When the time came to about half past nine, Natsuhiko, who had completely sorted out his thoughts, set off towards the Konoha conference room together at Nara Shikaku's prompt.

Although some meetings can be held on a small scale and in small organizations, Natsuhiko has long stipulated that meetings to determine the future direction of Konoha must be attended by all Jonin.

Just like this time, this is a major meeting related to the future development trajectory of Konoha.

Even though Natsuhiko had an issue with Nara Shikaku before, many decisions still had to be completed through today's meeting.

However, it was a breath of fresh air. Nara Shikaku didn't understand many things comprehensively. He just knew that Natsuhiko planned to take action against the surrounding small countries.

But these are just small things, and it doesn’t matter even if you don’t know the details.

That's right, taking action against the surrounding small countries is nothing more than a trivial matter in his opinion. After all, Konoha is a village that stands at the top of the ninja world.

Even though it is still very weak now, Konoha, which holds the power of the Fire Country, can really ignore many things.

Xia Yan can just do it if he wants to, it's not a big deal.

"By the way, Shikaku." Xia Yan asked in a low voice while walking: "How are you preparing for the tax matters I asked you to prepare?"

"I have already asked people to investigate this matter." Nara Shikaku immediately replied in a low voice: "After all, our intervention in taxation is tantamount to a complete robbery of economic rights, but in order to avoid a backlash from the daimyo, we must be careful."

Taking action against taxes is really tantamount to being cruel to the daimyo, although Nara Shikaku doesn't really care what the daimyo thinks.

But no matter what, the Daimyo is also the nominal master of the Fire Country, and there are some things that must be extremely careful.

Natsuhiko is a Hokage who is willing to abide by the rules, but does not care about certain rules.

Then Nara Shikaku will definitely help and do things within certain rules, which is what he is good at.

"Let's investigate first. Besides, we also need to cultivate various talents, don't we?"

Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then he smiled and said.

"This time when we attack a small country, we will not go to the big names. We will get all the profits ourselves. You should prepare the records."

"I just don't know how Hokage-sama is going to do it."

Nara Shikaku shrugged. In fact, he really didn't know the value of these small countries.

But he was willing to believe Xia Yan. After all, Xia Yan still had a very good vision, which could be seen from this series of reforms.

"You will know that in fact, the value of many things that are ignored by everyone has never been low."

Xia Yan replied with a smile, and then he didn't say anything more, because they had now arrived at the door of the conference room.

As Hokage, Xia Yan realized that on many occasions he could not wait for others, he had to let others wait for him.

This gives you time to prepare, and it also gives those attending the meeting time to prepare.


When he and Nara Shikaku entered the conference room, all the ninjas who were present immediately stood up and paid tribute to him.

After Xia Yan smiled and nodded to everyone, he walked directly towards his seat. After he sat down, he spoke directly.

"Everyone sit down, and now that everyone is here, let the meeting begin.

Minister Shikaku, let’s first talk about the current situation of jounin. After all, jounin is the foundation of our Konoha. "

Natsuhiko's words immediately made everyone present smile knowingly, and no one present was a jounin.

As the Hokage, Natsuhiko praised them so much, and while they were happy, they naturally felt proud at the same time.

And they naturally have no dissatisfaction as the beneficiaries of the current reforms of Konoha jounin.

It can even be said that as the reform progresses, they have indeed obtained benefits that they could not have imagined before.

Especially for ordinary jounin, their current treatment is truly unimaginable.

Under such circumstances, how could they have the slightest dissatisfaction?

In fact, it was almost the same. Nara Shikaku quickly stood up and began to talk about the results of the current reform.

In fact, Nara Shikaku himself felt that he didn't have much to say, because this time's reform was so successful that he could only praise it.

Although the major families still feel a little bit useless about such an increase in benefits, he also knows that this is a guarantee, and it is also their commitment to Xia Yan's support.

Of course, some families have also improved to a certain extent after receiving these benefits. After all, the extra things have really made up for many of their shortcomings in skills.

After the explanation, Nara Shikaku also returned to his seat, and at the same time Natsuhiko stood up and spoke softly.

"It can be seen that the current implementation of Konoha's Jonin reform plan can be said to be a great success.

This has given our Jonin a qualitative leap in terms of strength, life security, etc. I believe that if this continues, Konoha's Jonin will be the strongest Jonin in the entire ninja world.

But don't be too happy, after all, we still have a long way to go, and the Jonin assessment must be further improved. "

Having said this, Xia Yan paused slightly. He could feel that many ninjas present, whether they were family ninjas or ordinary jounin, were starting to get a little nervous.

The jounin reform has been implemented so far, and everyone knows exactly how effective it is. Of course, they also know that such good welfare benefits cannot be given to you all the time.

But even though they were mentally prepared, they were still a little worried when they heard the news. After all, it would be bad if this kind of thing happened to them.

However, Xia Yan didn't care about this kind of thing. If he wanted to implement it, he would continue to do it. He knocked on the table lightly and continued.

“Although this incident has an impact on everyone, and some people may not like to hear some words.

But what we must understand is that success does not mean you become a Jonin, it will only make everyone slack off.

We have never determined how many Jonin quotas will be adjusted in the final assessment each year.

Today I think we can have a good discussion with you. Although it seems that this is weakening everyone's interests, from another angle, it is also protecting everyone's interests.

The number of jounin must be controlled. Only in this way can everyone get what others desire to the extreme, so that the entire Konoha will be more energetic and motivated.

And even if those of you who are doing it are really unfortunate enough to fall down, don’t you have a better chance than others to get back on your feet?

Give yourself some confidence. Even if you don't think about falling, you can work hard to ensure that you don't have any problems in the assessment.

Isn't this a kind of improvement for yourself? "


Natsuhiko's words have a strong sense of changing the concept, but anyway, this is a major trend in Konoha.

If they don't want to, I'm afraid the whole of Konoha will be even more unhappy. It's never a good thing to have the cake alone. It will only make everyone hate you even more.

Xia Yan obviously knew this very well, so he shared all the cakes, even though he actually ate the biggest one.

But after he distributed what should be distributed, all he received was support, because everyone had a piece of the cake.

Therefore, although everyone here was unwilling to Xia Yan's proposal, they still participated in it honestly in the end.

In the end, they came to the conclusion that there were thirty relegation quotas every year, but the number of jounin would also be appropriately fixed at three hundred.

Ten percent is no more and no less, which is just right. At the same time, Natsuhiko also began to actively promote the reform of chuunin and genin.

No one objected to this matter. After all, it was an established fact. With the benefits of jonin coming out, chunin and genin would inevitably appear.

Only in this way will there be a reasonable and complete promotion system, which will be good for everyone.

As for the effect of the chuunin reform, everyone present felt that this would not cause any problems.

They have all seen the welfare improvement of the reform - who knows if they will be unlucky and become one of the 10% who will end up changing from jounin to chuunin, so they are more concerned about this.

What made them relieved was that although this welfare reform was really far behind the Jounin, it was definitely many times better than the current welfare of the Chuunin.

To put it bluntly, this is almost catching up with the benefits that jounin should have before. With these benefits, chuunin can definitely improve their level to the level of jounin.

And for those who are unfortunate enough to be dropped, with such resources they can also ensure their living conditions.

And since they already have Jonin experience, they definitely have more advantages than other Chuunin, don't they?

As for the reform of genin, although it has reached the level of the original chunin, there is nothing that cannot be overcome.

What was most interesting to them was that during this reform, Natsuhiko and Nara Shikaku also proposed a ‘Special Talent Training Plan’.

Smart people will immediately know that such a system is to cultivate political talents for Konoha on the one hand, and to enhance Konoha's strength on the other.

In fact, for the absolute majority of ninjas, comprehensive development is really not a realistic thing. In this case, why not focus on cultivating the things they are better at?

It can be said that the first half of this meeting went really well, and Xia Yan also decided to start the next content.

And the content of this part is about Konoha's future foreign policy!

These policies are actually about how to better and more effectively attack and utilize neighboring small countries.

Xia Yan really sneered at the current use of the surrounding small countries by the ninja world. To put it bluntly, there was no use at all.

If that's the case, then why doesn't Xia Yan do it himself?

He has been thinking about the use of those neighboring small countries for some time.

Anyway, Konoha is now strong enough, and can continue to take money from the Fire Nation daimyo.

In addition, Konoha is recovering, and attacking small countries can not only make money, but also spread influence. For him, the benefits definitely far outweigh the disadvantages.

It can even be said that he did not expect any harm to him.

Except for some inevitable bloodshed in order to complete these things, everything is perfect.

But it doesn't matter if there is another bloody Xia Yan. At this stage, he really doesn't think anyone is his opponent.

And when the time comes, who knows who did it, and it’s really not possible that they can be blamed on themselves.

Of course, even if all these bad things were blamed on Xia Yan, he wouldn't care.

Because this is thinking about the village, it can even be said that it is thinking about the country of fire.

When it comes to grand strategies for the future, even if there are some bloody Natsuhiko, he won't care. Although everything in Konoha is on the right track now, it is not enough to consider the future.

If a force, a village or even a country wants to develop, the awareness of being prepared for danger in times of peace and taking precautions is absolutely essential.

"Everyone, I don't know what you think of the countries surrounding our Country of Fire."

Xia Yan looked at everyone present and then asked slowly. Of course, he also knew that there was definitely a huge gap between the answer to this question and what he thought.

"Nearby countries?"

Even though Nara Shikaku had already received the news, he thought carefully for a moment before speaking.

"Those countries can provide us with a huge number of tasks, and at the same time, they can also allow our merchants to sell a lot of things. That's probably it, right?"

Hearing this statement, especially when it came from Nara Shikaku, Natsuhiko couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

As expected, the existence of a small country is of little practical value in their eyes.

In other words, the small country has a wide range of ways to use it, but it's a pity that people here don't seem to know how to do it.

In fact, the surrounding small countries cannot develop. In addition to being suppressed by the big villages, the main reason is that they do not have enough influence and do not have enough money to develop.

The suppression of the big village is suppression, but it does not mean that they will not be without talents. Isn't that Sanshouyu Hanzo the demigod from the Kingdom of Rain?

Sanshouyu Hanzo created the Rain Hidden Village, but the emergence of this village did not allow the Great Ninja Village to take care of him.

In the end, it was him who declared war with Konoha for his territory. Of course, his results were miserable, needless to say.

The most critical factor in the development of a small country is transportation, because it lacks money.

Natural ninjas can't be trained without money, and there are only a few geniuses. Without strong enough ninjas to take over, how can their village get enough trust?

I am afraid that people in their own country are more willing to hand over large-scale tasks to large-scale ninja villages.

Without trust, there are no missions, without missions, there are no funds, and the big names in small countries will tighten their pockets. This is a vicious cycle.

Therefore, they can only be regarded as dependents of the big countries, and the big countries do not pay attention to them. They just continue to seize their resources without considering whether they have development.

Even in the official station, they directly used their territory as a war, which made the fate of the small country even more tragic.

Of course, Xia Yan is really grateful for this kind of thinking.

After all, in his opinion, these effects are really natural war agents, raw material collection centers and product dumping grounds!

Xia Yan can completely boost their economy by investing in building roads and bridges, etc. After all, Xia Yan said in his previous life, if you want to be rich, build roads first.

It is extremely convenient for natural people to come through the road, whether they are traveling or doing business.

After making these small countries rich, Xia Yan can make big money through various means.

For example, the Kingdom of Tang, a country that had just been completely occupied by Xia Yan, they could definitely use it for Xia Yan's experiments.

Their Ninja Village hopes to develop but suffers from lack of money. Konoha can support them with some tasks so that they can make money.

The mission is there, but what if there aren’t that many ninjas?

It's easier to send some Jonin over there and teach them some useful knowledge.

If there is not an adequate medical system, that is no problem. Konoha has a complete medical system, which can be directly shared with them.

Now that we have the mission, we have the ninjas, and we have the medical system to protect the lives of the ninjas, we can naturally make more money.

But these are small amounts of money. The big money is the protection of large-scale missions and caravans.

As Yuno Country does not have enough infrastructure and roads, Konoha can definitely send some engineering team ninjas in.

If this happens, won't the development of a small country's Ninja Village begin?

And as long as you keep an eye on it, the jounin sent out will do private work and publicize the good things about Konoha, so that you can win over these ninjas even more.

After a set of processes, the construction of a ninja village was perfected, which helped the ninja village have enough economy to cultivate the next generation. In the end, it also secretly promoted the goodness of Konoha.

After all this is done, it’s time to talk about money.

How could the newly developed Ninja Village of Yuno Country have so much money to pay back Konoha?

It’s okay, you can take a loan and pay it back slowly.

It's okay if you really can't afford it. There are many mines in Yuno Country, especially in the area adjacent to the Iron Country.

Mining rights, shares, etc. are all things that Konoha can accept.

Moreover, developing mines can also lead another group of people to earn more money, that is, ordinary people, which can make more money!

When ordinary people have money, they can drive the economy and promote more tasks.

In addition, tariffs and other things can also be taken out. Xia Yan definitely doesn't mind controlling a country's tariffs.

Of course, the last thing is not to forget to protect existing achievements.

We have ninjas, but strategic materials cannot be obtained in one step.

Konoha is a great ninja village in the ninja world. It has a lot of strategic materials inside, including weapons, medical drugs, etc.

Konoha can completely sell these materials directly to these ninja villages when they update their own equipment before these materials are completely discarded.

This will not only reduce Konoha's losses, but also make a lot of money.

It can be said that this is a sure-profit business, and it can also bring a lot of younger brothers to Konoha!

Thinking of this, Xia Yan simply said everything he was thinking.

And his words immediately stunned everyone present. When they heard that Xia Yan planned to give him so much support, their faces turned dark at first.

This is simply giving away money. They really haven't thought about whether they, the Hokage, are going to follow the same path as the first generation?

However, when they heard how Xia Yan planned to make money later, their eyes all lit up.

Is this making money?

This is simply a money grab!

The people present may have experienced it except for Natsuhiko, who has not gone through a complete Jonin examination.

Their abundance, therefore, was merely a reserve, which at once reminded them of the advantage of doing so.

In addition to the premise investment may be a bit large, and the short-term benefits will be a little less, but in the long term it is absolutely unimaginable.

Even if we do this, it won't be a problem to completely control that country.

It is absolutely unimaginable to take control of a country's wealth without losing any blood, and Xia Yan's plan will definitely allow them to do it.

Of course, this lack of bloodshed does not mean immortality. After all, for the plan to go smoothly, it really requires some people to 'pay'.

In addition to wealth, once the village is really supported and has enough fighting power.

Then Konoha will be equivalent to having more combat power in the future. Even if these combat powers do not come from Konoha, they definitely have a close relationship with Konoha that is difficult to break away from.

He will naturally stand with Konoha, and no matter what happens, they will support Konoha unconditionally!

"What a great idea, as expected of you, Hokage-sama!"

"I really didn't expect that these small countries have such value. Just the country of Tang is like this. If we have the ability..."

"Hokage-sama, if this is the case, we will definitely support Hokage-sama!"

After being silent for a while, the ninjas participating in the meeting all spoke up, and the answers they gave were all supportive.

Although this is not beyond Xia Yan's expectation, it also shows how high Xia Yan's prestige is and how attractive Xia Yan is.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but sigh mentally.

He must be grateful to the country he was in before crossing over. This beautiful country allowed him to learn too many precious things and allowed him to see too many things clearly.

After all, he faced the flood with the Egyptians five thousand years ago, cast bronzes with the ancient Babylonians four thousand years ago, and thought about philosophy like the ancient Greeks three thousand years ago.

It fought as bravely as the Romans two thousand years ago, as rich as the Arabs a thousand years ago, and now it is a nation and country that competes with the Americans in all aspects.

This nation and country made Xia Yan extremely proud. Even in ancient foreign wars, this country's performance was completely different from other historical countries.

When other countries expand their territory, the people on the new territory are not people but slaves, but she rarely uses force, and even if she uses force, she will put governance first.

"After all, we prefer integration, not necessarily conquest."

Xia Yan couldn't remember exactly when the saying "A warlike spirit leads to death", but this saying seemed to have been integrated into everyone's heart. Anyway, Xia Yan had known such a saying since he was a child.

Even if the Huns, who had been in power for so long during the Han Dynasty, finally provoked Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to chase them thousands of miles away, they were already sworn enemies.

But as long as you sincerely surrender, the Han Dynasty will treat you with courtesy and give you a settlement fee. This is something that other countries would have gathered in Beijing to watch long ago, and they will still give you money?

It is because of this characteristic that Xia Yan's motherland in his previous life was not afraid of foreign culture - foreign culture often became his own nourishment.

For five thousand years, this country has been on the world's poker table, watching its opponents rise and die one after another.

Even if she was bullied miserably because she played the wrong card, once she was given time and opportunity, she could always stand up again and sit on the card table again!

"Everyone, please be quiet."

Xia Yan knocked on the table lightly, and with the sound, the entire conference room fell silent for just a moment.

Natsuhiko nodded with satisfaction, and then he looked at Nara Shikaku.

"Boss Shikaku, what do you think?"

"I fully support Hokage-sama's proposal."

Nara Shikaku didn't hesitate at all. He immediately gave his answer, but unlike other people who would only support it, he still had his own ideas.

“There are just some situations that I think we should discuss in more detail, such as how to get those villages to accept our investment.

Perhaps in other words, we should choose what kind of person to cooperate with us. "

Nara Shikaku's words were gentle, but what they represented was very bloody.

After all, they are looking for an obedient person to cooperate with them. Who has no idea what will happen here?

To put it bluntly, if you are obedient, I will choose you; if you are disobedient, you will be replaced!

And after changing a decision-maker, what kind of things should this person do to consolidate his power?

Xia Yan has already given everyone a good answer. Although those present have never seen the corpses of thousands of people, they have also seen the black smoke rising in the forest in the distance.

Even if these 'agents' who have been supported cannot reach the level of Xia Yan, they will never show any 'gentleness'.

In order to express loyalty and eliminate internal discord as quickly as possible, bloodshed will become the most effective method, bar none!

Anyway, with Konoha in charge, they don't need to worry about this.

And Konoha only needs to transplant its own policies. No matter who the decision-maker is, he will always be their 'agent'!

But so what if it's bloody, it wasn't done by Konoha anyway, so who can say anything about Konoha?

What's more, if you really want to talk about it, such blood is only for a few people, but it may not be bloody for most people.

Even if there will be a lot of opposition, even if some seeds of hatred will be planted.

But hatred is always just one of the tools used to incite war for the sake of profit. As long as such a war can never be incited, what is the use of hatred?

Of course, this does not mean that hatred will not inspire their determination to resist.

But if they get actual benefits, how can they resist? Is it necessary to resist?

Even if they really resist, can they fight?

Obviously this is impossible. Even if Konoha really cultivates them, Konoha will not be afraid of them.

After all, according to Konoha's current development trajectory, the war potential contained in these small villages will never catch up with Konoha in this lifetime!


Xia Yan's proposal was basically approved by everyone.

However, this matter requires them to carefully plan various details. In addition, they also need to find a suitable country as a target.

Such a small country is not so easy to find. This is a result that can only be obtained after comprehensive consideration.

Not to mention that after finding it, they still have to judge their sense of Konoha.

Only then can you decide whether to keep this person and win over him, or whether you need to cultivate a spokesperson you can trust.

Finally, the current decision-makers must be dealt with.

All in all, this is not something that happens overnight.

Of course, there are still goals. For example, the Country of Yu, which Natsu Yan used as an example, has entered Konoha's key inspection list.

After all, compared to other villages - either there are ninjas from the Great Ninja Village, or there is not even a Ninja Village.

The conditions in the village of Yuno Country are really much better than those in other villages.

When you are not in an extremely urgent situation, it is much better to play with the easy stuff first and then the harder stuff than with the harder stuff first and then the easier stuff.

After this meeting, Konoha's machine started running again.

Especially those mission jounin who led the team, they took the initiative to try to help Konoha collect some information about surrounding villages.

The first Hokage established Konoha, and the second generation Hokage and the third generation Hokage established Konoha's values ​​​​to a certain extent - even if they themselves did not realize it.

Xia Yan is now thoroughly carrying forward these values. Although he may not be able to create any sense of national consciousness, he is definitely no worse than those two.

Everyone is a member of Konoha, and only when Konoha is good can everyone be good. This concept is something that Xia Yan must penetrate into the psychology of every Konoha resident.

At the same time, they must also be given a sense of "pride" as members of Konoha, which will be of great benefit to Xia Yan in controlling Konoha.

In the following time, Konoha became busy, but Xia Yan was still relatively leisurely.

After all, Xia Yan really doesn't need to do anything about these things, he just needs to wait.

As for the resurrection technique, Hidan has obviously not fully recovered yet, while Hatake Sakumo is still recovering.

As for Kakashi, he is currently working as a collector and helping Natsuhiko investigate the moon passage, so he has no time to come to him.

However, what Natsu Yan didn't expect the most was that Kakashi, who he thought would continue to be his collector, actually ran up to Natsu Yan and told Natsu Yan a piece of news that he couldn't refuse.

"We seem to have really found it, and it seems to be the kind of place you mentioned." Kakashi also looked extremely incredible: "But that place is full of seals, and we cannot be completely sure."

"Is it full of seals?" Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, and then he asked seriously: "Is there a wonderful pond inside the cave?"

"Probably, it's a cave." Kakashi nodded, and then shook his head: "But without the pond, it's just a psychic array full of seals."

No pond?

Xia Yan couldn't help but frown when he heard the news. This seemed to be different from what he remembered...


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