In the Kingdom of Fire, beneath a mountain peak, in an empty cave, Xia Yan looked at everything in front of him and remained silent.

Kakashi is really not lying. This place can most likely be regarded as a cave.

But looking at the deep pit that stretched for more than a hundred meters underground, especially because the traces of its formation did not look like it was naturally formed, Xia Yan couldn't help but frown.

This place was indeed extremely weird, but why was this place completely different from the cave in his memory?

After thinking for a long time, Xia Yan finally chose to give up, and what he had to do now was to explore what was under this cave.

The Anbu did discover this place, but they were unable to go deep into it because there was an extremely weird nodule here.

And outside this cave, there is also a strange barrier.

These barriers completely buried the cave. If it hadn't been for an ANBU ninja who was unexpectedly ejected by the barriers and finally discovered the weirdness of this place.

I'm afraid no one can tell clearly how many years this place will be buried.

At least in Xia Yan's previous life, he didn't see any stories explaining the existence of this cave.

"Is it possible that this place is actually the cave that Naruto said he traveled through in the future?"

Xia Yan thought silently, but soon he opened his eyes. At this moment, everything inside the cave quietly appeared in Xia Yan's eyes!

"So many seals and barriers?"

In Xia Yan's eyes, the traceless seal seemed so clear in his eyes.

After this barrier and seal, there is another long mountain road. There is no trace of any living creature in the entire mountain road.

Only the stone milk that had been deposited for who knows how many years kept dripping water, splashing water on the face.

Continuing forward, Xia Yan can no longer see, because the observation distance of his eyes is also limited, and if he wants to see more things, he can only go in by himself.

"It seems that even if this place is not the place I am looking for, there are still many secrets buried in it."

Xia Yan knew clearly that he really didn't know how many secrets there were in the world of Naruto.

After all, Otsutsuki has completely broken Xia Yan's understanding of the Naruto world. It is not an exaggeration to say that they invaded low latitudes from high latitudes!

Even though Xia Yan is already very strong now, if he really faces Otsutsuki, he feels that he may really be killed in seconds.

Look at Kaguya Otsutsuki's desperate and suffocating performance, although her fighting methods and fighting skills can only be described as idiots.

But if you can't stand up to others, even if you are a pig, you are still a pig that knocked down the golden elixir and became an immortal on the spot. There are still some differences between immortals and mortals.

"But no matter how big the difference is, at least I don't see any living things in my eyes. I just need to stay alert and leave the Flying Thunder God to run away at any time, so the problem shouldn't be big.

As for these sealing techniques, it's not a problem for me, after all, I can see its specific structure! "

He knows the sealing technique himself, and now he can clearly see the structure of these sealing techniques and barriers. It is not difficult for Xia Yan to break these seals.

No matter how ingenious this sealing technique and barrier is, facing Xia Yan at this moment, it really seems like a fiction.

Therefore, he decided that he had to go in and take a look. Only by understanding the general situation of this place could he learn more.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan turned around and said to Kakashi beside him: "I'll go in and take a look myself. You can take someone back."


Kakashi immediately became anxious when he heard this. Not only him, but also Hatake Sakumo who came with him also immediately objected.

"How can Lord Hokage act alone? Konoha cannot do without your leadership. Although Lord Hokage is very strong, in case..."

"It would be nice if you revived me."

Natsuhiko teased nonchalantly, and his words directly made Kakashi and Hatake Sakumo freeze.

Because they found that they seemed to have no reason to refute Natsuhiko, and Hatake Sakumo was standing here alive now.

Seeing the aggrieved expressions of these two people, Xia Yan smiled casually and didn't care too much.

"Okay, don't worry about me. Don't forget that I still have the Flying Thunder God Technique. It won't be difficult for me to leave if I want to.

Sakumo-senpai has not completed his rehabilitation exercises yet, so there is no use following me at this time.

But I will leave a shadow clone behind and go back to Konoha with you. This time it will be considered my solo mission. "

Although Xia Yan's words were a little helpless, they had already said it to this extent and the two of them could only agree.

In fact, they were all curious as to what could be inside this, which would actually arouse the interest of the Hokage, who is currently the strongest in the ninja world.

But the Hokage-sama had no intention of explaining it to them, so it would seem a little bad if they asked again.

Seeing Xia Yan leaving behind a shadow clone and quickly walking towards the barrier, the two of them only shook their heads in the end.

Both of them still have their own tasks. Kakashi needs to coordinate the ANBU and collect things, while Hatake Sakumo's current strength is indeed not very good.

If you follow him rashly, there may not be any good results.

Xia Yan quickly jumped into the cave while observing the surroundings with his pure eyesight, while quickly breaking the seal blocking his eyes.

His speed was very fast. Not long after the shadow clone, Kakashi and others left, he had already entered the passage he had discovered before.

This passage was longer and much darker than he imagined. Even Xia Yan could feel a sense of oppression in it.

"The design is really clever. There are obviously no living things here, but it can make people feel like this. It's really amazing."

Xia Yan mentally muttered something, and then his speed became faster.

However, he did not forget to leave enough marks of the Flying Thunder God along the way. Although he did not see any living creatures, it did not mean that there were none.

Taking various preventive measures is the most important and critical.

He didn't know how far Xia Yan had gone forward, but suddenly he noticed a piece of light falling far away from him.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. When he finally reached that location, he found that this place was already the end of the passage.

There is a huge gap at the top of the passage, and this gap is facing the bright moon in the sky!

The bright moonlight shone from the sky, passing through the gap and shining directly on the ground. Xia Yan walked to the place where the moonlight shone, and he slightly raised his head and looked up.

At this moment, he felt as if the moon was right above his head, so within reach.

But Xia Yan is also confused now. In his memory, it was clearly morning when he came out, so why did it become night when he came here?

Xia Yan couldn't understand this question, but he didn't bother to think about it.

The world of Naruto is originally a world full of super powers, and it is not surprising that any weird things happen.

Lowering his head, Xia Yan looked at a psychic array on the ground where the moonlight gathered. He had actually seen this thing a long time ago, but he had never dealt with it before.

And as the current situation happened, he felt more and more that he was in the right position.

Even though it is not clear why there is no description of this place in the original work, the original work does not say that there is only one way from the moon to the ninja world.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Yan squatted down and covered the psychic array, and the chakra in his body began to surge rapidly.

Chakra quickly entered the psychic array from his hands, and in just a moment, the chakra was transformed into a more mysterious power by the psychic array.

These powers immediately began to make the moonlight become weird, and the moon tide became more intense at this moment.

What's even more interesting is that the moonlight shrouding Xia Yan's body became gravitational at this moment.

This traction was not strong at first, but as time went by this force continued to grow.

Xia Yan felt the change in power. He simply relaxed and let himself begin to be pulled. At this moment, his body quickly left the ground.

The bright moonlight still shrouded him. When the strange power reached its maximum, silver light suddenly flashed, and Xia Yan's body disappeared in place...


Not sure how much time had passed, Xia Yan suddenly felt his body sink.

Then the silvery protective shield-like light disappeared, and in front of him was a barren land.

Xia Yan lowered his head and looked at the teleportation array again. When it came up, he didn't feel any stall at all.

He didn't even notice any changes in speed. He could only say that this teleportation array was indeed a bit too powerful.

"If we can understand the principle of this teleportation array, it will become easier to transfer between cities or dispatch large troops in the future."

To be honest, Xia Yan is really jealous of this kind of teleportation array.

If he has a way to get this kind of thing, maybe he can recreate the Western Rubik's Cube world he saw when reading novels.

When Xia Yan was a teenager, most of his novels were set in the Western magical world.

He was also attracted by the various wonderful magics inside, as well as the magical teleportation array linking various cities.

He also imagined how great it would be if he could go directly through these teleportation arrays when going to school instead of walking or taking the bus.

But for him at that time, this was simply a fantasy. After all, the technology side did not allow the magic side to emerge.

But it's different in this world. After all, although there is technology in this world, its development seems to be extremely abnormal.

There seems to be a magic side, but it doesn't seem to be there. After all, the thing used here is called ninjutsu and not magic. Maybe this is not a magic side.

But regardless of whether it is magic or not, this world does have the ability to teleport across space. Not to mention others, Xia Yan himself has mastered the art of Flying Thunder God.

However, using the Flying Thunder God as the basis of the teleportation array, Xia Yan himself felt that this was not very reliable, because the Flying Thunder God needed someone to carry it.

Moreover, it is extremely difficult to learn Flying Thunder God. Only Natsuhiko is using it in Konoha so far - Namikaze Minato is still with Mt. Myoboku, so it is not included for the time being.

It was not that Natsuhiko had not considered using the Flying Thunder God Technique, but both family ninjas such as Nara Shikaku and Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up to oppose this matter.

Their reason is also very practical, that is, the skills of the Sealed Book can be rewarded, but they cannot be rewarded on a large scale.

Any technique here would be troublesome if it fell into the hands of the enemy. Just look at the shadow clone. Xia Yan thought about it and agreed with them.

Indeed, if this technique falls into the hands of the enemy and someone learns it, it will be really troublesome for Konoha to deal with him in the future.

"But the research still needs to be done. This should be the moon. If I'm lucky, I might be able to get everything I want.

After you get it, summon Senju Tobirama when you go back. Even if you don't get it, summon him for research. Such a strong ability cannot be buried. "

When you summon the dead to come out and work for you, you don’t need to pay them wages or give them rest time.

After all, they are all dead and still need to enjoy themselves. It can be said that this is simply the most perfect tool man.

Xia Yan knew that his thoughts were dangerous. After all, such thoughts brought his neck closer and closer to the rope on the street lamp.

But Xia Yan didn't have the means of production, and this world was not his previous life, so he didn't panic at all.

"You must remember this matter, and you can start taking action when you get back."

Xia Yan, who has made a complete decision to summon Thousand Hands Tobirama when he returns, is no longer thinking about it now.

His eyes swept over everything in front of him, and he could now basically determine where he was, which was the moon that was very far away from the ninja world!

This moon is still desolate, and it is not full of classical buildings like Xia Yan remembered, let alone green grass and vegetation.

This desolate scene immediately made him realize that he was probably on the surface of the moon.

He was not surprised by the environment here. Although this was the ninja world, the appearance of the moon was still the same as what he had known in his previous life.

If there is a difference, perhaps the moon here is much smaller. After all, it was made by the Sage of Six Paths using the Earth Explosion Sky Star.

In addition, it is inside the moon, so the inside is the key to truly and completely opening up the moon in this world and the moon in Xia Yan's memory.

"It seems that this teleportation array teleports people to the surface of the moon, rather than directly to the core of the moon."

Xia Yan was thinking silently. He was now slightly in trouble, that is, he had not yet figured out how to enter the moon.

But at this moment, Xia Yan's peripheral vision glanced to a place, and he saw several white figures coming quickly from that direction...


Xia Yan was still thinking about how he was going to get into the moon. If he didn't go in, he wouldn't be able to access what he wanted.

But now it seems that the situation is better than he imagined. After all, if someone comes, Xia Yan will have the opportunity and possibility to find a way into the moon.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan suddenly began to surge his chakra. Although he had to fight as soon as he came up, it was good to do so.

At least Xia Yan can roughly understand through this battle what kind of enemy he will face.


While Xia Yan was preparing, those people had already rushed in front of Xia Yan.

There are four of them in total, and all of them have white eyes. The observable distance is definitely not shorter than Xia Yan. When Xia Yan discovered them, they also naturally discovered Xia Yan.

In fact, they were aware of all this earlier than Xia Yan!

After all, they are all Otsutsuki on the moon, the moon is their territory, and the four of them are guards guarding the surface of the moon.

When the teleportation array was inexplicably opened, they already realized that something was not right, so they rushed over as soon as possible.

It's just that they didn't have much reaction when they first observed Xia Yan's chakra. Xia Yan's chakra was indeed huge, but in their opinion, it was just that.

However, the moment they noticed Xia Yan's eyes, they all became extremely alert, because Xia Yan always had his eyes open.

In their opinion, these eyes were really similar to the huge reincarnated eye they placed in the temple.

"Are the four of them pretty good?"

While these four guys were observing Xia Yan, Xia Yan was also observing the situation of the four of them.

I have to say that even though the Otsutsuki on the moon are very different from the real Otsutsuki, their basic qualities are really much better than the ninjas in the ninja world.

The chakra reserves of each of these four guys are very exaggerated. It is no exaggeration to say that almost none of the four of them has worse chakra reserves than Xia Yan.

Chakra does not determine a person's combat effectiveness, but it can also prove a person's strength from the side.

After all, if such a huge chakra is given to a fool to use ninjutsu randomly, he can defeat many ninjas.

"It has nothing to do with you who you are."

Having probably estimated the limits of these guys, Xia Yan didn't intend to talk so much nonsense with them. After all, they were all enemies and there was nothing to talk about.

Could it be that Xia Yan told them in a nice voice that he wanted to see their reincarnation eyes, and they would really let Xia Yan see them?

The reason why he didn't take action directly was entirely because of fear. Xia Yan could see these problems clearly. The huge chakra he had wrapped around his hands had already risen into the sky.

At this moment, the earth on the surface of the moon seemed to be affected by the impact of his chakra and began to vibrate slightly, while Xia Yan calmly said something casually.

"But you can remember my name. My name is Senju Natsuhiko."

After the words fell, Xia Yan directly formed a seal with one hand, and the chakra that had been mobilized by him poured out at this moment!

"Turong Tulong Spear!"

Ever since Xia Yan obtained Wood Release, his probability of using conventional ninjutsu has become very low.

But this does not mean that Xia Yan will not use them, and even the power of these ninjutsu will never be that weak.

After all, his chakra is so huge, and his chakra with basic attributes has reached an advanced level relying on seeds.

The single-round understanding ability is even stronger than that of Mu Dun and so on. Faced with these enemies now, Xia Yan is not going to be thrown into a trap.

Moreover, Xia Yan clearly noticed through his clear eyes that these guys in front of him seemed to have some physical problems.

There are more or less irreparable wounds in their bodies. Such injuries will prevent them from fighting at all, because once they go all out, they may have big problems.

In this case, Xia Yan can take his time, after all, he doesn't have any injuries.

Following Xia Yan's seal, countless thorns appeared on the ground in an instant.

These ground thorns are not mixed with any magical chakra at all, but they are no worse than the ones Natsumi used in Sunagakure!

However, these Otsutsukis on the moon also reacted very quickly. They immediately jumped up and assumed a fighting posture, and the way they started their attacks also shocked Xia Yan.

"Soft Fist?"

Xia Yan has interacted with many people in Hinata, so he naturally recognizes the starting method of Rou Fist.

Of course, if it's just an ordinary soft fist Natsuhiko doesn't need to worry about it, after all, Hinata and these Otsutsukis on the moon themselves are inextricably linked.

It's just that their actions seem to be more mysterious than those of Hinata's. Xia Yan himself doesn't know if he saw it wrong, but he has such a feeling.

"Bagua·Six Palms!"

Sure enough, when the guy in the lead waved his hand fiercely, Xia Yan immediately knew that his feeling was correct.

Hinata's palm techniques were all executed at once, but these guys seemed to have divided them up.

The most important thing is that their palm skills are very obvious and special - the blending of yin and yang. In other words, these guys can actually escape from yin and yang!


With just one touch, Xia Yan's Earth Release immediately turned into powder. Under his leadership, others also took action one after another, and their palm techniques were also so terrifying.


Along with these terrifying roars, countless gravels flew and spilled out, and they continued to turn into powder during the flight.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, the intensity of such an attack was really scary.

He couldn't help but wonder, if Hinata and the others had mastered such power, would they be so aggrieved in Konoha?

The answer is naturally no, the power of Yin Yang Escape is really unimaginable.

I'm afraid those people in Hinata only inherited some superficial knowledge, and they didn't get the core elements at all!

"Yin-Yang Escape, it's really a magical power. Seeing the number of these guys, they must also have these things.

It seems that if my action this time is successful, the harvest will be greater than imagined.

Moreover, now is the perfect time for me to try out my new power! "

Thinking of this, Xia Yan once again used his chakra, but this time his power was somewhat similar to these guys...


Xia Yan has mastered the power of Yin Yang Escape for some time, but apart from doing some experiments on his own, he has never used it to fight against enemies.

This made him feel a little helpless. In fact, he also felt that this was not bad, because it showed that there was currently no one in the ninja world who was worthy of his full strength!

But in this situation, Xia Yan also planned to give it a try. After all, opponents like this are still rare in the ninja world.

The Yin Yang Escape quickly began to gather in Xia Yan's body, and then it was directly integrated into Xia Yan's chakra. In an instant, Xia Yan seemed to be a different person.

But when Natsuhiko was finishing all this, four people from Otsutsuki rushed out in the smoke and surrounded him in the middle. The collision of ninjutsu was meant to go as quickly as it came.

"I ask again, who are you?"

But this time the leader's expression became more alert, especially since he could see that Xia Yan's chakra had completely changed at this time.

The chakra of the four of them has reached its peak at this moment. Although it has not reached the level of desperateness, it is scary enough in the ninja world.

"And what exactly are your eyes? How did you get here? Finally, I'll give you a chance, otherwise we'll have to find the answer from your body."

"Give me a chance?" Xia Yan couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "You are really confident, but do you really have the strength to be confident?"

As soon as Xia Yan finished speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared. At the same time, he had already appeared in the body of the Otsutsuki ninja!


The other Otsutsuki reacted quickly, and they immediately wanted to rush to the rescue.

The leader, Otsutsuki, was also paying attention to Xia Yan at all times, and his reaction was extremely calm. He had already reacted the moment Xia Yan's chakra surged.

Almost as soon as Xia Yan appeared, he had already waved his palm. Such a reaction made Xia Yan slightly surprised.

When he was in the ninja world, few people could react to his flying thunder god.

But he soon put his mind aside. After all, these Otsutsukis on the moon even possessed the Yin-Yang Escape, and they also had this mysterious teleportation array.

It doesn't seem strange that they can resist Xia Yan's offensive, but being able to react and being able to really deal with Xia Yan are really two different things!

Xia Yan almost took out a kunai before this guy could take action, and a strange light of black and white intertwined appeared on the kunai.

"Yin Yang Escape·Water Blade Slash!"

The kunai quickly wiped towards this guy's neck. The kunai with obvious yin and yang escape chakra just scratched this guy's neck in an instant.

Blood poured out crazily at this moment, but at this moment, Xia Yan's figure had disappeared and came to the side of another Otsutsuki.

The kunai thrust out quickly again, but this guy was obviously on guard.

He had already started to spin before Xia Yan took action. It was obvious that this was a technique similar to 'Return to Heaven'.

However, as soon as he started spinning, Natsuhiko's pure eyes had already caught the only gap in his spinning chakra, and Natsuhiko's kunai pierced directly into it!


The Otsutsuki ninja let out a scream involuntarily. His defense had been broken by Natsuhiko the moment he started to arrange it.

Just at the same time as breaking his defense, the kunai in Xia Yan's hand had also been completely broken. It was obvious that this kunai could not withstand the intensity of the current battle.

But Natsuhiko didn't care. He had already thrown away the broken kunai in his hand before the other two Otsutsuki ninjas attacked him.

Then he clenched his fist and punched this guy in the abdomen!


The Otsutsuki ninja flew out backwards. Xia Yan's punch had already brought Yin Yang Escape, and other ninjas would have been punched in the stomach by such a punch.

But this guy is obviously not that easy to die. The moment he hits, a strange Yang rushes out, directly reducing the power of the punch by at least half.

The guy fell to the ground in an instant and vomited out a large mouthful of blood. He only felt a cramp in his abdomen and even had his internal organs displaced, but he finally saved his life.

"Yin Yang escape?"

At this time, Xia Yan disappeared again, and he had returned to his original position. Looking at this guy who kept vomiting blood, he already had some mental guesses.

The power of Yin Yang Escape is really incredible, because it can always do things that people cannot understand.

The strength of these Otsutsukis is indeed quite good, especially those who have mastered Yin-Yang Dun. Even the weak Yin-Yang Dun is really not something that ordinary people can deal with.

But it's a pity that they met Xia Yan, a person who also mastered their power. These guys' good days have really come to an end.

"Are you OK?"

The two remaining Otsutsuki were really shocked when they saw this scene. They had never seen Xia Yan's fighting mode before.

If they hadn't noticed a lot of things like tree species appeared inexplicably under their feet, and there were also strange spells carved on the tree species.

They may not be able to make a lot of defenses in advance to be careful of Xia Yan's attack.

In addition, they also noticed that Xia Yan's attacks also contained the power of Yin and Yang Escape. These powers were the powers they were most proud of.

Who is this guy? Although his eyes have not yet shown their power, they have already felt the pressure from those eyes.

Moreover, this guy has mastered their power and also knows some space ninjutsu. The difficulty of such an enemy is really unimaginable.

Faced with the situation where one of their teammates was beaten to death and the other injured in an instant, the two of them immediately maintained their defense against Xia Yan, while the other quickly approached the injured to protect him.

"He's not dead yet." The injured Otsutsuki said with some difficulty: "Be careful underground, this guy relies on seeds underground to teleport!"

"Have you been discovered?" Xia Yan naturally heard what he said, which made him laugh a little.

After all, there are white eyes, and it is actually normal for them to notice it.

But he didn't care if he was discovered. After all, Xia Yan had no intention of continuing to rely on this method of attack.

He plans to get serious now, because he has been completely attracted by the knowledge Otsutsuki possesses...


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