The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 302 Opportunity (8K please subscribe~)

Xia Yan now understands why many people don't like to go home for the New Year.

Because for many people, this is a nightmare.

Xia Yan had never experienced the urge to get married in his previous life. He never expected that even though he had not experienced the urge to get married, someone was urging him to have a child.

The most important thing is that there is more than one person urging the child. Counting Senju Xiangma, there are three people.

In such a situation, Xia Yan didn't know what to say besides being helpless. He could only keep a calm face and say nothing, hoping that this matter would pass quickly.

Speaking of which, Xia Yan himself is increasingly aware of his own problems. In his previous life, he was a pure LPS.

The reason why he was not urged to marry in his previous life was that he had too many "parallel jogging" partners, and his family didn't bother to talk about him.

He could naturally see that whether it was Lianhua or Qiong, maybe it was because they were ninjas, they were both perfect.

No matter what attitude you take to hold it up, there is no problem.

In addition, he himself, like countless people in previous lives, is a model of "I woke up one night and turned against Wu and Shu".

Jiraiya and all that were really not worth mentioning in his eyes.

Natsuhiko felt that if he picked up a pen and wrote, "Natsuyan's life in the ninja school is not ideal," he would definitely make Jiraiya feel ashamed.

However, after arriving here, in the early stage, it was probably because I wanted to survive, and I was too young to have any ideas.

But when he really gained strength, he was surprised to find that he still didn't have many such discoveries.

Strength and power occupy most of the space in his heart. His main goal is to improve his strength and stand at the pinnacle of power.

Apart from the constant 'struggle', he seems to have no interest in the relationship between men and women.

“Having strength can ensure your own safety, and you can use your strength to gain power.

And if you have power, you will naturally have money, and you will also have no shortage of women. "

Xia Yan's logical thinking is still very clear, but he dare not speak out such logical thinking.

Even if he thought his idea was correct, he didn't want to tell Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

He felt that Senju Tobirama could understand him after what he said, but Senju Hashirama would never agree with him.

He really didn't need to talk about these things with these two people, especially Xia Yan planned to keep these two people together.

Needless to say, the value of Senshou Toijian is that he can make outstanding contributions in terms of government affairs, scientific research, etc.

Although Senju Hashirama may not be able to help Xia Yan like his younger brother in government affairs and experiments.

But his understanding and perception of Mu Dun, as well as some of his thoughts on Yang Dun and Immortal Techniques, can still help Xia Yan a lot.

So keeping these two people together would definitely do more good than harm.

Maybe the only drawback is that Senju Hashirama can't understand some of his cruel methods, and Senju Tobirama can't understand his attitude towards Uchiha.

But so what, Konoha is booming and they can't stand it but they will tolerate it.

After all, both of them admit one thing, that is, the current Hokage is Natsuhiko!

"But this way, all five Hokage will be gathered in Konoha."

Xia Yan lay on the bed and muttered silently, although strictly speaking, the first generation and the second generation were still dead.

But they are all conscious dead people, not to mention who says the dead cannot be resurrected?

And the third generation Sarutobi Hiruzen Natsuhiko was not killed, although this guy was treated very badly by Natsuhiko.

Not only is his wife dead, but his eldest son who worked at the root seems to be dead as well.

As a result, the grandson named Konohamaru seemed to be gone.

In addition, almost all of his old classmates died in front of him.

Whether it is Uchiha Kagami, who has died long ago, or Danzo, Koharu who has been transferred to the dormitory, and Mito Kameno, they have all been separated from him forever.

The only one who is still alive is probably the Akimichi Qifeng.

However, the Akimichi clan and the Nara clan are one, and they have already taken refuge in Xia Yan's hands.

In other words, the current Sarutobi Hiruzen is except for the Sarutobi clan that he developed.

Only one of his sons and Konoha are left.

Now that Asuma hasn't come back completely, who knows where this guy is hanging out.

Anyway, he had no chance with the Daimyo. After all, the Daimyo had been reduced to this by Natsuhiko and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

If the daimyo really didn't know what to do, he would create some sort of twelve guardian ninja warriors.

Xia Yan can guarantee that the person in the Daimyo position will no longer be the same guy.

After all, as long as they are of the same bloodline and control the same wealth, Xia Yan will not pay attention to who is sitting on top.

Now Sarutobi Hiruzen can be regarded as a good helper of Natsu Yan. Even if he and Natsu Yan have different opinions, there is still no problem in doing things.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was alive and well, and Namikaze Minato was also alive and well.

The Fourth Hokage is currently recuperating at Mt. Myoboku, and Kakashi also told him that Natsuhiko is looking forward to him returning to take charge of the ANBU.

Although Xia Yan didn't get an accurate answer, he asked Kakashi to bring back a message to Xia Yan.

That is, he hoped that Xia Yan could take good care of Naruto who was coming back.

Natsuhiko had discussed this matter during their last meeting with Namikaze Minato, and it was obvious that he was not worried about Natsuhiko by bringing it up again at this time.

Instead, he gave Xia Yan a more positive answer, which also satisfied Xia Yan.

"Is this a relatively different kind of five generations living under one roof?"

Xia Yan thought about it and suddenly thought of this word for some reason.

But soon he shook his head hard, obviously disgusted with such a statement.

After all, he is the fifth generation Hokage. If the fifth generation were all under the same roof, he would be the youngest one.


Xia Yan closed his eyes slightly, intending to take a good rest, but soon he opened his eyes, and then turned to look at the door.

At this moment, the door was gently opened, and a graceful figure slowly walked in.

This figure moved very slowly and very lightly. Xia Yan already knew who it was, so he simply pretended to be asleep.

But soon he found that he couldn't pretend anymore, because the figure had already ran into his quilt.

"I said, it's not that big of a deal, right?"

Xia Yan opened his eyes helplessly. He looked at the person beside him and saw a slight blush on her cold face. He couldn't help but shake his head.

"Are those two old bastards looking for you?"

"Don't...don't talk about the first and second generation like that."

Lianhua shook her head, her voice seemed to be trembling, which was very different from her past style.

She seemed to notice this small change, and she couldn't help but take a deep breath before continuing.

"I am your fiancée. You used to say that we were still young, but now that we are adults, I think it is time."

It’s indeed time, but the problem is I don’t want children!

Xia Yan mentally muttered something, but he didn't dare to say such words.

After thinking for a while, Xia Yan suddenly asked softly in Lianhua's ear: "Can you shadow clones?"

"Yes, what's wrong?" Lianhua was a little confused, but still nodded.

"It's okay." Xia Yan nodded slowly.

Shadow clones would be a good thing, although I'm not sure if this thing will explode.

But it is much better than facing this little girl with zero actual combat experience alone...


Early the next morning, Xia Yan got up refreshed and had breakfast.

Although he was a little tired last night, he even had to find someone to help him buy a new bed today.

It's not that the previous bed was smaller - although that was true, but more importantly, the bed had completed its historical mission.

Maybe this is a ninja. After discovering a good airs, Xia Yan fully demonstrated his physical fitness.

The end was tragic. Fortunately, Xia Yan was not short of money.

It's just that Xia Yan didn't understand. He was originally relatively uninterested in this kind of thing.

But judging from his performance last night, it seems that he is not so uninterested. After all, he didn't sleep all night.

Touching his chin, Xia Yan was still thinking about what was going on with him when Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama suddenly walked up to him.

The appearance of these two people brought Xia Yan back to his senses, but he didn't give them a good look and even asked them directly.

"Want to have breakfast together?"


When Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama heard this, their faces suddenly turned dark.

Reincarnated in the dirt to have breakfast?

What's the use of eating it? Isn't this a typical waste?

They naturally felt that Xia Yan was just disgusting them.

But why they did this, they really didn't know.

But it doesn't matter if you don't know, the two of them won't be caught without mercy.

It's interesting to say, maybe it's because of his strength, or maybe it's because Natsuhiko is also the Hokage.

The two of them knew that Xia Yan was their junior, but when they got along with each other, they obviously regarded Xia Yan as their peer.

They even said bluntly that they treated Xia Yan as a friend.

It is not easy to become their friend. This friend is not an ordinary friend, but a true friend.

Even an easy-going person like Senju Hashirama has his own pride. His best friend in this life is only Uchiha Madara.

Even if Xia Yan has not reached this level now, he is still a very important person.

To put it simply, Xia Yan was recognized by these two people in every aspect.

"We still won't eat it. After all, as a reincarnation of filthy soil, eating it is a waste."

Senju Hashirama sat down slowly. He glanced at Xia Yan and then said with a smile.

"You'd better eat more. After all, you've been working hard from last night to this morning. No matter how good your physical fitness is, you still have to replenish it."


Xia Yan was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then his expression changed slightly.

He obviously has a soundproof barrier. Can these two people still hear anything?

Could it be that you use your senses to explore?

If this is the case, then these two people have gone too far.

"I really want to add that although you used a soundproof barrier, your room was vibrating all the time."

Senju Tobirama also sighed on the side, and then he spoke slowly.

"Young people need to exercise restraint. Although you are Hokage, don't forget the Three Rings of Ninja.

As for breakfast, I think you and that girl should have it together. "

"Two bastards..."

Xia Yan was too lazy to say anything. He stood up and said casually.

"Leave all breakfast to Lianhua Bar. I'm going to eat ramen. Let's go to the office then."

Xia Yan's face was very calm, but the two of them naturally knew that the young man in front of them was probably very unhappy.

However, neither of them cared about this. They stood up and planned to leave with Xia Yan.

But Xia Yan didn't leave directly. He turned his head and glanced at Lianhua upstairs.

It's just that Lianhua seems a little embarrassed to face Xia Yan now. She is still lying on the ground with her head covered and pretending to sleep.

After Xia Yan collapsed the bed last night, they simply made a bed on the floor.

In fact, Xia Yan was on the floor before, but there were tatami mats at that time.

Xia Yan was somewhat satisfied when he saw Lian Hua. He even considered whether to help this girl... the woman took a leave of absence.

But after thinking about it, Xia Yan thought it would be up to Lianhua herself.

If he didn't come, he would ask for leave. If he did, it would be a bit funny.

Besides, he is the Hokage, and the secretary is always at his disposal, so it is not difficult for him to arrange vacations.

"Konoha is better. Everywhere is full of life, especially Konoha now is much better than ours back then."

Walking on the street, Senju Hashirama watched the people coming and going, feeling all the beauty that belongs to the human world, he couldn't help but smile.

Of course, at this time, he used the transformation technique again. He didn't want to be like the monkey in the zoo and be watched by everyone.

"It's really good. There used to be endless wars, but now it's rare to find peace."

Senju Tobirama nodded, but soon he said unhappily.

“But speaking of it, the scale of the current war is larger and the destruction is more unimaginable.

I told you more than once, brother, that if you want to completely quell the turmoil in the ninja world, you must integrate the entire ninja world.

This is also the rare time I agree with Uchiha Madara, but you don't listen to me at all.

As a result, if you look at it now, three more ninja wars have occurred after your death.

If you include the one between Natsuhiko and Kumogakure, it would be almost four ninja wars.

So when I said you were short-sighted, I was not wrong at all! "

When this topic came up, Senju Tobirama was really unhappy, while Senju Hashirama sighed helplessly.

Back then, both Uchiha Madara and his younger brother hoped to pacify the entire ninja world.

It's just that he felt that more people would die if he did so, and he himself didn't have much confidence in the Ninja Village model at the time.

Therefore, he chose to stop, which could be regarded as the trigger for his complete rebellion with Uchiha Madara.

At the beginning, Uchiha Madara did look further, because the establishment of the Ninja Village would only lead to relative peace, and a larger and more terrifying war...


After watching himself finish the ramen, Natsuhiko led the two of them to the Hokage's office.

The two of them were very quiet along the way, and it was obvious that they were not in a good mood now.

Senju Tobirama might be used to quarreling with his elder brother, but what he said really didn't leave any emotion behind.

And Senju Hashirama may have realized that his decision back then was really not good.

Even though he took the initiative to use tailed beasts as strategic deterrent weapons to all villages in order to avoid the outbreak of war.

But looking at it now, what I did back then really didn't bring the war to an end.

On the contrary, because of the establishment of the village, ninjas have a better way to train them.

In previous wars, families were basically the unit, and the amount of power they could muster was not particularly large.

But now, a village has gathered the power of a large number of ninja families, and coupled with a reasonable training mechanism, ninjas who do not belong to the family can appear.

This also caused the war to become completely uncontrollable and more harmful.

And the tailed beast has really transformed from a strategic deterrent weapon into a strategic weapon, and the destruction it brings is really disappointing.

"Am I really wrong..."

This idea kept swirling in Senju Hashirama's mind until they arrived at the Hokage's office. He seemed to be a little distracted.

"Okay, Hashirama-senpai, don't think about it any more."

Sitting at work, Xia Yan looked at Senju Hashirama and couldn't help but shake his head.

"It's useless to think about it now, and to put it bluntly, Hokage just needs to do his job well.

When we are strong, no one will dare to cause trouble.

Moreover, don’t forget that we also have a new foreign plan. "

Senju Hashirama's expression improved slightly after hearing Xia Yan's words.

He knew that Xia Yan was actually not satisfied with his original decision, but he could see that this junior was quite similar to his younger brother.

As for why we don’t think of ways to conquer it now, the reason is that it’s too simple.

It wasn't that Xia Yan couldn't do it. With Xia Yan's strength, he believed it wouldn't be difficult.

But the problem is, we really can’t do that now.

At the beginning, the entire ninja world was not integrated, and there was no concept of a village.

At that time, it is naturally the best to start, and it can also shape the concept of a complete village.

Now, the village has been completely established, and after more than fifty years of development, the concept has been formed.

What Natsuhiko is doing right now is an invasion. What will happen to the occupied areas after the invasion? Senju Hashirama even in his naive way wants to know.

Because they already have the concept of "I am a ninja from a certain ninja village" in their minds, even if they add the definition of family in front of the village, it is actually the same.

"Thank you. I've seen your foreign plan. It's really great."

Senju Hashirama shook his head, trying not to think about such annoying things.

He forced a smile, but his smile was sincere.

After all, Xia Yan's strategic thinking was understood by him after Qianju Tobirama explained it.

To put it bluntly, Xia Yan wants to expand his territory silently, or he is changing the ninja world in his own way.

Even if it is only attacking small countries now, no one knows what it will be like in the future.

"Thank you. By the way, Senior Hashirama, I wonder what your plans are in the future?"

Xia Yan tilted his head and suddenly asked with a smile on his face.

If Nara Shikaku was here, he could definitely be sure that Natsuhiko must have something on his mind right now.

As for whether this idea is good or bad, it's really hard to say.


Senju Hashirama frowned and thought for a while before he spoke slowly.

"I'm not sure, according to my thinking, I have understood the situation in Konoha and naturally have nothing to worry about.

When the time is right, maybe I will return to the Pure Land to sleep. "

"is that so."

After hearing Senju Hashirama's words, Xia Yan couldn't help but show a disappointed expression.

"Then I understand. Just tell me when Senior Hashirama wants to leave, and I will unlock the art of reincarnation for you."

Qianju Feijian couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard Xia Yan's words.

To be honest, he really didn't want his eldest brother to leave like this.

He also believed that Xia Yan did not want his eldest brother to return to the Pure Land now.

But he still kept quiet, he really wanted to see what Xia Yan was going to do.

In other words, he wanted to see how Xia Yan planned to use his previous cooperation.

Senju Hashirama and Natsuhiko really didn't have much personal communication, but he could tell that they belonged to the same type of people.

He just deliberately mentioned his brother's decision back then, just to stimulate his brother.

Now that he has done what he should do, it is really not suitable for him to continue talking.

"But it's such a pity."

Suddenly, Xia Yan sighed slightly, and he continued to look at Senju Hashirama with a disappointed expression.

"Senior Hashirama has created such a situation, hasn't he thought about changing it?"

Sure enough, he is indeed the child that I value!

When Qianju Tojian heard Xia Yan's words, although he still had a cold face, he couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

Senju Hashirama looked at Xia Yan doubtfully: "Xia Yanjun, what do you mean..."

"I can also tell you two very straightforwardly that I have a plan to resurrect you two."

Xia Yan calmed down his expression and looked more serious.

"Let's not talk about the fact that these two are the founders of Konoha and the foundation stones of Konoha, let's not talk about the fact that these two are Konoha's ancestors Hokage, not to mention the fact that they are my kindred spirits.

The strength, knowledge, etc. of the two of them alone can provide enough help to Konoha.

Now Konoha is full of waste, and I actually need someone to help me with many projects and projects.

My original plan was to help them find materials for resurrection while letting them use their own strengths.

Tobirama-senpai, I plan to hire him as my political advisor. At the same time, I plan to open an occult research office and let Tobirama-senpai serve as a concurrent employee.

As for Hashirama-senpai, the principal of Konoha Ninja School is now vacant.

After the Sandaime resigned, there was no one to succeed him. "

After saying this, Xia Yan paused slightly.

He looked at the different looks and gazes of the two people in front of him, a smile appeared on his face, and then his voice began to get louder.

“The resurrection is an opportunity as much as it is an opportunity.

This opportunity allows the two of them more time to help Konoha become stronger from different perspectives.

At the same time, there is also an opportunity to change the mistakes of the year and make up for the shortcomings of the year.

Whether it was Uchiha's handling or the decisions he made about the ninja world back then.

Now the opportunity is in front of you two, let us witness the rise of Konoha together, or return to the Pure Land with regrets.

Now, it's up to you two to choose..."


"Lianhua, are you late today?"

In the secretariat office of the Hokage Building, Qiong looked at Lianhua with some surprise.

In her memory, Lianhua had never been late, and she herself had never been late.

After all, they are both the people Xia Yan values ​​most, and they are also the two secretaries with the highest positions in the Secretariat.

To some extent, they really represent Xia Yan, and it is naturally impossible for them to embarrass Xia Yan.

And they also like their current job very much. This job can prove themselves. How could they make mistakes?

After looking at Lianhua carefully, Qiong's expression became even weirder.

First of all, Lianhua's aura seems to have changed a lot. In addition, Lianhua's legs seem to be a little injured.

This surprised Qiong. Did Lianhua train too hard?

Although their current positions are basically equivalent to being away from the battlefield, they are still training themselves continuously.

Moreover, the two of them have become closer because of Xia Yan, and they usually train together.

Lianhua, are you doing extra training on your own?

"I have something to do at home, so I'm late."

Lianhua sat in her seat and replied quietly, but soon she noticed Qiong's gaze, which made her feel helpless.

Talking about everything he experienced last night allowed him to see another side of Xia Yan.

At the same time, she finally understood what Xia Yan meant by letting her use the shadow clone.

For the first time, she discovered that Xia Yan was so shameless.

Thinking of what happened last night, it had a really big impact on Lianhua.

Not only did she feel that her legs seemed to be more sore now, but she also felt that her face was starting to heat up.


Qiong was a little confused, she really didn't understand what was going on.

"How about I ask for a leave for you and you just go back to recuperate?"


Lian Hua shook her head. She glanced at Qiong beside her, silently thinking that you might not be able to escape in the future anyway.

Lianhua has been watching the relationship between Xia Yan and Qiong silently.

She had also heard Qiong tell the story of the two of them when they were young.

The most important thing is that he remembers that two ancestors suddenly appeared inside, and they were the first Hokage and the second Hokage.

Although one of them was unhappy with the Uchiha, they seemed to agree on something.

That is, they all hope that Xia Yan can leave enough blood and have enough children.

Since Xia Yan and Qiong have a past, Qiong obviously likes Xia Yan very much.

In addition, most of the Uchiha, except for the clan leader, can be regarded as being controlled by Natsuhiko.

And with the support of those two ancestors, I'm afraid Qiong really can't escape.

As for when it will happen, Lianhua doesn't know, but she feels that one day will come.

"Really no need?"

Qiong tilted her head. Although Lianhua just glanced at her, she could feel that her friend and competitor's eyes were strange.

But out of concern, she didn't bother so much and continued to ask.

"No need, don't forget we still have a lot of work to do."

Lianhua didn't want to be asked again, so she immediately took out a document and started reviewing it.

"Okay, if anything happens, just tell me, okay?"

Seeing Lianhua like this, Qiong didn't ask any more questions. She still had a lot of things to deal with.

But what she didn't know was that when she started to process the documents, Lianhua glanced at her quietly.

But soon, Lianhua withdrew his gaze.

Feeling the discomfort in her body, she couldn't help but shook her head slightly.

I hope Qiongzhen can continue to maintain this attitude after experiencing such a thing...


"Are you in Konoha?"

Standing at the boundary outside Konoha Village, a man wearing a black robe and a hat said to himself.

The breeze blew, and his robes fluttered gently with the wind.

He raised his hand slightly, and then moved the hat on his head upwards, and suddenly a pair of lavender eyes with circles of ripples appeared.

Obviously, this guy is Nagato!

It had been some time since Nagato made the decision to meet Natsuhiko, or the guys who had mastered the tailed beasts.

His first targets are naturally those who can perfectly control tailed beasts.

To his dismay, he couldn't find any information about these guys at all.

It was as if those guys didn't exist at all, and there were no traces of them in the ninja world.

In order to find them, Nagato also asked Konan to go out, but the result was the same.

After searching for nearly two months, Nagato could only give up and decided to go see the Hokage who was easiest to meet first.

It's just that Nagato would never have thought in his wildest dreams that the person he wanted to see was actually the same person.

Moreover, it is not an easy thing to see Xia Yan, and he knows this very well.

Although Natsuhiko has a bigger goal, after all, he is now the fifth generation Hokage who is famous in the ninja world.

But just because he is Hokage now, it is even more difficult to see him.

The shadow of every village is really hard to see if you want to, especially when he and Xia Yan have quite a conflict.

Nagato didn't want to have a conflict. Even though his strength had been greatly enhanced now, he was not sure whether he could deal with the Hokage.

And he didn't come here to have a conflict this time. He wanted to confirm some things, and he even wanted to solve some things!

His belief has been shaken, and in these days he keeps recalling everything he had with Yahiko.

He found that he had really changed dramatically after Yahiko's death, and such changes made him very uneasy and uncomfortable.

He really didn't know what kind of devil he would become if he continued like this.

Sighing deeply, Nagato looked at the barrier in front of him and then slowly stretched out his hand.

Today is an opportunity, an opportunity he must seize, an opportunity he must face...


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