The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 305: In the Starry Sky (8K please subscribe~)

Naturally, Natsuhiko could not refuse Nara Shikaku's request.

After all, this is the first step in Konoha's true foreign strategy led by Natsuhiko.

This step not only has historical significance, but also has high political significance.

Therefore, it is the best thing for Xia Yan to have someone with strong skills to handle this matter.

Nara Shikaku looked at him as being submissive around Natsuhiko. That was because he respected Natsuhiko as Hokage.

This guy treats the Hokage with great respect and is very friendly to his colleagues in Konoha, but that's not the case with people from other villages.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen was in power, he took the lead in the truce negotiations with Sunagakure and Iwagakure.

Although those two negotiations made him very unhappy, especially the one with Iwagakure left him speechless to the extreme.

But this was Sarutobi Hiruzen's request, and he had no choice.

However, after Xia Yan took office, he truly showed his true character by cooperating with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in negotiating with Yunyin.

Kumogakure was really controlled by him, and Konoha also gained huge benefits from it.

This time Nara Shikaku took the initiative to ask for help. Of course Xia Yan supported it, but while supporting it, he still asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to come with him.

Nara Shikaku is an all-rounder in government affairs, but Natsuhiko can't leave everything to him, right?

Now Konoha needs a lot of talents, and he can definitely be a teacher and help Konoha to cultivate to a certain extent wherever it is needed.

In this way, in the future, his pressure will be much less, and Xia Yan will not need to worry about having no one available.

Things on Konoha's side have been arranged, and the next step is to wait for Nagato's side.

Natsuhiko is not sure how Nagato arranged it to avoid Obito and Black Zetsu's rape.

But these things are not his turn to worry so much. What he has to do now is to wait and wait for his eyes to see the first fetal movement.

He had a hunch that this fetal movement might pass in a short time.

And then, he can truly feel the strength of his new pair of pure eyes.

After get off work, Xia Yan left the office with Lianhua and Qiong.

This guy Senju Hashirama went to find Senju Tobirama. He hadn't seen his brother all day, so he was naturally curious about the progress of his brother's research.

He knew what his brother was doing, and at the same time, he also hoped that Nagato's curse seal could be unlocked.

After all, Senju Hashirama really has a lot of affection for things like the prodigal son turning back.

Xia Yan didn't bother to pay attention to him, after all, this guy would really cause trouble for himself.

Looking at Qiong, who had been following silently, Xia Yan was really a bit over the top.

For this girl from the Uchiha clan, Xia Yan would be lying to himself if he said he didn't have a good impression.

The polarization of the Uchiha clan is really serious, and men may become insane if they are not careful.

And the higher the level of neurosis, the stronger the person is.

The woman is the complete opposite, her unique gentleness is really hard to refuse.

Of course, it's not impossible for someone to be arrogant, but at least what Xia Yan encountered was arrogance mixed with gentleness.

Such a character is really a fatal temptation for Xia Yan.

Especially the unique straight black hair, which can be regarded as a reminder of Xia Yan's special hobby.

In fact, there are quite a lot of Kuronao growing in Konoha, such as the Hyuga clan.

However, Natsuhiko doesn't have much contact with people from the Hyuga clan, and the people he comes into contact with are basically men.

In addition, the Hyuga clan's unique clan and branch system meant that Xia Yan didn't have any special ideas for the time being.

He now has a headache, how to solve the problem of Qiong.

After all, he had just put Lianhua to sleep. If he did it now, it would be really unkind.

Strength brings status, and power brings desire.

Xia Yan is not lacking in strength or power. No matter what he does, as long as he is responsible, others will not say anything about him.

The most likely possibility is that everyone will bless him.

But Xia Yan still needs to pay attention to himself, not to mention that he also needs to pay attention to Lianhua's emotions.

Shaking his head slightly, Xia Yan felt that he had been tricked by Senju Hashirama.

But now that things have come to this, he can only take one step at a time...


In the Kingdom of Water, Hei Jue silently looked at the rising moon in the sky. At this moment, his heart was full of mixed feelings.

He has been waiting for thousands of years, but his purpose remains the same.

He is still the same boy as before, without any change.

Although there were constant troubles along the way, at least he was able to control Indra and his descendants.

The most important thing is that Uchiha Madara, the person who is the closest to Indra and even awakened the power belonging to Otsutsuki Hagoromo, was also caught by him!

But recently, his life has been really difficult.

First, he discovered that there seemed to be alien enemies like his mother who had come to the ninja world.

Not only did this guy come, he also brought a ten-tails with him. Although the ten tails were also separated, thinking about this kind of thing makes people shudder.

Moreover, these people are very mysterious in the ninja world, and even he can't find any traces of them.

This situation really cast a shadow on his heart.

In addition, an uncontrollable factor actually appeared in Konoha.

That is the fifth Hokage of Konoha Village, Senju Natsuhiko!

This guy is incredibly powerful. Judging from Black Zetsu's experience over the past millennium, he can be sure that Senju Natsuhiko is close to Senju Hashirama at his peak.

Although there is still a big gap between this guy and Asura, no one can tell where his limit is!

The most important thing is that this guy actually awakened a pair of eyes.

Even if these eyes are black, they can't explain why.

I have never seen it before, but judging from the description alone, it seems that these eyes are somewhat similar to the reincarnated eye.

But the strength of the reincarnated eye was already very clear to him in the memory given by his mother.

He really couldn't understand or figure out why such a pair of eyes would appear on a Thousand Hands body.

It is conceivable that even if this Senju Natsuhiko does not have the power of Asura, his future achievements will not be low with these eyes!

"Hey, how did the ninja world become like this?"

Black Zetsu sighed quietly, the appearance of Senju Natsuhiko really made him extremely depressed.

Because it was this damn guy who had no choice but to help Nagato regain his strength and confidence.

Nagato is the perfect tool. He must let Nagato continue, otherwise what will happen to those samsara eyes?

He would not trust Obito, let alone give him the Rinnegan Eye.

Because he really can't believe Obito, a guy who only thinks about women.

Sighing slightly, Hei Jue looked at the moon again.

Some time ago, an unimaginable tidal wave of power erupted on the moon.

This kind of power is very terrifying, and it also makes Hei Jue very familiar.

He knew from his memory that this power was the power of the reincarnated eye!

This made him very confused, because he really didn't know why such a power appeared on the moon.

Could it be that that damn Otsutsuki Hamura went to the moon?

If this is the case, then his plan to save his mother may be cast into a hidden shadow again.

Otsutsuki Hamura is still alive, so that damn Otsutsuki Hagoromo probably won't die that easily.

Moreover, the moon is the place where his mother is sealed. It is a seal built by gathering the reincarnation eye, reincarnation eye, and the power of yin and yang escape.

Originally, it was not a simple matter to solve it. All he could think of was to gather all the power of his mother.

Finally, the chakra belonging to the mother in his own body allowed the mother to descend on his body that he had prepared long ago.

Uchiha Madara was obviously the being he carefully selected to bring his mother to life.

But now he is really worried, in case those two guys are really alive.

When he activates his mother's power and brings her to the world, will this attract their attention?

And what's horrifying to think about is that there seem to be enemies of his mother in the ninja world.

When he lets the Ten-Tails appear, will they make any further moves to thwart his plan?

The more she thought about Hei Jueyue, the more she felt a headache, and the more she thought about him, the more she became tormented.

The current ninja world really makes him feel strange and terrifying, and he is really becoming more and more confused about the future.

He was thinking about what the purpose of those guys who had mastered the tailed beasts was.

He also needs to consider whether his two nominal brothers are really still alive.

In addition, will the Senju Natsuhiko cause any damage to his plan?

Whether this kid Nagato is still under control requires him to think carefully.

For a moment, he really felt so tired.

However, such an idea just popped up and was immediately killed by him.

His only goal and motivation in this world is to get his mother out of trouble!

In order to achieve this goal, he can pay any price, he can sacrifice everything that can be sacrificed.

Thinking of this, Hei Jue's eyes became firm.

Along the way, for thousands of years, Hei Jue has encountered all kinds of worries.

Although the level of trouble this time is more terrifying than what he has experienced in the past thousand years combined.

But he has come this far, and he really has no reason to back down.

He can only believe now that his mother can deal with all the troubles after leaving the seal.

And he really believed in all this, even if his mother lost to Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura.

It's just that she doesn't want to be cruel to her child. Her mother is the only god in this world!


In an unknown corner of the vast ninja world, a man dressed as a monk was quietly looking at the moon in the sky.

It's just that his state looks a little weird. Sometimes he looks extremely indifferent, but also has the slightest dignity.

Sometimes he looked so scared, as if he was worried that something terrible was coming.

Sometimes he looked so twisted, as if he was suffering from unspeakable pain.

His contradictory, schizophrenic state is really chilling.

However, his twisted and divided state is still a minority, and more of him still maintains indifference and calmness.


After a long while, the man sighed slightly, and his eyes became more solemn.

"Such a power is Otsutsuki, but who is here?"

If Xia Yan heard his words here, he would definitely be shocked!

What Otsutsuki is, the Ninja world at this moment has long forgotten it after thousands of years of circulation.

But as a time traveler, how could Xia Yan not know what Otsutsuki meant?

The monk's expression was still solemn. Not long ago, he felt a terrifying force erupting on the moon.

This power was foreign to him, but also familiar.

That kind of power full of destructive characteristics belongs to Otsutsuki!

Even if he really doesn't know who the owner of this power is, he can be sure that this power does not belong to the ninja world.

He has been in the ninja world for thousands of years, and even though he has spent most of these thousand years in a deep sleep.

But the one who is sleeping belongs to Otsutsuki, and the monk is still active. He has collected countless information in this world.

He knew very well what was happening in the ninja world, and he also knew very well how powerful the ninja world was now.

The only pity is that during the years when Otsutsuki Kaguya was sealed, neither he nor the monk dared to stand up.

He and Kaguya Otsutsuki can be said to be enemies of life and death. If it weren't for Kaguya Otsutsuki's actions, how could he have fallen to where he is now?

In order to prevent Kaguya Otsutsuki from discovering his existence, he controlled the monks to hide very far away to ensure that he would not be discovered.

Therefore, he is not very familiar with the power of Otsutsuki Hagoromo and Otsutsuki Hamura, otherwise he might have reacted immediately.

"But you still need to be careful with such power."

After thinking for a long time, the monk slowly spoke.

His voice was so indifferent and solemn.

“According to memory, the moon is the product of sealing Kaguya Otsutsuki.

This power burst out from the moon, and it was hard to say that it wouldn't have something to do with that woman.

Damn it, if my body could be completely resurrected, I wouldn't be so passive. "

The monk's eyes were full of killing intent at this moment, and the violent chakra exploded from his body in an instant.

However, with this burst of chakra, the monk's body suddenly began to show signs of collapse.

Blood continued to flow from his body, and dense cracks appeared on his skin.

There was even a crisp sound inside his body, which was the sound of his bones breaking!

But just when his body was about to collapse completely, the vast and powerful chakra disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The monk fell to the ground in pain, his whole body curled up and shaking, and tears appeared in his eyes.

However, as a faint green chakra surrounded him, his body gradually stopped shaking.

"What a waste."

At this moment, a voice emerged in his mind.

"If I didn't have a suitable body, I wouldn't have chosen you!

You should feel honored. If it weren't for me, you would have turned into a pile of loess. "

This voice was so indifferent and cruel, but the monk ignored it. He still collapsed on the ground and continued to tremble.

And this voice gradually disappeared, as if it had never appeared...


In the deep starry sky, two rays of light were flying rapidly.

At first it looks like two shooting stars, but if you look closely, you will find that these two rays of light are completely human figures wrapped in chakra!

Both figures look very different from humans, and they both have horns on their foreheads.

The surging chakra condensed on their clothes, making them look mysterious and noble.

But at this moment, the speed of these two people suddenly stopped like meteors. They stared silently into the deep space as if thinking about something.

"Do you feel it? Jinshi?"

A short guy among the two spoke silently, and his cold tone was just like the voice in the monk's mind.

In this coldness, there is also an arrogance that is difficult to conceal.

"I feel it, Momoshiki-sama."

A tall and burly man lowered his body very respectfully.

"It's Otsutsuki's power. Although I don't know whose it belongs to, and this power is very unfamiliar, I think it's unmistakable."

Otsutsuki Kinshiki and Otsutsuki Momoshiki. If Xia Yan were here, he would definitely recognize them immediately. Who are these two guys?

These two guys are the two powerful guys who came to the ninja world to cause trouble more than ten years after Naruto's story ended, when his son Boruto was twelve or thirteen years old.

Even after the two of them fought with Sasuke, they took care of Kirabi and Naruto one after another. One can imagine how terrifying their strength is.

Although Naruto at that time needed to protect the village, and his plug-in had been taken back by Otsutsuki Hagoromo.

But Naruto was indeed beaten violently. This is an indisputable fact.

Otsutsuki Momoshiki looked at the distance silently. He did not open his Byakugan but seemed to be able to see through the barriers of the stars.

After a long while, he suddenly showed a disdainful smile, and then he turned around and headed directly towards the place where the power burst out.

This power was not obvious, but it was enough for him to remember which direction the power came from.

"Lord Momoshiki, we..." Otsutsuki Kinshiki quickly followed, and he asked slightly curiously but extremely respectfully.

"Of course I went to take a look." Otsutsuki Momoshiki said with a haughty expression: "Although I don't know who it is, no matter who it is, it has nothing to do with me. Let's go and see it and find out?"

"I understand, Momoshiki-sama." Otsutsuki Kinshiki nodded respectfully: "Then, do we need to inform others?"

"Then it depends on whether their lives are good or not." Otsutsuki Momoshi shook his head disdainfully. He really never thought about informing others.

A strange Otsutsuki appears. Does this mean that he is resurrected by relying on the 'wedge'?

Or maybe other Otsutsuki gave birth to them and allowed them to awaken their own powers?

Either way, it's profitable!

The purpose of Otsutsuki's missions is usually very simple and direct, that is, to plant sacred trees and obtain fruits.

These fruits are the key to improving their strength. If given the opportunity, no Otsutsuki will let go of such an opportunity.

After all, the true relationship between members of the Otsutsuki clan is very indifferent, and there is no need for unnecessary emotions in their clan.

Regardless of family affection, love or any kind of friendship, these feelings that are extremely precious to mortals are all a burden to them.

Because they are born noble, time will not leave many traces on their bodies.

Moreover, relationships are too luxurious for them, and such luxury makes them gradually become indifferent.

When you get along with them, only your own tribe can follow in your footsteps, and everyone else will be swallowed up by time.

Therefore, they began to look for other pursuits. The only thing that could make them feel truly alive with a long life span was strong strength.

Therefore, they use all the living planets in the entire universe as pastures to plant sacred trees, even if they destroy the planet to get the fruits.

After growing up in such a long period of indifference and distortion, they almost no longer care about the situation of their family members.

If it weren't for the restriction of the God of Otsutsuki, which prevented them from openly being hostile to each other and taking action, I'm afraid they would have already competed with each other for the fruits.

One's own strength is the only one, this is the creed of these Otsutsuki!

Normally, Otsutsuki Momoshiki would not have such thoughts, but this time a strange guy appeared.

This also means that there may be very few people who know him. In this case, why not give it a try?

Even if you don't get the fruit, you get this strange Otsutsuki's body, which is still a perfect tool for 'wedge'!

Thinking of this, Otsutsuki Momoshiki's speed became a little faster. She didn't want what she valued to be preempted by others...


"This breath?"

In another part of the starry sky, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki also felt a strange force vibrating.

This power is so familiar and yet so unfamiliar, and this power is very weak.

Although it is floating in the starry sky, it seems that this power is about to dissipate.

"A strange Otsutsuki junior?"

Otsutsuki Ura felt it for a long time, and he suddenly showed a smile.

"It's really interesting. I didn't expect that I would also become a senior, but this power seems a bit weak.

I don’t know if it’s too far apart or if it’s just like that. "

Otsutsukiura thought for a while, but soon he was too lazy to think about these issues.

This power is not particularly far away from him, and it will take him a little time to reach it.

After he separated from his two seniors, Otsutsuki Momoshiki and Otsutsuki Kaneshiki, he was searching for their mission target alone.

He really didn't expect to encounter such a situation, but now that he encountered it, he didn't plan to miss it.

He is now also curious about who exudes such power.

Is it a new born Otsutsuki, or a senior who has just been resurrected?


Xia Yan didn't know that there were so many interesting things happening in the Star Tomb in the universe.

He is now waiting for news from Shikaku Nara. After a period of waiting for Nagato's preparation, Nagato and Yahiko came to Konoha again.

Natsuhiko didn't ask them how they planned to deal with Obito and Black Zetsu's surprise inspection.

Because this is completely unnecessary. We are all adults and naturally have to take responsibility for what we do.

Xia Yan believes that the two of them also understand this truth.

After the two of them arrived in Konoha, Nara Shikaku set out with them.

But this time, I was accompanied by Senju Hashirama.

Senju Hashirama didn't know if he had stayed in Konoha for a long time, and he couldn't enjoy everything in Konoha like a normal person.

Therefore, he was extremely depressed and finally chose to go out for a walk to relax himself and make himself less uncomfortable.

Naturally, Xia Yan had no objection to his idea. This guy had been staying in Konoha to 'wreak havoc' for himself, so he might as well go out and have fun.

And Xia Yan really can't be anxious about resurrecting Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama.

The material to resurrect them is naturally the living Bai Zetsu body, but the problem is that Xia Yan has no way to get these things for them now.

Even if he wanted to do it, Xia Yan had to wait until his Jingyan completed the first stage of fetal movement so that he could take action.

In fact, Xia Yan had already prepared and thought for such an action. Xia Yan had now obtained the power of so many tailed beasts.

Naturally, he planned to give it a try to see the difference between these tailed beasts and the Nine Tails.

Although the power of these tailed beasts is still driven by the small nine tails, there is still a huge difference.

This kind of battle can be regarded as providing a good stage and space for the little Nine Tails to become familiar with the power of these other tailed beasts.

In addition, Xia Yan also needs more Bai Jue bodies to obtain the power of fusion.

Although he must admit that his power is already very strong, but he is still not qualified for the fact that he has always regarded the Blood Successor Snare as his target.

He just combines the power of three chakras and the power of yin and yang escape.

Moreover, his Yin-Yang Escape is still at the elementary level, and even though its destructive power is terrifying enough, it is not enough yet.

His goal is to bring all the chakras to the same level and merge them together!

This is not a simple matter, but spiritual practice is not a simple matter.

Xia Yan is very lucky. He has systematic help and assistance, so he can be more relaxed than others.

But he also needs constant efforts and progress. After all, the system is only an assistant, and everything needs to be done by himself.

“I don’t know what’s going on with this boy Obito now, but overall he is a good person.

But when Kakashi chooses to resurrect him in the future, he suddenly finds that he cannot be summoned at all. What will happen? "

Xia Yan thought silently while looking at the report in his hand.

Beside him, Qiong was helping him organize documents. She would need to go to the Government Affairs Office later.

In fact, it was Lianhua's job to go to the Government Affairs Office, but Xia Yan, who had just started his career in this world, really gave Lianhua a hard time.

Before, she could insist on not asking for leave, but now she has to choose to ask for leave to cultivate.

The result was that Qiong looked weird and didn't know what was going on, and at the same time he was forced to take on the work tasks that Lianhua was away from.

It can be said that at this period of time, Qiong is really inferior to one person.

It's just that Qiong is still the same Qiong, especially when she was pulled by Senju Hashirama to chat alone for a while.

Now when alone with Xia Yan, if she is in a working state, then everything is fine, she is still so capable and calm.

But once there is no extra work, she will definitely look like a different person, which gives Xia Yan a headache.

"Feel free Senju Hashirama, you better go out for a walk quickly, don't stay in Konoha and cause harm to others!"

Natsuhiko's heart was really filled with resentment, but at this time, Senju Hashirama had already disguised himself as an ANBU and was in the Yu-Ninja Village in the Country of Yu with Hatake Sakumo.

Yu no Kuni is the hometown of Hidan, and it is also a village whose combat effectiveness has been reduced with the end of the war.

In fact, they themselves may not have voluntarily reduced their combat effectiveness. After all, their village has always been surrounded by Kumogakure and Konoha.

Surrounded by two major ninja villages, they naturally have no share of tasks. The development of the ninja villages has fallen into a vicious cycle, and it is natural that they have no choice but to weaken.

Yuno Country itself is also a country with rich natural resources. The pleasant climate of Yuno Country is very suitable for the cultivation of crops.

In addition, they also have certain ore reserves, and they also have a large number of hot spring resources.

They also have good development in weapons manufacturing and tourism.

It can be said that apart from not having Konoha's combat power, they are really not much worse than Konoha in terms of resources.

At the beginning, Yunyin Village firmly occupied the Kingdom of Tang because the Kingdom of Tang was too rich and too weak.

And Konoha also occupied the other half of the Kingdom of Yu at the beginning. Kumogakure's intention to launch a war this time is to completely invade the Kingdom of Yu.

However, it is a pity that they failed in the end, and they paid a huge and painful price for this.

Now that the entire Kingdom of Yu has fallen into the hands of Konoha, it can be said that all the resources of the Kingdom of Yu are, to some extent, owned by Konoha.

What Nara Shikaku wants to do now is to completely change this country according to Natsuhiko's instructions.

In other words, those who are completely justified have these resources in hand.

"Your Excellency Ninja, this is the sincerity of our Konoha Village."

Nara Shikaku looked neither humble nor arrogant when facing the ninja head of Yu Ninja Village. He showed the magnanimity that a great Ninja Village should have.

It is also interesting to say that Tang Ying, the first generation of Tangyin Village, is an ordinary couple.

Due to some coincidence, they got a partial rubbing of the scroll.

After decades of research, they developed a unique technique and used it to establish Yugyin's special ninja system.

This system will cultivate batches of outstanding Yu Ninjas in the next few decades.

However, after their deaths, the head ninjas of Yu Ninja Village were all highly respected ordinary people in the village.

And those ninjas were absolutely loyal to them and never had any second thoughts.

After all, it is a small village, and it can do all kinds of weird things, and the leader of the small village is not qualified to be called a shadow.

At this time, Nara Shikaku was facing an ordinary person, but even so, he showed enough respect...


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