The fifth generation of Konoha Village was booked by me

Chapter 308: Strong (8K please subscribe)

Terumi Mei dragged her tired body back to her residence. She was really tired now.

In fact, it's not just now. It can be said that she has been too tired in the past few years, because the situation in Kirigakure Village has been so bad these years.

The changes in Kirigakure Village are really unimaginable, and the troubles encountered by such changes are too many.

The current Kirigakure can be said to be a mess. It seems that the third generation of Mizukage began to implement the blood mist policy, and then the fourth generation of Mizukage expanded it.

Kirigakure has gone further and further on a road of no return. The most terrible thing is that Kirigakure has also suffered unimaginable damage and impact.

A few years ago, that damn mysterious man came to the village. Not only did he cost Kirigakure hundreds of ninjas.

He also killed Ao, seriously injured the Fourth Mizukage, and even trampled Kirigakure's dignity to the ground - he destroyed the Mizukage Building!

Such people are really scary, such people are really scary.

After he left, the Fourth Mizukage seemed to be greatly affected by this, and he kept doing some incomprehensible things.

In other words, his thinking has never changed, but now it has become even more serious!

Kirigakure Village has always been surrounded by fog, but in the past, you could still see the bright sun.

But now, this thick layer of fog seems to be blocking the sunlight, preventing the sunlight from falling into the Kingdom of Water.

What's more, it cannot shine on every Kirigakure ninja, nor can it shine into their hearts.

Kirigakure is now cold and numb, and everyone is living in pain like a zombie.

Terumi Mei also hated all this, and she tried hard to change everything.

But the cruel reality told her that everything she was doing now was in vain.

Even her boss, her teacher Elder Yuanshi, could not change all this.

She really didn't know why Kirigakure Village had reached this point, let alone whether the Fourth Mizukage wanted to let Kirigakure develop or bring it into the abyss.

But as a ninja, she had no choice but to obey orders.

"Is it because that guy seriously injured the Fourth Mizukage that he became like this now?"

Terumi Mei thought about this question more than once, but she really couldn't get an answer that made her feel reliable and satisfied.

She hated the current Mizukage just as she hated the guy who attacked Kirigakure Village and killed Ao in front of her.

But she knew there was nothing she could do because one was the superior Mizukage-sama, and the other was so powerful that he could ignore the entire village.

None of these two people can be dealt with by Terumi Mei, and the damage these two people can do to Kirigakure is unimaginable.

Especially the Fourth Mizukage, as the highest leader of Kirigakure Village, all his policies can lead Kirigakure Village to a point of no return.

Terumi Mei really doubted whether the Fourth Mizukage really still had the ability to continue to control Kirigakure.

Not only was she suspicious, but many people in the entire Kirigakure Village were also suspicious, especially after the Fourth Mizukage was seriously injured.

However, this Mizukage-sama seemed to want to prove himself. He killed countless people who opposed him, and even his family!

Everyone in Kirigakure Village is now in danger, and everyone is really filled with fear.

In the past few years, first the Kaguya clan was destroyed, then families of all sizes followed suit, and even the Ice clan was wiped out.

No one knows what the future will be like, and no one dares to guess what the future will be like.

Unless someone can overthrow the current Mizukage, unless someone can use the right method to make this Mizukage step down, the future of Kirigakure Village will be really difficult.

Terumi sighed quietly. What she was doing with Elder Yuanshi now was actually something similar.

They are people who truly love the village, and they really do not want the village to continue like this.

They wanted to find something unusual about the Fourth Mizukage. They wanted to find some similar evidence. This was not easy but also extremely dangerous.

If they were not careful and exposed, they would be directly labeled as 'rebellious ninja'.

They all knew this but they had to do it because they were very sure that if this continued, Kirigakure Village would really be doomed.


Terumi sighed quietly, life like this was really hard.

In addition to the Fourth Mizukage, the mysterious man who disappeared without a trace has also been kept in Terumi's mind.

Although this guy has never appeared again since that time, no fog ninja dares to forget the damage he caused.

This guy is the only one who has truly destroyed the Water Country itself after establishing Kirigakure Village for so many years.

And this guy is probably the only one that the entire Kirigakure dares not forget, right?

"Long time no see, ma'am."

Just when Terumi Mei was filled with emotion, she suddenly felt a slight chakra rippling behind her.

Then there was a slightly cold voice that was both strange and very familiar to her!

Hearing this voice, Terumi Mei immediately turned around with some vigilance, but when she saw the figure behind her, she froze.

It's him, this guy!

In just an instant, the shock on Terumi Mei's face turned into anger, and she punched the figure without hesitation.

"If you have such a bad temper, be careful you won't be able to get married in the future."

This figure is naturally Natsuhiko, and he seems to have encountered Terumi Meikai's behavior like this.

Faced with such a punch, he very calmly raised his hand to block it. At the same time, blue chakra brilliance appeared on the five fingers of his other hand.

Five fingers quickly moved forward, and before Terumi Mei could react, they were already pressing on her abdomen.

In an instant, Terumi Mei felt that her chakra was blocked, and she could not mobilize even a trace of chakra!

"You damn bastard!"

Terumi Mei cursed angrily. She gritted her teeth and didn't care that her chakra couldn't be mobilized. She punched Natsuhiko again.

However, Xia Yan moved faster than her. As soon as she raised her fist, Xia Yan had already twisted her arm and forced her body to turn around.

Then Xia Yan grabbed her hand and pressed it against her back, and pinched her neck with his other hand.

At least if she moves slightly, Xia Yan can break her neck in an instant!

"Whether I'm a bastard or not is not important."

Natsuhiko whispered in Terumi Mei's ear, and he didn't even care if there was something wrong with their posture.

“The important thing is, I seemed to keep my word before.

And your attitude doesn't seem to be what it should be for someone who keeps his promise..."


Terumi Mei really didn't know much about the concept and definition of shamelessness before, but now she believes she knows.

The guy in front of me seems to have no problem with keeping his promise. This promise of 'I will kill your whole family, I will kill your whole family', he really did what he said!

Taking a deep breath, Terumi Mei tried to calm herself down, and at the same time she had to overcome her inner fear.

The moment she saw Xia Yan, her anger indeed broke through her rationality, but after her anger, she deeply felt the fear spreading in her heart.

After all, what Xia Yan did in Kirigakure Village could no longer be described simply as 'he is a devil'. Even if she hated Xia Yan, she could not restrain her fear.

"Calm down?"

Natsuhiko seemed to feel Terumi Mei's change, and he smiled slightly.

"Calm down is a good thing. If you act too emotionally, then you are not a qualified ninja."

"I don't need you to lecture me yet, you villain!"

Terumi Mei gritted her teeth and said, her face was extremely ugly now, and she still had many questions in her heart.

"Why are you coming here again? Do you have any ulterior evil plans?"

"Should I report to you what I want to do?"

Natsuhiko raised his eyebrows slightly, and then he let go of his hand, allowing Mei Terumi to be free again.

After Terumi Mei got out of Natsu Yan's control, she immediately distanced herself and looked at Natsu Yan warily, like a cat that had been forcibly petted.

Xia Yan couldn't help but shake his head when he saw her like this. She looked like he had done something to her, but Xia Yan really hadn't done anything.

He waited until the woman was far enough away, but not really out of Xia Yan's control, before he continued to speak.

"Don't worry, I didn't come here to cause trouble for you in Kirigakure Village this time. After all, you can only watch if I really want to do this."

Natsuhiko's words made Terumi Mei very unhappy, but for a while she didn't know how to refute.

Because the strength this guy showed when he came here a few years ago really shows that he is fearless.

Several years have passed, and Terumi Mei's own strength has been greatly improved. How can she be sure that the guy in front of her has not improved at all?

"But this time I came here mainly to make a deal with you or the person behind you."

Xia Yan thought for a moment, then he smiled and spoke slowly.


Terumi Mei couldn't help but frowned when she heard Natsuhiko's words. In her opinion, Natsuhiko was a devil-like guy.

Making a deal with such a person is no different from making a deal with the devil, isn't it?

"Yes, a deal."

Natsuhiko nodded slightly, then he found a place to make eyes, his eyes were fixed on Mei Terumi and he said with a smile.

"I heard that your Kirigakure has been having a hard time recently. Your Mizukage seems to be going crazy and trying to restrain his power, right?"

Terumi Mei did not answer. It was really difficult for her to answer this question. Even if the Mizukage was indeed not a human being now, this was also their own internal matter in Kirigakure Village.

In other words, this is just the internal struggle of their Kirigakure Village and has nothing to do with outsiders!

Natsuhiko is a real devil. The damage he has caused to Kirigakure Village is countless. No matter what news there is in Kirigakure Village, people in Kirigakure Village should not talk nonsense with him.

"If you don't say it, I'll take it as your acquiescence. In fact, this is also the truth, isn't it?"

Natsuhiko didn't care about Terumi Mei's attitude. He shook his head very calmly and continued.

"I want to meet your shadow, alone and privately, and I can guarantee that your shadow will come back alive.

In exchange I will also give you something, something you need and need..."

Having said this, Xia Yan paused slightly, his expression became even more inexplicable, and his next words made Terumi Mei's eyes slightly dilate.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should be thinking of ways to deal with Mizukage, but at the same time, you are also preventing Mizukage from finding some bad evidence and then taking action against you.

Then I can guarantee that after this meeting, within a limited few years, you people can truly be on an equal footing with Mizukage.

You can find ways to accumulate strength, and he will not attack you. As for how you want to fight after the time has passed, that is your own business.

What do you think of this deal? "

Having said this, Xia Yan didn't say anything, but looked at Terumi Mei in front of him with a smile, and Terumi Mei looked a little frightened at this time.

Because she discovered that the person in front of her was really not as simple as a devil, and this guy's evil purpose was not even covered up at all!

Terumi Mei is still someone who can be a Mizukage in the future. Genshi has carefully trained her. Her mind can be said to be very flexible.

Xia Yan just talked about the contents of the deal, and she already knew what Xia Yan wanted to do - this was a naked attempt to split them up within Kirigakure!

It sounds nice to say that it gives them a chance to develop themselves and fight against Mizukage's chaos, but what will be the consequences of their fighting against Mizukage?

Obviously, that means the village is divided, which will severely hit the development of Kirigakure Village itself.

This guy simply hopes that Kirigakure will get better and better. The fact that he can make such a deal is obviously because he has the handle of Mizukage. He must know something.

If he really wanted to help Kirigakure, wouldn't it be better for him to directly give these handles and give them the opportunity to push Mizukage down reasonably without going through internal friction?

And this guy has no intention of doing this at all, nor does he have the slightest idea or intention of doing so. He just wants to make Kirigakure continue to suffer internal friction!

Thinking of this, Terumi Mei was really filled with resentment, but she knew one thing very well, that is, she really had no right to choose.

This guy came to him, which shows that he hopes that Kirigakure will continue to be in chaos, otherwise he can go to Mizukage himself and tell some of their things.

In this case, Mizukage's tracking of them will be even more severe, and they will have even less chance to remove Mizukage from power.

Even their own safety may not be guaranteed. How can they make Kirigakure great again?

Either you cooperate and Kirigakure gets into trouble, or you don't cooperate and Kirigakure falls into the abyss completely.

These two choices were placed in front of Terumi Mei, which really made Terumi Mei extremely embarrassed. It took her a long time before she gritted her teeth and asked.

"How can I trust you, and how can you guarantee that after you see Mizukage, he will not turn around and start a war with us?"

"Sorry, you don't have the right to choose, and I won't deceive you, after all..."

Having said this, Xia Yan slowly walked up to Terumi Mei and looked at the woman in front of him whose body was constantly trembling.

A smile appeared on his half-masked face, and then he stretched out his hand and gently hooked Terumi Mei's chin.

This action was very provocative, but Terumi Mei didn't resist at all. Maybe she knew that she couldn't resist at all.

Xia Yan looked at the woman gritting her teeth in front of him, and the smile on his face became brighter. Then he slowly put his head to Terumi Mei's ear, and then said softly.

"After all, I do what I say, but my Nindo..."


"Is that the case?"

In an office in the newly built Mizukage Building, Genshi knelt down on his seat and quietly looked at Mei Terumi who was half-kneeling in front of him.

Early this morning, Terumi Mei rushed to his office to meet with him. This was not a strange thing for him.

But this time Terumi Mei looked a little too serious, and she also asked that everyone, including the ANBU, be dismissed.

This made Genshi a little more alert. He didn't doubt Terumi Mei, because she had trained this girl with her own hands.

He wondered if Terumi Mei had discovered something extraordinary, which was why he seemed so cautious.

So he dismissed some of the more visible guys, but he also left one person hidden in the office.

This man's concealment skills are very superb, and only ninjas with super-perception abilities can detect his presence.

Necessary precautions still need to be taken. Master Yuan is cautious by nature, especially when what they are doing now is really life-threatening if they are discovered!

However, when Mei Terumi told Genshi everything that happened last night, Genshi was filled with shock and regretted why he had left that ANBU ninja behind.

How could this kind of thing, this kind of major event related to Kirigakure's internal future direction, be casually known to others?

Especially since this was premeditated, Kirigakure's future split can be clearly detected, and this cannot be easily known to others!

After all, this ANBU can be considered one of Yuanshi's own, and now he is paying more attention to the deal given by that damn devil.

He could naturally think of what Terumi Mei could think of, and he even thought of how to make a better choice in this matter faster.

He could see that that damn guy really had them defeated.

Because to put it simply, they had no choice at all, either to obey and cooperate with this guy's actions.

This led to a real split within Kirigakure, but at least there was still buffer time for them to prepare, and they could eventually find a way to overthrow the Mizukage in a reasonable and legal manner.

Either this guy went to find the Mizukage himself, so Kirigakure might be able to avoid civil strife, but the Mizukage chased and intercepted them, leaving them nowhere to hide.

The final result is that although there is no internal friction, they are all dead, and this obviously problematic Mizukage will lead the entire Kirigakure into the abyss!

Of course, there are no other options. For example, they can launch an attack now and find a way to get rid of Mizukage.

But the consequence of this is that they are also finished. After all, if they succeed, they are traitors, and if they fail, they are nothing.

Thinking of this, Master Yuan couldn't help but take a deep breath. This multiple-choice question didn't seem difficult, but in fact, none of it was a truly good option.

It can be said that this is the best choice between bad and worse, and there is only one choice they can make.

"I understand, thank you for your hard work, Ming."

Master Yuan shook his head feebly, he had now made his choice.

"There really isn't much room for choice in this matter. It's really hard for you to bear and face this matter."

"No, Master Yuanshi, this is a matter for Kirigakure Village, and I am also obligated to do so!"

Terumi Mei shook her head and said through clenched teeth.

"I can only say that this devil is too hateful. Such a guy will pay the price sooner or later, I swear!"

Seeing Terumi Mei's expression, Master Yuan could only shake his head feebly.

He really doesn't have much interest in discussing the topic of paying the price. Let's not talk about whether any of them can do it. Just based on the strength that guy showed a few years ago, it is really unlikely that anyone can do it.

Even if there is someone who can, this guy is so elusive that they may not be able to find him even if they want to find him.

Therefore, in Master Yuan's opinion, instead of dwelling on such useless things, it is better to think about something more practical.

For example, they have been given time, and Mizukage is no longer paying attention to them. How they can quickly accumulate their own power is the most important thing.

"Okay, let's not think about these things so much."

Master Yuan shook his head and said seriously.

"I will arrange the next thing, and I will tell you when it is arranged.

That guy will probably only contact you, so try your best to meet all his requirements during this period.

I know you hate him, and I hate him too. None of us will forget the harm he caused to Kirigakure!

But the most important thing is the stability of Kirigakure Village. The village is our root, there is no doubt about this.

When Kirigakure stabilizes in the future, we will make this guy pay the price! "

"Yes, Master Yuanshi!"

After hearing what Genshi said, Terumi Mei immediately lowered her head and replied with an extremely firm tone.

Indeed, the village is their root. Only when the village is stable can they find ways to retaliate against those who have caused harm to the village.


But at this moment, a chuckle suddenly sounded in the room. At this moment, both Master Yuan and Terumi Mei's hair stood on end.

"Bang Dong."

Immediately afterwards, a black figure suddenly fell to the ground, and Master Yuan immediately knew that this was the ANBU he had left in the room!

He didn't know how the man was killed or when the mysterious guy came to the room.

But he knew that if the mysterious man wanted to kill them, they would already be corpses!

Fear passed silently in the hearts of the two of them...


Standing calmly next to a lake in the Kingdom of Water, Xia Yan was wrapped in a black robe, with a mask on his face that revealed the lower half of his face.

At this time, there was no chakra fluctuation in his body, and he looked like an ordinary person.

But his whole body seemed to be integrated into nature, and no matter who saw him, he would probably not ignore him.

From the time he set out to the Water Country to now, Natsuhiko has been outside for more than a month. He is not very worried about any problems in Konoha.

After all, there is his shadow clone in Konoha. If there is any problem, his shadow clone will definitely notify him.

What's more, there can't be any problems in Konoha now. After all, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama are also staying there. In any case, Xia Yan still trusts these two people.

There was no problem in Konoha, and the situation in Kirigakure Village was proceeding as he expected.

Ever since Natsuhiko killed the hidden ANBU in front of Terumi Mei and Genshi, the two men's work motivation has obviously increased.

Although Natsuhiko didn't pay that much attention at all, after all, he was living at Terumi Mei's place during this period, so he knew something about it anyway.

He was not surprised at all by the choices made by Genshi and Terumi Mei. After all, a certain minister or prime minister had already given perfect lessons to Sir Humphrey.

A bad choice and an even worse choice, no matter who will choose the relatively less expensive choice.

After all, everyone is not Trump, so it’s not that outrageous.

The reason why Natsuhiko did this is very normal, that is, he didn't want Obito to have an easy time, and at the same time, he didn't want Obito to have time to go to the Land of Rain.

Obito hated Kirigakure Village to the extreme. After he inherited Uchiha Madara's political legacy in Kirigakure Village, he began to intensify his destruction in Kirigakure Village.

His purpose is to plunge Kirigakure Village into the abyss, and now what Xia Yan has to do is to take advantage of Kirigakure Village.

Obito's current advantage lies in his absolute control over Mizukage, and no one has noticed his movements yet.

But this kind of thing should not be too clear to Natsumi, a time traveler. He can definitely use this kind of thing to make Obito difficult to deal with.

For nothing, he had no choice but to have one more enemy in Kirigakure Village, and he couldn't attack this enemy within the stipulated time.

Then all he can do is to try his best to win over more people who are willing to follow the 'Water Shadow' before this enemy becomes completely stronger.

Under such circumstances, how could he have the time to go to the Land of Rain to cause trouble for Nagato?

Similarly, Black Zetsu is also a trouble, but Obito's IQ is really not as good as the old fox Genshi, so Black Zetsu naturally has no way to leave easily.

What's more, Xia Yan doesn't mind adding an insurance policy to Hei Jue so that he will never be able to set his sights on the Kingdom of Rain.

In this case, Nagato will have a higher degree of freedom, and he can also better serve Natsuhiko as a sword while remaining the leader of the Akatsuki organization.

"As long as these two guys are kept in the Kirigakure Village, there will be more interesting things. Even if the curse seal is thoroughly studied, I can attack the Kingdom of Rain!"

The Country of Rain does not have many resources, and the heavy rain that does not change all year round really brings trouble to more projects.

But what I have to mention is that the water resources in this place are so abundant. As long as Xia Yan guides them well, he might be able to make a lot of money with them!

After all, the Kingdom of Rain is a small country that links the Kingdom of Wind, Kingdom of Fire, and Kingdom of Earth. Both the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Earth are short of water.

What's more, the strategic location of this country is absolutely extraordinary. Xia Yan really doesn't mind promoting this country, if they really invest.

Shaking his head slightly, Xia Yan was too lazy to think about these problems. The road had to be walked step by step, and the food had to be eaten bite by bite. The most important thing now was to solve Obito's problem.

"come yet?"

At this moment, Xia Yan suddenly raised his head slightly, and he already felt someone coming.

Sure enough, in the blink of an eye, the Fourth Mizukage Goju Yagura had quietly appeared around Natsuhiko, and he still looked calm and even a little dull.

It seemed that there was never any clarity on his face, it was as dull as a doll.

Xia Yan didn't know what Master Yuan said to this guy, and he also didn't want to know these messy things, because it really didn't mean anything to him.

Xia Yan turned around calmly. Looking at the guy in front of him, he suddenly had a bad taste. He raised his head slightly and Xia Yan said a little arrogantly.

"You came?"

"Yes, I'm coming, but you shouldn't be coming."

Although he didn't fully cooperate, it sounded pretty good. Goji Yagura looked at Xia Yan quietly without any emotion.

"I don't know why you got together with those guys, and they also concealed from me that there was important information that needed to be reported.

Unexpectedly, they have betrayed Kirigakure Village and got together with dangerous people like you. "


Natsuhiko looked at Goji Yagura in a funny way, and then he spoke slowly and meaningfully.

"I don't know if I can make this person wake up if I use Yin Yang Escape?

Speaking of which, this guy is really pitiful. After all, he can be regarded as the shadow of a great ninja village.

But now he can only be a marionette, which is really sad. "

After saying this, the chakra in Xia Yan's body began to ripple, and a pale golden tailed beast coat appeared on his body.

Not only that, the Yin and Yang Escape in his body also began to gather in his body, powerful chakra rose into the sky, and the originally calm lake surface became turbulent at this moment.

"Should you two rats come out on your own and let us have a good talk, or should I catch you out and have a good talk with me before you do?"

After finishing his words, Xia Yan turned his head slightly and looked in another direction.

Not far away in this direction, Obito and Black Zetsu were already dripping with cold sweat...


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