The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 295 The collision of Yin and Yang escape


Xia Yan had no intention of letting them go, and they also had no intention of letting Xia Yan, the intruder, go.

They didn't know where Xia Yan came from, but that wasn't important at all. What was important was how they were going to solve Xia Yan's huge trouble.

They already knew that the guy in front of them was extremely fast and relied on things similar to tree species hidden underground to transmit space.

Then they will directly get rid of the tree species underground, so that they can directly curb Xia Yan's space teleportation!

This is what they thought and what they were doing. Under the guidance of Yin Yang Dun, an Otsutsuki ninja quickly performed a kaiten that made Hinata in the ninja world flinch.

In an instant, a huge pit was made in the ground, and the seeds hidden in Xia Yan were also swept away by them!

"The eye rolls from these guys are really interesting."

Xia Yan silently thought about it. In fact, he had always had a question, and that was why these guys still had white eyes.

In Xia Yan's memory, it seems that all the Byakugan of these guys have disappeared. After all, they have condensed a super large reincarnation eye.

But after thinking about it, Xia Yan seemed to have guessed something. For example, the huge reincarnation eye actually relies more on the eyes of the so-called clan?

Otsutsuki Naoto on the Moon said that the reason why he became as good as he is now is because of the so-called conflict between the clan and the branch family.

If there are no accidents in the eyes of the separated family, in fact, there are still obvious flaws like those of Hinata in the ninja world.

Caged Bird is the most hated technique by all ninjas with Byakugan. This technique can not only destroy your eyes but also directly kill you!

If the people of the separated family use their own eyes to focus on the reincarnation eye, then once the people of the clan find out, it will be easy to destroy those eyes.

So using your own eyes to bet is no longer a question of whether it's a good deal or not, it's simply a question of whether you have a brain or not.

Xia Yan felt that they should still have brains, otherwise they would not be able to win the final domination of the moon.

But Xia Yan doesn't care whether he has a white eye or not, because it really doesn't have a big impact on him!

"Isn't it pretty good?" Xia Yan looked at them indifferently and said slowly: "It's a good idea to destroy all the marks I left so that I can't use the Flying Thunder God Technique."

"You just rely on your damn space teleportation ability to show off your power, but if you don't have this ability." The Otsutsuki ninja looked at Xia Yan with a gloomy expression: "You will be vulnerable!"

"Bagua·Sixty-Four Palms!"

As soon as the words fell, the ninja who had opened the wood had already rushed in front of Xia Yan with a quick step. His palms had turned into countless afterimages, and with the cooperation of Byakugan, he directly attacked Xia Yan's acupuncture points.

And because of the yin and yang escape chakra, his sixty-four palms are more oppressive than the Hyuga clan, and they are also more lethal.

"Hmph." Xia Yan couldn't help but shake his head when he saw this scene. He admitted that such an attack was indeed very strong, but Xia Yan was not helpless.

What's more, he has already lifted the ban, what method can't he use?

With a flick of his hand, a ninja sword appeared in his hand, and his chakra surged crazily in an instant.

"Yin Yang Release: Konohana Saki Yahime!"

When Xia Yan came back fiercely, a silver-haired woman appeared behind him, and a silver invisible blade bloomed in the air.

At this moment, the ground began to tremble crazily, and a silent crack appeared in front of Xia Yan.

This crack extended rapidly towards the distance with no end in sight, and this crack also began to spread rapidly, as if it was going to tear the earth apart!

"Damn it!"

Facing this sword that destroyed everything, the Otsutsuki ninja's face became extremely pale, not only him but also the guy next to him.

He immediately changed his moves forcibly. He had to block Xia Yan's move first, otherwise he might be dead before he could hit the opponent!

He immediately turned around with both palms and turned into a defensive screen, but unfortunately it was still too late, and his attack was too weak to face Natsuhiko's attack of combining three chakras.


After the blade cut across his body and covered the two people behind him, the terrifying power of destroying the world traveled through space and left a deep mark on the surface of the moon.

When everything calmed down, Xia Yan slowly put away the Ninja Sword. He could feel that this Ninja Sword was probably going to die soon.

But no matter what, it has still completely completed its mission, and it has completed it very well.

Looking at the three Otsutsuki people who were frozen in place, Xia Yan chuckled. When a breeze blew, the three people's bodies suddenly turned into powder.

With this breeze, they completely disappeared in front of Xia Yan's eyes!

It's interesting to say that there is still such good air on the surface of the moon.

In addition, in Xia Yan's sight, he could also see that there was a thin layer of something like a protective shield on the periphery of the moon.

Standing on the moon, Xia Yan could look at the Ninja World, and at this time, the Ninja World had turned into a blue planet in his eyes, which looked extremely beautiful from today's angle.

However, judging from the territory on this blue planet, it seems that it is quite different from the territory Xia Yan remembered in his previous life.

But no matter how old he was, Xia Yan still knew some interesting things.

He could not locate the specific location of the Ninja World, but he knew one thing. The so-called Ninja World was probably just the tip of the iceberg for that blue planet.

Xia Yan didn't know how big the world was, but he knew that maybe he could explore the world in the future.

In fact, Xia Yan knew that the so-called ninja world was very, very big. After all, those guys like Otsutsuki destroyed a planet at once.

If the ninja world is really that small, how could it possibly enter their eyes?

It can only be said that they accidentally fell within the coverage of the ninja world, that's all.

"It seems that there are a lot of things to do in the future, but not before that."

Xia Yan stretched slightly, and his eyes were already fixed not far away. At this moment, many Otsutsuki ninjas had arrived on the surface of the moon.

He knew that the next battle would never be easy, but for some reason he seemed to become even more excited.

Perhaps, as a member of the Thousand Hands clan, he is extremely warlike...


"Elder, what happened?"

On the surface of the moon, a large group of Otsutsuki ninjas rushed towards the distance quickly. They got the order and gathered together.

This order was a bit sudden for them, and they had no idea what was happening.

This is not because Xia Yan's magic is not powerful enough for them to sense it, but because the moon's internal protection is so good.

After all, they were using the power of the reincarnated eye to protect them. They might not be able to detect how strong the vibrations on the moon's surface were.

Just because they can't detect it doesn't mean that others can't. For example, the leader of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon can definitely detect all this.

He immediately noticed that a certain teleportation array on the moon was activated, and after that, he even noticed that someone was taking action on the moon's surface.

He didn't know who was coming, but it was definitely not a simple person who could come to this place.

Especially when he noticed the fluctuation caused by that guy's action, he was even more sure that this time it was dangerous!

Therefore, he decisively asked one of Otsutsuki's elders, the boss Tsutsuki, to lead the team to solve this problem.

Otsutsuki is of course a legendary figure among the Otsutsuki clan on the moon, and his strength ranks among the top five in the family.

And in the "Freedom War", he even tried his best to kill several elders of the clan.

Although he was also injured, no one would doubt his fighting ability. He is one of the pillars of the Otsutsuki clan!

"I don't know exactly what happened, but everyone be careful, this time is not a simple matter."

Otsutsuki said calmly, but his expression now looked slightly solemn, and he naturally noticed the difference before.

Especially since the vast chakra also contains Yin-Yang Escape that is even purer than theirs. Such power is really no joke.

This also shows from the side that the incoming enemy is definitely more difficult to deal with than imagined.

He took a deep breath, and then his white eyes quietly locked on the man in the distance exuding terrifying chakra.

At this moment, the four tribesmen who were originally responsible for intercepting this guy had completely disappeared.

He couldn't find any traces at all, not even the traces they should have left, which made Otsutsuki Muran's heart sink even more.

All the chakra in his body began to burst out, and he was obviously ready to face a fierce battle.

Along with his movements, all the people who came with him also let their chakra surge to a level that would not harm themselves, but could maximize their combat effectiveness.

They all suffered more or less irreparable injuries in that war with the Zong family, and they really didn't dare to fight with all their strength.

"come yet?"

Xia Yan stood there quietly, feeling the soaring chakra in the distance. After he took a deep breath, the chakra also moved slightly.

In an instant, red eyeshadow appeared on his face. He had to be careful when facing so many people.

In the previous battle, he could only use basic theory combined with Yin-Yang Escape, but now he decided to use immortal magic combined with Yin-Yang Escape.

This battle is more of an experiment for him, an experiment of his own strength, and it is also a test of his own strength.

However, he always leaves a way out for his own tests, although he knows very well that doing so will not truly give him the confidence to survive.

But he's not here to break through his own limits, he just wants to be more familiar with his own strength, that's all.

"Immortal Technique·Yin Yang Escape·Eternal Burial in the Tree Realm!"

Xia Yan stood up with one hand, and the vast chakra containing Yin Yang Escape and Immortal Technique burst out instantly.

The ground rumbled, and a small forest suddenly rose up on the surface of the moon.

Countless vines thicker than humans rushed out and quickly headed towards the Otsutsuki rushing towards him.

"This is....."

Xia Yan's technique made these Otsutsukis a little confused, but soon they didn't care about these things.

Because they can clearly feel what kind of terrifying power is contained in these branches!

"Avoid it or crush it directly, don't let him get entangled!"

The great god Otsutsuki roared, and then he rushed over immediately and slapped those branches hard.

The hands containing Yin Yang Escape directly smashed Xia Yan's Wood Escape into pieces with one blow!

But his face looked particularly ugly at this time, because he could feel his hands hurting from this blow.

You must know that this time he has already exerted the maximum power he can use, which is not a good thing at all for him who is already injured.

The intensity of this technique is actually so high, he must put in more effort to deal with it.

Moreover, he is already having such difficulty dealing with this technique. Can they easily deal with the tribesmen who followed him?

The answer is obviously no!

As Xia Yan's chakra continued to be released, the trees continued to grow taller.

Many Otsutsuki people directly tried to break these branches, but they also encountered the same problem as Otsutsuki.

Some of these unlucky guys were unable to dodge and were directly rolled up by the tree vines. Then the wood escape turned into wooden thorns and shot out quickly, instantly penetrating the opponent.

Some people were not directly stabbed to death, but Shuto Kiriya frantically absorbed the chakra in their bodies at this moment.

Almost visible to the naked eye, several members of the Otsutsuki clan were sucked to death in an instant.

Those tribesmen who did not choose to attack, or who quickly evacuated the big paulownia trees after discovering that something was wrong after the attack, quickly jumped between the forests to avoid the strangulation of these terrifying wood escapers.

For a moment, the scene was extremely chaotic. Huge sounds kept ringing, like an earthquake, and countless rocks on the ground cracked.

"This damn Asura!"

After breaking an unknown number of branches, Otsutsuki finally remembered something. He felt that this technique seemed particularly familiar from the beginning.

It was just because of the battle that he had no time to think about it, but as the battle continued to deepen, his memory began to revive.

He finally remembered that many, many years ago, he said he had seen many things about his ancestors' era.

For example, the two children left by his ancestor's brother, their stories and their strength, etc.

"No wonder this guy can escape from Yin and Yang. He turns out to be the child of his ancestor's brother. But what exactly does this guy want to do?"

After Otsutsuki once again dodged Mu Dun's pursuit, his eyes passed through Mu Dun and locked on Xia Yan.

“And those eyes, what on earth are they?

Reincarnation eye? It shouldn't be. He doesn't have this bloodline, and if it was the reincarnation eye, we would have died long ago.

This guy is too mysterious and too dangerous! "

It's really too dangerous. In Otsutsuki's opinion, the only person who can deal with this guy is probably their clan leader.

Or maybe they all start fighting desperately!

Thinking of this, Otsutsuki's heart became increasingly depressed. Fighting to the death was never the best choice, but if there was really no other way, then he could only do this.

But while he was still thinking, Xia Yan moved again, and this time he rushed directly into the Wood Release he released...


Xia Yan really didn't plan to stay back, he planned to move his body.

Yin-Yang Escape is paired with Immortal Technique and Wood Escape. The effect of this technique is really a bit too good.

No matter how much Xia Yan overestimated his performance, in the end he found that he still underestimated.

Yin-Yang Escape is indeed one of the most powerful forces in this world. Even if it is so powerful that the Otsutsukis who are real aliens, they will still use Yin-Yang Escape.

Because Yin Yang Dun’s improvement in ‘skills’ has really reached an extreme level.

It seems that any combination of magic and yin-yang escape will produce unimaginable chemical effects, thus producing incredible power.

"However, my two powers, Yin Escape and Yang Escape, are still too weak. Even though they are very powerful, the reserves are still not enough, so I can't use them with unscrupulous techniques."

It is difficult for Xia Yan to improve Yin Yang Dun, and his foundation is relatively weak, so even if Xia Yan masters their fusion, there is no way to better improve his reserves.

Fortunately, Xia Yan's recovery power seems to have a good effect on Yin Yang Dun. Now he can ensure that his chakra does not have problems as long as he uses it less.

Dealing with these Otsutsukis seemed to have no Yin-Yang Escape, and Xia Yan felt that it was very mysterious, but he did not have no trump cards.

For example, he has not yet used his Pure Eye Chakra. He believes that the power of using this mode may not be worse than that of Yin Yang Escape.

In addition, he still has the tailed beast chakra mode that has not yet been used. It can be said that although his power is anti-cheating, it is indeed very powerful.

He can take his time and slowly develop his power according to the strength of his opponent.

“Besides, these guys don’t know the reason, almost everyone is seriously injured, but this is a good thing for me.

They don't dare to go all out as soon as they come up, but I can continue to test them, and at the same time, I can continue to test my strength. "

With this thought in mind, Xia Yan had already rushed in front of an Otsutsuki ninja. The guy was shocked when he saw Xia Yan's terrifying speed.

But he still reacted quickly, but his reaction was a little too slow in front of Xia Yan.

Xia Yan indeed planned to save the use of Yin Yang Chakra, but his method of saving was only not to use transitional coordination techniques, which did not include physical techniques!


With a punch, Xia Yan's fist bloomed with black and white chakra, and his fist hit the guy's chest hard.

The guy suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, but Xia Yan, who was sharp-eyed, still saw that the moment he hit him, a green sheen appeared on the guy's body.

"Is it Yang Escape again? It seems that they really have a very mature record of using Yin Yang Escape."

Xia Yan mentally muttered something, and then he kicked this guy in the stomach without any politeness.


This time, even though this guy was protected by Yang Dun, there was still the sound of bone cracking. It was obvious that this guy had suffered a serious blow.

After killing a person, Xia Yan didn't stop at all. He moved slightly and rushed directly in front of another Otsutsuki ninja.

The ninja sword in his hand was unsheathed again, and the power covering Yin Yang Escape made his blade even sharper.

Although doing this will make his ninja sword that has been following him for many years die faster, Xia Yan doesn't care about these things now.

The blade slit the Otsutsuki ninja's throat. Even if Yang Dun was powerful, Xia Yan still didn't believe that this guy could be saved if he cut off the main artery directly.

Unless all of these guys are at the level of Senju Hashirama, they are all dead!

Xia Yan's figure kept flickering, and the black and white light loomed like a ghost in the forest created by Mu Dun.

At this moment, his speed has been fully demonstrated. Anywhere in this bottle forest can be his foothold for teleportation. He can attack anyone from anywhere!

"Damn guy..."

Natsuhiko's ghost-like flashes caused Otsutsuki's ninjas to be continuously injured or even killed. This scene made Otsutsuki feel heartbroken.

These former members of the Otsutsuki branch worked hard for freedom, and in the end they did gain freedom and even mastered the ultimate power in the Hamura Temple.

But they also paid an unimaginable price for this, especially in order to activate the ultimate reincarnation eye, which left almost all of them with irreparable scars.

The fight with the Zong family has brought their population to a complete low, and the revenge of those guys from the Zong family is also extremely bloody and cruel.

They killed almost all the children and women. It can be said that for every person who died, the population of Otsutsuki on the moon was permanently reduced by one.

Such cruelty is unimaginable. If they didn't have a child who gave them hope for the future, they wouldn't dare to imagine what Otsutsuki would become.

But now, this damn Asura's descendant has been killed in just a short period of time, and I don't know how many of them have been killed. How can Otsutsuki accept this?

Listening to the continuous screams of the tribesmen, Otsutsuki's expression became more and more desolate and gloomy.

Soon he made a decision, he couldn't let this situation continue, he had to stop it!

Thinking of this, Otsutsuki clasped his hands together, and in an instant, a huge amount of chakra vibrated on the surface of the moon.

With the explosion of this power, Xia Yan couldn't help but stop, and the Otsutsukis all looked at Otsutsuki with sad expressions.

"Elder..." Some Otsutsuki ninja couldn't help shouting.

"Okay, you all stand down."

Otsutsuki shook his head indifferently, stared at Xia Yan and then spoke slowly.

"Leave it to me next, I will stop him..."

"Even if I die!"



Inside the moon, an Otsutsuki holding a tin staff shouted softly with a trembling body and gritted his teeth.

He is the leader of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon. He is the leader who led the Otsutsuki branch to rebel against the clan. He is also the one who successfully gained control of the reincarnated eye.

Although they paid a heavy price for their separation, they have to admit that they have finally transformed from 'slaves' into human beings, and they no longer have a 'collar around their necks'.

Today was originally a peaceful day, just like every other day, but what surprised him was that he noticed someone coming to the moon through the teleportation array.

He actually didn't even pay attention to those low-level creatures from the ninja world.

Just as he thought, in his opinion, those people in the ninja world are completely inferior creatures, and their Otsutsuki clan are the masters who created this world.

If their ancestors and his brother hadn't fought together to seal the World Destroyer, the ninja world would have ceased to exist.

What's more, according to the will of his ancestors, the existence of the ninja world should be destroyed, rather than the present that should be preserved. Therefore, he has a special hostility and indifference towards the people of the ninja world.

In the original work, Otsutsuki Toneri wants to destroy the ninja world, and Otsutsuki on the moon also has two factions in his thoughts - one is to destroy the ninja world, and the other is to protect the ninja world.

Some of the people who protected the ninja world left, and those who stayed on the moon were those who insisted on destroying the ninja world.

He is one, and Otsutsuki is naturally one too.

Otsutsuki Muran has been fighting with him for so many years, and he is considered his most trusted tribesman and friend.

This time, low-level creatures from the ninja world came up and showed extraordinary fighting power. He naturally chose Otsutsuki to fight.

It's just that he never dreamed that when he watched all this through the reincarnation eye, he was shocked to find that the damn guy was not an 'lower creature', he was actually a descendant of Asura!

These two guys, Indra and Asura, still exist in the historical records of their Otsutsuki clan.

They naturally knew the relevant information about these two guys, and they also knew that the two of them fought fiercely after that.

The descendants of these two guys are essentially one with their Otsutsuki clan, because they are the descendants of their elder brothers.

"This is bad..."

After discovering this situation, he already knew that this time he was in trouble.

He doesn't have any good feelings towards these ancient relatives. After all, he will choose to kill them if he follows the will of his ancestors.

But he still has a certain fear of these guys, after all, they are also people who have mastered power.

Sure enough, when that guy started to massacre the members of the Otsutsuki clan, as the clan leader, he was also furious.

These tribesmen really lost each one if they died. They could withstand such consumption. But just when he was about to take action personally, Otsutsu made a choice.

He chose not to have any reservations, he chose to fight with all his strength, and he chose to die!

For them, going all out can achieve unimaginable combat effectiveness. After all, they are all descendants of Hamura Otsutsuki.

It's just that their current physical condition is doomed. Once they go all out, they will really be dead.

Taking a deep breath, the clan leader of Otsutsuki closed his eyes slightly. He did not choose to interfere.

This is Otsutsuki's will, and as the clan leader, he must respect it.

Moreover, he also wanted to find out the information about the damn descendant of Asura.

If Otsutsuki wins, then everything will be fine. If he loses, with such information, he can kill this guy cleanly.

Even in the future, when they want to solve the entire ninja world, this information can still be used!

"I will definitely fulfill the will of my ancestors, and I will definitely kill them all!"


"Is this completely desperate...?"

Xia Yan stood quietly on the branch of a tree, feeling the vast power, and his expression became solemn.

This kind of power is really frightening, and the soaring chakra is telling the story of how powerful this guy is.

Xia Yan could feel that this guy's power had reached an unimaginable peak.

He also knows that if he maintains his previous attitude in the face of this power, he may really be killed!

These Otsutsuki are really scary, although Natsuhiko has always looked down on this guy Otsutsuki Toneri - and he doesn't know exactly what is going on with this guy now.

But he also knew that he could not bring Otsutsuki Toneri's situation into these people.

It's a fact that Toneri doesn't have much combat experience, but it's not necessarily the case for these guys.

After all, they have all experienced the war that overthrew the clan, and each of them has been tested by life and death.

Even if their actual combat experience is not particularly rich, they are really not like Otsutsuki Toneri, who can only rely on strength.

He has a certain amount of practical experience, has strong strength, and has a wealth of knowledge about 'skills' as a foundation.

No one dares to underestimate such an opponent, even if it comes to strong men like Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, let alone Natsuhiko.

"You are very powerful." At this moment, Otsutsuki suddenly said: "You are worthy of being a descendant of Lord Asura for being able to push me to this level."

"Oh?" Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, and then nodded slightly: "It seems that you have recorded some remarkable things, and you all, Asura, still know about it."

"Of course I know, but as a descendant of Asura, you shouldn't come here."

Otsutsuk spoke indifferently, his aura having completely condensed to its peak.

"But now that you are here, don't leave. After all, we will still look for you in the future!"

"Yes, you will indeed come..."

Xia Yan nodded slightly, and within a moment, the chakra in his body began to change.

A pale golden light began to appear on his body, and in the blink of an eye his whole body was covered by this pale golden chakra.

These chakras quickly turned into a robe, and black and strange stripes appeared on the golden chakras.

At this moment, Xia Yan's aura completely exploded, and he was not inferior to Otsutsuki Moran in front of him at all!

He really hasn't used the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode for a while.

Especially the power of the Nine-Tails, which has been integrated into the Eight-Tails, Five-Tails, and Three-Tails, he has not yet tested it properly.

Raising his head slightly, Xia Yan smiled lightly as he looked at the dazed Otsutsuki whose expression changed again in the distance.

"So I came early, are you ready?"


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