The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 298: Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama (8K please subscribe~)

Inside the moon, Xia Yan collapsed on the ground helplessly.

At this time, his whole body was filled with severe pain. This feeling was really terrible.

Xia Yan himself didn't even remember how long it had been since he had encountered such a situation.

In other words, even if he entered the most painful period of ANBU, the injuries he suffered might not be as serious as now.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Yan quickly mobilized the chakra in his body and began to recover.

Although his chakra has bottomed out, his resilience is still there.

Relying on the chakra in his body to recover, and using Yang Dun to recover from his injuries, this is the only thing Xia Yan can do now.

"This damn guy..."

Xia Yan cursed secretly in his mind. In the previous battle, he used thousands of moves at the last moment.

And this technique really drained Xia Yan dry.

Whether it's his own chakra, tailed beasts, pure eyes, or senjutsu and yin-yang escape, they have all bottomed out now.

Otherwise, Xia Yan can still mobilize Yang Dun to help him recover, instead of lying here like a dead dog now.

"But, I still survived anyway."

Xia Yan sighed mentally, and his black eyes swept around.

At this time, the inside of the moon had completely changed, with flames and thick smoke spreading wantonly towards the far end.

The sky was filled with all kinds of debris, and the originally bright sun seemed unusually dim at this time.

The temple standing in the clouds was no longer protected by the barrier at this time.

It looked so precarious, constantly swaying in the wind.

There seems to be no living beings inside the moon now. Except for Xia Yan himself, everyone else seems to have died in the previous collision.

Whether it was Otsutsuki Maha or the members of the Otsutsuki clan, they had disappeared without a trace in Xia Yan's perception.

But Xia Yan didn't relax completely. He really couldn't relax at all in a place like this.

Therefore, he has been observing the surroundings with his senses. Even Otsutsuki Shinoha was killed by him. He really didn't want to overturn when he was getting results.

He didn't know how long he had been lying there, but Xia Yan finally recovered a lot.

He reluctantly stood up, and with his movement, severe pain once again shot through his body.

However, he can still endure such pain. After all, he is a qualified ninja. Xia Yan still has the ability to endure pain.

Taking a deep breath, he was immediately choked. The air was filled with strange powder.

The powder entered his nose and mouth along with the smoke, which really made him uncomfortable.

But he didn't complain about anything. After all, he had a share of credit for all this.

Unless there are special circumstances, he will admit it honestly.

This has nothing to do with honesty or not, it's just Xia Yan's own habit.

Raising his head and looking at the temple in the sky, Xia Yan suddenly frowned.

Because he suddenly realized something. With his current chakra level, wanting to go up was simply wishful thinking.

He does have the ability to fly, but that is obtained by manipulating gravity given by the Pure Eye.

His current chakra, let alone opening the Purity Eye, whether he can control it after opening it is a question.

After all, it was still too much consumption, and Xia Yan was really helpless.

Xia Yan sighed slightly, and then he had to think carefully about what he was going to do.

It's obvious that he has taken down the moon now. Even if it is a mess, he has accomplished everything.

It's just that this damaged moon is really unfriendly to Xia Yan.

What he wanted was in the sky, and it would take at least some time for him to recover if he wanted to go up.

The most terrible thing is that Xia Yan also noticed that because he killed the Otsutsuki Maha, the situation within the Yue Group has also changed.

Everything inside the entire moon is controlled by the reincarnation eye. Xia Yan also has some guesses about how Otsutsuki Mayo controls the reincarnation eye.

In the previous battle, he discovered that the tin staff in that guy's hand was the most critical thing.

The tin staff seemed to be a product of Yin and Yang's escape, and there was some special chakra in it.

If there are no accidents, those chakras should be the chakras of the reincarnated eye.

Through those chakras, you can truly communicate with the reincarnated eye, and finally let your own chakra resonate with the reincarnated eye to achieve the control effect.

But Xia Yan had no idea where the tin stick was now.

After all, the battle was so fierce and Xia Yan himself was beaten badly. How could he cover everything?

But now the problem came. Without that damn tin stick, Xia Yan couldn't cope with the environmental changes inside the moon.

Not to mention this problem, as a ninja Natsuhiko can still handle these environmental problems.

But as a human being, how could Xia Yan still live well without eating or drinking?

He didn't bring any rations with him when he came out this time. After all, for him, he didn't feel like he needed to stay in this damn place for long.

And even if he has to stay for a while, at least there are people living here, so he doesn't have to worry about not having anything to eat during this time.

But in this terrible situation, it would be difficult for Xia Yan to eat dirt even if he wanted to.

Because the earth has turned into scorched earth, although there is no need to heat up, is this really worth trying?

This situation really made him extremely helpless, and he even found that he couldn't go back the same way now!

The space has been restored. This is true. Xia Yan can already use the flying thunder god technique.

But the problem came again. The reincarnated eye had become like this. Xia Yan was really not sure whether those space channels were still effective.

Not to mention the problem of the teleportation array, Xia Yan may not be able to investigate the situation now.

Because of the damage caused by the previous battle, he was really not sure whether the protective shield on the outside of the moon was still effective.

If he rushes to the moon surface rashly and the protective shield has failed, then his end may be garbage floating in the universe.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan had an extremely headache. He did know that there was also a teleportation array inside the moon, which was the one used by Naruto and the others.

But the problem is that the space inside the moon is really not small, and it is not easy to check them one by one.

Especially now that the inside of the moon has been destroyed into such a horrible state, and Xia Yan himself is not in good physical condition, he simply cannot do it easily.

"Hey, let's find a relatively safe place to recover chakra as much as possible."

After thinking about it, Xia Yan could only sigh quietly.

There are flames spreading around him now, so it is naturally impossible for him to stay here any longer.

Moreover, this place is also very far away from the magnificent temple in the sky. If Xia Yan wants to go there and just rely on walking, it will probably take a lot of time.

So Xia Yan simply set off now, after all, his goal is to get there.

His speed is not fast. After all, he has consumed so much chakra that he cannot go faster even if he wants to.

Just walking, he suddenly sensed that there was a living person not far from him!

This immediately put him on guard, and he walked over slowly, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

There are only two enemies, and their sunken eyes indicate that their eyes have disappeared.

Their faces were a little distorted and you can imagine how painful they were before. Although they were still alive, they were dying.

Seeing this scene, Natsuhiko took out a kunai and planned to help them relieve their pain.

But when he just walked in front of these two people, Xia Yan suddenly paused.

Because he suddenly discovered that he seemed to be able to use them to do something...


What use can a guy who is blind, seriously injured and unable to move at all, and even said to be dying, be of any use?

Strictly speaking, it is indeed useless, but for those who have mastered the reincarnation of dirty land, this may not necessarily be the case!

Obviously Natsuhiko himself is the one who has mastered this technique, and he also used this technique in conjunction with Hidan to resurrect Hatake Sakumo.

However, in order to resurrect a person through the reincarnation of the dirty earth, some specific materials are needed to complete it.

However, this matter is not a trouble for Qiu. If it is about other things related to daily necessities, he may really not have them.

But if you want to resurrect a specific person, he really has the materials!

He has always kept Senju Hashirama's materials on him, which were given to him by the good old Danzo.

Even if Xia Yan got what he wanted through the system, he didn't throw away those pieces of meat.

In addition, Natsuhiko, the material for Senju Tobirama, has also been prepared. He started preparing after he resurrected Hatake Sakumo.

For a man whose neck is getting closer and closer to the rope on the chandelier, raising the dead to do good work has long been part of his plan.

Therefore, it is normal to prepare materials in advance.

If he wasn't worried about not being able to defeat him, or simply not being able to control him enough, Natsuhiko would have planned to get Uchiha Madara's materials.

You know, Uchiha Madara is really dead.

No matter how hard it is to find his materials, with Orochimaru here, is Natsuhiko still worried that he can't find it?

"It's really a gift that comes to your doorstep."

When Xia Yan thought of this, he put the kunai away directly.

Now he is surviving alone inside the moon, and he can tolerate the loneliness.

But his current injury made it impossible for him to find an intersection or solve any trouble he encountered.

Summoning the reincarnation of the dirty soil, relying on the immortal body of the reincarnation of the dirty soil, Xia Yan can also ask them to help him a lot.

"Besides, I'm also a Senju, and I'm the Fifth Hokage. Isn't it normal for these two modern Hokages to come out to help?"

Without any hesitation, Xia Yan took out two scrolls from his pocket, and then tore open the seal scroll.

These scrolls contain the 'materials' of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama. This is the most critical thing.

And he must move quickly now, after all, the two guys in front of him are clearly unable to bear it any longer.

Could it be that if he met two living people and died in front of him, it would be a big loss.

He still had to use Yang Escape Chakra to restore himself. How could he use such precious chakra to save these two guys?

"Ninja Technique: Reincarnation in the Dirty Land."

When Xia Yan completed all preparations, he immediately began to form seals with his hands.

At this moment, his originally small amount of chakra quickly drained away again.

Two psychic formations appeared instantly under his feet, and with the appearance of dirty paper all over the sky, Xia Yan knew that his technique was completed.

The dirty paper covered them very quickly, and in the blink of an eye the two guys were completely wrapped.

Before they even had time to scream, their forms had already changed.

After just a moment, the two figures who were still slumped on the ground began to stand up.

Their eyes looked so dull and silent, but their dullness quickly turned into confusion.

Then there was a little focus in their eyes and quickly turned into a bright look, and his consciousness was quickly recovering.

" this?"

Suddenly Senju Hashirama moved, he raised his head, looked around and let out a confused sound.

"The human world? And... it's also a battlefield?"


At this moment, a voice sounded behind him, and he turned around to see the figure of his younger brother Senju Tobirama.

But soon his expression became weird, because his brother didn't look like a living person at all now.

His whole body seemed to be fused with a layer of dirt, but it was actually someone else's body.

Unlike a living person, the whole body seems to be fused with a layer of filthy soil, but it is actually the body of someone else.

"It seems that he was reincarnated from the earth. Hey, he was actually summoned back to the world by my own ninjutsu. It's really ironic."

Seeing Senju Hashirama's eyes, Senju Tobirama immediately lowered his head and looked at himself, and then he snorted coldly.

Raising his head, his eyes glanced around, and finally landed on Xia Yan.

"Did you do it, kid...wait, your clothes?"

"Are you reacting too slowly, Tobirama?"

Senju Hashirama suddenly showed a happy smile, he slapped his brother hard on the shoulder, and then laughed loudly.

"That's the Hokage's god-controlling robe, did you just notice it now?

It seems that you have been dead for too long, and your reactions have become slower. "


Senju Tobirama yelled at Senju Hashirama with some gritted teeth, and then he sighed helplessly.

Facing his inconspicuous elder brother, he really didn't have any good solutions.

So he simply looked at the guy wearing the Hokage God's robe. He really had too many doubts in his heart now.

And he has now released his perception, but when his perception swept over Xia Yan, his expression changed slightly.

Because he felt the power of his elder brother, or a power similar to his elder brother but slightly different!

"Who are you?" At this moment, Qianju Feijian became a little wary: "Where is this place?"

"What's wrong, Tobirama?"

The situation of Senju Tobirama made Senju Hashirama a little confused, but when he carefully observed Xia Yan, he was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed.

"That's nice, kid, but I think it would be best if you introduce yourself."

"Of course, the first generation and the second generation, Hokage-sama."

Xia Yan smiled reluctantly. Although he was very tired now, he could still hold on.

"This is the Fifth Hokage of Konoha Village, Natsuhiko Senju."


Natsuhiko Senju?

Upon hearing this name, both Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama were stunned for a moment.

Then the two of them kept smiling, and Senju Tobirama completely let down his guard at this moment.

Senju Hashirama laughed even more, and hit Tobirama's shoulder again.

This made Senju Tobirama very dissatisfied, but he didn't care at all.

Another Hokage appears in the Senju clan, which is definitely a good thing for them. Maybe Senju Hashirama hasn't thought too much yet.

But Senju Tobirama had different ideas. After all, before he died, he gave the position of Hokage to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Is that Xia Yan?"

Senju Hashirama was very happy now. Although he guessed that he was in the battlefield, he didn't take it to heart at all.

"The Fifth Generation, it seems that Konoha is developing very well!

By the way, the second Hokage is Tobirama, who is after this? "

"The third generation is a monkey."

Qianju Tobirama crossed his chest with his hands and spoke casually.

"I was attacked by people from Hidden Cloud Village and was seriously injured and couldn't leave, so I gave the position of Hokage to Monkey."

"You are really messing around."

Senju Hashirama raised his eyebrows, he seemed a little unhappy.

"I told you, Hokage is chosen by everyone, not you alone. You do this..."

"Shut up, brother!"

Senju Tobirama seemed to have had enough of Senju Hashirama, and he directly interrupted Hashirama's words.

“It was an emergency and I gave my test.

He is qualified as a suitable Hokage, and now the Hokage has reached the fifth generation, which shows that Konoha is also very good.

Now the juniors are here to watch, so just shut up, okay! "

Senju Tobirama's series of cannon fire directly made Senju Hashirama's face freeze. In the end, he could only lower his head helplessly and seemed extremely disappointed.

Obviously he knew that he couldn't compete with his brother on this kind of thing, or he didn't have the time to fight for these things.

He knew very well that the biggest difference between him and his brother was that he was an idealist, while his brother was a realist.

When he was Hokage, everyone respected him. In addition to his strength, another thing was that he was honest with others.

But he knew very well that without the help of his brother, he, the Hokage, would never be able to live in peace.

He will not use his power to rule Konoha. He has never done so. After all, he regards everyone in Konoha as his family.

And he also knew how many problems would be caused and left behind if he used power to rule Konoha.

Therefore, when he was Hokage, he would choose to listen to Senju Tobirama on many things.

And Senju Tobirama also showed his governance ability, and also showed his extraordinary skills.

Even though they had completely different views on many things, his brother proved that he was right about many things.

"Okay, shut up, you annoying guy."

Seeing Senju Hashirama's disappointed look, Senju Tobirama didn't pay attention at all, and he looked at Xia Yan again.

“The third generation is a monkey, what about the fourth generation?

And when is it now in Konoha, is there another war in the ninja world? "

"The fourth Hokage's name is Namikaze Minato. He was seriously injured so I became Hokage."

Xia Yan was not surprised by the behavior of the two brothers. He spread his hands and said.

"As for it is the fifty-second year of Konoha, and it is not considered a war now, the battle is over."

"Huh? The battle is over?"

Senju Hashirama's look of despair just now disappeared immediately, and he unexpectedly raised his head to look at Xia Yan.

"Then why did you summon us out? How come it's only been fifty-two years since Konoha, and there have been five Hokages in more than fifty years?"

"Boy, what on earth is going on?"

Senju Tobirama's expression changed slightly now. He really didn't expect that Konoha would have had five Hokages in just fifty years.

This gave him a very, very bad premonition. Could there be some serious situation in Konoha that would lead to the constant replacement of Hokage?

From Senju Tobirama's perspective, this situation could be a war or an internal struggle.

Senju Hashirama, on the other hand, thought much more simply. In his opinion, this was probably caused by the war.

Especially the environment they were in now, which made him sigh even more helplessly.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. I'll tell you while we're walking."

Looking at the faces of these two people, Xia Yan knew what they were thinking. He couldn't help but sigh slightly and then explained briefly.

As Xia Yan explained, their expressions were constantly changing.

When they heard that Hiruzen Sarutobi had become the longest-reigning Hokage and carried forward what Senju Tobirama left behind, making Konoha prosperous.

Both of them couldn't help but laugh. After all, Konoha was their hard work.

And when they heard what Sarutobi Hiruzen did after he came to power, both of their expressions changed.

However, Natsuhiko had no intention of reporting anything to Hiruzen Sarutobi. He simply told the old man the situation at that time.

This immediately silenced both Hokages, especially Senju Tobirama who closed his eyes helplessly.

Of course he understood what Sarutobi Hiruzen did, because if he were in that position, the choice he would make would not be much better.

Just understanding is understanding, should he be angry or should he be angry.

But fortunately, when he heard that Natsuhiko used a series of methods to come to power, and successfully retaliated against Sarutobi Hiruzen and tricked them into doing that.

He couldn't help but laugh, but he felt extremely bitter when he just laughed.

The people Xia Yan takes revenge on are all his disciples without exception.

This feeling is really bad, and he really doesn't want to know or understand these things if he can.

Compared with the complexity of Senju Tobirama, Senju Hashirama is much calmer.

Perhaps it was because he accepted the fact that he was dead.

Although he was also angry and angry, he was basically relieved after learning that Xia Yan had taken revenge.

What he is more concerned about now is Xia Yan's strength. Xia Yan said that he single-handedly defeated Yunyin's 8,000-man army.

And the technique he used was Wood Release, especially after he could use the True Thousand Hands, his eyes were even brighter.

That's Mu Dun, those are my own special skills!

Xia Yan said that he was a Mu Dun who accidentally awakened five or six years ago, and his chakra aura is so similar to his own. Does this mean...

"Thank you for your hard work, kid."

Thinking of this, Senju Hashirama smiled and patted Xia Yan on the shoulder.

"But you are Hokage now, so you have to work hard!"

"I understand, Shodaime-sama."

Xia Yan smiled and nodded. He was really tired now, but luckily everything was over.

"But I have a question to ask you."

Senju Hashirama's smile was still there, but for some reason Xia Yan felt that this guy's smile seemed a little weird.

"Sir Shodaime, please speak."

"You are Tsunade's child, then why don't you call me grandpa?"



When Xia Yan heard Senju Hashirama's words, his head was filled with questions.

Although everything seems to be suitable in terms of age, how could Natsuhiko have any connection with Tsunade?

You must know that Natsuhiko admitted in private that he did not want to see Tsunade come back.

How could someone who could speak such words have any connection with Tsunade?

Looking at Senju Hashirama's expression, Xia Yan sighed helplessly. He seemed to understand why this guy had such thoughts.

In the final analysis, this is because of Mu Dun, or the power in his body that is similar to Senju Hashirama.

After all, the name of Natsuhiko's rising power is called 'Broken Asura's Power', and Senju Hashirama is the heir to the most complete Asura's Power.

How could the chakras of the two of them not be somewhat similar? If it weren't for Xia Yan's power being too complicated, his chakra would have changed a lot.

Otherwise, if they are exactly the same, there is no problem at all.

However, Xia Yan will not tell this kind of magic. This is Xia Yan's own secret. No matter who the other party is, he will never reveal anything!

Of course, this explanation still needs some explanation.

Speaking of his own parents, do they have any connection with the two in front of him?

In terms of hair color, Natsuhiko feels that he should be closer to Senju Hashirama.

"Well, Shodaime-sama, you are mistaken."

Xia Yan smiled awkwardly, spread his hands and explained.

"Tsunade-sama is not married and has no children. I have no relationship with her."

"What?" There was a hint of astonishment in Senju Hashirama's expression: "You are not her child? Then your power is..."

"I don't know what happened, but I did awaken this power."

Xia Yan also looked confused and very tired.

"And didn't I say before that apart from Wood Escape, my best skills are actually Water Escape and Flying Thunder God.

And my hair color, isn’t it also white? Isn’t this more reminiscent of Nidaime-sama? "

Natsu Yan's words made Senju Hashirama's face slightly bitter, but it wasn't that Natsu Yan was not directly related to him by blood.

The reason why he was bitter was that Tsunade was not married yet!

In terms of age, Tsunade is in her forties now, right?

In their war-torn times, those in their forties would be considered grandmothers!

But Tsunade was still alone, which really made Senju Hashirama feel a little confused.

Senshou Tobirama raised his eyebrows. He had long noticed the problem with Xia Yan's hair color.

Also in Xia Yang's previous self-report, he also said that he was very good at the Flying Thunder God technique.

From these two aspects, it seems that this boy is still his descendant?

The most important thing is that this guy has very high political acumen and is also very flexible.

He was absolutely tough when it was time to be tough, otherwise how could he have killed the former ANBU minister in front of everyone.

There was also such a thing as forcing Hiruzen Sarutobi to kill Shimura Danzo alive.

Natsuhiko possesses all of his character, skills, and abilities. Even Sarutobi Hiruzen, Natsuhiko's political enemy, is convinced by him.

It was even determined that this guy was the Hokage and had switched sides at the most critical moment.

Of course, Senju Tobirama is certain that Natsuhiko can win if Sarutobi Hiruzen doesn't defect.

Because this kid gave him the feeling that he was simply another version of himself, even a better version of himself.

Suddenly, Senju Tobirama's expression became strange, because he discovered that this boy was simply a fusion of himself and his elder brother!

"With my political acumen and strong enough skills, as well as the strength of my elder brother, this kid is simply..."

Senju Tobirama knew very well that he and his eldest brother each had certain shortcomings.

Senju Hashirama's shortcoming is that he is too kind and full of idealism.

Perhaps the only thing Senju Tobirama agreed with Uchiha Madara's proposal was to integrate the entire ninja world.

But this matter was denied by Senju Hashirama, which made him very helpless.

Senju Tobirama's own shortcomings are actually very obvious, that is, his strength is not bad compared to others.

But compared to his brother and Uchiha Madara, it's really a huge difference.

If he had had his brother's strength back then, he wouldn't have been killed by those two lunatics from Yunyin Village.

But now, such a guy has appeared in Konoha. How can he not be happy in his heart? How can he not feel happy?

Especially this kid, he is from their Thousand Hands clan!

"Forget it, don't talk about these things."

While Senju Tobirama was thinking, Senju Hashirama said with a depressed expression.

"Boy, although you are our junior, you are already the Hokage, and we are still from the same clan.

So you don't have to be so polite, just call me by my name. "

"Is this so? I understand, Senior Hashirama."

Xia Yan thought for a moment and simply nodded.

"Good. This at least makes me feel like I'm not that old, even though I won't be old when I die."

Senju Hashirama laughed again, while Senju Tobirama helplessly covered his face with his hands.

"By the way, Xia Yan, why did you summon us?

At first, I thought it was a problem of war. I also want to remind you that we cannot exert much strength now.

But I remember you said it wasn't a war, so where is this place and what is going on? "


Xia Yan sighed quietly, and then he spoke slowly.

"This is the moon. As for calling you out, on the one hand, I want you to protect me, and on the other hand, I need someone to help..."


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