The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 290: Konoha’s Fifty-Two Years

Xia Yan remembers very clearly that the technique of reincarnation uses his own chakra to replenish the life of the person being performed the technique.

Once the caster's chakra can no longer be held, it will naturally begin to absorb the caster's chakra. The most typical example is Chiyo in the original work.

However, what Orochimaru did now made Xia Yan a little incredible.

Because this guy completely transferred the damage and completely used other people's chakra and life to complete the reincarnation technique!

"what is happening?"

Xia Yan secretly thought because what Orochimaru did in front of him was really beyond his imagination.

Isn't this guy constantly repairing and bridging the gap because Chiyo didn't study this technique thoroughly?

Why is it that now, in the blink of an eye, even such a thing as damage transfer has been researched?

Xia Yan was now feeling numb due to Orochimaru's move. He really didn't expect that Orochimaru would actually do such a move.

He closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, a bright blue appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, he had opened his eyes, and he needed to observe all the changes in Orochimaru's technique more carefully and clearly.

In his eyes, the Uchiha ninja, who had no life at all and whose life fire had been extinguished, began to change at this moment.

With the help of that unlucky bandit, his body functions actually began to recover continuously.

The most important thing is that the fire of life that had been extinguished long ago actually started to rekindle!

The simplest way to judge a person's life or death in the ninja world is to directly detect the status of the fire of life through the power of Yang Release.

Although it is a pity that people who can do this, it seems that in the original work, only Naruto, who has received the inheritance of the power of six paths, can do it, and no one else seems to have this ability.

But now Xia Yan can completely see and do it!

As early as the Nine-Tails Incident, he kept Namikaze Minato alive by helping to control the Fire of Life, and brought him back to life by breaking the Ghoul Seal.

And now he has pure eyes. With the help of these eyes, he can see the fire of life more clearly.

With the continuous influx of green life force, the already shriveled corpse began to become energetic. This change was really creepy.

What's even more frightening is that with this change, Xia Yan seems to clearly see a beam of light appearing in the space!

This beam of light fell from the sky, silently shining on the Uchiha's body, and with this shining, Xia Yan could see a figure slowly falling from the sky!


Xia Yan thought silently. At this moment, he was convinced that what he saw was the soul!

Unlike the last time he saw Namikaze Minato's ball of light, this time he saw a complete human soul.

Especially when he could clearly see that this guy seemed to be still sleeping!

"What a magical technique..."

Xia Yan murmured as he silently watched the soul finally enter the body that had regained its vitality, and at this moment he could see that the soul seemed to begin to completely merge with the body.

Accompanied by strange and clear chakra fluctuations, the entire body was truly resurrected at this moment, even if this guy hadn't woken up yet.

Turning his head, Xia Yan looked at the bandit controlled by Orochimaru. The next moment Xia Yan couldn't help but frown slightly.

In the original work, Chiyo did die after using the technique of reincarnation, but her death was relatively peaceful.

But now, the death of the bandit in the hands of Orochimaru cannot be described as simply miserable.

It was as if the endless years had left traces on his body. He had completely aged visibly to the naked eye. Not only was his hair completely white, but his body had also become extremely shriveled.

His teeth have completely fallen out, and his expression is even more painful and distorted. The most important thing is that he has no fire of life at this time.

It is really hard to imagine that a young and strong guy who was less than a minute ago seems to have spent a hundred years at this moment!

"Hokage-sama, are you satisfied with my technique?"

Although Orochimaru couldn't see so many things, he could feel that this Uchiha ninja had come to life.

He casually dropped the mummy in his hand, although he looked at Xia Yan with a smile on his face and asked.

"Although it's a bit cruel, I think it's pretty good in terms of effect. This guy has come back to life."

"Of course I know he's alive, but should Orochimaru-sama explain it to him?"

Xia Yan raised his head and looked at Orochimaru, and then he asked calmly.

"How much have you improved this technique, or how did you accomplish all this with the help of other people's chakra?"

"I spent a lot of time and energy on this technique, and I was aware of the disadvantages of this technique from the beginning."

Orochimaru licked his tongue. Although he always felt chilled inside when being stared at by Natsuhiko's blue eyes, he still explained calmly.

"That is, this jutsu is almost a life-for-life saving ninjutsu. I somewhat disagree with this point. If you use your own life to save others, wouldn't you die?"

The name of this technique is originally called reincarnation. Isn't this just a matter of exchanging one's own life?

Xia Yan silently complained, but he did not speak to interrupt Orochimaru, but signaled Orochimaru to continue.

"So I am transforming this technique from the source. In addition to improving the things that it has not completely perfected, I am also modifying its method of execution.

The last time I met with Mr. Hokage, I had almost completed the research on the transmission of life. However, when I was modifying the technique, there were some problems with the original core of the technique.

That is to bring back the soul in the pure land. This is very difficult, very difficult. Without this, the value of this technique can only be reflected in living people.

It's just a coincidence that my research in other areas has made good progress, so..."

At this point, Orochimaru stopped with a smile, and Natsuhiko understood all this at this moment.

Emotions, Orochimaru has completely changed his past life. No wonder the effect caused by him is so different from his original memory.

The key blueprint of Orochimaru's jutsu is still based on Chiyo's creativity and blueprint, but his genius creativity and imagination have completely separated him from Chiyo's thinking.

And what Natsuhiko had to admit was that the jutsu created after being modified by Orochimaru was more realistic!

How can you use your own life to exchange and save other people's lives?

Natsuhiko would never allow this, otherwise he wouldn't have left Hidan in Konoha.

"It seems that you really gave me a huge surprise."

Natsuhiko sighed slightly, Orochimaru was indeed the top scientist in the world of Naruto.

In Natsuhiko's view, even if Orochimaru is as creative as he has no combat effectiveness at all, his existence is definitely at a strategic level!

Not to mention anything else, isn't his improved dirt reincarnation in the original work a strategic level technique?

And now, he can be said to have created another strategic-level art. This kind of person is really terrifying.

"You should have completed this technique through the research on filthy earth reincarnation, right?"

"Nothing can escape the eyes of Hokage-sama."

Facing Natsuhiko's question, Orochimaru had no intention of denying it at all, because he knew that this kind of thing really couldn't be hidden.

"It is true that he was reincarnated through the filthy earth. Speaking of which, Hokage-sama, do you want to meet the first and second generation Hokage?

After all, these two are both ancestors of the Thousand Hands clan..."


Orochimaru's words immediately made Xia Yan raise his eyebrows, and then Xia Yan looked at Orochimaru with a half-smile, his playful expression clearly revealed.

The meaning of Orochimaru's words is actually very obvious. To put it more bluntly, it means that he is trying to test Xia Yan!

On the one hand, he wanted to see what Xia Yan's views were on the art of reincarnation. After all, reincarnation was a technique that disturbed the peace of the dead.

Especially once this technique is cast, the person summoned can be controlled by the caster.

Although Natsuhiko had never objected to Orochimaru's research before, the first generation Hokage and the second generation Hokage were both Natsuhiko's ancestors, so it was hard to say that his summoning would arouse Natsuhiko's disgust.

This kind of thing must be confirmed, and Orochimaru didn't want to take any chances.

Of course, in addition to testing Xia Yan's attitude towards the technique, he still needed to test Xia Yan's understanding of the technique and his awe for the two Hokages.

As Natsuhiko shines in the war with Kumogakure, the performance of that one person who can destroy a village makes Orochimaru feel safe, but also feels a serious crisis.

He really doesn't want to live in Xia Yan's shadow all his life, he wants some conditions that are more beneficial to him!

What only made Orochimaru frown a little was that Xia Yan didn't seem to care much about his words, or that Xia Yan's attitude was really beyond his expectation.

"The first and second generation?"

After a long while, Xia Yan suddenly said with a smile, and the playful expression on his face became heavier.

"Then give it a try. After all, I am also very curious about what the power of the first generation and the second generation is like. I am even more curious about the gap between me, the first generation and the second generation.

Just Orochimaru-sama, are you sure that the toy you summoned can really cause any harm to me? "

When Orochimaru heard Natsu Yan's words, he immediately knew that Natsu Yan had definitely studied the reincarnation of dirty earth!

Even if his research is not in-depth enough, he definitely understands the mechanism of filthy earth reincarnation. Otherwise, how could he explain the disadvantages of filthy earth reincarnation so clearly in an instant.

Orochimaru was just testing, he didn't dare to fight Xia Yan at all, he didn't have any good materials at all.

Therefore, it is impossible for the first and second generation Hokage he summoned to show the power they should have!

Although they can easily deal with ordinary ninjas and ordinary shadows, now they are facing Natsuhiko Senju.

It's hard to say what they can't do at all. The caster himself has already been killed!

Even if Xia Yan wanted to, he might not have the chance to practice summoning. After all, Xia Yan was very good at the Flying Thunder God technique.

"Lord Orochimaru, the Second-Daime Hokage invented the Earth Reincarnation Technique after all. Do you think I don't understand this technique?"

Xia Yan looked at the silent Orochimaru, and he couldn't help but smile even brighter. He walked to Orochimaru's side and then reached out and patted his shoulder.

"Lord Orochimaru, I'll give you a piece of advice. Don't do such meaningless things. Maybe it would be better to wait until you get better materials to test.

Also, since I want to resurrect the dead, how can I do it if the person has turned into a skeleton?

Has Lord Orochimaru never considered this issue? "

Orochimaru remained silent, but his brain began to work quickly, and he seemed to think of something in just an instant!

"You mean, you plan to use dirt reincarnation to complete this final resurrection?"

Orochimaru thought about it and found that there seemed to be only one method, which was the most reasonable and effective method to completely resurrect a person.

Reincarnation itself is a technique that mobilizes huge vitality to resurrect a person, and reincarnation in the dirty land is a technique that can create a body suitable for the soul of the summoned person.

Combining these two numbers together, maybe we can directly lift the state of reincarnation from the dirty earth, reorganize the broken body, ignite the real fire of life, and finally complete the resurrection!

No wonder this guy is familiar with the Reincarnation of the Earth. Apart from the fact that he is a member of the Senju clan, I'm afraid he had this in mind from the beginning.

"Yes, although I haven't tried it before, it doesn't stop me from making assumptions."

Xia Yan smiled and nodded. His eyes turned slightly and locked on a wall, but this direction was where Kabuto was.

"Especially since I know that Lord Orochimaru has been studying the reincarnation of the earth, I also started to think about how I can turn the bones into a living person.

So I thought of this method, and it seemed that after much deliberation, this was the only method, so I did a lot of research. "

Natsuhiko's words are nonsense. He has done nothing but research. He is making conjectures and assumptions based entirely on the situation of Uchiha Madara's resurrection.

After all, it is all about resurrection. Reincarnation is also about summoning souls and giving vitality. The same is true for reincarnation.

So if they have such high compatibility, the effects they can show when facing the reincarnation of dirty earth may not be too far apart.

Xia Yan had to give it a try. If he succeeded, if something unexpected happened in the future, and someone foolishly reincarnated himself into the dirty earth.

Then Xia Yan can save himself, right?

"Okay, without further ado, I can give you some materials, interesting materials."

Xia Yan looked at Orochimaru who was still silent, he chuckled and spoke slowly.

"If you can copy these materials and clone more, then maybe you can summon Senju Hashirama with full power in the future.

But before I give you these materials, I need to give you the original and true reincarnation, and at the same time, I also want your modified reincarnation.

Do you think this deal can be closed? "


He threw a kunai casually, killing the Uchiha ninja who was still a little confused when he opened his eyes, but already instinctively started to breathe fresh air greedily.

Natsuhiko quietly left Orochimaru's laboratory with a lot of information, while Orochimaru looked solemnly at the large piece of white tissue in his hand, which looked a bit like a piece of meat.

Naturally, what Natsuhiko gave to Orochimaru were those White Zetsu bodies that had been drained of their value by him, although for people like Orochimaru, these things were really priceless.

But Xia Yan didn't need to make an opening in his body, and then stuffed them into his body.

As for the power of Senju Hashirama and other powers within Bai Zetsu, he can obtain them through other methods. Naturally, he will no longer need these things.

After all, this thing can't be planted twice, so it doesn't make much sense for Xia Yan to keep it.

But he didn't give Orochimaru too much. If he gave him too much, it's hard to say what other messy things Orochimaru could do.

It is enough to give him some appropriately so that he can use them for research. Of course, if Orochimaru can really be produced in batches, then Natsuhiko will definitely thank him.

After all, Xia Yan himself needs these Bai Jue bodies very much. The more he makes, the more Xia Yan can hang them on the tree.

Finally, he extracted the power he needed from it and integrated it, thus giving him a huge improvement!

Natsuhiko returned to Konoha through the Flying Thunder God Technique. In the following period, he also began to concentrate on reading and studying the information given by Orochimaru.

He specifically asked Orochimaru for two versions, and the purpose was very clear. One was that he would not use it easily after he put it away.

Transferring another person's life to resurrect a person seems very evil. Although Xia Yan doesn't care, he will carefully consider its influence.

Therefore, this version of Natsuhiko will not be taken out easily. Orochimaru is a smart man. He understood the meaning of Natsuhiko's two versions of the technique.

He will never reveal this matter before he can't escape Xia Yan's protection and control, and once this matter is revealed, the trouble he will face will probably not be small.

Although this world does not have the story of "every man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade", there is a similar truth.

Orochimaru was first given a hard lesson by Natsuhiko's vest, then saw the Rinnegan Eye, and finally discovered that Natsuhiko had 'dreamed back fifty years ago' and became the Senju Hashirama.

He knew that this ninja world was not simple at all. His strength had no problem against ordinary people, but facing such a monster, he might be killed in a matter of minutes.

Therefore, being too high-profile is courting death, and he will not cause himself such trouble.

"After all, Orochimaru has always been a smart person. When dealing with smart people, you don't even need to remind him too much. He only needs to do one thing to guess what you are thinking next."

Natsuhiko is naturally very happy to have someone as smart as Orochimaru cooperating with him. Of course, Natsuhiko's own subordinates are not bad either. After all, he also has the support of the Nara clan.

Now that Nara Shikaku has begun to cooperate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the people in Kumogakure, Natsuhiko only needs to convey what he wants to get, and he does not need to worry about other things.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs is a newcomer. In fact, this position is relatively new and was extracted from other departments.

Therefore, it is natural for Nara Shikaku to help, and the current results seem to be pretty good.

Although Natsuhiko didn't focus on this, it was a major event in Konoha, but obviously the newly born Ministry of Foreign Affairs cooperated well with Nara Shikaku.

The news Xia Yan received was basically good news, and Yunyin didn't have much intention to resist.

Perhaps for them, the best choice is to end this damn war state quickly and completely.

If it continues, if Konoha changes its mind and directly turns the five major ninja villages into the four major ninja villages in a physical sense, then this is really over.

Nara Shikaku and the others obviously realized that Kumogakure's attitude was not right, and this time the negotiations were in Konoha, so they immediately asked Natsuhiko for instructions.

Xia Yan's reply was also very simple, that is, to ensure that they get everything they need, they can squeeze more.

But don't squeeze it too hard. After all, Kumogakure really has no fighting ability. Konoha is not happy to see other villages take advantage of him.

Nara Shikaku also knows this very well, because the current situation of Konoha itself is not good, and Konoha needs stable development to make up for the losses that night.

After Nara Shikaku thought for a while, he soon knew to what extent he wanted to squeeze Kumogakure to the most appropriate extent, and Natsuhiko didn't need to think about these things at all.

After spending a lot of time, he finally understood Orochimaru's technique.

However, after that, he also began to roughly study the art of reincarnation in the dirty earth. He did not ask Orochimaru for this art because he knew that Orochimaru would most likely not be willing to give it to him.

Natsu Yan still needs him now, so naturally he won't do anything to kill the goose to retrieve the eggs, but when he was studying the reincarnation of the dirty land, he also found this kid Hidan.

"You will stay with me during this period, and you can get familiar with this technique."

Natsuhiko didn't talk nonsense to Hidan, he spoke directly.

"Also prepare to adjust your mentality. I am going to let the newspaper publicize your matter a little. After all, your ability and everything you have done are indeed worthy of publicity."

After the Anbu established a research department, Hidan had begun to cooperate with those people in the improvement and research of drugs.

Who knows how many experiments those crazy researchers did on him, but Hidan seemed to enjoy the process.

After Natsu Yan learned about this, he couldn't help but shake his head. He really didn't expect Hidan to have such a tendency.

No wonder this kid in the future feels so good when he stabs himself, he is enjoying it all emotionally.

"Is this the resurrection technique you want to study, Hokage-sama?"

Hidan was extremely honest in front of Natsu Yan, who knows if it was because Natsu Yan had left such a deep shadow on him.

Of course, Hidan's life has also changed drastically now, and to some extent he has integrated into Konoha.

He is enjoying his life in Konoha now, especially since he has made some friends now!

Xia Yan knew these things, but Xia Yan didn't care about him that much. After all, having a bond was a good thing.

"Yes, this is the resurrection technique." Xia Yan nodded: "Watch it well and learn it well. I'm looking forward to the day when you perform well."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Hidan nodded heavily, and he said seriously: "I will not let you down, Hokage-sama!"


Time quietly entered from the fifty-first year of Konoha to the fifty-second year of Konoha. When the heavy snow covering Konoha Village was melted by the sunshine in the sky, the breath of spring also swept across the entire Konoha.

Natsuhiko looked at Konoha from his own statue at Hokage Rock, and at this moment he also had a smile on his face.

Throughout the fifty-one years of Konoha, Natsuhiko completed the integration of power, and after defeating Kumogakure, he finally reached the pinnacle of Konoha's power.

And throughout the second half of Konoha's fifty-first year, he also carried out reforms and negotiated with Kumogakure.

The result of the negotiation was not beyond Xia Yan's expectation. Yunyin had no intention of resisting at all. After all, they were facing a figure comparable to Senju Hashirama.

No matter who is faced with such a existence, they will feel chilled in their hearts. Therefore, in addition to sticking to the bottom line of their own Kumogakure interests during negotiations, they will give whatever Konoha proposes.

However, they seemed a little tougher when facing Iwagakure. Although Iwagakure was also a victor, in their view, Iwagakure was just following Konoha to pick up the pieces.

But their toughness has its limits. They have already suffered so much loss on the Konoha battlefield, and naturally they are not willing to delay Iwagakure for too long.

And Iwagakure didn't behave too much under the control of Okino. Konoha can take the big head, after all, people speak with their strength.

They Iwagakure really took advantage of it, and sometimes they just accepted it when it was good.

What's more, Konoha has not weakened Kumogakure's overall strength too much, and its development potential is still there. If it is offended too hard, it is difficult to say that some bad situations will occur.

Therefore, Ohnoki just took over the task share of the surrounding villages and did not embarrass Kumogakure too much. For them, this was a bloody gain.

"This Ohnoki is really restrained and smart enough."

Natsuhiko knew this was good, and couldn't help but complain about these things to Kakashi, Nara Shikaku, and Sarutobi Hiruzen in some small meetings in private.

In his opinion, Onoki is really smart enough. He actually hopes that Onoki will offend Kumogakure to death, so that there will be good things to see in the future.

In Xia Yan's previous life, there were many things that severely offended a country with potential, weakened and exploited it to the extreme.

The most typical example is that after World War I, the so-called Allied Powers treated Germany as a piggy and beat it severely.

To say that sucking blood is a trivial matter is to kill the goose that lays the egg.

As a result, Germany could not repay its debts at all, so they were filled with anger and evil, and a mustache appeared directly on their side.

If labor and management can't repay the debt, they kill all the creditors. Doesn't this mean there is no need to repay the debt?

Although this kind of thing is not an isolated case, for example, someone in the Middle East has also done it, but their starting point is different.

Kumogakure surrendered directly, and the compensation materials for their defeat were constantly being sent towards Konoha.

Moreover, in Yuno Country, Kumogakure's ninjas have completely left, and Konoha's troops have also begun to garrison in.

It can be said that under Xia Yan's control, Konoha's sphere of influence has been greatly improved!

This kind of thing naturally made the whole of Konoha boil. Thanks to the newspaper's publicity, Xia Yan's current reputation has reached a new peak.

"But now is not the time to think about these things. I have more important things to do."

Xia Yan slouched slightly. He glanced at the portrait of himself at his feet, and then he couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

The construction of this avatar started in Konoha fifty-one years ago, but because the engineer was not a ninja, it took a long time.

It wasn't until March of the fifty-second year of Konoha, after Natsuhiko passed another birthday that he came into this world, that this avatar could be officially activated.

However, this avatar also made Xia Yan complain a little, because this avatar seemed to deliberately make Xia Yan's appearance larger.

According to the words of those sculptors, being more mature will give people more security. Xia Yan supported this statement at first.

There was no way, he was not an adult at all, so Xia Yan didn't mind if they adjusted a little to become more mature.

But when he actually inspected the product, he discovered that it was not a little mature. It was basically built to look like he was thirty years old or older.

"Fortunately, the outline and everything are the same. It's just that the adjustment in my eyes makes me look a little older, but does it need to be that big?"

Xia Yan is considered an adult now. He never really counted his age before.

After all, as a time traveler, his mental age is really much older than his divine age, and it is really unrealistic to keep calculating his physical age.

And Xia Yan himself was very busy. He didn't even bother to go to his birthday. According to him, he should be relatively young.

But on Konoha's fifty-second birthday, countless old classmates came over together, and he realized that he had grown up emotionally after being reminded by Senju Shoma and Kakashi.

"It's been so long without realizing it. It's really interesting."

Xia Yan sighed slightly, then he slouched slightly, and with a surge of chakra, he disappeared instantly.

When his figure appeared again, he had quietly arrived at the ANBU headquarters.

Looking at everything familiar, Xia Yan felt somewhat proud in his heart. He made his fortune from ANBU and naturally he also had some feelings for ANBU.

Even though he had no choice but to join the ANBU, in any case, the current ANBU has been completely marked by him.

Likewise, he was also branded as an ANBU...

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