The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 299 Three Thousand Hands, Three Hokages (8K please subscribe~)

"Summoning these two people really allows me to rest at ease."

Among the ruins inside the moon, Xia Yan slouched down comfortably, and then he soaked in the hot water again.

Summoning his two predecessors, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, Xia Yan really made an extremely correct decision.

He was really too tired, and the consumption of chakra was too huge, especially the consumption of Yin Yang Escape, which left him with insufficient support both physically and mentally.

But in an environment like the moon, he really didn't dare to be careless at all.

After he and the two men briefly introduced the situation, Xia Yan couldn't hold it anymore and fell asleep directly.

When he woke up again, he actually found one or two more corpses around him.

It's those Otsutsuki, who knows how they got to our side.

Moreover, Xia Yan could also see that these Otsutsuki seemed to have been tortured, which was obviously a good thing done by these two Hokages.

Although Xia Yan gave them both an answer, Xia Yan's words were too fantasy.

Are they on the moon?

This statement really confused these two people, because they had never heard that people could live on the moon.

But before they could ask any more questions, Xia Yan had already fallen asleep, leaving them with nothing to do.

And Senju Hashirama didn't lie. At this time, his strength was indeed not much different from that before him.

Of course, even if their current strength is not very good, if they really throw them into the ninja world, they will almost be swept away.

The sacrifice used by Xia Yan was the Otsutsuki clan on the moon.

Although these guys were facing Xia Yan with full firepower, they seemed a little vulnerable.

But this also has to take into account Natsuhiko's full vitality state. I am afraid that in the original work, he is on the same level as Naruto Sasuke, who has not received the inheritance.

It is not even an exaggeration to say that Xia Yan may be stronger, after all, he has much more methods.

The most important point is that Xia Yan has mastered the power of Yin Yang Escape.

Yin-Yang Escape is definitely a power that can turn decay into miraculous power. If he hadn't faced Otsutsuki Maya's desperate attack, he would have been more willing to use Yin-Yang Escape combined with ordinary escape techniques to counterattack.

This not only saves effort, but also allows you to test the limits of the Yin-Yang Shield combined with the escape technique.

Even Xia Yan was wondering at the beginning whether to separate Yin and Yang Escape and play separate Yin Escape and Yang Escape.

But it's a pity that these guys didn't give him this chance at all.

The power of Yin-Yang Escape is so magical, and those who have mastered Yin-Yang Escape will naturally be good at it.

After all, Yang Dun can improve physical fitness. Xia Yan himself has benefited from this, so there is no need to doubt it.

His physical fitness is already very strong to begin with, and with the Yang Release that he can control, it is extraordinary to improve even if he is just a beginner.

Xia Yan can be sure that if he is really serious, neither Lianhua nor Qiong will be his opponent.

Of course, it refers to some specific places. He even thought confidently that it would not be a problem for them to summon several shadow clones!

Although these Ōtsutsuki on the moon are strictly pirated copies, they cannot be compared with the real Ōtsutsuki.

But after all, they are the descendants of Hamura Otsutsuki, and they have all learned Yin Yang Escape.

Their physical fitness is also ridiculously strong. Even if the sacrifice Xia Yan found is already half-dead, the domineering nature of the reincarnation of the dirty land does not matter so much.

Xia Yan thought about it, I'm afraid the limits of these two people are really not low.

For Senju Tobirama, he should be at the sixth or seventh level with peak strength.

As for Senju Hashirama, he should be around the fifth or sixth level of strength.

Anyway, it's definitely much stronger than the guy Orochimaru summoned to deal with Sarutobi Hiruzen in the original work.

In fact, Xia Yan's estimate was about the same. Their strength was not at its peak, but they could still cope with a lot of trouble.

Especially after they had a good look at the area, they really noticed that this was not the ninja world.

But this was not enough. They also specially found one or two people who were alive and tortured them, and the answers they got really shocked them.

It turns out that there are really people living on the moon, because there really are immortals of six paths in this world.

It turns out that there are still so many unknown things in this world.

Of course, they also knew that these guys seemed to have deep ill intentions towards the ninja world.

Natsu Yan has now destroyed these guys by himself, which is really a good thing for the ninja world.

But the information they received also surprised them.

Because they seem to have heard that this junior of theirs can do space magic, can summon tree ninjutsu full of Yang Release, and can also summon wooden giants.

These are normal. Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama are both very proud. After all, this kid is using things they are good at.

However, when the guy said that Xia Yan also had a pair of eyes that were very similar to the reincarnated eye, both of them were immediately confused.

Eyes that look very similar to the Tenseigan?

Do the Senju Clan have eyes like this?

Also, what is the Tenseigan?

Of course, they knew what the Tenseigan was from another person's mouth, and they also knew how powerful it was.

Because the entire internal space of the moon is maintained entirely by the reincarnation eye.

And they now seem to have guessed some of Xia Yan's purposes for summoning the two of them, especially what he said he wanted to study.

"I said, are you enjoying it a little too much?"

Just when Natsuhiko was feeling comfortable in the bath, Senju Hashirama said unhappily.

"You ask us to find food, and you ask us to find some kind of teleportation array, but you are taking a bath here?

You are bullying us as we are reincarnated in the dirty earth and have no sense of touch, right? "

"The last sentence is what you want to say, right?"

Xia Yan smiled completely nonchalantly when he heard this, and then he still looked up at the temple floating in the air.

Senju Hashirama's character is indeed very out-of-the-box, or in other words, as long as he is not his enemy, it is very easy to get along with him.

After Xia Yan woke up, he found that he was recovering well, but he was also in a mess.

So he simply chose to relax, like taking a hot bath or something.

This is simply not too easy for him.

Use Wood Escape to get some firewood, use Earth Escape to condense a bathtub, use Water Escape to collect some water, and finally use Fire Escape to light the firewood.

"But speaking of which, have you found any food?"

Xia Yan looked at the sky for a long time, then finally looked away and asked.

"You are reincarnations of filthy earth and do not need food, but I am still a living person. I can't bear it.

Also, have you discovered anything about the teleportation array? Being trapped here is not a good thing. "

"You have caused too much damage, and now you are in great trouble."

Qianju Tobirama said calmly from the side with a cold face. He was also a little dissatisfied with Xia Yan's actions.

“Forget about food, I can’t even find a mouse.

As for the teleportation array, it's even more troublesome. The place has been destroyed like this, and it's very difficult to find it. "

"Is this so?"

Xia Yan sighed quietly, and his eyes were once again placed on the floating temple in the sky.

"It seems that we have to find a way to get up..."


Xia Yan still believed what Senju Tobirama said. After all, this ghost place was inside the moon. It was indeed doubtful whether there were rats here.

Not to mention mice, Xia Yan guessed whether there were cockroaches in this ghost place was a problem.

There is no food, and the water source is also a problem - although Xia Yan can use water escape, the water of water escape cannot be drunk casually.

It contains chakra. Even if it is cooked, it is mostly used for emergencies.

It's hard to say if you drink too much, it will cause irreversible damage to your body.

Xia Yan wouldn't take risks to do these things. It's okay to take a bath with water escape, just drink it.

Therefore, the only way to solve Xia Yan's current troubles is to go to the temple towering above the clouds.

Xia Yan didn't know if there were any food reserves inside, but after thinking about it, it was better than Xia Yan waiting here stupidly.

Even if it doesn't, the reincarnated eye is right there, and Xia Yan might be able to find a way to use that thing to go back!

But there are many problems. The first one is that Xia Yan's chakra has not recovered yet.

He is still in a relatively weak state, and it is really unrealistic to use wood escape.

In addition, it seemed that he overused his eyes in the last battle.

He has no way to open his pure eyes now. Naturally, he has no way to let himself fly up in such a situation.

No matter how you look at it, the temple is thousands of meters away from the ground. This distance really makes Xia Yan feel extremely big.

"What can you do?"

Standing in the ruins below the temple, Xia Yan looked at the two people behind him curiously and asked.

The sky at this time was still like dusk, and the system of alternating day and night seemed to have failed at this moment.

The huge sun seemed to have been fixed at this moment, coupled with the desolate scene inside the moon and the strong wind that kept blowing.

This situation really made Xia Yan feel like he had traveled to the hell in "Constantine".

This place is basically the same except that it doesn't have those trademark zombie cuties.

"It's so high, it's really troublesome."

Senju Hashirama touched his chin, thought for a moment and spoke.

“If I were still in my heyday, I might consider sending them up there with literally thousands of hands.

But now I have no way to use it at all, after all, I can't use magic now. "

"Xia Yan, if you find a sacrifice, there is really no way for us to be at our peak."

Qianju Tobiran crossed his arms over his chest, and he stood aside and spoke.

"Although it's very wrong, for the eldest brother, he really can't give his best."

Senju Tobirama is the inventor of Earth Reincarnation, and he really has a say.

And let alone Senju Hashirama, even he himself has not fully recovered.

The power of Senju Tobirama is indeed far behind compared to Senju Hashirama.

But he was able to achieve a great reputation when the ninja world was at its most chaotic, and he also had a record of killing Uchiha Izuna.

His own strength is almost unmatched by the ninja world.

The most important thing is that his fighting method is not to rely on strength to overcome, but to use his brain.

Looking at the temple that was about to float in the sky, he thought for a while and suddenly a smile appeared on his lips.

"I think I have a way to give it a try."

Senju Tobirama said slowly, his eyes full of confidence.

"any solution?"

Senju Hashirama tilted his head and looked at him. He was quite curious about what his brother was thinking.

"Brother, use the wooden man's technique."

Senju Tobirama twisted his neck, and at the same time his chakra began to surge.

"You use the wooden man to throw me up, and then I use multiple shadow clones in the air. With the Flying Thunder God technique, I think I can get up."

Use a wooden man to throw the person up, and then use multiple shadow clones to continuously alternate and superimpose, throw each other and cooperate with the flying thunder god technique.

Will he finally be able to get close to the rocks around the temple and leave a mark so that he can finally reach the top?

The three Senjus, except for Senju Hashirama, are sometimes not very bright, but there is absolutely no problem in fighting.

When Senju Tobirama said this, both Xia Yan and Senju Hashirama immediately understood what he meant.

I have to say, this does seem to be a very good choice.

"It's a good idea. In my current state, I can indeed use the wooden man technique."

Senju Hashirama thought for a while before speaking, but soon he became confused again.

“It just requires a high degree of cooperation and is also very dangerous.

The height is so high. If you make an accidental mistake, you will have no chance of surviving if you fall. "

"Of course I'll do it."

Qianju Tobirama rolled his eyes and said helplessly.

"This kid is in such a bad state right now, although he is recovering quickly.

But you and I can both feel how he is doing now.

Even if you were asked to do it, would you be able to fly the Thunder God Technique? "

"No, I don't need to learn it."

Senju Hashirama spread his hands indifferently. His speed was already fast enough and there was no need to use Flying Thunder God.

Of course, he has to learn it very quickly. He has seen this technique before, and he knows the complicated parts very well.

"It's just that it's dangerous for you to go."

"What nonsense are you talking about? We are dead!"

Senju Hashirama's words immediately stunned Senju Tobirama, and even Xia Yan looked at him in confusion.

After just a moment, Senju Tobirama roared angrily, while Senju Hashirama shrank his head in an unusually cooperative manner.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan really felt that his head was a little big.

At this moment, he seemed to understand a little, how that guy Suigetsu felt when he saw the god of the ninja world.

This guy is so stupid, how did he become the god of the ninja world?

“I can only say that Asura’s power is amazing!

Wait, I also have the power of Asura. I won't be infected with this idiot disease, right? "


The thousand-year grudge between Asura and Indra has been passed down to this day. Xia Yan really doesn't know how many inheritors there are.

But Xia Yan knew very well that these two people seemed to have not only passed on their will and strength, but also their own personalities.

The successors of Indra are basically as powerful as 2,580,000 people. They always appear to be the best in the world in labor and capital, and it is always like 'the weather is clearing up'.

In this situation, Xia Yan had seen a saying before traveling through time, that is, they were born with a skill called 'pretend to escape'.

This kind of pretense makes their taunt level maxed out, and you can't help but want to beat them wherever they stand.

The most typical representative is probably Uchiha Sasuke. This kid really has a full taunt level.

In addition to him, Uchiha Madara is also considered one.

It's just that Uchiha Madara is too strong. Even though he is standing there, people can't help but want to beat him.

But the problem is that no one of his generation knows his strength.

Even if you have the intention, you are powerless.

In addition, these successors of Indra seem to have basically inherited a special attribute due to the Sharingan.

That is neurosis, and the higher the level of neurosis, the stronger their strength becomes.

As for the inheritors of Asura, Xia Yan remembered reading an evaluation before traveling through time, that is, they were all hot-blooded idiots.

Needless to say, passion, the spirit of never giving up is indeed worth learning.

And failure is nothing to them, they will only become more and more courageous, and finally climb to the top.

And if you are an idiot...

This is also easy to understand, look at Senju Hashirama's cute look, and look at Naruto's silly character.

And they all seem to have a natural skill, which is 'mouth escape'.

Relying on their mouths, they can convince many enemies to beat them first.

Naruto's mouth is the most powerful. This kid can really convince a lot of people with his mouth.

Even this kid Obito, he said, seemed to have a genjutsu.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Why is it that among the two sons of Sage of Six Paths, one is insane and the other is an idiot?

What made Xia Yan feel even worse was that Xia Yan's rise relied on the 'broken power of Asura'.

He had never thought about this problem seriously before, and there was no Naruto next to him.

What's more, with the plot turned out like this by him, Xia Yan was a little doubtful whether Naruto, a boy, could still activate the power of Asura.

But now Senju Hashirama was summoned by him, and his silly performance immediately made Xia Yan realize something.

He was really worried about whether he would be infected, even though the persona he created for himself was sunny and warm, very much like Senju Hashirama.

But this doesn't mean that Xia Yan really wants to become an idiot.

"I have to pay more attention and be more careful in the future. I definitely can't become an idiot!"

While Xia Yan was thinking, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama also took action.

They are brothers after all. Even though they died many years apart, there is still that innate tacit understanding.

Moreover, Xia Yan also watched the moves of the two of them very seriously. After all, the techniques used by Xia Yan were really leftovers from their games.

Even though Xia Yan now has more powerful techniques, it's impossible to use these powerful techniques to defeat monsters, right?

Just imagine, facing a more ordinary enemy, he has to use Wood Escape, Pure Eye or even Yin Yang Escape. Isn't it embarrassing?

Even if it's a lion fighting a rabbit, Xia Yan still has to consider the distribution of his chakra.

He had already suffered the loss of consuming all the chakra at once twice in a row. Reasonable mobilization of chakra and reasonable allocation of ninjutsu were indeed what he needed to consider.


A huge wooden man over 200 meters tall was released in Senju Pillar, and in conjunction with Senju Tobirama's shadow clone and the Flying Thunder God.

In the end, Senju Tobirama succeeded in leaving a curse seal on the pumice stones around the temple, and Natsuhiko also used Senju Tobirama's curse seal to take Senju Hashirama up at this moment.

"Can you use my curse seal?"

Outside the temple, Senju Tobirama looked at Xia Yan with some confusion.

"Everyone's curse seal is different in Flying Thunder God. How did you do it?"

"Maybe it's talent."

Xia Yan smiled casually. Could it be that I also told you that my Flying Thunder God has systematic cooperation?

"It's interesting to say that I can use all the curse seals.

The Yondaime Hokage is also very good at flying thunder gods, and I can also use his curse seal. "

"is that so?"

When Qianju Tojian heard Xia Yan's story, he was also a little surprised.

After all, according to his opinion, this kind of thing should exist in theory.

But Xia Yan did it, which only shows that his talent is really good.

Xia Yan's talent is indeed powerful, otherwise how could he have mastered such terrifying power at such a young age?

Senju Tobirama couldn't help but laugh when he thought of this. He seemed to be a little competitive.

"Let me see your kunai. What kind of curse seal did you use?"


Xia Yan looked at Senju Tobirama with a puzzled expression, and in the end he could only spread his hands.

"I don't use kunai, it's too cumbersome, and don't you think throwing kunai out would be too big a target?"

"Then how did you leave a mark on the enemy?"

Senju Hashirama is also a little curious now. Even if he can't fly Thunder God, he still understands the principle.

"You guys feel the underground."

Faced with this problem, Xia Yan couldn't help but chuckle.

"Since I can use Wood Release, why do I have to go to so much trouble to use kunai as the carrier of the curse seal?"


After receiving Xia Yan's prompt, they immediately started to follow suit.

But when their perception penetrated, their expressions changed slightly.

Because in their perception, their feet were already covered with dense wood escape seeds.

And on top of these Wood Release seeds, there is also the hidden power of the curse seal!

Obviously, Xia Yan still hid his Flying Thunder God in these seeds, and the coverage of these seeds is also very wide.

When Xia Yan saw the expressions of these two people, he couldn't help but smile proudly.

To be honest, he really didn't mind revealing this secret.

In fact, some people in the ninja world have already made speculations. After all, Xia Yan's Flying Thunder God is too ghostly.

Moreover, Xia Yan believed that these two people would not be his enemies if there was no accident.

Both of them also have super sensory abilities, and Xia Yan knows that once he uses it, they will definitely know what is going on.

So telling them it's no big deal, Xia Yan doesn't need to worry at all.

"Did you combine Mu Dun and Flying Thunder God together?"

It took a long time before Qian Shu Feijian sighed.

"Genius ideas and designs, you really surpass me so much."

"He has surpassed you a long time ago. Even if you are alive, you are no match for him."

Senju Hashirama punched his brother's shoulder hard, and then laughed.

"Being surpassed by younger generations is not a shameful thing, you should feel proud.

Also, don’t talk about these things, we have already reached our destination..."


Hamura Shrine is really very big, and Xia Yan is absolutely sure that there will be no problem if thousands of people live in it.

But he knew better that even if Otsutsuki was at his peak on the moon, there wouldn't be many people living here.

Judging from the situation of Hinata's guys, the only people living in this Hamura Temple are those from the clan.

As for the more numerous members of the branch family, they may have some status and live on the buildings on the floating islands around the temple.

People with lower status probably live above the ground.

As for whether the specific situation is like this, Xia Yan doesn't know, and he also doesn't care.

After entering this maze-like temple, Xia Yan and the others did not rush to the Tsangscargan.

The chakra released by that huge reincarnation eye was so conspicuous that for three people with super-perception, it was as dazzling and dazzling as the sun.

Now that his location can be determined, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama themselves are a little interested in this huge reincarnation eye.

Therefore, the first thing they did after coming in was to create shadow clones and then help Xia Yan find his necessary food and water.

At the same time, they also need to make sure whether there are other living people in this temple.

And their luck was good. They did find that there was enough food and water stored in this temple.

In addition, there are indeed living people in this temple.

It's just that these living people are already dying, and they can't make any big waves at all.

"But there are quite a few puppets here."

In a palace, Senju Hashirama looked at the food played by Xia Yan with some greed while talking about his findings.

"Those puppets are different from those made by those from the Kingdom of Wind. They seem to be more advanced.

My shadow clone didn't find chakra threads, but they had the power of the reincarnated eye. "

"Puppet? I understand."

Xia Yan nodded, but he remembered that Otsutsuki Toneri used puppets to take care of his daily life.

And he also knew very well that the combat effectiveness of those puppets seemed to be quite strong.

But Xia Yan really didn't take these puppets too seriously. You must know that there are three Hokage of the Senju clan gathered here.

Even if his own combat power has not yet recovered, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama are not at their peak.

But these two people are not just showing off, and those puppets are obviously not a problem.

"Don't worry, those puppets don't have much chakra, and they are not aggressive now."

Senju Tobirama sat aside and said indifferently, but he always felt embarrassed looking at his elder brother's appearance.

“I tested them, but they didn’t react much.

Maybe Natsuhiko killed the person who controlled the Tsangikan, so those puppets were considered useless. "

"Is that so?"

Senju Hashirama couldn't help but laugh when he heard this. He finally looked away from the food that Xia Yan was playing with.

"It seems that we will be a lot more relaxed in the future. To be honest, I am really interested in that reincarnated eye."

I'm afraid anyone would be interested in something like the Tsangikagan.

Even if this guy Uchiha Madara comes here, he will most likely want to study it.

Of course, Xia Yan knew that these two people probably really wanted to help him.

After all, these two are dead, and even if they studied it, it was just to satisfy some of their curiosity.

But Xia Yan was different. He was a living person. The most important thing was that they knew that Xia Yan seemed to have similar eyes.

They didn't know how Xia Yan got those eyes, nor did they know what Xia Yan's eyes looked like.

But they never asked. As ninjas, they knew very well that everyone had their own secrets.

The most they could do was guess whether Natsuhiko's parents had intermarried with Hinata or Uchiha.

Of course, the probability of this is still very low. Uchiha and Senju are already feuding, and intermarriage is simply unimaginable.

Of course it's not impossible, it's just very low.

Hinata, on the other hand, was so conservative that it was outrageous. After all, even the main family and branch families had done it, and it was impossible for them to let their blood flow out.

But it doesn't matter anymore, it's enough that Xia Yan's last name is Senju.

Especially Xia Yan has awakened Mu Dun, which all shows that Xia Yan is their descendant.

If the younger generation has secrets, they won't tell them if they don't want to, but as elders, they naturally have to help their younger generation.

In addition, Natsuhiko is also the fifth generation Hokage of Konoha Village!

Those who can become Kage are the choices of Konoha residents. Even if there are some small tricks involved, at least they are qualified and successful.

Due to emotions and reasons, they will help Xia Yan.

"By the way, after this is over, let's go back to Konoha together."

Xia Yan saw that the food was cooked and immediately picked it up and started eating. He didn't even look like Senju Hashirama was getting greedy again.

But while he was eating, he also began to express some of his thoughts.

"Konoha has changed a lot now, and is also undergoing reforms. I think the two former Hokage should also be curious about Konoha today, right?"

"I'm really curious, but let's talk about this kind of thing later."

After hearing Xia Yan's words, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama both had a ray of light in their eyes.

But after thinking for a while, Senju Hashirama shook his head.

"In the end, we are all dead, and it was a mistake for us to appear in this world.

In fact, I have always been opposed to Hashirama's research on earth reincarnation, but obviously my opposition has no effect. "

"Brother, just let the existence of the technique mean that it complies with the rules, okay?"

Senju Tobirama said unhappily, but his momentum was obviously a little weak.

"Although I admit that this technique will indeed bring many bad effects, I still stick to my opinion."

"I think so too."

Xia Yan also spoke now, and he said while eating.

"Since this technique can be born, it means that it complies with the rules. If it really does not comply with the rules, then it cannot appear.

Moreover, I have also seen and used forbidden techniques that are even more incredible in your opinion. "


When it comes to forbidden arts, Qianju Tobijian becomes more energetic.

"What kind of forbidden technique, tell me."

"A forbidden technique that can resurrect the dead."

Xia Yan said with a smile, his eyes swept over the two people, and then he spoke slowly.

"Including reincarnating the filthy earth into resurrection."

After the words fell, the atmosphere instantly became solemn...


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