The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 300: Do you want to live again (8K please subscribe~)

It is not impossible to resurrect a person from the state of death.

Both Senju Tobirama and Senju Hashirama actually know that, after all, one of them is good at secret arts and the other can use Yang Release.

After all, Senju Tobirama is a person who can even bring the dead back to life. Even if it is not a true resurrection, he has taken this step after all.

If you give him enough time to study, it's hard to say whether he can really resurrect a dead person.

Not to mention Senju Hashirama, this guy can mobilize Yang escape just like Xia Yan.

Using Yang Escape to ignite a person's fire of life is indeed a way to resurrect a person.

However, his operation also has the same limitations as Xia Yan's before, that is, this person's fire of life cannot be completely extinguished.

Once it is completely extinguished, I'm afraid he may not be able to really do it. Natsuhiko saved Namikaze Minato just before the fire of his life was completely extinguished.

But no matter what, having such an ability has proved that there is indeed a way to resurrect the dead.

But converting a 'zombie' whose body essence does not belong to him, and whose strength gap is extremely large, and is just wrapped in dirty paper, into a living body.

And it is unimaginably difficult to make this body have all the functions of a normal person.

What's more, there are many, many troubles involved in resurrecting like this. The problem of bloodline alone is enough to give people a headache.

And Senju Tobirama also knows that the mismatch between the soul and the body will not have any good results.

He came to this conclusion why Orochimaru had to wait a long, long time. It is difficult to say that the essence of Orochimaru's reincarnation technique was based on Senju Tobirama.

He is a typical guy who after reincarnation, the mismatch between body and soul eventually caused a series of troubles.

The collapse of his body is still a trivial matter. After all, he has prepared the body he needs in advance so that he can continue to be reincarnated.

However, during such a reincarnation process, the soul will also suffer considerable damage due to the mismatch of the body.

Orochimaru was restrained to this extent by the illusion of Sharingan, which shows that there are many problems.

Therefore, when they heard that Xia Yan actually used the reincarnation of dirty soil as a corpse to completely resurrect a person, the expressions on their faces were really, really wonderful.

What Senju Hashirama was thinking about was breaking the natural balance, but soon he sighed helplessly.

He knew that the so-called natural balance was nothing to his brother and his junior and fifth generation Hokage.

The two of them would not care about this at all, and it would be in vain if he said it.

Therefore, what he is thinking about now is naturally the issue of Xia Yan conducting such illegal human experiments.

And a series of ethical and moral issues faced after resurrecting the dead.

Senju Tobirama, on the other hand, was very direct. He was thinking about how Xia Yan did it.

What kind of technique can allow the reincarnation of the dirty land to do such a thing.

Beyond that, what happens when you resurrect.

After resurrection, what is the physical condition of the person who was cast, what is the bloodline condition, and what is the specific strength.

"I can see that you two have a lot of doubts."

Xia Yan naturally felt the change in the atmosphere, but he didn't care.

He smiled softly, and then continued to walk towards the position of the reincarnation eye, while speaking.

"Then let me answer them one by one. I wonder where the two Hokages want to start?"

"Um, are you doing such an experiment?"

Senju Hashirama spoke immediately, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Senju Tobirama.

"Brother, shut up and don't say whether it's right to do experiments. The development of ninjutsu must go through constant experiments.

There is no right or wrong in such an experiment, only whether it is beneficial to people and Konoha. "

After saying this, Senju Tobirama didn't even look at Senju Hashirama. He turned directly to look at Xia Yan.

"Xia Yan, let me ask you, what is the operation process of this technique, and what is the final result.

You know, I want to know what the result contains. "

"I can also answer Hashirama-senpai's questions. Actually, it's not a big deal."

Xia Yan spread his hands and explained directly.

"This experiment was not done by Konoha, it was when I went to Sunagakure Village to perform a hostage handover mission when I was still in ANBU.

The people from Sunagakure attacked me, so I retaliated for what they took.

After getting this surgery, I returned to Konoha and discovered that this was a technique that could resurrect the dead.

It’s just that I didn’t have the conditions to study it at the time, so I put it on hold for the time being.

But later it was revealed that Danzo and Orochimaru were studying wood escape, and Orochimaru became an abandoned son and left Konoha, so I found him and asked him to study it. "

Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama have been with Natsuhiko these days, and they basically know the big and small things that Konoha has experienced in these years.

They naturally knew that Sarutobi Hiruzen was studying Wood Release, but neither Senju Hashirama nor Senju Tobirama paid much attention to this matter.

As far as Senju Hashirama is concerned, he is already dead. Others can do whatever they like, and he cannot possibly know.

Senshou Tobirama, on the other hand, looked unhappy but couldn't say anything. After all, he was the one who started the study of Mudun.

When he was in power, he didn't just study Wood Release, he also studied Sharingan and Byakugan.

"Orochimaru has offended some people and wants my protection, and I also need his research capabilities."

Xia Yan saw that both of them were listening attentively, so he continued to speak.

“So I reached a cooperation agreement with him, and I provided protection for him to conduct research.

But I made an agreement with him at that time, that is, he could not attack any residents of the Fire Country.

Unless it was bandits and enemy ninjas, so he did as he was told.

But it also took a lot of time. Before I became Hokage, he told me that he had basically completed it.

Therefore, I used this technique to conduct an experiment. The target of my experiment was Konoha ninjas who had been forced to commit suicide due to certain profit issues.

The essence of this technique is equivalent exchange, one life is exchanged for another life.

And I was lucky enough to catch a guy who believed in a cult and got immortality.

I used his life force to perform the spell, and the final result was that the dirty soil was reincarnated and completely transformed into a living person!

After careful observation, I can confirm that the whole body of the person who was subjected to the spell changed when he was reincarnated.

In other words, the 'sacrifice' that was his filthy earth reincarnation was completely dissolved into an energy body at that moment.

These energy bodies have been reconstructed to fully meet the physical needs of the recipient.

Although in the end, due to the sacrifice I used, the power of the person being cast was weakened a lot.

But anyway..."

After saying this, Xia Yan paused slightly. He looked at the huge iron gate in front of him and knew that he had reached his destination.

He gently put his hand on the iron door, and then pushed it hard.

A dull sound slowly sounded after the door opened, and dots of yellow light began to cover the three of them.

Xia Yan showed a smile at this moment, and then he said softly.

"I did succeed, making a person reincarnated from dirt into a living person."


Natsu Yan explained in detail, and Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama also fell silent under Natsu Yan's explanation.

Such a resurrection was really incredible. Through Xia Yan's narration, they discovered for the first time that the so-called resurrection technique was actually a complete resurrection in the true sense!

What is complete resurrection?

That is, even bloodline, body structure, etc., things that are compatible with the soul have been thoroughly taken into consideration.

That is because Xia Yan's story made them really believe that there is indeed a technique in this world that can truly resurrect people.

Equivalent exchange is a basic concept and common sense.

Especially in the field of life, this is an important factor that cannot be ignored.

The God of Death is not kind. Maybe he can be in novels and comics, but the real God of Death will never be like this.

According to Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama's understanding, the so-called Death is more of a product of rules.

The rule it enforces is equivalent exchange. If you need a soul, you must have a new soul to fill it.

This is the case with the filthy earth reincarnation invented by Senju Hashirama, and the reincarnation technique mentioned by Natsuhiko is obviously in line with this.

It is absolutely inevitable to exchange one person's life force for another person's life force.

It's just that Xia Yan took a trick in the process, or he took advantage of a loophole in the rules.

They have all heard of the Evil God Sect, and they also know about the undead with almost endless life.

However, the life of this kind of guy is not truly infinite. They will also die after reaching a certain age.

And they also heard that when these believers die, their souls seem to go to the so-called evil god.

But it doesn't matter. What's important is that they have endless life before they reach old age.

Xia Yan obviously took advantage of this and used the endless lives of these guys to resurrect a person.

As for why he chose to reincarnate in dirty soil instead of a corpse, it probably has something to do with the fact that the deceased has been dead for too long.

If you die for too long, your soul will naturally enter the pure land, and reincarnation in the dirty land can summon the soul out.

Of course, the price of the technique Xia Yan mentioned seemed not low.

After all, according to what Xia Yan said, the magician who believed in the evil god directly became a mummy.

If Xia Yan hadn't mobilized Yang Dun to help him recover, no one would know how long it would take for that guy to recover normally.

The cost is unimaginable, and the gains are also huge.

This kind of technique is really in line with the principle of equivalent exchange. This kind of technique is really very possible to resurrect the dead, even the filthy earth.

Along the way, both of them were silent, even Senju Hashirama, who usually seemed a little heartless.

But when they came to the huge reincarnation eyes, they finally woke up.

After all, the power exuded by the huge reincarnation eye in front of them was too strong, and they felt the destructive power.

Even if he encounters these eyes at his peak, the end may not be easy.

Xia Yan was able to defeat the person who controlled these eyes, thanks to the fact that they fought among themselves a lot, and all of them had injuries that could not be healed.

In the following time, Xia Yan's life was very peaceful.

After all, his current physical condition is not very good, and he still needs to continue to recover.

Therefore, apart from feeling the power of the reincarnated eye and reading books, he basically didn't need to do anything else every day.

Xia Yan wants to absorb the power of this huge reincarnation eye to increase the growth of his pure eye.

Therefore, he needs to adapt to these powers in advance and see if he can control this eye.

But what's a pity is that he seems to have no way to control it.

Maybe Xia Yan doesn't have that kind of power now, so he can't do it.

However, Xia Yan unexpectedly discovered that he was really adaptable to the power of the Reincarnation Eye.

Especially when he realized these powers, he found that his eyes seemed to be recovering faster.

This discovery made Xia Yan overjoyed, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed to be natural.

The foundation of the reincarnated eye is actually the Byakugan, and Natsuhiko's Pure Eye is also an evolution derived from the Byakugan.

Then due to the system, it mutated and became the eyes he has now.

The Byakugan is indeed the 'mother of all eyes'. In the ninja world, Natsuhiko even feels that most of the eyes are actually the mutation of the Byakugan.

Not only in the ninja world, but most of the messy eyes of Otsutsuki come from the Byakugan.

As for the other part, it comes from the power given by the sacred tree.

Natsuhiko does not have the power given by the sacred tree, or the power given by the sacred tree is on the Uchiha side.

The power of his eyes comes from the Byakugan, and the reincarnated eye of the same origin is also the Byakugan. It is natural that he can adapt to such power.

"It seems that everything is going well. I will be able to absorb these powers when I am almost recovered."

Xia Yan silently thought about it. It was unclear what changes he would undergo after absorbing these powers.

But he knows that he will definitely have enough benefits, after all, this is the reincarnation.

The temptation of the Tenseigan is right in front of you, it just takes time.

In order to suppress his inner impulse, Xia Yan could only start reading a book to pass the time.

In this temple, Xia Yan found the library of the Otsutsuki clan on the moon.

This library not only records deeds from thousands of years ago, but also records some information about the Otsutsuki clan on the moon.

The most important thing is that Xia Yan also found the information about the space teleportation array and the yin and yang escape used by these Otsutsuki!

This information is really important to Xia Yan.

I won’t say much about the teleportation array. Understanding this thing can ensure that Xia Yan returns to the ninja world.

The information on Yin-Yang Dun can also improve Xia Yan's power system, even if he has a very deep understanding of Yin-Yang Dun because of the system.

But from different understandings, it is also extremely important for different people to use Yin Yang Escape.

Therefore, Xia Yan behaved very honestly, and left all other tasks to the two previous Hokages.

These two Hokages are also constantly helping Xia Yan with his research, especially everything about the Tsangikan...


"Brother, what do you think?"

In the Hamura Shrine, Senju Hashirama was carefully looking at the Yin Yang Escape recorded by the Otsutsuki clan in his hand.

He, who could control Yang Escape, naturally planned to look at this information from someone else's perspective, just like Xia Yan.

Although he knew it very well, it was of no use to him.

After all, he is already dead, and he will enter the Pure Land after his reincarnation in the dirty land is over.

But at this time, he still couldn't help but want to watch and learn something he didn't master.

Of course, it's not like he can't read some other information to pass the time.

But the problem is that he has already read it, and it was only after reading that information that he became more interested in Yin Yang Escape.

The materials he had read recorded stories about Indra and Asura thousands of years ago.

He didn't know why, but suddenly felt that Indra and Asura really missed Uchiha Madara and himself.

Especially since he himself had experienced a gap in the past. Behind his chakra, there was actually a chakra helping him.

He didn't quite know what that chakra was, but what that chakra formed was a figure and a belief!

What disappointed him was that he could no longer detect the chakra.

Even though he knew that his strength would still be there once he returned to his peak, and he was not affected in any way.

But the departure of that chakra still made him feel lost, even though he didn't know why he was lost.

But this feeling still came to his mind, and he had to find a way to restrain it.

"What do you think?"

After Senju Hashirama, who was really fascinated by the book, heard his brother's voice, he couldn't help but raise his head and ask.

He suddenly seemed confused, as if he didn't know what he wanted to say.

"Don't act stupid, you know what I mean."

Senshou Tobirama snorted coldly. He stood up and slowly began to sort out the information in his hand.

His expression was serious, and he spoke while sorting things out.

"What do you think about what Xia Yan said about the technique that can allow us to truly return to the human world?"

"Are you sure you really want to hear my opinion?"

Hearing this, Senju Hashirama couldn't help but show a half-smiling expression.

This expression fell in Senju Tobirama's eyes, which made him shake his head.

Obviously, my eldest brother probably still has the same attitude as he did when he was studying the reincarnation of dirty land.

When he initially decided to study the reincarnation of dirty land, he was stopped by his elder brother.

It's just that he didn't obey and still completed the technique.

And my elder brother was very angry when he found out, and even told that bastard Uchiha Madara the solution.

Senju Tobirama was really upset about this matter, but he didn't hold any grudge against his elder brother.

Because he knows his elder brother too well, and he also knows his relationship with Uchiha Madara too well.

All he could do was take some remedial measures, such as actively recycling the body after Uchiha Madara died.

Although he was tricked in this matter, he felt that Uchiha Madara was still dead.

But there are still side effects. He is really worried that some idiot will reincarnate Uchiha Madara.

But these are all afterthoughts. Senju Tobirama is actually keenly aware of it, and now he doesn't think his elder brother's attitude will be so firm.

After all, the book he is reading now is very problematic.

"Well, I knew you wouldn't believe me."

When Senju Hashirama saw Senju Tobirama's wandering eyes, he knew what his brother was thinking.

He closed the book nonchalantly, and then spoke slowly.

“Actually, I don’t know how we should choose.

I admit that resurrection is indeed very tempting, even though I have always thought that since we are dead, the rest will be left to the younger generations to handle.

But I have to admit, I really want to see the development of Konoha and be alive again to contribute something to Konoha.

This kind of thought has been constantly tangled in his heart, and I really don't know how to choose now. "

Senju Hashirama spoke very slowly, and the entanglement in his words was clearly displayed.

Senju Tobirama is a little silent now. In fact, he doesn't know what is so confusing about this kind of thing.

One is to come back to life and do what you want to do again, feel all the beauty in the world and make some contribution to Konoha again.

One is to leave everything to the younger generations, be his own dead in peace and return to the Pure Land to sleep.

Anyway, it’s just a choice between two, why is it so confusing?

But he was too lazy to say that much. Maybe this is the difference between realism and idealism?

"Sure enough, it's really uncomfortable to discuss this kind of thing with you, brother."

Senju Tobirama finally shook his head. As a realist, he was more concerned about what he could do and what he could get after doing it.

Xia Yan really agreed with him on this point. After all, judging from Xia Yan's experience in becoming a leader, he was really an unscrupulous Hokage.

Senju Tobirama doesn't think there's anything wrong with this. His success speaks for itself.

Being able to endure when one is weak, and being able to restrain oneself when one is strong, this is the performance of a qualified Hokage!

Xia Yan's understanding was recognized by Qian Shu Feijian, and he didn't care about his elder brother or how other people saw it.

"Probably, you know you definitely don't agree with my ideas and think I'm very confused, right?"

Senju Hashirama stood up and stretched slightly before continuing.

“But I don’t care, everyone has their own choice, and I will support you Tobirama.

As for me, I think it’s better to take it one step at a time, maybe I’ll make up my mind. "

This is basically the end of the story. Although Senju Tobirama didn't get the answer he wanted.

But no matter what, he finally got a better answer than he expected.

My eldest brother was a little confused, but he didn't deny it directly, which was a good thing.

Although Senju Tobirama didn't care at all whether his elder brother would deny it, he was his own brother after all.

Smiling slightly, Senju Tobirama planned to hand these information to Xia Yan.

After staying here for about a week, although he didn't get that much information and intelligence, he still gained a lot.

Xia Yan summoned them out, except for necessary protection and research. As for what they were studying, wasn't it the huge reincarnation eye?

However, before Qian Shu Feijian could take action, Xia Yan suddenly pushed the door open and entered...


Standing in front of the huge reincarnation, Xia Yan looked a little solemn.

After more than a week of training, he had almost recovered.

Strength is the foundation for a ninja to settle down and survive. Although Xia Yan had not lost his strength before.

But such a weak state is definitely rare for Xia Yan, especially after the battle where he just went all out.

The sudden loss of the power to destroy the world really made him extremely uncomfortable.

Fortunately, there were no troubles during Xia Yan's period of weakness, and after surviving this period safely, Xia Yan would naturally start his own plan.

After he came to the moon, he also made many small plans for himself.

It's like looking for the Yin-Yang Escape of the Otsutsuki clan, or figuring out the principle of the giant teleportation array.

But the most important thing is the reincarnation, or the pure eye that relies on the reincarnation to improve oneself.

What's more, even if Xia Yan didn't completely complete the first two small plans, he still found the information.

He can do it slowly after returning to Konoha, and he can even give the information to someone he trusts to help handle it.

Now he can concentrate on dealing with the problem of the reincarnation eye and think of ways to improve his power.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Yan closed his eyes slightly.

When he opened his eyes again, his eyes had turned into a bright blue!

It is very similar to the reincarnated eye, but has obvious differences, and is full of destructive power.

"These eyes..."

Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama were watching from the sidelines. When they saw Xia Yan's eyes and felt the power emanating from these eyes.

Their expressions changed slightly at the same time. They had long known that Xia Yan had such eyes, but they had never seen them before.

This time Xia Yan showed these eyes, which really made them all a little stunned and shocked.

Even though Xia Yan didn't use these eyes to fight, they could all feel that these eyes were really powerful!

Especially the power exuded by Xia Yan's eyes and the reincarnation eye are really too similar.

This really made them think, do Xia Yan's parents have any connection with these guys on the moon?

In fact, they really didn't think a thing wrong. After all, from the perspective of historical origin and blood relationship, Xia Yan is really connected with these lunar Otsutsukis.

Of course, this also includes Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama themselves.

While they were shocked, Xia Yan himself felt extremely surprised.

He could notice that his eyes seemed much stronger than before.

This really surprised Xia Yan, but he was too lazy to dwell on these things now.

Gently placing his hand on the huge reincarnated eye, Xia Yan's whole body was also covered by the chakra of the pure eye.

Xia Yan seemed to remember that the reincarnated eye was actually cursed.

If no one of Hamura blood comes into contact, the chakra will be absorbed.

Strictly speaking, Natsuhiko really does not have the bloodline of Hamura Otsutsuki. After all, he is a Senju.

However, his eyes are extracted from the Byakugan, which is the only thing about him that resonates with the Tsangikan.

And during this week, Xia Yan has been realizing the power of the reincarnated eye.

His purpose is also very simple. On the one hand, he allows his body to adapt to the power of the reincarnated eye.

On the one hand, I want to see how the power of my own eyes differs from the reincarnated eye.

Can he simulate the fluctuations in the reincarnated eye's power so that his resistance is not that great?

After spending a week, Xia Yan was able to simulate it simply.

But he really doesn't know exactly which step it can take and how it can be done.

"Now is the time to test everything. I hope there won't be any problems."

Xia Yan thought silently, and his hand was completely pressed on the yellow reincarnation eye.

In an instant, powerful power vibrated throughout the Hamura Temple.

The huge reincarnated eye seemed to sense the unusual power, and it immediately began to attack this power.

Just as Natsuhiko knows, the Tsangikan will directly drain the chakra of those without Hamura blood!

At this moment, Xia Yan clearly felt that the Pure Eye chakra covering his body began to be attracted.

This made Xia Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. This was not a good thing for him. After all, his Jingyan chakra was not very large.

Of course, luck and misfortune depend on each other, and Natsuhiko has truly come into contact with the chakra of the reincarnated eye.

Before, he relied entirely on feeling and didn't dare to reach out and touch it.

But now with the reincarnation eye absorbing the power of the net eye, he has truly touched these chakras for the first time.

“I never expected that the power of the Pure Eye and the Tsangikan Eye are essentially the same.

It's just that because the two sides use and operate in different ways, their oscillation frequencies are different. "

Xia Yan thought silently. Although this discovery surprised him, it was not unexpected.

Because both the Pure Eye he used and the reincarnated eye in front of him were either purified or evolved from the Byakugan!

Closing his eyes slightly, Xia Yan's blue chakra became even more dazzling.

At the same time, he had concentrated his energy and began to seriously modify the vibration frequency of the Pure Eye Chakra.

The Tenseigan's absorption speed is very fast, but after all, the chakra of the Pure Eye is not so easy to absorb.

And under Natsuhiko's modifications, the chakra on his body became more and more similar to the chakra of the Tenseigan.

And this absorption speed also began to slow down, and slowly stopped.

Such a change was a good thing for Xia Yan, and Xia Yan also began to fight back.

He was already very unhappy after being sucked away from his strength for a long time. After all, it took him a week to recover.

Now in just a few dozen seconds, Xia Yan's Chakra reserves of the Pure Eye have reached the red line again. How can this make him happy?

"It's time to get started!"

Thinking of this, Xia Yan immediately started to take action.

The reincarnated eye now no longer absorbs his power, and he can already feel that he can control the power inside the reincarnated eye.

In this case, Xia Yan would not be polite.

Slowly, through Xia Yan's guidance, the power of the reincarnated eye began to enter Xia Yan's body.

They quickly merged with the layer of pure eye chakra on Xia Yan's body, and then slowly entered Xia Yan's eyes.

However, what Xia Yan never imagined was that when those powers entered his eyes, he actually lost control of his eyes in an instant!

The turbulent and majestic reincarnation eye chakra seemed to have found an outlet, and they rushed towards Xia Yan's eyes crazily...


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