The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 303 Do you want to see Yahiko? (8K please subscribe)

"You two should think about this matter for yourselves. That's about it for my thoughts and suggestions."

In the Hokage's office, Xia Yan sat on his seat and knocked on the table lightly, saying that this step was almost done.

He is not stupid, so he can naturally see Senju Tobirama's purpose of deliberately provoking past events to stimulate Senju Hashirama.

The reason is very simple. Isn't it just that I hope Senju Hashirama will also make up his mind to stay?

In this case, why doesn't Natsuhiko help and let Senju Hashirama further make up his mind?

After all, for him, it was definitely a good thing for Senju Hashirama to stay.

What's more, the position he offered was exactly what he had thought before.

Senju Hashirama's mind is relatively simple, perhaps because of Asura's traditional characteristics.

Although he is different from Indra and his descendants who are all insane, he is still a hot-blooded idiot anyway.

Xia Yan was really afraid that he would piss himself to death if he was asked to participate in political matters.

Sometimes Xia Yan really admires this guy Senju Tobirama. Although he is so far-sighted, he still manages to meet a brother who cheats on his younger brother.

Of course, Senju Tobirama himself is quite capable of cheating, and if he hadn't been so arrogant, he might not have been able to make Uchiha Madara angry.

Even Uchiha Madara's departure was actually doomed to some extent.

This guy Hei Jue doesn't have much strength, but his lethality is still enough.

Even if he didn't come forward, he would secretly use various means to influence Uchiha Madara.

In addition, considering Senju Hashirama's original decision-making points, it may be inevitable for him to leave Konoha.

It's just that the level of commotion may not be a "leave tonight, the fish will die" situation.

So, these brothers are really digging holes into each other. But no matter how much these two people cheated each other, their relationship has always been very good.

Senju Hashirama deceived Senju Tobirama back then, but there was absolutely no problem with his strength.

After all, he is not like Naruto, who comes and goes like a Rasengan. His understanding of various techniques is still very unique.

Therefore, it is definitely a suitable position for him to be the principal of the ninja school.

Although Xia Yan knew that after becoming the principal, many outstanding ninjas in the future - even Konoha's twelve young heroes in the future, would become his students.

But Xia Yan knew that this guy might not be interested in Naruto at all now.

After all, he was a person who died once, and whether it was Senju Tobirama, Natsuhiko, or Madara Uchiha back then, they were dissatisfied with many of his policies.

He may also know that he is not suitable for sitting in that position.

The principal of the ninja school is definitely a pivotal position in the Konoha ninja system.

When this position is also idle, it will not affect Konoha's fundamental policy. It is best to leave him to Senju Hashirama!

"Besides, he founded Konoha, so it's perfect for him to be the principal."

The arrangement of the Senju Pillar Room is relatively simple, while the arrangement of the Senju Tobirama Room is relatively complicated.

Senju Tobirama's brain is much better than Senju Hashirama's. Not only is his sensitivity extremely high in politics, but he is also very sensitive in research!

Xia Yan didn't intend to miss either of these two aspects.

Therefore, according to Xia Yan's idea, it would be a good choice for him to become his political advisor like Sarutobi Hiruzen now.

Not only that, Xia Yan is also planning several departments.

There are now eight major departments in Konoha, but this is definitely not enough for such a huge Konoha.

Xia Yan is currently improving it and is also planning some new departments.

He has already had an idea for the secretarial department and has put it on the agenda.

In addition, Xia Yan from the Medical Department is also considering releasing him, and the Logistics Department will also release him at a specific time.

After Natsuhiko inherited the position of Hokage, these two departments held him tightly in their hands and turned them into "departments".

However, their importance is still very high, and it is only a matter of time before they are divided.

In addition, Xia Yan also plans to give the Ministry of Finance the functions of a bank.

In fact, the ninja world has already had banking institutions. After all, the ninja world uses currency for settlement.

What Xia Yan wants to do now, or rather what he wants to do, is to seize this right!

Currency is controlled and controlled by agencies affiliated with daimyo in various countries. Otherwise, why would these guys be so rich?

Of course, he is not stupid, at least he will not do anything to issue money indiscriminately.

Otherwise, the ninja world would have returned to the point of exchanging goods for things, and who would still believe in the purchasing power of money.

However, Natsuhiko still needs to slow down on this matter. After all, Konoha is short of talents, and rushing to grab them now will only ruin everything.

What's more, Xia Yan is still planning the tax department. When the tax department is almost ready, Xia Yan can officially start.

The reform of the Ministry of Finance and the issues of the Taxation Department are matters in the future. Xia Yan Psychology has two other departments worthy of consideration and planning.

One is the research department and the other is the industry department.

The ninja world is the strength of ninjas, but what is the ultimate for ninjas?

It's weapons, it's logistics, it's ninjutsu!

The research department, as its name suggests, studies various ninjutsu.

Or even expand a bit, we can put it in the dark department now, and some people who don't see the light can do experiments in the research department.

It can be said that the Research Department needs to study many things, and Xia Yan does not intend to give the Research Department a special research scope.

Xia Yan had a saying in his previous life, that is, 'technology is the primary productive force'.

Although the things studied by the Research Department are related to technology, in the end they all serve ninjas.

In Xia Yan's view, anything it studies must be driven by chakra.

Relying on these researches to promote the development of Konoha, we must also prevent the emergence of something like the small chakra scroll in a certain movie version that attempts to replace the ninja system.

In the end, ninjas still have to rely on themselves, not external forces.

The Ministry of Industry is even simpler. Once you research something, you always need a department to help you produce it, right?

What's more, the weapons suppliers in the ninja world are basically in the hands of some retail investors.

Konoha does have its own production capabilities, but it still needs to purchase weapons from many separate weapons suppliers every year.

In Xia Yan's opinion, this was simply intolerable. What is the most profitable?

Apart from banks making money, weapons are the most profitable.

Although there are guns and ammunition in this world, basically no one uses them.

Kunai, shuriken, detonating charms, etc., these are the mainstream of the ninja world, and these are the most profitable.

What ninja doesn't need these things?

Even civilians will hold some more or less to defend against bandits and the like.

The weapons sold to civilians can be retail investors. After all, these are small amounts of money.

But supplying war resources must be in your own hands!

With Natsuhiko's policy recommendation, it is foreseeable that the resources of many small countries will be completely in the hands of Konoha in the future.

With these resources, Konoha can make and sell it by itself. There are only these five major countries in the ninja world, but the number of small countries is really countless.

There are currently no large-scale, high-intensity conflicts in the ninja world, at least not for the time being after Konoha takes care of Kumogakure.

But small-scale, low-intensity conflicts happen all the time.

If Xia Yan took over all the weapons used in the conflicts between these small countries.

So how much Konoha can earn is simply unimaginable.

Therefore, Xia Yan must expand these departments, and he will fight against anyone who dares to obstruct him!

The research department is still relatively fragmented, and the power of research is basically in Xia Yan's hands.

Xia Yan's plan to reorganize naturally requires someone he can trust, and this person must have sufficient ability.

And now Senju Tobirama appears in front of him, isn't this a suitable candidate?

Before resurrection, he was full of energy and didn't need a salary or a vacation.

Although there were all kinds of troubles after the resurrection, at least the team had been established by then, right?

To be honest, sometimes Xia Yan really doesn't want to resurrect Senju Tobirama that much.

After all, a zombie with no worldly desires can work without a salary all year round.

"I have no problem."

Senju Tobirama had no idea that Xia Yan had so many things in his mind, let alone that Xia Yan was so malicious.

He nodded calmly, indicating that he had no problem at all.

"What you said is what I am good at, but my opinions may be out of touch with the times. I'm worried..."

"Don't worry, Sarutobi Hiruzen and I were enemies before, and I can make him stay."

Xia Yan came back to his senses, smiled and shook his head indifferently.

"Even if the suggestions are different, there are always merits, not to mention that what I am best at is setting big strategic goals.

There are a lot of tiny details, and I still need more people to help me. "

Senshou Tobirama couldn't help but nodded when he heard this. He could naturally see that Xia Yan was indeed a qualified strategic designer.

But how to implement the strategic direction after designing it really requires the help of more people.

And Natsuhiko did leave Sarutobi Hiruzen behind, even though Senju Tobirama thought it was best to kill this kind of enemy.

But Naruto is Natsuhiko, and Natsuhiko has shown his tolerance, which is really good.

After all, he came out of the Warring States Period. Even though Sarutobi Hiruzen was his disciple, he still thought about killing him as soon as he should.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is also very honest now, and he has indeed provided a lot of help.

And in some aspects, his handling methods are indeed better than Xia Yan, so Senju Tobirama won't say anything.

After all, the Hokage is Natsuhiko now, and he doesn't want this promising junior in his family to have a bad opinion of him.

Turning his head, Senju Tobirama looked at his elder brother.

Similarly, Natsuhiko also looked at Senju Hashirama, and now the only decision left was his.

"Then I'll stay and do the best I can."

Senju Hashirama saw the eyes of these two people, and finally he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

He could naturally feel that his brother and Xia Yan had joined forces to plot against him.

But what he had to admit was that he was indeed tempted.

Konoha's current development blueprint is indeed very exciting.

Moreover, what Xia Yan and Senju Tobirama said really made him uncomfortable.

He knew that the current situation in the ninja world had something to do with him. Now that he stayed, he could make up for it.

What's more, the positions assigned by Xia Yan are more in line with his wishes.

Cultivating the future of Konoha and watching those children grow up is indeed a joyful thing.

Senju Hashirama's words made both Natsuhiko and Senju Tobirama laugh.

And Qianju Tobirama secretly nodded to Xia Yan. It was obvious that he was very happy with his elder brother's decision, and even more happy with Xia Yan's cooperation with him.

It's really good news for him that his brother can stay.

He had chosen to stay from the beginning, but he didn't want too few people to speak to him after he stayed.

And now he doesn't need to worry so much, he is in a really good mood now.

"It's really good news."

Xia Yan also showed a smile and solved the problem between these two people, which was very beneficial to him and the future of Konoha.

But before he could say anything, there was a knock on his door.

This made Xia Yan raise his eyebrows slightly. After making a gesture to the two people beside him, he let people in directly.


A ninja from the mountain clan came in, and he looked a little anxious.

"There are some problems with the barrier, and a strong chakra is vibrating on the barrier.

Moreover, this chakra is very unfamiliar, and we are worried that it will be an enemy. "


Xia Yan couldn't help but stand up after hearing this, and the two Hokage behind him seemed to be more nervous than him.

But they were quite restrained, after all, Natsuhiko was the Hokage now.

"Is there any action from the ANBU, and where are the people from the security department?"

"They're all out."

This ninja from the mountain clan couldn't help but glance at the two people behind Xia Yan, and then he lowered his head and spoke quickly.

After getting this answer, Xia Yan nodded with satisfaction.

With them dispatched, as long as the enemy is not too strong, everything can still be controlled.

But when an enemy comes, as Hokage Natsuhiko still has to do something, especially this time the enemy will be very strong.

"But, who could it be?"

Xia Yan was a little confused. His perception spread quickly, and he locked onto a person in an instant.

Natsuhiko found that this guy's chakra was indeed somewhat familiar, but there was something strangely strange about this familiarity.

This made Xia Yan completely unsure of the specific identity of this guy.

After thinking about it, Xia Yan thought it would be better to go and see it in person.

Although his current condition is not complete, going all out requires paying a certain price.

But even so, if a clown really comes to mess with him, he will have to pay a heavy price!

What's more, he doesn't think there are many people in the ninja world that are difficult to deal with. Don't forget that he still has Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama...


Nagato stood quietly, looking at the people surrounding him, but he didn't make any move.

He knew very well that he did not come here to cause trouble, so his performance could be said to be extremely restrained.

But he didn't let anyone get close to him, just because he didn't cause trouble didn't mean he wanted to be bothered.

He really didn't pay too much attention to the ANBU, the security department, and some patrolling ninjas in front of him.

Even before being transformed, he wasn't afraid of these guys.

Not to mention that now, his strength has reached a higher level.

"Who are you, and what are your intentions in coming to Konoha?"

Kakashi stared at Nagato with his mask on, and he could feel the danger of the guy in front of him.

The faint chakra that was constantly overflowing made Kakashi realize immediately that this guy would be too difficult to deal with on his own.

However, as the head of the ANBU, Kakashi has grown a lot over the years, and the scarlet Sharingan in his eyes is already spinning.

It was obvious that he was ready for a fight to the death.

"Don't worry, I'm not your enemy."

Nagato hesitated for a moment, and finally he spoke silently.

"If I really want to do something, I'm afraid you can't stop me. I just want to meet your Hokage, that's all."

"Hokage-sama, is it possible for a guy like you to meet each other?"

Kakashi frowned. Although his words seemed firm, he knew that this time, Natsuhiko would really have to come to solve the problem.

The guy in front of me, even if he didn't move, already gave people a feeling that it was difficult to deal with.

If they want to fight, it's very likely that they won't even be opponents.

But the Hokage symbolizes the highest honor of a village. Anyone who wants to see the Hokage can meet him. This is simply a mess!

Kakashi took a deep breath and his eyes became dangerous.

He made a gentle gesture, and in an instant all the Anbu had begun to deploy, and many of them had already taken out their weapons.

When Nagato saw this scene, he frowned involuntarily.

He knew that Naruto was not easy to see, but he knew even better that if there was a conflict, everything would be over.

Thinking of this, Nagato was already considering whether to break in directly.

Although this seems very reckless, at least it can avoid direct conflict with these Konoha ninjas.

After all, if no one died, everything would be fine. If someone did die, Xia Yan might really want to fight him.

Thinking of this, the chakra in Nagato's body began to surge, and the pair of samsara eyes hidden under the bamboo hat suddenly gave off an alluring aura.

"Everyone stop it."

At this moment, a dull voice suddenly sounded.

The voice was very soft and seemed to come from far away, but it happened to ring in everyone's ears.

Nagato obviously heard this voice, he immediately raised his head and looked into the distance, but at this moment his body froze slightly.

Because he has discovered that someone is already standing behind him quietly!

He forcibly restrained his desire to fight back immediately, because he knew that this was the flying thunder god's signature technique of Senju Natsuhiko.

This also means that the fifth generation Hokage has arrived.

"It is you."

Xia Yan's voice reached Nagato's ears. It still sounded so gentle, but deep in this gentleness, there was an indescribable coldness.

"Why did you come to Konoha, and I heard that you were looking for me?"

"Yes, some personal matters."

Nagato did not turn around, he took a deep breath and then spoke slowly.

"I am not an enemy this time, and I have never taken action. This is my sincerity."

"You should be glad that you didn't do anything, otherwise do you think you can still talk to me properly now?"

Natsuhiko said with a smile, it seemed like he didn't take Nagato seriously at all.

But he felt a little unbelievable in his heart, because he found that Nagato at this time was more than one level stronger than the last time they met!

The most important thing is that Xia Yan obviously found that this guy actually had half of Bai Jue's body.

This change really made Xia Yan feel a little nervous.

White Zetsu's half body is equivalent to Senju Hashirama's power, while the Rinnegan is equivalent to Uchiha Madara's power.

How terrible is it that these two powers appear in a descendant of the Uzumaki clan?

But Xia Yan couldn't show any timidity at all. After all, his strength was not really impossible to deal with.

And as Hokage, Natsuhiko really won't do anything bad.

In addition, Xia Yan looked at Nagato who was always restrained and did not take action. He guessed that this time Nagato might have something important to ask him.

"You guys go down first."

Natsuhiko waved his hand, and in an instant all the ANBU members except Kakashi left the place.

The ninjas in the security department looked at each other, then they bowed slightly to Xia Yan and left quickly.

As for the other ninjas, they left quickly after receiving Xia Yan's order.

Even though they didn't know what Natsuhiko was going to do, they knew not to disobey the Hokage's orders.

After everyone was cleared, Natsuhiko glanced at Kakashi, and then he didn't let this guy leave.

As the head of ANBU, this guy really has the power to know some things.

For example, Xia Yan did not intend to hide the existence of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama from him, after all, his father already knew about it.

However, according to Natsuhiko's understanding of Hatake Sakumo, a relatively conservative ninja, I am afraid that Hatake Sakumo will not tell Kakashi about this matter.

Although Hatake Sakumo is a pioneer who breaks the rules of ninja, but no matter how pioneer he is, there are some things he will still abide by.

After everyone evacuated, Xia Yan took a few steps back.

His eyes looked up and down on Nagato for a while, and then he slowly said: "It seems that you have recovered well, and this time you actually dared to use your true body to see me.

Tell me, what is the purpose of coming to me this time? "

"This time, I came here with sincerity. I have only one purpose. I hope you can help me give an answer."

Nagato took a deep breath, turned around and took off his hat to look at Xia Yan, his samsara eyes looking at Xia Yan calmly.

But when he revealed the Rinnegan and Nagato's aura fully unfolded, both Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama were stunned for an instant.

When they saw the pair of eyes with circles of ripples, they suddenly knew the name of these eyes in their minds. They were the eyes of samsara...


"Reincarnation Eye?" Senju Hashirama frowned and looked at Nagato. He really didn't expect such a pair of eyes to appear in this world.

He was awakened directly by Xia Yan, but he stayed inside the moon for a long time.

During that time, in addition to protecting Xia Yan, he also read through the books in the moon.

Therefore, he is really not unfamiliar with the existence of the Samsara Eye.

What's more, he had already seen the huge reincarnation eye on the moon, and he had also seen Xia Yan's pure eyes.

He was certain that Xia Yan's eyes and the big eyeballs were of the same intensity as the Samsara Eye in front of him.

This time they suddenly saw the Samsara Eye. Although they were very surprised, they were surprised that these legendary eyes came out like they didn't need money.

But they could still accept it, but what made them frown was that they noticed the aura of the reincarnation eyes.

This kind of breath is really familiar to them, as if they have been in contact with this kind of breath, or the owner of these eyes, a long time ago!

It's just that no matter how hard they try to recall, they can't remember anything completely.

Besides, for both of them, if they really met someone with such eyes, they shouldn't be unable to recall it.

Beyond that, it's Nagato's own problem.

The two of them were keenly aware that Nagato actually had the aura of Senju Hashirama on his body.

And the power driven by the boiling system is so dazzling that people cannot ignore it.

But, why does this guy have his own (big brother) power?

This question was spinning in the minds of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, and they really couldn't understand it.

Natsuhiko has the power of the Senju Hashirama. This is not a strange thing, because Natsuhiko himself is a member of the Senju clan.

And although Natsuhiko's power is very similar to Senju Hashirama, the difference is also huge.

There was almost no difference between the guy in front of them. How could they not feel confused and surprised?

However, neither of them spoke, they just watched silently.

They can also feel the danger of this guy in front of them. Their current strength may not be able to deal with it, even if he is reincarnated from the dirty earth!

"Tell me, what do you want me to help you with?"

Xia Yan looked at Nagato calmly, because he had already noticed everything, and he didn't seem too surprised.

What he feels confused now is that this guy came to him just to find some answer?

Is this guy mentally ill or something? Xia Yan himself doesn't know what answer he can give him.

"I want to ask you, as Hokage, if you want complete peace in the ninja world and no war like before, what would you do?"

Nagato took a deep breath, then looked at Xia Yan with a deep look and asked.

"Should we find a way to communicate with them, or should we use force to completely make them surrender?"

Sure, this guy is mentally ill!

The corner of Xia Yan's mouth twitched. He felt that Nagato's lack of success definitely had something to do with his brain.

He, a super villain, ran up to the shadow of a village and asked such a question, what if he wasn't mentally ill?

But after thinking about it, Xia Yan thought it was better to answer this guy.

Xia Yan can feel that there is definitely a major problem in this guy becoming like this.

For example, in his current state, according to Hei Jue's old silver coin method, it is impossible for him to obtain this power easily.

After all, this is the fusion of the powers of Indra and Asura. Isn't this helping Nagato master the power of the Samsara Eye?

A guy like Hei Jue would never make such a mistake. He must have some hidden agenda in doing so.

Xia Yan guessed that he had done so much to Nagato last time that Kuro Zetsu had no choice but to do this?

After doing this, in order to better control Nagato, Black Zetsu should also have used some methods.

It's just a coincidence that Nagato, who has now made a leap in strength, found out, so this kid is confused?

After thinking about it, Xia Yan got this answer.

However, he felt that his idea should be very clear and the truth.

If this is the case, then the changes within the Akatsuki organization may turn into an unimaginable earthquake!

If he didn't make good use of this, Xia Yan would really feel sorry for himself.

"You are actually not qualified to ask this question in front of me. I know your details."

Although Natsuhiko decided to answer Nagato, his posture must be adequate.

As a Hokage, he had defeated the guy in front of him, and even single-handedly destroyed the Hokage of eight thousand cloud ninjas.

Xia Yan must maintain enough pride and show the style of a Hokage.

"I remember you were wearing that suit last time you came here. You are from the Akatsuki organization, right?

I admit that you were once very respectable, until Danzo's appearance completely changed you - don't think that I don't know what happened when you were hiding in the Land of Rain.

But I'm sorry about Danzo, and he also died in my hands. In a sense, we don't owe each other anything.

But I have to say that your ideas were very naive.

And what is the difference between what you are doing now and that of war criminals?

Didn't you just ask me whether communication can create peace?

My answer is, no.

Because the basis of communication is equality, and the ninja world has never been an equal ninja world.

Even the five major ninja villages of the five major countries still have serious differences in strength and weakness.

In addition to military inequality, there is also inequality in resources and economic development.

With so much inequality, how do you want us to talk peacefully?

But using force is also not a good method.

Konoha needs to take responsibility for this, because someone really conquered the ninja world back then, and there wouldn't be so much trouble. "

After saying this, Xia Yan paused deliberately, and then looked at Senju Hashirama from the corner of his eyes.

And Senju Hashirama's face looks very bad now. He never expected that he would be whipped repeatedly for this problem.

But fortunately, Xia Yan didn't hold on to it all the time. He directly continued.

“But unfortunately, there is no if.

Everyone already has the concept of a village. Even if they are taken in together after being forcibly conquered, they will still miss everything in the past.

This is the breeding ground of hatred, this is the source of hatred. If we want real peace, we can only connect all the villages through some other means. "

After saying this, Xia Yan stopped completely. He couldn't help but laugh when he looked at Nagato, who had a gloomy expression on his face.

After all, Natsuhiko's words not only negated everything Nagato did, but also negated everything Yahiko or Jiraiya did.

But Xia Yan doesn't care that much, and now he has an interesting idea, a bold idea.

"By the way, the person who was forced to death by Danzo and Hanzo was the former leader of your Akatsuki organization, right?" Natsuhiko suddenly asked at this moment. "Is that the corpse you used before?"

"Yes, his name is Yahiko." Nagato came to his senses and nodded dully.

"That's easy to handle, I know you are confused now, and you also doubt what I said.

Of course, I don’t expect you to listen to me. After all, we are enemies in a certain sense. But if you transform this organization into this, what will happen if your friend knows about it? "

A smile appeared on Xia Yan's face. This smile looked gentle, but it was full of inexplicable taste.

"What do you mean?"

Nagato frowned. Natsuhiko's words made Nagato, who was already shaken in his belief, feel really unhappy.

"It's not interesting. I'm just asking you if you want to see him."

Xia Yan said slowly, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

"Speaking of which, according to the root records, you seem to have a certain relationship with Jiraiya.

In this case, I don't mind helping you.

Let me ask you, do you want to meet that Yahiko? "


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