Everyone is actually fragile inside, or in other words, everyone has more or less obsessions in their heart.

As long as you grasp these key obsessions and information, it is not very difficult to make a person change his mind with the help of 'mouth escape'.

The reason why Naruto's mouth escape is so powerful is that every time he uses his mouth escape, he can unexpectedly capture the fragility of that person's heart.

In the end, a mouth caused corresponding hallucinations to appear in their hearts, and the final comeback was completed.

Of course, the most critical point of Moudun is that it requires the cooperation of the other party.

The people in Naruto's world who can be evaded by words are actually not really bad people.

When Xia Yan watched Naruto in his previous life, he could clearly feel that even if they destroyed villages and clans, they were still defined as the kind of poor people whose hearts were full of love and longed for peace.

Although Xia Yan does seem to have those tastes from their deeds, there is a saying in Xia Yan's previous life that poor people must be hateful.

vice versa.

In fact, according to Natsuhiko's thoughts, he really looks down on these guys to some extent. They might as well be like Uchiha Madara and do what they want to do thoroughly!

Maybe this is why they are all pitiful eggs, and Uchiha Madara is a great hero.

Of course, this is just Xia Yan's own opinion. After all, everyone has different things in mind. Maybe this has something to do with the different angles from which they stand.

Just like the boy Uchiha Itachi, if you look at it from the perspective of the Uchiha clan, this boy is a villain who deserves to be cut into pieces.

Natsuhiko sometimes thinks about it, if he is unlucky and travels to Uchiha, how can he prevent being killed by Uchiha Itachi?

After thinking about it, he felt that he would probably follow this guy when he was four or five years old, after attending the Konoha funeral and running to the cliff to understand the meaning of life.

When he falls off the cliff, follow him decisively and throw a few kunai down. He will not stop until he is completely killed!

But from his own perspective, what this guy did had nothing to do with him.

And based on the subsequent plot and knowing his deeds of enduring humiliation and bearing heavy burdens, Xia Yan might still think this guy is good.

To put it bluntly, this guy has nothing to do with Xia Yan, and even a stupid Xia Yan would not learn what he does.

Even because of this guy's super handsome fighting ability and the fact that he was the first person to show the kaleidoscope in the original work, Xia Yan also taught him the name "Weasel God" in his previous life.

There is never a shortage of people who want to eat melons, and Xia Yan is one such person.

And standing at the top of Konoha, this guy is a good person. After all, he suppressed the instability in Konoha.

So when you look at one thing from different angles, you get completely different conclusions.

There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people. Xia Yan will not force others to accept his opinion, and naturally he will not interfere with other people's opinions.

What's more, he is still a little smug now. After all, his mouth escape has always been average. He is happy to convince Hatake Sakumo to survive.

Of course, he also knew that Hatake Sakumo might still want to survive in his heart.

No one really wants to die, especially when there is still concern in his heart. Moreover, now that Konoha has changed to a new world, his desire to continue returning to the Pure Land is not considered strong.

As Hidan completed the seal and placed a hand on Hatake Sakumo's body, the majestic life force in this boy began to surge towards Hatake Sakumo.

Natsuhiko also opened his eyes at this moment. He didn't need to carefully observe the status of Hidan and Hatake Sakumo.

After all, this experiment was completely based on Xia Yan's conjecture. He himself didn't know the specific effect, so he had to deal with it carefully.

Through the pure eyes, he can see more and more subtle things. Only in this way can he determine what else is worth modifying in this technique and what needs to be modified.

Of course, he didn't need to pay attention to Hidan's situation. After all, Hidan's value had already been developed by him, and he didn't want anything unexpected to happen to this guy.

The myth that Xinyang Evil God created the immortal body has actually been broken by Xia Yan. Otherwise, how could Hidan's teacher die so miserably?

Natsu Yan wasn't sure what was involved here, but Natsu Yan remembered that when Hidan's teacher used the Ghoul Seal and Release, the Shinigami summoned by him seemed to dislike him unusually.

In the end, that guy's ability was completely destroyed because of that technique, and Xia Yan's chance to save him and study it was gone.

This incident also made Xia Yan know that the most difficult thing for this kind of immortal body to resist is probably the backlash from the soul.

Or maybe when it comes to beings like the God of Death, they can't jump at all.

After all, what the so-called evil god did was to compete with the so-called god of death for business.

It’s okay if you haven’t met him, but it’s natural that you won’t let him go if you meet him, even if it’s just a horse boy.

Xia Yan watched all of this quietly. In his eyes, Hidan's life force was passing crazily, and this passage also caused his body to begin to change.

What is almost visible to the naked eye is that this guy's body has begun to wither, just like the robber Orochimaru captured for experimentation!

"Is this place also modified by Orochimaru?"

Xia Yan was a little confused, but he remembered that Chiyo did not have such a situation. Could this really be related to the state of the person who was cast?

Xia Yan couldn't understand, and he didn't bother to think so much. He could see that Hidan was in a bad state but there was nothing wrong with his Fire of Life.

It was as if there was an invisible force protecting his fire of life, preventing it from going out at all!

As his vitality continued to pass on, Natsuhiko's eyes began to turn to Hatake Sakumo. At this time, Hatake Sakumo's state also seemed very subtle.

In Xia Yan's eyes, his body began to undergo strange changes.

The dirty paper that originally came from the Pure Land began to melt continuously, and the body that originally belonged to the Kirigakure spy was completely melted by the dirty paper at this moment.

In Natsuhiko's eyes, Hatake Sakumo's body was like a pool of paste, without any human form at all.

However, this situation did not last long. As a flame was ignited at the core of this pool of 'paste', these 'pastes' began to move with Hatake Sakumo's soul.

Bones, internal organs, blood, and muscles were constantly building at this moment, and his body was also emitting strange smoke crazily.

The smoke continued to emerge from his body, and the obvious cracks on his appearance that were the symbol of the reincarnation of the dirty earth began to disappear.


Hidan roared, and his life transmission seemed to be reaching its limit. At this time, he could really be described as a mummy.

"Bang Dong..."

But at this moment, a special chakra belonging to a living person was emitted along with the beating of Hatake Sakumo's heart.

As the beating of his heart continued to intensify, Hatake Sakumo's gray-brown pupils also began to dissipate, eventually turning into normal human white...


Hatake Sakumo stood there in a daze. He clenched his fist vigorously, and the touch on his body told him that everything was true.

He slowly closed his eyes, and then he began to breathe in the fresh air greedily.

"This kind of fresh air that I haven't seen for a long time is really addictive."

From the time he was awakened by the reincarnation of the dirty earth to now, he really didn't have much sense of touch, and he also had no sense of smell at all.

He couldn't feel the flow of air, let alone breathe the fresh air. Everything reminded him that he was just a dead man.

But now he can feel it all, and it is also sending him a message.

He came back to life, he was no longer a dead person, he was completely alive!

"Father?" Kakashi looked at Hatake Sakumo's condition and asked cautiously.

However, the next moment, Hatake Sakumo turned around and hugged Kakashi directly. At this moment, he could feel his son's body temperature.

At this moment, he could feel the special sense of being connected by blood!

It's really good to be alive.

Xia Yan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this scene. In fact, he really didn't expect that the effect of this technique would be so good.

However, no matter how good the effect is, many things still need to be confirmed. After all, he just used a very immature conjecture to experiment, and he is not sure at all what the effect will be.

And now Natsuhi is paying more attention to this kid Hidan. If he resurrects a Hatake Sakumo and sacrifices Hidan, then Natsuhi will really lose his blood.

"Are you OK?"

Natsuhiko walked up to Hidan and asked in a low voice, looking at Hidan's miserable state.

If he couldn't see the fire of life that was still burning, Xia Yan would have thought he was dead.

"Not dead yet..."

Hidan's voice seemed so hoarse at this moment. This voice seemed to come from hell, which made people's hair stand on end involuntarily.

Xia Yan frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he stretched out his hand, and in an instant, a green chakra emerged in his hand.

As his strength continued to improve, especially after he integrated Yin and Yang Escape, he also gained a deeper understanding of the use of these two powers.

And he, who already had intermediate sealing skills, could now tentatively seal some life force in his body.

Natsuhiko really learned this from Tsunade, but Natsuhiko didn't have any secret sealing methods. Tsunade came up with that technique herself.

But that doesn't mean that Xia Yan can't come up with something simple that meets his actual needs. After all, he is so powerful and it's not particularly difficult to do this.

When the green chakra full of vitality poured into Hidan's body, Hidan's condition began to get a little better.

Especially when these life forces poured into Hidan's fire of life crazily and made it burn even more vigorously, Hidan also began to deploy these powers to restore himself.

After a while, Hidan's originally shriveled, mummy-like body began to regain its vitality, and it wasn't long before he was able to get up on his own.

"This immortal body is really powerful. No wonder he can still break his mouth after his head is chopped off."

Natsuhiko muttered something silently, while Hidan bowed slightly to Natsuhiko with a pale face.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama."

"It's me who should thank you, but it seems like you won't be able to recover for a month like this. Let Kakashi give you some more leave then."

"I thought so too. I didn't expect the consumption this time would be so great."

When Xia Yan heard this, he couldn't help but glance at Hidan. Not only did he not expect it, but Xia Yan himself did not expect that the situation would turn out like this.

But no matter what, this is a good result, although it is obviously impossible for Hidan to use the technique for the second time in a while.

And Natsuhiko doesn't know the specific situation of Hatake Sakumo, but a person really comes back to life. This is a big event and a blessing!

"Hokage-sama, thank you."

At this moment, Hatake Sakumo and Kakashi walked over together, and Hatake Sakumo bowed slightly to Natsuhiko again.

But soon, he looked at Hidan again, and he bowed slightly.

"And thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to survive."

"Ask your son to give me more holidays..."

Hidan spoke subconsciously, but soon he remembered that Natsuhiko was still around, and he immediately started laughing.

"This is Hokage-sama's promise, Buchou-sama, you should agree, right?"

"Okay, shut up."

Natsuhiko spoke directly to Hidan, and Hidan immediately shrank like a rabbit.

If the person who scares Hidan the most right now is definitely Natsuhiko, the Fifth Hokage, even if Kakashi is his immediate boss, he can only respect him at most.

Xia Yan shut up immediately as soon as he opened his mouth. Xia Yan didn't bother to care about him so much. He didn't have any big problems anyway.

The most important thing now is naturally the situation of Hatake Sakumo.

"Sakumo-senpai, I don't know what your situation is like now."

Xia Yan thought for a moment and then slowly asked.

"After all, this is just an experiment, and this is our first experiment. In many cases, we have to collect data.

So I don’t know how Sakumo-senpai feels at this time. Compared with when you were alive, are you any different now? "

This issue is indeed something Xia Yan must figure out. Only by figuring out these issues can he continue with the next experiment.

Hidan obviously needs some time to rest, and during this window of time, Xia Yan can also decide the future direction of this jutsu.

If everything is normal with Hatake Sakumo, then Natsuhiko can also try to prepare materials for the next experiment.

If there is a problem, then he has to figure out where the problem lies, and then go to Orochimaru to discuss it.

And even if he doesn't look for Orochimaru, Xia Yan can still try to solve some problems.

After all, he had been thinking about digging up dead people and working on them. It would be unreasonable for Xia Yan not to take advantage of this kind of existence that did not require labor costs at all.

For example, my ancestor, the Second-generation Hokage, was a research expert...


Xia Yan really didn't have much psychological burden for pulling the ancestors of the Thousand Hands clan to work.

In fact, Xia Yan sometimes wonders with malice in his heart. Did Senju Tobirama come up with the art of earth reincarnation because he was waiting for someone to wake him up?

After all, he has never told anyone that there is a way to unravel the art of reincarnation.

Only he, Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara knew about this matter. I am afraid that Uchiha Madara knew about this matter because Senju Hashirama told him.

If this is the case, then Xia Yan waking him up is not necessarily a bad thing.

It doesn't matter if it's not Natsuhiko, just saying "for Konoha" is enough to prevaricate him.

Anyway, Xia Yan didn't expect the reincarnation of the dirty earth he summoned to have any top-notch combat power.

The filth reincarnation he used was still the most primitive version. When the materials were better and the person he awakened was not a 'superman' level guy, the performance could still be seen.

But when it comes to 'Superman' level monsters, Xia Yan thinks that restoring them to five or six levels of combat effectiveness is top performance.

In the original work, it is very questionable whether the two of the three generations are fighting one against two, whether they have half the fighting power.

But even so, Xia Yan felt that it was enough to sweep through most of the ninjas with that one summons.

"Hokage-sama, my vital signs are pretty normal right now."

After hearing Natsuhiko's words, Hatake Sakumo immediately closed his eyes and felt his own situation. It took him a long time before he opened his eyes and spoke slowly.

“Although the various health indicators have not been checked, I can feel that everything is normal.

It's just that I found that it seemed that the almost endless chakra disappeared after I was resurrected.

And my current chakra doesn't seem to be as high as it was before I committed suicide. It seems to have dropped to a certain extent.

In addition, he feels that although I have good control over my body, my current physical strength does not seem to be as good as it was before.

Whether it is speed or strength, there has been a serious decline, but I can feel that if I increase my investment in practice, I should be able to recover quickly. "

Natsu Yan listened to his description quietly. Although Hatake Sakumo had spoken more tactfully, Natsu Yan could still detect something.

That's Hatake Sakumo's current strength, which may have dropped drastically!

Hatake Sakumo was originally a swordsman, and what he was most proud of was naturally his own speed and strength.

These two things formed the basis for him to become a top swordsman, coupled with his own reaction speed and countless combat experience, this made him become the feared White Fang of Konoha.

But now, although Hatake Sakumo has been resurrected, the current stage of reincarnation in the dirty land obviously does not have a 100% resurrection accuracy.

In addition to the materials selected by Natsuhiko, the Kirigakure spy may have some differences in fighting style from Hatake Sakumo, or it may be said that he is simply far worse than Hatake Sakumo.

This has also led to a very serious decline in Hatake Sakumo's strength. According to Natsuhiko's observation, his chakra is still good, but it is hard to say to what extent it can be used.

"I see."

Xia Yan thought for a moment, and finally nodded and said seriously.

"This may be related to the fact that the material I chose does not match you, even if the material is completely melted and reorganized into a body that matches your soul.

But the sequelae of its existence are still there, but you can rest assured that you are yourself, and you can check it out after returning to Konoha later.

And I think your perception is correct. Your current body is your own body, and what you have lost can be restored through exercise.

Konoha also needs you to recover, do you understand? "

Hatake Sakumo couldn't help but feel a little dumbfounded when he heard Natsuhiko's words. In fact, he still had a certain degree of confidence in recovering his own strength.

After all, the experience is there, and his control over himself is no different from before. He even feels that he is full of vitality now.

Of course he was confident in this situation. After all, he was a swordsman, and his combat effectiveness could be improved through continuous training.

It's just that he still has some doubts in his heart, that is, whose body he has now.

He had no idea how Xia Yan's technique worked, and he didn't know any more details. He only knew that he had survived, relying on a death row prisoner to survive.

But now that Xia Yan said this, he suddenly became a little happy. He could probably understand what Xia Yan meant by the reorganization in his words.

It was probably because of the resurrection that the death row prisoner's body completely dissipated into energy, and then reorganized into a body that was completely his own, right?

If that's the case, that would be really great.

He really didn't want to find out that after he came back to life, he wouldn't even have the same bloodline as his son Kakashi.

Of course, he can actually realize that he is still himself. After all, he had the feeling of blood connection with Kakashi before.

"I understand, Hokage-sama."

Hatake Sakumo knelt on one knee again, and he said extremely seriously.

"I will definitely work hard to recover, and I will never let you down, Hokage-sama."

"Of course I believe it, Sakumo-senpai."

Xia Yan smiled and nodded, then he thought for a while before continuing.

"As for your identity, my Hokage Guards haven't been formed yet, so you are the first one to join."

"Hokage-sama's bodyguard?"

Hatake Sakumo looked at Natsuhiko in surprise. After all, according to Kakashi, Natsuhiko had been the Hokage for more than half a year, so the Hokage Guard should have been formed long ago.

"Yes, my Hokage Guards, you can come up with a name or a codename yourself, let Kakashi take care of these things.

And, welcome back, Sakumo Hatake. "

After saying this, Natsuhiko simply dragged Hidan and activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and left here.

He has gotten everything he needs and has verified a lot of things. Now he plans to go back and record it carefully and prepare for the next resurrection.

As for letting Hatake Sakumo join his Shadow Guards, although this was a bit of a whim, Natsuhiko found that it seemed not a bad idea.

Although Xia Yan has no plans to form a guard for the time being, he still needs to do some things that should be done in the future.

Now that Hatake Sakumo has been resurrected by him, and how strong Hatake Sakumo is after returning to his peak, Natsuhiko can more or less guess.

And he does have identity issues to consider now, so why not take advantage of this opportunity and simply let him join his shadow guard?

In this way, you can not only conceal your identity, but also lay a foundation for your own shadow guard. Why not do it?

"Maybe in the future my Shadow Guards will all be a group of resurrected guys."

Xia Yan thought silently, if this is really the case, it would seem very interesting...


After resurrecting Hatake Sakumo, Natsuhiko was idle for a long time.

Of course, this leisure is only relative. As Hokage Natsuhiko still has a lot of things to deal with.

For example, the promotion of Konoha's various policies, the development of Konoha in all aspects, etc., and of course there are also some changes that Konoha's foreign policy needs.

He is leisurely because he has enough people to help him achieve his goals. All he needs to do is think about a true direction.

During this period of time, Hatake Sakumo also went to complete his physical examination. Although Natsuhiko told him, "He is still him," it would be best to have some examinations.

And when he and Kakashi concealed their identities and came to the ANBU laboratory, it only took them half a day to get all the conclusions they wanted.

This conclusion naturally made them extremely happy. Natsuhiko didn't say anything nonsense at all. This news excited Hatake Sakumo and also made Kakashi feel extremely excited.

He was actually worried about how Lin and Obito would think about who they were now after they were resurrected.

Especially this guy Obito, as an Uchiha, he is extremely proud of his family.

It's really hard to imagine how uncomfortable this guy would be if he lost this bloodline.

"And this guy is just a loser. If he doesn't have the Sharingan, he won't be able to do it."

Although the materials used were a bit bloody, Kakashi also relaxed now that he no longer had those helpless worries.

But when he learned about Hidan's current state, he also knew that if he wanted to resurrect Lin and Obito, there was no way to do it now.

Therefore, he no longer dwells on this matter. After all, a living example is right in front of him. He knows that all this is worth waiting and looking forward to.

It's just that during this period of time, Kakashi also learned something that Natsuhiko didn't know, that is, Natsuhiko was actually cooperating with Orochimaru!

Although Kakashi was mentally prepared for this news, Natsuhiko had revealed a lot before.

But when Natsuhiko actually said Orochimaru's name, Kakashi was still frightened.

He knew who Orochimaru was. He was the most vicious rebellious nin currently alive in Konoha.

Not only did this guy conduct human experiments in Konoha, but he also used Konoha's own people to do it. Especially when this guy left Konoha, he gouged out Uchiha Fugaku's eyes!

Such a guy, Natsuhiko actually hangs out with him, which makes Kakashi really don't know what to say.


Natsuhiko knew what Kakashi was thinking when he saw the look in his eyes, and he couldn't help but smile and explain.

"In fact, there is no need to be surprised. You have to understand one thing, that is, what Orochimaru did is not necessarily what he wanted to do.

Our pursuit of Orochimaru is not really a crime against him, but someone needs to take responsibility. "

Kakashi is a smart person after all, especially when his father came back and reminded him, which broadened his horizons.

It didn't take long for Kakashi to figure out a lot of things. For example, Orochimaru was probably just a scapegoat.

Although he is a participant, he is not necessarily the mastermind, but he did do these things and the mastermind's status is very difficult to influence.

So naturally Orochimaru became an outcast and had to bear these responsibilities, so he was forced to leave Konoha.

After understanding these things, it was the first time for Kakashi to deal with the operations and compromises of Konoha's top management, and he felt a little queasy.

Hatake Sakumo is more open-minded, after all, but his situation is not much better than Orochimaru.

It's just that Orochimaru had better luck than him. He chose to leave Konoha but escaped unscathed, while Hatake Sakumo was really betrayed by everyone at that time.

"Some things are just like that, you don't need to think so much, just do our own thing."

After Hatake Sakumo learned about the relevant matters, he did not forget to mention his son, even though they look more like brothers now.

"You are very lucky. The Fourth Generation is your teacher and the Fifth Generation is your classmate, and they are both very nice to you and trust you.

But you must not be complacent because of this kind of trust. Being close to them does not mean that you are like them.

All you have to do is do what you should do, improve your own strength and complete the tasks assigned by them, do you understand? "

Kakashi naturally nodded to show that he understood, but he still felt aggrieved.

So he turned around and had a serious discussion with Hatake Sakumo. As for the final result, no one knew.

Anyway, what Natsuhiko knows is that Hatake Sakumo has become more diligent and hardworking since then.

Xia Yan didn't bother to pay attention to the matter between their father and son. He was currently sitting in the Hokage's office waiting for the arrival of the participants.

Today, Xia Yan still needs to host a very important meeting, a meeting related to Konoha's future external development.

According to Xia Yan's expectation, if everything goes well, he will naturally have many allies and partners.

If he wants to complete his mission, he will naturally change a lot of things.

And this step is also the first step for Xia Yan to break Sarutobi Hiruzen's foreign policy, and it will also be a critical step.

In addition, Natsuhiko also wants to see how the reform progress on the Jonin side is going.

After all, such a long time has passed. If everything goes well, Natsuhiko will also take the second step and continue to promote reforms towards Chuunin and Genin.

For now, all the data Natsuhiko has obtained is perfect, and it seems that the group of special jonins have not continued to make trouble for such a long time.

"If that's the case, then it's natural to start pushing forward. I don't want to miss this time..."


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