The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 296: The Pure Eye and the Reincarnation Eye (Part 1)

After completely opening the Nine-Tails Chakra mode, I clearly felt that my power had once again made a leap.

Especially this time in the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, with the addition of the power of other tailed beasts, Xia Yan clearly felt that his state had become more terrifying than before.

With the pure Nine-tails Chakra mode, in fact, even with the pure Nine-tails Chakra mode, he can already run rampant in the ninja world without any hindrance.

Coupled with the use of celestial magic, it can be said that Xia Yan is not much weaker than Naruto who has not obtained the source of Yang Escape.

Maybe to some extent, he would be stronger than Naruto.

But now it is even more unusual, after all, he has merged with other tailed beasts to enter.

Even if this kind of fusion is very ordinary, I am afraid that even his system has not been fully activated.

But no matter what, he has now received tangible benefits!

Xia Yan has always known that he is very strong, but to what extent he is actually not very clear.

He has a reference, whether it is Uchiha Madara or Senju Hashirama, he can use it as a comparison.

However, he never truly followed their path. What he followed was always based on the alien Otsutsuki.

Therefore, he could not judge whether these references were accurate or not.

"But this time we should have a rough idea."

Xia Yan gently clenched his fists, and his eyes were fixed on Otsutsuki Muran not far away.

"And this time when I go back, I will definitely summon this guy Senju Tobirama out.

At that time, maybe I can also summon Senju Hashirama together, so that I can get more accurate information! "

Summoning the two of them, Xia Yan still had no choice before, and naturally he had no plan.

But now that he can do it, he naturally won't worry about whether it's a good idea or not.

The emergence of spells is meant for people to use them. Maybe these spells will go against the will of some people, but more people are actually willing to live.

Even if they just see the vicissitudes of the world and how their family is doing, this is their long-cherished wish.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan's eyes became extremely cold.

Even though the tailed beast's chakra was covered, his eyes were still bright blue.

His eyes glanced at Otsutsuki, and then he smiled slightly.

This smile immediately gave Otsutsuki a bad premonition. He immediately took defensive measures, and at this moment Xia Yan had already rushed in front of him.

The ninja sword with gray and white chakra intertwined was slashing towards Otsutsuki like a violent storm, but Otsutsuki had already been prepared.

His body kept dodging, and at the same time, his fist kept looking for opportunities to hit Xia Yan.

Interestingly, neither of them seemed to be able to hit the other at all.

Whether it was Natsuki's ninja sword that seemed to hit this guy directly, or Otsutsuki's fist that struck him directly on Natsuki's body.

The final result is blocked by a layer of transparent, green or golden hazy light.


The collision of their chakras immediately caused the entire moon surface to tremble slightly.

The huge chakra that combines senjutsu, tailed beast power, and yin and yang escape is constantly colliding.

Any of these are extremely terrifying, and the damage these powers can cause is completely unimaginable!

The surviving Otsutsukis actually felt powerless to resist when faced with the aftermath of the fight between these two men.

They are all proud, although they have not yet figured out who Xia Yan is.

But what they are sure of is that Natsuhiko decided to come from the ninja world of the lower world.

They have always maintained a contemptuous attitude towards the ninja world. As the Otsutsuki clan, they really look down on those in the ninja world.

Moreover, like their clan leader, they have inherited the 'will of their ancestors', and they will definitely try their best to destroy the ninja world.

In their opinion, if Otsutsuki can do this, it is natural that he can destroy the world with a single blow when he explodes with all his strength.

Because Otsutsuki has already shown his power, and he is really normal as an Otsutsuki.

And now that a guy who came from the ninja world actually has such strength, how do they accept it?

Watching the earth continue to crack, the terrifying ability hit the defense formed by the reincarnation eye and caused ripples.

Their faces were really ugly, and at the same time they were really sad.

If Otsutsuki does this, he will be dead!

"Who is this guy and why is he so strong?"

"That golden chakra seems a bit like the tailed beast described in ancient books."

"Speaking of ancient books, this guy's power seems... a bit like the legendary Asura."

At this moment, these Otsutsuki ninjas who were hiding and watching finally seemed to realize something.

Although they were once members of the branch family, after all, they had read a lot of ancient books and documents, so they also knew some things from ancient times.

Even if these things have really been forgotten by them, but now someone suddenly brings it up, the memories in their brains begin to emerge quickly.

It's just that it was too late for them to think of it, because Xia Yan seemed to find that it was not suitable for him to compete with Otsutsumu Ran in Taijutsu.

Xia Yan's physical skills were indeed very strong, but he found that Otsutsuki Muran's physical skills were even more exaggerated.

Otsutsuki Muran, who exploded with all his strength, showed Xia Yan what real soft fist is!

And he also told Xia Yan what is the real battle that completely integrates Yin and Yang escape into physical skills.

Xia Yan's physical skills have indeed integrated Yin and Yang Dun, but they are still far behind compared to Otsutsuki Ran.

This is something he must admit, after all, it is his first time to try to use it in actual combat.

The opponent no longer knows how long he has been using it, nor does he know how proficient he is in this fighting method.


After a stagger, Xia Yan directly used the Flying Thunder God technique to distance himself.

He can continue to fight with this guy, because Xia Yan can see that this guy's fire of life can no longer be sustained for a long time.

But Xia Yan didn't intend to do this. For such a person who dared to die, Xia Yan really didn't mind giving him a little dignity.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan no longer hesitated. The chakra in his body began to ripple crazily, and his eyes became more determined.

"Want to go all out?"

Otsutsuki seemed to have noticed Xia Yan's plan, and he stopped and asked with a slightly solemn expression.

"It's not like I'm going all out, but I'm not going to waste your life either."

Xia Yan shook his head slightly, and then said seriously.

"I have always respected people who dare to fight for what they protect. Rather than letting you die too painfully, it would be better for you to die more happily."

"I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but how can you be so sure that it's me who died?"

Otsutsuki chuckled numbly. This may be the first time he smiled after seeing Xia Yan.

“For descendants of Asura, confidence is a good thing, but overconfidence is arrogance.

But if you lose, I will let the clansmen give you a rich burial. "

After hearing his words, Xia Yan just chuckled and did not give any response.

He took a deep breath, and then the chakra in his body began to surge.

Raising his hand slightly, Xia Yan's chakra quickly gathered together.

At the same time, a black sphere appeared in his hand, and the shadow of the silver-haired woman appeared behind him again...


I have to say that fighting is indeed the best way to improve yourself.

Even if Xia Yan didn't fight with the awareness of death, after all, he didn't need to "burn the boat" to break through.

However, with the continuous battles with Otsutsumu Ran, Xia Yan also quietly allowed his strength to be further integrated and improved.

He has never used his own power so unscrupulously. After all, his power can only be used reasonably by his identity as 'Senju Natsuhiko'.

No one can explain the origin straightforwardly, let alone casually tell others what they have.

All these powers of his are taboo, not to mention that he still had the power to forge the vest and cause so much massacre in Kirigakure Village.

He didn't want his personality to collapse, so it was better to hide it.

He is the Fifth Hokage of Konoha Village who is both respected and feared. His other identities have nothing to do with him.

This time it was rare to have all his abilities activated, and he also encountered a really good opponent.

What Xia Yan gained was unimaginable. Even though they didn't fight for a long time, Xia Yan was a systematic person after all.

Relying on the help of the system, Xia Yan gained a deeper understanding of certain powers that he did not use intentionally or comprehensively.

What he has to do now is to realize some of his previous ideas.

Opportunities like this are really rare now. Xia Yan will have to wait at least eleven or twelve years for another opportunity like this.

Therefore, he cherishes this opportunity very much. He wants to try to see how far all his power has reached!

Along with the surge of his chakra, the surface of the moon shook again in an instant.

Especially at the moment when the woman appeared, an unimaginable aura of destruction began to gather rapidly.

Seeing this scene in front of them, all the onlookers Otsutsuki ninja broke out in cold sweat, and the aura of destruction almost made them unable to breathe.

The leader of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon had a look of disbelief on his face at this time. The intensity of this technique was really too high, and even if he were to deal with it, the outcome would not be good.

Unless he directly uses the power of the reincarnation eye, there is a price for using the reincarnation eye.

"Have all the descendants of Asura grown to this point?"

The leader of the Otsutsuki clan gritted his teeth and thought silently, holding the tin staff in his hand tightly.

He was thinking about what he was going to do. However, this kind of thinking did not last long, and then he closed his eyes directly.

At this moment, a terrifying aura quietly appeared, and a faint yellow light slowly appeared along with this aura.

He has made his decision, and he has begun preparations!

"This power..."

Otsutsuki sensed the change in Xia Yan's situation and felt the black chakra sphere full of destructive aura.

His expression suddenly darkened, and then the chakra in his body increased crazily.

Of course he could feel how terrifying this power was, but he didn't think about it at all at this time.

He was dead no matter what the outcome was, and he was sure his clan leader was watching.

It is also a good thing to be able to test the limit of this guy's strength, so that others can deal with this guy after he fails.

Taking a deep breath, Otsutsuki disappeared in front of everyone in an instant, and he rushed to Xia Yan in one swift step!

At this time, his speed was so fast that it was suffocating, and bright chakra appeared in his hands. In a few breaths, he had already rushed in front of Xia Yan.

He jumped up high, the chakra in his hands having been condensed to the extreme.

The fire of life in his body seemed to be erratic at this moment, but he didn't care at all, he still slapped it out with a fierce palm!

"Yin Yang Escape, Divine Air Strike, Ten Styles!"

The extreme sense of oppression was crushing towards Xia Yan like a torrent at this moment. Xia Yan also discovered sharply that the guy was not using soft fist at all at this moment.

But a more domineering and terrifying physical technique!

"Is it a divine air strike?"

Natsuhiko seemed to realize something. This domineering technique, which was completely different from the soft fist, was probably Kaguya Otsutsuki's ultimate taijutsu.

There are a total of eighty styles of Divine Air Attack, each of which has fatal power.

If he suffered this blow, Xia Yan would probably be wiped out immediately.

It's just that although the Otsutsuki in front of him is very powerful, he seems to have only one move.

This immediately made Xia Yan understand that this guy probably just used one move!

But even if it's just one move, the effect is extremely terrifying.

Fortunately, Xia Yan's technique was also ready. The moment Otsutsuki was about to hit him, he also released his technique!

"Yin Yang Escape·Immortal Technique·Tailed Beast Jade!"

Xia Yan must admit that he is also a person who has no choice in naming. In fact, for a person whose strength has reached his level, the name of any technique no longer matters.

Because the essence of the art is the application and integration of chakra, the name is just to make it easier to remember, or to make it easier to remember.

This time he completely integrated the power he could use.

Whether it was immortal magic or yin-yang escape, blood-stained elimination or the power of tailed beasts, he never let go of any of them.

Although this made his technique a little unstable, he felt that he could still control it.

The dark tailed beast jade shot out quickly with silver-gray light patterns, and it collided with Otsutsuki's body.

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color...



When Natsuhiko's Tailed Beast Jade and Otsutsuki Muran's Divine Sky Strike were assembled together, a deafening roar resounded across the moon!

Looking from a distance, I saw a sudden burst of blazing white light on the moon.

In just an instant, this little bit of white light collided and spread rapidly, turning into an extremely dazzling light that would illuminate the entire moon!

At this moment, the huge moon seems to be dyed into a white planet.

Faced with this situation, Xia Yan had to temporarily close his eyes and summon the Nine-Tails posture to withstand the aftermath of the next outbreak.

Otsutsuki also wanted to defend, but he couldn't do it now. He could only bear this terrifying burst of power.

The collision of two completely different forces seemed to distort everything.

Amidst the roar, countless rocks on the lunar surface began to twist, and then were torn into pieces, but in the end not even powder was left.

Otsutsumu Ran's body began to twist at this time, but a layer of green light appeared on his body surface.

This is Yang Dun protecting him, but he can't support it much longer.

The fire of life in his body was getting dimmer, and the breath of death was already shrouding him.


Suddenly, Otsutsuki spewed out a mouthful of blood. His face had turned pale, and he could no longer hold on!

The green light that appeared on his body began to dim, and finally when the fire of his life was completely extinguished, these lights also completely disappeared.

At this moment, his body also began to twist, and then his body slowly turned into ashes.

As the shock waves continued to wash away, his body completely disappeared from this world.

When everything calmed down, Xia Yan slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the bare ground, which was as flat as a knife and not like the moon, Xia Yan couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Xia Yan himself didn't know how much damage the attack caused just now.

But one thing he knew very well was that his position had dropped by more than ten meters!

As for how far the impact was this time, he couldn't see it with his pure eyes.

Raising his head slightly, he looked at the barrier in the sky.

There are obvious cracks in this barrier. Even though it has been repaired rapidly, those spider web-like cracks are still very clear.

No matter what kind of barrier it is, it has an upper limit to the power it can withstand.

The collision of forces between Xia Yan and Otsutsuki Muran has reached the limit of this barrier!

However, Xia Yan was still a little scared, if he hadn't released the Nine-Tails stance at the critical moment.

I'm afraid that he is now the same as Otsutsuki who disappeared without a trace.

You must know that his nine-tails posture is very defensive. Naruto has blocked many attacks with this posture.

But this gesture was directly destroyed by the terrifying impact at this moment.

And now he is still a little scared. That protective shield is obviously the key to getting oxygen on the moon's surface.

If this protective shield is broken, then he will be in real trouble.

"Fortunately, this is the protection provided by the power of the reincarnation eye, otherwise it would be really bad."

Xia Yan sighed silently, then he jumped up and ran forward.

Just now, he killed the Mu Dun that he released directly, as well as the Otsutsuki who were watching the battle.

However, Xia Yan remembered the direction in which they retreated before. Xia Yan could completely follow this place.

And Xia Yan knew that all these guys were underground, and Xia Yan only needed to find a passageway.

His speed was very fast, and in the blink of an eye he had disappeared into the deep pit...


"Damn guy, damn guy!"

In the Hamura Temple inside the moon, the face of the patriarch of the Otsutsuki clan was full of anger.

He had already seen Otsutsuki's death, with no bones left on his miserable face, which really made him extremely angry.

But while he was angry, he was also calm, because he felt that he almost knew the limit of the power of this descendant of Asura.

It must be said that the power of this descendant of Asura is very complicated.

As recorded in the ancient family books, he seems to be blessed by a variety of powers and can use them without conflict.

The power of nature, it seems that this power is also called magic?

The power of the tailed beast, the power of chakra fusion, and the power of yin and yang escape!

In fact, he didn't fully understand one thing, because according to the records of his ancestors, it seemed that Indra and Asura had inherited the same power.

But the descendant of Asura in front of him mastered the complete Yin-Yang Escape, which really surprised him.

But even if it was an accident, he didn't take it too seriously. He didn't know what was going on in the ninja world, and he didn't care either.

What he cared about was that the descendant of Asura in front of him was really ridiculously strong.

So many complex and powerful powers can be mastered so well in his hands.

I don't know if this guy is just an exception, or if this is true of all Asuras in the entire ninja world, and even the descendants of Indra.

Shaking his head slightly, he was too lazy to think about these things.

He admitted that the power of this descendant of Asura was terrifying.

Even if you face this guy without the power of the Tsangikangan, you will probably end up dead.

It's not that he really can't fight, but the injuries in his body prevent him from fighting for a long time.

It is very likely that he did not die because of the battle, but was dragged to death by that damn guy!

Shaking his head slightly, he held the tin stick in his hand tightly.

Looking at the huge yellow eyes in front of him that were already blooming with a brighter light, he turned around and walked towards the outside of the temple.

Following his movement, the tin staff in his hand made an inexplicable rhythm, and the huge reincarnated eye also resonated with it.

He wanted to kill that descendant of Asura. So many clan members died at the hands of this guy. As the clan leader, he had to make this guy pay the price!

In order to ensure that he could kill this guy smoothly and cleanly, he had decided to use the power of the reincarnation eye.

Otsutsuki is willing to sacrifice his life to protect his clan members, so naturally he can do the same as the clan leader!



There was a loud noise, and the light yellow film-like transparent object was turned into pieces, and Xia Yan slowly fell from the sky.

When he landed completely, he couldn't help but raise his head and look at everything around him.

He had to say that everything around him at this time was very different from what he remembered from what Naruto and the others saw when they came here.

The space inside the entire moon is extremely wide. Looking up, there are clouds floating in the sky.

There is a small sun shining in the clouds, making the entire inside of the moon look extremely bright.

Underground, Xia Yan could also see lush forests and quaint villages.

There is a stream meandering beside the village, which looks so peaceful and peaceful.

I have to say that this place is really beautiful, and you can’t even tell that this place is the inside of the moon.

If there is a crescent-shaped island suspended in the sky in the distance, there is a circle similar to a meteorite belt around it, where rocks of different sizes are concentrated.

As well as the floating building standing on the top of the clouds reminding him, Xia Yan felt like he had run back to the ninja world again.

Turning his gaze slightly, Xia Yan locked his eyes on the radiant sun in the sky.

“That sun is artificial, no wonder they can survive here.

I was still confused at first. The moon is so desolate, even guys like Otsutsuki must always have food and water.

There is no sun in the moon, and they can't farm at all. How do they survive?

It turns out that the secret is here, but the amount of chakra consumed by this small sun is simply astronomical. Are they using the reincarnated eye to provide energy? "

Thinking about it carefully, Xia Yan suddenly realized that he seemed to have remembered it wrong. In the original work, there was still light inside the moon.

What's more, if there really wasn't such a sun, how could those Otsutsuki live for so long?

Even if there is only one Otsutsuki Toneri left in the future, even if the resources consumed are small, his bloodline is still very powerful.

If he really doesn't eat or drink, I'm afraid it will kill him within a month.

Under such circumstances, how could he cause trouble for Hinata and Hanabi.


Suddenly, Xia Yan frowned slightly, and then his figure disappeared instantly.

And the moment he left, a beam of light instantly hit the place where he said he was standing.

The rocks in that place turned into powder in an instant, and then disappeared without a trace with the breeze.

Xia Yan's figure appeared on the ground not far away, and he raised his head and looked towards the sky.

I saw about a hundred people from the Datongmu clan appearing in the palace that stood above the clouds and surrounded by stone rings.

And right in front of them, a guy holding a tin stick was floating in the air. He was looking down at Xia Yan.

The figure slowly fell from the sky, and Xia Yan could see clearly what this guy looked like at this moment.

This is an old man with gray hair, but the chakra in his body is extremely terrifying.

Especially the tin stick in his hand made Xia Yan feel a fatal threat!

But what was very strange was that in his clear eyes, he also discovered that this tin staff seemed to be connected to something.

Moreover, the power emanating from this tin staff not only frightened Xia Yan, but also made him feel friendly.

"Friendliness, what's going on?"

Xia Yan looked extremely alert, but he also had some guesses.

The only power that could make him feel palpitations from the bottom of his heart was the Tenseigan.

"Descendant of Asura, do you know how much sin you have committed?"

After the old man dropped to a certain height, he stayed in mid-air.

His voice seemed unusually cold, and this coldness was even more full of resentment.

"You must die today, and you must pay the price for your sins!"

"Why are you all so sure that I'm dead?"

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.

"That guy just now, I'm sorry I don't even know his name.

He also said that I must die, but the end result was that he was wiped out in ashes.

Now you are saying the same thing to me again, what makes you so confident? "

"It's strength, strength you can't match."

The old man's voice was still so indifferent, but his chakra had been concentrated to the extreme at this moment.

He slightly raised the tin staff in his hand, and the next moment majestic chakra full of destructive aura had gathered on him.

"Remember, the name of the person you killed is Otsutsuki Ran, and he is my friend.

And the person who killed you is named Mayo Otsutsuki! "

After the words fell, Otsutsuki Maya waved the tin staff fiercely, and the top of the tin staff emitted a dazzling light at this moment.

The endless torrent of energy slammed towards Xia Yan through the tin staff. Feeling such power, Xia Yan immediately activated the Flying Thunder God Technique.

The bright white light shined again, and in an instant the earth disappeared without a trace like powder!

When the white light flash ended, there was nothing on the ground.

The forest in the distance also disappeared at this moment, and the originally peaceful villages and streams were completely wiped out with the white light.

"Space magic?"

Otsutsuki Maya frowned, then he snorted coldly, and waved the tin staff in his hand again.

With the spread of a strange force, Xia Yan's expression changed at this moment.

At this moment, the space seemed to become heavier, and all perceptions of space became extremely chaotic at this moment.

Xia Yan knew that now he couldn't use the Flying Thunder God technique at all.

Although the mark of the Flying Thunder God he could sense was still there, no one knew where they would take Xia Yan.

Natsuhiko didn't dare to take risks. He was not a guy like Jiraiya who would touch space-related things without any preparation or warning.

Lucky for Jiraiya, he was teleported to Mount Myoboku after his attempt.

And if Xia Yan uses the Flying Thunder God in such an obviously chaotic space, he will probably end up being thrown into an unknown space.

And it is very likely that he will never be able to escape from such a space for the rest of his life!

"Now you rat have no place to escape."

Otsutsuki Maya's voice sounded again, and his figure descended again, finally staying about ten meters above the ground.

His expression was extremely indifferent, his white eyes showed no emotion, and the chakra in him was so huge that it made people despair.

"I said, you will die, even if I will fall because of it, your end is already determined!"

"Really confident."

Xia Yan looked at him indifferently, and suddenly a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Speaking of which, aren't you curious about my eyes?"

"your eyes?"

Mayo Otsutsuki looked at Xia Yan indifferently. He was really curious about Xia Yan's eyes. After all, these eyes were really similar to the reincarnated eye.

But after observing them for so long, he didn't find anything special about these eyes at all.

"Yes, my eyes."

Xia Yan smiled softly, and then he closed his eyes slightly.

"I was still thinking that there was no need to use it, but now it seems that there is no way not to use it..."


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