orochimaru has come up with the results, Natsuhiko is actually quite happy, because with this technique, Natsuhiko is equivalent to getting another chapter of trump cards.

After all, this is the technique of resurrection. With this technique, Xia Yan can win over more people and create a super trump card for himself.

As the saying goes, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. With this technique, if Xia Yan encounters any accident, he can also let others resurrect him, right?

"It seems that Lord Orochimaru really gave me a surprise."

Although Xia Yan was extremely happy inside, he acted very restrained and just maintained a warm smile.

"I wonder what kind of breakthrough Orochimaru-sama has made, and where did Orochimaru-sama get the materials for his strength?"

"Don't worry. It's naturally impossible for me to act recklessly in the Land of Fire when Lord Hokage is in power and we cooperate."

Orochimaru licked his tongue and he replied with a smile.

"Speaking of which, Hokage-sama may need to give me a commission, after all, I have swept away many bandit dens in the Land of Fire.

These guys are all people who can't survive in the small country next door, and they often attack the traders after coming to the Country of Fire.

In addition, I also arrested many enemy ninjas who fled to the Land of Fire, as well as some rebel ninjas in Konoha. "

Orochimaru did put in a lot of effort to get experimental materials. After all, he reached an agreement with Natsuhiko and Natsuhiko proved that he could indeed protect Orochimaru.

Therefore, Orochimaru has really never taken action against the 'normal residents' of the Land of Fire. Whenever he takes action, he is either a bandit or an enemy ninja, or even a rebellious ninja in Konoha.

It can be said that he helped Konoha a lot invisibly, but Xia Yan couldn't help but rolled his eyes after hearing this. This guy had the nerve to ask for a commission from him.

He completed the task privately, so Konoha couldn't issue the task. Without these tasks, the ninja would have no money, and Konoha couldn't take the commission either.

It can be said that Orochimaru secretly stole a lot of money from Konoha. In the ninja world, there is no way out for you to be heroic and righteous, because the ninja village is still counting on those guys to become a share of the mission.

"As for the breakthrough in technology, it is also a gratifying result."

Orochimaru was not bothered about the mission. He quickly took out a scroll. When the scroll was opened, a pale Uchiha ninja appeared in front of Natsuhiko.

Then Orochimaru came to the door of a prison, and he casually grabbed a delirious man who had been tortured by him.

Looking at this guy's clothes, Xia Yan immediately knew that this guy was probably a robber or something.

Orochimaru didn't hesitate at all. He quickly formed a seal and then put one hand on the bandit's hand, while the other hand rested on the Uchiha who had been dead for who knows how long.

In an instant, Xia Yan clearly felt the power of life flowing.

The most important thing is that this flowing vitality does not belong to Orochimaru...


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