Xia Yan's power soared into the sky, naturally attracting the attention of countless people.

But no matter how turbulent the Ninja world is, no matter where Xia Yan's power has spread, he is in no mood to care about it at this time.

Looking at the changes in his system panel and feeling his own strength, Xia Yan had to sigh that the improvement brought by his eyes was so great!

Although there is nothing reflected on the panel, Xia Yan can clearly feel that it seems that because of the improvement of his eyes, his body has been passively improved again.

Naturally, such a passive improvement cannot be compared with any special power that Xia Yan has obtained, but Xia Yan knows very well that such an improvement is continuous.

He didn't know exactly how long it would last, but he knew that this might be a process of constant adjustment and adaptation.

My eye lift has been improved, but my body seems to be unable to keep up with the carrier strength required by my eyes, so this is why this happened.

Natsuhiko's physical fitness is really strong. As a descendant of the Senju clan, there are probably not many people in the entire ninja world who are stronger than him.

But the key problem is that there is still a big gap between the strength of Natsuhiko's bloodline and that of the real Otsutsuki.

Perhaps the most suitable ones for clear eyes are those Otsutsuki. After all, these eyes seem to be very developable.

It was okay to be in the initial stage at first. After all, Xia Yan's body was nurtured by the power of Broken Asura.

But as these eyes absorbed the power of such a huge reincarnation eye, they evolved, merged and finally upgraded.

Xia Yan's physical fitness at this time is not up to par, so these eyes will feed Xia Yan's body back, allowing his body to further evolve.

At the same time, this also gives the clean eye a better carrier, or a better gun mount.

Xia Yan shook his head slightly, feeling that the metaphor he used seemed inappropriate.

But after thinking about it, this explanation seemed to be the most reasonable, especially since Xia Yan also noticed that his improvement seemed not to be limited to his body.

The Yin-Yang Escape in his body seems to have begun to improve due to some special reasons!

"Although the speed of improvement is not as obvious as expected, I can still feel it."

Xia Yan felt the changes in his own strength and thought silently.

"Is it because the appearance of the Seeking Dao Jade feeds back and promotes the improvement of my own Yin-Yang Escape?"

Xia Yan is now completely sure that he already possesses the Jade of Seeking Dao.

The moment his eyes completed their evolution, he clearly felt a special power contained within him.

A kind of force blends into the ball, but it is ever-changing.

He can't mobilize this power at this time, but he is sure that once he uses the Tsangigan Chakra mode, he can definitely use this power easily!

"But after my eyes evolve, what other powers will they have?"

Xia Yan stood up silently and obtained the Pure Eye for the first time, unlocking two exclusive abilities, as well as the common abilities of these special eyes.

Now that his Pure Eye has been upgraded to the first stage in the true sense, he should have some more powerful power, right?

Thinking of this, Xia Yan simply activated the Pure Eye Chakra Mode.

With the activation of this power, Xia Yan's whole body became a little blurry in an instant.

I have to say that I don’t know if Jingyan has absorbed the power of the reincarnated eye, and it has become more and more similar to the reincarnated eye.

At this time, Natsuhiko was just like Otsutsuki Toneri. Except for the difference in their outlines and chakra colors, there was almost no big difference.

And as Xia Yan turned on the Pure Eye Chakra mode, three black balls suddenly condensed behind him!

The condensation speed of these three black balls is extremely fast, and it is completely completed in just the blink of an eye.

And with their appearance, the aura all over Xia Yan's body became more oppressive.

Xia Yan closed his eyes slightly, because after he turned on this mode, a lot of information appeared in his mind.

After he spent some time absorbing this information, he finally understood how his eyes had changed!

"Is it... so interesting?"

Xia Yan murmured softly, the power given by his eyes this time was really much stronger than the last time!

Although he wasn't sure if it was because he absorbed the power of the reincarnation eye, the power he gained always felt a bit familiar.

But no matter what, the intensity of these powers is really guaranteed.

In this promotion, he gained a total of four powers.

Although none of the powers he gained have specific names, and he doesn't know what they are all about, these four are all very interesting.

The first power is a mind control technique, which is almost the same as the way Otsutsuki Toneri controls Hinata.

They all use special chakra light balls, and then implant the light balls into the body of the controlled person, which can easily achieve the effect.

The appearance of this technique really shocked Xia Yan, and he was even considering whether he should use this technique to attack Nagato.

But after thinking for a long time, Xia Yan felt that it was better not to be such a villain.

And whether this technique can play a better role still depends on the personal willpower of the person being performed.

For example, if Natsuhiko wants to use this technique to control Obito, it's hard to say whether a 'torn photo' will appear in Obito's mind.

This triggers the passive mode of "thinking about women", and finally exerts super strong willpower that can resist the Ten-Tails.

Although Nagato doesn't necessarily have a strong willpower, this kid has the samsara eye after all, and Xia Yan doesn't want to break up with him.

After all, this boy's current attitude seems to be completely swaying towards him, so there is no need for Xia Yan to make some small moves.

As for the others, Xia Yan considered whether he could give it to those from the Ninja Village of the small country who chose to rely on him.

However, it would be more appropriate to talk about this matter later. Natsumi Yan actually does not want to use magic to control a person. In this case, what is the difference between him and Danzo?

In addition to this mental control technique, other techniques also fascinated Xia Yan.

The second technique is a technique that can actively absorb chakra. Although Xia Yan has absorbed the chakra, he may not be able to use it.

But being able to quickly deplete the opponent's chakra is a very good thing no matter how you look at it.

Although what makes him a little unhappy is that it seems that other eyes have this power themselves, but he needs to upgrade to get it.

But no matter what, it's better to use it than to have nothing, right?

The third power is also more interesting. This power is a separate sealing technique.

To be honest, this power is really a bit useless to Xia Yan.

After all, Xia Yan's sealing skills are not bad because he learned to fly the Thunder God.

Even if his sealing technique is still only at the intermediate level, it is completely enough.

After all, his combat mode doesn't really require any powerful sealing skills. Is it possible for him to seal Kaguya Otsutsuki?

Isn't this competing with Sasuke and Naruto?

"But there are other Otsutsukis in this world, and they might be useful in the future."

Thinking of this, Xia Yan didn't bother to worry about the sealing technique. After all, the fourth technique was the most rewarding.

The fourth ability that Xia Yan gained was the Tao-seeking jade that he had been dreaming of for a long time!

Even now he only has the first stage of the Pure Eye, so he can only get three Tao-Seeking Jade.

But no matter what, with this power, Xia Yan has made qualitative progress.

“According to the fact that there are three Dao-seeking jade in the first stage, I should have six Dao-seeking jade in the second stage.

By the time we get to the third stage, I should be like Uchiha Madara and the others, possessing the nine Jade of Seeking the Way! "

Xia Yan is extremely convinced that the quantity of Dao-seeking jade is linked to his own strength.

Moreover, the improvement of one's own strength and the evolution of one's eyes can also lead to the improvement of one's own body.

With such a virtuous cycle, how could Xia Yan not feel happy?

Especially when it comes to evolving the Pure Eye, he really has no shortage of materials.

After all, there was such a big reincarnation eye waiting for him on the moon.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan felt particularly happy.

Although he knew that his overall strength still did not reach the level of Six Paths.

But no one really knows the specific strength of the Six Paths.

But Xia Yan knew that as long as he continued to improve his eyes and helped the Tao-seeking jade inspired by his eyes to improve his Yin and Yang Escape.

Finally, relying on the system to help integrate the Blood Successor Snare, then the secret of the Six Paths may not be a secret to him!

"But the so-called Six Paths still have a long way to go, and I still have a lot to do. The problem with his eyes prevented him from doing much before, but now..."

Thinking of this, Xia Yan's eyes looked a little faint. Since his eyes were already capable of fighting, he should do something.

Obviously, he still needs to deal with the resurrection of Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, and Xia Yan also needs to find enough materials for them.

But even if he got the materials, Xia Yan might not choose to resurrect the two of them immediately.

After all, the two of them have unlimited energy now and can do many things. Why are they in such a hurry?

Free and hard-working labor force is something that Xia Yan likes, although he also knows that such free labor force cannot last forever.

But as long as it can be used, it must not be wasted, right?

What's more, Natsuhiko once promised Kakashi, so the second person he resurrected will still be around Kakashi.

According to his agreement with Kakashi, he will help Kakashi resurrect two people. Now that one has been resurrected, there is only one left.

Of course, Kakashi didn't know about this agreement, but whether he knew it or not, it couldn't be changed.

Obito couldn't be resurrected because the kid was still alive, and Natsuhiko wasn't sure he could actually kill the kid.

Then the only person Kakashi can choose is Lin, and Kakashi seems to have determined that the second person who needs to be resurrected is Lin.

This involves the promise between him and Obito. He promised Obito that he would protect Lin, but it was obvious that he failed to do this.

Now that there is a chance, of course he is willing to resurrect Lin and then meet Obito. Naturally, he does not want to see Obito disappointed.

"But it's a pity that you are destined to be disappointed. But Lin is still so young, what will she be like when she comes back to life?"

After all, Xia Yan still has some bad taste. Speaking of it, he doesn't know how the reincarnation of the dirty land chose the posture of resurrection.

Maybe he chooses what a person looks like when he is at his peak. Just look at Uchiha Madara.

But for those who die before they reach their peak, they may survive at the age they were before they died.

Lin obviously died before she reached adulthood, so she would be thirteen or fourteen years old when she is resurrected.

"We were childhood sweethearts, but now we are several years younger? How about I resurrect Lin in ten years and make her the same age as Sasuke and Naruto?"

Perhaps the improvement brought about by the eye cleansing this time was too great, which made Xia Yan feel very good now.

He was also willing to think about Kakashi's embarrassment, and he was still thinking about what Obito would be like if he met Lin after Lin was resurrected.

Maybe when the time comes, Obito will be very decisive in instigating rebellion and running away. After all, he is truly a guy who only thinks about women.

"Why do I feel like I'm increasingly trying to do whatever I can?"

Xia Yan silently turned off his Pure Eye Chakra mode, and then he thought seriously.

Nagato has already voted. If Obito votes again, then the Akatsuki organization will be his, which will be very, very helpful for his mission.

It's just that his own approach doesn't seem to be above board. It's simply using the information in the original work to exploit the weaknesses of human nature.

However, he only thought about this question for a moment, and then he simply threw it behind him.

What he did was not very authentic, but after all, he became a dream master, didn't he?

I have made your dreams come true for you, and I even mercifully gave you a chance to make up for your regrets. Why don't you still work for me honestly?

"There is no free lunch in the world. There are only cheap, expensive and more expensive ones. If you eat my lunch, it will naturally be the more expensive one."

After gathering his thoughts, Xia Yan also decided to return to Konoha. He still had many things to explain before he could set off.

Although getting the body of Bai Zetsu this time will not help Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama to resurrect, he can help them reincarnate in the dirty earth.

In this way, these two people can show more strength, and they can also observe the resurrection of Lin.

No matter how much I listen to Hatake Sakumo, I still can’t realistically watch it once...


"What, you want to leave Konoha?"

In the Hokage's office, Natsuhiko found Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama together.

This time, there were only three of them meeting. Whether it was Qiong or ANBU members, or anyone else who wanted to see Naruto now, he had stopped him.

Although according to some rules set by Xia Yan, this is completely contrary to the operation.

But Xia Yan made the rules, and others really couldn't say what he wanted to do.

Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama were very curious as to what Xia Yan wanted to do with them this time, and he made it so mysterious.

However, when Xia Yan expressed his thoughts, he didn't say anything in detail, which already shocked the two of them.

Natsuhiko actually wants to leave Konoha again?

Is this what a Hokage should do?

Even though they know that Xia Yan is very strong, and this kid is also a person with a criminal record.

But just because of Xia Yan's criminal record, neither of them were so relieved about Xia Yan's immediate future.

After all, Xia Yan is so powerful, there are not many things that can interest him, and once he is interested, will this thing be easy to deal with?

Obviously, they didn't think it would be a simple matter for Xia Yan to be really interested. They still remembered the miserable look of this kid on the moon last time.

Xia Yan looked helpless when he looked at these two people. He could naturally tell what they were thinking.

However, he also knew that this was a concern, whether it was out of concern for the younger generation, or because he was the Hokage of Konoha, and they had some concern for Konoha due to his chaotic behavior.

Xia Yan would also buy into such concern, but going out this time was inevitable, so he could only explain it properly.

"Yes, I am leaving Konoha for a while, and I will leave a clone behind."

Xia Yan gently spread his hands, and then he continued to speak seriously.

"It's the same as last time, but this time the reason why I want to go out is to find a more suitable body for you.

I think this matter is very important both to you and to Konoha.

With a new body suitable for your resurrection, you can also exert more powerful power. Isn't this a good thing?

In addition, you still don’t understand my strength. Even if you are at your peak, maybe I won’t be afraid. "

Facing these two people, Xia Yan's words were very straightforward, and it was obvious that these two people would not be angry because of his words.

After all, what Natsu Yan said is true. In the eyes of the two of them, Natsu Yan's strength may be even at the peak of Senju Hashirama, but everyone may be about 50-50.

But the problem is that Xia Yan is really not a peaceful master, not to mention that the ninja world is really not peaceful now.

"I think it's better not to do it. We're not in a hurry anyway."

Senju Hashirama thought for a moment, and finally he shook his head and said.

"Not long ago, we all felt a very terrifying chakra appear.

This chakra is somewhat similar to the eye we met on the moon. At first I thought it was you.

But we have seen your eyes and your chakra. Obviously, this power is very different from you.

The emergence of such a power in the ninja world is obviously not a good thing, especially since it is so close to Konoha. "

"Indeed, I don't think this is a good time to leave Konoha."

Senju Tobirama also spoke from the side, and his face looked very solemn.

"Even if you want to leave, you must at least clarify the issue of this power.

Otherwise, given the current state of the two of us, it would be a drop in the bucket to meet such an enemy. "

Xia Yan listened to what the two of them said, and suddenly he felt a little embarrassed, because it was him who made such a big fuss this time.

In fact, he also knew that the impact of his eye's breakthrough should not be small.

After all, when such chakra escapes, any ninja with strong perception can detect it.

Facts have proved that his idea was absolutely correct. Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama were both aware of the explosion of their power.

It's just that Natsuhiko's eyes were mixed with upgrades, and too much Chakra from the Reincarnation Eye was mixed in, which caused the chakra in his eyes to completely change.

Not to mention that Senju Hashirama and the others would not be able to recognize such a change, even Natsuhiko himself would probably make a mistake. After all, the difference in chakra before and after is too great.


Xia Yan knocked on the table a little embarrassed, and then he opened his mouth to explain.

"If this is the case, there is no need to worry, because the chakra is caused by me.

As you all know before, I absorbed a lot of chakra from the reincarnated eye just to improve my eyes.

And it happened to be the most critical moment for eye improvement, so I left Konoha to do this.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that the improvement of my eyes would actually cause such a big movement.

I didn't expect that this improvement would cause such a big change in chakra, so it's normal for you to feel wrong. "

"In other words, the previous movement was actually caused by you?"

Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama both looked at Xia Yan in shock. This result really made them a little confused about what to say.

But if this is the case, then this means that Xia Yan's strength has been improved again, and in this case, Konoha will not be in any danger.

"And don't worry, there's no danger where I go this time."

Xia Yan looked at these two people and was obviously relieved, so he continued to speak while the iron was hot.

"Although it may be a little troublesome, compared with the previous trip to the moon, it is really easy.

The main reason I'm worried about Konoha's problems when I go out this time is that even if I leave behind a shadow clone, it still can't be compared with my original body.

And I don’t think you will be able to tell after I leave, so it would be better to inform you two in advance. "

Xia Yan's shadow clone is indeed very strong, but for some powerful guys, it is not difficult to see some clues.

In this case, Xia Yan would naturally make some better choices, such as speaking out directly.

In this way, the chance of exposure will be smaller, and at the same time, these two people can know that they respect them. Why not kill two birds with one stone?

What's more, if Xia Yan really wants to leave, these two people really can't stop him.

"If that's the case, then you can go first."

Senju Tobirama knew that Xia Yan had already decided this matter, so I'm afraid his own persuasion would be of no use.

What's more, he himself also hopes to get a body that allows him to fully display his strength, so he simply agreed after thinking about it for a while.

"But again, you must pay attention to safety, do you understand?"

"Tobirama and I have the same opinion. You are the Hokage after all, and Konoha cannot live without Ri."

Senju Hashirama also nodded seriously, but then his expression became a little weird.

"Speaking of which, you want people not to see the problem with the clone, so why don't you choose another clone?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Wood Clone, your current strength is no worse than mine. Back then, even Madara couldn't see through my Wood Clone, so I think you'll have no problem either.

So, why don't you use a wooden clone? "


Departing from the port of the Kingdom of Waves, on the sea heading to the Kingdom of Water, Xia Yan was wrapped in a black robe.

His eyes were very calm as he looked at the slightly turbulent sea, but his heart was very calm.

After convincing these two guys, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama, Xia Yan naturally set off.

In fact, there is a more fundamental purpose in persuading them, which is to prevent Senju Hashirama from talking nonsense after he is too different.

Xia Yan was really not sure whether this guy would do something similar.

If it really happened, then Lianhua would definitely know that Xia Yan didn't want this woman to worry too much about unnecessary things.

But strictly speaking, his departure seemed to be giving her a holiday.

After all, those who were tormented by him have already asked for leave. His fighting power is very strong in all aspects.

As for the wooden clone mentioned by Senju Hashirama, Natsuhiko really never thought about it from beginning to end.

What I have to say is that the wooden clone is indeed a very, very powerful clone technique. Even the kaleidoscope's Madara cannot see through his concealment.

Moreover, the wooden clone also has super strong combat power. Look at Madara's fourth battle against the Five Shadows.

Even using a wooden clone to cooperate with Susanoo shows how terrifying the strength of this technique is.

But the problem is that the wooden clone, like other clones, has a disadvantage that is difficult to overcome, that is, it cannot inherit memory at all.

The biggest function of ordinary clones, including water clones and other techniques, is to confuse the enemy, thereby creating space for oneself to attack.

But the shadow clone is different. It is a technique that has both combat and investigation capabilities.

Although its combat ability sometimes makes people speechless, because it will break if touched even slightly, but this cannot cover up its ability to transfer memories to the main body!

Natsuhiko is now the Hokage, and now Konoha still has many policies in progress. He must know everything that is happening in Konoha.

Participating in real-time is completely different from reading document reports or listening to other people's reports.

Therefore, Xia Yan would rather use a shadow clone that breaks at the touch than a wooden clone with super combat power.

"However, adding Yin-Yang Escape to the shadow clone increases the strength of the shadow clone. In this way, there will be no problem in dealing with ordinary battles."

Xia Yan looked at the sea calmly. This time, the place he went to was still the Kirigakure Village in the Kingdom of Water.

He believed that if nothing unexpected happened, he could definitely find Obito here.

But this time he didn't intend to make a big deal out of the situation, and his targets were only Obito and Black Zetsu.

Of course, if possible, Natsuhiko wouldn't mind getting something else that is very valuable to him, such as Vulpix's chakra!

The first time he came here, Xia Yan had already obtained the chakra of the three tails, and also grabbed Bai Ze's body. It can be said that he made a lot of money that time.

It's just that that time he made things bigger, and he even blew up the Mizukage Building.

After so many years, the Mizukage Building must have been renovated, but Xia Yan believes that the hatred left behind from that time is still there.

If Xia Yan dares to show up unscrupulously again, then he believes that this time the Kirigakure Village will definitely use the strength of the village to stop him.

Although he is not afraid at all that he will end up with something bad, after all, he is strong enough to resist, and he can leave even if he wants to.

But who knows if this will have any negative consequences. Xia Yan doesn't want to become a public enemy of the ninja world.

"Although I'm almost there now, I still have a positive image."

Xia Yan mentally muttered something, and then he was too lazy to think about it so much.

He had been floating on the ship for so many days, and he was about to reach his destination. He had to be more prepared.

He didn't use the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, but that didn't mean he couldn't teleport from Konoha to Kirigakure Village.

Although this distance is indeed far enough, Xia Yan can still achieve it by using his full chakra.

It's just that he doesn't think it's necessary. After all, he's not in a hurry now. Whether it's the Hokage's work or the improvement of his own strength, he has already consumed a lot of time.

It's rare that he can relax a little, and there's no need for him to race against time, right?

"But Kirigakure is still closed to the country, so Obito is doing a pretty good job."

Turning his head slightly, Xia Yan soon noticed that a ninja maritime patrol force was coming towards them, but they left immediately after taking a look at the ship number.

Every village can be infiltrated, but the infiltrators may not necessarily be from the enemy's village.

Ninjas want money, and Kirigakure Village is now blocked. This has caused many ninjas to lose the possibility of taking on external tasks, so they will also start some side jobs of their own.

Obviously, the boat Xia Yan was looking for was the boat that had bribed the patrolling ninjas in Kirigakure Village. Although it was more expensive, it was safer.

After waiting ashore, Xia Yan was also thinking about where it would be better for him to go.

After thinking about it, Xia Yan suddenly had a good goal.

Especially after he discovered that his Flying Thunder God mark was still behind him and that his target was at his own home, he was even more sure that going there was the best choice.

The chakra in his body moved slightly, and the next moment Xia Yan appeared directly in a house. He looked at the slightly female in front of him and said in a gentle voice.

"Long time no see, ma'am..."


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