The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 297: The Pure Eye and the Reincarnation Eye (Part 2) (8K please subscribe~)

As Xia Yan's chakra vibrated, the originally golden chakra coat on his body began to gradually change color.

When the golden light completely dissipated, it was replaced by an azure color that seemed more blurred but still had the coat of Nine-Tails Chakra.

At this moment, Xia Yan used all his power!

In fact, Xia Yan was lying. He never thought about using the power of the Pure Eye at all. He just planned to take his time.

But this move of Otsutsuki Maya can be said to have directly forced Natsuhiko into a dead end.

Sealing space teleportation was really unheard of, and Xia Yan was really frightened by this guy's move.

The biggest reason why he dared to come to this place alone was that he could use the Flying Thunder God to escape when he encountered danger.

But now Otsutsuki Maya has directly blocked the space, which makes Xia Yan unable to use the Flying Thunder God Technique at all.

This also made Xia Yan have no choice but to use all his strength. After all, he really had no intention of staying here.

With the complete completion of Xia Jingyan's chakra mode, Xia Yan suddenly felt as if the whole world had changed at this moment.

It was really the first time that he had so many chakra patterns covering his body.

The superposition of these powers made him feel as if he had entered a whole new realm.

However, he also knew that this was just a feeling. What kind of effect it would have would depend on the subsequent battle.

His eyes were also locked on Maya Otsutsuki at this moment, looking at the guy who had forced him to this point.

After just a moment, the smile on his face suddenly became brighter.

It's true that he hasn't felt such pressure for a long time. Ever since he learned the Flying Thunder God, any difficult enemy who can't beat him can run away.

And as his strength continues to improve, he gets more and more seeds, and his trump card becomes more and more comprehensive.

Some fights do put pressure on him, but honestly they're not enough.

Because Xia Yan always knew that those guys couldn't really cause too much trouble to him at this stage.

But the situation is different now. The strength of these Otsutsuki is really not comparable to that of the current people in the ninja world.

Even though their physical condition is extremely bad, their strength is really not bad.

Even if it was Otsutsuki who was now wiped out, Natsuhiko felt that he was left in the ninja world to deal with the previous war with Kumogakure.

I'm afraid he can also easily produce a crushing effect. If he goes all out, it is possible that the entire Kumogakure will be destroyed by him.

Such overall quality and individual strength are truly terrifying.

Especially the guy Xia Yan is facing now, he is not only powerful, but he can also control the 'Star Destroyer Cannon', the huge reincarnation eye.

Facing this guy, Xia Yan was really under a lot of pressure, but this gave Xia Yan a different feeling.

Sometimes stress is a good thing, especially for someone who always remembers how scary the future will be.

But there is no actual comparison in the current ninja world, which always makes him feel a little lost.

But now, he seems to have a good goal.

What he has to do is to show all his strength and have a real full-force collision!

This is not only for himself, but also for the eyes he got through the system.

Otsutsuki looked at Xia Yan with the same indifference. When he saw Xia Yan's state at this time, he suddenly had an extremely bad feeling in his heart.

This state is really very similar to the recorded Tenseigan chakra mode!

Could it be that this guy's eyes are actually the Tenseigan?

This idea was quickly killed by him as soon as it appeared. After all, the reincarnated eye relies on the power of the Byakugan.

Moreover, he was too familiar with the aura and power fluctuations of the Tsangikan. Xia Yan's eyes did not have the same fluctuations as the Tsangikan.

But no matter what kind of eyes this guy has, as the enemy Otsutsuki Maya naturally wants to kill him.

After this guy is dead, he can still study slowly.

"What an incredible power, what a power to destroy the world."

Mayo Otsutsuki looked indifferently at Natsuhiko, who had already flown to the same level as him.

His expression had calmed down, and he didn't seem to have any surprise at all because of Xia Yan's current state.

In other words, today's accident has made him numb.

"I don't know if it's the power to destroy the world, and I don't care."

Xia Yan shook his head slightly and said quietly.

"Actually, if you hadn't talked so much nonsense just now, maybe I really wouldn't have been able to withstand your previous attack."

"Who knows."

Mayo Otsutsuki looked at Xia Yan disdainfully, and he raised his head slightly proudly.

“Actually, no matter what power you use, it’s just a struggle.

Your fate has already been determined. No one can change everything. In the face of absolute power, you have no room to struggle! "

"I told you that being overconfident is not a good thing."

When Xia Yan heard this, he didn't know what to say for a moment. In the end, he could only shake his head.

"Come on, I want to see what your absolute power is."

As soon as the words fell, Natsuhiko spoke directly without any hesitation. In the blink of an eye, his fist was like lightning and he swung it directly at Otsutsuki Maya!

With the fist swinging out, even though Xia Yan was flying in the sky, the terrifying fist wind immediately caused countless gravel to fly up as the earth tore apart.

Mayo Otsutsuki's expression remained indifferent, he held a tin staff and pointed at Natsuhiko's fist.

A hazy circle of white chakra light swayed from the top of the tin staff in his hand.


The deafening roar directly covered the interior of the moon at this moment.

The tin staff and the fist did not really touch each other. They seemed to be separated by an invisible force.

But at this moment, a shock wave visible to the naked eye suddenly spread in all directions.

Wherever the shock wave passes, there is destruction without exception!

Many buildings suspended in the air shattered and collapsed at this moment, except for the towering temple in the center without any problems.

"I told you, you're going to die."

Mayo Otsutsuki looked at Natsuhiko who was so close, his tone was still so indifferent.

However, Xia Yan ignored his intention at all. When the power in his fist was almost exhausted, Xia Yan quickly kicked Otsutsuki Maya.

However, such an attack was extremely ineffective against this guy. He blocked Xia Yan's blow with just a wave of his hand.

The terrifying impact made Xia Yan himself feel a little numb in his feet, but he happened to use this recoil to distance himself.

"Yin Yang Escape·Wood Dragon Technique!"

Xia Yan, who flew out upside down, quickly formed seals with his hands, majestic chakra flashed on his body, and then a dark and huge wooden dragon sprang out of his body.

The wooden dragon roared and rushed towards Otsutsuki Maya, and a torrent of terrifying chakra rippled on the wooden dragon.

Seeing this scene, Mayo Otsutsuki couldn't help but snorted, and then the terrifying yin and yang escape chakra in his body burst out.

The silver tin staff in his hand was aimed at the roaring wooden dragon, and then the tin staff fell gently.

"Yin Yang Escape·Seventy Styles of Divine Sky Strike!"


The divine air attack has never been a fixed move. The complete divine air attack includes all boxing techniques, palm techniques and even the use of weapons.

As Masaya Otsutsuki's tin staff fell, a ray of light that seemed to be able to open up the world appeared in an instant, and as the tin staff in his hand fell, it was slashed down.

At this moment, the sun in the sky, powered by the reincarnation eye, seemed extremely dim.

The light that was like daylight shone throughout the interior of the moon, and even space seemed so weak at this moment.

The wooden dragon seemed to roar at this moment, and in the violent burst of power, it collided with Otsutsuki Maya's tin staff.

Under the roar of the collision of these two forces, the surface of the temple standing in the clouds began to become blurred.

Cracks like spider webs began to appear. It was obvious that the surface of the temple was protected by a barrier.

Before such an impact came, Xia Yan had already quickly distanced himself, and he quickly formed seals.

"Yin Yang Escape·Fifth Level Rashomon!"

Xia Yan would not be struck by these forces stupidly. How could he not be aware of the current situation?

What's more, that Otsutsuki Maya had already opened the barrier a long time ago. Although his movements were hidden, there was no way he could escape Xia Yan's clear eyes.

At this time, because he was too close to the center of the force impact, ripples had already appeared on his body.

It was obvious that he was using the power of Yang Dun to defend himself, otherwise this impact would definitely cause big problems for him!

The white shock wave was very fast. The moment Xia Yan's five-layered Rashomon gate just rose, the first gate had already turned into powder.

Then the second door quickly turned into powder along with the first door, and the third door finally withstood the impact of this force a little, and its destruction speed was not as fast as before.

It first resisted for a while and then turned into fragments, and finally turned into powder completely.

The fourth door took longer to destroy, and when the shock wave reached the fifth door, Rashomon was not destroyed this time!

Although the fifth door was still full of cracks, he was able to hold on.

All I can say is that this is indeed the strongest defensive ninjutsu mastered by Senju Hashirama.

Even though this technique is a psychic technique, and Rashomon is more accurately a prop.

But its defensive ability is really unparalleled. After all, it is a technique that can resist and change the trajectory of the Ten-tailed Beast Jade.

Even if this technique is the same as facing the ten-tailed beast jade now, the final result is that everything is broken.

But in the end, this was regarded as blocking a fatal attack, and Xia Yan couldn't ask for more.

Raising his head slightly, Xia Yan looked at Otsutsuki Maya. This guy's current situation is also very bad.

His whole body was covered with cracks, and his face was unusually pale.

However, as the tin staff in his hand shook slightly, all the cracks on his body disappeared in the next moment, and his face seemed to look much better.

But Xia Yan could see clearly that his current fire of life seemed to be a little shaky.

However, the old man didn't care about his situation at all, and Xia Yan also noticed that the light yellow chakra in his body was getting thicker and thicker.

"The reincarnation eye on the moon."

Natsuhiko thought silently, he still remembered the color of the reincarnation eye used by Otsutsuki Toneri.

Speaking of which, there are really many colors of the reincarnation eye. Except for the regular reincarnation eye that blooms in bright blue like Natsuhiko, it has a different shape.

The Tenseigan used by the Otsutsuki clan during their own civil war was a purple Tenseigan.

Xia Yan is really not sure where that eye came from. After all, Xia Yan remembers that they sacrificed all his eyes.

But the separation family has a caged bird in their eyes. What is the difference between doing this and seeking death?

In addition to the purple one, there is also a golden one that was placed in the Hamura Shrine during the Otsutsuki Toneri era.

This eye is obviously the one used by Mayo Otsutsuki now, and it is also the target of Natsuhiko's operation this time.

In this situation, the old man forced himself to use the Tsangikangan, which was completely a life-threatening act.

After all, he is old and still has injuries in his body.

Although he can continuously replenish his power through the eyes of reincarnation, the power his old body can bear is limited after all.

If the consumption continues, although Natsuhiko is in danger, he may not die, but Otsutsuki Maya may not be able to bear it.

"In that case..."

When Xia Yan thought of this, he already had a countermeasure.

He formed a seal with his hands again, and the majestic chakra poured out at this moment.

"Yin Yang Escape, Immortal Technique, Wooden Man Technique!"

Along with Xia Yan's seal, the earth began to shake. Although the huge wooden dragon summoned by Xia Yan had been damaged.

But at this moment, it was recovering quickly under the repair of Xia Yan's chakra.

Not only that, its body began to split apart, and then a huge black figure began to appear inside the moon!

The giant infected with Xia Yan's Yin Yang Chakra looked so desperate.

And with Xia Yan's full output without any restrictions, its size has reached about two hundred meters!

Two hundred meters, this is the height of Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Sasuke's complete Susanoo at their peak.

Although Xia Yan has something even more terrifying, which can be said to be almost the most powerful in the ninja world, he has not used it.

But this technique consumes too much, and this technique is Xia Yan's last resort.

He wanted to see how Otsutsuki Maya planned to deal with him even in his current state!

Slowly landing on the wooden man's head, Xia Yan's chakra surged again, and the wooden dragon from before roared, quickly flew up and wrapped around the wooden man's body.

"I have to say that you are indeed very strong, but does your power really belong to you?"

Xia Yan stood on top of the wooden figure, with a playful smile on his face.

"I don't know where your strength comes from, but it seems that your body can no longer withstand these forces.

Your fire of life is almost extinguished. As long as I wait until you die, your people will really be hopeless. "

"I must admit that you are indeed a bit beyond my imagination, descendant of Asura."

Otsutsuki Mayo's expression remained stern, and the tin staff in his hand continued to release bright brilliance.

"But this is just the beginning. I said that the power I have is not something you can resist.

There is only one ending for you, and that is death! "

Xia Yan looked at him with a smile. This time he didn't respond, but at this moment Mu Ren suddenly rushed out!

The wooden man clenched his fist, and the wooden dragon wrapped around his fist. With an incredible amount of chakra, it hit Mayo Otsutsuki fiercely.

Bokuto does not have weapons like Susanoo, but for Bokuto, his whole body is not a weapon.

Ohtsutsu Maya still looked at Xia Yan indifferently. The chakra on his body was getting stronger and stronger, and the light yellow chakra was getting stronger and stronger.

The moment the wooden man's fist was about to hit him, he tapped his tin staff lightly, and a black hole suddenly appeared in the void.

"Yin-Yang Escape: The Technique of Communicating the Stone Statue!"

A vast burst of chakra surged up, and a huge stone statue emitting terrifying destructive power suddenly appeared in the black hole.

The stone statue roared, and a terrifying chakra flow rushed out. It directly raised its hand and held the wooden man's huge fist.

In an instant, the torrent of chakra completely annihilated this area. The silent destruction was more terrifying than the sound destruction.

Everything around him turned into dust silently, as if it didn't exist at all.


In the ninja world, Nagato stood quietly in the rain.

It is still raining continuously in the Land of Rain, and he has already mixed this rain with his own chakra, so that he can know whether strangers have entered the ninja world.

The rain continued to wet his whole body, but he calmly raised his head and looked at the sky, looking at the bright moon in the night.

I don't know since when, he especially likes to raise his head and observe the moon in the sky, as if there is something attracting him in the full moon in the sky.

This feeling was amazing, and he was happy to follow it.

Especially in the dead of night, when a person quietly looks at the bright moon in the sky, this can calm him down a little.

Ever since Black Zetsu and the guy who called himself Uchiha Madara left, Nagato had done some inspection on his body.

His inspection was very detailed and thorough.

With the help of the power of the Samsara Eye, he really found something hidden in his body that shouldn't be there!

Although this discovery was not beyond his expectations, it really made him feel chilly in his heart.

Those damn guys really want to control him and make him do some terrible things!

Nagato was calm, although he could no longer restrain the urge to kill those two guys.

But he knew that once he took action, it might cause unpredictable and dangerous consequences.

He had to be patient, and if he were alone maybe he would just fight back.

But he is not, he must endure it for Xiaonan!

"I've already pretended to be a fool once, so what if I pretend to be blind again?"

Standing in the rain, Nagato suddenly laughed to himself.

He still remembers how stupid he was when he pretended to be such a compassionate idiot.

But no matter how stupid he is, he has to pretend and he has to do it.

These days, while he was checking his body and adapting to the current strength, he was also thinking about a problem very seriously.

That's the path he's taking now. Is it really the right thing to do?

He had not considered this issue before because he had always lived in hatred.

The reason why he listened to the guy who called himself Uchiha Madara was because this guy could provide him with a way to get revenge.

And he also told himself how to bring peace to the ninja world.

In his words, if you want to end this chaotic world, the best way is to use the samsara eye to create a world of 'losers'.

The Ninja Village of the big countries is bathed in the sunshine, while the small countries can only survive in the cracks of the big countries.

If you want everything to become peaceful and beautiful, the best way is to let these big countries disappear!

This is Nagato's understanding, and this is what Obito told him when he first found Nagato.

It's just that all this was stopped by Yahiko at the time, and after Yahiko died in the joint conspiracy of Konoha and Hanzo, Nagato believed that guy.

But now he has begun to doubt. When the seeds of doubt are buried in the soil of his heart, they will take root and sprout at an unimaginable speed.

People are suspicious, there is no doubt about it.

Even if this is challenging his own beliefs, when Nagato completely distrusts the other party, even his own beliefs will shift.

What's more, he now thought of Yahiko, and he remembered how Yahiko disagreed with the guy who called himself Uchiha Madara.

"Have I been wrong all along?"

Nagato thought quietly, his eyes still fixed on the bright moon in the sky, and for a long time he suddenly laughed to himself.

"Yahiko was so against that guy, but I self-righteously chose to cooperate with them, and now I am reaping the consequences?"

Sighing deeply, Nagato closed his eyes. When he pulled away again, his eyes had become extremely determined.

Maybe he was wrong, but thankfully he didn't make an unforgivable mistake.

What he has to do now is to think seriously about how to get real peace.

When he cooperated with Uchiha Madara before, he didn't believe everything that guy said.

According to the combination of his ideas and Uchiha Madara's ideas, he planned to get all the tailed beasts.

Only by gathering all the tailed beasts did all the villages lose their strategic weapons.

As the god of the ninja world, he became the only enemy of the ninja world, allowing them to unite and only think about dealing with him.

Only in this way can the ninja world be at peace.

But Black Zetsu's actions have made Nagato really afraid to do this.

If he really got all the tailed beasts and was finally controlled by them, then the whole world would probably fall into endless fear.

"Perhaps I should find a way to contact those two groups of people."

Nagato thought silently, and this idea became firm in his heart.

The person he wanted to meet was a guy that Xiaonan and Xia met, who had perfectly mastered the power of the tailed beast but was hiding it.

One is the Senju Natsuhiko who has mastered the name of Pure Eye and is already the fifth Hokage of Konoha Village at this moment.

He could feel that only these two groups of people could give him an answer, and only these two groups of people could fight against that damn Uchiha Madara.

Thinking of this, Nagato looked at the sky again, and after just a moment, he frowned slightly.

Because he found that the recent moon seemed a little weird...


"Hokage-sama, don't you plan to come back yet?"

At Natsuhiko's home in Konoha, Kakashi looked at Natsuhiko helplessly and said.

Natsuhiko had been away for some time, and the cave he entered had already been heavily surrounded by people from Konoha ANBU.

In fact, Kakashi really wanted to go in, wanted to go in and see what was inside, and wanted to find the true form of the Hokage.

However, not to mention the barrier in the cave that they could not set foot in, the shadow clone left by Xia Yan alone did not allow him to enter.

Kakashi had no choice but to give up. After all, there was nothing wrong with Natsuhiko's shadow clone, which also meant that Natsuhiko's body was fine too.

"I don't know exactly when I will come back. In fact, I didn't expect to be away for so long."

Xia Yan's shadow clone was also helpless, he spread his hands and said.

“Maybe I encountered some trouble, maybe I’m learning something new, who knows.

However, trust me, there is nothing wrong with my body. "

"Hokage-sama, what is in there?"

Kakashi couldn't bear it any longer, so he asked forcefully.

"As Hokage, it is really bad to leave your subordinates and people behind!

Please don't be willful. No matter how attractive the things inside are, you should come back. If it doesn't work, let me go in and take a look. "

"Okay, Kakashi."

Natsuhiko's shadow clone shook his head. There was no intention of letting Kakashi pass in his plan.

Although he himself didn't know exactly what happened to the main body and why he hadn't come back after being out for a month.

But just like what he emphasized, he still exists, which means that there is no problem with the ontology.

After sighing slightly, Xia Yan's shadow clone continued to speak.

"Don't worry so much, just do what you need to do, and let others know."

"You have stressed this matter countless times."

Kakashi could see Natsuhiko's persistence, and in the end he could only nod helplessly.

After all, Xia Yan is the Hokage, so he can only be obedient.

"I know, I just hope you come back soon, but don't worry, I will cooperate with you when it's time to cooperate with you."

"That's good."

Natsuhiko's shadow clone smiled at this moment. He stood up and patted Kakashi on the shoulder.

"If I come back, I will tell you as soon as possible, don't worry."

"I see."

Kakashi was still extremely helpless, he said with a wry smile.

"I never expected that I would lie to the entire Konoha people together with the Hokage."

Hearing Kakashi's self-deprecation, Natsuhiko's shadow clone smiled and did not reply.

Turning around, he walked to the window sill and then raised his head and looked at the bright moon in the sky.

At this time, his smile had faded, and his face even became slightly solemn.

He was also really surprised as to what kind of trouble the main body had encountered before it returned to the present and still hasn't come back...


Inside the moon, the originally beautiful and picturesque paradise has become like hell at this moment.

The ground has become uneven, with various deep and shallow tunnels dotted in every corner.

Cracks like tearing apart the earth can be seen everywhere.

The forest has completely disappeared, the winding streams have been evaporated by the flames, and the originally peaceful villages have been wiped off the land.

In the sky, the buildings floating on the pumice and surrounding the Hamura Temple have been almost completely destroyed.

Those with better luck can still leave some ruins behind, as if telling their past existence.

Those who were unlucky had turned into dust and completely dissipated inside the moon.

The artificial sun in the sky, as bright as the dawn, seemed to have fallen into dusk at this moment.

The breath of death enveloped every corner, and the atmosphere of despair lingered in the hearts of every Otsutsuki ninja.

It's so scary, so powerful!

As an Otsutsuki on the moon, they really couldn't believe that a guy from the ninja world could push them to this point by himself.

Looking at the two giants who were still fighting but had been severely broken, they felt so powerless in their hearts.

Every time these two monsters collide, they can create terrifying and extremely destructive power.

And when such destructive power spreads, it will be fatal to everything around!

In the sky, two figures of azure blue and light yellow are constantly intertwining.

That was the battle between their clan leader Maya Otsutsuki and the descendant of Ashura from the ninja world.

The speed of these two people is extremely fast, and the destructive power of these two people is even more impressive than that of the two giants!

Perhaps their damage coverage was far behind those of the two giants.

But their combat effectiveness and their strength are probably not worse than those two monsters.

Suddenly, the two people crossed each other again in the sky, and then they moved away from each other almost at the same time.

Xia Yan gasped and looked at Otsutsuki Maya not far away. At this time, he was really in a rare embarrassment.

He knew very well that there were many fractures in his body, and blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth.

If it weren't for his Pure Eye Chakra mode combined with the Nine-Tails mode, he might not be just in such a mess now.

After all, this old man is really powerful. This is definitely the most terrifying enemy Xia Yan has encountered so far!

On the other hand, this old man didn't have any obvious injuries on his body.

In fact, with the help of the reincarnated eye, he couldn't have many scars.

But Xia Yan knew that the old man's fire of life was flickering now, and he had reached his limit.

"It looks like I'm going to win."

Thinking of this, Xia Yan showed a smile.

"I have to say that you are really powerful, but you can't hold on anymore."

"Indeed, I can't hold it any longer."

Facing Natsuhiko's provocation, Otsutsuki Maya remained as indifferent as ever. He nodded calmly and said in an indifferent tone.

"But I said, if I want to kill you, I will definitely kill you. This is an established fact!"


The smile on Xia Yan's face began to turn cold, and his voice seemed a little cold at this moment.

"So, how do you plan to kill them? With you now, those rats are scared out of their wits?"

“Arrogance is a recipe for death, as is ignorance.”

Otsutsuki Maya's aura suddenly strengthened again at this moment. He raised the tin staff in his hand high, and at this moment, the Hamura Temple suddenly bloomed with golden brilliance.

Xia Yan's expression changed slightly, because Otsutsuki Shoma's eyes began to disappear. Not only that, he also heard the same rustling screams coming from all around.

In the Hamura Temple, it seemed as if an ancient ferocious beast was awakening. The violent aura that was about to destroy everything made Xia Yan shudder.

"You will never know and you will never understand the power of the Tenseigan."

Otsutsuki Maya's voice had become weaker this time, his fire of life began to become smaller and extinguished, and even his body continued to dry up.

"The Reincarnation Eye Starfall!"

With the release of his chakra, a terrifying light erupted in the Hamura Temple, and Xia Yan clearly felt that a beam of light had begun to gather.

He really didn't expect that he would still enjoy the bombing of this 'Star Destroyer Cannon' in the end, but he was too lazy to think about it now.

Looking at the Otsutsuki Maya whose life was passing by in front of him, Natsuhiko suddenly put his hands together, and the numerous pairs of chakras in his body had quickly gathered together.

"Do you really think I have no backup plan?" Xia Yan showed a hint of ridicule: "Although I don't know what the result will be, but I know you will all die!"

"Yin Yang Escape·Immortal Technique·True Thousands of Hands!"


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