The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 301 Fire...Lord Hokage? (8K please subscribe)

The silver moonlight penetrated straight to the earth, and the thick beam of light illuminated everything around it.

But soon these light pillars disappeared without a trace, and three figures appeared from the thick light pillars.

"Are you finally back?"

Xia Yan raised his head to feel the situation around him, and then raised his head to look at the sky.

It was also dusk at this time, the moon and stars were sparse in the sky, and a bright moon hung high in the sky.

Looking at the bright moon, Xia Yan was completely relieved now.

Especially after he sensed that he had many flying thunder gods, he knew that he had returned to the ninja world.

Xia Yan stayed on the moon for more than a month.

And for more than a month, he was either a sick man or a blind man. He felt like he was in conflict with the moon.

Looking back on the experience on the moon, Xia Yan really felt that it was not wonderful.

No matter how much he gained, he still felt like this.

As soon as he went up, he started fighting with the natives on the moon. After the fight, he needed to rest because he exerted too much force.

Finally, with the help of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, he survived a week and got a lot of benefits.

As a result, when he absorbed the power of the reincarnated eye, he encountered some unimaginable problems.

I don't know if the reincarnated eye has been held in for too long, or if Natsuhiko can adjust the chakra fluctuations of his net eye to make it feel like he has met the same kind.

And this kind of power is still so weak, so it chose to help Xia Yan.

This time, Xia Yan was really dumbfounded. Not only was he dumbfounded, Xia Yan was even blinded by it.

Xia Yan himself didn't know how much power he could absorb.

But he knew that it was enough to reach the level of acceptance of the pure eyes, and then he could digest it slowly.

But now he had no way to control the influx of those powers. It wasn't until those terrifying powers completely filled Xia Yan's pure eyes that they stopped with "satisfaction".

As a result, Xia Yan was shocked to find that he was temporarily blind after waking up.

Of course, it would be too much to say that he is blind. It should be said that he is integrating the power given by the reincarnation eye.

His current situation may be somewhat similar to that of Sasuke who will fuse with Itachi's eyes in the future.

He had no choice but to let Senju Tobirama get medical gauze to cover his eyes.

This spell lasted for a month, and it took him a full month to fully absorb the power of the reincarnated eye before his eyes could see the light again.

However, when his eyes regained sight, he discovered something that made him very depressed.

His eyes are currently evolving, and according to the reincarnated eye, they are in fetal movement.

During this period, although he can use the power of the Pure Eye, misuse may cause the evolution time to be delayed.

And that meant that he had no way to check what was going on with his eyes now.

Even on the system interface, the evolution progress of his eyes is unknown.

However, although Xia Yan is depressed, he doesn't care that much. After all, the ninja world is still very peaceful, and there are currently no enemies worth taking action.

Even if some clowns did come out, wouldn't Xia Yan still have Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama beside him?

Even if these two brothers are not at the top, they are still top-notch ninjas in this era.

Especially these two are now back with Xia Yan. According to them, they also want to take a good look at Konoha.

"However, this doesn't seem to be the place I went up to."

Xia Yan took a look at the surrounding environment, and he immediately determined that this was definitely not the cave where he flew from the ninja world to the moon.

But Xia Yan didn't care, after all, the channels he used were not the same.

On the moon, after Xia Yan restored the light in his eyes, he began to think of ways to restore everything inside the moon.

But unfortunately, he found that he seemed to be unable to do this.

It's because he accepted the power of the reincarnation that he has begun to simply control the reincarnation.

However, there is too much chakra that needs to be mobilized inside the moon, which is simply not what Xia Yan can do now.

However, he had a hunch that after his eyes completed their evolution, he should be able to further control the Tsangigan.

Therefore, he simply used the power of the reincarnated eye to extinguish the sky-wide flames inside the moon.

And after repairing the barrier that was damaged due to the previous battle, he planned to leave the moon.

When his eyes were adapting to the power of the reincarnated eye, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama were almost looking for the teleportation array.

All Xia Yan has to do is simply activate the reincarnated eye and let the power enter a teleportation array, and they can leave here.

"This is the Land of Fire."

Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama were also looking around. Although they were also shocked by the teleportation from the moon to the ninja world.

However, compared to such shock, they focused more on the ninja world, or on Konoha.

Even after they died, their memories still stayed at the moment of their death.

But so much time has passed since their death, and they are really curious about how far Konoha has developed now.

In the original work, after the two of them were summoned, the reason why they had no chance to understand the current situation in Konoha was entirely because of the two Sasuke and Madara.

But even so, they still got to know each other about Naruto's issues.

After all, the inheritance of Hokage also represents the future development of Konoha in some aspects.

They have nothing to do now, and Xia Yan has no idea about their filthy reincarnation.

They can indeed untie it themselves, but they don't seem to intend to do so.

So they, who were still relatively free, naturally planned to find out what the current situation in Konoha was.

"Yes, Fire Nation."

Xia Yan smiled, and then he spoke directly.

"According to my perception, we are not that far away from Konoha.

But this is not the teleportation port I went up to. It seems that those Otsutsuki have really made some preparations. "

"Indeed, luckily you killed them all."

Senju Hashirama also nodded. Through torture, he knew the thoughts of those Otsutsuki on the moon.

"Okay, let's not talk about these things, let's go back to Konoha."

Senju Tobirama interrupted the two of them. He felt it carefully before continuing.

"Xia Yan, I'm afraid we need you to take us back.

I can feel the curse marks I left behind, but they are a bit far away and my current power cannot activate them. "

"no problem."

Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then he said with a smile.

"Where do you want to visit after returning to Konoha?"

"Does this question still need to be asked?"

Senju Hashirama said with a smile on the side. He also looked a little excited.

"That is of course the most proud thing about being Hokage!"

Indeed, after becoming a Hokage, the most proud place is standing in the sky overlooking the entire Konoha.

And this place is naturally the Hokage Rock that belongs to every Hokage!

Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then put his hands on the shoulders of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

With the surge of chakra, the three of them disappeared in the next moment.

Konoha, the bright moonlight is shining down on the Hokage Rock.

However, in the blink of an eye, three black figures appeared on the Hokage Rock.

The hair and clothes of these three shadows moved with the wind. They stood proudly on the Hokage Rock, watching the prosperity of Konoha...


After returning to Konoha, Natsuhiko also began to resume his normal work. For him, the actual effect of this trip to the moon was quite good.

After all, he got so many things he wanted, and he even kidnapped two Hokage back. This kind of harvest is already very rich.

And he himself left a shadow clone behind when he left, and he also had Qiong and Lianhua to help him.

Therefore, he did not cause any trouble in Konoha because he left for so long.

When he took the initiative to come into contact with the shadow clone technique, the memories of the shadow clone during this period completely entered his mind.

But he also learned something interesting, that is, he only had more than a month to go to the moon.

But according to the calculations of the ninja world, he has been gone for three or four months!

Xia Yan really doesn't know why this happens. Is it probably because the time is offset due to the different speed when going up?

Having watched so many movies in his previous life, he thought about it and it seemed that this was the only reason, but in any case, it was nothing worth paying attention to, because everything in Konoha was stable.

I have to say that the Shadow Clone technique is really useful. This is not the first time Xia Yan feels this way.

He had always believed that the greatest ninjutsu invention of the Second Hokage was neither the Flying Thunder God nor the Earth Reincarnation.

And this is the shadow clone that looks ordinary, but can do many, many things.

And this time Xia Yan can praise it in front of the inventor. This feeling is really extraordinary.

"Nonsense!" It's just that Senju Tobirama obviously disagrees with Xia Yan's words, or he is really angry to death now.

He never imagined in his wildest dreams that his jutsu would actually become a tool used by the Hokage to make him lazy.

Although after careful thinking, he found that it seemed that this technique could really be used in this way.

And if it weren't for this technique, Xia Yan wouldn't have gone to the moon and killed those guys.

If he hadn't killed those guys, Xia Yan wouldn't be in such a bad state, and naturally there would be no reason to summon them.

Just looking at Xia Yan's eagerness to try, as if he had the urge to continue using shadow clones in the future, he felt a fire in his stomach.

Is this how his technique is used? Isn't this a joke?

"It's really a bit of a joke."

Senju Hashirama also nodded, and then he put down the report in his hand and said.

"However, I have to say that you are indeed better than me, even better than Tobirama. Your approach can be said to have really solved the problems of the Konoha family."

"Humph, brother, you are just kidding, this kid has no real solution."

Qianju Feijian crossed his arms and said with a cold snort. It could be seen that he was still unhappy with some of Xia Yan's thoughts.

"His approach seems to give all ninjas an equal opportunity, but in essence it still retains the advantages of the family ninjas.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with doing this, after all, he is a member of the family ninja.

It's just that you are a Hokage after all, so why don't you be so simple? "

Senju Tobirama was not Senju Hashirama, and he could see Xia Yan's intention to do this at a glance.

I have to say that this kid is indeed very smart. He used the ninja level that his elder brother developed back then as a basis to promote his own reforms.

In the days since they came back, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama had a good time walking around Konoha.

Even if they are not at their peak, the transformation technique used by ninjas like them is probably not something that ordinary people can see through.

Konoha was very prosperous at this time, although this prosperity was largely due to Senju Tobirama and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

But it’s pretty good to be able to continue to do so after taking over the throne.

Walking in Konoha, feeling the unique harmony and tranquility in Konoha, these two Hokages were indeed extremely satisfied.

But this is just an appearance. As Hokage, they clearly see the development of a village and need to see the management and planning for the future.

Natsuhiko didn't hide this kind of thing from them. After all, all the Jounin in Konoha knew everything, and there was no need for them to hide it.

Therefore, they also took a good look at Natsuhiko's development route for Konoha's future. As a result, they were all a little dumbfounded.

Although Xia Yan has not been in power for a long time, the plan he made is really too radical.

It's not that these plans don't work. On the contrary, if these plans succeed, they will definitely bring huge gains to Konoha.

Moreover, neither of Xia Yan's two plans is not focused on the future, and both are plans in the grand strategic direction.

However, no such plan is easy to handle, because it involves the interests of countless people.

Even though this kid seems to have suppressed everyone's voices, if he takes too big a step, he can easily get hurt.

But they can't say too much about this kind of thing. All they can do is support Xia Yan, because Xia Yan is the shadow now.

"I admit that there are indeed some problems in such reforms that are difficult to deal with, but I think this is something that cannot be dealt with."

Xia Yan didn't even have an explanation from Senju Tobirama, so he admitted it directly.

"The fighting power of the ninja world is originally built by families, even in ninja villages.

I really can't do anything to completely break the pattern of the ninja world. Pressure will not bring any good results. All I can do is to be as fair as possible. "

"I know, I just meant to say you did a great job."

Senju Hashirama said with a nonchalant smile, and his smile looked very proud.

"Having a Hokage like you out of the Senju clan is something to be proud of. I really look forward to seeing how high Konoha will be brought to you in the future."

"If I have the opportunity to see it, there is nothing I can do about this kind of thing, right?"

Xia Yan smiled, then he raised his head and glanced at the time.

"I think Sakumo-senpai is coming soon, why don't you two get ready?"

"Is it coming?"

When Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama heard this, their expressions became slightly serious.

Now they really want to see what is going on with the person who was resurrected by Xia Yan...


Hatake Sakumo walked quickly towards the Hokage's office wearing a mask. He already knew that Natsuhiko had returned to Konoha, but it seemed that the Hokage didn't have time to see him during this period.

Of course, Hatake Sakumo is also a very rule-abiding ninja.

Even if he was a member of the Shadow Guard, he did not take the initiative to find Xia Yan without the call of the Hokage.

What he needs to do now is very simple, that is to find a way to restore his strength.

There is really a big gap in strength between him now and when he died.

Xia Yan resurrected him and allowed him to enjoy the beauty of the world again.

Although strictly speaking, he was really embarrassed because Kakashi was still a child when he died, but in the blink of an eye, Kakashi was an adult.

And he was only in his twenties or thirties. Such an age gap seemed a bit strange for a father and son. Both he and Kakashi seemed a little embarrassed.

But no matter what, he really enjoys his current life and he also cherishes his current life.

"That kid Kakashi kept talking about it all day long, saying that you are still so young when you are alive."

When thinking about some of his son's strange behaviors, Hatake Sakumo felt helpless.

Is it because there is a generation gap problem?

After thinking about it, Hatake Sakumo could only get this answer.

There is actually a big generation gap between his son and him, but no matter what, this kind of thing can be overcome.

It's not like the person you love died. Of course, if that were the case, it would be a bit embarrassing.

Shaking his head, Hatake Sakumo also felt that it was better not to think too much about it.

His son has grown up, and as a father whose biological age difference is only about ten years, it would be better to take less care of this kind of thing.

Not long after, he arrived at the door of the Hokage's office.

He immediately calmed down his mentality and looked more serious.

No matter what the purpose of the Hokage's summons was, he had to be at his best.

Even if this Hokage is as old as his own son, he must have the proper attitude.

"Knock, knock, knock." He knocked gently on the door, and Hatake Sakumo then stood there and waited.

"Come in." Soon, Xia Yan's voice came from the office.

At this moment, Hatake Sakumo opened the door respectfully, and then slowly walked in with his head lowered.

But even though he lowered his head, he was keenly aware that all the ANBU had been removed from the office.

Moreover, there are two very strange guys standing aside in this office, both wearing masks.

Who are these two people?

Hatake Sakumo frowned slightly. As a once powerful ninja, even if his strength has not completely recovered, his sense of danger is still there.

He could feel that even if these two guys didn't have any chakra fluctuations, they were still unimaginably dangerous.

This made him suddenly feel a little emotional, Konoha is really a place where crouching tigers, hidden dragons, or Konoha's heritage is really terrible.


But this was obviously not the time to think about these things. He immediately half-knelt on one knee on the ground with an extremely respectful expression.

Although he knew that Natsuhiko didn't like this, Kakashi would no longer do this either.

But as a ninja from the old era, he still has his own persistence.

"Sakumo-senpai, get up quickly."

Xia Yan couldn't help but shake his head when he saw this. Although he still didn't like kneeling down frequently, he was used to it now.

Anyway, he doesn't have to kneel down on his own. After all, he never did this when he was in office.

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

Hatake Sakumo quickly stood up, and then he stood quietly waiting for Natsuhiko to assign the task.

"I want you to come here this time, partly because I want to see how well you have recovered."

Xia Yan didn't talk nonsense, he spoke directly.

"On the other hand, there are people who want to see your current state."

Anyone want to see his status?

Hatake Sakumo was a smart man, and he immediately looked at the two guys with masks.

Obviously, the people who want to see his condition are likely to be reincarnated from the dirty earth.

These two people were covered up so tightly, and their auras were so dangerous, it was difficult to say that they might be people reincarnated from the dirty soil.

He didn't think that the two people in front of him were Orochimaru. After all, he had dealt with Orochimaru when he was young and they were relatively familiar with each other.

And he had seen Orochimaru after he was resurrected, so these two people must not be that guy.

"But, who could it be?" He had already begun to wonder who these two people were.

"You two, there is no one else here, please take off your disguise."

Xia Yan knocked on the table lightly and said with a smile.

"After all, you have to check other people's status and let him know who you are, and he is a member of my Shadow Guard."

"Of course, you said that."

One of the two masked men spoke, and he nodded lightly and said casually.

"The Shadow Guards are naturally trustworthy people. Speaking of the Hatake clan, I am quite familiar with them, but I don't know how well they have inherited their sword skills."

"The Hatake clan is very good at swordsmanship. It's really missed."

Another man wearing a mask also spoke, and his voice seemed to be full of emotion.

"It's been a long time since I've seen Hatake's sword skills. You secretly learned a lot from them back then."

Xia Yan glanced at the two people beside him. In addition to being powerful in ninjutsu, the Senju clan was also very strong in physical skills.

Especially this guy Senju Tobirama, his swordsmanship is considered to be exceptional.

But he really didn't expect that Senju Tobirama's sword skills had been learned from the Hatake clan.

And Hatake Sakumo was a little confused now. He seemed to be more sure that these two people were reincarnated from the earth.

But who are these two people? Their identities may not be answered.

Hatake Sakumo's expression was very serious. He raised his head slightly and looked at the two people in front of him.

And when the two people touched the transformation technique with one hand, a burst of smoke filled the surroundings of the two people.

As the smoke slowly dissipated, Hatake Sakumo's eyes gradually changed, slowly turning into fear, and then slowly turning into respect.

He has naturally seen these two people before. These two people are both people standing on the Hokage Rock!

These two are the First Hokage and the Second Hokage...


The first Hokage and the second Hokage probably did not leave much influence on the new generation of Konoha.

Especially after the Sandaime period, the younger generation has basically not heard much of their legends.

They only know that these two are great, and nothing else.

After all, he needed to maintain his rule, so it was no big deal for Sarutobi Hiruzen to do so.

But he dug a hole to bury himself, because a character like Xia Yan happened to appear.

Without the glory of the first and second generation, Natsuhiko completely overwhelmed Sarutobi Hiruzen after showing his own strength.

But for the older generation of ninjas, such as the Sannin and guys like Hatake Sakumo, they really grew up listening to the stories of the First and Second Generations.

In their eyes, these are all god-like existences!

So when these two showed their true forms, Hatake Sakumo was really frightened, and then there was a little fanaticism in his eyes.

Those are the First Hokage and the Second Hokage, those are the founders and guardians of Konoha!

Facing these two people, Hatake Sakumo really knew everything and said everything.

Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama also asked very detailed questions, from their physical condition to their current strength, as well as blood tests.

After all, when Xia Yan created such a technique, it was impossible for them not to feel it was magical.

Especially Senju Tobirama, he specifically asked about Hatake Sakumo's rehabilitation status, and he also received a relatively satisfactory answer.

But he also knew that Hatake Sakumo was able to recover because of this guy's fighting style.

It's hard to say whether he could have been so relaxed.

"It seems like your technique is really useful."

At dusk, at Xia Yan's house, Qian Shu Tobirama touched his chin and said seriously.

After the two of them conducted a careful and detailed inspection of Hatake Sakumo, it was time to get off work.

But obviously they also had a lot to say to Xia Yan, so they simply came to Xia Yan's home.

This time, neither of them were hiding their identities, and their appearance really shocked Lianhua, a cold woman.

Obviously Lianhua also recognized who these two people were.

She really never dreamed that Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, the two ancestors of the Senju clan, would actually fake their corpses and come back to life?

But she didn't ask too much, and she also knew that she couldn't talk nonsense about this kind of thing.

After all, she was someone who had stayed with Xia Yan in the ANBU for so long, so she was very familiar with such confidential matters.

Therefore, she immediately asked her mother to go back to the room and not come out. She was really worried about something unexpected happening.

"It is indeed very effective, but of course it also has certain drawbacks."

Xia Yan nodded slightly, and then he glanced at Senju Hashirama before continuing.

"That is the sacrifice needed for resurrection. If the sacrifice is not good enough, everything will be in vain.

You are different from Sakumo-senpai. If you need to be resurrected, you must have something better. "

"Indeed, this matter is somewhat troublesome."

Senju Tobirama nodded seriously, and it could be seen that he really didn't want to return to the Pure Land.

But what he didn't know was that Xia Yan knew exactly what kind of sacrifices he could use to resurrect them more perfectly.

That is Bai Zetsu's body. In the future, Orochimaru will use Bai Zetsu's body to almost perfectly reincarnate these two people.

Xia Yan remembers this matter very clearly, and the people who control Bai Jue are good people. Xia Yan has to keep looking for them.

What just made Xia Yan a little puzzled was when he and Senju Tobirama were discussing this issue.

Senju Hashirama's eyes kept spinning on himself and Lianhua's bodies.

This gave Xia Yan a bad premonition. After all, he had encountered some things so often that he could naturally guess them.

As expected, Senju Hashirama spoke: "Let's not talk about these resurrections. I am already very happy to see Konoha developing so well.

But I have some doubts. Xia Yan, how long have you been living together? "

"Living together..."

When Xia Yan heard this word, he sighed mentally.

"It's been a few years, Lianhua is my fiancée."

"how many years?"

Senju Tobirama was actually a little unhappy that his conversation with Xia Yan was interrupted, but he also frowned when he heard Xia Yan turn around.

"How come you haven't had a child for several years?

Also, what's the situation between you and that Uchiha?

Even if I control you Uchiha, they..."

"What's wrong with Uchiha? Aren't Uchiha good?"

Before Senju Tobirama could finish what he said, Senju Hashirama interrupted him.

"That girl's name is Qiong, right? I like her very much, she's a very gentle child.

I also know about your help and transformation of Uchiha. Thank you Xia Yan, you have done much better than some people. "

Senju Hashirama's words directly made Senju Tobirama roll his eyes. Of course he knew what the relationship between his eldest brother and the Uchiha clan was.

In the war-torn era, he dared to have such a good relationship with Uchiha Madara that even his own father could do nothing to him.

But now that everyone is in the same camp, his behavior can be said to be even more unscrupulous.

Even if Madara Uchiha caused such a big thing, didn't he still choose to forgive?

Even when he was about to die, he was still telling himself to be kind to Uchiha.

Natsuhiko's method of dealing with Uchiha is indeed very good, but he himself does not have a good impression of Uchiha.

Even though there are indeed people like Uchiha Kage among his disciples, he always thinks that such people are still a minority.

"This is what I should do, I am Hokage after all."

Natsuhiko also laughed when he said this. After all, he was still able to deal with Uchiha.

And if nothing else, the potential of the Uchiha clan alone is worth what Natsuhiko does.

What's more, he is the Hokage now. Apart from those who must be cleaned up, it is naturally better to get others together.

"But, why don't you have a child yet?"

However, before Xia Yan could be proud for a long time, Senju Hashirama's words made his face darken.

"Two girls, you didn't ask them to leave you a child?"

"This matter really deserves attention."

Senju Tobirama also nodded seriously and said slowly with a cold face.

"Although I hate those Uchiha people, now is your time, and I won't say anything more.

It’s just that children’s issues must be taken seriously, do you understand? "


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