The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 306: The first stage of eye cleansing (8K please subscribe~)

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid we really can't promise you this kind of thing."

"Sir Ninto, can't you see how beneficial this will be to your village?"

"Sir Shikaku, of course I can see that, but if I do this, my village will completely become a subsidiary of Konoha. And don't you think Konoha has committed too many crimes in the country of Yu?"

"Is that so? I think I understand."

Nara Shikaku left the venue with a not particularly good-looking expression. He had actually expected that such a meeting would not be easy.

After all, Nara Shikaku knew that what he wanted to do on behalf of Konoha was really unkind to these small country ninja villages.

To put it bluntly, he directly turned them into his own puppets.

If these guys still have any thoughts and want to control their own strength and power, then they will not agree easily.

This is the fact, the shinobi Nara Shikaku faced is such a person.

He seemed to be very righteous and wanted to prevent Konoha from fully encroaching on the country of Yu.

In fact, he wanted to retain his position as the head ninja of Yu Ninja Village.

In such a world, if one does not master the power, the end will be very miserable.

But it is a pity that neither Natsuhiko nor Konoha as a whole would like these small villages to have power that is not dependent on them.

They were still powerless during the Sarutobi Hiruzen era. After all, it was most appropriate for one village to control half of it at that time.

Even though they won World War II and World War III, they paid a heavy price.

Of course, they never thought about it this way during Sarutobi Hiruzen's time.

After all, they didn't have as many ideas as Xia Yan at that time, and they wouldn't bother to help other countries and villages develop.

But times have changed now, and Xia Yan will not allow these small villages to dominate their 'own territory'.

"It seems that this negotiation did not go smoothly."

Back in the lounge, Senju Hashirama spoke first.

"That guy obviously won't let go easily, but the Fifth Generation Plan is indeed a bit unfriendly to these ninja villages."

"Every reform and advancement comes at a price."

Nara Shikaku was still very respectful to Senju Hashirama, and he patiently spoke to him slowly.

“We have to invest so much and help them restore their armed forces.

If they hadn't completely moved closer to us, our losses would have been huge.

The most important thing is that if they change sides under our careful training, we will be training our own opponents.

So no matter how you look at it, no matter how cruel it is, determining what needs to be determined at the beginning will do the least harm to both parties. "

"Okay, okay, I'm not a child, I naturally know these things."

Nara Shikaku said in very detail, but it was such details that made Senju Hashirama extremely helpless.

This feeling is the same as when I face my younger brother. When he explained certain things to me, he would explain it in detail.

At first, Senju Hashirama thought it was Senju Tobirama who was trying to make him understand more deeply, but later he found out that this was really the case.

But there is another layer of meaning in it, that is, they are worried that he will not understand or know their purpose. This is simply treating him as a child.

"Don't worry, I've heard these things from the Godaime a long time ago, and I've been mentally prepared for it."

Senju Hashirama shook his head slightly and said seriously.

"Tobirama also advised me. He asked whether it was worth using the blood of a few people to exchange for the peace of the entire place.

I have seriously considered this issue, and I understand and can figure it out.

This time I'm here just for a walk around, don't worry I won't interfere with your movements. "

"I understand, Shodaime-sama."

Nara Shikaku smiled and nodded, and then his eyes became dangerous.

Originally, when he came here this time, he still wanted to give Tang Ninja Village a decent choice.

But since they don't intend to be decent, then just follow what Hokage said and help them be decent!

Konoha's troops were hoarded at the border of Yuno Country and did not come in immediately, but this did not mean that they would not come in.

After all, what happens next requires enough manpower to maintain law and order.

There are indeed Konoha's troops in the country of Yu, which were left behind after defeating Kumogakure.

But at that time, Konoha had not yet completely conquered the country of Yu, and there was no plan like Natsuhiko had now, so there were not many people left.

But now the situation is unusual. They want to take care of Tang Country as their own territory.

Even if this territory will still be called 'Yun Country' in the future, almost everything here will belong to Konoha.

If you don't take good care of it or handle it well, the loss will be yours.

"Lucheng, are you ready?"

Nara Shikaku thought for a moment, then turned to look at Nara Shikaki.

Nara Shikaro also came with him this time, and he also had a very important mission when he came here this time.

In fact, Nara Shikagi was also helpless. He never imagined that what he dreamed of would be impossible to realize as things became fewer and fewer and tasks became lighter and lighter.

On the contrary, he now has more and more things to do, and his tasks are getting heavier and heavier.

Especially after his old minister became Hokage, his nightmare could be said to have come.

He always thought that he was already a nightmare when he was in ANBU, but it turned out that he really underestimated his old minister.

But he didn't dare to complain too much, otherwise his old boss wouldn't let him go, and neither would his cousin Nara Shikaku.

Hearing Nara Shikaku's words, he immediately nodded and said: "We are ready. The ANBU had investigated the relationships between all parties in Yu Ninja Village before.

All they need is a little contact, and you can be sure that some people won’t say no and can’t say no to us. "

"Very well, then you can handle this matter. I hope to get the answer within these two days."

Nara Shikaki nodded seriously and then looked at Yahiko and Nagato who were standing aside.

"You two should also prepare, although I don't know why Lord Hokage allowed you to participate in this mission.

But since you have been recognized by Hokage-sama, then I will believe you.

I will hand over our plan to you later. You should take a good look at it in the next two days.

After getting familiar with it, I think we have done what we should do here, and the rest is your turn. "

Having said this, Nara Shikaku paused slightly, and then he continued.

"I only hope that you will not disappoint us, let alone Mr. Hokage."

"Don't worry, Lord Shikaku."

Yahiko smiled, and then nodded solemnly.

"Hokage-sama asked us to come here to study, so naturally we won't disappoint Hokage-sama.

Moreover, I believe that Hokage-sama can do everything he says..."


Yahiko really believed in Xia Yan, and he couldn't explain why he believed in him so much.

At first, he thought that he was controlled by Natsuhiko's technique, but he didn't dare to talk to Nagato about this.

After all, he didn't want to pit Nagato against Konoha because of these things.

Not to mention that Nagato is not Natsuhiko's opponent at all. Konoha's combat power can completely wipe out the Kingdom of Rain, which is what he doesn't want to see.

And he also understood some things. After all, if he resurrected himself and messed around, Xia Yan would probably be very helpless.

After dealing with Nagato's matter, Yahiko also followed Nagato to Konoha again.

According to Xia Yan, they went to study and do something this time.

He was curious about what Konoha was going to do this time, and also planned to ask them to do something.

Following Konoha's team, they arrived at the Country of Yu, and soon entered the Yu Ninja Village to meet the ninja heads here.

In this meeting, Yahiko watched in astonishment as Nara Shikaku gave the ninja of Yunin Village a proposal that was completely unimaginable.

Comprehensive help, comprehensive assistance, such a large-scale investment of resources, it is no problem to raise a son!

However, Yahiko remained calm. After all, he was the one who founded the Akatsuki organization. He immediately began to think about the key to this.

But without him thinking too much, he immediately understood the meaning.

That is, Konoha intends to completely, reasonably and legally make the Country of Yu its own!

Even though Yuno Kuni still retains his nominal integrity, in essence he has become the shape of Konoha.

When he thought of this, he seemed to begin to understand what Konoha was going to do.

Even though he hadn't seen Konoha's plan yet, he felt that his guess was pretty close.

The head ninja of Yunin Village was obviously a smart man, and he could see through Konoha's purpose at a glance.

It's okay to just say that he has a clear mind. After all, if Konoha is really completely involved, then he will lose everything in Yunin Village.

But it is natural to say that he is not clear-headed. Can he really resist against a behemoth like Konoha?

But Yahiko didn't care, he was thinking about a question, that is, if Konoha chooses to reach out to them, how should they choose?

This problem bothered Yahiko a little, but when he got Konoha's plan completely, it didn't seem to be a problem anymore.

And he seemed to understand why he trusted Natsuhiko. The first point was that Natsuhiko was Hokage, and his teacher was also from Konoha.

Even though he could tell that Natsuhiko was not satisfied with his teacher, this did not prevent him from having a good impression of Konoha.

Secondly, Natsuhiko helped Nagato answer some questions, and many of these solved problems were something that Yahiko had not thought through.

Although it must be said that the answer Xia Yan gave really hit his faith, it was also more realistic.

With these factors included, even if Xia Yan does nothing, he will indeed trust Xia Yan.

And now after seeing this plan, he is full of respect for Xia Yan.

Xia Yan's plan is bloody, because anyone who disobeys will be killed mercilessly by him!

But it is undeniable that Natsuhiko's plan can bring peace to the ninja world and even unimaginable development!

Natsuhiko has said before that the reason why the ninja world cannot be truly peaceful is that there is no equality.

The first Hokage missed the opportunity to fully integrate the ninja world, so this inequality will continue.

Even if the ninja world is forced to be integrated, it will only bring endless hatred.

But Xia Yan's approach is very different. This is to integrate them into Konoha under the condition of reasonable control and integration of resources.

Help them develop their economy, help them develop their military, and help them get a better life.

Although Konoha will benefit from this approach, after all, how can it be possible to get nothing after paying so much.

But to be honest, with Konoha's protection and help, this village will definitely become better, even if the village and even the country have to change owners.

After all, Konoha will help you develop the military, but it will not help you cultivate white-eyed wolves.

At that time, what is the difference between the Kingdom of Tang and the Kingdom of Fire?

The only difference may be that the name is different, right?

“So, if Konoha wants to reach out to the Land of Rain, I don’t think I will object.

I will even take the initiative to cooperate with Konoha to complete all of this, so that the residents of the Rain Country can have a better life. "

Yahiko sighed inwardly, and he also told Nagato all his analysis and thoughts.

Nagato thought about it seriously, and after a long while he suddenly nodded, as if he thought this idea was really good.

As the actual controller, he knows very well what kind of living conditions the Kingdom of Rain is like now.

Although under his control, everyone basically lived in peace.

But after coming to Konoha and wandering around, he found that the living standards and living conditions of the two were really different.

If Xia Yan's plan can bring such a standard of living to the Country of Rain, then he will never hesitate at all!

Nagato himself is not a person who is greedy for power. The reason why he controls the Akatsuki organization and controls the Rain Country.

On the one hand, it is for revenge, and on the other hand, it is to shoulder their childhood dreams.

If possible, he would rather follow Yahiko than deal with this series of problems himself.

He always thought that he and Yahiko were really far apart.

“However, the key question now is not whether Konoha will go to us.

It's about us, do we have anything that can attract Konoha? "

Yahiko touched his head slightly distressed, and this question also made Nagato a little depressed.

The Country of Rain seems to have no other resources besides raining all day long, right?

"Forget it, don't think about this problem."

Yahiko recovered quickly, and then he spoke to Nagato seriously.

"This time, Hokage-sama asked us to learn hard, and at the same time, he also wanted us to be swordsmen.

He has to take into account Konoha's reputation, so he probably doesn't want Konoha ninjas to take action.

And we are his sword, and at the same time we have to do all this well, understand? "

"Don't worry, I won't let you down."

Nagato nodded, and then he said seriously.

"Similarly, I won't let that Hokage-sama down!"

Through this contact with Natsuhiko, Nagato already fully knew what his direction was.

And with Yahiko's affirmation of Natsuhiko and what he saw with his own eyes, he was completely convinced that neither Black Zetsu nor Obito was telling the truth.

Xia Yan is the destroyer of the world. Does he have the eyes to destroy the world?

If he follows them, he will be the destroyer of the world, right? Xia Yancai is more like the savior, right?

He was very angry when he thought of this. Did he really believe them in the first place?

The price now is that he still needs to be like a fool and think about taking responsibility for the destruction of the group of invaders in Yunyin Village.

Nagato got really angry the more he thought about it, he didn't understand why he was so stupid...


Whether Nagato is stupid or not, Xia Yan doesn't think there is any need for too much doubt. After all, in Xia Yan's opinion, people who regard themselves as gods have more or less something wrong with their brains.

Xia Yan is already so powerful, and he has never regarded himself as a god, because he always knows what it means to be someone else.

Not to mention anything else, Senju Hashirama alone does not regard himself as a god.

Even though the ninja world has always given him nicknames and said that he is the god of the ninja world, he has never responded directly.

Not only him, but also Uchiha Madara. What he talks about is always the power of Uchiha or me, not the power of any god.

Even if a proud person believes that he can become a god step by step, he will definitely talk about this kind of thing all the time.

"It seems that Yahiko and Nagato are doing pretty well, aren't they?"

In the Konoha Hokage's office, Natsuhiko looked at the report in his hand and thought silently that although Nagato's brain was not very easy to use, his strength still had nothing to say.

After all, he is the master who will fly in the sky to Konoha with his own strength in the future and "carry several buildings with a bag of rice".

Let him deal with a small Tang Ninja Village, and it's not even the kind of battle to destroy the village.

Just simply killing some disobedient people and saving Konoha's hands from being dirty is simply killing a chicken with a knife.

But no matter what kind of knife it is, as long as it is a good knife, it is obvious that Nagato is a good knife and a sharp knife!

Nara Shikaki cooperated with the Anbu to explore all the forces in Yuno Country in advance, and also figured out the power structure in Yunin Village.

Therefore, they contacted them after selecting the candidates, and after getting a satisfactory answer, Nagato took action.

That night, Nagato didn't leave anyone alive. He killed everyone in the family, which completely solved a problem for Xia Yan.

After this matter was resolved, Nagato and Yahiko stayed in the Country of Yu. They also wanted to see what Konoha's subsequent actions would be.

Xia Yan had no objection to this, and he wished that Senju Hashirama could stay there.

But it is a pity that this guy Senju Hashirama came back with Shikaku, while Shikashi stayed there temporarily.

After all, someone needs to be responsible for such an important matter. Nara Shikaku and Natsuhiko looked left and right, and they felt that Nara Shikaki was the most suitable person.

Therefore, Nara Shikagi had no choice but to add another task. He now understood clearly that joining the ANBU was equivalent to entering the wolf's den.

In this life, he will never want to live a leisurely life.

"You're doing well. If that's the case, let's start making the plans you wrote down."

Natsuhiko put the report in his hand aside, and then spoke to Nara Shikaku, who stood in front of him with a respectful expression.

"Qiong, show Minister Shikaku the documents on the batch of materials and subsidies that we negotiated with the Ministry of Finance before."

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

Qiong nodded, then stood up and handed a document into Nara Shikaku's hands.

As a personal secretary, Qiong needs to be with Xia Yan often and help Xia Yan with a lot of work, including meeting minutes.

Although this was just a separate meeting, it also needed to be recorded.

This kind of record is not for anything else. For example, it can be used as evidence for Xia Yan at certain critical moments to prevent some guys from arguing with him within the rules.

Nara Shikaku thinks this approach is very good, and he has already adapted two secretaries - only ministers can adapt to administrative secretaries and personal secretaries.

After a period of time, he found that his work pressure had indeed been relieved, and he could handle many things more easily.

Sometimes he really feels that although Natsu Yan, the Hokage-sama, is young, the things he thinks in his mind are really fancy, but they are also really practical at the same time.

Silently picking up the document in his hand, Nara Shikaku read it quickly and seriously.

There are indeed a lot of materials mentioned in this document, including weapons and equipment and various funds.

And this is only a preliminary aid plan. As they continue to negotiate with Tang Ninja Village, they will get more and invest more.

"I understand, Hokage-sama."

When Nara Shikaku read the document thoroughly, he immediately nodded and said.

"We will implement this matter as soon as possible, but in terms of funds, do we still have enough?"

"The Ministry of Finance said there is no problem, but I think we can go to the daimyo if necessary."

Xia Yan touched his chin and said with a smile.

"After all, the daimyo is very rich. We have provided him with so much protection. I think it is normal for him to give him a little more, right?"

Is it normal?

This is purely robbing, my Hokage-sama!

Nara Shikaku shook his head silently, but on the surface he nodded extremely seriously, indicating that he agreed with this plan and proposal.

Taking money directly from the daimyo doesn't put much psychological burden on him. Anyway, the daimyo has been cheated once, so it's normal for him to be cheated again.

After a brief exchange, Nara Shikaku left the office, and Natsuhiko also planned to leave.

He would feel particularly embarrassed when he was alone with Qiong at this time, and so would Qiong.

After all, he still has a lot of time, and it is not impossible to take his time on some things in the future.

What's more, he can feel now that after this period of preparation, his eyes seem to have reached a new limit...


If there are no accidents, Xia Yan's pure eye should also go through the same three stages as the reincarnation eye.

Especially after he absorbed a large amount of the power of the reincarnated eye, his feeling became even stronger.

Strictly speaking, his Pure Eye should only be in its initial stage now, probably similar to Nagato's use and control of the Tsangikan.

Currently, in addition to providing an extraordinary 'super insight', his Pure Eye also has a Pure Eye Chakra mode that can substantially enhance Xia Yan's power.

The Pure Eye Chakra mode is really easy to use. Xia Yan can clearly feel this, so much so that he now chooses to rely on this mode in many battles.

Of course, the power of the Pure Eye is far more than that. He also mastered some things unique to this high-end eye.

For example, controlling gravity and repulsion, Xia Yan can also fly in the sky with his pure eyes. If it weren't for this ability, he might not be able to fight on the moon.

Xia Yan clearly understood the importance of air control in his previous life. There were too few people who could fly in the ninja world, but this did not mean that air control was unimportant.

On the contrary, it is more important because there are less.

The reason why all the empty ninjas were wiped out was, to put it bluntly, because their fighting flexibility was too strong.

There's nothing you can do against him in heaven. It's strange that such guys don't attract hatred, so it's natural for them to be destroyed.

It's just that they hid their technology so well that no one discovered where their technology was even after they were wiped out.

But Natsuhiko does know something, but Konoha is not suitable for doing such things now.

"The initial stage has already provided such a strong power, so what kind of power will the new true first-stage Pure Eye provide?"

Outside Konoha Village, in the forest belonging to Natsuhiko's garden, Natsuhiko sat on the ground silently.

He closed his eyes tightly and felt the power that was constantly boiling in his eyes, and felt the constant changes in his eyes. He knew that maybe everything would change today.

His eyes were beginning to feel a little painful now, especially since he could feel that with the changes in his eyes, all the chakra in his body had been mobilized, except for the power of the tailed beast.

Even Yin-Yang Escape has begun to operate quickly.

Along with this operation, Xia Yan clearly felt that something special was happening somewhere.

This kind of thing is mixed with all the chakra that Xia Yan is familiar with, and even Yin Yang Escape has not been spared!

Moreover, such things are constantly mixed with the rapid improvement of Xia Yan's Jingyan, and become extremely solidified with the continuous mixing of Jingyan chakra.

"Could it be that it's the Taoist Jade?"

Xia Yan immediately thought of something. He was a time traveler after all, and he couldn't possibly not know where the Qiudao Jade came from.

The Jade of Seeking the Way is formed by the fusion of all the powers of Yin, Yang and Five Elements. It can even exert a power that transcends the limits and elimination of blood successors!

Naruto in the original book possesses the Jade of Seeking the Way, and thus has the capital to go head-to-head with Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Moreover, the Qiudao Jade integrates offense and defense, and it can also be transformed into countless forms. Naruto used the Qiu Dao Jade to block many of Kaguya Otsutsuki's attacks.

The most important thing is that Qiudao Jade belongs to the category of ninjutsu, not the category of blood inheritance snare!

This also means that if you have the power of Yin Yang and Five Elements, you can obtain the Taoist Jade.

But the fact is that even after Xia Yan had possessed Yin-Yang Escape and the five advanced states of chakra, he had not really realized this thing.

Although Xia Yan was also very puzzled as to why this was the case, he didn't think too much about it when he thought that not many people used the Seeking Jade in the original work.

And today, it seems that he can truly touch the power of the Qiudao Jade!

"I'm really looking forward to it..."

Xia Yan closed his eyes tightly and felt silently. His eyes were now beginning to become a little hot, and with such heat, he clearly felt that his eyes were transforming!

When the chakra in his eyes reached its peak, suddenly a blue chakra completely enveloped him.

He did not take the initiative to turn on the Pure Eye Chakra mode, and he was not in Chakra mode at this time. His whole person still looked very clear.

However, as his chakra continued to increase, his aura became stronger and stronger, and a terrifying and desperate force was continuously released from him!

The surrounding trees were spinning without any wind at this moment, and the surrounding animals had already fled far away. They seemed to have sensed the appearance of something terrifying.

In the sky, a pale golden light suddenly fell on him. At this moment, he looked so sacred!

"What's going on with the power of the reincarnated eye?"

Xia Yan realized what this pale golden power was in an instant, which really made him extremely curious.

However, the decline of this power also made Xia Yan clearly feel that his own changes began to accelerate, especially the changes in his eyes.

I don't know how long it took, but these huge chakras were constantly surging, and the power in his body began to completely merge and become his own.

The heat in his eyes began to fade, and an indescribable special feeling filled his body.

Opening his eyes slightly, the power from the moon passing through the space channel dissipated in an instant, and Xia Yan's own chakra suddenly shot straight into the sky!

He slowly opened his eyes, and those eyes filled with bright blue light became deeper and more mysterious.

Name: Natsuhiko Senju

Sex: Male

Birthday: March 24, Year 34 of the Konoha Calendar

Level: Shadow level (system judgment without using any ability) (huge chakra reserves)

Pupil Technique: Clean Eyes (First Stage) (Development Degree: Zero)

Bloodline Development Degree: Intermediate (Thousand-Hand Secret Technique, Elementary Yang Escape Secret Technique), Blood Stain Elimination (Unnamed), Elementary Yin Escape Secret Technique, Yin and Yang Escape (can be improved with the improvement of Yin Escape and Yang Escape)

Jinchuuriki: Nine-Tails (Two-Tails, Three-Tails, Eight-Tails) (Intermediate level, can swallow a large amount of special chakra to grow, plant high-level Nine-Tails Fruit to grow) (Ingest too much chakra, continue to grow)

Seed: None

Fruit: Intermediate Fire Release Fruit (1), Intermediate Water Release Fruit (1), Intermediate Earth Release Fruit (1), Sharingan Original Seed Fruit (1), Advanced Thunder Release Fruit (1)

Mission: Become the real big BOSS in the ninja world (the only one) (85% progress), the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki (optional) (already own the Nine-Tails, Eight-Tails, Three-Tails, fusion progress not activated)


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