The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 304 Nagato is a good knife (8K please subscribe~)

At the Konoha barrier, Xia Yan looked helplessly at the report in his hand.

Next to him, Nara Shikaku and Sora were secretly looking at Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama from time to time.

Such a big thing happened in Konoha Barrier, and it naturally attracted the attention of many people.

But with Xia Yan blocking it, ordinary people couldn't get in, but some people were obviously not within the scope of being blocked.

Just like Uchiha Qiong, the personal secretary, or Nara Shikaku, the minister of government affairs.

The purpose of the two of them coming here is actually very simple, that is, to use their identities to understand the current situation.

If the situation is good, then everything is fine. If the situation is bad, then they will naturally launch flares as soon as possible.

After all, the Hokage personally took action, and it was impossible for Konoha to be without any ultimate defense.

Now the ninjas within Konoha have begun to gather. As long as their signal is sent out, these ninjas will come to support as soon as possible.

Going to a big country to cause trouble in a ninja village is really not something that ordinary people would dare to do, because the consequences of doing so would be unimaginable.

But when they quickly came to Natsuhiko's side, the two of them were immediately stopped by Kakashi.

Although Kakashi was wearing a mask at this time, the eyes revealed from the mask looked so weird.

It's just that this weirdness didn't attract the attention of the two of them, and when they looked at Xia Yan, they were immediately stunned.

Because in their sight, two figures dressed in red and blue appeared in their eyes.

The condition of these two people looks a bit strange, because there are strange cracks on their bodies.

In addition, his eyes are also different from ordinary people's eyes. The sclera is not white at all but black.

But these differences together are nothing, because both Nara Shikaku and Sora have already recognized their identities!

These two people are exactly the same as the two ancestors of Hokage who were carved on the Hokage Rock.

However, if these two people were not dead long ago, why are they still here?

Was this a fake corpse, or did Xia Yan use some magic to resurrect them?

But no matter which one it is, the resurrection of these two is a big event for Konoha.

Shikaku and Qiong were really dumbfounded at this time. They just came over to see if there was any problem, but they bumped into such a thing.

Fortunately, Xia Yan noticed them and let the two of them over.

In fact, compared to the two of them, there was someone more shocked, and that person was Nagato.

When Nagato heard what Natsu Yan said, his expression suddenly changed, because he felt that Natsu Yan was playing tricks on him.

However, after Natsuhiko tried it and Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama took off their disguises, Nagato stood still.

Nagato is not from Konoha, so naturally he is not familiar with the First Hokage and the Second Hokage.

But this guy has the eyes of reincarnation, and he had noticed that something was not right about the two of them before.

But now he is absolutely sure that these two people are not alive at all!

In his reincarnation eyes, he could see that the physical essence of these two people was not the two of them at all.

But because of some special chakra, they became like this.

Xia Yan didn't whet Nagato's appetite. He told Nagato directly who these two people were.

At this moment, Nagato realized that Natsu Yan was not joking, he could indeed resurrect the dead.

Even if this resurrection is actually fake, what if you use the reincarnation technique in such a state?

Nagato wasn't sure whether his idea was correct, but he was really moved.

He wanted to see Yahiko, he wanted to see his friend who shared life and death but left early!

"Take out his body, I need materials, and Kakashi, and Tobirama-senpai to take Kakashi to the prison, I need a death row prisoner."

He was already familiar with the reincarnation of Natsuhiko from the Earth, and Kakashi was also quite familiar with this business because he had experienced Natsuhiko resurrecting his father.

With the help of Senju Tobirama, Kakashi soon brought over a death row prisoner.

This death row prisoner is also a spy, and she is also a woman. This was specially chosen by Senju Tobirama.

After all, he is also a person who can be reincarnated in the dirty earth. He will not choose good sacrifices to give to enemies who are likely to be enemies.

He would never do anything to capitalize on the enemy.

Xia Yan obviously doesn't care what a sacrifice is. Anyway, to him, men and women are the same.

However, Nagato seemed a little embarrassed, especially since his reincarnation eye could see the essence after resurrection, which made him even more uncomfortable.

However, he felt uncomfortable and did not dare to say anything. After all, the person who mastered this technique was Xia Yan.

If it were anyone else, he might try to use his own power to snatch the technique.

But Xia Yan used to be someone who seemed to beat him up so easily that he doubted his life.

Facing such a guy, if he takes action, his end may be foreseeable.

Especially this time, in order to express his sincerity, he directly asked his own body to see Xia Yan.

Although this can show more powerful combat effectiveness, if he fails, he will really die.

He had started to doubt his beliefs and he was really going to do something to change.

It would be a pity and not worth it if he died at this time.

When Xia Yan quickly completed the seal, the female death row prisoner suddenly let out bursts of wailing.

But this wailing didn't last long before she was completely wrapped in dirty paper and finally turned into Yahiko's appearance.

Soon, Yahiko woke up. He glanced around blankly, and finally his eyes locked on Nagato.

At this time, Nagato was already so excited that he couldn't control himself. He had not yet fully recovered from the situation.

He had already sprinted to Yahiko's side and hugged Miyan.

Faced with the deep love between these two brothers, Xia Yan was willing to give them some time.

So he looked at Nara Shikaku and Qiong, but before he could say anything, Shikaku had already spoken.

"Hokage-sama, we know what to say and what not to say.

And this time, there are more important things that need to be dealt with by Hokage-sama. "

After the words fell, Lu Jiu winked at Qiong, and Qiong also handed a piece of information to Xia Yan.

Xia Yan looked at the report in his hand with some doubts. After just two glances, he felt his head grow bigger.

This report is really not about anything else. It is about Xia Yan's strategic plans for other small countries.

He really didn't expect that his plan would progress so quickly.

According to the description in the report, Tang Zhiguo has basically been thoroughly understood, and Xia Yan can start his own plan at any time whenever he wants...


"What's wrong? You look worried?"

Senju Hashirama glanced at Yahiko and Nagato who were talking quietly not far away.

Turning his head and looking at Xia Yan's helpless expression, he couldn't help but asked curiously.

Although Xia Yan had this report in his hand, he still didn't go over to take a look.

Also curious was Senju Tobirama, but compared to Natsuhiko's frowning face, he was more concerned about that boy Nagato.

After all, in Nagato, he felt the power of his brother, as well as a power that he was very familiar with but couldn't tell where he encountered it.

Such a guy has mastered two powers, and also has something like the Samsara Eye. This can be said to be extremely dangerous.

Even Senju Tobirama felt that there was something wrong with this guy's brain.

But no matter what, even if a fool has mastered terrifying power, this is extremely worthy of attention.

What's more, this guy seems to have some ill intentions towards Konoha.

"Instead of looking at those reports, we should think more about how to solve the current troubles."

Qianju Feijian snorted coldly, crossed his arms and said indifferently.

"This guy is really difficult to deal with. What is Xia Yan going to do?"

"Don't worry, he can't cause any trouble."

Natsuhiko raised his head slightly and glanced at Yahiko and Nagato not far away, and then he chuckled.

"And if my guess is correct, this kid may not be an enemy in the future."

"Not an enemy anymore?"

Senju Tobirama took a serious look at Xia Yan, and finally he nodded.

"You are Hokage. I trust your judgment, but can you tell me about this kid's situation?"

Senju Tobirama's words immediately caused Senju Hashirama to turn his head, as did Kakashi, Shikaku, and Sora.

Faced with this guy who ran to Konoha alone and was able to attract the Hokage, and who was also valued by the Second Hokage, they had to be curious.

Natsuhiko nodded indifferently. Although it involved the transaction between himself and Orochimaru, these things would eventually be known to others.

So it's not a big deal to tell them in advance. Anyway, the first generation and the second generation already know these nonsense.

"No problem, after all, you can also know some things."

Natsuhiko spoke directly. He told everything from the first time he met them with Kakashi to his contact with Orochimaru and the battle with Nagato.

But he still concealed a lot of content, such as Uchiha Madara, Black Zetsu and Obito.

It was impossible for him to tell all these things together. After all, he had little contact with the Akatsuki organization.

In addition, the Anbu did not have much information about the Akatsuki organization.

Natsu Yan always uses those guys at the base to help him cover up. Sometimes Natsu Yan finds that Danzo’s base is really useful for taking the blame!

"That's probably what happened."

Xia Yan quickly finished the general explanation. After all, these things are not too complicated.

“It was only through contact with Kakuzu that I remembered them.

After I took over the root, I discovered that Danzo had actually been in contact with them. "

After saying this, Xia Yan paused slightly, and then pointed at Ya Yan who was resurrected by him.

"That guy was killed by Danzo, and according to the root intelligence, Hanzo has been missing for a long time.

Judging from the strength of this guy named Nagato, I guess Hanzo may be dead.

In other words, the Kingdom of Rain is actually dominated by this guy. "

"I didn't expect that there are so many stories in it."

After hearing this, Senju Hashirama couldn't help but sigh slightly, and then he turned his head and glanced at Senju Tobirama with dissatisfaction.

"The good disciple you trained is really going to cause trouble for others."

"Humph, he should be grateful that he died early."

Qianju Tobirama was also extremely dissatisfied now. He snorted coldly and stopped talking.

However, he was becoming increasingly dissatisfied with Hiruzen Sarutobi. What kind of role was Danzo?

This guy is just a person who serves the Hokage. The one who can really make decisions is Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Hokage.

If this happened, it was either an order given by Hiruzen Sarutobi, and this guy should bear the main responsibility.

Either Sarutobi Hiruzen was lax in his duties, which led to something like this happening, and he still has to bear the main responsibility.

It can be said that at this moment Senju Hashirama was really disappointed with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Forget it, let's not talk about these issues."

Xia Yan didn't bother to dwell on these things that had already passed. He directly handed the report to Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

"Please take a look at this report. I didn't expect things to develop so fast."

"Is this appropriate?"

Senju Hashirama said with a smile, but he took the report without any hesitation.

Senju Tobirama also poked his head over, and after just looking at it for a moment, he roughly knew what was going on.

Obviously, in his opinion, this is a good thing. He who has known the plan for a long time naturally knows Xia Yan's thoughts.

Now that the opportunity is in front of him, Xia Yan needs to consider what to do.

"what's your plan?"

Qianju Tobirama pondered for a moment, and then asked curiously.

"I think you won't miss this opportunity, right?"

"Of course not. It would be a pity if we don't seize this opportunity."

Xia Yan nodded unceremoniously, and he also showed a smile.

"Didn't Nagato ask me how we can bring peace to the ninja world? Isn't this an opportunity that comes to my door?"

"you mean?"

Senju Hashirama raised his eyebrows and asked with some confusion.

"Is this appropriate? If he causes sabotage..."

"Then I will go to the Country of Rain and send him to hell!"

Xia Yan didn't hesitate at all and defined the matter with murderous intent.

Xia Yan has never been a soft-hearted person. If he really offends him, he really doesn't mind letting his enemies know the consequences.

And it's not like Natsuhiko doesn't know what Nagato's weakness is.

The worst case scenario is that he catches Konan, then reincarnates Yahiko from the dirt, and lets Nagato stand there unable to use Yahiko to stab him to death.

This kind of thing is not difficult at all, and it also doesn't make Xia Yan feel embarrassed.

Turning his head, Natsuhiko looked at Nagato and Yahiko, who were still talking.

He didn't eavesdrop, because it was not necessary at all. He looked at Yahiko's somewhat ugly face and Nagato's guilty look.

Xia Yan knew that the Akatsuki organization was really going to deteriorate...


"Hey, there's nothing more to say at this point."

In an open space not far from Xia Yan and the others, Yahiko sighed helplessly.

Nagato told everything that happened after Yahiko's death in great detail.

Yahiko was really heartbroken and helpless when he heard the news.

What made him heartbroken was what happened to Nagato. Although he deliberately died in Nagato's hands to save Konan.

But he knew very well what harm his actions would bring to Nagato.

He was also full of guilt in his heart, but he knew very well that he had no choice in the situation.

The reason for helplessness is also very simple, that is, Nagato changed after his death.

He knew Nagato too well, the brother he had grown up with since childhood.

Nagato has never been mentally strong, and after encountering such a major setback, I'm afraid he will really make some terrible choices.

Now it seems that this is indeed what happened, but fortunately, Nagato still has the possibility of change.

"Sorry, Yahiko."

Nagato's face was full of shame, he lowered his head slightly and his voice was very low.

"It's me who turned the Akatsuki organization into what it is now. It's me who's sorry for your entrustment. It's me..."

"Okay, I said, this matter ends here."

Yahiko interrupted Nagato who was blaming himself, and he patted Nagato hard on the shoulder.

“It’s not too late, there is always a chance to make amends.

And I have to admit that maybe my view is indeed biased.

The Fifth Hokage was right. Back then we were just doing things with passion and didn't consider anything more. "

Yahiko, who had died once, now recalled everything that happened back then, and he himself sighed extremely.

Teacher Jiraiya's idea is very good, but the problem is that this idea is too beautiful.

Some people and some things really cannot be solved by communication alone.

If so, then he and Hanzo wouldn't have both reached this point.

They have never thought about the issue of interests carefully, or Jiraiya has never taught them.

Just now, Nagato relayed what Natsuhiko said before. As a smart man, Yahiko naturally thought and thought a lot.

Although this will have some impact on his beliefs.

But as the true founder of the Akatsuki organization, Yahiko is not fragile.

If you make mistakes, correct them; if you have problems, figure out the key to the problem.

He now knows where the problem with his Xiao organization was.

He also understood that the current Akatsuki organization was even more wrong.

All I can say is that the guy who bewitched Nagato really had evil intentions.

"Yahiko, do you think you were wrong back then?"

Nagato frowned, but soon he sighed.

"Maybe, the Fifth Hokage just now was also very disdainful of Jiraiya-sensei's opinion."

"After all, we have never really looked at everything in the entire ninja world from a higher perspective."

Yahiko gently patted Nagato's shoulder again, and this time he smiled.

"Come on, now you have woken up and realized the various problems.

I believe you can lead Akatsuki to a different path, a truly right path.

Also, take good care of Xiao Nan. "

"Yahiko, you..."

Nagato couldn't help but open his mouth when he heard the words. He wanted to say something else.

But it's a pity that Yahiko interrupted him with a smile: "Let's go and see the Fifth Hokage. We still need to thank him, don't we?"

With that said, Yahiko walked directly in the direction of Natsuhiko.

Nagato hesitated to speak. He felt that Yahiko had guessed what he was thinking and did so.

His idea was simple. He saw that Xia Yan had summoned both the First Hokage and the Second Hokage, who had been dead for who knows how long, and stayed with him.

At this moment, he also had an idea in his mind, that is, whether to keep Yahiko too!

Although this is not a true resurrection, it also allows him to have a good communication with Yahiko.

And if possible, he is willing to use the reincarnation technique on Yahiko!

Just wanting to get this technique would probably cost a lot, but for Nagato, he didn't care about the cost at all. Yahiko was really too important to him and Konan.

"Hokage-sama, thank you."

Yahiko brought Nagato to Natsuhiko's side, and then Yahiko bowed slightly to Natsuhiko directly.

"Thank you for letting Nagato know about his problem, and also thank you for allowing me to meet him again, thank you."

"You are Jiraiya's disciple. Although I don't like him, after all, he is a Konoha ninja and has made outstanding contributions to Konoha."

Xia Yan raised his head slightly and said calmly.

But his words were not so polite. Senju Tobirama and Nara Shikaku couldn't help but raise their eyebrows when they heard it.

He has made outstanding contributions, Hokage-sama, are you really planning to expel Jiraiya from the ninja status?

However, they did not speak, but looked at Xia Yan calmly.


Yahiko also heard some differences in Xia Yan's words, and he seemed a little embarrassed.

Nagato didn't hear anything wrong, and he followed Yahiko and kept bowing to Natsuhiko.

"Okay, I know you have a lot of questions."

Natsuhiko didn't give Yahiko a chance to speak, he interrupted directly.

"I make a deal with you, don't you really want to see how I plan to bring peace to the ninja world?

I won't move too fast, nor will I move too slowly.

Now there is an opportunity in front of you, but as Konoha ninjas we don't want to do it ourselves.

We are responsible for negotiating and you are responsible for doing it. At the same time, we also give you a chance to learn.

What do you think? "


Yahiko looked a little embarrassed. He could see that the Fifth Hokage seemed to be a little too strong.

And he could even see that the Fifth Hokage's eyes were on him, not Nagato.

Nagato had said before that this Hokage knew some information about them, and this Hokage even killed Danzo.

Obviously, this Hokage directly regards himself as the leader of the Akatsuki organization.

Yahiko smiled bitterly, but he also knew that he couldn't allow himself to think too much now.

After thinking for a moment, he said, "Okay, but there is something Hokage needs to help us with."

"Tell me." Xia Yan asked directly.

"There is a curse mark in Nagato's body, and he cannot solve it by himself."

Yahiko lowered his head and quickly explained the situation.

"I hope that Hokage-sama can help him solve this problem, so that we will do our best to help Hokage-sama.

Except, war. "

"You don't need to start a war, but you still won't accompany me."

Xia Yan chuckled, and then he continued to speak.

"I admit that you are strong, but that's all.

I accept the conditions. You are smarter than him. I will not remove your filthy reincarnation for the time being, and I will not control you either.

Think about how to deal with the situation in your country of rain, and we must also make preparations here. So, happy working together? "

“A pleasure to work with.”

Yahiko raised his head slightly and said extremely seriously.

"Lord Hokage..."


What Yahiko told Xia Yan didn't surprise him much, or he really guessed it right.

Natsuhiko never thought that Black Zetsu would give away things that shouldn't be given to Nagato without any conditions.

Even if he has no choice, he will definitely leave enough backup to ensure that there will be no problems with the plan.

He has only one goal from beginning to end, and that is to rescue his mother who was sealed in the moon.

Uchiha Madara is an important part of his plan, and Nagato is the key to resurrecting Uchiha Madara.

As a result, Nagato was beaten by Natsuhiko and lost his confidence, and his body was hollowed out by the Samsara Eye.

Such a Nagato is a waste, there is no way to collect the power of the tailed beast, and it is not even certain whether he will survive or resurrect Uchiha Madara.

Therefore, it is inevitable for him to help Nagato, and it is also inevitable for him to guard against Nagato.

There is a large amount of White Zetsu's flesh in Nagato's body, so it is normal for these flesh to have problems.

Moreover, Uchiha Madara also tampered with the Rinnegan and Obito's heart. It is normal for Black Zetsu to do something in White Zetsu's body.

With this answer, Xia Yan knew what he had to do.

The curse seal in this boy Nagato must be studied clearly.

In this case, not only can Nagato truly escape from Black Zetsu's control, but also Natsuhiko can try to see if he can master Nagato!

Xia Yan has never been a good person, and neither is Senju Tojama.

Xia Yan didn't even express his thoughts, Senju Tobirama had already started to make preparations.

Xia Yan left this matter to Senju Tobirama. After all, Xia Yan needed Senju Tobirama's research ability.

It only took him one day to find the curse seal and he had already started researching it.

"The curse mark in this kid's body is a little troublesome. It's in the realm of Yin-Yang escape."

Senju Tobirama himself can escape, and he has also read Otsutsuki's books on the moon, so he naturally recognizes these things.

"The technique is very clever, and it is very troublesome to deal with, but it is not impossible to study it."

"Then I'll leave this to you."

Xia Yan nodded and said with a smile.

"Senior Tobirama, this is your strength. It depends on your performance."

"Don't worry, I will break this curse seal."

Having said this, Qianju Tobijian raised his head proudly.

"Not only do I have to break it, I also have to master this curse seal. Once this kid masters it, it will be a good thing for Konoha."

"I don't know, but I wouldn't object."

Xia Yan couldn't help but smile when he heard this. It was so comfortable to have the Hokage helping him.

He is the kind of person who knows very well how to get the most profit, and he is also a person who doesn't care what others think, as long as he gets the benefits himself.

The compatibility between such a person and Xia Yan is really high, and the two of them work together perfectly.

What's more, Nagato is really a good sword. If you have to have strength, if you have no brains, you really don't have much brains. It's not very good to be able to control it.

"But you shouldn't have resurrected that orange-haired kid. That kid has some brains."

Senju Tobirama whispered while packing up the experimental materials.

"Resurrecting him is not convenient for you to control."

"But if you don't resurrect, it won't be convenient for me to gain trust."

Xia Yan said nonchalantly, and then he waved gently.

"I will take care of this matter, and I'll leave the rest to you."

After saying this, Xia Yan also left the laboratory located under the Hokage Building.

This place was personally selected by Senju Tobirama, so Natsu Yan would naturally not object. He even specially asked all the people from the ANBU Research Department to come over.

The boy Nagato has now left Konoha with Yahiko. Naturally, they have to go back and deal with some of the problems after they left.

After all, Black Zetsu and Obito will not trust Nagato, and Obito still has the power to travel through space.

If it is not handled well, it will be caught off guard, and Konoha has not yet conquered the curse seal.

Then Nagato's end is simply unimaginable.

It is very, very necessary to do everything accurately, and it is also a good thing for everyone.

Walking all the way into the Hokage's office, he nodded to the ninjas passing by in return, and soon Xia Yan entered the office.

But what he didn't expect was that Nara Shikaku and Qiong were both here, and Senju Hashirama was talking to Qiong with a smile on his face.

"What are you talking about?"

Xia Yan closed the door casually, and then asked curiously.

However, what he didn't expect was that Qiong's face turned slightly red as soon as he opened his mouth, which made him feel a little weird.

But Senju Tobirama didn't think that much at all, he said directly: "Of course you should ask her how she feels about you. It's time to have children when she's grown up.

I can make the decision between you and her, even if Madara is here! "


After hearing Senju Hashirama's words, Xia Yan couldn't help but roll his eyes, while Qiong's face turned even redder.

Uchiha Madara will definitely not object. This guy wants the current Uchiha to die. His objection is nothing.

What's more, his old man died a long time ago, so it doesn't matter how you brag about it.

Too lazy to pay attention to Senju Hashirama, Natsuhiko looked at Nara Shikaku who kept his head down and pretended not to be there.

"Boss Shikaku, how are you preparing for what you were asked to prepare?"

"Lord Hokage, I came here this time to talk about this matter."

When Nara Shikaku heard Natsuhiko's words, he immediately raised his head and took out a document.

"This is the result of our discussion this time, and cooperating troops have already assembled at the border."

"Is that so?"

Xia Yan nodded. This time it was a deterrent operation. Although the troops would not actually take action, they still had to have the proper posture.

After taking a serious look at the report, Xia Yan frowned slightly.

"This time, do you plan to go there in person?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

Nara Shikaku nodded, his expression extremely serious.

“Although this is just a small thing, this is also Konoha’s first action.

We must treat it with extreme caution, so it is the best choice for me to come forward this time.

Please allow Hokage-sama to agree..."


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